Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 31, 1876, Image 1

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THE PEOPLE'S FRIENr. } if ’ Nt. 9 BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAT 81, 1876. Vol. 2 BRUN SWICK ADVERTISER PTIIILISHED KViiltY WEDKESIUY MOBKIKO —BY— T. GOULDING STAC Y. A NNVAL SUBSCRIPTION ©1.00. L B. TOOMAIt LODGE, No. 9, F. A. M. County Matters.—Wo are infoim A ToomarLudge, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every i„t and 3rd Wednesday in each month, at 8 o’clok, p. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Carter, Sec’y. C.P. GOODYEAR. | | P. H. HABRI b GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georgia 1 O FFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester Btrcets,—over Drug Store of J. 8. Biain & Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga no 1-ly, E. Davenport.] fW. E. Joses. Davenports Jones, A TTORNEYS A 7 LA W, it, ILL practice In all the Counts of the Brnn 1 W wick Circuit. Office comer Oglethorpe & Gloucester streets, no 1- ly D. T. DUNN, BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, - - * - - -' Ga. ■gUYS and 8ELL8 exchange on New York, Ba- nge on ] vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. BUYS and SELLS Gold, Suver and Commercin' Paper. Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS' Collections promptly attended to and business sol cited. no. 1-ly, readT We are now prepared to furnish COEN & FLOUR cheap for cash. Wm. P. MINOR & Co. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry. NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. All work neatly done, and WARRANTED. Give uie a call at my8hop on the Bay, next door to gun shop. Sign- THE BIG BOOT. No. 23-tf. J - Ni Blair. PRIVATE SCHOOL^ * for the year 1876. 15 or 20 boys only will be received. —The cargo of ice has arrived, but the weather is no cooler. —The members of the African Bap* ■ tisfc Church give an excursion to Dari en next Monday, June 5th. —We see from the Darien 'Gazette that the colored people of that city will give an excursion to this place on the 2nd of June. —Friend Nort'i is about to .change his base. He moves in a few days to the store in the Smith & Dexter Buil ding, last occupied by Capt. Dure. —Bouquets made of cabbage, long collards and sunflowers are the very latest sensation. Who can furnish us the “language” of these new popies? —What has become of the Board of Trade, the Bank, the Tannery, the Stock Ice Company, the new Brass Band, and the old one, too? Are they all gone to the Centennial? —It is claimed that we have in this very city a “2nd edition of the famous British lawyer, Jeffries,” in the per son of one of our lawyers. How legal gentlemen do “pitch into” each other —The attendance at some of our churches in town on last Suuday was rather slim; A wag suggests the of fering of chromos. How different from 1776—and yet we are told that we are progressing! —From all accounts, Judge Tomp kins must be a pretty rapid Judge. A citizen of Liberty county, where he held Court week before last, says that the Judge held him to business so tight that he “did not have time to say his prayers.” Friend Haywood, in spite of the talk of a “joint stock ice company,” has just received a cargo of that cool* ing material, and comes to the front in this issue with a neat little “ad.” Read his Sunday hours carefully and act on them, or you may not be able to keep cool on those days. —How cruel in the Court to keep the refreshment man in the Jury room all of Friday night, to say nothing of certain young men—all of whom were wanted at the Belli It was postponed, however, and these unfortunates con still have a showing, but that does not lessen the enormity of the guilt on the part of the Coart. —At a called meeting of the Savan nah Presbytery held in Savannah last week, Rev. R. A. Miekle was received into this Presbytery* and the second Sabbath of Jnne was appointed as the time for bis installation os pastor of ; per day, the bills for the same for the past half year has averaged ©100 per month. Wonldu’tit be well, “Gentle' men of the Jury,” to tighten the screws or else slacken the feed, and thus lessen the list? IjOOK out. saw-mill mem We learn that freights on pitch pine lumber have advanced within a few days post, and there are indications of an advance in the price of lumber. Particularly have freights advanced at Jacksonville and other neighboring ports, which will have a tendency to send orders to Brunswick. We learn that several parties in New York, no* regular dealers, but brokers, have large orders on their hands which they have taken at low rates, and which they must have filled. They are now on their way South, seeking to place these orders and get them off their hands before freights go higher It is no w the time for our