Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 28, 1880, Image 1

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rfe!SS[sw!cnS7tT?issr! I’lmi.ISIIKI' KVRI1Y ' ■SLi CZ- ^d. jZjjrly, < l '«t OFFICE, Comer \aacasUe an.! Monk Mtrreti. FttaqiN AHvrrtUlnR Intro JUmm*99 span, ftrrt Ma AtM. 41 J *#- Special rates to yearly AdruHuniraU tom rMpuMiblA i*iitlM«i!l publtah.l until or.l*«rM|t(Mit, when thnUme i* 3ot*py*ia-l. and payim-nt n*.j«d ajto’r •**•[}• Cpnjuplritlon* for imlividtfll berfeTIt. 6t of* personal character. rharif»»«t a* aifrcrtin^metjt* Marriage* and ohttuary a>it1crw hot as<TeHftip four If lice, aolirtud for pqblirdfM. Winn *** Celling ttial nparu, *haripd ** WrwtWmMitk. AllMtrr* »nd fotnirtnUirtMona ehoul I be ad treiwd to the uni'rHittind. T. U. »TAC¥, , Brunewtefe. neoraia. Sail vol.. s, xo. at. —-r-r■ eg - 1 .——- -- . MtUXSWICK, GKOR(M.V,*&;VTUtDAY MOUXtXG,* FEB. 2?, 1880. ♦2 00 A YfcAK. 9Q bmti id ntdv »» Y A \™ Kiuil or Wall'll CiM. Kppotta of 0ffic*w» of till' fifty of Alrtrd Gretfi, eh.-ifrfty.'. 10 5o! Jja i iiai iikvSIOS CltlCUUU. Xcw tMi*aiiec it la only within thelaet f.-w year* i that It liee b*aa ttupron-d and i>n titflit witli|n | ***•■ re* h of every. oi l in principle, tnrai»' I Aral invention ‘ ' Uronswirk forth** Month of November, 1*7!*. • CU>' Directory. rmorwlll. jr-iy*- 1. r. Kabo.. Ahlermen- J. M. L'uupcr, T. O. I Cook. J. F llarvey. A. T futualu, W. W. Wat kins, J J. Hpear* ami 1» T. Dunn. Clerk 4 Treasmrtf—Janie* llonstoii. Chi-f Martha! J. C. Norniao. Assistant Marshal—J. L. llt-ai-h. /Wernam— W. A Human. yv>rf /".von./*- 4. ». lUaili. M. l>. Clip/tifpician—J. H. RolilAa. M. T» J. Hall Fisasi <u < oMMirrKM n taper, Watkins a ii and story. U.xtmm- llarwylKk and tu UviLUOAi- -Coot, Harvey ami r.iupgr. ftntrri*, dhaimn a naiiHiiaa-Diinn. kjwnr* Wat line. CnMBTSKirN— Putnam, Hun)’ amlO upcr. m ii.idmie- WVklna. Mpenw and In Euvrai ion—< wok. #frj M>( wai. Cuitn-At _jPutn^i MnPawo. Harvey aa*l Pntnuti T UNITKJI HTATEH OI1KJKM8. Cotlortor idfnet-uue—John T. Collin**. Dcwntr-H T. JUinn. OoUectpr Internal It. venue-TV T Dunn. 1). putv Marekal—Jaiiu-e Jt. fkinper. I’oatiiiaetiT J.iuua .V rtli. Family i«iwn Chns Crnvk>xdhr«mv. 2 00 (1 J fTnfl. ijiimniitinf* 38 00 7t> rhe HojSis, <4 fImtrrp D A Moofe, (Imrrd House.... 70 70 yiiiMNDJirivji.s, The diuerenos bqjwyen ivam and We avail ouVsclvcs of the eonrtc anil a sow is in louse. .“n nKroirr or jams* hoth-ton, ot.krk * T li Blaey, printing..5 00 oics of the rijijiioua iunl noeulorj A weak man Tlie oneivlwxan't TIIKASI'IIKR. Amount on hand j I, IV Harris, sanitation 35 00. press to state a few facts whieh we I "raise” a ilidlar. $3,202 30 0 H llantels, extra in dice. ii... i Mrs A K (rowen, s.