Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 05, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, I»UBLI8IIK1> EVERY SATURDAY MORNING At MOMhWKJS, OEttROIA, BY 2. G. STAC IT. OFFICE, Corner Xewcatlle ami Monk Streets. Advertising RntMi Per square, tow line* apaee, ftrat insertion, $1 00 Per square, each subsequent Insertion, 60 Special rain to yearly and large a>l trrlitert. -fiS Advertisements .from responsible parties will published until ordered out, when thettiue in aot spool fled. and payment exacted accordingly. Ccuiinnnic-ationn for imlividual benefit, or of a pernonal charac ter, charged an advertisement Marriagen and obituary notice* not ex>'c«>diiig tour line*, aolictcd for publication. When ex ceeding that npace, charged aa advertisement*. All letter* aud coiumunicationn nhould be ad dresaod to the undemignud. T. U. STACY, Brunswick, Georgia. iHunsitich 2Mrrrtisfr« VOL. 5, NO. 48. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1880. City Directory. Savannah, Florida A / est- ern Railway. GENERAL MANAGER’S OFFICE, ) , Savannah, Mitrcli 13, 1880. f I AX AND AFTER SUNDAY, Mur. A/ 14, Pamenger Trains on this Rood Mill run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Suvunuali daily at 4:30 r m Arrive at Jesnp * ” Arrive at Thomai Ml BROTHERS & CO. Bay St., Brunswick. Ga., Amttani Morthal—J. L. Ifc-aoh. /tdieemr.n—W. 8. Pittman. /W Ihyiieian—i. H. Main. M. D. City I’khytician—J. It. Itobinn, M. D. Hartmr Matter— Matthew Shannon. Fort Wardens—Burr Minton, G. J. Hall and 7:50 p m 0:20 a M 9 :80 a m 10:25 a m CITY OFFICERS. Jlf<iyor-J. F. Nelson. . Aldermen- j. m. Coupcr, t. o. stacy. J. r i Arrive at Baiuhridge" Cook, J. P. Harvey, A. T. Putnam, W. W, Wat- Arrive nF Allninv ” kin*. J j. Spear* and I). T. Dunn. Arrive at Allmiiv ^ Clerk d Treasurer—.lame* Hounton. Arrive at LlVt‘ Oak JfaraAal—J. c. Norman. Arrive at Tallahassee” 7 KX) a Arrive at Jaeks’iiville” 7:50 am Leave Tullahiisnee ” 6.-00 l* m Leave Jacksonville ” 5:30 pm Leave Live Oak ” 11:15 p m Leave Allxtny ” 4;(M) p m Leave llainbridge ” 4:00 pm Leave Thoniasville " 7:80 p m Leave Jesnp ” 6^0am , Harvey and Coup«r. ' Arrive at Savannah ” 9:00 A m j No change of cars between Savannah 1 and Jacksonville and Savannah and • j Albany. I Pulitnan Palace Sleeping Cars run Fuui DWA*TMtirr—Dunn, Harrojr and PutMiu through to and from Su van nail and Jaeksonvillc. • Sleeping cars run through to and from Savannah and Albany. Passengers from Savannah for Fer- nandina, Gainesville and Cedar Keys take this train. Passengers from Savannah for Bruns wick and Darien take this train, firliv ing at Bnnawick 0:00 a. m. Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Savannah 9.(Ml a. m. Passengers leaving Macon 7:15 a. m. (daily except Sunday) connect at J« sup .FFF.R to the public, a HEAVY AND FANCY The freshman's Story, j ‘-.Stop! Stop right there! How| ! much did you hay that (tone When the old farmer came into j weighed ?” the car, the only vacant seat was that besido a freshman who was reading a book. The old man want ed to be sociable, and presently he said to tire freshman: “You’re fond of novels I reckon ?” “I? No,’’ said the young man. “This isn't a novel. It is Hume’s account of the “Siege of Troy.’ ” “ Troy, hoy ? I know all about ?2 Oft A YEAR. Our Fishing (jarty. BY SUM JIM. GROCERIES, j that town. What’s the book say i in reference to it?” Educatioh—Cook.fltacy i Charity—Stacy, Cook and PutnniN. Postmaster—Llnuti North. KD1TOKS AND NBWSPAPKU MBS of the country, endome Jamb* IV'**' Patent Gold Watch CMUt An a proof, read the following: Rnlilmore, Mil., March H, WHO. It given me pleasure to inform you J. T. RnUKSOLD, FA. and Prup’t Trteg.a La Faratt*. Ind., March *. 