Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 29, 1879, Image 2

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BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. T. Ci. STACY, Editor ami Prop’r. Official. Organ Glynn Co. ■WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 39. 1879. Cholera is raging to a fearful ex tent in Apia Minor. There itre 6000 school inarms in .the State of Maine. Funeral expenses in Italy is only 75cta. They do it by cremation. * Henry M. Hoyt, Governor elect <of Pennsylvania has been inaugu rated. NATCElfS GIFTS TO OCR CITY. Scarlatina and diptheria are Baid to be holding high carnival in Near York City. The whole country seems full <jf tramps. Is there no law to pro tect the people? Gov. Hampton is improving and is able to go out riding—-not be hind a mule though. Charleston, 8. C., has repealed its drummer license of $500, and now invites all to come. Pinchback, has been made by -General Sherman a special agent for the Treasury Department A South Carolina paper says ^Kat Georgia pays her minister*TJettcr than any other HoutJteHiiState. There were two hundred and fourjnuHtiages in Thomas county .—tffepast year, says the Kntcrprise. North Carolina is said to have one dog to every three sheep. In one year 28,081 sheep were des troyed by dogs. Two more ocean cables arc to be - lwd; this time from France to America. This will undoubtedly cause tire reduction of rates. The commerce of Mobile is said to be decreasing—New Orleahs is taking it away. Tho old adage— “The big fish rat the littlo ones.” The cnr])et-l loggers, Spencer, of Alabama; Patterson, of South Caro lina; Dorsey, of Arkansas, and Con over, of Florida, retire from tho senate Mureh 4th. ' Chin Ian Pin, Chinese Minister at Washington is credited with soy- Whig that if his country men “must • go, they will all go to Ireland as that is the only country the Irish do not rule.” Kight Rev. Dr. Lynch, ofSouth Carolina, has presented to the Smithsonian institutes fossil tooth, found 1,900 feet below the surface of the ground at Charleston. •- The appropriation of 5,000, by the lost Congress, to erect a monu ment over the grave of Thomas Jefferson, at Monticello, Ya., is about to be used for that purpose, the owners of the land having given proper titles. . Triplett is taking singing lessons. His preceptor required him to sing, when he commented taking lessons, so that the rest of the class and the public might'See how he improved under tho instruction given. He started out bravely, but before he had uttered (we tun not suy sung) three words the crowd liegun to leave and tho teacher requested him to desist. When he conclude'* his lesson wo trust ho will give us a -blic exhibition of his powers as vocalists.—Thouiasville Enter- Here is what the Boston Post has to say regarding Georgia: ‘Georgia is working out her Awn salvation more rapidly than some people suppose, or than is, perhaps, agreeable to the stalwart jioliticians in general, and the professional out rage shrickcrs in particular. Five yean ago, according to the records, there wrte 180,244 children in that State who cowld not read or write. The educational system employed has worked so well as to reduce this nnmbtor to 85,6o0, or consid- erably more than fifty per cent If £ it doaaaa well in the next five years, the rising generation ofGcor- A will beahle to satisfy the edu f 4£tioual conditions required for an ‘ > of the right of fUffrage, Much, and yet not enough, has been said of the unquestioned ad vantages of our harbor, and, sure ly its situation in this respect alone must, sooner or later, secure for our city a great and growing prosper. Ity. But this is not the only privilege that Brunswick possesses. Her peninsular site, with fertile islands tributary,to her, assures her, in the time of iicr complete mastery ofnll her r sources, a capacity for ex pansion, not only without less in the way of commercial facilities and ready access to tho great ar teries of traffic, but even of cn- nhneat value in {mint of variety and attractiveness. To many, to most, perhaps, it will seem an idle dream; but the vision comes naturally before the eye of the