Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 10, 1876, Image 1

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9 ■ kn - :m THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. No. 6 BRUNSWICK GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1876. VoL 2 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MOBNINO —BY— T. GOVIiDING STACY. NNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. li. B. TOOMAK LODGE, No. 9, P. A. M. A ToomarLtxige, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every lnt and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at 8 o’clok, p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Carteb, Sec’y. C.P. GOODYEAB. | | P. H. HABBI6 GOODYEAR A HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia, O FFICE— Comer Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Biain & Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga no 1-ly, T. E. Davenpoht.] f\V. E. Jones. Davenports Jones, A TTORNEYS A I LA W, "If/"ILLpractice in all the Courts of the Brnn 8 wick Circuit. Office cornor Oglethorpe & Gloucester streets, no 1- ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER and Brunswick, - - - BROKER, - - . - Ga, B TTYS and 8ELLS exchange on New York, B»‘ vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Silver and Commorcia 1 Paper, Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS' Collections promptly ottonded to and business sol cited. no - 1’Vti READ! We are now prepared to furnish CORN & FLOUR cheap for cash. Win. P. MINOR & Go. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry. —We learn that the St. Simons Mills will be in full operation in about ten days more. —The German bark Frits, recently condemned, was sold at auction yes terday to J. K. Clarke of Darien for $5,625. —The lumber trains on the B. & A. and M. & B. R. R.’s seem to be kept busy now-a-days. We are glad to see this; it savors of business. —See second advertisement of Mr. Alexander W. Conper in this issue- He now represents hco excellent com panies. Hunt him up without delay, —Babies are no rarity now-a-days in our town—seven new ones found last week. So we have learned through one of the happy fathers. — Cuke first and butter next is wha* he helped the young ladies to first at the picnic dinner. Excited youth that; didn’t he know the dear creatures al ways wanted pickles first? —The saw mill of W. W. Colquit, at the 80 mile post, B. & A. R. R. has been taken down and will be put up at once on the site of Mr. Dexter’s mill, recently burned at No. 3 on the M. & B. road. NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. All work noatly done, and WABBANTED. Give mo a call at my 8hop on the Bay, next door to gun shop. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. 29-tf. J- N. Blaib. PRIVATE SCHOOL, for the year 1876. 15 or 20 boys only will be received. Apply to T. G. STACY. METRONOME! Precision In music Is an admirable feature. The abovcTinstruinont will produce it. ^r^P^P; Enquire at SUBSCRIBE for the “ADVERTISER!!” Harbor. Col. Collius returned on Saturday night last from his trip to Washington in the interest of our harbor. From those who have conversed with him, we learn that it is his opinion that an appropriation will probably be made for the benefit of onr harbor, vstc., but that the matter of a navy yard is some what in the future yet. In the event the above appropria tion be made, most serious matters at once confront ns—How will this am* ount be expended, in temporary or permanent good? The simple fact of dredging out that sand-spit will be 6f no material good, we fear, unless some steps be taken by our City Fathers to keep it open by preventing saw-dnst, binders, etc. from lodging there in fu* ture. Unless this is done, dredging will be useless. The same amount ex pended in a breakwater or jetty ex tending from Brandy Point would have the same effect, and be a perma nent improvement—but let’s get the appropriation first. S. S. Picnic—May 5th. According to former notice, the children of the Methodist and Presby terian schools assembled at the Pres" byicrian church Friday last, and at j 9j o’clock were called to order by the j Marshal of the day—after which fol lowed the opening exercises, consist ing of songs by the children, prayer by Rev. Mr. Simmons of the M. E. church, and a short but impressive talk by Rev. Mr. Mickle of the Pres byterian church. These being over, the schools were formed in procession» each with banner, and marched to the grove near by, where the remainder of the day was spent as best suited the taste of each one. Strange to say, however, from twelve to two o’clock we observed a striking uniformity in the pastime of all, old and yourg —each striving io outstrip the other in the use of fcko knife and folk, Ye Lf>_ cal, as r, matter of course, along with the balance. We do not recollect ever to have been present at a pleasanter re-union off this kind, and only regret that the other schools ccn'id not unite with us as such, glad, however, to see some few present any way. An abundance of refreshments wore furnished, and none, so