Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, May 22, 1880, Image 1

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r A The Brunswick Advertiser, PUHI.ISIIKI) EVERY SATURDAY MORNING 2. &* STACY OFFICE, Comer Xewcastle ami Monk Struts. Advertising Rslcii Per mj'?»ro. tea line* apace, Unit insertion, $1 00 Per m|uv«, ••in h aub*e<iiient luaertion, SO Iff S/tecial rates to yearly amt large advertiser l. "it AdvertiaemcnU .from roaponaible partita will publialieri until ordered oat, when the time is 30* apet'ifled, slid payment exacted accordingly. Coiniiiuiiicationa for individual benefit, or of a peraoual character, ehorpid sa advertisement Marriages aud obituary notices not exceeiUug four lines, aolicted for publication. When ex celling tliat space, charged as advertisements. AH letter* ami comiuunicationa should be ad dressed to the Ullder^igHed. T. U. STACY, Brunswick, Ocorgis. City Directory. CITY OFflCKMn Maxor- J. F. Nelson. Aldermen- 4. M. Conner, T. O. Cook, 4. P. Harvey, A. T. Putnam, kins, 4 J. Spears and 1) T. Dunn. Chief Marshal—4. . Normal. City iSchmirian—l. It. Rol Ilartmr Master— Port Wardens—Burr Wlut Thomas O Connor, 4r. MTANOINO COMMITTERI M. D. G. 4. Had and Watkins ('KMK1 Public i ■Harvey, s—Cool, Harvey ann «-onper. mi aim. a BaiiNiKs—Bunn, Bpenra an<l -Putnam, Harvey i xmmkk %ftvtxiim. VOL. 5, NO. 40. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1880. $2 00 A YEAR. J. E. MOORE 9s CO., DEALERS IN Clioice Family GROCERIES, Provisions, Crockery & Tinware, A VOICE FROM LIBERTY, ST. SIMONS DEPARTMENT. The L. I. T.—A Murder Case—Too Much Kail—Rice Crop-General Dm. It. J. MASSEY. - - - - - - EDITOR. When a Berrien county man was Prosperity—Our St* Simons Edit- told that the full capacity of St. or’s Cabbage Patch, Etc. Simons Mills was one hundred I thousand feet |>cr day, he could not Liberty County*, Ga., May 11th, see it.* lie was unahle to relieve 1880.—Dear Advertiser: 1 had the. his mind of the fact that his father pleasure of meeting your editor and once owned a little saw mill in the proprietor, "lion. T. G. Stacy, who | up country, on a small creek, of'his eyes closely shut until .the great- great-great-grand ch ih 1 ren that are now living of that good old man who lived on “ye Islamic in ye days of honesty®,” and abhorred meanness act to such an extent that when in the presence of any man who was ever suspected by his neighbors of doing a dishonorable deed, he would fold his hands be lied him, turn his back, and keep made a short address to the Liber- the capacity of eight or nine hun- ty Independent Troop upon the oc-jdred feet a day. The idea of St. casion of their last parade, May 1, j Simons Mills sawing as much in in which he, in behalf of the man- three days as his daddy’s mill aging Fair Committee, extended aiwj would in a year, was to him as invitation to the Troop to send a apoehryphal as Jonah's wlmle sto- detachmcnt to engage in the prize ry or the three men coming out of contest ifi the tournament. Wish- ( the firey furnace unhurt. Those ing to give you all the information stories were in the Bible and licbc- conccrning the matter in my pow-. lioved them to he true, but there a«l Putnam. 1 irk ukvabtmkmt—Buun. Harvey and Putnam UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Colla tor ofCkiioiu—John T.Culliua. y-H.T.Bn CIG-il^S ds TOBACCO, DmiT-H Collet-tor Internal Revel Deputy klarxlial—4aim-« naater—Liuua North. EDITORS AND NEWSPAPER MEN of tliu country, ndoroe 4ame* Bon*' P*T1 Baltimore, Md., March 8 NEWCASTLE STREET, J. T. Rixom Ed. aud Propt 7 Ij» Fayette. Ind., Man-h « 1 take idea*nre i« eowmelidiug the * a* liigbly Mtintactory of rtolid gold. They a , la.. Feb. *1, IMHO, linen Bonn Patent nthat it rannot lie BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. er, I sought an interview with their were no saw mills in the Bible ami commander, who, in response to a he could not tax his credulity any question as to whether any part of j further. It was already taxed to the Troop would accept the invito- its full capacity on the liible sta tion, said that the Troop felt and ; ries. appreciated the compliment con- j In a tract entitled “ A Yew Voy- work ot UoU .