Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 17, 1876, Image 1

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THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. Nc. 7. BRUNSWICK; GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 17, 1876. Yol. 2 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER PUBLISHED EVJSBY WEDKB8DAX KOBKIJiO -BY— T. GOULDING STACY. . NNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. L. B. TOO MAR LODGE, Wo. 0, F. A. 91. A Toomar Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at 8 o’clok, p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Carter, Sec’y. O.P. GOODYEAR. | l P. H. HARRIS GOODYEAR A HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia- O FFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester strootB,—over Drug Store of J. S. Biain & Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga no 1-ly, T. E. Davenpobt.] [W. E. Jones • Davenport & Jones, o attorneys ai law, "IT/ILL practice in all the Courts of the Brun 8 W wick Circuit. Office comer Oglethorpe* Gloucester streets, no 1- ly ' D. T. DUNN, BANKER and Brunswick, - - - BROKER, - - - - Ga, B UYS and SELLS exchange on New York, Sa vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Sliver and Commercla* Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS- Collections promptly attended to and business sol cited. no. 1-ly, READ! We are now prepared to furnish COEN & FLOUR cheap for cash. Wm. P. MINOR & Co. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry. NEW SHOP. BOOTS anil SHOES. All work neatly done, and WARRANTED. Give mo a call at my Shop on the Bay, next door to gun shop. Sign- THE BIO BOOT. No. 29-tf. J. N. Blair. PEIY ATE SCHOOL, for the year 1876. 15 or 20 boys only will be received. Apply to T. G. STACY. METRONOME! Precision In music is an admirable feature. The above instrument will produce It. Etosalechesp. Enquire at arnom. SUBSCRIBE for the “ADVERTISER!!” —Tomatoes will soon be ripe. —In response to our call last week, a parasol and dish have been left at our office. Call and claim them. —Leap Year Centennial Surprise Parties on board different vessels in 1 port is the latest sensation. —The Strawberry Festival given by the Mite Society last week is said to have been quite an enjoyable affair. —The bark Frits was towed to Dari en the day after she was sold, whore she will be fitted up and take on a cargo of lumber. —We hear of complaints on the ice question—very little in town and at high prices, also hints of a private stock company. Nothing like compe tition. —From what we hear whispered around, the next Grand Jnry will “go for” certain classes and conditions of men. Wade in gentlemen 1 Wo are with you. —See Dissolution notice of L. B. Davis & Co. Dr. Davis will continue the business at the old-stand. Dr. Ma. con, we understand, will open another drug store in a few days, —Mr. W. F. Penuiman sent us, last Monday, a mess of green corn from his garden in Dixville. Many thanks. How is this for early, ye up-country brethren? — 1 The track of the M. & B. R. R. in the neighborhood of the depot in this city has been thoroughly overhauled and put in apple-pie order, but that crossing right at the warehouse is still in a sad plight. —Our townsman Winton has com. menced operations on the now Episco pal church in Darien. Well, its con soling to know that our sister city ap preciates the architectural skill of our mechanics—at least, in church build ing. —Catch the spirit, gentlemen, and lay down sidewalks in front of your property, as others are doing. Every such improvement enhances the looks and comfort of our place, and speaks volumes to Btrnngers seeking a home. —The Lady Washington Party at Rev. Mr. Mickle’s last week was a suc cess every way. The parts were well sustained by every one. General and Lady W. were indeed fine personifica tions of the originals. The ladies speak of repeating at an early day. —A friend wishes to know where the police force were lost Saturday and Sunday nights, when our streets were perambulated by drunken men, and the lives uf our citizens endangered by the firing of pistols. We don’t know who the parties were, and don’t care to know, nor should it make any difference to a policeman. Lock np all offenders, we say, and the nuisance wont lost long. —About two hundred feet cf side walk in the neighborhood of Ward’s blacksmith shop is the only part of Bay street from Dnre’s corner to Mansfield street not yet made firm. Can’t some steps be taken to plank o? shell it? This ronte is traveled by a great many people each day, and sure ly ought to be fixed. —Shade trees are of too much vain* in this climate to have them scorched and injured, as are those near the City Hall. If the ordinances of our town punishes a man for tying his horse to a shade tree (for fear of detriiqpnt to the tree), whjre would the party be placed who deliberately builds a brush-heap fire underneath one? Is actual detriment less a crime than sim ply the possibility of it? County.