Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 14, 1876, Image 1

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THE PEOPLE’8' FRIEND. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 14, 1876. Vol. 2 BRUNSWICK ADVERTISES PUDMSHED EVSEY WEDNESDAY MOIUHNO -BY— T. GOULDING STACY. A NNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00. JL. B.TOOMAK LODGE, No. 9,F. A. M. A ToomarLud^e, No. 9, F. A. M., meets every i«t and 3rd Wednesday in eaclx month, at8o’clok, v. m. Moses McDonald, W. M. April 28-ly J. M. Cabteb, Sec’y. C.P. OOODYEAB. | | ». H. BADRI GOODYEAR A HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Geobgia- f, O FFICE— Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. 8. Bialn k Co. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Ga no 1-ly, T E. Davenpobt.] [W. E. JOEK3* Davenports Jones, ATTORNEYS A 7 LAW, IT/ ILL practice in all the Courts of the Brun® W wick Circuit. Office corner Oglethorpe* Gloucester streets, no 1- ly D. T. DUNN, ~ BANKER and BROKER, Brunswick, ^ a * B UYS and SEI.LS exchange on New York, Sa vannah, Boston and Philadelphia, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. j BUYS and SELLS Gold, Suver and Interest allowed on SPECIAL DEPOBiib Collections promptly attended to and business ■ol cited. *’ READ. We are now prepared to furnish CORN & FLOUR cheap for cash, Wm. P- MINOR & Co. 48-tf. Office at Brunswick Foundry- NEW SHOP. BOOTS and SHOES. 01 work noatly done, and WARRANTED. re me a call at my Shop on the Bay, next door gun shop. Sign- THE BIG BOOT, 29-tf. J. N. Bunt. SAWS! T he undersigned has the agency for the sale of SAWS ot the following Companies: AMERICAN SAW CO.. Trenton, N. J.; EMERSON, FORD * CO., Beaver Falls, Pft.j B. HOE & CO., Now York, 1 Also General Agent for White’s BABBITT MET AL, unsurpassed as an anti-friction metal for bearings. Price, 30cts. per potiqd in any quantity. Terms cash. J. M. DEXxjjr, Brunswick, Ga. ~ COMFORT?” Why have Corns and Bunions on your feet, and thus suffer un told agonies? Call around and let me tahe your measure, and put you up a pair of boots or shoes on my “fw Patent Lasts. W. A. JOHNSON, A yers’ old Stand. MD8M. rosaa. I —Sickness of the editor is the ex cuse for delay in this week’s issue. —“Tater” vines have been in de mand for a few days past. Nothing pays better than the potato crop. MAKE TOUR OWN PICKLES CUCUMBERS for pickles—large, medium or small sizes—at $1.00 per bushel, delivered. D. G. RISLEY. —“Why are Brunswick merchants like mosquitoes? Because they are always poking their bills at you.” —We had another visit last week from the Fernandina colored people. They must believe in excursions. —Hoyt has gotten up a clothes boil, er that does almost the entire work of cleaning—very little rubbing, if any, being necessary. —Friends of aspirants for nomina tion for county offices would do well to hand in such names for publication. The cost will be small. —When was the Oceanic “Tin” Co. organized? We see by the Appeal that a meeting of the company was called for last Monday night. Query.—Have public servants the right, either legally or morally, to Bpend $10 of the public money for what they could get done for $5?. —As the season advances, the ship ments of vegetables North increase' That is as it should be; make any sec tion a producing one, and it is almost sure to prosper. —See change of advertisement of B. Noble & Son. They have moved to corner of Oglethorpe and Monksts. > where they will be pleased to meet their friends and all desiring work in their line. “The very trees and fences them selves have joined in the cry we raised last week and daily announce to the passer-by, “Dry goods, boots and shoes, etc. at cost at McConn & Mar lin’s.” Call and get “bargains.” —Tbe popular steamship Coronde. let, Capt. Faircloth; will leave our port to-morrow (Thursday), taking as pas sengers about twenty of our citizens/ both male and female, many of them being bound for the Centennial. We wish them all a pleasant visit and safe return. —The ladies of the “Presbyterian Aid Society” will give an entertain ment next Tuesday night (June 20) at Ijhe residence of Mrs. Barknloo. Th© public are cordially invited. Ice cream and cake will be served at reasonable prices. In connection with the above* there