Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 31, 1880, Image 1

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Thfl Brunswick Advertiser, PUBLISHED EVF.KY SATURDAY MORNING At uunvtci, obobuu. bt 1. O. ST A c T. OFFICE, Comer A'« ■ and Hunk .'firtrlt. AdvcrllilMR Hatfii Per aqnari*. t< n line* aparr. Aral tnaertlou, fl 00 Pur square, each aubaequent tuaerUon. W BT Special raletlo fear If an.l large adoerUtrrt. ' it A-lrartlacmentu from wpoarlbla parti*-* will pttWUhed until or-Jerwl out, when the Unie m aot apaelAmt, am) payment eiarlrd ac«H>r iugly. Communication* for ImHrldnal Iwnil. or of a personal character, charged a* advertisement* Marriages and obituary notices not exceeding four lines, salletad for publication. Wheu ex seeding that space. charg<’d aa sdrartlaamaata. All letters and ooiuiuunlcatlons should be ad d ms ted to the undersigned. T. U. STACY, UruDMwIrk, Oeorgis. City Directory. vuiuiiuirh %ftvMtim. VOL. 5, NO. 30. imUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 31 1880. *2 00 A YEAR. city orricvBt. Major- J. 7. Kelson. AhUrmm- J. M. Conner. T. O. Stacv. J. H Cook, J. P. Hurray. A. T. Pstn am. W. W. Wat- fclna. J J. Hpears and I> T. Dunn. Cierk d TVeomw—James Hminton. V Chi f Martha! - J. C. Noriuan. Auidant Marthal—J L. Beach. JWicrw/ie—W. 8. Pittman. fort Fkgoielm—J. H. Blaln. M. D. City I+hguriao—J. It. Holdns. M. D. Harbor Matter — Matthew Shannon. Fori War-lent— Burr Win ton. ti. J. Hal Tliomae O'Connor, Jr. owMTrr*K» or oovwciu EDISON’ AND HIS LAMP. The Invention Clearly —3~~ light, and here there can bemoque* ition that the id* vantage UrBog. th- Dcscribed. er with Edison. The electnc lamp in a steady glow. There is no com- in the carbon huknkr the orkat bustUm or appeal Alice of it. It is desideratum OBTAINED—now it the Hash of a thousand diamond fn- i.ooks and works— COMPARATIVE cete perpetuted. It is in no sense pricks ok gas and the new KI.KC-1 dazzling to the eye, however. You TRic light. can stare at it and feel no weari- ness of the vision. It is the high- corraspondeBco Washington Pont. jest form of illumination known.— New York, January 1.—I went i There is no llicker, subsidence or over to Menlo Park yesterday af- j ncrc „ w< It cannot lie turned down ternoon and evening to see Edison l or U j )f There is nothing between and his electric light. The work- it mid darkness. It consumes no shop was crowded with people, who a j r nm | t of course, does not vitiate arrive and depart by almost every any . it has no odor or color. It train. They are inquisitive Rod | simply light. One can turn it olTl wish were not so, in your wives, troublesome, but notwithstanding I or on m fn.sily as a gas burner—the try kindness and see if that won’t the annoyance they frequently j jni]H>rtnnt advantage being that no do more g< kb I than all the unkind cause, are treated with coniideni- nmidm needed. words and cross looks you ever jtion ami politeness. Edison is not| Mr. i^dison has received a num- gave them. oniy a great inventor, but has OR j ber of applications for the right to “ I often think,” continued this I much patience as Job. use |,is invention in Washington I happy wife, 4 ‘ I have the best hus- j l p *dl aliout sixty lights are con- hut over this, he informed me, he band in the world. He is good ami slantly maintained and others are I had no control. It is the property I kind to me in sickness and in lading added daily. The first lights 0 f a company formed in New York health, in joy and sorrow. We are are still burning, having lieen in