Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 15, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING At bbcnbwick, oboroia, bt 2. &. ST A CY. OFFICE, Comer Netocastle and Monk Streets. Advertising llateat P«r square, teo lines apace, first lnaertlon, fl 00 Per square, each subsequent insertion, 60 Special rates to yearly and large advertisers. *i* Advertisements jfrora responsible parties will published until ordered out, when thetime is not specified, and payment exacted accordingly. Communications for individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged as advertisement Marriages and obituary notices not exceediu g lour lines, solicted for publication. When ex ceeding that space, charged as advertisements. All letters and communications should bo ad dressed to the undersigned. T. U. STACY, Brunswick, Georgia. City Directory. , T. G. Stacy. J. R Chief Marshal—J. C. Norman. Assistant Marshal—J. L. Beach. Wurman—W. 8. Pittman. I'nrt Physician—J. H. Plain, M. City Pkhysician—J. It. ltoblns, \ " ' r Muster—Matthew Kha STANDING COMMITTEE* OF COUNCIL. Pinancr—Conper. Watkins and Dnnn. Town commons—Spears, Putnam and Sta Uarhor—liarvoy, Cook and Putnam. VOL. 5, NO. 45. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 18S0. $2 00 A YEAR. Education—Cook.Htarya Chaiute—Stacy. Cook and Putnam. Fauc department—Dunn, Harvey and I’ UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. M FAIR, —1SSO-- -OF THE- SOUTIIWEST GEORGIA nmuLmccui WILL BE HELD AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, tfLB.'JXYe Maj 19, 20, and 21,1880. Open To All contributors ! Special Features ! Grand Exhibition of Farm and Gar- don Products! Grand Rians Rand and Military Contest and Regatta ! A Poetical Wedding in Ohio. MINISTER This woman wilt thou have. And cherish her lor life; Wilt love and comfort her, And seek no further wile ? Tills woman I will take, That atsmls beside Bie not I'll find her board and clotln And bavo no other " frow And for your husband will You take this young man. Obey his sligbtesh wish, And love bini all you can' I'll love him all I can, Obey him all I choose; And when 1 ask for funds He never must refuse. POST OFFICE RACES EVERY DAY ST, SIMONS DEPARTMENT. Dn. R. J. MA88EY, - - - - - - EDITOR. Through the courtesy of Miss An nie Stevens, our efficient Post Mis tress, we have been shown an old document, of which the following is a copy: Cc Fine their too credulous ears hy schem ing leaders. They were giving vent to their enthusiasm in a most dis cordant medley of what they called speritual himes,” when one, a lit tle soberer than tlio rest, ordered them to hush—“ be decent and learn manners from ‘de poor buckra man’ who’s ’havin’ hcself by keep- in’ his mouf shet.’’ Whereupon, an old brother, whose mouth seem ed set upon steel spring hinges,and whoso general outfit closely resem bled the fag end of a rag hag, cried aloud in a grating voice, “ Bress do Lord, dc white man may cheat, ’fraud, ’bezzle, an’ dere may he no place fur dc cullud man in de store, in do hank, in pollytix, nor otfis fur him, hut—bress God !—he’s got a ’iigionwhar the preacher don’t hah to hah no book lamin’, no quiats,, nor orgins, hut whar you sing from J" 8 * 1 ? c,lUc '’ lU -8 ottcn 8 nm3 STOLEN SWEETS. Egyptian affairs—mummies. Are drums sold hy the pound ? A narrow escape—a fire ladder. Think thrice before you drink twice. A compositor makes money Soy- over fist. The latest agony—toothache at three a. m. A tableau is frequently nothing tableau about. . The man who sells seives is in the holesale business. In the name of common scents, let us have spring flowers. How long does a widower mourn for his wife? For a second. Could not the doctor’s fee be Transplanting at Night. It is the