will be a few ornamental and useful articles for sale at low figures. eS~Appeal please copy. —Now that the Brass Band (colored) hove “raised the wind” and gotten their instruments, our citizens must expect, for some time to come, various and sundry sounds, entirely void of harmony—somewhat resembling the music of frogs in a fresh water pond. Bear with them, however, ye tender, eared ones; they mean business, we believe, and will some day repay yon for it oil - —Parties wishing their weights and measures inspected, would do well to call on the Ordinary, Wm. Berne. The cost is small, and the comfort of knowing that you that you are giving your customers just weight very great —to say nothing of,the danger. Eably Melons.—We were present ed yesterday, by Mr. J. A. Millican, with one the first ripe melons of the season. He picked one as early as Sunday last. Who can beat this? A Card. In consequence of the sickness of the editor, we this week take our first lesson in wielding the editorial pen, which accounts for the nnusual brill— -no, guess we had better not %y that, or tbe editor and “pater-fam- Mas” may think it necessary to carry out the injunctions of King Solomon by holding a private interview with us in the woodsbeu (or some other plac© equally distasteful to tbe average Am erican youth), which will end in the hickory’s playing a conspiouons part As “Discretion is the better part of valor,” we will let that sentence go unsaid. We beg that the public will “pass our imperfections by,” in view of tbe fact that it is our first attempt. Devil. Installation Service. According to previous announce ment, the Rev. R. A. Mickle was in stalled Pastor of tbe Presbyterian Chnrch of this place on last Sabbath morning. Notwithstanding the incle. mency of the weather, the attendance was most gratifying, and we noticed several members present from the oth. er churches in the city, which, of it. self, was an interesting feature of the occasion, evincing a pleasant State of feeling among our various denomina tions. The Methodists closed their church, in order to attend upon thi3 service. Rev. Dr. Axson fully sustained his high reputation as a preacher of the Gospel, and his sermon was listened to with marked attention. He then, in a most impressive manner, propound ed the prescribed questions to tbe Pastor-Elect and to tbe chnrch. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Bryan Neck, deliv ered an able and appropriate charge to the minister, and Dr. Axson, in bis pe culiarly persuasive style, charged tb© congregation. The Pastoral relation being now constituted, after the bene diction was pronounced, tbe heads of families belonging to the congrega tion, and other friends present, went forward and extended the right hand to the Pastor, in token of cordial re ception and affectionate regard. j 4S?»The Pearson Pioneer says: “This world will be 100 years old, 4th of July next.” No, no, brother, not the world but tbe United States. jj@*Coffee codnty is raising a new breed of snake. They have four legs, each about one inch long, properly supplied" with foot and claws. Capture one, brother Parker, and send it to the Centennial. jifMy’t Private Sc’!"n!—Bppi>t1nipnt The 4 Highest. FOR THE WEEK ENDING it'KE 9. MAXIMUM 60. Henry Robinson. 48; Eddie Leben, 47; Henry Harvey, 60; Willie Smith, 60; Non.—Fatrone, whose boys'^names do notap. pear, wUl confer a favor by demanding of ttm tbe reason why. T.G.8. New Advertisements. LOOK! READ! READ! READ! Wishing to give our attention- to the sale of GROCERIES EXCLUSIVE. LY, we will offer for the next thirty days, our entire Stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc., / AT COST. Our stock of shoes is from tho well known Shoe Facto ries of T. Miles & Sonjj and Sollers & Co., of Philadel phia Parties wishing BARGAINS had better call AT ONCE, as we are i DETERMINED TO CLOSE out the Stock. KcCOM & MARLIN. MUTTON! MUTTON! : MUTTON! MUTTON! : MUTTON! ! I am now pre-1 mutton! :pared t« furnish; mutton! I fresh Mutton ev-: ;ery Tuesday and; mutton! ; Thursday and Hat-; mutton! ; urday at the Mar-; ;ket in this City.; mutton! :Market hour*,: mutton! ; from 6 a. m. to 6: :p. m. Remember; mutton! :the days, and; iturroNt .’come early. : ’. L. Turner, Agt. * mutton!” mutton!. MUTTON!!!