Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, November 28, 1877, Image 3

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■ - - CITY AFFAIRS, > Omani Ddlmj if luml., M. tot r. M. Mony Order ud ItfgUttr Mm closed it •r.M. ■ '• '■■■ ■ Kill cloud *t 8 r. v. ” letter* pUced tabsxiftactr.ic.vm tutU next mall. —Christmas is coming. . —(Santa Clatts has Arrived and the average small boy ia in ecstasies. Quite * number of vessels in port to-day. We are pleased to see Mr. J.11. Dex ter out again. '"! s., m,/ i And still they como—another new merchant in town. —Gordon Cadets meet at their drill room on Thursday night (26th instant) —Toung Men's Lyceum convenes to night (Wednesday) at McConn's Hall. —Service* to-morrow (Thursday) at the Presbyterian churoh, at eleven o'clock. —The Now* York steamer City of Austin is expected to-morrow, via Fer- —Our sister city Darien has a new pilot boat for her bar—the Surprise, Capt Clansy. w To-morrow being Thanksgiving Day the Post office will only be open from Sto 10 o'clock—a. M. —Send in your orders for those Sand Pear cuttings. They do well on the seaboard. See advertisement -The marooners down on Jekyl at be having a good time. Afresh of ammunition has gone down to Barnard Nybuis, a German, lyed os blacksmith by Mr. A. T. i«m, died last Friday ofhemor- age. —The Dart mill, on St Simons Is land, is again in operation, converting yellow pine, logs into manufactnred lumber. —Darien has lifted the quarantine against Brunswick. So our steamers again put;in their appearance. Glad to ■ee them. —See what Mrs. Hines has to say to "big folks amt little folks." Ton will And her next door to Mrs. Henog, on the Bay. —The M. A B. Railroad has just fin ished a commodious warehouse at Haw kinsville, and is now putting upanoth- Municipal Nmiutisi, Pursuant to a call of the Chalr- manof the Democratic executive committee, quite a number of our oitixeas met at the court bouse on Thursday night lasts for the purpose of nominating Atjokflk'j” and four Aldermen, to fiU tbe plaoe d thoM whose term ot.tffr spires with the year. The names of Hon. J.F. Nelson, the preseut. Mayor, and judge G. B. Mabry were put in nomination, the ballot show; for Nelson and 20 for Mabry. *" ,, *t for aldermen resulted Ip » of the present retiring board (4 in number) Messrs. M. j. Colson W. W. Watkins, A. T. Putnam, and DuBignon. A very decoded argu ment in favor of this nomination is that, having inaugurated the pree- ent move towards the adjustment of our bonded debt, the tame parties would be more apt to carry it to a successful issue. gOUTOEBN lands Bold and exchanged Cur Nor- Oto. T. Gxvnt, Bntniwlck, (7a. Suildni'&atk. Oar community was shocked on Monday morning last by a dispatch from Darien announcing the sadden death of Msj. 0. B. Devereaux, which took plaoe on Butler's Island the night previous. The Major had just return ed from a pleasant trip North, and gone over oq Friday last to look after the af fairs of (he Island, for which he is agent Ho retired, in perfect health, on Sunday night, and was found cold and lifeless in his bed the following morning, having been suddenly snatch ed away duriug the night by paralysis of the heart This sudden stroke has bereft ns of one marked for integrity and uprightness of character, a perfect gentleman, beloved by all who know him. His circle of friends will miss him at their social gatherings, and there will bea vacant chair in the homo circle. —Going 1 Going I Going 1—those fine peach trees offered for salehy