1*h). I tnkc pleasure in commending the .lumen Bo** SHIP C'lIANDl.KItV, Cigars & Tobacco, CONFECTIONERIES. Etc. Watch Cane an highly nu tintin'lory and i H. LlNo “Ron*,” Mitli this train f*»r Fit PaasengoiN from Florida by this trail connect at Je*up with train arriving ii Macon at (1:25 p. m- daily. w Connect at Albany with I\i.*»eiigei 1 Prop't Courier I tfflUDS lwitil \VilVH Oil SoUtllMCatol'll mil D«-n Moio«a, la.. Fob, w, i**o road to and from Moeou.Kuful.i, Mont our manager baa carried a Janie* Bo«* Patent rv \j - tV Ol'ltulJM, rtr. Mail Kbmnier leave* Bsiinbridg*- f< Boots, Shoes, Hats, CXjOTIiXlSrQ, A otio.ys, Err, Watrli Cane nod eheertulljr *aj * that It cunind In- 8 j beaten iu any way. StatkLbakkii Co.. Pub’r* /«*mi Stale Leader. Watacka. 111.. March H. loan, n p1ca*cd to nay that lhn Juno * Bonn Watch II. M. Pa-rim*. Ed. and Prop’t Iroqnie Co. limn. M’annau. Win., Mar.h 10. 1**0. The Watch Cane I have of your make 1* In every way natiatectory; It In Ju*t splendid. Mahk H. Babncm, Ed. aud Prop 1 Torch oj Liberty. The al»ov* are concurred in by hundri-da of Other iMlitorn an well a* mechanic*, no reliant* and Jeweler*, in all part* of the country, Thin in tlie only |.alent esse 1 Illustrated Al«lael'i I lii !*■* oi *o|Id Isold. It In warranted i>> ape rial ccrtifleata. A*k your Jeweler jor illuatratei catalog no containing full description. 5-Cciit Confer AT JKWKIJIY GTORK OF Clias. J. Doerflingcr ON BAY BTREKT. C ALI, and examine my .Want Counter, and are the multitude ol thing*, too UUUieroiin to lueution, that lam offering at ONLY FIVE CENTS A-PIECE. AUCTION AND COMMISSION D. Janies Billon. Auction Days Every tVe«1uc» >lui unit Kntimliiy, lice I u n I UK Ht II O'clock a ui. J. M. DEXTEIt, Banker and Broker, Exchange bought and sold. InMirance k Ileal KMate Aient. C. P. UOODTKAB. I I r. II. hash*. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorney* at Law, Brunswick, Geohoia. O FFICE—On Gloucester itmt, next door to Mtehelnou », up *talra. i‘i artiet in all counties of the Brunnwlck Cir cult and the city of Darien, Oa. •o My, BURNHAM'S •ola every Sunday undTiiurs I day evening; lor Columbus every: Tuesday and ^biturday afternoon. CltiBe eon nee ti« m at JiMtktmuville dui ly iSiiiidaVN cXCCptrtl) for S. AltgilhtilU , Pidatku,, "Enterprise mid all luiiiliiig' 1 on St. JoIiii'm nv-r. Trains on 11. and A. B. B. lenv. , ? , ni _ -o |i(W |(wt junction, going Meat, at 11:87 a. m, rio^bSdd'auT imTi and for J trill is wick at 4:40 p. in. daily, pnrcha*ing cine where except Sunday. of Tvn« ACCOMMODATION THAI NS—EAS Lime, Corn A r Bay TEBN DIVISION. * Savannah,S’day ex’cd, at 7:00 a L* M dut unit Leave Jesnp l.< ;ivc Blackfdienr Arrive at Diijamt Leave Dupont Leave Blacknlieur Ijeuve Jesnp Leave Mclntoah Arrive at Savaiiuuli ** ** 5:40 p >i WES FERN DIVISK n Leave Dni»ont, S'lid'y exe'pM, (5.00 a m 9 .40 / T2:.M» P * 8;ii5 l* : 9:50 a 1 INI p 3 :00 p i. I out, of eoiirrte.” front gates?” What?” Go on, it inn! ns no <Iifitrelict I keep mv Luck gate liistened. my BARGAINS AUK OFFERED at lf, on Recount of tramps. 1 sup “Three or four hundred pounds.” “ Aiulilinml picked it up?” | Two weeks ago, Stmlwick and I I aaitl Ulysses picked it up, ami Joined a fishing party and went up with it he burst the gate to splin- j to the lakes to rob them of their t° rH - ’ ; finny inhalatanta. “So young and yet so wicked !’’ There were just six of us in all, said the old man sadly. ** My son, and we provided ourselves with pro- what you want is a terrific lot of j visions enough to keep us from get moral discipline, laid on thick and ting hungry—or thinly, rubbed in hard. I never beard I kept a diary of each day’s pro- your equal for fiction.” ! .codings, and will copy from it. “Well,” said the freshman, ex- First day.