lumber man ufacturers to stand firm, and not get caught with low priced orders on an advancing freight nnd lumber market. Apply to T. C. S Ta <''V i the Presbyterian Church of this oity. METRONOME! Precision in music is an admirable feature. The Enquire at Dr. Axon, of Savannah Independent j ■ CL Presbyterian Church, was appointed —Gxwdl ioth Glynn Superior Cqurt. The regular spring term of the above Court convened in our city on Tues day of last week. Judge Harris or ganized the Court and gave the charge to thq Jury, after which Jndge Pate of the Ocopee circuit presided until Saturday morning, at whioh time Judge Harris again took the bench Business has been pushed forward with much vigor, and many eases, both civil and criminal, disposed of— some of long standing. We are glad to know that the Docket is being cleared of these old cases, and truly hope the day is not far distant when none of them will be left. Up to this writing (Monday p. m.), twelve or fifteen civil, together with the following criminal coses, have been disposed of: State vs. Wm. and W. J. Williams. Assault with intent to murder. Ac quitted. State vs. W. 8. Pittman. Larceny after trust (two) and forgery. Dis missed. State vs. Stephen Wright (col.) Hog stealing. Four years in Penitentiary. State vs. James Simmons (col. boy), burglary in the night. Plead guilty of burglary in the day. Four years in Penitentiary. State vs. Bill Thompson (coL) Horse stealing. Plead guilty. Ten years in Penitentiary. State vs. Ben Higginbotham (col.) False swearing Acquitted. State vs. Henry Walthour and Wm. Our convict force have boon busy in clearing away underbrush rfronnd town. This is ft step in tiio right direction. Let the air circulate freely and keep our drains open, and there need be no fears on the score of health. The Ball. The Brunswick String Band, having postponed the Ball advertised by them for lust Friday night, hereby give no. tice that it will take place on Tuesday evening next, June 6th, at Fjnney’s Hall. Tickets for gentlemen ©1.00. Ladies holding invitations for Friday night will consider them stilt in force, and be in readiness for the 6th ult. Refreshments will be provided for all who desire them. Gome one and all, and has*e a good timo. It. Stacy’s Private School—Deportment. The four Highest. FOB THE WFEK ENDING MAY 26. MAXIMUM 50. Henry Robinson, 47; Thomas Haokett, 47 ; Eddie Leben, 60; Henry Harvey 80. Note.—Patrons, whoso boys’ names <lo not ay. pear, will confer a favor by demanding of them the reason why. - ,T. G. 8. New Advertisements. 1C E ! A large cargo of ICE Just received. lam now prepared to Ml all orders, large or small. Retail Store on Newcastle St. open at all hours from 8 a. u . to 8 f. x. during the week. - Sunday Hours— 8 to 0 a. x., 12 m. to 2 p.m., and 0 to 7 p.m. J.W. HAYWOOD, Agt. for Haywood, Gage, k Co. SAWS! rrihe undersigned-has the agency for the sale < f A SAWS of the following Companies: AMERICAN SAW CO.. Trenton, N. J.; EMERSON, FORD & CO., Beaver Falls, Pa.; B. HOE k CO.. New York. Also General Agent for White’s BABBITT MET AL, unsurpassed as an anti-friction metal for healings. Price, 30cts. per pound in any quantity. Terms cash. J. M. DEXTER, Brunswick, Gs. COMFORT. Why have Corns and Bunions on your feet, and thus suffer un told agonies! Call around and let me take your measure, and put you up a pair of hoots or shoes on my new Patent Lasts. W. A. JOHNSON, Ayers 9 old Stand. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. fTIHEflrn, of Dr. L.B. Davis k Co. has been dls’ A solved by mutusl consent, Dr. G. H. Macon re tiring. The business wUl bo continued by Dr. L. B. Davis, who will pay all indebtedness ot the Arm, and collect all accounts due. DR. L. B. DAVIS.- no 7-tf. DR. G H. MACON. SUBSCRIBE for *the “ADVERTISER!!” to preach the sermon and give the charge to the people, and Rev., Mr. Anderson, of the Bryan Neck Church, the charge to the pastor. The Lord’s Prayer.—Mr. J. Wes. ton is agent for onr town for the sale of a handsome engraving of the Lord’s Prayer (size 22x26)1 It is indeed a nice thing, and well worth the price charged. Coll on him and secure one. ^he night. Buth ten years in Peniten tiary. State vs. Susan Ammons (col.) Mur der. Foand guilty of “involuntary manslaughter in the commission of an unlawful act.” Qpayeorin Peniten tiary. State vs. Anthony Oweiis. Murder. Ten years in Penitentiary. Twelve True Bills have been found so far by the Grand Jury. Hteri’ Agency; 2*«?w York, of the GERMANIA and HANOVER Fire Insurance Companies. Application for insurance promptly attended to by ALEXANDER W. COUPEE,. P. O. Box 19, Brunswick, Ga. Agoncyof the .ETNA INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. Application for Insurance promptly atten ded to, and Policies issued by ■*_ ALEXANDERW. COtJPEB. Agt* P. O. Box 12, Brunswick, Ga.