„ He wnB 9cr ferre, by the .nutation, but that as nge to Georgia by a Young C.entlc- 1 lously holu . Ht ln B „ hta . ranHacU o„ 8 it did not come from any military man,” we find that on the 10th of I w ith his feUow men. and deniaml- mean man was gone. We repeat, what would be the present condi tion of the eyes of his ricscenrients if there had been a continual shut ting of eyes upon all the dishonest men they and their forefathers yiust have met, and do now meet.; kingdom. Mr. John Moore, of Brunswick, 1* in possession of a gun sold at the Magazine in 1800. We should ex plain rn jMiMnid tliat we do not think tliijt Mr. M. was tWrehim- self, in iicrson. and lsmght at that Hill Arp on llees. Atlanta Coiiatitution. When I was a boy I was the foremost mar. to attack a ynllcr jacket’s nest with the other hoys, and we used to fight until the last foe exjrired and then retire from the Held as friendly ns cn- quering heroes after a bloody bat tle. Bees arc a curious institution, a regular science. The common people don’t know much abouf’em yet and won’t believe it when you tell’em. Some of’em admit that there is a king bee, but won’t have it that lie is a she and lnys all the eggs. Some folks say the bee sys tem of government is the Creator’s type of what human goverhinents ought to lie, that is a hereditary 1 recoil that idea would There were honest men in those I suit General Grant and Fred very well, hut if we take it in part we days. Then, are living on the Is-1 Illlwt tako it ^together, and that land at this tune representatives of wo||M pn| Mm Grnnt in 0 lliee»ur- an old gentleman, whose peculiari ties entitled him to lx* classed among that now almost extinct race, whose insignia gained for them the cognomen of the “noblest work of God.” He organization, and was only an in vitation to any of the command who wished to voluntarily accept it, there had been no oflieiul action May, 1835, lie makes this impor- (>c j ||, c return. Ik* was rounded by a few lazy drones, and leave the General and Freddy en tirely out of business. You see, dame nature wouldn’t trust a male with that much power, but would trust a femail provided she hod all the children herself, for a w< never goes back on her - • * mv piiiiii; in ill Will. lie Will' ‘ > /. . taut entry: “l met with nothing 1 k in<l, affectionate and tender to al^j™ ° ""' y . very material that night, except my fault . alvvay8 t | 10 fri( .„ (1 of tll0 . .. . . sending one of the oar men for piK , ri the distressed, the widow and ... the matter, and could not say , unic fresh water to a spring about the oiplian. These noble attributes whether any of the 1 roup would (a stones throw from the camp, who ,oon endeared him to his whole ac- m I came back in a terrihlo fright,! miaintance, and tho officers in the swearing lie mthcr saw the devil or c ,, Jllllty reni |jl v f, )u „.l him a most some spirit. * \\ e Us.k each ro |i a hlc im ,| trustworthy person, in FERRIS & CO.'S Wat Hr kit. 111., , Wilt# in r t in a luirfe |I. M. Fli ubh. CELEBRATED HAMS & BREAKFAST STRIPS M. ami Prof • iiia.le uf , at'end or not. 1 beard a me say that were it to be a sabre test, instead of the lance, he thought jHtssibly u good many would have entered. I have been thus particular in giving you the | views of the Troop in regard to the mailer, partly at the request of the commander. The sprinj of 1.8 a stick of lightwood in our w | 10 se hands to commit the charge third term aud run the to monarchy, but I ca* working bee can gui, sidering that when before lie and his dr honey. I’m tired w* sort of