Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 24, 1876, Image 1

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9 BE TINS WICK THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. N(. 8 BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 24, 1876. Vol. 2 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER o- fiBUMiti) <•: .¥ WhiiSEat-iY KOIKTKB —BY— T. GOl'LDISG STACY. USUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. L B. TOOMAK LODGE, JVo. 0, F. A. M. Toomur Lodge, No. 9, F. A. M., meet 8 every iAt and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at 8 o’clok, p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Cabter, Sec’y. r.V. GOODYEAR. | | V. II. HARRIS GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia- O FFICE— Corner Newcastle and Glonccster streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Biain k Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit ind the city of Darien. Oa no I-ly, E. Davenport.] [W. E. Jones. Davenports Jones, A TTORNEYS A 7 LA W, IJ/ ILL practice in all the Courts of the Bruri* YV wick Circuit. Office corner Oglethorpe k Gloucester streets, no 1- ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, Ga, |>UY8 and BELLS exchange on New York, Sa fi vannab, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. BUYS and KELLS Gold, Suver and Commercial Paper. Interest allowod on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. Collections promptly attended to and business sol cited. no. My, readT We are now prepared (o furnish CORN & FLOUR cheap for cash, Wm. P. MINOR & Co. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry. NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. Ail work neatly dono, and WARRANTED. , Give me a call at my Shop on the Bay, next door to gun shop. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. 29-tf. J- N. Blair. PRIVATE SCHOOL^ for the year 1876. 15 or 20 boys only will be received. Apply to T. G. STACY. —Who will furnish us a recipe for the prevention of blight in bunch grapes? —With calicoes at 7Jets, per yard, the man that can’t buy his wife a frock had better “play quits”—so think the merchants. —Well, from present appearances, the Bank “has busted” and the Tan nery is out of bark. Lead in another pony, the show must go on! —See new advertisement of W. A- Johnson in this issue. We have tried a pair of shoes made on these lasts, and must pronounce them comforta ble. —Why go panting along the streets these hot days with nostrils dilated and tongue dry, when Leben offers you delicious ice-cold soda water with fresh cream? —The steamship Corondelette, Capt. Faircloth, paid us another visit last week on regular time, taking on the usual supply of vegetables and other freight. —The Baptist Sunday School of ‘this city will have a picnic on Satur day next. School to assemble at the Baptist Church at 9 a m. The public are invited. —Parties from the Interior are tur ning their steps toward the sea coast as the warm weather advances. One party went to Cumberland last week* We presume others will soon follow. —Our colored citizens, under the auspices of L. B. Toomar lodge, es corted to Fernnndina last Monday. We hope they had a good time, and that the affair was a success finan cially. —Are you without a timepiece, and, consequently, alway late at church? If so, go right straight to jeweler Wm. Doerflinger, next door to tho Post Office, and treat yourself to one of those handsome clocks he is now offer ing at close figures. —Here is the definition given by a distinguished legal gentleman of a sensible farmer: “A man who stays at homo and plants corn, peas and potatoes, and raises his own meat.” Go to bed, Webster. —She keeps the AdvEBTiSER on file, and when her husband gently hinted that “times were hard, wouldn’t it be best to curtail by discontinuing” well, suffice it to say, she still reads the Advertiser. May Big Melon Patch.—We hear of a 40 acre watermelon patch on St. Si mons Island, besides smaller ones- Th eso, together with numbers of otli. ers of smaller dimensions in and around town, ought surely to he enough to satisfy the craving of a few, at least, melon lovers. Negro Brass Band.—The instrir ments for the colored band have ar. rived. A small sum, however, is lack ing to meet the amount of the bill, which the members are trying to get up by subscription. Let every on 0 who can lend a helping hand and give them all the encouragement they need. They will, no doubt, mak® am ple returns in the way of music. Tough but True.—She went to her neighbor's chicken-coop, lifted “Old Speckle” off the nest, and carried the eggs down town and sold them. Find ing the next day that she was suspect, ed, went and bought back tho same eggs and put them under “Old Speck le.” Later.—After two weeks, “Old Speckle” presents her owner with a dozen fine young ckicken—none the worse for their twelve hour trip down town in the form itive state. How is this for chickenolocy. To Subscribers.