Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, April 17, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING AT BBORSWXCR. GEORGIA. BT 2. Q. S TA C Y. OFFICE, Comer Xewcastle and Monk Streets. AlTsrtUiRf BrImi Par square, tea lines epaee, flrat insertion, $1 00 Per sqoars, each subsequent laser lion. 60 ^ Special rates to yearly and large advertisers. "M AdTsrtlsemeots from responsible parties will published until or lered out, when the lime is aot specified, and payment exacted accordingly. Communications for Individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged as advertisement Marriages and obituary notices not exceeding tour lines, solicted for publication. When ex ceeding that space, charged as advertisements. All letters and communications should be ad dressed to the undersigned. T. U. STACY, Brunswick, Georgia. City Directory. CITY OFFICVB8. Major- J. F. Nelson. Aldermen- J. M. Couper. T. O. Stacy. Cook, J. P. Harvey. A. T. Putnam, W. W. kins, J J. Spears sad D T. Dunn. Clerk d Treasurer—James Houston. Chi-/Marshal—J. C. No--" Krt fhwsician-J. H. Hlain. M.D. City llehysician—J. K. Robins. M. D. r Master— Ms —Matthew Hhaiic Harbor mosier— I'ort Wardens—Burr Win ton, Q. 1. Hal Thomas O’Connor, Jr. STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL. Finance—Couper. Watkins and Dunn. Town commons—Mpears, Putnai Harbor—Harvey. Cook and Putnam. KAILROADS-Cook. Harvey and Couper. Streets, drains a bridges—Dunn, Spears i ^Cemeteries—Putnam. Ilarvey and Conor* Public buildings—Watkins. Spears * Education—Cook,8l*ry ana Spears. n tod Stacy. Ml Du Yttttjitvich MmtiSM** A.MARITY—Stacy. Cook and Putnai Fire department—Dunn, Harvey and Pu UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collina. Deputy—H T. Duun I’oSt MU -Linus North. AT THE VOL. 5, NO. 41. DOUBLE DAILY F L O ITl D A Macon & Biunswick R. R. General 8upt ’b Ofeice, 1 Mitcou, Jan. 11, ’79. \ O N and after Sunday, the 12th inst., Passenger trains on this road will run as follows: NIGHT PASSENGER NO. 1, SOUTH Daily. Leave Macon 7:46 p m Arrive Cochron 9:47 p m ArriAe Eastman 10:45 r m Arrive Jesnp. 3:27 a m Arrive Brunswick 6^ A M Leave Brunswick |»er steamer (>: 15 a m Arrive Fcrnandina 10:15 a m Arrive Jacksonville 2:35 p m NIGHT P'S’R No. 2, NORTH, Daily. Leave Jacksonville 11'15 a in L- hvc Fcrnandina per st’r 3:45 p ni Arrive Brunswick 7:45 p tu Leave Brunswic 8^M) p m Leave Jesnp • * * 10:36 p ui Leave Eastman • 3:31 ,l 1,1 | Leave Cochran 4:33 a m ; Arrive at Maco (i.56 a m j Close connection at Maeou for all points North, East and West. ! DAY ACCOMMODATION No 3,South I via Jesnp and Live Oak—Daily except Sunday. Mac- BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, APR. 17, 1880. $2 00 A YEAR. J.F. —AT HIS— . GRAND BAY STREET BMPenrcM. Offer* to the public. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS & SHOES POST OFFICE November Magazines. Appleton’s Journal. Demorest’s Monthly* Godcy’s Ladies’ Book, Harpers Mouthly, Hi. Nicholas, Young Ladies* Journal, Popular Monthly, Suuday Magazine. • Popular Science Monthly, North American Review, Southern Farmers’ Monthly, Americau Agriculturalist, Waverly Magazine. Saturday Night No. 44. New York Ledger No. 22. THOMAS’ INK Arrive Cochran 10:33 a in Arrive Jesup 0:50 |> m Arrive Jacksonville. No. 4. North, Doily, Except Sunday. Leave .Jacksonville , 6.60 p m Leave Jeaup 7.45 a nt Leave Ks*dman .. .. r<eave Cochran • 3-4-, j. m Arrive Macon G.