Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, April 26, 1876, Image 1

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BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. THE PEOPLE'S FRIEND. He. 4. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL % 1876, Vo!. 2 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MOKNINO —BY- T. flOVLOINO STAC V. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. L. B. TOOMAK LODGE, No. 0, F. A. M. A Toomnr Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meet 8 every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in euch month, at8o’clok, r. it. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Carter, Seo’y. O.P. GOODYEAR. | | P. H. HARRIS’ GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia* O FFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Bialn A Co- Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit And the city of Darien, Ga » no 1-ly, T. E. Davenport.] fW. E. Jones. Davenport & Jones, attorneys ai law, I* TILL practice In all the Courts of the Brun 8 YV wick Circuit. Office corner Oglethorpe A Gloucester streets. no 1- ly D. T, DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, ------- Ga, B UYS and SEIXS exchange on New York, Sa vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Silver and Commercia Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS' Collections promptly attended to and business •ol cited. no. 1-ly, READ! We are now prepared to furnish COEN & FLOUR cheap for cash. Wm. P. MINOR & Co. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry. NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. AU work neatly done, and WARRANTED. Give me a call at my Shop on thoBay, next door to gun shop. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. 29-tf. J- N. Blaib. PRIVATE SCHOOL, for the year 1876. 15 or 20 boys only will be received, j jj ft y g c ], 00 ]a to convene at Pres’ Apply tc j byteriaa church at 9 a. m., where the opening exercises will take place. —Corn in silk by one of our citizens. Who can beat it? —New Irish potatoes last week by some of our early folks. —Ladies wanting visiting cards can be supplied at this office. Send in your name and order. —Cucumbers, squashes, and beans we hear of in Dixville, but, so far, have not tasted. —Naval stores are coming in pretty fast now. Times ought to brighten some. —The man who was so anxions to catch an old drum is now satisfied' He is nursing his skinless fingers. —Having just received a fresh lot of paper, cards, &c., parties needing any thing in our line can be supplied at low figures. —Representative James Blue aud Col. Collins were appointed on 22nd inst., as delegates to the Republican convention to meet in Atlanta on the 3rd of May. —Take pity on poor “Tabby,” the Appeal’s old maid correspondent, ye bachelors. She’d say “Yes” at the dropping of a hat, and drop it herself. —The steamer Sedgwick, having finished her contraot, has abandoned the route from Savannah to Florida, so we have no line Southward now from this point. —Times must be getting better. The Revenae man, Mr. McLaws, had no trouble last Saturday in picking up $600, whiskey and tobacoo license, aud says ho got it easier than ever bo- fore. —Up goes the distillery. —Our cemetery is improving in ap pearance, almost daily. The less at tractive among the trees having been taken out a few years back, the young oaks are spreading themselves. We would suggest, however, that the Chairman on cemetery have the leaves raked out. —The railroad crossing on George street, immediately at the M. & B. R. R. depot, needs attention. It is much used, not only by citizens of Dixville but by driving parties from down-town. Hope the railroad authorities will give the matter their attention. DnBienon, CONCERT.—Mr« Alice assisted by Pror. Cohen, will give a concert at McCo»n’s Hall nn Tuesday evening next (May Sind). Performan ces to begin at Hi30. Admission 50cta. Reserved seats 75ct§. Lovers of good music, read the above and be present at the feast. It will in deed be a rich one. May Festivities At a meeting of the various commit, tees of Sabbath Schools, the following programme was agreed upon: Picnic to be held in grove on South side of George street, between the res. iuence of Mr. Aymar and R. Christo^ pher’s .blacksmith shop, on Friday t Written expressly for the Advertiser.] Brunswick, as seen by a Stranger. T. G. STACY. METRONOME! Precision in music is sn Admirable feature. The above Instrument will produce it. For wdechMr Knqulre at THIB Or SUBSCRIBES for the “ADVERTISER!!” Each school furnished with its appro priate badge—Catholic, red, Metho dist, blue, Baptist, yellow, and Pres byterian, green. The opening exer cises over, the schools will form pro- cossion—Catholic 1st, Methodist 2d, Presbyterian 3rd, and Baptist 4th, each with banner trimmed with color of its badge, and march to the grounds where each school will bo provided with a separate table to prevent confu sion. There was no committee pres ent from the Episcopal school; pre sume, however, they will unite with the others. The limits to which this article most necessarily be restricted, will fortu" nately preclude the writer of it from being betrayed into