far as we know, went away hungry. • The chil dren seemed to enjoy themselves huge, ly—in fact, some were so enamored with the place and its surroundings that they could not be induced to leave, even at sunset. We console ourself with the thought that in just eleven months and three weeks we can enjoy another May festival. The Sea Coast of Georgia. From accounts that reach us from various points, there seems to be a “spirit of move” all over our country. Hundreds seem to be dissatisfied, and wish to make a change somewhere. Now, we believe somewhat in the old adage, “A rolling stone gathers no moss,” and to that end would say to all such, stay where you are, and im. prove the many openings -around you. But if yon have tried that fairly, and now, holding to that other auago, “A setting hen never gets fat,” wish to change your home, we recommend to yon the sea coast of Georgia. Lands are cheap here, both on tha main And on the Islands that skirc our coast, and sufficiently productive to support one hundred times the pres ent population. The desirability of these places were known to men of means in ante-bellum times, who bought up great tracts and thus excluded those of smaller capital. The order of things is now somewhat changed, and the humblest can secure just the quan tity of land he may wish, even down to a single acre. This section possesses numerous ad vantages well calculated to please the seeker of a new home—a healthy cli mate, productive soil, excellent catt) e range, communication with the interi. or and the outer world, besides living in a State whose political affairs are in a healthier condition than some of her neighbors. Whilst the above is true of the entire Georgia sea coast, it seems peculiarly so of this immediate locality. In our next issue we shall endeavor to point out some of the marked fen. lures of this and adjacent counties, hoping thereby to assist some dissatis fied one in finding the Ei Donulo of all his hopes. ed together there the industries of the whole world. Besides these, relics of former days, connected with the his tory of our country, will be there in strange contrast with the so-called glo ries of the present. To complete the picture,' however, one more thing will be necessary: Re produce Gen. Washington and his honest co-workers, and place them iu contrast with the present adwinistra * lion of plunderers, and then let the nations of earth, through their repre sentatives there assembled, judge if we have, iu truth, gone forward or backward ns a nation. The sights will bo great indeed, and should be enjoyed by every one who can, for, be it remembered, few who live to-day will be present at the next one. LOST! A few plates, a basket, and black silk parasol, carried off by mistake from the picnic grounhs last Friday. If left at this office, they will reach proper owners. Stacy’s Private School—Deportment. TlseSix Highest. FOB THE WF.EK ENDING MaY 5. MAXIMUM 50. Willie Nelson, 60; Eddie Leben, 60; Bobert Littlefield, 48; Green Norwood, 86; Eddio Greenwood, 45; Henry Harvey. 48; Note.—Patrons, whoso boys’ names do not ap. pear, will confer a favor by demanding of them the reeon why. T. G. S. eSSSSSBSSSSBBSBSf mm “’SSSSSSSSSSSR New Advertisements. V.sisrnrltcri’ Agency, New York, , compoMed of the GERMANIA and HANOVER Fire Insurance Companies. by Application for insurance promptly attondod to W. COUPEK, ALEXANDEB 1 P. O. Box 13, Brunswick, Ga. NEW STOVES Jnst received at L. D. Hoyt k Co’s.: IBON KING, numbers 6, 7, fi. COTTON KING, " 6, 7, 8. PALMETTO, number 6. FAIKY QUEEN, Portable Range, no’s. . fl, 7. HOTEL AB3AND, " M no. 1). The finest brands of Eerosine Oil and Home Light over brought to this market. Agency of the iETNA INSURANCE of Hartford, Conn. CO., DS-Application for Insurance promptly atten ded to, and Policies issued by ALEXANDER W. COUPEB.Agt., * P. O. Box 12, Brunswick, Ga. B. Noble.) [J. W. Noble Resident Dentists, Centennial. This is the day for the above big show to open in all its glory and splen dor. For mouths and even years this matter has been under discussion, and steps taken looking to the present consummation. For six months from this date, Philadelphia will be the hub of the universe, at least, with the Am erican people. There will be gather- After a long ab sence, I Sr.* ICJWalf j safe iiouiO again in j old Brunswick, the -J. best piaco I lia,c j, found in all my trav- g ola. And now, after , thanking all my old jj Mends and patrons and citizen* at large for their former lib eral patronage, 1 do- sire to ask all who arc wishing Dental Services to give ne w call. 1 have made some very great discovenea is Den tistry in the last three years, of which I am very anxious to give my customers the buneflt. One of them is a new und improved plan of filling teeth with pare solid gold plate, and that without pain. Tho work is terfeetly beautiful, and will far excel tho old way of fiUing with foil. Onr of fice wUl be conducted under tho* name *of Prs. B. Noble k Son, office on Grant street, two doors above A. T. Putnam’s Livery Stable, Bruns wick, Georgia. B. NOBLE.