student of the past, as he stands at the tapering point of this peninsula, looks out to seaward and finds the horizon barred at al most every point with long lines of island forest-,—the vision of a sea born city, with islands for her out posts and, a continent for her base of supplies. It ,iv no idle dream, for, with jriofo than Venice lmd of these lo cal advantages, and that immedi ate environment which mode Ven ice possible, she has all and more of the commercial chances of which Venice made such admirable use. There is just now a meagre show ing for Brunswick in the way of a base of supplies for the war oftraf- fic,—the continent in rear seeks oth er outlets. There was long for Ven- ico no back-country at all, though a rich one in the course of time.— Direct trade, and that of the bold est kind, made hkk fortune, and it is direct trade that is to dd for Brunswick more than nnythingeisc, in my opinion. Her fortune lies in dealing as largely os she can with South American, West Indian, Spanish and Italian jHirts. The quick market is the paying market. New Orleans is now licginning to realize that this is her interest, so far os the Central American and South Amcican trade is concerned, ntul is making efforts to set on foot, on a secure basis, regular and di rect trade with those ports. With many of them Brunswick ought to bo a preferable port to any within the Gulf, with all, a preferable port to any further North. Much more might lie urged on this topic, hut nn editor’s spneo is limited. Enough to say, that should we once begin shipping reg ularly- and continuously cotton, lumber, naval stores, and other homo products to a semi-circle of ports reaching from those of Vene zuela to those of Italy, Sicily and Spain, and from the Spanish shores to thnso of Norway, a generation not very far removed from ours, may see no marsh around Bruns wick's peninsula, hut stately build ings mirror red in tho water on cither side, and her coronet of is lands impcarlcd with the mansions of merchant princes, the hnrlior a forest of masts, and the beaches of Cumberland, Jekyl and St. Simons nil put ii\to requisition as the re storing and refreshing haunts of hosts of invalids and tired business men. Think of it, merchants of Bruns wick 1 Think of it, capitalists abroad that are in search of a sound and paying investment 1 It will pay to build up the future of tlda town for which nature has dune so Tho Hartford' Times tells of a man named Lconldus Grover, who was recently killed by a meteoric stone of •> pounds weight which came through the roof of the house, and after killing Grover passed through the bed and thgn the floor, imbedding itself in the ground. What next? Treasurer Renfroe has sold twen ty-five thousand dollars of new four ]>cr cent Georgia bonds at par. He is negotiating the sale of a large sum which he will perfect Monday. Tho bonds will be issued and ready for delivery by tho 1st of February. The election muddle of Macon is still unsettled. There are rumors of a compromise. Hon. John F. Wheaton, has been re-elected to the Mayoralty of Sov. annah. Kate Claxton will play in Macon on the 20th of February. Bottled Lightning. When used lor libeumatism, Boro Throat, Lame Beck, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Contracted Muscles. StiffJoiuts, Duma and Bunions, on Minion beings; anil Spavin. Ring Bone, Gulls, Scratches, etc., on auimaln, GiiiiHsens’ Liglituiug Liniment it tinoqiiuleil, and its effect simply elec trical. As its uuine suggests, it is quick to relieve, and thousands bear aitueas to its astounding virtues. Price 00 ceuts. Fur sale by F. Jae ger, Druggist. An Ordinance, To tutfeas ami levy taxes and miHe a revenue for the City of UrmiHwick for the year 1879, for the regulation of certain kinds of ImsiueHa in said city, prescribing penalties for the violation of the revenue ordinances of suid city, and for other purpoaes connected with the tuxes and reve nue of said city. hKcrioN 1. The Mayor and Council or the city of Brunswick, lu • umiolt utc-.ora llied, do hereby orduin, that from and after tho flrst day of February I87y, the inhobltsnieof t-ald city, and those who hold uny tixable