I of which Dr. Norvin Green, of the happier than when we were mar- steady o|»eration for twenty-two I Western Union telegraph company, ried, nearly twenty years ago. Ho Jays. The little carbon horseshoe, I ^ p n ^j ( j en | Thin company is a never scolds me, nor brings a long joint stock organization, with $300,-1 catalogue of com plaints against me, 000 capital and has furnished Edi- but comes in from his daily labor son with all the money he has need- in a good humor, with a smile on The Good Husband. “ Nothing,” said a sweet, smiling, joyful woman in a domestic circle, adds so much to my happiness as' t . r j eI1< | theiii. Tow* common*— Hix-srt*. Putnam en.l HUry. Habbob—Usrvey. Cook an-1 Mitnam. Railboaimi—Cook. Harvej end Oouper. Htbrkts, drain* a uiu due*—Dunn, Kp.'srs end Wstklos. Cemeteri**— Piitnsm. Harvey and Con par. Pttblk hitli>inos—Watkins, S|M-sn< su<l Dunn. Evocation-Cook. Btsi y snn K|» *rn. Cmabitv -Htaey. Cook and I’utnain. Kiiut i»*PABrM*NT—Punn. Harvey and Putuani UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Collar tor of Customs—John T. Collins. Deputy -II. T. Dunn, t oii.x tor Internal IL-v«-nn*—D. T Dunn. Deputy Marshal-James M. Conpor. Family Grocery Sold as a subst tutk for pills III Price 25 Cts. and $1.C0 Ml© 8MILK-INDUCERS. Important if true—a wife. Book-keeping in one lesson—nev a kind word, a kind look,or a kind act from my husband. Oh, how charming after a hard day's toil at the wash tub, or in cooking over a hot fire for the harvest hands or in the discharge of nny other domes tic duty, or after a sleepless night with a sick babe, is n kind word, or a smile even, from the husband and father.” Husbands, if you sec defects, or think that you see things that you A an I !*<• you can be by t < tic Glosn )■ i • sis ^ 1 O f..r Sore, vh n you Flowns SvKur M asms j ii STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CHICKENS, Eggs, Butter, &c. Kecpa also on hand FINE TENNESSEE BEEF. tiajauo '“‘i ne p i-i <7 DO Price by^: .1 I i • <i it is culled, seems not to have lost an atom of its weight or abat- I t*tl a particle of its illuminating power. If it will bust twenty-two days without deterioration or loss, there seems to be no reason why it should not last twenty-two years or an age. So far as the experiment hits gone, it is literally indestructi ble. Mr. Edison considers this feature of his invention as perfect ed, and, as is well known, it was the one over which he has flpent the most time and which the world considered unattainable. It is about the size of a fuse, and resembles one somewhat, being flatter and of no appreciable thick ness. Once placed in the globe and connected with the wire which conveys it to the electric current, it ed to prosecute* and perfect his ex- jK*nineius. The par value of each share is $100, and a month ago they were offered for $lo0. I saw a man to-ilay wlm was offered twenty shan*s last week for $2,800. To day it was sold for $5,500, and that probably will In; in a short time quoted ns ridiculously low. It is estimated that $400,000,0001 arc invested in gas stocks in the United States alone, and if Edison's I invention knocks off ten p«*r cent, of their value, there will Ik* a clear! lot* of $40,1100,000. There me [ter-1 sons who insist that the lowest vnl-| lie of one share of the Edison stock j is the sum of forty millions divided by three thousand—which would .all Dr i Mr NEWCASTLE ST It EET, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, At J. E. Moore’s old stand. Ortllly. A .