fashion in Kussia that whenever two people meet on Eas ter day, they kiss each other on the mouth, and while one says “Christ is risen !” the other replies “ He is risen, indeed !” Now it seems that the Kmporor Nicholas laid so ar ranged it that tlie sentry placed at tile palace gate should he an Isra elite, and a very prunot need one. Early in the morning, Nicholas l>e- touk himself to the gate and giving the soldier the Easter kiss said: • “ Brother, Christ is risen !” The soldier's bronzed face Hushed A gentleman, anxious to ascer tain the effect of transplanting at | m £ j, r jnging his musket at the sa- November Magazines. Appleton’s Journal, Demorest’s Monthly, Goiley’s Lmlios’ Rook, Harper's Monthly, Bt. Nicholas, Young Ladies’ .Tonrnni, Popular Monthly, Huuday Magazine, Popular Science Monthly, North American Review, Southern Farmers’ Monthly, American Agriculturalist, Wuverly Magazine, Saturday Night No. 44. New York Ledger No. 22. Low Excursion Rates on nil the Railroads ! F OR Premium List, containing full pari kart*, a< Id fuss L. E. WELCH, Preside! Or, F. V. EVANS, 8ocr< tarv. de Bperit of de Lord, liress God ! Amen! Halid ujer !” Most of the inhabitants of Si-1 It is a wise fly that knows the difference between oleomargarine and butter. Jollfctou’s Office, Port of ^ sderica, District of Bruns- y wick, January 9th, 1807. j tr Sir: t you can, without inconveni- e, spare me half quire of blank rolment bonds, & n quire of Li se ditto, I will not only cheer- M r . Haddock, the hearer of thin,! message to Couper, instructing him j ion is high The mathematician who wished I THOMAS’ ITSTK CURATINE, I. L. HARRIS^ KF-SrECTFULLY ANNOUNCES HIS - - - REMOVAL CURATINE, CURATINE, A VEGETABLE' MEDICINE FOR THE BLOODUVtR&KlDNEYSr WATCHES, CLOCKS, SOUP AND Plated Jewelry, —AliiO— MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,CUT- I.ERY, l’LATEU WARE, 1TS- TOLS, CARTRIDGES, TOYS, ETC., ETC. CURATINE, pound of known value— power* for the evils which produce all dis eases of th<- Wood. th*» Mrrr, the Hlduey*. Harmless In notion and thorough in its effect. It la unexcelled for the cure of all Wood !><•- earnest aticli i"crn/. Tetter,Halt Hheuut. Miheumsttlmtn. Mer curial MSsSnoHlstg, also Caualipatlon, Ou.„ In ,11. ASX YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. THE BEOWS CHIKICALCO. BALTIMOHE Mi. , . I “ I say, stranger, can you tell me nionn, feeling somewhat insecure on, how far it to thc ? >> « j ust the Island during the war | flftecn blucUs> sil , Great Britain m 1812, left their homes. Mr. John Couper of Can-. , • * i fo-r.wi «„ to borrow some cash, wrote: non s Point, however, preferred to | remain. Thc officer in command ^ row a cnee, »puic mu nun » JU i.o m vn...a | of the British forces had his head- Iron has gone up so high that Enrolment bonds, & a quire of Li- quarters on Cumberland Island, poor people cannot alToid to have litto, I will not only cheer- L n( j scnt a ger g ean t in charge of a it in their blood now. State of the American Un in the middle and round will receive and make compensa- j to get transportation to the Point, at both ends ? O-hi-o. tion for the above blank forms, if sonic twelve or fourteen miles dist- The clothing man who put it on it is convenient for you to let me . i,.„.4 i„, m „i ( i u # , nmenrod i * . • „ n i • have then, through his agency. 