Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, April 24, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, PUBI.ISIIKD EVEKY SATURDAY MORNING Al MVRkWICI, OEOBOIA, M 2. O. S TA C Y. 0FFICK, Corner Xewcatlle and Monk Strati. Advs-rtlslng f>er #qu»re, t<-n line* ipm. fir.t io»«-rtion. «1 00 Per square, earh aubaequ«*nt luaertion, gf Special rale, to yearly and larpe advertitrrt. 'i* Advertiaem«uta .from re#poa#lbl# parti»*will l>nbliahe<l until orderad out, when the time ta pot ape. in. .l, and payment exacted accordingly. Contmnnlcationa Cor Individual benadt.or of a peraonal character, charge! aa advert!. * Marriagea and obituary notice# nt four linca. eolicted for publiration. ceoding that apace, rharged aa advartiaenw All letters and coiumnnica dreaae.1 to the undersigned. T. U. 8TAC1, Brunswick. Oeocgia. vunsinich VOL. 5, NO. 42. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, APR. 24, 1880. isceedin g should be ad DOUBLE DAILY F L ORI D A Macon A Brunswick R. R. —AT 1118— grand bay street _ City Directory. “ CITY OFFICBB8. Mayor- J. F. Nelson. Al> ter mm- J. M. Couper. T. O. Stacy Cook, J. I*. Harvey. A. T. Putnam, W. NN kina, J J. Hpeara and D T. Dunn. cterk* Treaeur'r —Jamea Houston. Chif Marshal-i. C. Norman. Assistant Marshal—i. L. Beach. 8. Pittm — 7 •brlCkj 7Wrl J’hysirnin- City Htkpsician—J. H. Rob Harbor jf«ufrr-Matth. Fort Wardens—Burr i M. D. a. M. V Nliaiiuun. BMPOSICM, 3 the publl<\ a Harbor—1 iMMITTF.KK or COD next.. r.Watklna and Dunn. Mpeara, I'utnam and HU. y Cook and Putnam. arvey. -Cook. Harvey and iiains a bhidoh#—D Arrive Brunswick Leave Brnnswic .. Lenve Jestip I,. live Ea*tmau... Leave Cochran... Dunn. Ilarvey and Putnam Arrive at MttCO •ml Dunn. CxmktkRIK*—Putnam, Ilarvey and ( Public miu>i»oa-^Watk»na. *!•.•»« EidJCATiow—Cook.HUcy ana Mi>uan. Ouiui Many. Fl UK DRfARTMKN UNITED STATES OFT1CXH8. Collertor of Cuatoma—John T. Collin*. Deputy—H.T. Dunn. Collector Internal Revenue- D. T Dunn. Deputy Marahal—Jsmea M. Couper. I'oatmaater—Linos North. General Srrr.’s Ofkice, J Macon, Jan. 11, 79. ( O N and after Sunday, the 12th hint., Passenger trains on this road will run as follows: NIGHT PASSENGER NO. 1, SOUTH Daily. Leave Macon 7:45 P M Arrive Oocliron v u ! nnv Arri ve Eastman 10:45 l* m DKl (jOOUS, Arrive Jeanp. 3:27 a m Arrive UrnnHwiek 6^ A M Leave Brunswick per steamer 0:15 a m Arrive Fernandina 10:15 A M Arrive Jacksonville 2:35 1* m NIGHT I* S B No. 2. NORTH, Daily. Leave Jacksonville 11 *15 a in Leave Fernandina perst’r. 3:45 p in 7:45 pn» 8:00 p m 10:35 p W 3:31 a m . 4 ;33 a m . 0:55 a m u for all iidiiugly low prices CLOTHING, HOOTS & SHOES. He ktH-jw c»natantly on band also a lull line of Groceries Brunswick as a Wholesale Market The Poor Tramp’s Luck. Berrien county s«w«. “ Im hungry and rugged and The interior towns and country '■ |„. nrte i c l( an ,] dead-broke,” mut- dircctly in communication with t ero ,] a tramp, the other day, ns ho Brunswick have long desired t° j S atdown for a sun-bath on the sec that city place herself in an at-1 , v ], ar f a t th% foot of Griswold street; titude to successfully compete with j ..