people, ain’t Yours, The new iron stci hands, and went to ...eel this spir- of wido(V8 nnd 0 rplinns and their it, which proved to he nothing hut ,. sUltcs . Consequently lie was not n poor raccoon, w hich we killed, j on g j n liaving as much business of! to rim between New - | ami barbecued for our supper, with this kind as his duties to his own 1 Albany, is expected . , , 1 Bome °3' sU ' ra h>r sauce, there being ) ftr g C aU( j constantly growing inter- ! ty-four miles jkt hour of the Superior R , lt |>Ion $y of them, nnd I think ^ \ yi)M allow . ££ i strict udher- proximating to that o ; to ti»e principles of business train. On her trial ALWAYS ON HAND. Iliicliu Has Long ’xhilntf full ri|.tu.i 5-Cent Counter Every article of the best quality an 1 at the lo vest price. iYEI.RY 3TOBE OF Court meets in Hinesville on next! much the finest in the whole prov- Moiuliiy, nnd foi the sreond tiim.. i uc(; .” a few days thereafter, he j integrity soon taught all with whom ] sixteen miles in thirty-seven m j *"nt uo >e*ns, ot J r ^ | writes: Anti about two miles from he dealt, that ho was no ordinary half minutes, will be able to add a murder cas® the house I met with a possum, to the criminal sitIc of the docket. w hieh is very like a pig, it lms It is Hinesville, that model nnd L f a dso # belly, so that when they j much praised village, which comes j i, ave .young ones, if you fright to the front as the scene of the | them they iininediately run into tragedy, which was in out'act and Ufa, hag, which elttses up immodi- jonly three characters, all colored. 0 U*ly. I reached Wilton’s by noon, Time—midnight; weapon pistol; and had my possum dressed for been used by the IfnttentotN in a vari ety of disruH.-M. From these rmlo pi ueticionerM the remedy waa Ixirrmreil Aident KngliMli and Dutch MK-MIIH, by wliojtt: iveoinnieiidiihuii mploved in Kuropi 1 , ttu«l has 7 * i>hy» Clias. J. Doerflinger OX BAY 8TKKKT. C AI.I. mi'l •XBMln* luy Counter, ami sen ilia mi ONLY FIVK CENTS A-PIKCE. AUCTION SiLve Yom* ]Yloney ! BY DI Y1MG THE Best Goods at Lowest Prices XT T1IK NEW YOKE STOKE, cause, as usual,—woman. Two ri val n j.r» warriors met where neither should have 1 teen; result- one draws a knife, the other a pis tol—tho game is played ami the pistol wins. This is as much as'man” had an ey your corres|»ondent has been able 1 forts on “A New Voynj to learn and cannot even give you by land, any names. Tin? tragedy only oc- ' curred last night, and re j torts dp not warrant further particulars. Rain ! Rain ! Rain ! and the L-U of still continuing; if so, personage, nnd that they must ren der to the widow nnd orphan the very last farthing due them. He came across one hard ease, howev er, who thought to test his metal. By means of some crookedness, this hard ease cheated one of his hum** coniu into gt-nurid um*. Corn- H arris out of several thousand riol- i’!"" 1 "o' n .T' °"“' r ‘'T** liis.w.f ** n„ ol n |, a »■ tt • . . . bl# liifrredivntx, as iu the preparation i 1 1 • I ot . b ,n * law, in such a way that the laws of of Rankin's Compound Fluid Extract ;« r bread and cheese,” “a till’ of t |, c i Illu | were impotent to afford of liuclm mid Juniper, it proves a •heese ” “ i dronof ahrnh ” “i»li*nt.v r c m .• x , . reliahlo remedy for Non-retention or r,.., ’ . i t Plenty j. ^hef. i he parties met, wrangled i I1( . OIlt i„encH of Urin#, Irritation. In- >f rum, sugar nnd Iinic-wnter, etc., over the matter and exchanged ll immation «»r Ulcumtiou of tlio l*lad- to. It si-mis this “young ge ntle- | mr ,| „-T» They olhrori to light ■, l ’ r ‘ ,l ” 1 •“ rout,,,•«» .....I, . , «b*r, Oravul or Brick Duat Dc|KN#t ( com- it onto la eotledurUu with shotguns. Milky Di-oharg#^ and all dia«Mt» of to Geor- They met and fired. The tip of the tho Jtl.iddoror Kiducy# ami Dioiuiioal loft ear of tho fellow was shot off | mriy bHlnii? BMkia * Kxjwrienre nnd observation