Mr. Foote. Now is your chanoetogetflne trees at low prices. —Won't Mr. Psriiamentsry be so good‘as to tend us aeopy oghis new rules on debate, etc. We want to try and keep up with the times. S OUTHERN LANDS mM SS4 WlWpitl Northarn BmI Mk UEOUCIKT.aADKN, —We know a housekeeper in town who has used the same lamp ohimneys for four months, and they are still all right, They were bought of Messrs. L.D. HoytACo. —The U. H. drcoH Court last week, rendered a verdict against the city of Brunswick for 921,103, together with 93,061 interest, in favor of 8. Mum ford. We guess it will go higher. —The South Ga. Conference meets in Talbotton on the 12th of December. Bev. D. Q. Abbott preaches his fore, well sermon next Sabbath. We hope that he will be sent back another year. —To-morrow (Thursday. 29th, is set ' apart by Hit Exoelleney, Gov. Col- quilt, as a day of thanksgiving. We hope we wont get more than one invi tation to dine out, as we should bate to rente sny. . —Hurrah for notification, the new Homestead, MilledgeviUe, Represents, tire Lamb, Senator Tison, Mayor Nel son, and Aldermen Colson, Watkinn, Putnam and DuBignon t Hurrah, we say, for the whole of them. —The sohooner Tho*. G. Smith was cleared last Saturday from Littlefield ATison'a wharf with a cargo of 1,606 barrels rosin, 818 barrels turpentine, and 4,000 test lumber. She is con- rigned to Dollner, Potter ACo, of N.Y. fownn Ctmfc—We take pleasure in celling attention to Mr. W.Doer- flinger's mammoth "ad” in this issue. Bead It carefully and decipher the "rata*” and roe will get the prise, Besides befog one of the best Jewelers in Georgia, Mr. D. is agent for the Singer Sawing machine, end can sup ply yon with all you need in that line. Heir getting in a fine lot of docks, jewelry, etc. Call on him sod buy your Christmas presents. Sad News.—Monday's telegrams brought little else but sad news. Be. sides tbo startling intelligence of Maj. Devereaux's death, of which mention is made elsewhere, a dispatch was re ceived from Savannah, announcing tbo death of Mr. Wm. Tison, of tire firm of Tison A Gordon, and brother of our esteemed fellow citizen, Hon. Jolm M. Tison. Troubles come not single bon ded-only a few days ago Mr. Tison followed his daughter and her husband, Mrs. and Mr. P. A. Hazlehurst, to their last resting plaoe, and now must port with his only brother. By the same source come the news of the death of Mr. Warren Kenrick, nephow of Mr. H. A. Kenrick and son-in-law of Mr. Burrell Lamb, of this county, and also of tho severe illness of the wife of the deceased. Well might we pause and ask. Who'll be the next I *J*8outbern lands Bold tad Excbiagod for Northern' Heal Estate. cm T. OA DEN, Brunswick, G*. The Campaign. Messrs. Lamb and Tison, aided by their numerous friends, are making things lively for their opponents. We believe a livelier interest is manifested in this campaign on the port of the Democracy of Glynn than has charac terized them for years. Inspired by the recent successes all over the oounty, they are beginning to feel that even here in Glynn the power of tho Bepub- lican party ia weakening, and - they : iave bnt to will and the prixe is theirs, tforahal your forces, then, ye Demo crats of old Glynn, and charge the en emy in solid phalanx with fixed bayo nets, and you will route them. Hur rah for Democracy, wa say, if we are an "old line Whig." Receipts Mafi Of Jomo$ Routton, Ckrfc A Ifoswrr (/the City (f llruiwtick, /Or month (/September, 1877. * 1 Amount on hand 94028 12 ’WPGolden