^ ut ; t > s j ust my i uc k. ], n «t fall I her sister cities in the wholesale] i n to Detroit ju^t two hours too trade. She may now be considered | a te to sell my vote. Nobody to as one of the best markets in Geor- j l,laine. Found a big wallet on the gia for family groceries and plnnta- s t rce n, in December, and four police tion supplies, as well as supplies I caIng up before I could hide it. I.uck for mill men and those engaged in J again. Got knocked down by a tlie manufacture of rosin and spir- ■ g j ree t car, blit there was no open- its turpentine. j ing for suit and damages, because The firm of Jones &. Jones have [ waa drunk. Just the way. Last opened a largo wholesale grocery , L ]I na ;] s were way down. I knew establishment, which will piaw t here’d bo a rise but I didn’t buy ' the other day looking for their quite all acquisition to the city, and nn ,i holU for the advance. I/wt wives. Here is n clear case of Wo- a benefit to the people along the 11. , 0|) t |ionsand dollars out and out. "inn's left*- & A. and M. A B. Railroads, 'i liesc; _\] wayfl that way with me. Glass! A landlady was complaining that gentlemen arc situated convenient- won j U p twenty-live per cent., hut j she couldn't make both ends meet, ly to the car shed, and their facili- j ) m ,[ n q a ], ane un hand, excepting j “ Well,” said a hoarder, “why not tics for supplying the wants ot the pain in my back. Never know make one end vegetables $2 00 A YEAH. STOLEN SWEETS. Madam, never bang a door, ifyon do adore a bang. How to lie successful in drawing —draw your girl’s head on your shoulder. Beer is said to be going up, but the general impression has been that it was going down. Boast not of self that you are wise, if you ain’t got “spunk” to advertise.—Penny I/xnl. We are averse to kissing by tele phone. Prefer to take tho electric ity fresh from the battery. Two Ohio men were in Netv York AT THE POST OFFICE November Magazines. •Appleton’s Journal, Demorest’s Monthly, Godey’s Ladies’ Book, Harper's Monthly, Ht. Nicholas, Yoiiiik Ladies’ Journal, Popular Monthly, Huuday Magazine, Popular Science Monthly, North American Review, Southern Farmers’ Monthly, American Agriculturalist, Waverly Magazine, Saturday Nigut No. 44. New York Ledger No. 22. Close connection at Macon points North, East and West. DAY ACCOMMODATION No 3,South I via Jetup and Live Oak—Daily except Suu day. Leave Macon 7:45 a ni Arrive C«*chran 10:33 a ui j Arrive Eastman 12:02 p ni Arrive Jeanp 0:50 P m Arrive Jacksonville 8:00 a m No. 4, North, Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Jacksonville 6.50 p m Learn Jeanp licavo Eastman .. Leave Cochran... Arrive Macon.... Connect at Mac East and West. rains No. 3 and 4 connect ut Coch rau for llawkinsville. GEO. W. ADAMS, W. J. Jarvis, Gen. Supt. Maste r ra n aportation. 2 .25 p m 3.45 pm 6.25 p m for points North, THOMAS’ xisric I N nlnta. half pints and *tan<U. Warranted the UaiilaS ink to ths toste. Tr> it. 1. L. HARRIS A- E. HEIN'S mxrKCTH'U.Y ANNOUNCES HIS K E M O Y A L To tho Oagood uew building, next «l«>or to Ml rhclaon'a. wli.-re ha h*" opened a largo and carelully sclo« tvd »t.M-k of WATCHES. CLOCKS, SOLID AND FAMILY SUPPLIES, And a largo nupply of SHIP STORES, All ol which ho means to sell at flguroa that ■illall he nalImIim tor) to Ilia ciintomcni. family. _ _ _ ONWARD COMES THE BOOM! Take tho tide at the flrnel h T. their customers will always insure ^ f a j] jfow lumber’s gone up prompt shipment of goods. . an j i don’t even own a fence-picket J. E. Moore & Co., also do an ex- p, realize on. Just mo again. Fell tensive business, though nre not at j n ^ () ^| u , r j ver 'totlier day, but, in- present bidding for the wholesale j fi j ca( | „f polling me out and giving trade. Those wanting goods in ||]c n | )()t w hiskey, they pulled me their line at retail can do no better gll( 1 mid mp to leave town or than to patronize them. \ j.j ^ t j 10 Ikjuiicc. Tliat’s me The fact that Brunswick has one a( , nin Now p ve K „ t scU i e d down of the best harbors in the l nited ^..i-e for a bit of a rest ami asnooie, States gives her some advantages 1|Ut rll lj( . r()Uto d out in less than that no other Southern city enjoys. fifleen minu u-8, and 1 know it.