Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 01, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING AT MOMkWIUK. GEORGIA. BT 1. Q. ST A CT. OFFICE, Comer SewrasU* ami Monk Street. van ninth ^tlrntten** AdYtrtlilag P«r square. t«*sIIbp* *i*sfl*. »r*t insertion. $1 00 P*r ni|UEre, *Arh -ub**qu«*nt iuaertioR, W .fpeenU ratesU yearly ami larpr adoertnen. 'i* Advflrti»ein**t* .frvni ru*pon*ibl® parties will published until ordered <mt. *h*u the time is not npeoited, ami payment rxaeted as'rordtnuly. C a—iiBttin for tnsMvidoal bem It*, or of a pnrsoual cbnrartor, charged aa advertisement Marriages and obituary notices not ext-eedlu# lour lines, aolicted for publication. When ex oeeding that space, charged as advertisements. All letters and communications should be ad- dtaaanod to the undersigned. T. U.STACY, Hr II ns wick. Georgia. VOL. 5, NO. 43. DOUBLE DAILY F L ORI D A Macon & Brunswick B. R. J. F. BRUNSWICK, .1 GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1880. $2 00 A YEA R. General Sipt.’s Ofeice, | Macon, Jim. 11, ’79. j ST. SIMONS DEPARTMENT. mature consideration of the cause, j When in active service, lie ncccs ! —*— _ ... and after an examination of the sarily visited most |x>rtions of the |p».a. J.massev, ------ editqb- || n „. 0 f the State, and the treaties!civilized world and was in actual made, and the laws passed by the contact with nil the niaratiinc pow —AT HIS— GRAND BAY STRUCT i this roud will CITY OFFICERS. Mayor- 3. T. AUUrmm- 3. Cook, J. P. Harvejr. A, kins, 3 3. Hpear* and D T. Dunn. Clerk d Treasurer —Janies Roust Ckisf Martha!—3. C. Noi Tow* COM M«l Ponsenger truins Clljr Directory. ran us follows: — NIGHT PASSENGER NO. 1, SOUTH I »« • | offer* to tha public, at a* | Dully. a largo and well * . i^Putiiam, w! w. *Wa* Leave Macon 7:45 p m j 1 Arrive Cochron 9:47 pm Eustmun 10:45 l* m DRY GrOODS, Arrive Jesup.. 3:27 u M I Arrive Brunswick G:00 a m ; Leave Brunswick per steamer (1:15 a m ; Arrive Fernumliua 10:15 a m * Arrive Jacksonville 2:85 p m NIGHT P’S’R No. 2, NORTH, Daily, j Leave Jacksonville 11*15 a m j Leave l-’ernandina per st’r. 3:45 p m Arrive Brunswick Leave Bruuswic. . Leave Jesup Anitfanl Marth.O-l L. Beach. tbJireman—W. 8. Pittman. iWf l'bytirian—3. H. Plain. M. D Cilynhysiciam—J. R- Bobln*. M. D. Harbor Master— Matthew Shannon. /Vrf WariUns— Burr Wlnton, O. J Hall and Tbomas O'Connor, Jr. standing oomnrmi Fwarck—Coup*T. Watkins i.N*—8pcar*. Putnam an irvey, Cook and Putnam -Cook, Harvey an.l Coup i bridge*—Dunu. Hi>car* i -Putnam, llarvcy and Con per. and Dm COUNCIL. and Stacy. Harbor— Han*—O Street*, Watkins. Cemeteries—rutnaro. narvcy sii.n u.... Public buildinos—Watkins. Spear* and Dunn. L eftV e Lust man SSSS2^d^JS.5ST lte»™ CeehruM FlMM debabtment— Dunn. Harvey and Putnam UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Collector of Customa—John T. Collins. Deputy—II. T. Dunn. Collector Internal.Revenue—D. T. Dunn. Deputy Marshal—Jamee M. Couper. Postmaster—Lluua North. , 7:45 p m 8:00 i> in 10:35 p m . 3:31 u m . 