—Arrived at the lake j “Why, you know the whole laming tho seventh page of his this mornins. Major Dimeless | trouble was caused by a woman j book, and ap|wrcntly not heeding called the roll. Nobody lost on the I iinmcd Helen, who—” the old man, “after a number of' way. “Any last name?” combats, Hector came out one day, Overhauled the provision wagon; I “ No; she was—” j and he and Achilles had a fight all found it to contain the following | “ Di.rshe go to the Presbyterian : by themselves.” j article' | church ? A small woman with one' “ With gloves ?” 1 One quart of whiskey, twelve eye a little warped? I’ll bet any- “And when they hod exchanged loaves of bread, ten |siun<ls corned thing I know that woman!" a good ninny blows, Hector started beef, one gallon of whiskey, two to run; and be ran clear around sugar-cured lmm», one sack of suit, Troy three times with Achilles in three bottle* of whiskey, eight close pursuit. |iounds of crackers, one demijohn “Young man, if you don't stop ol whiskey, several kinds of canned “Prime? 1 knew a Ferguson I that kind of thing I’ll change nty fruit, six pocket flnsks ,,f whiskey, who married a Prime. He was ill sent! You cot ldn’t make me he- one firkin of butter noil two small the truck business in Syracuse—I lieve any man hod ns good wind as of whiskey, had relations in Troy, most likely.” j tlint if you were under oath." Think this will last us till “Helen’shusband persuaded the “On the third lap Achilles over-!get some fish. Stndwiek is dmibt- 0reeks to collie with him to Troy took him nnd killed him on the : ful; thinks there is too nint h to eat j •<> try to get her hack again, and so J sisit.” andnot enough to drink, they manned their shijis and sailed I “ Did the rase conic before the Major Dimeles* is our lender ; toward the city.” j grand jury ? j He was elected by one vote-h I “ Cftinc up in the night hunt, did j ‘ Hut thi?*,you know, did not let own. they/ the Greeka into the city. And how! His name is appropriate. Never “Oh. no; it is believed they used f do you think they finally got in?” ( has a dime unless he borrows it.— their oars the entire distance.” | “ Took the horse cars?” j Ve teran fisher though. Knows cv- “ Howe 1 up ! Nobody but a lot j “Of course not.” J cry fish iu the lake by name. ofjnekftFS ’s would have done that, “ Marched in inn torch-lightpro- when they could have gone right cession?” up tho river shore on an express! “No,” train.” . i “ Came in the band-wagon of a “As soon as they landed,the j>co- circus?” pie of Troy closed the gates of the *’ No; they made n wooden horse city, and—” ” What for?” “To keep the “Alley gates “ And you know,” said the fresh man, with a far-away look in his eyes, “she came to Troy and went to live with Priam, who—’’ Didn’t fish to-day. Will to-mor row. I Second day.—Tried oui luck to- l day. Fish didn’t bite very well, j Mosquitoes did. Had to fish from the shore, be cause we had no boat. All sat in a row. Demijohn kept V by don't passing fiom one end of the line to Next to *1. MidiiTsoii .S. Urn. pose II \ II It IS’ .h:\vf.lhy IMI \aldoMta l*iive (Quitman “ 9:45 am Arrive at Thom .svill*’ '• 12:00 m Leave Thomiisvilie, MondiiYH, Wediiemlav aiul Friday ... 2:301* m Leave Camilla. Monday, Wed nesday and Friday 5:23 i-m Arrive ut Allmuy, M awlayH, WrcliH Kdaya and Fridays.. 7:151* m Leave Albany, Monday, Wed- nemlay and Friday 6:30am Leave Camilla, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday 8:48 a m ! Arrive at Thonmavdle, Mon- j rtaj.WwlDMdsy sad Fi i.lnvl 1:30 * m , wWl „ r ,„ my ol Ia’uve ihomaav u,8 d y exc p d ) :45 1* M K , nt«' *u<l rbiltlren * Leave On it man “ 3.5.3 ex ' “ ’ FINGER RINGS, SmELIBMENT! THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF Watches and Clocks. JEWELRY, ETC. la'ave \ahlonta Arrive at DujMint J. S. Tyson, Muster Transportation, II. s II UEE8 General Manager. Brunswick & Albany Railroad (’HANOI! or S. IIKM LK. St’FWUNTENUKNT'S OFFICE, ( IlKi'Xswu'i, Oa., July 17th, 1*79., O N itj-I July |7lh. 1*79. |m*m:uk' train* un tlitn UinuI will run m follow*: I'w-iiHjcr lY»lu leave* Brun*wi< k .Uilv (ex c*pt Sum.:*)) at 7.os, A U Arrive*MtlVIwuitvlIle, A. AO. B. R.,»t. 11:17 A A 1.