- Her easy terms in freight will give (lt , u u . j ugt , |iy hange 1 luck.” II her a decided advantage over more 8t . tt ) cl j d own , slid his hat over his distant markets, and the fact of , f uce an d was just beginning to feel easy access will be quite a desider atum with those wanting "orders filled on short notice. We hope our people will see it to their interest to patronize the wholesale merchants of Brunswick, which, while it will prove a source sleepy when a hundred piumls of coal rattled down on him. “1 knew it—1 knew it!” shouted the tram] as lie sprang up and brushed the dust oil’his head— 1 "I said so all the time and I just wish the lamed old hogshead Imd come >VU> rraps-s-efully a ’JVruuawk'k that I b U r. *t Itt Mr. L Wu Bakery and Confectionery, Plated Jewelry, HEAVY A FANCY GROCERIES, FAMILY SUPPLIES, cow fi:i:d, i:to. of pmfit to thcmselvi'S, will help to lmvn Il]o|lg witll l)lu coa ] all( | build-up our own^sen|>ort town. j. llllllK .,| lm , through the wharf.” The lilynn County Fair. — The llen-l’ecked Man. —Aiao— MUSICAL INBTltUM F.NTS.CUT- LEItY, l’LATED WARE, PIS- TOLH, CAHT1U1H1ES, TOYS, ETC., ETC, R F.PAIHINO of all kinds of Watrhi^, n.wka. J.-wulry, «U"0, tUu»« at abort Dotlcr, and noat raaaouablo pricra. My long ixporum c lu that lln« will s-nabl* me to glv^ aaliafa. tt .ii to •11 — Pliaatt call aud examine uiy stock, aa goods will bexbearfuHy exhibited. 00-Higbeat price paid for old gold lu cash, or taken In exchange, octl&dy. hail keep eonataistly on hand a aalact sto of bread, cakoa, caudina, and ever) thing to alary lino. Also all kin.ka of Fruits, Nuts, Etc. C0RN ’ () VTS ’ ETC CIGARS 5 TOBACCO on exhibition a large lot of SCHEDULE OF RATES —»«wke»— ST. SMONS & BUNSW CK STEAMER 11111Y - Christmas Toys, TIME TABLE ^,., r T ° 1 ■»“ .Sale and Liverj STABLE, T. Putnam, Prop, 1 Corner MONK k GRANT ntreetH. BRUNSWICK, - - 6E0R6IA. Wc take jilnuuire in tlinnking Mr. J. M. Dexter, Seuretury Glvim Fair. f«*r a compliir.entary 8ea8uii (ticket. Wo would say to the peo- I pic of our county that the Fair prt in list's to l>e the grandest ever known in that county lie Ion*, mid i those who feci themselves unnhle j to attend those further off ought to avail themselves of the pleasure of I attending tho Glynn County ^ u ^ r »i starch out ov a man liko being and take w.metbing with them to by u woman . j t is wua exhibit. Wlm knows but ,h “ l t(, nn soven months of tho fever and I Blaekshcar may produce an article r Thu w i V esof hen jxicked Ims- lliat would take the highest preini- b#n( j |) |1|(#tt a || ll2 ou t live thair vic- um? Tho Fair will commence on tim ^ m , a w „ liavo UlH)w „ them to the 12th and conclude on the 14th k ,,, t „„d get hold of of May, laatingjhree daya. t | lat (u lan k the I/.rd) Criticizing Newspapers. The lien peeke.l man is most gen- i rally married, hut there are instan- ■ ei-a on record of single men being harrnssed by pullets. You can alwus tell ono of these kind ov men, cspcslialy if they are in the company ov thair wives.— They look as resigned to thair fate s a hen turkey on a wet day. Thair ain’t nothing that will take It is a very easy matter to eriti- IRON BITTERS. A Great Tonic. 7 — regularly b#- runnwtek, a* Dally irtaturdaysand Suuoaya «xt«spted|.. 1 JO r Satnnlay 1» Haturda) »,.-xtra|.. T HE new steamer Ruby t IW.