«i Seipio Wnshiii(*ti>n “ James Mi I >!!•■■ I it 11 “ J K Moore A (!o, gross sates John Powers taxes t’ielmnl Powers *‘ K J Doerttinger license J F Nelson Doerflingef A Wciii “ FrieiUapiler & Co . “ Miohelson & ltro “ \V II Harrison “ A Kaiser it l!ro “ J W Wallnee “ \V r Golden Uto Ghamller “ C O Moore “ Steven Gardner lease Henr) Furbes taxes Henry Melden “ Kst 11 F Itench “ Kllun Clark Jesse (filson | A Kaiser A Bro, gross sales ' Ia*wis Ix*w in taxes 1 80 A V Putnam, charity... 18-80 consider proper nnd nevdfu! to the 9 25 cause of Missions. Since last May Tramps generally have no rali- l_l-j How He’d Do K, ' -fi. At Hcvrml men'-Wcg mthrgdvfthe Adklr of a hhifkfilittlishop tin C^a Avenue ikt other qiondt^^rlMo » nj{c, £ fttirtig ivltli Lepra in hit eyes, and one of the grouped sake.!: “ Wiiat s tile matter, boy—Ail ilyUKl?” . y “ N-no; Lul Vv« got nkwH *rith- nieti' lesson, and X expcul to git sntUJ W-yt W sue. -i usyihw ImiAAiC- bcc on fractions.” mi The man tordrthr book, turned to the page and rAd: “Rrr.r I—Find the’ least coW- 4 |g> J F Nelson, streets, 11 80 we have hud no agent among you gioos belief, but lean towards the mf>n multiple of the denominate!* 74 25 A T Putnam “ 2 50 Alfred Green, charity 4 98 IV 8 IStUnnii, Guard House. I 8S GO Norton ,charity 22 75 church of roam. An exchange thinks that eurry- of the fraction* for the lease com mon denominator. Divide this fast hi isitv takes farmers to the stable j ri, mmon denominator by each (fb- liefore breakfast. One collect funds—by this retrencl 3 30' ment we have made a large saving. 2 75 We have deluded solely upon the 5 00 pastors, and ive are gratified ntj 80 00 John Gill et nl, streets 58 75] the promptness with which many | 80 00 Oonnnok Hopkins, G\l Use. 4 25 of them haw naponded. Wo have worid is how a mulch tail Is shaved 30(lf) H A Keurick, education 13000 urged the importance of securing ' v ' 1 * 1 Bl> '' t “° (| f Lfe. 30 00 W A Holland, quarantine.... 30 00 small contributions from the ninny, How to get along w __ .. 30 00 Dempsey Holmes, charity..-. 1 00 iunl tliat collections h« taken regu- "'irld Hire a inan with an auger | j| lun continued: 30 00 W F Stewart,quarantine 2 00 Inrly and frequently. Tlie nuiubi'rj lir drill to bore one for y 30 (X) Clytus Burlier, cemetery fi 00 of contributors bus bceu largely Sjiii er say* his coliar 8li 00 Unus North, stationery, etc.. 20 .Vi increased, nnd tlie amount re. lived lil.o the celebration of the Fourth ufoomium agile t-y I wuuM Ilian 300(1 H A Kcnriek, education 20 Of) is in excess of wliat It was at this July—it is sure to come off evolve a purullel according to tlie [date last ynu-— being in the nggr. u-.. i.„„„ i.