‘sI5 j> in Connect at Macon for points North, East and West. r«iiih No. 3 and 4 connect at Cocli He keeps constantly un k*nd »*"*> ,ln Grroceries FAMILY SUPPLIES, GEO. W. ADAMS, W. J. JiRvis, Gen. Supt. Mauler r» n aporUtiun. IIEIOVAL! A. H. HEINS 11E M 0 V A L:— ad Confectionary I WOULD rr,iwe*fn11y announce to the .it'* of//run-wi. il that ! have purchased th- tire intercat in Mr. Leben’* Bakery aui Confectionery, aud shall keep ronatantly on hand a aeleot stork of bread, rake*, candies, Mid ever) thing tube found in the bakery iiue. Aim, all kind* of Fruits, Nuts, Etc. Select atock of CIGARS § TOBACCO F. JOEUGKR, l)m«W, BRUNSWICK. - - GEORGIA. If Drug Store ban treet, near the City Barber Shop, where can always be found a stock uf pure, fresh Drags and Medicines. and such good* aa are usually kept In a Drug Store. Prescriptions carefully aud correctly put up. By etrtet attention to buaineee, he hopes to continue to merit the confidence end patrouage of tha pe pla of Brunswick and vicinity. MMTResidence over my Drug Store. I. L. IlttlS RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES II IS REMOVAL logood new building, next dooi aeon’s, where he has opeued a la and carefully selected atock of WATCHES. CLOCKS, SOLID AND i Q Plated Jewelry,! Tlfork done as cheaply, and war- * I If rantetl to lost as long as that of any other Workman in this aectiou. Mending done (it short notice at NEXT DOOR TO J. F NELSON ON THE BAY. New Advertisements. - THE SMI! Flit, —ieeo~ SOUTHWEST GEORGIA mmiMiio WILL BE HELD AT THE FAIR (JROUND8, Mar HI, 20, and ill, 1880. Open To All Contributors I Special Features ! Grand Exhibition of Farm and Gar den Products! Grand liras* Hand and Military Contest and Regatta ! SHIP STORES, I races EVERY DAY! All ol win- h he means tu thill at figures that -hail be satisfactory to hi* customer*, fobil-ly. ONWARD COMES THE BOOM! Take the tide at the flood and call on L T. PI1T1AI FOR YOUR | HEAVY & FANCY GROCERIES, FAMILY SUPPLIES. CO |V FKKI), Etc. Reports of Officers of the City o Brunswick for the Month of February, 1880. REPORT OK JAMES HOUSTON, CLERK A TREASURER. Amount on hand $1,894 74 license Low Excursion Kates on all the Railroads ! Have now on exhibition a large lot of Christmas Toys, To which I call special attention. W. A. JOHNSON, Boot A Shoe Maker. —ALSO— MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,CUT LERY, PLATED WARE, PIS- TOLS, CARTRIDGES. TOYS, ETC., ETC, R EPAIRINO of all kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. etc., done at short notice, and nmat reasonable prices. My long experience tu tliRt lioTwill enable me to give satisfaction Jo all.- — # ceil Mid examiua my atock, as goods will CITY TAX NOTICK. r g tum doe the city of Brunswick on rea *Ute. improveineiits. and every *pe.-ies . personal prop- riy. lor the year 1W0. are payabl as follows: 1st ansrter on or before - etlA-ly. A GOOD CHANCE K£j i March, 1880 Sept.! ** Nov., •• and the col* Twill*be ebaed Vn the 31-t -lay of ,h„n evecuttuna will be issued fr>r lib .. •• •• •' :tf)th ' Books fnr the reception of ret n o’ the first luarterly Keeps always on hand a full supply of CORN, OATS, ETC. Store ou Monk street, next <loor to his Livery Stable. febM-ly Maud Livery STABLE, A. T. Putnam, Prop, Corner MONK A GRANT »tr.-<-U. BRUNSWICK, - - 6E0R6IA. yspe Mini e arrival of all boato and t CURATINE, For Blood Diseases. CURATINE, For Liver Complaints. CURATINE, For Kidney Dlseasa*. CURATINE, For Rheumatism. CURATINE, For Scrofula Dlaee CURATINE, r.j ri»i*.. *M. J M Dexter J M Dexter “ J M Dexter “ J M Dexter “ J M Dexter “ J F Nelson “ J F Nelson “ F J Doerflinger “ G Friedlander & Co “ J Michelson <fc Bro “ A Kaiser & Bro “ Mrs R Meyers “ Geo Chandler, ngt “ Doerflinger & Wen* “ A Borehardt “ J E Lsmbright “ Mny Turner “ W 0 Moore “ J E Russel “ Albert Carpenter “ J \V Wallace “ B Hirsch “ B Ilirsch “ J Michelson ^.Bro “ W P Golden