license, 1877 8000 (TWDexter lease " BOOO 3 Mrs Julia Hertel taxes “ 1117 MrsSGWinter *« " 628 Mrs M B Green " % 6 00 4 J F Nelson A Co » » 37 17 Mrs H C Bostwick" » 18 78 j Miss S Barknloo leese 10 00 6 MrsULsmbrij^ttaxes **** 876 Mrs M A Lambright» 8 B S Clubb “ 10 H L M Barlow Ism 12 Mr* O Kennedy taxes MrsHLFahm " MrsECoupcr " J M Couper " Jas Palmer , > v I 13 Milua Jackson " taxes MJWJBoberts 16 J 8 Holmes Mrs J‘ 8 Barbs 17 GW Wright Mrs M Lasslerre L P Anderson L B Davis, trustee L B Davis A Co B Hozlehurrt JL Bobarts Mrs J S Burns |e Mrs S E Mason 16 B Q Way O F Way « 21 Mrs LI Bee " 22 G W Ay mar burials Mias E DuBignon taxes 24.Hemry Logan " W W Hardy " Eat J B Wood •* Mrs SI Wood " ‘ T Mahoney " Mrs B Golden lease S O Littlefield A Co “ 25 O J Doerflinger taxes 26 D B Emery “ J C Green " TW Dexter « Miss A S Dexter « J D Dexter " Mrs M B Shannon “ Est Allen Harris “ Wm Anderson " Wm Anderson agt “ 1210 2 75 8160 200 0 75 10 75 130 186 961 115 862 260 1815 600 8 70 100 680 1110 650 COO 110 2 20 190 350 500 725 110 10 95 685 5 85 12 50 500 50 00 1150 200 165 130 5 00 960 12 95 120 G 95 13 33 ‘ printing, voucher 10, 60 00 18H4I Goodbreod, et al, streets, voucher 11, 96 60 29 0 G Moore, ch’ity, vuu 12 12 00 13 600 24 Littlefield & Tison, pub lic buildings, v’ch’r 14, 13 80 Littlefield & Tison, lime, voucher 16, 75 25 Littlefield A Tison, char ity, voucher 15, 16 60 30 By cosh to balonoe 1764 10 q w Attentlan P Mrs. A. F. Henog comes to the (root this ipek with a card to the public offering to, supply them with, fresh beef and pork. She makes a speciality of “home-made sausages” and, our word for it, they are extra nice. Her old customers and lots of new ones are invited to call at her place of business on Bay street. Another Death. We are pained to announoe the death of Mr. J. W. Wilder, for several years pasteissMeatof this city. He had been complaining tor weeks past, and co Why aifbtlsei was sataei with s fit and died soon alter. " 'He wu "bur ied on Sunday morning with Masonic honors. Wo"extend to his family our kindest sympathy in their sad afflio- Uoni' ’ ! • - * ' ’• t Acquitted.—The man Harris, who Was arrested last week and carried to Savannah under charge of passing Counterfeit money, was acquitted, thlf being at evidence of guilt Friedlunder,A Co •• •« 80 31 G Fiiedlnndor •• “ 80 25 Bobt Mallory ” 800 Jobn Powers lease " 260 27 Carl Epping " " 10100 Mrs Lydia Pratt 2 50 John Berrie taxes ” 100 P S Holt 580 Peter Krauss M 400 Jcro Millbank M 623 60 23 J J Lissner A Co H ** 1125 J J Lissner M H 13 10 Kaiser Bros ** 99 195 M Kaiser H 415 Est E H Gatcbell M M 30 Mrs A E Gowen W 133 D J Lissner 690 D B Emery " W 255 Joe Grunt lease *• 2 00 29 Miss S Barkuloo - *»- vr- 10 00 M B Holland trustoo " 6 07 Cain Jay M 400 Peler Christopher *• M 125 May Turner t > 600 Mrs M A E Houston” 99 2311 BE Flint •• 1000 Mrs Jure Cusoy " •* 200 York Hunter •• M 700 Lucinda Mason •• •• 425 L B Davis ' « *• 213 Mrs M E Dunn a* 850 PA Holt axes ** 910 W J Vincent 48 <9 825 Mr* AC Clark 14 1876 500 H O Monday <4 1777 110 Est H F Beach •• •• 150 B M Sawyer “ 290 H D Hudson 68 «« 86 M B Holland, baa *• 6 65 82512 62 92512 62 Examined and found correct Jakes SI. Cooper, Ch’m Finance Committee. The Election. Dec. 5tb, wjll soon be here. On that day, three very important questions will be settled, by a vote of the people of Georgia. Through tho wisdom of the late convention, these three questions are to be kept entirely separate. Voters should endorse on their tiokets: "For