„„_i nmntnator and multiply botti terms If the mysteries of ‘ions by th. quotient ob- tain. I by each tlunominator.” He read the rule aloud ami then , , ,, . naked if uiiyuae could utuluratand ..m' V ,r:. k ' n,0ng . ! ,T ln tho it* AH Shook tbeu hem la, and be liun eoutinned: ,- “ Wall, now, I think I sliould go Sj.iccr says his collar button is; to work iunl discover the least un til) 0() J T (Aillins, J M IVxter and 5 00 19 001 7 tin 3 371 5 60' 2 00 2 00 21 00 1 2 25 Win Anderson, sinking fund.. f,ooo no 1ai$. Cash to balance 2,722 87 — ■-** 'encouraged to expm-l results still 8-1,3 .7 4. moT ,, favernMc. For all this we feel grateful l lu , u it ' IUUH ' t 011 „ oU) lucal (5o<l and to tlio brctliri'n.and nrn Kxaiuiin*«l ami found com et. Jamib sM. Guri*!*, tli'iu Fmaiiu Coin. .cmpsi. n.nrn tEaax, I.BAl.l Itfi | N 8TAPLK AND FANCY GROCERIES, CHICKENS, Eggs, Ilutter, Ac. Kuf-iw alwo uQ 111.Dll FINE TENNESSEE BEEF. J. N. II UIJMM VN. ; w r. iitiuiv.a. f. f tup .htfain.’th.O.*. REOUULlt LINE ! IlltintiYirU nml f*:iinline hill ilia Ciu r. TH*I 81lv\MLit > as p-a&iatira: m J 0 Norman, fines and *t. tax 87 30 ^T 1 ' 1 0 *^ C - *°** A *' ' IA “V. ,A1 »«u «f Urn* musu if they am pro,- T K Suott,adm’r taxes 32 04 U -“'^ 0 . Cl.aril's Johnson, tint*..* 15 00 ~ Zl\ Bohert Jones, fine 8 00 ‘’ iiichiird leoundtroe, flue 5 00 ^ I Ism Bussell, hue — 5 00 I George l'ope, street tax 2 00 , Wu Imve heard of some people intrinsic ilcviator, nnd punctuate gate about thirteen thousand dob who say tb y could live on music, the thermometer.'’ .. , „, ixj tt inud 4 eiwkeh If evil comm unit aliens oorrifjA!ufcoru*, und olio rih) 1 umuiH i* f tlm oysUr must boa “dded; “ I’vu work^l W bad lish. for Iio’m brought up with a rake. Tho kiiiil-of wife* who ha.saHiiiilu for her IniHhniid when hi* coum in*! to the hmi.*\ will Hot drive him to, a saloon to get one. Our confidence iw the wf>irit of MitwiniHi among the brethren has lieen sdrengthcncil. We liylievo hey will givo reatlilv to the nu|> C lw rr: .v.yz .'i l W".i'r;\ i’AI’T. w. <\ 1'I.irn NEWCASTLE STIILET, BHUNSW1CK,GEORGIA, At J. K. Moore's obi stand. OctUljr. i.mirriri.n e twon. j.e. enisr, *, J C Norman “ II A Palmer Mrs B Golden “ Stacv A Norwood “ J II Grot well K 1) A Moore Bartow Harris Samuel Boiehardt “ Mrs I 'atb. Gallngbcr, license Mrs Pender Smith taxes Kst O D Smith ('has A Clark O S Bose “ Cato Itiimnighs I bang Bryant I Allnrt Cnrja'iiter “ John Gill and wife “ j Mrs Jure Casey .1 M Connolly “ PM G IV Atilie “ Wilev Bugg li J Bead “ way a thousand times.” Wo b' lievi) the pasUira would prouijHly bring the subjeet before tbeir eburebes if they did not for. [food for forty-eight years Av (Jwr.S Fi.mirr o drdii