properly within the mo, and ail those who iraimact or of fer to transact any business Uimelu, ex cept mcli as are exempt by law, sha 1 pay towards the support of the ttoveiuiiiuiU f su d city, and lor ihe convenient o, ml* v tillage, safety and beneill of said city,; the taxee hereinafter preset toed. tiro. 9. Every person and corporation ownlug real property In said city, in cluding Improvements, shall pay a tux. to bn asset-sod by and under tiie Slst sec tion of the charter of said city by the 1st day of March 18711, ut the rate of one and one-half, per centum, of such value, ex cept on such property us may be exempt from taxation under the laws of this State. 8ao. 3. Every person or lirm engage I la business as a wholesale or retail, or wholesale and retail .dealer in go*at: Each wholesale and retail apotheca ry whose sales do not exoeed live hun dred dollars shall psy five dollars, sad those whose sales exoeed five hundred dollara shall pay ten dollars. Each agent for the sale of any article whatever, or any person visiting the dt as an Itinerant physician w* professor of proprietary articles, canvasser alllag books, rasps sad pictures of Nil kinds, either for money or by sutworlptlon, shall pay such tax aa may be fixed by the May* or In each case. Each agent or other person disburs ing, or tumiahlng money to disburse ver eels, whether for pay or not, shall pay twenty-five dollars. Each banker, broker, or person doing s banking, brokerage or e change butl< ness, or engaged In buying or selling ex change, currenoy. stocks or other securi ties for a profit, or lu loaning money, shaving notes, discounting commercial paper or collecting the same for other Parties, whether for pay. or accommoda tion, or advancing on collaterals to in terest, oommUalun or otherwise, wheth er he keep an offloe or not, shall pay twenty-live dollars. Each bakery shall pay ton dollars. Each barber's chair shall pay five dollars. Each blacksmith's forge shall pay five dollars Each horse or cattle broker shall pay fifteen dollars. Each ootton, produce, grooery, naval store and ship broker, each master bui d- er, mechanic, mason and machinist, and each archite ct, civil engineer and con- troctoi, of whatever kind, taning tracts excelling the sum of live hundred dollars shall pay twenty dollars. Each mechanic of whatever kind, ta king contracts not exceeding the sum of live hundred dollara shall pay five dol lars. Each sail or row boat transporting passengers or baggage for hire shall pay five dollars. Each cotton pross shall pay fifty dol* lars. Each cabinet shop shall pay fivo dol lars. Each manufacturer of candy shall pay ten dollars. Each circus shall pay per day, fltty dollars. Each cigar manufacturer shall pay ten dollars. Each dealer In goods, waios, mer chandise. etc., etc., whoso sales do not exoetxi the sum of onu thousand dollar*, shall pay five dollars; those whose sales exceed one thousand dollars, and do not exceed five thousand, shall pay ten dol lars ; those whoso sales expeed five thou sand n n<l do not exceed ten thousand dol. Iris shall pay fifteen dollars, and those whoso sale*exceed ten thousand dollars shall pav twenty dollars hitch wholomlo dealer in toe shall pay fifteen dolKrs. Each retail dealer In loo shall pay ten dolluis. h noli draw-making or millinery es tablishment shall pay ten dollara. Knelt one-horse dray, wagon or cart, hauling for hire, shill pay seven and a lislf dollar-. knelt two-burse dray or wagon, haul ing f11‘ hire, >-hall pay Itftoen dollars. Each ono l.orse wagon or vehicle used by bakers, butchers, manufacturers of soda or mlneinl water, merchants, builders or other persona for the deliv ery of bread, n eats, tssia or mineral wa ter, ice, g kmIs, wares nud merchandise sold, uud Iuiu'mU* and other material used shall pay fivo uoliara; and each two- aa commission merchant or merchants, shall pay twenty dollars; and each and every master of a ship or of any vessel, •gent or other officer of any: ship or vea Sec. 9 And be it further ordained, that the sum of two dollars be imposed on each and every trade iulinbitanfc in the city between the ngefcof sixteen eel, or any other person, who shall sell and fifty years, nql exempt from r<M goods or articles of any klud, from any duty tinder the laws of the State, aa a wharf; on personally * purchase cargo or eommntation for street tax, which snra collect freight money, shall be considered nnty bp included in the returns of tax- a commission merchant, and pay twenty »«d paid with the quar- dolUrs. . terly payments, provided, that such lata. Each taw »U1 shall pay Fifty doU ware* nil i itieiehandiHo, ol uny descrip- , ,,, tlou wliuUOBVsr, .