both and the obi guar ban’s legs were Lamar, Atlanta, Go., aud sold by F # attest the force of the assertion that I badly ]iep|)oreri, not dangerously, Joevger. Urauowiek. lla. an organ is develo,*,! in propor- ’ however hut sudicienUy to confine | ’ TvHKm ~ Alx. Jal T JH. 1878. turn to the healthful exercise that him to his bed tor a couple of j Dr. C. J. Morrrr-IW Sir: Jim- COMMISSION 1). James Dillon. Auction l)ny> Every ttcitnr. •In, KalurilMy, Henii. ■iIiik at II O'clock a in. MflS, Where they have just received a full supply of Dry Goods, Notions, Men’s, Ladies’ and prosper - o sti ton mmng, l so, u| or ^ au j H called upon to per- weeks. As soon as he began to re-1 tic « J°« domand* that I »1k a great deal of the rice lately plant- . , limi> i „ i • * • * , 1 you my experience with you eri in the hirirc swamos in the low- foriM - Co " ,|,arc ’ f,,r the wver, he »ent his antagonist word f„ Ilt J, T « lhi , m . . , , strong, well-develo|>ed muscle of; that by a certain day he would be ■ girl in#t thirteen mouth# old, I ; p !* r 4 ; 1 10 coUI * y* "* J( °' s ’ the blacksmith’s right arm to the well nnd on tho war path again, if much trouble> teething. hut if the water does not drown out | „ I ... T ' , w «*Luutaf some of the rice that is being plant ed, I do not see how it will all get As soon as he began to re- tie# to yon demands that I should give 7 Our*! til# baa had hirery remetly slender, flaccid muscle of the led-1 restitution be not made by that ■/rZit'nUr/trmi/i!*/X/iI»VtVm.^Ht*rlIowv ntary man—the broad, stjuare time, and that ho would continue , el* contiuued to pus# off pure blood* , __ . I™;; ““ “ chest of the laborerto the stooping to try the effects of cold lead upon I’’!”'! ‘'V ‘” ,r ‘ F | , C f T‘ '.‘uT f 1 liilflrfin ' cultivated, for alnudy the planters . ,, * ,. ...... ... ' ■•tatimo. lkrlifewa.saliuoaide- AI1I1UIUU S IIH IN* . J 1 shoulders of the schoolteacher.— him till the debt was paid, if life ipiired. Her moth# CONSTANTLY RECEIVING J. M. DEXTEll, Banker and Broker, Exchange bought and sold. ^ SHI0NABLE FRESH SUPPIES OF FAMILY GROCERIES. «W4-Ijr MILLINERY ! •lid Inaliranee k Heal K.tnte Aient. AT THE • S'Atfeut fur Fairb«iika' 8. al. * an.I R -rring'i C. r. tMMIDTKAB. I | V. H. HxkMa. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Brunswick, Georqia. vmCE-On Oloxmttr atr.M-t. nrxt door to Ladles’ Store, O l. Mt. ii. UoH M. lip l*« Better In nil r..nntiMof the Brunawtrk Ctr- cult and ihe city uf D»rlen, Oo. 2frs. 2L C. liO ~WK, I*ropricti^ess. I «KT I lULLIHG SUPPLIES < ( brUtlaM, U«Mlrr OMrn #.1 8. Hr«*rr SI., I «Ht. !*■ Arriving evert/ week, .Yeti’ and Beaut iful Sh/le.t for the Ladies—Hats, Bib/tons, Ties, Laces, Trimmings, Buttons, etc. Will also furnish on short notice the J. It. It0 B INS, PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON. O FFERS lit* pcofcMBli.Ml m-esx. y* to tlir peopU ofBruu»»!< k an.I vlrinMy. iRILv at Mai d.-ii'i ilrnit *tui*. lUrMidenix wn Mcuk *tr--«» u» *r MattoifUat «h unit Wheeler & Wilson New Sewing Machine, jmrt of the county, and truly one of Sherman’s officers sprak 1,1 l" n l' when he declared it to be the “ gar- i wu ®° den*spot of Georgia.” Should the seasons prove favorable and prices remain tlie same for rice this year as last, the planters will Ik* unahle to get farm hands for less thnn sev enty-five cents, cash, jkt day, and scarce at that. Your mother determined to Suffice it to say, that the'^ Uethino, »nd, in a day or two. tlicro wilm a gr**at eliauge—uew life had -the bo we/s were nearly reg* the comparison with great interest, tice expired, the fellow turned up 'nlar, and thunks to Teethimt, the kit* and find much to instruct and im- with his bag of gold, discharged | “ ,retl% prove us, for it is undeniable that | the debt in full, and offered the in pro|M>rtioii to the falling into amende honorable for bis conduct fan organ, from whatever in the whole affair, a use. there supervene both atony are complaining of the scarcity of ...... . , . , . 