Mum—The "tenmshlp, OHie, (smn Mverpool on I brought A strait We have heard of a man, a vie-; had Iswrdod ill tint of tobacco, who hasn't tasted' 0 i*nn gut it. had a We believe if tho brethren' bacco killed him in 1832. pro|K*r apprec iation of “lit-1 ■ A large* Tlie to-1 on our* of the fi exhausted oon (X) 2 00 200 12 50 ]{E M 0 V A L V. JOKIUtKH, Ullini'l. Blit N’sH-fciT - ttfcAtflA. M illfiiilVltA-. lit* IS-.-4 niuVsAn-g. », 2|I. ■Uvoi, MNtr Uti) City llurbi‘1* Slio|». Wher« I*u be found • otmek of purr, Dngs ajad Hcdiciaos, Tonev Stn etwine T W’ t T B.Ferguson mm mT a Kobt Baker D. A, 0 0 it E . I 8 Hnhnis Julia Ford Thomas liarilee - Henry Harris “ Henry Winchurg' 1 “ r ”T| John Ravage “ Alex llnt-kney “ 1J G i ook Geo Pi-ttignov ” W F Stew art tlieiiry Pieree “ Jessie Sami, bra “ John Newton *‘ Henry (iarey “ Will Stevenson “ Clurles Mussi'y “ Geo IBsigi s “ Joe Davis J II Ibiso l r ’" John Ktlii rago “ ? Wiliiutn ltved “ W J Way . '**„, J l>aumg;ii1n«*r u 3 .S.J ^. t1c»” the numht nnd Ualdhtaded pcivuiv* arc jrccom*' wh«>n the vwfc nggre^ate luiudud, by ouo who kuowi how it hundred mtlrw j value of tin ir gifts Would he iihh ii | i.s himself, to have a spider painted frnmdland. greater. IVo do not expect pounds from Individual givers, hut pi unit s (mm the multitudes. Do not dc- 1$ 2 00 2 00 2 00 32 3 20' S 28 1 5 00 Rot)' 52 i.r ioo 4<ioj 1 (M I 2 uo 2 0.1 2 Oil 2 00 2 (Ki 2 00 2 0(1 2 00 j 2 00* 2 00 2 0 > 2 00 2 00' on the top of their heuda iu lly deck hy a mil time. | nearly dtyid from , “rfhall I In rvaftcr dni n ymir ^onwt too w stockings V Is s;iitl U> ho tlie Ikdi-1 1 ".‘comegreatly tmacia “Iionublc language Ibr a young JjRylbtod violently in ondc get nut that the I/.rd commended^ UnU whoil uiuki|lfj „ l«,p. yB , r swallow the first mmwcl *prujsisal. | w-hieh was jilaeed in Us . 2 001 . 2 00 ^ ^ * I spi«e the day of small things. Iti ^ 0 < mrmbdr the wi Irov's mite, and fi»r 2 00 2 00 her gift above tin* munificent dona tions of the ric it is proper, ntfo, that w state A gentleman speaking**/mm* cr.*.I and is nowr hciiuty's fa^hionablo yellow hair, I R 8iipi>oHe(f to Imve It ought to vm. that we are enlarging otUo< | it p Ur * gold. ” U ouJht t,li bo °" blown off the e.xist of Newr- "!" ”'‘ ,rks: K'008 f-n*gmnsU,v,e,d; ^ .. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fimmltartil by the westerly gules.- placing more labor- r« in tho li« hp (ftrro |p ' Finfring it«df once out atsca it hail probably ceased making cfTorta to reach laud and drifted before the nl that there arc many goo l and true men and women anxious to go forth ami bear tho everlasting gos pel to people who sit in arrot#. Tho Cincinnati 0>iretU* thinks! I that women will not know what tui ami in the regions of death. More foods are needed, nnd wenp|>cnl U» | ol tli' Hnpti.