—Our county Board of Commissioners think they have paid Court House rent about long enough, so are contemplating building a cheap but commodious room, with Grand and Petit Jnry rooms attached. This wo hold to be wise policy on the part of these gentlemen. Shoulders to the wheels, and move the project forward! : City Finance.—We learn from au important metnber of the Finance Committeo that, within the last fifteen months, almost the entire “floating debt” of the city has been liquidated- Hail, glorious day! But oh! Those bonds! Those bonds! Those bonds! What about them? Is there no way to arrange them? Say, City Fathers, let’s “Homestead. Misrdor. On Sunday morning last, a colored man living st No. 1, M. & B. R. R., attempted to chastise his steji-smo when liis wife, the mother of the boy’ rushed upon and chopped hi 8 bond open with an axe. After the first flush of anger was over, and she realized fully what she had done, her lamentations were said to be great- She is a sister of the notorious mur derer Clarence Fort, and is now in jail, awuiting her trial. Say it Yourself. How often we are approuched by friends and asked why we don’t “pitch into” this or that fellow for derelic tion of duty, or this or that nuisance as the case may be! Now we say to these friends, our colums are open to you, and we shall take great pleasur*’ m giving place to any communications looking to the general good. If you have any suggestions to make, or know of any wickedness that ought to he unearthed, just “say it yourself.’’ Don’t wait for us to hunt up these things. Besides, it would have more weight coming from you, as few peo ple fully appreciate the fact that edit’ oriuls are supposed to represent the sentiments of the people aud not the whims of the editor. Then send in .vour articles, from town or country, and we will give them space—only Such being the case, “ten per cent- ing” on script will soon play out. - , ) 8 °^° l )roT ^ HO: them down _ . f-liirtl* frtm A A* — If f i _ thick, for our space is limited. St. Simons Light House.—For two mouths past hands have been at work under the supervision of Capt. T. W. Test, supervisor 6th L. H. District, overhauling and putting in thorough order the above light house nnd sur roundings. The tower has been scraped and painted inside and out, the plas. tering of the dwelling has a}l been pulled down and put up afresh, etc.— in short, everything put in the best order, and when completed will be the finest in the District. Married—on last Tuesday night, iu this village, by Rev. W. A. McDonald, Mr. HENRY LOVE to Miss ARTIA TOOKE.—Pearson Pioneer. St. Simons Island.—This spot seems to be attracting considerable attention as a vegetable producing dis trict. Messrs. Howard & Robinson, James Postell, M. P. King and others have had such good luck there that others are contemplating similar proj ects. We learn that six young men from Baltimore will probably be down this fall to engage in the same busi ness. There is ample room for hun* dreds of others—“The more the mer rier,’’ besides “In union there’s strength.” If sufficient business can be worked np there in that line, the greater will be the facilities for ship ment. We truly hope the citizens on the Island will offer every inducement in their power to have these waste places cultivated and the resources of our country developed. We predict for St. Simons a bright future—but its land owners must not fall into the grievous error of “chunking off” new comers with high figures, Stacy’* Private Scl: :ol—Deportment. The ten Highest. FOR THE WEEK ENDING MaY 12. MAXIMUM 50. Henry Robinson, 4!>; _ WMie Nelson, 45; Eddie Lehen, 50! Eddie Greenwood, 46; Robert Littlefield, 40: Ppwloy Baley, 45; Willie Dangaix, 45 George Hardy, 45 Eddie Herzog, 48; Henry Harvey, 60; Note.—Patrons, whose boys' names do not ay. pear, will confer a favor by demanding of them the reason why. T. 0.8. New Advertisements. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. mHE firm of Dr. L. B. Davis & Go. has been dls* A solved by mutual consent. Dr. O. H. Macon ro* tiring. Tho business will be continued by Dr. L- B. Davis, who will pay all indebtedness ol the firm, and collect all accounts due. DR. L. B. DAVIS, no 7-tf. DR. O H. MACON. Dndern rltor#’ Agency, New York, composed of tho GERMANIA and IIANOYER Fire Insurance Companies. by Application for Jnsuranco promptly attended to ALEXANDER W. COUP P. O. Box 12. Brunswick, Oa. NEW STOVES just received at L. D. Hoyt * Co’t.i IRON KINO, numbers 6, 7. 8. COTTON KINO, ” 8, 7, ». PALMETTO, number 6. FAIRY QUEEN, Portable Range, no’s. 0, T. HOTEL AROAND, " « no. 9. The finest brands of Keroslne Oil and Home Light ever brought to tbia market. Agency of the MTNA INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. 49-AppUcation for Insurance promptly atten- * dtd to, and Policies Issued by ALEXANDER W. COUPER, Agt.. P. O. Box 12, Brunswick, Os.