4 :33 a m Arrive ut Muco G :55 a in Close connection at Macon for all points North, East anil West. DAY ACCOMMODATION No 3,South via Jesup and Live Oak—Daily except CLOTIHNG, ROOTS & SHOES. :oustautly on haud also a lull lino of AT THE POSTJJFFICE November Magazines. Appleton's Journal, Demorest’s Monthly, Godey's Ladies' Book, Harper's Monthly, St Nicholas, Youug Ladies' Journal, Popular Monthly, Sunday Magazine, Popular Science Monthly, North American Review, Southern Farmers’ Monthly, Americau Agriculturalist, Waverly Magazine, Saturday Night No. 44. New York Ledger No. 22. THOMAS’ X3STIC I N pints, half pints and stands. Warranted the best black Ink in the Htate. Try it. It HARRIS wncTrvuY axxouncks his REMOVAL T* the Osgooil new building, next door to Ml- ebeisou's, where ho ha» opmed a large and carefully aslartaa stock of WATCHES. CLOCKS, SOLID AND Plated Jewelry, —ALSO— MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,CUT LERY, PLATED WARE, PIS TOLS, CARTRIDGES. TOYS, ETC., ETC, Sunday. Leave Macon .... 7:45 a m Arrive Cochran 10:88 a m Arrive JmRP Arrive Jacksonville .... 8:00 a in No. 4, North, Daily, Ex cept Sunday. Leave Jacksonville .... 6.50 p m Leave Jesup .... 7.45am Leave East umn .... 2.25 p in Leave Cochran “ •••• 3.45 pm Arrive Macon .... 0.25 pm Connect at Macon for poiuts North, East and West. ruin* No. 3 and 4 connect at Coch ran fur Hewkinaville. GEO. W. ADAMS, W. J. Jarvis, Gen. Supt. Master Transportation. Groceries FAMILY SUPPLIES, SHIP STORES, ONWARD COMICS Tin; BOOM! United States, do give it ns our de cided and unanimous opinion Hint the said Klijnh Clarke he and ho is hereby discharged.” His merits as a soldier may lie easily known when it is remembered that be was solicited by two great European na tions to engnge in their service, and that nt one time lie held a commis- GKSERAL ELIJAH CLABKK was born in North Carolina, but re moved to Wilkes county, Ga., in 1774. Endowed with hardihood and decision of character, he was peculiarly fitted by nature for the ones through which our revolu tionary forefathers had to pass.— His first appearance in history was during 1776, in charge of a provis- _ . , ... ion train for the army. In crossing s.on as Major-General, with a sala- a small stream, he was attacked by j V S 10 - 000 " *» tl,c ^"' lcc a laxly of Indians, whom he soon °f i ranee. Ho died in Wilkes dispersed, although their numbers i coll ' lt >' *" 1799 - greatly exceeded his. In Howe’s! Mrs. Hannah Clarke, relict of expedition against East Florida, he Major-General Elijah Clarke, also rendered im|x> services. At '>i«l in Wilkes county, in 1827, the battle of Kettle creek he distin- "««* ,J0 y«*»- sll ° shnr >’ d the vt guished himself. Here his horse was shot under him. His brave spirit faltered not for a moment— he quickly mounted another, and rushed to the thickest of the fight. It was after this victory that thou sands of refugee Georgians into South Carolina for safety felt en couraged to return homo with their families and property. Their quiet, however, was soon disturbed liy the appoaranco of a body of Indi- cissitudcs of the interesting period in which .they lived with her bus- „ fec . m(llcM . band, often accompanying him in. posts of danger. She had her house burnt and pillaged, her horse taken from her by the British whilst going to see her woundyd husband, and ut 011c time her horse shot under her while two chililrcn were on his back with her. ers on the globe, consequently, lie has gathered in store a large fund of varied and interesting information, which, with a wonderful fluency and nonchalance, he can impart to eager listeners by the hour. STOLEN *SWEETS. Akin to love—old maids. A cat-a-gory—a bloody cat fight. Domestics belong to the hire class of society. A coni black charger—a negro entry clerk. We are returning to our census as a nation. Doctors and lawyers arc regard- lew Drugstore, ^ Ti Kisses