1 . .. W ithout adopting m UAo the Dar- lasted laiHircrs. I be im mediate cause ol ... . , e , , e , , tliero wiwt a gr»*atelmuge—uew lilt this condition of things, is the pros- WlnmM tl,t ' or >’’ ' v0 ." l, « ,lt fulluw brf 7 C . th< ! oM , KUnr,1 “ m H . I10 -1 rot,irovd-tl,.. Is,w,/_. w«r. nearly |>crity of the colored people. The negroes own nearly nil the lower and atrophy, so much so that a neglect of use of any organ for many successive generations would finally eventuate in the entire ob literation of this organ. The non existence of eyes in the fish caught Where the stables of Mr. W. A. Fuller now arc, at the mills, seven- D. W, McIver, Editor aud Proprietor Tuskege# (Ala.) For Hale by F. Joergcr, Brnuswick, Georgia, muyl5 lm Decatur, Ga., Dec. 9. 1879. . .. * i i 4 . | I have uxed the Hex Iimeot Extermi- ty-live yenre sUhkI a large tah- , mtor wj „, lh# luuat Mti , ( , clorT by building, 40 z 60 feet, 3 stories huIU. I have by its use entirely high, called the Magazine. The plow, Iron, nsrebrs. whieh h>- ’ 7 ii • fur# it was liuponnible to get rid of. I west tabby wall of the stable is a ^ consider it u very valnable preparatioa |sirtion of the old magazine build- mid iwnmieii<Httoli>m«ek«prr»wh» corres,«„de,.t would like ‘‘ w »«* i,, . tl,u Mammoth Uvc ’ ing . , t wna a budding well know n 1 with TThI— ... ... of kentuekv is accounted fur on up an down the coast for fifty miles For sale by F. Jo. rg.-r, Brunswick. and ns far in the interior as the **“■ n.uylS lm h these fish have for j iv i,j| e llian darcU live; and thou- •'* * many years existed and propagatod’ 8all(Uof In ,| ians also cam0 u , it. are perfectly ,la.k-so much so The i ower 8U)ry wag (livil , Cll , a In corauierec, »• tb* Liver is kiag In J J tti.» litiiiinn nvstcin. t*e CHimol Iivu . , •/ iv *r .1 x.x u’ of Kentucky is accounted for to know if Dr. M., your able St. hi- .. , , r . . A . ... .. this plausible theory, rhe churn- moils editor, means that his Iiltures . inons ediUir, means that his figures , . showing tlie profitableness of the cabbage crop represent the actual amount of cosh realized from tlie cabbages raised on one acre of lan* or are they merely to show from the 7 ' / / , . The lower story Wits divided by a ".'J , .. , that orohahlv rav of Himli'^ht has . . . the htiiuiii) Rytteni. Me chi uof land, 1,1,11 “ p H ° t M ^ s partition wall, so as to make one j„ witli this gni >w what never entered them, consequently room 40 x 40, which together with To k«ep it in iim rnight hare been renlize.1 hadthip- the fish, having no cause to «w> |, |1# rt of th* upper .toru*., was uae 4 . . » • , - ,. r Liver Pills. They are huI.I by all their eyes, 111 uieh sucoevive gen-, f or a fang while for ginning pur- Druggk*U and country m#rahaiiU. NO. 8, WITH STRAIGHT NKKDLR, THE BEST MACHINE MADE. ‘Goods First-Class—Prlees Moderate. As Cotton is king In commerce, »,> die Liver in kin CHiinot | great orgau <*uuditi«Hk to , p.ifrin its fn net ions ns# Dr. tlildera been sold at the market price, ff 1,_ Sf^t.rUmw’imSb. er *Ii° n have had these organa more Tlle other , h.1- show him a still more formidable ttn< ‘ r,,ore *aintly deveIo|ted, until a uec of up|»er stories were used for Me»*r* Unkhimm it Hr*.—1 am army of figures, to give him an a final obliteration has ensued, m .|| inR all ,t 8to riiig g,ssls. Many haury «"-y idea of what wc can do here 1.1 old leaving only a slight trace of their yi . ar8 lic|0ro |t rlln Mvick had ail ex- „„ .I.Mr »l, ,r.' li„ro. ^ * jh^wr^ld tnda^'t'r X» T c up (am. the glo.y of Fn-derica the article iu large quantities. ( ^ K 'l ue *Lu>n,Mbat would have been |, ai | waned; this was the main tni-j Youro, « te., I EmBKTVX. I tlie condition of the eyes of the ding point for an exJ«Mi.*dve area. 1* V. Sint, 5L Ok i