\i-w Kind of Wnlcli I tt* KEMOVA L F. JOKlUiKll, Dr*(flit, BRUNSWICK. - - GEORGIA. J^JY Drug store Iism Into moved on Nc»rs»tle City llarbrr Shop, wbero rid sl way* Us fuunJ a »tu«-k uf purs, fr»-*h Drugs and Medicines. Uni such goodn as ars usually k«*|>t In a Drug Btorn. Prrorriptliina carsfully and rorrs.-tly put up. By strict atluotiun L» bualnaas. In* bnpsa to CuntlLiia to merit the ronfl«lciu*« an-1^.- of th.- j.* ji|« of Bruoawlt-k and vicinity. Wllrtlilrum over my Druu store. H. L. HARRIS RBPRCTYULLY ANNOUNCES HIS REMOVAL WATCHES, CLOCKS, noun AND Plated Jewelry, —ALSO— MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS,CUT- JaKRY, PLATED WARE, PIS TOLS, CAUTPIIx i i :s, TOYS, ETC'., ETC. R EPAIRING <rf all kind" Of Watrhaa, Clorka, JrwHry, rtr., dune at abort B*»li-«. an-I n.oet reaauiisblf prices. Wy Imr raperlenre In tbat Has will i naLle ms to itive aatUlart* ~ Pleaa.- call ami examine bv * bearful I y exhlblle.1 Hqibe»t pn. e paid for old gold in caab i II. K. OLNEY. Je- his li|>s, and says: ” Now, Susan na, you have done enough to-day, put up your work.” Then he seiz es little Nancy, and we sit down side by side, and chat in the cool evening breeze.” What woman in the world would not make such a husband a good wife ? Tile Tax Collector Given New Powers. The Inst General Assembly passed an ac t which made all tax collec tors of the various counties of the State ex-nflicio slieriffs in so fur as t<» enable them to collect the taxes flue the State and county by levy and Mule under the executions; ami said tax collectors arc not allowed to turn over any tax executions to the sheriff or any other levying of ficer, but by virtue of their office have power to levy nil tax execu tions heretofore or hereafter to Imj issued by them in their re»|K*ctive counties, and nil sales made by them will In.* valid, and carry title is apparently safe for all time, i long as tin! globercimiinaunlmilcen i^, n | Mml eiq/Mk)—n j.ivtty p-.l and 111*! wenum perfect. K»lu*ons jirntit on an investment of $1<M.— estimate in that the lnni|i—I sup-1 The i„t nH |ni lion ..I the rLitri.- I»»e that is the Inst name f>>r it |jg, lt t o linusi* aild let mu midy l»r the attachment to Hiej^y comltwion, will l:eeom|«ira- . only witi.i. ib.iwtr.w fijetlinit or main win-, will cost nut tivclv no ex|ienw. Klison lift^in- '"or*' 11,1111 twenty-live cents. Itb,' v ,.„^,| „ |„, K< evliiuh hein^altn. I,e.I • A',’**!rit tliorefort*, cheaper than the com-, u> t | 1( . iiluminaUn* wire, wi.i eniwl , .. S "i "**••* yit-Ltirner mul gl«l«e. Tlie ,i ll ,, u ..| 1 the gas |>i|> - ami ,.,.r,1^ ,uu, J—-I-r next |H)jnt to be settled ta the cost tiiiemi tlinn m.h a woman thread. 1,1 the electricity. Mr. Klison says , |( . r Thi. ... ins like a stu- . , — , that the l>e*t he has been able hi pj.lhimx, hut it isn't—it is a fact. i do is to sustain eight ligiits to one *p| ie j ro j, ^teel one, and I horso-|Kiwer. That is, one horse- trnv ,.| g |, y electricity. J power will manufacture, by fric- — • — ■i tion, enough electricity to maintain Advertise by tl.e year iii the fullest decree of inenudes-! cheaper and yields a better return eencc, eight burners. He hopes to in proportion to the money iutvsl- be able to do a little better tlian '''b An advertisement sli.mlc: al- this, as there is an estimated loss ways be before the public in some' ex|M-rii»entinK with an ingenious of between twenty and thirty per »ha|>e. it it disap|siars it is soon cent of the former. | forgotten, and those that remain The cost of maintaining one have the superiority and advantage linrse-]si\v. r at Menlo Pork be puts the absence of the competitor.