(mil,my a taxo,onej h ” rw ’ w ‘'« oll „'' r vehlcleu-edIn theSams p.,r centum on the value of »uch goodo. ouu *"" r ; ehu11 W l ™ du Ur »- „ . . 1 Each ke* per of adanciug school shall wares, aud meichundise an lie <>r th< y „ ... may tie poesettootJ of on the lirst day of IuTum* March 1879, except such as may be »-x Eiich dealer In hay, grain, bacon. ptfromtaxsUun by Urnlow.of this or material, of suy kind, snd # ; uut paying lax on stock of general SKa4. Every person snd corporation ownttMf household »nd kite.:*, or office “I W t ’^ty-ttvcdolmra. fuinlture.wutohea, jewelry, plate, iuu»lu-i CumlKluy “ p y .1 instruments, tables. Si ocks lu uv» noiisra. much. Looker-ox. Tiik Anti-Poiaiuuy Bill.—The Senate could not resist the noil pleadings of tbe Mormon wires and has amended tbe anti-pofygamjr bill jo as to gird it only a prospec tive operation. This, according to pluralities aforesaid, wtU^Mifare forty thousand women'from UsWil- ity to tbe pains aud pmaititsji^al?^” bigamy,.and more children ‘— r ~ phnnoge end disgrace. The Telegraph and tit inks the editor of the Grii thmiM lie hung for making following pun: “Reader, if yon have suffered as much from aches, pains thlik I, iand bail colds as we have during “V s»^*r vqs»“ I -be past week, you pneumonia wan- ' “ "to about such things.” money corpora Ions, bouds, note., and other evldeooee of debt. uiouoy, solvent debts, ttud every other kind of personal property wh.lsoevor, shull pay a tax of onu per centum »u the value of such per • s< nal property, so owued on the first dsy f Batch ism, except such as may be ex empt from taxation by tbo law. of this State, or of the United States. t-no. ». Every person and corporation driving income or commission from his or its busbn sv,se a merchant, factor- auctioneer, broker, forwardliuf, shipping i r commission merchant, hotel or reetau ra it keeper, or irum tho pursuit of any i ro ession, faculty. Hale, cailiuitorbus' ihrsa, whatsoever, aud every express, telegraph, cotton prese, insuraneo com pany or agency, and every privute bank er aud banking association, aud every agent carryln# on business for another, exeept dealers, trsduie, merchant, or other iwreuna taxod on thilr stock lu trade, shall pay a tax of onu per centum on the amount of auen not Income or aommUalon above the sum of live hun dred dollar*. ttao. 0. And be it further ordained, that every person tranaaetliot or offering to transact either of the kinds of buslnas hereinafter speelOed shall pay tbe lie-ease tax hereinafter preecrlbed, viz: Each local auctioneer shall par a li ana. tax of twenty dollar*. Each transient auctioneer shall pay twenty dollara. Each Insurance agent, fer each com pany repnaentad, shall pay ten dollar*. Each sod debt Insuraneo agent, for each company represoated, shall par Ore Each steamship agent shall pay twen ty-Bro dollars. Each steamboat a gent shall pay tea Each sailing vessel agent shall pay lidollsra. Each real estata agent forth* sals of real ettate or tbewoUsvUon of aeapanyor machine represented, thall pay Bra dollars. Each tuh'uiuph tompanyshall pay one humlred dollars. Each telephone company shall pay 11 vo dollars. Each lioistlog enalne fordlscharnlng vessels shall pay tun dollars; and e-ch horse apparatus f ir the came purpose shull pay live dollar*. Each fuuuilry or machine chop shall pay thirty dollars. Each green grooery, fur th* earn of fresh meats, poultry, vegetables, etc., shall pay twe ity-Uve dollars. Each gunsmith shop, for making or repairing guus, pistole, etc-, shall pay leu dollars. Each hotel shall pay twenty-lire dol lars. Each boarding house entertaining transient travelers shall pay fifteen dol- lata. Each