nrc the sweetest when syr- uptitiously obtained. How to find n chip of the old block—axe the block. Why docs a duck cross the road ? To get on the other side. What is better than a promising young man? A paying one. AITAIN WILLIAM Ross KMTELL, ! He who Mrs. to take a kiss has ana. The protection ol the homes w !io has been for some time visit Mr. thing he should not Miss, of absent soldiers, guarding the ing his nephew, Capt. James Pos-I How’s the milk maid? Ask the forts and patroling the frontiers toll, of St. Simons, has returned to cow, she manufactures the article, were entrusted to Col. ( larke. |,i H lionic* in Florida. For the last Without men, nt this trying peri- Wh.1t is greatly mitiml ill Skis State to make small farming pay is multitudes of farmers who love farming, and who take pride in fit ting up licnt homes, in making these lionieS convenient and com fortable; who never tire in planting mid cultivating trees and vines; who are up at jieep of day, nud are as intimately nequninted with the farm and farm pmiiertics as a mer chant is with his stock of goods and his account books. The form er who crawls out of bed nt eight o'clock, eats a poor hrenkfost, and then goes fishing or hunting, or to the village corner to talk {Kilities, drink whiskey, and rail out against the State as no farming country; who takes no pnjicrs, and threatens to move to Texas or California to get revenge on tho State tlrnt will not give him a good living without work, is a dead weight u|xni the forming interests of any country. In the cold North such fanners would come to the |xior house in one season, or starve.—Arm (Maine Picayune. A fellow stopped nt a hotel in Leadville, and the landlonl charged him sevon dollars a day for five days. “ Didn’t you make a mis take ?" “No” said the landlord. “ Yes you did; you thought you hml gotten nil the money I lmd, «, but you are mistaken. I lin XU.—~ * " whole purseful in another A colored preacher in the took his text from IValms “Awake, jisnltery and read it pcoscltree amj' |icnded his limo nm j pcoscltree, describin flowers and fruits, cultivated, and was hang ltnr|iH on. A good husband is thought tube ; t e , m i,| not 36 years, among his friends and nc- ]ik* dough because a worann needs count™ 1, tho fairest portion of Georgia qu.iintances, Capt. Ross, as he is fa- |jj m< devastated, his own house burned , n j|j n rlv known, has !>ecn consul-1 , , ... and his family ordered from the erc< | a most complete walking cy-l, , IC nmn " 10 J K ^ Wl 1 State, bis own firm belief that j , ia of Ilis ,„' ri eal knowledge.! j ‘““K know .t Heaven would ble.-s the Amernan^,, much so, that in any matter of j cause never deserted him. But im- doubt as to events, dates or name polled to renewed action by the stirring events constantly transpir- H GLOUCESTER STREET, Brunswick, Ca. ing around him, in a remarkahly short time Clarke recruited a regi- venturous incut of men. and so coiistantl Mount Versuvius is troubled witl his deeisionis always accepted n " d illCy know l n guaranty of precision and accuro- Mr. Frank Buck ralist, recommend, kept in all large staL will face fire, and horses its lend. In view of the ghtli what to do with the crater. j loH “ , ' s firu '» ‘be Eig is endowed with a bold ad-1 Mary limk a little pig, she tombed ^d other stahl™ within the ■pint, an independent, wit, ‘ cord, and when it grew to investigating mind and a wonder- a mode it into lard, and jtersistently did he annoy the fully tenacious memory. Ik'sides, When a witty lady is asked her a m T \r * 11 i \T/iv| t,u ' in ' V ^ ,C forced an engage- he is a most constant reader and opinion of moustaches, her reply ia IlhA > 1 r AM 1 ment at Woft’ord’s Iron Works.