R H Steed “ Junius Carter “ George Wheeler - 1 Allred Johnson “ W W Watkins “ I/iuis I/-win James Wade “ G Friedlander St Co “ Toney Swectwinc “ A Borehardt taxes A Borehardt gross sales 0 W Soy forth “ Mrs Geo Chandler taxes Geo Chandler Mrs Annie Herzog “ Geo Chandler.ngt “ Wiley Bilgg J C Norinan fines and fi fas L B Davis gross sales I, B Davis, trustee taxes 10 00 10 00 A in„!k'ln»l com- pound of known valuw- oomhilling In one prep- aratlon in« curstlva 5^TJ5«SVS!2 I- » Davis & Co •ZZZ&HTXl'X E M Haley *u» < *fftct! John Armstrong ellad fbr tha thorough It la unci, cure or all Blood Bin roar* such as Herof- miss, Tmmarm. Holla. “ " ,-.»«/f llheuns. utatlmtt*. Mmr- f Pa/NidNf, tonatlpotton, Tettei .toll Bhrmtm Ilians. Mar- ralaamimm, ..aMfjMiflan, SsansuAr,2.: tie'll, MtotrlltiOH Of I rina, ala, UI YOUR DRUMIST FOR IT. TEE EHOWICHHUCALCO. BALTIMORE. Md. 25 00 10 00 50 00 7 50 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 25 00 25 00 7 60 7 50 50 00 5 00 50 00 .50 00 7 .50 5 00 50 00 100 00 10 00 25 Of) 7 50 25 00 10 00 100 00 25 0() 100 00 18 88 9 20 1 00 2 1.5 1 82 3 40 1 87 25 29 35 15 00 10 40 2 63 •• 4 50 “ 5 00 gross sails 35 00 taxes 40 20 gross sales 65 00 “ 2 13 W E Kay, coupons 10 50 J F Nelson, streets & G H... 18 80 L D Hoyt <t Co, streets AGH 47 45 L D Hoyt & Co, “ 15 90 I. D HoyUtCo,quarantine Ac 75 18 L D Hoyt * Co, streets 1 20 G C Norton, charity S 00 T O’Connor, Jr., costs 33 40 Mrs O A Sears, interest 679 75 10 001C P Goodyear, expense M. & B. R. R. lease 40 00 M L Mcrshon, expense M & B. R. R. lease 60 00 G H Huzlehurst, coupons.... 8 75 R B Iteppard, coupons 17 50 Cash to balance 2,246 66 City Barber Shop •J.-M, CARTER, Proprietor Shaving, Hair Uuttinp & Hair Dressing; done in the la test approved style. Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hair Cutting a specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. INVESTMENT! j HKREUY offer my aatire atock of GROCERIES For Sale At vary low figure.. Will alao Kent Thtatore now occupied by aymlf, and Man-field airreta. on very rreaonabU Utm*. Apply to D.J.WLMJS J. II. ROBINS, PHYSICIAN * SURGEON, O FFERS hU nrofemtional service* to the penpU of Rrunawlck aod vicinity. UOc. al Mad* dan'i drug ■torn. Residence on Monk WHY! D. A.M00R E. Boots, Shoos, and Unitors made on the it**st stylo lasts, from New York, nqual .1 finish and durability to any In Ueor- .*• I also have on hand a regular us- •nient of HE A TV-MADE GAITER UP PERS, jt every style, direct from manufactory if Henry Author, New York. Satlsfao Jon guaranteed in every particular. Al repair* not called for In thirty days will be sold to pav charges. Shop on New buttle street, opposite the Court House. Marchao—1 b. A. MOOKfc 5-Ceiit Counter AT JEWELRY STORK OF Chas. J. Doerflinger ON BAY STREET. f lALLvul wxamtnw my ft-cent Counter, and m-r the multitude nt thing-, too umueroiut to mention, that Iain offering at ONI.Y FIVE CENTS A-PIECE. T W Dexter I, D Hoyt & Co I. D Hoyt St Co E Solomon E Davis “ Luke Polite taxes Mrs Harry White “ Mrs Harry White “ Sain Wiggins “ Slmw St Jackson license Pinafore Company “ Harry Tatnall Schurman A Co “ Mrs M R Shannon taxes D G Owen “ Jnincs Thompson license Wallack Pinafore Co “ M;s Winifred Mill- leaso John Vandaily license j; H McCullough W R Dart G W Rogers A B Cooper A E Wattles G H Huzlehurst taxes J D Sprnnt gross sales Horace Dart taxes Eat J C Hargraves “ $3,763 17 Examined and found correct. W. W. Watkins. D. T. Dunn Finance Committee. RF.roRT OK J. C. NORMAN, MARSTIA1,. Sarah Comadore, fine $1 00 C F Goddard, fine 5 00 Henry Symons, fine 3 00 E H Nelson, fine 5 00 Nellie Dee, fine 5 00 BtirreTl Jackson, fine 5 00 Emery Spencer, fine 4 00 $28 00 By am’t jiaid Clerk it Treas urer for lines $25 20 Ten per cent, of $28.00, fines retained 2 80 $28 00 Correct. Jas. Houston, Clerk and Treasurer. Why (be Law is Uncertain. 