sailor boarding house shall pay twenty-Hvo dollars. Each public ball (ball pay ten dol lars. Each person or firm rolling spiritu ous liquor* In quantities from one quart upwards shall be considered wholesale dealers, aud pay, tor each quarter, twen- ty dollars. Each person or Arm selling spiritu ous or malt liquors, lu qunities less than one quart, to be drank on the premUea shall be considered retail dealers, and pay for each quarter thirty dollars. Each apothecary or druggist, who sell, wines or liquors, except on buns tide physician's certificate, shall pay twenty-live dollara. Each person or firm selling ale. por ter or lager beer by the keg or bottle, In quantities of not has than on* del n bottle*, vMII be considered whnlcmhi dealers In malt llQuurs, and pay twenty' live dollars. ' Each person or Brm engaged In th* purchase or shipping of either I’nbtr or lumber, (mill owner* excepted) ghaU par Twenty -Five dollars. f , pay ten dollar*. Each Inspector or masse for of Urn- to* eewtng machine agent, for each her, lumber, shingles, staves.' etc * pay teadollaia. Each person or Arm, doll* x V ■i *► l • Etch plaining mill (hall pay twenty dollars. Each flour or grist mill shall pay tsrenty dollars. Each Jub-printing office shall pay ten dollars- Each news depot shall pay ten dol. Ian, Each person or Firm dealing In oys ters, Fish, etc, shall pay Fifteen dol lars. Each pawnbroker shall pay Twenty- Five dollars, xschgestaurant or eating bouse shall pay teo dollars. xAoh stevedore shall pay Fifty dol lars. Each shoemaker shall pay Fire dol lars. each person or Firm manufacturing or bottling soda or mineral waters shall pay ten dollars. Each person or Firm manufacturing and selling soda water from louut shall pay ten dollars. Each shipping master or runner shall pay Twenty-Five dollars. Each shootlug gallery shall pay Fire dollars. Each livery stable shall pay Seventy- Five dollars; all parties taking out this license ehall be exempt from suy special license for vehicles used by them. Each blllDrd table used fur pubtlo play, whether paid for In money or by purebasee at th i bar, shah pay Five dol lars. Each pool table used for publlaplay> whether puld In money or by purchasea at the bar, anrll pay Five dollars. Each bagatelle or other table, or de vice upon which any game Is played by Ihe public, shall pay ten dollars. Eu-h centennial board for public play •ball pay, fur each mouth, Twenty-Five clorart. Each wheel-of-fortune, fur public play, shall pay, fur each month, two hundred dollars. Each bull or ton pin alley, for public play, shall pay Fifteen dollara. Each merchant tailor’s establishment shall pay ten dollars. Each tinsmith shop shall pay ten dol lars. Each tannery shall pay ten dollars. Theatrical companion, exhibitions, concerts ami shows, of ovory character- shall pay suoh sum, aa shall be Fixed by tho Mayor and Council in each ca-o Each undertaker shall pay twenty do bu s. Eu-h warehouse for the storage of cotton, naval stores, goods merchandise, etc., aha I pay Twenty-Five dollar- Eseh wheelrlght chop for tnn making or repairing of wagons, cm rlugee, bug- glee, etc., shall pay Fivo dollars. Each diunimer, runner or transient trailer lu goods, wares end merchandise, if any description, who sells by sum In or uthoi wise, to other than merchants, “hall, before exposing tliessurs for sale- take out a llc- nse for suoh amount, aa may ho Fixed by the Mayor lu each case The licences provided for In this section shall run from tbs First d ty of Janus- y I87u, to the Tb'ny-klint day of Janutry 188n, and shall be leased by the Clerk and Treasurer of Ihe city, Impressed with the soil ol tbe city, aud approved by the Mayor;—and the Clerk and Trmaure shall bo entitled to collect from the |>er- sons taking out licenses an adul'iona! sum of one dollar for each licence Issued by Mm: such license-ball bo In the namn of the person to whom It Is Issued—aud ehall not be transferable, and the same shell be s registered tax, and payable on or before the Fifteenth day of February 187*. And If any person transacting or offering to transact either of the kinds of buslnoes specified In this sect Ion. shall he found