1 1 nt ’ n f 1 U ?. t °° Uhl le P rocurcU I lost money on Ins collars, but he I think it would be of advantage From the light keeper the loan ol a w } 10 advertised in time made $50,- for thc revenue cutter to moke a little rough pony, as tricky as helQQQ ti-ip this way Oftcier than usual, as w ns rough, a cunning little rascal N Orleans. ricayune thinks the ‘? l,liar ,nrt U , f ! that a man who bolts' down his tempted to, or actually have, land- tP9t| ng Ins ruler at thc outset, and f K>il ollg | lt to (*. able to keep it on ed a mimher of negroes on this | ns H"' sergeant was more expert at, ( ,j 8 „tnimich. coast not long since. i sailing a boat than managing I have the honor to be, dear sir, horse, he had not proceeded vc your most ob’t servant night, instead of by clay, made an experiment with the following re- suite- Ho planted ten cherry trees while in bloom, commencing at four o’clock in the afternoon.— Those transplanted during day light shed their blossoms, produc ing little or no fruit, while those transplanted in tho dark main tained their condition fully. He did the same with ten dwarf trees, after the fruit was one-third grown. Those transplanted during the day sited their fruit, while those during the night perfected their crop, and showed no injury from having been removed.—Ex. Of all professions in the world there are none in which the mis takes made are brought so promi nently before thc public as that of journalism. A merchants may make mistakes in his figures, in his prices or weights or measure's, but it does not appear where every per son in the city and vicinity can sec it. It is not proclaimed to thousands of eyes the next morn ing, nor published where all can know it. If a doctor gives a wrong prescription, it isn’t known to ev erybody. But in journalism every such blunder is seen and noted hy thousands. A word misspelled, a letter out of place, an ungrammat ical sentence or a misstatement of; facts, overlooked in the hurry and hustle of rapid work, is pounced on by critics, and tho journalist in formed that such mistakes are in excusable. J’h Turner. Edwin Mnuigcr, AVyioYf, CV.Lc'.ur, Sa vannah. It was written in the bold, posi tive hand that most letters and doc uments were one hundred years ago, and upon the plain, unruled paper that was still the style when we were a bov. Tho letter is well preserved; the paper is somewhat, colored hy age, however, and the | ink a little pale, but it looks now ns though it may serve to tell many future generations about the “ Brit ish” and “ negroes.” Of course | Never let your children rtse early . . ... , e , .. *, i unless you want them to get the Inr aboard his pony before he found , J . . . ,,. , \ , • ,i 'complaint that all early birds are himself hors da combat, leaving the . * . .. 11 * . . ... . .. 1 said to nave, full imprint of liHCorporosity on the. ,.i u I’IcIy ivnw in a fit noiuli i A queer old hen declined an in- , , L, ton Vive 1,1,!• fru„ » rPCt .J vilntim, to n «,u,«l«r |K uty recently. “ ami not only «r..,k* at the ’ allt J; f„r tlm reason that the kui.Hcw vli.l! gentlemen aa they pass hy, but also lurin', thu ,lut be Ling to her set. lute, ho replied, resolutely: “ No, father, He is not 1" Upon this the Einpcror pretend ed to get into a furious passion, and in a loud voice he repeated, “ Christ is risen I” The soldier trembled; lie saw tho knout lash dangling be fore his eyes, hut the love of his faith was stronger than his fear of punishment, and bringing his mus ket Gown with a crash, lie cried: “ No, He is not 1” The Czar respected the man's ad herence to the creed, rewarded the soldier and left, laughing heartily over the adventure.