1 38 2 46 1 80 3 03 1 94 taxes license $3,768 17 DISBURSEMENTS. J F Nelson, salary 20 85 James Houston, salary 60 00 52 83 16 02 36 9.5 language is an impatient instru ment for the expression of ideas.— Not a few of its forms are ambigu ous; that is, they speak in two ways. Reader and hearers are left in old Isaac’s perplexity. The voice is tli it of Jacob, the hand is that of Esau. Many of the terms of language arc equivocal. They hnve two meanings, so that the render is in doubt os to the mind or intention of tlio writer. Those who draft statutes know how difficult it is to frame n law whicli shall lie free from ambigu ous expression or equivocal terms. Judge Sloiy once told a personal incident, which illustrates this dif ficulty. He was employed by Congress to 10 00 d r f t an act. So important was it 10 00 th n t |, e spent six months in trying “0U 00 t,i perfect its phraseology. His pur- 3 00, |Rise was to make tho statute so 11 45 clear that the most astute lawyer 7 38 ahould not be able to cast the shail- 7 50 ow 0 f a doubt upon its meaning. 2 50j The draft proving satisfactory to Sf* the lawyers in Congress, became- a 10 00 ],iiv. In less than a year, a suit, in- 119 25 yolving the interpretation of this 20 25 very law, came- before the- court over A fW which Justice Story presided. Hav- 100 00 j n ^ heard the arguments of the-able attorneys, the Judge confessed that he was unable to decide upon the meanings oi a statute which he him self had framed. He, of course, knew what he had meant to put to law, but the criti cisms of the two lawyers showed him that he had used sucli ambigu ous expressions that it was doubt ful if he had said what he meant to have said. 20 00 14 35 7 12 5 00 2 25 Cell an<i paint your hot PLASTERING ri'HE uuileraigned U prepared to do your work X u> the Uwt an 1 tn -it approved style*. KAL* HOMINIW a •|**.’l*lity. f *b'> tt tlYI.OR B FER'HTdOS J C Norman II S McCrary J L Beach W S Pittman T W Flanders J R Robins L B Davis Osisirn Mason A Borehardt license refded.. 25 00 If that doesn’t do the business, try it has gone wrong. Bold by sit ilmg- D A Moore, Guard House.... 58 00 the new puzzle. It never fails. Alfred Grcnn,Guard Hou,6. 1 25 — * — 1 T G Stacy, printing 9 50' A young man in attempting to U VV Harris, streets 32 00 fix a ‘misplaced switch’ on a young Alfred Green, charity 10 00 >Jv’8 head >» a ball room, stepped A little poem entitled “My heart, 30 65 I Cannot Still it,” is going the 9 35 rounds. It must be done. If there 17 50 is anything in this world that such 7 50 ety demands, it is a still heart. Put 3 33 a brick on it, tie a rope around it. Josh Billings on Marriage By awl means, Joe. get married, if you have a fair show. Don’t stand shivering on the bank, but pitch right in and stiok your head under and the shiver is over. Thar ain’t any more trick in getting mar ried than there is in eating peanuts. Many a man has stood shivering on the shore until the river ran out. Don’t expect to marry an angel— they have all been picked up long ago. Remember, Joe, you ain’t a saint yourself. Do not marry for beauty exclusively; beauty is like ice, awful slippery and thaws dreadful easy. Don’t marry for luv, neither; luv is like a cooking stove, goi>d-for-nothing when the fuel gives out. But let there be a mixture; some beauty, becomingly dressed, witli about $256.00 in her pocket, a good speller, handy and neat in her house, a plenty of good sense, tough constitution and by laws, small feet, a light step; add to this, sound teeth and a warm heart. The mixture will keep in any cli mate and will not evaporate. If the cork happens to be left out, tho strength ain’t gone. Don’t marry for pedigree, unless it is backed by bank notes. A family with noth ing but ]>edigree generally lacka success. “There are men ’’ says mage, “ wiio sing like Sunday and lie like sin day.’’ Newspapor men like nngcls, and if Mr. ludeil to lawyers, wh come out like a ma “ What I want," alderman at a i ing at an antagon’ man sense.” “ E whisjiered reply, you need.” How does cou looks and he loo looks. What is i and lie sighs—that sighs of it. Men who don’t know how t a newspujH-r as it ought to I as scarce as men born with wo legs. Health and Beauty Combined. Womah’h ItidHTH. —One who hns Ion# -tiidicd thin Miiliject now preaenta iIh- r.-Miilt of liis inventigntionA. Hein liH|*i»y to Huy that lie Im* discovered " Woman’- Bent Friend.** It in tidxp- t»’d enpeciully to thorn* canes where the /nub is disordered, and will cure anr irregularity of the • , m**u»en." Bind- field’d Fem-da Regulator acts like a charm in ••whites,” or a sudden check of the “ mouthly courses” from cold, trouble of mind or like ciin**^, hy ro- ntoriiig the discharge in every in- nlance. In chronic cases ita action ft prompt and decinive, and saves tho constitution from countless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Ilrndfield, Atlanta, Ga. For sale at 91.60 per bottle by F. Jocrger, Brims* wick. Milltown, Cham hers Co., Ala,, ) July 13tb, 1877. f I have used your Xeiuale Regulator xtensively in my pructice for a long time, and with entire success where there wan no com plication of disease. If it in not a specific, it is, in my opin ion, the best known remedy for the diseases for whicli it is recommended. mai l6eow2m J. H. Davis. M. D. Loachafoka, Ala., Jan. 12, ’78. Dr. 0. J. Moffett—Dear Sir—En closed you will find 50 cents. Please send me another packugn of Teethina. The Hrnt package had such a happy result that I heartily recommend it to tU mothers, /is being all that a mother needs for a teething babe. My babe was one of these little nervous ores- tu res—never sleeping more than fif teen or tweuty iumutes at a time. Af ter giving the powder it qnieted his nerves, aud now he sleep* long naps. Pleuse send m soon as ponsihle, and oblige, Mas 8. E. Waonom. For sale by F. Joerger, Brunswick, Ga. tnar16-lm Life is a Pleasure Only when we in iu the eajnyraent of .11 our facultie. and iu perfuct health. Tui. can only bo whoa all tho impor tant organ, of the body are perform ing their fauctions properly. Th. Liver in more liable to get out of order than any other organ, aud produce more nuploMM'it effects. A doc of Dr. Gilder's Liver Pills occasionally will keep it all right, or set it right U Win. Mailer, BRUNSWICK, GA., - . . .. Alfred Green, fine dept 1 25 ber drew) aud 'wrecked the tram.’ BaOt& Shoe Maker Mabry A Crovatt, att'ya’ fees 25 00 She told him to conductor to ascat Alex Pritchard et al, streets.. 46 00 and be more car-ful in future. U F.pAiBiNti nmiijr don* and or.i*r* for o«w G J Hull, quarantine 6 00 work pr.mptiv attended to. Nhup oh door j (j j Hall, quarantine .. gists. mar 16-la loop one door id OgUthorps fast 1 j J F Nelson, coupon!) 17 50 sexton*, The I»rd of the aiulea—church ^ Youni truly, Ma yob's OmcB, 1 Leksbubo. Va., t|H. 19, 1879. ( Messrs. Hutchinson Jt Bro.— It affords me pleasure to testify to the great virt ues of your “Neuralgine" for the cure of neuralgia and sick headache. It is the best remedy for these most dis tressing com plain ta I have ever used. It nboidil be in every family iu tbs Ofay. R Head, Mayor Leesburg. \<h.