-.U Ht. huuons Mil follow#: IJUTI COIXIUN* WHtl Dally. (Sundays exeepte<l) (mail) . Dally (H#f * * Saturday 'taturdayi t-uvg rtotag walk, #ac« la«m>< . Mondays (extra) 4.J0 a LKAVK ST.MMOMM MILL*. Dally Handayi 10i Dally iSaturdays and Huudays excepted) Mondays (extra) •'. :#» * Halurda)s(inall) Mat unlays (extra) n>b#tk landtag IRON BITTERS. A Sure Appetizer. unlays (mail), urdaya (astral _ rare each way. ’J3 eta. Positively no fr.e list. Y»r freight, paaaagc or ex, unions, apply tu U. DART, Ja . Kfeam. W. ¥. Pennlntan. Ageut, liri Dart, Ageut, Ht. Htniona. ick, jTi O. B. Mxhny | I A. J. CnovaT Mabry & Crovatt, ATTOKNEY8 AT LAW. Suiuwtl, ..... Oiobou, T»BAcncE arnruKi.Y is the colstus I of Olynn, Wayne, Appling, Uier. a. foiTee. Ware and fam leu of th- liruuswlck Olcuit. and Telfair of U>« Oconea Circuit. tLAlMh-Thr .ugh relialda rorresjsjnd. nU. IVnaiou aud Increased lvu.lon ( laiu.e under Ml the acta proses uted pensions for sarvlces in late war obtained, land warrants bought and olfUin nl for sstvicb in the Kb.n-U Indlau war. pen sions for survivors of ths Mexican War. fsrence, many may obtain moules. Ian-1 or pensions ' *“ »Wsif»i«*:ti»U •«» IRON BITTERS. IRON BITTERS, A Valaakls Ms4>cl IRON BITTERS, IRON BITTERS, Vehicles of every daaertptl; for drayage pronipi - at the arrival of I -bit ly who uiulenjUxxl nil the hen-pcckctl lotlgt*H, One of these kind of husbands is newspaper, hut to publish a honor to his sex. one so ns to interest, amuse and in-1 The hen-pecked man, when lie Struct the public Ls no small under- 1 gets out among men, puts on an air taking. Thoee who nre so prone tu of bravery and defiance, and once find fault with every little item In a while gets drunk and will then .watra-rrs; lhnt ,1„, not suit their .ntioal ami go home with the firm resolve that oxnlU<l ideas should buy ty|>e, ink he will he captain of his own house- and |.a],er, and publish an organ of hold, hut the old woman soon takes df grown hicken who fell into a swill barrel nil had to ho jerked out awful A New Yolk belle has ordered a 8700 corset. Great squeezer! what extravagance. This is entirely too much for artificial hugging. A bashful printer refused a situ ation in a printing ofiice where fe males were employed, saying he never set up with girls in his life. The Massachusetts Bupremc Court decided that a woman is com petent to testify ns to her own age, hut it doesn’t tell how to make them do it. A young lady modestly informs us that if her sex have nothing to do with cheeky chaps they will not have chappy cheeks to contend with. They say’ the difference between a grass-hopper end grass widow is —is—by gracious there is no dif ference. They will both hop at the chance. During religious services in tha jail at Carson, Nev., and after a clergyman had addressed the pris oners on the text “ Honesty is the best policy,” a thief named Jonci asked if lie could make a few re marks. I’ermission being given, he said: “ The expression ‘ honesty is the best ]>oliey’ was first thrown out on a thieving world by Ben Franklin, an ol-J humbug. I don’t agree with Beu Franklin that hon esty should he a policy dodge. If a man’s honest, lie’s honest any- how, and if lie just simply keeps correct from policy Iic’b a had egg at heart, and only wailing to get the confidence of the community and rob them out of thousands.