-U of (irorgia to contrib-l their pro|H>rtion. We appeal <*r. r ilr. " ? iU, gnle,itsf>nlyeni.rts being to keep ihirkiii-sw " ballot, as it is not long - , . 3 .. , . , . mukiu -** .. ; fthosT water. The bird must have , enough for a belt nor big enough i bustle. Buy a trunk, I*htsaid a denl- And what for should I buy n Boots. Shoes, and Cisltem nia . its-ht MtyUi U»U,Ii*»ia iU»W York, HqUAl j^»n> JailC Ih*nt j finish And durability toany lii(i«*or*{ J I* Golden ,r I alsu have on hand a roauli Miionl uf . 4 , «V U'V-MA DC. CAlTEItCl*. I’KItS, >f ovory atyle, direct from nmnufacto >f Henry Authur, Ncwr Y<»rk . Satlaf. Jon fri annteod In «V4iry pm tloiilar. \l | repair* notoalled for In thirty day a will! 1 . mu. ■■■.. , U* aotr 4 to pn / ohnriftw. Htiop oti New [ Micliclaon dc Bro, grona rales Matlc afreet-, oTTp»»*Me fh«»<V»®it Hotiw March:!"—1 U. A. MiKllti to you, brethren, iu the name of!trunkf* rejoined Tat. “To put our master, who saitl “(Jo and •yourclothe*in," was the reply.— Mrs Tat Minehan 1 J S Bluin .T T Bhun j Mi> M K Scranton • A M Cohen, agent , j A M Ouhen ”■> i $89 00. 1 “5 By ain't jabl Cl- rk A True*- , *'tti uror for fines, Ws U*n mj- . . „ ,, jj-.J 4o >’ oU 1,1 n,l! uo of tin* millions not a Int of it. 99 43' By m„’t",'.f Z*.ZZ?44 .*»' "^ Cr - V U rin 8 i . n R "l Mm ' 2 («)|T'*ii per eel it. i if $.'12 Id, lilies 22 131 retained .3 fin teach till nations.” We appeal to “ Anil go naked7 ’ exclaimed Pat, All editorial in tlie Nelv York 14 Come over and help ns.’ 7Vi5nifS is headed “Women as We entreat you by the prosjierity bate |«wsesscd remarkably jiowera of on- durance, the oflieers say, b> bavo kep* up so long. 37ie cjlie's owl, which is now quite lupie, nu-a-'lirfs nearly five feet from whig to wing, and 14 while with’lTiu exeejilion of a few small s|K>eks of -lark color.— Vl» )*e*t Tribune. ' ♦. ‘^*V*15l Tlie - lusilmidn-ss fntd a l«>y to pn pitri a isimiiOsUInn on '’\\*lnW," 14 38? aon ules.” Tlio writer is evidently till whloti Gist lin** Mes-ivl ymir'mafried. but lio slumbln't judge *and thD Is timv h" did it: “innfer $H'MJ) labors, by the hope of immortal 1 other Inn’s Wives by bis own. Some ] is thecotdesf KeaSnrt oftlie ye«V, ^s?. bb-setlness whieli He has kindled 'women never kick. Umi CoiiHlonH MXt I i k.m,da M AM Ualialljr kept I Up. B> *uici | runtiba* to turril tiw couft.lrii. B am! patrouape of tlae pe pU of Urwnawit kan.1 vtcpiltj'. *# lU ai.lri.. , ovrr IU} Drug Wot.*. AT JfcWEl-BV BTOKK «»F Chas. J. Doerflingcr ON BAYtiTREKT. lh- 11ul 1. * i I.* o’ tlaitiBg, ! -- UUUh U. L. HARRIS- im-utpio. that 1 atu oifniucM «>.M,V «VK ( ENTS R(.