Ratification," or “Against Ratification,” "Homestead of 1868,' 1 or “Homestead of 1877," “Atlanta," or “MiUodgeville.” Any voter may vote on either question be may desire, os neither is in anyway connected with the other. Let every legal votor bo at his post. Wo expeot to vote for, “Rati fication,” “Homestead of 1877” and “MilledgeviUe," for we believe this is right. Let others do os they SCO fit. On the same day comes off the election of Sonatorg and Represen tatives—tho same to take their seats one year hence. fV I He#'Advertisement*/ NEW GOODS! GREAT BARGAINS -AT LADIES’ DuBignon & Beck’s Old Stand. sdT J^l , T A tdiLttw Millinery and Fancy Goods, Hats made and trimmed to order, Dress Trimmings, Merino Underwear, Regular Made Stockings, both for ladies And children Little Boys' Suits, ready made and cat "by measure, ftar* niahed at short notice—in fact, everything to ropply a firstM class trader, at the -.n-wi v*i w -i- ■■■’.^aftaatfUlrOM Lowest Cash Prices t The Ladies are invited to call and see for themselves. Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. 2£ra. 2£. C. RO WJL •! The Merchants & Mechanics Ins. Co H OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. _ ^ CASH CAPITAL, 8250,000. - - - j CASH ASSETS, 9315,000, $25,000 in U. S. Bond* Deposited in the treasury of Georgia for Furthar se curity of Policies! mmg well-known Compeny bea peld lie Thaaaad 1 wet, end will maintain Ita well-earned repnUtlnn UweUlBie, store., MerehnaAlee, Mill., Min .i O^-Af ente et ell prominent point. In tbo But*, to wbone] CONTRA. 8 Certificate, salary. No 160 |38 33 “ “ •« 166 65 00 .. “ 1C6 « « 167 « w •< 1G 8 4 W8 Pittman, Gu’rdHae, voucher 1 5 Certificate, salary. No 161 Burrell Jackson, streets, voucher 2 Burrell Jackson, streets, voucher 8 6 Certificate, salary, No 141 « « *. 162 « « « 194 “ “ « 169 ** “ " 170 n u u 8 H Summerlin & Simmins , streets, voucher 4 H Milton et al, charity, voucher 6 L North, incidental, vou 6 Jas Houston,"- . '* 7 12 JE Lambright, et *!, in cidental, vouchor 8 14 T G Stacy, print'g, von 0 15 Weekly Constitution, 60 00 60 00 16 66 69 90 66 66 825 250 600 60 00 83 88 12 60 888 26 00 10 68 476 17 78 8RI 1200 8 60 The Right Step. In the printed proceedings of the city council of Jacksonville, FIs., wc find the following paragraph: “Mayor Boyd spoko in favor of a general quarantine, to be established by the general government, among Southern ports against all infected ports each summer, oml asked that Mr. Eells be empowered to act os a committee of one to confer with the authorities in Now Orleans in re gard to quarantine and sanitary measures. The motion in regard to Mr. Eells being pat was carried." Now let tbo authoritii-s of Darien and Brunswick and all other south ern cities take the sumo step. Com mence now. Dou’t wait until it ia too late. Lot us have a strict quar antine, and wo will have no yellow fover on the coast. Act at once and everything will be right. We heartily endorse the above from the Darien Garette. Concert of action is wbat, is needed. This entire subject we believe, should be made a matter of general legiilation —the burden of the same being l>ouro by the general government. Let tho mayors of oar Southern sea ooast cities, together appea to congress for protection. Let the matter bo gonerol, and no one city will suffer loss by a turning of trade into other channels. What say our authorities? tpply.ort* • Je M# DEXTER, Agent, nmmrlck. O*. » Savannah Advertisements. FURNITURE! f|1HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE CXTI- 1 xens of Brunswick and vicinity that are now in reoeipt of one of tho moot elaborate and complete stocks of FURNITURE. ever brought to the South, comprising every article from the HIOHESTto th« LO WEST PRICE required. Our Stock having been purchased for GASH we are enabled to offer superior bargains to our numerous customers, respon sible parties cheerfully accommodated with City Acceptance. Car Stock consists partly of the following: BED BOOM and PARLOR SUITS, WARDROBES and HAT BACKS, CRIBS, MATTRA88ES and SPRING BEDS, V l : PILLOWS, ETC., ETCU BOLSTERS, Geo. T. Gaddi.—We make special mention of the card of this gentleman, to be found in this imns. It will be seen thst he is prepared to charter sets to load in any port in the U. S. or Europe; also to buy, tell or exchange lint, of all kinds. From onr acquaintance wills Mr. Gaden. we cheerfully recommend him to the bus iness publio, os one qualified to fulfill til his engagement*. LTNN HCPXBIOB UOUBT.—lull conn uveued yesterday, and was duly or- nixed—Jndfjo Harris presiding. Ba les the local bar, we see present, Grant Sefjouob Count.—'This court convened ganf sides the Colt. Jno. M. Gncrsrd of Savannah, sad G. B. Williamson of Way Cross, Hit Honor's charge to the Grand Ju ry wssto the paint, calling their at tention to leaser crimes, as well as those of greater moment Ji kins is expected to-day. JudgeTostp- la this dtr oath. tOtS iMt, Mltl mo*, wlfcottaonn Autos Iiw 1ST, Of Cl jut county, Cs. Onto. Uth Inst* Ftxcsnr Autos Brno- —.jismuluq«rth«U*» Botsst Hina- arm, bq., of Bra crick, Oa. Announcements. For Representative. A. MSteUn of Oljmn coastjat th.rtmlis “ d fevSKsr For Senator. H OX. no. X. TISON,of Oljms snalj.tos rudunte for Senator fur th. comic, teem . lofbktan from Uw 4th Sewloctel Dto- trirt. sort will uoSit th. sapsort of Oct. 31th. mornoK ChtMrenH Carriages In Great Variety. Wo are also sole Agents for tho , National 'Wire Hattrass, the only one ia the market that will not Sag. Parties requiring .anything to oar line will do well to call and examine our Stock before purchasing else where. AD UwO DsUveroA at tea BaUrsad aoA Bitestnlne. W. J. LINDSAY k BRO. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY! & KBOUSKOFF, BAVANNAH.GA. WSmMMI AMP ETTA1L MAH6W goods by toe vntucsuo w icwut. wuuh«*/ ■■n»m than New York Prices. Orders promptly filled, «d satisfaction t Terms, a O. D., with privilege of examining goods before payment. ' I 1 8. KROUSKOBT, Wholetslo and Retail Mffliner, “ THE CHEAPEST PLACE! --.b A. J. MILLER & CO., WHOLBALX ud BETAtt DIALX28 Of ' ^ FINE, MEDIUM.AND COMMON FUBNITUBr*/ lot Ot»r loaa sitwitens oad large eapitaleqalja as to °*rlhl IdtopUfo ateR Bata Stack In tbs State, st prieta tlrt ~|5jf , Wo an Agents tott FLOfyS BESSEMER STEEL SPRINGS; „ Forty-eight make a good bed. Price 95 00. Orders from the country rr°a»P* ly ondouefnlly 0 } UU g e 0 f our Branch House and will be pleaaod to servo hfrltiendA. ^ J. MILLER & CO. NOTICE. ■ Note, ul Adamite of Dr. t. A Burr 1 jtamd liter hudi tor uWnst. lomriitswitiwa _ tf. WK.B.BU NOTICE TS hmtej giua test it th* aot term of thi 8a- 1 pmiarOmutla isdtorHMeouljIihiUtl. mj ptlltloa la terms of th. Uw, liklas Hli non- ■.ItHifo WmitOiirt.ta sack mmAmmdmtm b.hjte.OMut of mr*df tram IsqHmOtesteatsttststamr BimUtua, ofmjwte, Xirj V. Ow, Uttetef HA* ry V. HiaUtoa, .04 th. mmm St cor awpkter. Om,U> HENBtaooX. Aassxna.un. -J rltii 1 An Ordinance^ font Passed ia I . Attest: JA_ Jaxks Hocstov, Clerk of Coanclh