—Ex. But four months have elapsed, and a Philadelphia girl is already disgusted with leap year. Thc oth er evening as she began, “Will you”—her young man, without waiting to ascertain whether or not siio was going to promise, sprang from the sofa, rushed off, and has carefully avoided the jincc. ' And yet, aware possessed a very large ml was merely about to you please shut; gape? “ Leap year gives young la lies a gentleman's privileges in making love.” Perhaps it does. But no respectable young man will have lie wns prnyi prayer he said: power of Satan may 1 Just then an old congregation cried out: _ union! Bress me. Cut hiu^E anything to do with a young who takes a position oil the street I ( right smack, snroovo off.” IIow often ■II tiiis niano' I squirts tobacco juice on their coat tails. Not would it look well for a , Cl.H-k*. done at *hort notice, and moat reason aid,- price*. My Ion* iwperleuc. In that line will enable me to give Mtialfc tion to all. - PIea*c Mil aud examine my stock, aa good* will be cheerfully exhibited. **-lli«host price paid for old gald lu caali, or Ukd octllMy. STEAMER RUBY. TIME JABLE SCHEDULE OF RATES ST. SIMONsTbRUNSWICK. milE new steamer Ruby will run regularly be- X tween Nt. Hiiuona Mill* aud Brunxakk, a* folio wa: LEAVE COLLI**’ WHARF, BRUNSWICK. Daily. (Huuday* excepted) (mail) 1 * * Daily (Saturdays andSuudaya excepted).. lbSO i* m Saturday »»* “ Saturday* (extra) Mondays (extra). Daily Sunday* excepted) Jewelry Headquarters • —OK— W. F, DOERFUNCER. C ALL and examine hi* largo and Ireautlfully *c JEWELRY, WATCHES, Etc,, Etc., WUl. l, liu Ju.t uno.1 u„l i ,i,-,ng .old .lluw ram. peilto, tills manoeuvre miring me | trio is not known. Thc kueix-r hav- An exchange sneaks of thc rvi . ... . , - 1 ,* I, . . . n „ dozen or more young ladies to loaf j.iir iniHc to lollow m the an mo Looimtization. 1 he hue for shoot- .. - ? , , , . . .. i. ....... - - around in front of a church an hour discovered repeated evidenced m^ the English language full of .... a , . r ’ , , * , . . . . .. . , and a half on Sunday nights, spar- of the sailor-sol licr-horsenmn, be- holes has got to ho increase, . >nd knocking one W(0thert i„g fir t „],on the gmund and then this is what I call busr-L^ o(r#nil ^ „ tm lu la on „„ the horse. Next .lay, upon his ness,” remarked a Brooklyn under-L,,, 8ll|e „ ulk in ortlt . r p, ki „ tillle retur ", l,e ' vn ’' Fvniarkahly reticent laker, as an unfortunate gentleman UMt|| „„ l;onKre( . atioll is dismiwed when a.sketl the news and how he stepped into his store and died, there had to be a postscript (what | Hke*cl the pony. But finally, being j The cattle of a thousand hills letter in those days was without picked to answer the direct ques- contribute to the milkman's wealth; one?)—here it is: tion, it the pony had not thrown ao ,j uett (j, c wa ter fron> the rills, 1*. S.—January 15.—A nretty bini 8e\t?rul times, he answered in j that slip}>ed into the cans by stealth, large ship has been plying oil ,fc on an unconeeraei! manner: “ No; oh, Wh u a | lun( , ry man waiting '-"i 1 ? ‘"her'vv tirilav off the "° ; 1 . ,mly UlC . V° W “V for his breakfast willing Ur he n,a.le past, l saw her yisttriU) J[ 10 cr al timen, but tlmtu nothing; I al- 1 .... i i « ^ v south end of St. Simons. As the. . ..’ . 4l . . ,, ,, jamilrtyr? he longs to go present restriction of commerce of: wny« hvlil on to the painter, ca 1- tll0 st eak—when ho lias any to this District does not warrant the nig the bridle the painter, expectation of such vessels here, I j | go to. and then buckle up to a young man and escort him home. But few words rhyme with “ad vertiser.” Thau the KaUer about exhausts the panel.