— A man who is honest from policy would steal if lie had the nerve and tho chance. We fellows in here had too much nerve, and we nre too candid to conceal our real character.” An Englishman has invented what he calls a “luminous (taint," which ho claims will throw off a bright light in dark places and at night, thus rendering houses and other objocts self-luminous. A pi- oncer compnny has been formed in London for its manufacture, and it is said that there is now an eager leniand for tho mysterious lu^^BJ ant. We shall await its intrirsng tion in tliis country witli con#has aide anxiety.—Me. The, Great Eastern, idle nt Milford for so is undergoing cxtci Her paddle engines out of her. and she lie driven by twin being fitted for tho cargoes of live cat cn, and her passe being redecorated. It is estimated t of every ten uneduca achieve success, and t cated man will, on an uv further advanced on his cn thirty-five years of ago than uneducated nt forty-five or fifty. Tims all should receive p sound mid liberal education, ifthey would succeed ■ rrrs, H«M# of A p piru'aT i^nm nf their own. Let them try it for the glory out ov him, anu ft .. . .i- —i y , an ,| if it don’t him just as she would a ha xll b«»*U And trains City Barber Shop J. M. CARTER, Proprietor] I-et ib^’biooii" three months onl give them a new idea of the new iSA*u , !ti"^nJ 0 cbnV |mi|ht burin css then we are r ^ n iJ^ 1 u/il n J|/Ijuiw r s judge of human nature. The con-, quick, j/il r # Hi'"j "ft I ceit would he taken out of t*uch in- r l t^i5r 0, « dividunla 80 quickly that they would hardly know what wa* the have lately been made for lighting matter with them, or whether they public squares ami ntrectH by the stotKl on their head or feet. We electric tight. The price paid is lt.t>8 would Huggest a trial. The New Y’ork Star, which Taa been glancing over the various Irish relief funds, finds that the Wall rnotIc . a , llsc hl Btore8 alu ] dwell- street millionaires have sulwcnbca . _ only *20,000 altogether. The larg- AT JtwKLHY STORK ov | c „t subscriber of these Sold by all Dmgffiita. THE BROW! CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, Ml 5-Ceiit 'Counter In London ami Paris, contracts than that of last year and less than the cost of gas, cheap as that article is in [sindoii. While the electric light has not yet been brought to iugs, it seems to he gaining conti- 'fames deuce as the ch^ipcst light for i | . „„ ml ' .' great factories aud public squares, Shaving, Hair Cutting* Hair CIlSlS. J. Docrflillger JJSTi.^y V.m K ! iion - OVBVYSTBFFT .derbUt contrihuled A”»,U00 to the to he soaring above all others a fcw ON llAi si flf.r.l. same fund, but Jay Gould refused months since, with Ins horse shoe z-.AU. .»»!». mr c„. w , »4! to give a cent. Tilden him sub- |sjinU. a]q«irs to have got under a Ay ui*- mnimute <d thiuKs. too uuim*t.,hs t.» BC rilM.*d $l<).2-)0 to the relict of the c loud for Home reaaon; but he is at 'veireuAT, , suffering in Ireland, his contrihu- work , anJ | |U friends believe that ,Y Ht K ( I.NTs A.I’IM V.. tjonslsing made through the Dueli- Courting is an irregular, active transitive verb, indicative mvod, present tense, third person, singu lar number, and agrees with all the girls in town. “Humph !” said a youug gentle limn nt a play with a young lady, “ I could play the lover better than that myself.” “ I would like to see you try it,” was the naive reply. An old woman in Wncliita says sho never could imagine wticre all the Smiths enmo from until vile saw in a New England town a large sign, Smith Manufacturing Com pany. A clock was on exhibition at the Paris exposition which fired off hourly. The exhibitor, on being questioned as to tho object, ex- plained phlegmatically, that it was to ‘kill time.” George Augustus Sala’s nose is said to be the only rival to Edison’s light.