— down at two cents. In other plaoes, bliere is only one excuse for the where coal costs less than here, discontinuance of an advertise- thi- figure could be reduced; else- ment, that of retiring from 1 where, it must, of course, he in-, niss. So long as A fixed fact—one that gets in a woman’s head. The most welcome breakfast bell is a punctual wife. Kisses by telephone taste liko a boiled china egg on toast. The length of a lady's train should never be under a foot. When a man calls his wife’s maid an angel, it is time for his wife to make her fly. When a sick man feels well he sits up. When a well man feels sick he sits iluwii. Editors get one important item of subsistence at a low price—they get bored for nothing. When a writer swears because his articles arc refused, it’s a proof 1 that evil communications corrupt good manners. Little Johnie says: “ Talk about your patent base-burning stoves, my ma’s old slipper is a hot enough base-burner for me.” It is believed that Jacob was the first Indian agent, for the Bible rep resents him as saying, Isi, I have s: reed thee, many yeare. “ With all thy false I love thee still,” murmured a young man as he calmly handed his girl the arti ficial teeth that she hod sneezed in to his lap. A man who lakes one drink too many is often denounce.) ns a fool, lint nothing is said uf the woman who gets three sheets in the wind —on wash day. “See here, Junes, why don’t jolt fence in your premises?” “Oh there’s no need of it, so long ns my wife’s always a railing around the house, is there?” Boh 1 ogers.ill thinks that all the hell n man ever passes throguh is in this world. This idea he formed while ruiiiiingn newspaper and try ing to please everybody. The Galveston AVica says that Shakespeare was married when he was IK, Dante at 24, Brigham Young when he was 18, 19, 20, 21, on. Re|ientance—Teacher (who ia trying to explain the meaning of re|ientance): “ Suppose a bad boy were to steal an orange and hU good mother should catch him with it and take him hy the hand and tell how wicked it is and how very, very giieved she was, don’t you think now that the little boy ought to feel sorry ?” Sunday School Scholar: “Yeseum.” “And why Mnrinuduke?’’ Sunday School Scholar: “ Because ” Teacher: “Because what, Marmy ?” “Cause he hadn't ct the orange befc' his ina cotch him and tuck it away from him.” “ Where would we lie without a woman?” asks a writer. I’ts hard to determine just which way the majority would drift, hut some men we know of would he out of debt and out of trouble, and a good mnny more out at the scat of their breeches. to property as completely »» if | *22, 23, 34, 2 », 2G mi l iiuult? I»y tin* SlitrilFs of salil coun ties. I a* vies, however, upon realty If the youn# unii w!io parts his arc to be returned to the sheriff of W r ,n 11,0 l,,i,l,llc “"' l corri ” s " .lie county, and sales he mode hy [ I 1 ®" over his c,,r ' tfrc l, i pass away, him as now provided hy law.—W- the vacancy could not he filled hy It is tgmyh uwl Maaemjcr. Registering I lie Speed of Trains. the vacancy anything in this world, unless i was a siek cat. The following advertisement ap- |M*arud in an Edinburgh pajK*r: “ For sale, a handsome piano, the I pmjierty of a young Indy who is arrangement for registering H'® | lwlvJn g Scotland, in a walnut caoo Njieed of freight trains. The con The Fitchburg, Mass., railroad is Brunswick with turned legs.'' They call it a romantic marriage in Mu higun when a couple of the neighbors get the bride’s father in to a hack room and sit on him to prevent hU interrupting and break- id. At the rate of two cent* j »ohI and the vast public to be sup-1 j nto gqunrpg |,y «|otri and | * n ** ^ IC * 1 1 _ l * ! - l *“* ! * The power to whistle is not un ;ikkIs are . he trivancr is attached to the caboose car axle, on which is an eccentricJ which is connected by g<ars with a registry inside the car. The regis ter consists of a small cylinder, on j : which is wound a strip of pn|H.