without such licorice displayed In a conspicuous manner in his, her, or their place at business, or rhsll fall or re fuse to exhibit tbe seme, whenever eslled upon to do so by the Msrabal of theeity, he, she, or they shell be subject, on con viction thereof, before the police court to s Fine not exoeedlng one hundred dol lars, confinement In the guard house not exoeedlng thirty days, nr labor on the public streets not exoeedlng thirty days, at the discretion or the court, rsetT, And ha it further ordained, that all persons commencing either of the kinds of business specified In th* pre ceding section of this ordinance, on or before the thirty-first dsy of July 187*, shall pay the entire amount of such li cense for the year; and all those com. meoclng such business, on or after tbs first dsy of August 187*. shall pay ooe- bair of such amount. 8*o. 8. And be It further ordained, that the occupant of any premises, where * dog or dogs Is or are kept, shall pay for every dog, so kept, an annuel tax of one dollar, and upon the payment of this tax, or a return of tbs dog or dogs as hereinafter provided, a badge shal* be issued for the same; and every dog found rvaalnr at largst without such badge, or without satisfactory erldenoe that tbs tax has bean paid, or Urn dog returned, shall be Impounded, end If not claimed and tbe tax paid within twenty-four boon shall be disposed of to tbs beet Interest of tbe city. Every person haring* dog or dogs on the lirst day of March 1878 may make a return thereof with hla or her returns *C tax able pr«p*rty to the dark sad Treasur er, and pay tbs «id tax with the quar. terly sr other payments of taxi*. And every person bringing a dag *r dog* In the city, to 6# kept therein, after the thirty-first dsy of Hsreh 1879, shall ■-«*« n similar retain, end pay the lax within ten days after so Mafing S may be relieved of the mid tax oriug ou the streets six coniecn- y», under the direotiou of the Committee on Btreets, Drains and Bridget, -at any time before tbe first day of Jaly 1879. Beg. 10 And fnrther ordained, that tbe vnlueof the real estate and improvements thereon, to be taxed un der the second section of this ordi nance, shall be ascertained by means of tbe assessment* provided for by the charter of tbe city nud the ordiuanoek of tbe city ou that subject; and the vslne of personal property, to be taxed under the third and fourth sections of this ordinance, and tbe net income and commissions to be taxed under Ihe fifth section of this ordinance, Ehall he ascertained by means of the returns hereinafter prescribed.. Bio. 11 And be it further ordained, that every parson nud corporation owning real or personal property in tbe nity, on the first day ol February 1879, liable to be taxed under tbe sec ond, third and fourth sections of this ordinance, slutll make s return thereof to tbe Clerk nud Treasurer within thir ty days from tbe first dsy of March 1879, the date at which books will lie opened for tbo reception of returns; and the amount of such tax shull be collected by the Clerk nbd Treasurer In four quarterly payments—the first to bo puid on or before the thirty-first ilny of March, the second on or lieloro tbe thirtieth day of June, the third on or before the thirtieth day of Septem ber, and the fourth ou ur before the thirtieth day of November 1879. And every person and corporation, liable to tbe tax provided for in tho fifth section of this ordinance, shall make his, her or their return thereof within ten dnys from the first day of December 1879, and- pay tlie income tax within the said ten days. Sec. 12 And be it further ordained, thnt all such returns may lio made, either in pet-noil, or by ugeut or attor ney; anil tile returns aball set forth the market value of all property, liable to be taxed under this ordinance, ml valorem, exeept real properly, nud sbull lie mode under outb or ulUrmu- tiou, in every iiiutanee, that the same is true, and that tbe person, fur whom the return is made, is not liable to uuy other tax, and lias no other property in the city, liable to taxation under this ordinance; and it shall lie the duty of the Clerk snd Treasurer to re quire snob outlior