— obierver of facta and j >crs< ms. that she always soU her face against | Here and at Musgrove’s .Mill he l^ong before the estahlishmeiit of them. met and defeated the British and the naval academies at Annapolis , , ... ., f ... .. - . , 1 i here is a young woman in Ar- lones. At the battle ot M»ng Lain,• nt the age of sixteen, he was a|>-L J was wounded with a sabre cut pointed midshipman in the United GROCERIES, FAMILY SUPPLIES. COW FKKI), Ktc. I In in the back of his heail ami nock, States Navy. Here promotion was his stix k buckle saving his life.— always slow ami well carncil long In this fight, for a few moments,he] before it came. sweet that she has to wear a wire net to keep off the hon ey bees. The ladies give ns a reason for taken DRUGS it CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES. HAIR, NAIL* TOOTH BRUSHES,PERFUMERY’, COMBS AND SOAPS, r.rAIKlNG Of .11 kllvL of W.I. llo., (S- k>, |.rl. • «. My Ion|| experience In tli«l R Roe will rnsbl. STEAMER RUBY. TIME "TABLE : prisoner and put in •barge of two men. Seizing his ______ I chance, lie kn<M:ked one down, and 'the other, hecoming demoralized, Keep* always on liaml a full supply of flcil, leaving llilll free. V A » mM Tvpp j In 17S0, the patriots became very CA/Iv.^i «. (JA 1*^9 Ti 1 ^ • much aroused l»y Cornwallis’ proc- «or* on Monk sinot. next .ioor t« hi-UxTy huiiation, ami as Clarke had ag.n In 1831), after a servico of seven years, he became post midshipman. se ^ om ^* ,n ^ anything Keiimining in this jiosition but a! Wo ^ 1 having, short time, he resigned to accept You can al ways tell a clerk in a the second in command in the Tex- dry goods store from tho million- as navy. At the end of two years, airc proprietor by the good clothes however, he resigned to engage in j the clerk wears, the merchants’ service. In this new A beautiful woman who secs nn- ycar, this advice is timely. Health and Hcnuty Combined, Woman’s Knurrs. -One who 1mm long studied ttii* Hiilijcct now prewi utM the result of his investigation*. He is happy to suy Unit lie |, 1W discovered ** Woiumi’i B«*i*t Friend." It i* adup- t«*d e*|ieciidly to tliow ciim>s where tho womb i* disordered, uml will run* any irregularity of the ••iuviisuh." Broil- field’s Fcunle Regulator aits liken charm in “white*.,” or u sudden check of the “ monthly courses” from cold, . . trouble of luind or like causes, by re marrying for money, that they now storing the discharge in ever/ fu se h loin find anything else in a man "tame. In chronic euses its action is prompt and decisive, and suves the constitution from countless evils und premature decay. Pre|wired by |) r . J. Bi ad Held, Atlanta, Chi. For aulo at £1.50 per bottle by F. Joeigi-r, iii’uus* wick. Milltowk, Chambkrm Co.. Ala,. 1 Tl , July 13th, 1377. j I have used your icmalc Regul.itor extensively in my practice for a long returned to Wilkes county, l >e field, his discoveries were invalun- ,, ,■ —•—v ••• f**« fnunJ no diflkultj in raising in a |,l c . to the coastwiac tnule, both in- ®* hcr wom j ln . 81,11 mon be,ul " ful l!!^ f.