*l-Rtimv AXX01NC1S HIS REMOVAL Totka Oa^oo.! new btilMln*. tagf ,1.^ to y, rbetaon a. wh#*rv ha hv * l am^l a !ar hU ■11 1 OOl * n>Jly aalc. U I Mork at WATCHES, CLOCKS, Plated Jewelrv, L “ —Amo— MTSlt - A L IN STB l' M RVTN.CTT- lartTLATBl) WARE, PIS T"f/>. tAMZBIDGl.S, TOYS, ETC., ETC, J. M. GARTER, l*roi>ric*tor aviug, Hair Gutting & II Dressing done in tlio la test approved stylo, iiidies’ and Ghildrens’ I lair iitting a specialty. : 8 ATISF ACTIONGL’ A R A NTUID. J.K. LUIBISItHT, ,, d -Of It dn-fttiotji t wfcfcyi I firm. Mj long eTp*rt<Hi«'C fn ttgl ' Uut 9111 ruabla me to gfff a«UrlW t’u» |o »tl -• } Pleaar cull gu.texvmi’.e my *to- k. ■■ jooda vifi wSoleaua ud if. tAll DeABT I FUITiH it FA 18, § POULTRY. EGGS, AHD'YlftilTAltfKS, Newcastle st., Ui uus a U-k, Ga. •ySp**clal rates to vessels. (It T Dunn taxes 16 HO , Joseph tieipio . • o 1 15 A D Bather u 37 50 1 Joe Jenkins ^J* 4 * ** 1 60' I. J Daviess “ #30 ’ 1M li Holland, trustee “ M K' 1 , ITIioh Davis 2 a-, Wm Turney truatco “ < 22 10 B Dunham “ 16 65 [ B Dunlmin IcAHC 34 00 John Brooks, agent, taxus Uf, 8 - Mm John Brooks 8 78*. Mrs John Brooks ffa-te 4 .50', Mrs Kli/abeth lY-tea,taxes 17 dO , Mm D B .Stallings 11 573 , D G RUley “ 20 70' \V A Fuller “ 12 85 { Mrs H C Bostwii k *‘ 20 07 ( 26 87 , i Ocean fxjiige 11 |Mrs H 0 Bostwiek, lease 4 00, [Ocean Ixrdge » “ 25 00 J It Jesuintoro * £ taxes 3.Id ij It J- sup, trustee “ 29 87 , •Cliartes Day to 31 .50. j Mrs S J Wood “ Is eft 2 25' 1,507 47 . J W Wood 1-1 I>D* Ht’ R.* 4 C M KNTH. It Tatnofi IfouHton. naTary . 60 00', .J C Norman “ . 55 00 , H h M*S*:iqr. IT W HandeN ... 45 00 , .... . 40 0lii A 1. Botdi 8 . 40 (JO. T. B l>nvts 4. . 25 "0 1 G W Aytuar .... .. 5(0 * Osborn M.-l-sin “ . 3 38 | J \«. tforsTox, Clerk and Treasurer. This Tiling is Vfteu Dune. huso it eomes in the winter mostly, within j*niir bosoms, by the Joys 1 *|'wo huntera at Ciri-ft-ville, Ohio ! •*"«• coimlriw, wintera come in : "" luked over a Jwiwder keg, anil tile l ^ ,L ' scunner; tluin it is very plena- ryou expenenoo in ft-oing iIk; tri lumplii* uf tlin kingdom, by the xplniiion blimb'd them for lili*. — you t4> make pome *mall • ontrihu- ,11011 to tli«»be men who are preaeh- AlinoFt every farming communi ty known of an iiMiuiu o parallel to the following from the New York'7"'j" 'lunatic; Tlie true story is told of a welt- to-do New Hampshire farmer who glnduass of that iintion* brought to’Tliat fiw-t, however, wout mako ilforenee to them,, us Lite explosion blew them iuto the Redeemer's fe«-t. Wo entreat i It i* only a)H»ut two mouths l»- fon* our convention imets. Will niort’ piece's than two coroners could pick up in a day. “ Do not kiokadiv’nry one in