—Free Press. Indeed! Then perhaps you never heard that: There once was a beautiful IuiUau Kiri, Aiel tenth a* white an orient pearl, Au<l a figuro a* atralght aa a pole. I wbixpored, “my lov#’ —then ab<* made a And nnirmured iu arceuta bland, [pauae, •* oh, kIvo me a chaw of tobacco. Aud ahe wildly Krublwd my haud. Health and Beauty Combiuwl. Woman's ItionTs. One who 1ms long Htmlitsl this subject now preacnls tlie result of bis investigations. He is happy to suy that ho Ims discovered “ Womsn’a best Friend.” It is adap ted especially to those cases where tho womb is dihordored, and will cars any irregularity of the “menses.” Urad- field'f Fein do Eegidutor acts liken clmrua iu ••whites,” or a snddeu check of tha “ mouthly courses” from cold, trouble of miud or like oauaw, by re storing tho discharge in every m- stuure. lu chrouio cases its action it prompt and decisive, anil saves the constitution from countless evils and premature decay. Prepared by Dr. J. trudfh'hl, Atlanta, On. For sale nt rv doubtful as to her motives ! During the cyclone of 1824, A man who offered for $5 to put , • .1- . zr.1 X I . ^.1 1: 4—..... 4.. « .... a.. I r a iiiiser, who lived hy a geyser, on 81-50per bottle by J?. Joerger, Bruns wick. Iteimlri nr hot tubl-ly Smith price*. nf nil kind* ttone ol -lii.n no1 d MmlUrurtiun (luMrnnired. • Patent or Stiffened-back Wat. iclalty W. F. DOERFLINOEB. hgt* for visiting this part of the coast in which proved so disastrous to a' any one on the track of a paying ’ the manner she does. A- 1 • ! j>ortion of the Ishimls on tho coast,, investment, seated an applicant be- ! There were no nicely cut and Col. Butler hud his forces on his | tween tho rails of the Boston and rolling Iser, and married Elizcr, i Ik-X r build Brunswick & Albany Ra'lroad Co C'llANGB OF S lII DULt. LANDING. URt’N o s , r .: ; SUFEBniTENDENT'S OFFICE, Duunnwicb, Qi„ July 17th. 1870. July 17th, 1*7'.*. pasaei gummed envelopes in the time of large estate divided into two see the above writing. Then there was . tions; one commanded by a white Ins much attention shown to thc nn( | other by a negro foreman, proper folding of letters, and plac- j Through Lite better foresight and ! ing the wafer, which had to seal it, prudence of the latter, all thu hands in its place, as there was to proper in his division were saved, whilst I that’s what the boys are doing, backing and address. Old as it is, more than half thc force under the this letter shows that the sender white man was lost. In apprccia- I thereof paid attention to all those tion of this colored man’s Albany Railroad. Just hear this truth in mind, boys, and ponder at your will; Ii-’s better to owe your tailor forever, than beat him out of his bill. And Worth makes the man, but it Milltown, Chamiieim Co., Ala,, l July 13tb, IH77. f I huvu not'd your Femule Regulator extensively in my practice for a long and tried to advise her that no ear ly riser would ever despise her, but highly would prise her, if she hies, tune, and with eutiro NitceeM where her to the kitchen ami fries her old there was no complication of diseaae. man’s appear, iu thc *h*,« of. good breakfast before ho gets up in iTisenaea for which it is recommended, the morning. And thc panel isn’t marl&eow2n» J. II. Davis, M. D. Columiu’s. Oa., April 12, 1878. Du. C. J. Moffett Dear air-My ife aud myIf uru satibtUnl that the exhausted yet. BluIT Ben Wade was always par- Daily lay* an<l Suntlaya 1 thi* UotDl will Tv•b-auvill.-, A.AG. It. It. bruuvUla. A. * U. u. It.,* t Albany at ick dally (*x at. il IT A N little points. There were no to his interest ami cot*l manage- taker a wheelright to make the ful-j fidelity —Hackermck RciinbUcan. in like a gentleman. How proud j Saturday*(mail).. Saturday* (.-xtra) Far** i*acb way, Fur tlilKlit, |ia*naK<' U. Dai W. F. Pennirnau, Ag>;i Mabry & Crovatt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bbunswtuk, Geoboia, _ r Glynn, Way a.-, ApidiUK. Pt« Ware and t at * ' ** “ " w Trlfair of tin wick Cl 1 cult. CUAIMS -Thr. u/h reliabU . nrr. tp 1. b w*d Penaio* Clalma uu I. I^avc* Albany dailvD'K-cpt 8uti layy«U.8:<Xt A V Arrtvfa at Telwanville, A. At*. It. It. at. I lu I* M leaves Tebaauvill*. A. A G. U. It., at. ...i 10 i' M Arrive at Brunawtck * :w P M Train* tr TelM-auvill Havauuali, b'uuvillc, with Florida. Train* from Hi with -lay |>a*-. 