*rdi- an hour—the power being the only plh‘d, advertising is a necessity, amt as this revolves a sta- that iieode to lui conaid- and while no tingle individual cun ti(>mlrv |)01 t .j| ,| raWH a line *cro*i I fluently a solitary gift, so that ' ‘ H1 ' uarM dingoiiolly, and M the the young mail who comes inUi the D.'IVII* CL.'HiKs ( AIT. P. || WABD. When a young man getu a cut- jered, the additional cost being the expect to got the whole of this pat- merest trifle—a burner giving the ruling®, he can expect and will re- light of a Hve-footgas burner would ceivo some portion of it, and whic h I be one-fourth of a cent an hour.— k® " ould not hftve obUiinetl inde- A thousand feet of gas will run [pendent of atlvcrtising.-Ji/yuA/n wrt|lille<1> Thc 'two hundred five-foot burners an hour. It costs in Washington two j p,#*tmnster Key also csUil»lisbc«l iiig at a station .dollars. This would be one cent |he Ibllowing postofHces in Georgia, W IF.L Dave HxTsnnah eVrrjr Motrin an. I Ull IlOUT for ettcll bumer. So it * ill t ^ w j| ; \V hcntOll, Appling OOUDiV, 1 . ThnnAaj. at 4 r. M.. amvlng at Hruits- . ^ ' 11 * ,, UWaV Coat that bllttollS from the ^ TI? nT, natch chain up to the shirt collar, -» *'"' * r—«■ roct, Ldison s light will cost one- A . Harlan; U hittenUm in \\ orth h(jM ail inch itu b of a ei- fourth as much ns the che«pct counlVi witll Sy i vw u T C. Whitten- i hj< nn( , , iK)k on . K “', ... .... ton as iKwtinnsUr; Ikar Den ‘n c . Jll „. ni „ l , he’s entitled to quota. Heroin New lurk however, 1 Fannin county, and Rob. R ''1 tioll it ' B nn ungnlU . ful public have been to learn how , ly a , ,K»tm«stc ; r Doiidy, Madison , ' ^ ^ ^ in . a „. Iuouth aU llail u , la) u^cmnll great fins ijcen the reduction in the „ mn »v and John \\. Seymour ^ i ' . . • . .r - rpi ... * it • cuuni >* Bl,il *' f' ,, centive to effort has a young man that there would lie material price or gas. 1 he Western Union * M iHtiii-L«ter County Line. Carrol • , , , . . # . , A e . , „ „ . , , I ,usmi LUr ’ . - v w ' ’ , , in a w..rld that iiersistently refuses enough left for cheek.” oflieea are jiaynig now only seventy- county, mid Henry M. Head to bo . . 'o . 3 1 five cents a thousand, which is, I postmaster. ^ , __ . . , , , supiswo, the lowi'st price it is sold 7- , The S<Kicty for the Prevention of 0 1 ,UI,I, in lanK'i 'K': >«’ rt “ tho tM> - WmStolilBl& Jl“ll.aT*o’f for - The difference, therefore, U'- Tailors make irresistible lovers. nii liriili ,^._ l som of love and as sweet as the tm LI I ILLULLD * TISON, hy, J. N UARRIMVN. Mum W. F UAKUY. vaniub, Oa. W.. A. JOHNSON, 3^ Hoot A: Shoe Maker. the t ... „ time re.p.irc.1 to go across tl, c | busy sanctum and whistles well, squares is known, the number of! cannot 1,0 ex|ieeU-d U. know how to mills Unvoled |ior hour is thus ns- j * nu ®h elre. Awjuta Ares. mtrivnnce also The exiircssion of a boy’s fiice at 1 registers the time a train is stand- the end of a straw that lacks two inches of reaching the cider in barrel, is sup|msed to be the model that the artist selected in the delin eation of Ad.uu leaving paradise An im|HTtinent fop made simrt of an old farmer’s large nose, mouth and chin, hut the old farmer silenc ed him hy saying, “ Your nose, chin When a newsua|ier paragraph Why arc good resolutions like ■ swindling baby at church? Because they should be carried ont. Some men do not like crumbs of comfort. They want a whole loot A draw game—courtship. Over One-Half Of the mole portion f MMipIo 35 yt'urn of ago i*mh witli ilineniM* of ‘ Hlmlder. 