allirmatinu from every person, without exeeptiou, he being hereby authorized, for the pur poses of this ordinance, to ndoiiiiiatur sneli oath nr affiriiialion. Seu. 13 And be it iurther ordained, that idl persons, failing nr rcluaiug to make a return of all rod and persouid owned or controlled by them „ r, mid-liable to taxation un der this ordinance, ahull be anbjeet, on conviction therefor before the Po lice Court, to a fine not exceeding one buudred dwllArs, or labor on public streets not exoeedlng thirty days, or both at tbs discretion of the court. Hxo. 14 Aud Its it fnrther ordained, that tbe Clerk mid Treasure be, nud bo is hereby instructed and required tit owns executions against all peraous, for the entire amount of tax dne for tbe year 1879, upon their failure to promptly pay the first, or other quar terly payment of taxes, as they shpU liecome due. Sec. 16 And be it further ordained, that nil applicants tors retail liquor lioensa ahull submit a bond, with two or more good and sufficient secaritien, to be approved by tbe Mayor, sml conditioned to keep an orderly house and observe the laws of tbe State end the ordinances of theeity relating to the snlo of spirituous liquors, ss prerequisite to the iama of sueb li- ^Beo. 16 And be it fnrther ordained, that one per cent, of the entire amount of tax, levied and collected under this ordidunce, sha.l be appropriated to the paymeutof the extraordinary expeu- penses of the city to-wit: The princi pal and interest that may beoome due, during the year, of snd on the bond* to be issued, trader an ordinance passed January 6th 1879, to carry out tbe compromise of tbe indejiteduess of the city and the setting apart of a sinking fund ol one thousand dollara lor the redemptions of said compromise bonds; und the remainiug oue-lialf of one per cent, shall be applied to tbs payment of the current exi»fis« of the city. Sec. 17 And bcit further ordained, thnt this ordinance shull be subject to amendment uud repeal, in whole or i n part, at uny titne during tbe yeur 1879, slionld it be considered udvisable und necessary to do so; mid no such amend ment or repeal shull, in any particular, be so construed, ns to impair tlie right of the Mayor and Council to aaseaaniul levy a tax for the whole of tire year 1879 whenever made. Bec. 18 And be it further niduiued, that ull ordinances uud parts of ordi- uuucrs, iu conflict with this oriliuuuce, be, und the same are hereby repealed. Passed iu Council, Jumuiry 22d 1879. Attest: J. B. HAUKltSHAM, James Houston. Mayor. Clerk of Couucil. W. A. JOHNSON, Boot& Shoe Maker. W ork done as cheaply, and war ranted to hint as long ns that of any other Workman in this seetio Mending done ale/wrt notice at D. A. MOORE'S OLD STAND, jfg-iy- Ag'WWMUwLMwJtafpljCw.XtshriUa.TrMi Melp Mew Mjvpenpsis TO TIIE LOVERS OF TIIE I ranko my own cigars from flno, choice, selected Lea vicinity have tho advantage of Imying from the maker di fur li-aa money, in quality a good article, that cannot be only ut double the coat, atatementa to tho contrary uotwitlu My Five Cent Cigars are superior to any yon can buy for 3 tor 25ets, and are so competent judges. To give all s chance to assist in swslling the popular ver dict, I from this dsy will give O For 25c. FRUITS Foreign and domestic, in every variety. OONFEOTIONERY, In tbit line I am withont s peer, my goods having been pronouuoed tbe fin est ever brought to this city. GROCERIES. All goods in this line is cheep is tbe cheapest in such dog or dogs. Toys, Fancy Goods, and Fireworks for the Holidays t A choice variety cheaper than ever. Having located in IBmnswiek with s determination of making my busi ness a success by giving just rains snd quality to buyers, I respectfully solid* tbs kind pstnmigs of tbs inhabitants, to assist in extending my Factory so a to give employment to more hands. I don't propose to go off, believing Brunswick is big end good'enoagh Jor this purpose, statements to the contra ry notwithstanding. B. DAVIS, Cigar Manufacturer, Opposite Leben House, Brunswick, Os. Tbe Davenport Nina, my new brand of Cigxrs, ciioioe,’ dear Havant, will shortly be for site. E. DAVIS, Bole ilsnnfsctnrer-