1 which leave* T. l 1 Albany make do* d with but few hoi commerce, that the port of entry of was the old man of this tangible j 44 1 ^ down for the fun of it, mis-^ her own, and what you have is seventy-threa years ago should now expression of the generous outpour- J. M. DEXTER, Ranker and Broker, Exchangs bought and sold. luacy may ob or paaaiona U ‘ btch th> y 13 to •?. 1C. ••.land warrant* | 111 mirnnee N. It.'Rl I’.-tale A.'cnt. tieulnr about money matters, j hf° “f ol *r teething bub* was mvetl by Uu! "e couU ^ owe any man a cent, and to feel that lie , tailed to relieve him, ere have been i/*> steamers, railromls, telegraphs or m ent (during the prevalence of thc W “l, l !l", ” __ I ""O' pecuniarily under tliesligiitest M-*/ >rith tlu maly md , , , , , • , »your wife IllUsl be 01 ner bUO. ... ... \r*ht/ given nue our chibfren from *»- telephones in those days—business storm) Go). Butler, besides other : j obligation to any one annoyed him j nft re attacka #/ Cholera Mwbua. Teeth- was done leisurely. The postscript valuable gifts, had an appropriate A gentleman sprang to assist her, excessively. His wify had a small iun ia iniliapenaabk to iu«, and should was added sixHays after writing, inscription engraved upon a mas- 1-i-k-l >'I> her muff and ^her , ncuIlie> but M | kn would rtl?* before it was sent off to Savannah, sive silver goblet, and presented it w'nster; “ Did you (all ma’am?” he: touch a penny of it. Once he said 1 ‘ ‘ 1 • jLw* it. Wuiobt, How changed are the channels ol to his colored foreman. So proud <rU1 ^ Do you think, she replied, j uj bis sou, “ \\ hat your wife has is aprillS-lin Enquirer Bo*. ( Atlanta, Oa., F» b. 1, 1879, iyour wife’s.” This was Wade’s j Me**r*. Huichlnatm & Hro.. Gentle- have only three or four houses—no ing of his masters gratitude that he j A German traveler in Africa chivalrous idea of tho treatment of J ‘ nT.i,! ’ 1”^ ,i 'T.Vi?.-o >V 1 >y ^it! ” *A If who ! store, (Hist office or church I never, through a rqie old age, failed characterizes a iieopio ho came a wife, and right royally did he from i.enralaw-ill do well to ! Alxiard the Ruby, not many to show it to every visitor, and al- across as “intensely black, dolicho- practice it in his own household. 1 gi 1 ''’' ■ days ago, several fully developed, ways felt that his hospitality was cephalic, and piatyrhine, pmgno-i • • • H. W. 'Ibohss. ! genuine sjiecimens of genu* hmo not properly appreciated if the vis- thous, dichotomatic and dolicho-] flllUVXie Koses. ^ I of Ires & 'fbuim*. Fnmiuw. .feid.-rs. ! Afncmui were returning from a_po-, itor declined to sip a draught of doctylic.” ] l,.rt loel'u .iutj’oMiom''^ the e.'ll'tVva j AriYsT.i!7i.-e. in. 1879. i litical caucus, very much inspired pure cold water with him from it. Thu Jersey City Journal asks: tion of flowers Nor does miytliiuK | I li.iw gotten entirely rid of rtsiclMt 1 by frequent potations of corn-juice, For many years before liis death, “Why should it be necessary 10 j “j ll ni l “" l ’ , ' r m Till! nu^'on [ I^hf.Ir ^ and elevated in feeling at the re- the hare mention of thu big storm kiss pretty women in order to'p ie in g.x*l h^tlrli. - j pnr|Mia*». Yours in tlie Iwst tl.iiuc of cent announcement of the Latest and old “MassaV’ silver cup would ’ preach the gospel ?’ It isn’t. There! Dr. UiLter’s Liv**r Bill* «ill alwav«[tbe kin l that I ever jaw. It dor* tho | advanced political dogmas concern- bring a tear of grateful remem- j would lie fewer editors and lawyers | *1 < ing their race so often thundered in branee to his age bedimmed eye8. 4 if it were. j tt u drnggi > lmt> if iisc.l in time. I work w. Il »u<l tpiick. F J H-rger. BrtiiiHiriek, au»l | Mrs. Adams, t*. Hprlo lm rroprietrusa Adam* House.