'There are for thi*, but over oenae. Nothing in Mrtlien in bo well cnl roto nn«l rest.»re orgiinw n« Hunkin's tract of Htichu (Iohch taken ocoiu*' tKMietit all those w an? tliseane of Prepurwl 01 Lamar, Pruggi Joergcr, Hriiiu Antioch, I am one of er« fr»»m Oravel neyn, and 6n«l lief fn»m Kai;' than anythin catafem it so b bottle in tho give $100, or ft recommend it proiMi rations. jnnl5 eoWiia. Atlanta, Oa.,^ Da. 0. J £ not t«M> strongly rocommeud j thiua (teething Powtlen) ton one of the brai m+Udutm Hot /•tin/ur their ilebtiUut*l and sickly its 7 fault. I have used it with very satis- factory rmnlti tin* p.t»t summer with my owu child, and while we have heretofore lost a child or two from tecetlung under other remedies, our present child tlmt haa takeu Teethiua l« a flu** healthy boy Ita merit ia cer- turn to make it u Mt.mdard fmnily me«l- i* for this country for the irrita tion* of teething and bowel disorders 4 children of nil ages. I am very res|M>t*tfnlly, A. P. Brown, M: D. (Bran Hov. Jos E. liruwu*) For ale i*y F. Joerger, lirutiawick. jaulO Im A Good Liver man who livea eomf.aiably at hom*, has good dinnent, eti* , will always show it in hi* teraon. Hut there is an other Hrer more important to man—it is the bad liver—the liver that should regulale the whole syatem. If that la mt of flx, man ia g«»od for nothing— mil enjoy nothing-to restore it to health, use Dr. (Jilder'a Liver Fills. A few doors will relieve yon. For sals l»y F. Joerger, llruuawick, Oa. jaul5-liu % Ati^nta, (Ia.. Feb 10. 1«79. Ilnichinsim cl* lima : (Jeuts—I have used your “Neiintlgiue" in sever- I instaneea, and Hud it the \nsot rem edy for neuralgia I have ever tried. It lievciithe pain and leaves none of lose unpleasant eflT<*cts due to narcot- ie* or other anodyne*. I *luUl always keep it in my other, and take much pleasure iu recommending it to my pa th nt*. H. G Holland, I>eii r at M Whitehallai t Atlanta, Gk For sale by F. Joerger. Hrmuwick, Go. jaul5-lm Detattb, Da , Dee. 9.1$79. I have n*ed the Rex Insect Exter minator with the most aatiafaetory re sults. I have, by ita uae, entirely cleaned places from Rose haa. which, liefore, it was imptNMiible to get rid of. I consider it a very valnaldo prepara tion. and recommend it to hmiarkeep- ers who n re tnm bled with lb wishes other in mm to. A. F. Hamhond. For sale liy F. Joerger, Hritnswick, Oa. ranted to last as long aa thgt of Ior * 1110 ninerB nce, uicrefore, be- •“» i % # .* t."nnio proposes to reduce tlio mini- |7 t i wl 1 1 . J any other Workman in this section. twC en the electric light and gnn in Tht >' knoW ,,OW l ° pfe “ a " U,t * ber of retail liquor dealer* in New , kle of 11 w<KK,I * nd i ^ roo “* '* W Mendmn thine tti short notice at \ • I ^ York citv from 100(10 to 21100 I ways safe to conclude that thc virt- NEXT 1XX>H TO J. F. NELSON. ^ eW ^ or ^ wou ^ ^ ^HI^* St. Louia ha** 101,825gchot>I chil- _ ^ ^ *_ 1 I uea of some imtent medicine are ON THE HAY. Next, a« to the character of tho dron. Never exuberate. Mull bjr L. R DAVIS, Brnnawlck. Qa. o.hlj