—We find on our books the name3 of a few parties who, somehow, have forgotten that they have been reading the Advertiser for twelve months withont sending ns that small amount—$1.00—subscrip tion for the same. Hope they wont forget it much longer—not that we cure so much about the money, you know, but we love to have a high opin ion of everybody. We find, also, a feiv stray charges for advertisements unsettled. If these are not arranged soon, we fear the Centennial will close before we be able to start thither. UTRONOIE! Precision in music is an admirable feature. Tho above instrument wiU produce it. f£r salechcap. Enquire at 17118 OFFICE. SUBSCRIBE for the “ADVERTISER!!” she never grow old, and ever prove a comfort to her husband and a blessing to her children. - Marshall Hums requests that wo inform that “friend” who wanted to know where he was a week ago last Saturday and Snnday night, when that pistol firing was going on, that not having the power of ubiquity, he could be at only one place any given time. With three croteds. on a “bend er,” ha could only look after one of them. Says he only got ten out of the number. Saws. —See card of Mr. J. M. Dex, ter in this issue. The companies he represents are first class, and their goods as warranted. The saws put up by the first two companies are already in general use in this section. Thos® of R. Hoe & Co. are something later, and pronounced by competent men as possessing superior advantages, nei ther filing nor gumming being nec essary in their use, besides the great ease with which the teeth are taken out and replaced, there being no rivet. We take pleasne in recommending Mr. Dexter and the companies he rep resents to all mill men. His Babbitt metal is, we believe, all he claims for it. Strange Conduct. Last Friday night, ns Captains Lee and Tilton (whose vessels are now in port, loading with lumber) were pass ing the street lamp in the grove near the City Hall, they were nccosted thus by two men a short distance off: “Oh yes! yon are visiting our girls, eh?” Immediately after, one of them fired a pistol. Capt. T. drew his pistol a 8 soon os possible, and fired several shots at them as they ran away, Now, we can’t conceive any reason for such strange conduct on the part of those unknown persons. They ev idently did not mean to kill either o f these gentlemen. We are of the opin ion that they were only striving to scare them a little, feeling somewhat jealous of their popularity with the fair damsels of our town. It seem 8 the captains have been having a pret ty good time with the girls since they have been in port, and our home lads don’t like it much. Come, hoys, don't be naughty. Yo u have got tne inside track in the mat ter; tho captains will soon be gone and lad and lassie will be as happy togeth er as ever. We advise you, however^ to he careful whom you try to scare. Some folks have a strauge way, you observe, of showing their fright. ATTENTION. A meeting of the Stockholders of the Bathing House is called for Mon day night next (May 29th), at Capt. Dure’s store on the Bay. A full meet ing is desired. Stacy’s Private Scliool— Deportment. The nine Highest. FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY 19. MAXIMUM 50. Henry Robinson, 46; WilUe Nelson, 46; WUlie Dangaix, 46: Eddie Leben, 4!); George Hardy, 46; Eddie Herzog, 40; Eddie Greenwood, 40; Robert Littlefield, 47. Henry Harvey, 50. Note.—Patrons, whoso boys' names do not ap. pear, wiU confer a favor by demanding of them the reason why. T. G. S. New Advertisements. SAWS! T he undersigned has the agency for the sale of SAWS of the following Companies; AMERICAN SAW CO.. Trenton, N. J.; EMERSON, FORD k CO., Beaver FaUs, Pa.; B. HOE k CO., New York. Also general agent for White'* BABBITT MET AL, unsurpassed os an antl-frictton metal for bearings. Price, 80cta. per pound In any quantity. Term* cash. J. M. DEXTER. Brunswick, Ga. COMFORT. Why have Corns and Bunions on your feet, and thus suffer un told agonies! Cal! around nnd let me take your measure, and put you up a pair of boots or shoes on my new Patent Lasts. YV. A. JOHNSON, Ayers’ old Stand DISSOLUTION NOTICE. rpiIE firm of Dr. L. B. Davis k Co. has been din- X solved by mutual consent, Dr. O. H. Macon re tiring. The business will b» continued by Dr. L. B. Davis, who will pay all indebtedness oi the firm, and collect all accounts due. DR. L. B. DAVIS, no 7-tf. DR. Q H. MACON. Underwriters.’ Agency, New York, . composed of tho GERMANIA and HANOVER Fire Insurance Companies. Application for insurance promptly attended to by ALEXANDER W. COUPER, P. O. Box 13, Brunswick, Ga. Agency of the -ETNA INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. *y-ApplIcation for Insurance promptly atten ded to, and Policies Issued by ALEXANDER W. COUPER, Agt., P. O. Box 13, Brunswick, Ga,