-w ,lnvH another hodv of three , , , . , than herself is the most unhappy tlu re was no complicstiou of disease, f, « .1,1) X another Ixxlj of lan.l an,I outward. I - rcfttun , in „ lt . W(>rM . ! E* ^ l*liy*i<ianO Prescription* Ac curatcly C ompounded. I iusr‘J7 1y rloactl, will flmerfully Idcb. If - nd Main JAMES T. BLAIN, I>ruKKl*t, A VEGLTABLL II MEDICINE FOR THE [[BLOOD,IMR&KIDNEYS. CURATINE, For Hl.xxl Di.*»»r*. ^“^.ISaleaid Livery-^ rpiIE new iMniff Buby will mn ragalarly »*>- * A tweru Ht. Hiiutms Mill- *ad Brun-wuk, aa CURATINE, ST. SIMONS & BRUNSWICK. STABLE, _ A. T. Putnam, Prop, CUR ?J!!f!L CURATINE, Daily Hands}s «xreptrd| Dslly |S MgHMM i nisi I) hstur<Uys (mail). DbIIv iHsturxUy. snd Huudn>- (mMl) Mou.Uys (mitral Corner MONK .t GRANT »trect». Saturdays (extra) to back lamliaa • Far* rarh way, 28 «-ta. PosiUvtdy no fr»w 1U For fkeigbt, paaaa^u or excursion-, apply to .. ^•- — WMer Hut,; Dart. A«ent, St. Slinon-. /1 uiart>tf O. B. Mabbt. | | A. J. CbovaT Mabry & Crovatt, attorneys at law. Brunswick, Geoboia, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA, CURATINE, | tot Er^,«»*U», rnsyl—. arailoii Aa curatl’ |M.wrra for the svi which fur draya«o iir»mi»tly Ollwl. at U»* arrival of all b..aU a »b!4-ly City Barber Shop J. M. CARTER, Proprietor 5-Cent Counter hundred ami fifty men, whom he nmrehed forthwith to assist in the reduction of Augusta, then in Brit ish jKwsesirfon. He reached this place just in time to witness its sur render to the Americans. In charge of a few men and over four hundred women and children, he retired tg Kentucky. Cornwallis sent Ferguson to cut him oil', but, liio/niJ'jwtoii.u.'i with his usual foresight, Clarke rc- crossed the mountain, thereby se 1 curing himself from capture. This mnnouvra forced the famous King's Mountain fight, in which Ferguson was killed and his whole force destroyed. ^ IC 18th of November, 1780, UK YOU* DRUGGIST ' nt Black-toek, at the head of his fOK IT. ' W’dkes Riflemen, Clarke charged THE BBOWX CHEMICALCO uud drove 11,0 1!riti •■ i,, H « ht illfm,tr >' bautimore, ms > n il ti open field, when, although he did not command, lie might be said to have insured the day, by turning the enemy’s right flank.” In 17—, Clarke, settling on the thorou*h It i« aut eur* of *1 HI noil IHa- » Hr,-.,/ >. Halim, *» Hrvuf- Min i •• Trite, .Halt Ith i,,„mtli»,Uo„ .... r ° l, ‘ l' 1 * 1 Whv is it that a woman’* heart ^ ur wbicl. it in recoin tnpmUnl. and his investigating tours, the^ , “ , arl , uiurl5eow2ui J. H. Davis, M. D. knowle<lgc of the existence of sev eral bars and channels on our coast is due, not the least of which is a very important channel on our own i St. Simons bar—one in daily use . by steamers and sailing vessels com-' beats fifteen times per minute less than a man's? Is it because her Coli mih », O*.. April laTlMTS. tongue heats thirty times |xw min- Du. C. J. Mokvktt—/*«„• «,V—My u l. ,„ or e ? , w , l,u tlixl the life of our teething Inthe was suve.1 Ly “ What a blessing it is," sttid a die use of ^roiir IVetlmm (Teething i i i • . . , . . , 11’owJer.). YVlten other renieilics lmH hard-working Irishman, “thnt night | tailed to relieve him. .re*« r . ing in and out of the port of Bruns- niver comes on till Intc in the tiny, »** '*« m„t ptrnnmna wick. when a man is tired and can’t work ‘.'I'Y}'.‘."Z. 0 "!% T />y »«• .. .. „ trn nll.ici, </ Cholen, M„rt„„. Teeth- During the late internecine chs- an y at all, at all. r.x. j urn >« to u», aud should turbance at the commencement of A preacher who pro|*wod to a cmidVeo.^luilp^tMIr. ’eUt'! 18 *“““ the establishment of tho blockade young lady and was rejected, was! , Jksmk 1I.