—New Haven Kegister. You must he mistaken. It is said that Edison’s light throws G. A.S. away into the shade. At a printer’s festival lately the following toast was offered: “ W o- man—Second only to the press in the dissemination of news.” The Indies are yet undecided whether to rcgnrd this as a compliment or otherwise. Is this my train ?” asked a trav eler of Dennis Owens at the Union depot. “ I don’t know, hut I guess not,” was the doubtful reply. “ I see it's got the name of the railroad compnny on the side, and I expect it belongs to them. Have you lost a train anywhere ?* .Von meu—i The following from nil exchange, all( j I,, u . beeu reli> *wl 1‘jr is illustrative of the fruits of adyer- mite * Dressing done in the la- test approved style. Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hair Cutting a specialty. IiwDUoD, ONI. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.! JSSfUSA k ‘ >w ' lrT ’ "'""-uiy' lions being made through ...cum.- . . ... ew of Marlborough and the Far- he will, in tune, product* something ncll fuiuln. • brilliant. Ktiitorn, like hens, 1mve to scratch /or a living. A talc of whoa Relights an old horse. Bright’* Disuse And other Hff<*etioi)N of the Kidney# mid Madder nro nouiftimt*# brought on and ofirn aggravated bv tin* ui*Kl»x*t of the NymptoniN, which, if taken in thna would, no doubt in n majority ofoaaea, yield to treatment No medicine i##o well suited for thia a# limikiu'# Com pound Extract Bucliti and Juniper. It ii« a reliable healing tonic to the parte, ullaym irritation ami rvbtoiva healthy action. Frepare«l only by Hunt, Ruukin k Lamar, Druggint#, and for Halo by F. JoeigtT, ItriuiMwick. Foiihyth, (*a , Dec. 1, 1877. I have ho|«I ltaukiu'n Ihiclm aud Jn- niper for 10 year#, mid it ha# always given uuivenad HutiHfactinu, proving one of the iuohI vJiiahle preparations of the kind ou thu market. F. O Mays, Drngght mnr-15-eow-2m Columbus. Ga., April 12, 1878. Dr. C. J. .Mokkett-/v.f/- »iv— My wife aud mynelf are Mitixtied that the life of our teething babe wum aiived by the uhu of your l—thiuii (Teething Fowder#) When other remedies had failed to relieve him, ire hnv« baem <1#- liijltleil irith the tpettiy ami imminent relief yuv/i one of our cbili/ren from *•- in.,, in ,f Cholera Morins. Teeth- i imlinpentable to Uh, and should Ire kept liy all parent# having small children. lteH|Kftfully, etc., JXMHK B. WMIOHT, aprill5 lm Forenuiu Enquirer-Boa. Cultivale Roses. Notning add* ho much to the com fort aud Irenuty of home a# the cultiva tion of flowers Nor doe# anything add more to the Iremity ami comfort of manor woman than theroassoa the cheek# of thonc in good health.- - Dr. Gilder's Liver Pilj# will always impart tbi* r«»#eate line if used in time Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 1, 1878. Hutchineon Brtk: Gentle men-i have lined your ••^^eurakhm , • li. vetl Iry it. All who , . 1 • i i give you a call. ui*m»ei tiHing: A family in Florida lost *1^.,, wu i.ure a reme»ly aj onrdoor. their boy and advertised for him. I ^ \V. iaii That very afternoon an alligator ^ ^ crawlexl up out of the swamp anti Atlanta. Dec. 10, 1878. -lieU on the front ,ioor stop. In his stomach were fouml a naiuliui "* j hal | tl i,,.. r | y i vrrytliiuc to so reJ hair, sonic buttons, a pair of; Y„.ir. u the brtt tbis*.* I .11 . ..Iass »llev a i«ir of lb* k u I Hint I w.-r ■>. It <lu« tbs hoot heels, a glass alley, a l«'r w<>rk >e| , ID> , qaick . < licckeJ |*nts nud a |»per collar. Msn. Adass, T1 1C a.lvertiseinent did it. uprlS-lm ProprieUw. Adorns I