making any ex* tended remarks in relation to the im pressions upon his mind during hi 3 brief stay in this portion of our favor" ed country. Brunswick, a place wholly unknown to ns a fortnight ago, and which we became acquainted with purely by ac cident, as it wero, we deem one ol the most delightfully situated places we have ever seen, and one that is destin* ed in the near future to take her plac e among the most prominent seaports on the Atlantic board. Situated on a peninsula, and washed on three Bides by the waters of the ocean, and those waters go protected by islands os to af ford shelter to the feeblest craft, even though a hurricane was blowing, and of a depth sufficient to admit the pas sage of the largest steamers and ves sels, what ageney or combination of circumstance# short of the supineness and indifference of her own citizen 8 can keep her from advancing to the front and ocenpying the position that Nature and Providence intended her to fill? A belt of pine timber—the best that earth con produce—extending interi orly for a distance of over one hun dred miles, is now affording the mate rials which are attracting hither many vessels that sail hence laden with tur. pentine, resin, lumber, cypress staves, &c. The business of manufacturing the above products is yet in its infan cy, and the supply of material is sim ply inexhoustable. The soil of Brunswick, like that to be found almost everywhere in south ern Georgia, is of the most productive character, and anything that can be produced in Florida may be cultivated with great success in Brunswick. A soil and climate in which can be prodneed oranges, lemons, bananas? peaches, grapes, figs, and nearly all the other fruits fonnd in the temper ate and torrid zones, together with cotton and most of tho cereals grown in the Northern states, and vegetables all the year round, cannot be ignored, and it is only a question or time, uuu a short time at that, before the atten. tion of capitalists will be draw hither, and the mighty resources of the “City by the Sea” shall begin to develop and expand beyond the ken of the mos* sanguine. Speaking of the climate, we believe that all who live in Brunswick, or who have ever visited her, will agree with as when we assert that it is unsurpass ed for healthfulness by that in any portiion of oar country. A climate that is only fatal to tho practice of physic ians needs no eulogy at the hands of anyone. The city wbioh is incorporated, con tains a population of about 2,500 inhabitants, many of whom nro from tbe Nort h, hut who have adopted this as their permanent residence. The city, to the eye of a stranger, pre sents the appearance of a mngnifieen*' but somewhat neglected park, which, with a little attention and some expen diture might be made one of the love liest spots on tho face of the earth. Tho main thoroughfares are ninety feet wide, and tho majority of them are fringed by that most beautiful of all trees, the live oak, with its festoons and wreaths of moss that produce on the imagination of the beholder the possibility that there is something in the theory of soul-transmigration after all, and that the Druid and his oak have at last become a unit. Of the nu morons marts of trade, tho hotels, churches, public buildings, railroads, shipping, &c., we have no space to speak in this article ,but shall endeavor to do so at some future time, and, in the meantime, hope that cir. cnmstance8 shall so combine os to identify us more intimately than ever with the surroundings at which We have thus briefly glanced. Stacy’s Private School—Deportment. The Five Highest. FOB THE WEEK ENDING APRIL 21. MAXIMUM 50. Eddie Greenwood, 47; Fddle Lobon, 48: Carlton Stacy, 49: WiUle Dangaix, 46; Presly Bally. 60. Note.—Patrons, whose boys’ names do not ap. pear, wUl confer a favor by demanding of tta* tho roson why. T. G. S. New Advertisements. NEW STOYES just received at L. D. Hoyt & Co’s.: IRON KING, numborp 6, 7, 8. COTTON KING, " 6, 7, 8. PALMETTO, number 6. FAIRY QUEEN, Portable Range, no’a. 6, 7. HOTEL AROAND, ** " no. 9. Tho finest brands of Koroslne Oil and Homs Light ever brought to this market. Agency of tho .®TNA INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. OT-AppUcatlon for Insurance promptly atten ded to, and Policlea issued by W. COUPER.Agt., t, Ga. ALEXANDER' P. O. Box 12, Brunswic R. Bobu:.] [J. W. Nobls Resident Dentists, After a long ab sence, I find myself safe home a-ain in old Brunswick, tho DC8i pinui I mssVu found maii my trav el.*. And now. after thanking all my old! Mends and patrons and citirem* at large for their former lib eral patronogo, I de sire to aak all who are wishing Dental Services to give us a call. I have made some very great discoveries la Den tistry in the last three years, of which I am very anxious to glvemy customers the benefit. One of them is a new and improved plan of filling ro solid gold plate, and that without The work teeth with pnro solid gold plate, pain. The work is rerfoctly beautiful, and will far excel the old way of filling with fail. Our of fice will be conducted under tho name of Dr*. B. Noble ft Son, offleo on Grant street, two doors above A. T. Putnam’s Livery 8table, Bruns wick, Georgia. B. NOBLE.