youf wav,” is the lulvlce of aypm.g man’W “ kv * m to ««• si»>, ... lio nowr. it SWIM- 1 wisl, winter iswaa Mrauni- no* in this eouutiy; IhrO Wi-waaid go skating isirefuote-l and slUo down bill iu linen Iroivsew. |t’e eoulil sisiw-bull writlioul(u«Mi>|our tingura cold, and men who gw Out sii'igbiug would ISA liavs u> stop at y fn. w ill not some ileucon or brother or 'i U»n it 'hies in auy ullmr MMt of ,: 'he y ar. This is b- eati»«ao}dany i cullers and s leigbs ara amdngton.' — —■ -mammas n* u — [ Ths Kinholsnn pavement is \ef tm > ter Jfb/ur ludigmuiUy ebnra. tori/.*-. to Ulke , “ K ° pt 1 r “ 1 .. »' H like a brown stone fr.«.L It might! 8*mi Mampliis. ™ us “the iiitaacst robbery thiguonld " ot " lch . ".T w, '° r '"' s tl,u ^ Is* dangerous. Bags them by - u Bl . •r.D-r bavin* hm, tss.lH tttrlw.le- ' U perpetrated.” It will not las wlul wntnbuiion. b*t U *ut M»na. and when you aru £ lr ^HuoNon iVlhe lkgMMUt!f ertoncil it be ever so small. !/-t nU funds' . ... of the tnxin* dHorog. ft is to Isj i re placed with broken (Worn* nnd Pa- ducah graVrt, and the work iq, to lie enough away, throw a town life, or tho Western country.- and the old man mil murmur l a-' “If I should marry Harali Ann,” said a pros|)«etlve son-in-law to his sweetheart's mother, “T «hhuld frankly confttis one thing In advance hi* sent os soon m edllei b-T to l)r. ,j |uin ** “ mding Sec- ' right. Ost'.* " 6«, that wilt V* alt ’ blandly remakrid the dear rotary Georgia Baptist Mission W.K»Mno, N. J , JMj 15, 1075. L^nipU-tr.lbytbefiratofApril.— Ibjjird, Atlanta, Ga. . ' ,r/unj*vcov.Ma lyf* *,?/„, Eminent |>bysielans have given Yours in Christ, >»7 </--• FA* of my HMrhny, R,,< ,~ri, iM.their opinion that this Nicliolson A. T. Si*At.»ixo, J. G. Rv.w.s, F. Nl. Divrr.f., Vtrbii. Nonennss, R. II. Hpvtndr, D. \V. Gw i xv, D. E. But[.tu, J. t. I.AW-t'oN, J. H. DuV-rm:. G. A. Mrxxritr. . Jt.frfiSTuJS",rc^tip-'-nt.^y- - - '.H'Hhthf* *n.l climates, uuny jihyiii- condition, h:w one or the chief Tciaiis and th« divai* only ‘ nrumofew ofyt-IIaw fouT^fn 9cm. Uvd in vit WiM'a At* :*»m na wr . . 1o P'lici'tl vjiyit’g f *'* ’ t in ii t (L't'tlLj’ip I*' 1 . r -v.w i ••f**) Hit’ .1it«Tl4t» 1» ’grll! lii ;tl*.iti . * * ^ fosngta Biptlst Mission Board. Uu iiHirc CIMMl ' P'iwI.T'*! tn.‘ .li^tfi^iii gan til* chikl l<» r« 4 hell**!' than li^hikd (<*f luituilifi. Itu nppvtiu* to ntam. ;im> UH>n hit roty thc'Xs yucc jay lol^i«/*-•!&■ * *n*'* fb'nri. Very n*pw!kllT, MBS. OEN. 8. O. iEF^kUJl ForR. fi l.j b\ J.K*rg« r, |!r.i».*a»4-k. L)}^u rtii. Dtvimlmr 1 t v.m mj trhuMtsl o 7t(i Uo*I f r*»nl.T not aI^T). nnd ns^ F.\t«Tn*»nftt**r. and hav4 uW 4»cf, tkmprh Im mntrn L KoNUAiA 4li AMR E*. For «aW bj K Jo4rnar» ifc upfick,