‘WimmT, of the southern jwrU, Cnpt. Postcll requested the next iUy, by a widow, j ‘ pri1151 ® Furc-uiau Euqiiircrdiua. quickly saw opened up a broad to preach from the following text: field for enterprize and adventure. “ y ou a.*k and receive not, because He immediately fitted out at y OU ask a miss.” Charleston, a craft suited to the Cultivate Hoses. purpose of privateering, named her Jeff Davis, and set off for whatever ; Aud— might hap|»cn. Ho found game upon the blue deep plenteous, for in the incredi bly short space of twenty days, he captured twenty-one vessels, large While— Notning add* so much to the nun- fort uud bfHuty of borne as the cultiva tion of flowers. Nor does anything add morb to the beauty uud eumfort of man or woman than the rum* on I the cheeks of those in g«»od health. - - The mother works the lmudle Dr- Gilder's Liver Pills will ulwuya O. the big old fashion churn, 1Ui P«rt thi* roseate hue if used in tirna. The farmer turns the furrow With a careless uucouccro, Their sons sort out the 'tuters For pluutiu' iu the cellar; I AT JEWELRY BTOBE OF Indian vide of the 01-01111) rivcr.anj ailJ ,moll i helweeii Charleston and j nLo croseing the Satilla to the Flor- Boston, most of them oir Bouton | da side, thereby driving in the harbor; nomc of them he scuttled. Atlaxta, Oa., Feb. 1, 1S70. r*. Hulclnnttm tC liro.: Geutle- men—I have used your “Neunlgina** and have U^u nUvnil bv it. .ill who Their darter on the back porch sutTer from neuralgia w ill do well to la talkin' to her feller, i give you s oaih It is unless to suffer a hen we have a remedy at olirdoor. \ New York inventor claims to _ H, W. Thomas, ""'.'Vr Sliavilio Hair Cutting & Hair CIlSS. J. DoCrflillgCr Sp«li*h po.U, greatly im urn-I the l ‘” abandon- hav.- diacoveml a pro,-, vs for malt-. ” f ,v « 4 .Far-Run. WBr-°ss4 cswiiru Gfib’^iwijn-wifk cueait. aoJ i . . . I displca-ure of the United States ed (one or two were recaptured) ing all fabric water-proof; but what Atlanta, Dec. 10, 1879. T cuJMun^ C rdi*bh aMiHponSasis. Uressing done ill tho .1- ON BA^ STRKKT. 'Government. Governor Mathews and some he brought into port, is more needed is oil invention that I have guikm entirely rid of roaches and in through the blockade, at two j will make milk cans water proof— {^“^'-iirh^^tmTtidn^'to no judicial 1 to this point, full of the neceeeariea or the cow. We believe it has nev- puruow. Your, u the U.t tl.iug of Pnutou ut In, r.M. ,i Pru.ion Cl-lnu oo.lnr Ul the set- pru*tt'nle4. peiuiuD» lor -»-rvtc«* lu l»ti- «sr oliuioml: l*n<l wsrrsnu bousht au.l obtsln ml for BsrTlras lu the FI. n«U luJl-n w»r p. u- siob- for -..rnvrom of the Mexican War. U> con | m.»y m.y ;«»> (J u tt, n g a specialty test approved style. Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hair gyH:: ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ■ ar. itllv r. pslrml. r Al.f. an.l exAttiltie my S-cmt CounUr. *n.l *er the ol thins*, too nuiuvroiu to BieUttoU, th-t I »IU offt-nns *t ONLY FIVE CENTS A-IMKCE. lu, )v«tlr}. mulf bflu*. *tr., ortlered an investigation .this examination, by four ju officers, who sat in judgment on our environ*! )ieople needed so or been definitely settled grhether JJork wcU^aut/ e »ick tho case, their decision was as fol- very mueh, during their isolation the water leaks in through the cow l * ‘ *' Mkm. Adams, lows: **\Ve proceeded to the most from the outer world, j or the can. !»prl5-lm Pr. prittrue Adams lious* iug < It does the