Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 14, 1880, Image 1

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Brunswick Advertiser. DAILY FLAIR EXTRA. Published by the Weekly Advertiser. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, MAY 14,1880. Office comer Newcastle and Monk Sts. ST, SIMONS DEPARTMENT, I)R. K. J. MASSEY, In a tract entitled “ A New Voy age to Georgia by a Young Gentle man,” we find that on the 10th of May, 1835, he makes this iinjior tant entry: “I met with nothing very material that night, except my sending one of the oar men for some fresh water to a spring about a stone's throw from the camp, who came back in a terrible fright, swearing lie either saw the devil or some spirit. * * * We took each of us a stick of lightwood in our hands, and went to meet this spir it, which proved to be nothing but a poor raccoon, which we killed and barbecued for our supper, with some oysters for sauce, there being great plenty of them, and I think much the finest in the whole prov ince.” A few days thereafter, he writes: “And about two miles from the house I met with a possum, which is very like a pig, it has a false belly, so that when they have young ones, if you fright them they immediately run into the bag, which closes up immedi ately. I reached Witton’s by noon, and had my possum dressed for dinner.” He often speaks of “gin ger bread and cheese,” “a tiff of cheese,” “a drop of shrub,” “plenty of rum, sugar and lime-water,” etc., etc. It seems this “young gentle man” had an eye to creature com forts on “A New Voyage to Geor gia” by land. Experience and observation both attest the force of the assertion that an organ is developed in propor tion to the healthful exercise that uny organ is called upon to per former existence. Now comes up the question, what would have been the condition of the eyes of the great-great-great-grandchildren that are now living of that good old man who lived on “ye Islande in ye days of honestye,” and abhorred meanness of act to such an extent that when in the presence of any man who was ever suspected by his neighbors of doing a dishonorable deed, he would fold his hands be hind him, turn his back, and keep his eyes closely shut until the mean man was gone. We repeat, what would be the present condi tion of the eyes of his descendents if there had been a continual shut ting of eyes upon all the dishonest men they and their forefathers must have met. and do now meet. Wr. W. A. Fuller will be absent for a few weeks, visiting his friends and relatives north, and recuper ating his strength and health. Mr. John Currie, of St. Simons, has ou exhibition a jar of pickled olives, grown at Canuon’s Point. Will it pay ? Mr. Currie sold, on Wednesday, one gallon of olive oil in the city, at 86.00. An acre with an ordinary grove on it yields oue hundred gallons, and an olive grove lasts two or three hundred years. What better investment than olive groves on St. Simons ? The largest Kershaw in Georgia is on exhibition by W. A. Mims. On Wednesday evening, Joe Robinson, an employe at St. Si mons Mills, had the fingers of his right hand badly cut by the knives of the planer. It seems that the planer was stopped for Joe to clean out, when another hand started the machinery. SM.GLOGAUER SODA WATER—The Cool est, Nicest and Foamiest. New Advertisements. umumMmii. Forwarding <t Gommimon Merchant*, BR UJSTSWICRGcl CIGARS AND TOBACCOS- Clioicest Brands. Groceries Innumerable! S. M. GLOGAUElt. ALSO WHOLESALE DEALERS IX CORN, HAY, OATS, BRAN, Etc., Etc. Alio keep on Land a supply of Brick, Lime, Cement and Coal. J. E. MOORE * CO., DEALERS IN Choice Family GROCERIES, Provisions, Crockery & Tinware, form. Compare, for instance, the strong, well-developed muscle of The latest thing in the co-opera the blacksmith’s right arm to the five line is a benefit association for slender, placcid muscle of the sed- employes of the Baltimore and entary man—the broad, square j Ohio Road, which the company chest of the laborer to the stooping I starts with a nucleus of 8100,CKX).— shoulders of the school teacher.— Without adopting in toto the Dar winian theory, we might follow up the comparison with great interest, and find much to instruct and im prove us, for it is undeniable that in proportion to the falling into disuse of an organ, from whatever cause, there supervene both atony and atrophy, so much so that a neglect of use of any organ for many successive generations would finally eventuate in the entire ob literation of this organ. The non existence of eyes in the fish caught in the pools in the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky is accounted for on this plausible theory. The cham bers in which these fish have for many years existed and propagated are perfectly dark—so much so that probably a ray of sunlight has never entered them, consequently the fish, having no cause to use their eyes, in each successive gen eration have bad these organs more and more faintly developed, until a final obliteration has ensued, leaving only a slight trace of their The road will also undertake the clerical and other drudgery of the association free of cost, the money to be managed by nine men, four of them chosen by the company and the rest by contributors to the fund. The plan, however, nieetg with strong opposition from some of the employes of the company. From June 30, 1876, to February 1, 1880, twenty-five revenne officers were killed and forty-nine wound' ed in trying to break up the illicit distillation of spirits in South Car olina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia and Kentucky. As a result, however, 3,043 stills were seized and 6,153 persons arrested, and now the revenue re ceipts from that district are more thuu doubled. CXO-.A.B3S dz TOBACCO, NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK, GEORG IA. A contest over an oleomargarine patent in the United States at Chi cago, develops the astounding fact that tallow butter has a sale in this country of 98,0U0,UU0 pound* per year. FERRIS fr CO.'S CELEBRATED HAMS & BREAKFAST STRIPS ALWAYS ON HAND. Every article of the best quality, aai at the la vest price „ mfMm,