•■*%•«•* Til"»u\ ill*, A. k (J. it. R..*t . ..lit” A M Arrive* at A1L*BJ *i s.wj 1* M iirouixa Le*v>^ Albany a*ll)(exrept Sun.UyM.8:«» A M Arrive* *t Telteau villa, A. * o R. M..«t. 4 19 I* M l*-*vo» T*b*MVllle, A. ft O. H. H.. »t 4 Pt 1* M Arrives *t HrunawD k <* to 1* >1 T rain- truin Albany m*k" closw* . ..riu.-. ti.ui *t T.-be*uville with A. ft O., iNt*«^u^*r train Sum Savannah. ukI with but i.-w hour* .Hay * ■*"* “***■ * ft a., iHUMiugi't ti htdlow, and—” I “ Minie n wooden horse holloa ! There you go again ymi give up that laid hnhit of vio-l the otlie luting the truth! | giadwiek got drunk nnd fell in “ A "’ 1 tl " , y l’ l,t a l,n,Ml of men the hike, dunked him out nnd quit inside the horse, who • ” \ f ur thc^luv. ! li.N'king-hiirw, did you rny?" | Counted our fish. "'V’o b.i.l low until the horse; Major Dimeless caught two perch. " The (ii-cek.i were lisl by n mini- ill,< ’ tl,c ci| y (b.-y sprang Rufus De Jones enught nn eel. In r of brave soldiers. Amo.ig these "lit. opene.l the gab’s, let in their Adolphus St. Smith enught a cat- W0S Hyesee, who—” friends, nnd then the whole pnrty | figh fish nnd n hluck boss. “ Who did you any?” I l.urnext the city to ashes.’’ j I caught a smoked halibut, a box “Ulysses, the—” | The old man looked anxiously I of sardines and somo canned nil- “8ee here, young mnn, you’re:Hie freshmnn. Ho scen ed hurt mon. not telling the truth. Don’t I :l, “l ofleii'lcd by the youth’s de- j Stndwiek caught ft cold, know that Grant never came to j pmvity. Then ho said mournful- j Tliinl day.—Fish hit much bet- Troy to fool with anybody’s front ter to-day. MosquiUn's bit much gate?” You ought to be ashamed “And when do you say rill this' worse, of yourself to try to impose on a happened?’ | One of the boys wont to the up- man who in old enough to he your “About three thousand years jar part of the lake and caught grandfather!” * i»go.” ! nine large pickerel. “ You don’t understan 1. I mean The aged man buried his face in But when we came to count the that—” | his bands and groaned: Gsli, it ap|>eared that he had caught “If a man don’t want him for a “ Why, you phenominal liar !— one pickerel nine times, third term, well and good; but Don’t I know that Troy was found- It was a very large fish, there’s use of putting things on him <*d Ujnrn the hanks of the Hudson If© J s - going to have its skin dried that he never did.” j no later than 1780? whole for a spectacle case. “The freshman seemed to be nh-| Thu train stopped, and the fresh- This evening I left the party in 11 s a pickerel! shouted Major Dimelems, in intense excitement.— A big fellow! Take out your lines,” he yelled to the rest of us.— “Give him plenty of room ! Play him,” 1 shrieked U» Stadwiek “ Ix?t- him run !” “ Keep your line taut!’* “ Don't give him an inch of slack !” “ out!” “ Don’t let him do that again!” “ l/*t him run!” “ Now, bring him in this—look out! don’t let him do that again,” we all shouted to him in a breath. Sunl wick got aw fully excited. He was on the point ol throwing down his poh and rushing out in the lake, intending to run the fish down and kick it to death. He screamed to the Major: “ You take the pole and land him — I never can !” Major refused, hut ran down to the water’s edge, stiNiping down and spreading out his arms, he yelled: Here,now, bring him in! steady! Ah-” And fli|>-llftp! Stndwiek had his fish on the shore. It was a beauty—a little sun fish about three aud a half inches long. Stadwiek got mad and challenged Major Dimeless. Tho Major got mad and challenged Stadwiek. Nei ther would accept the other’s chal lenge. Somebody challenged both to take a drink; both accepted. Fifth day.—Nobody cared to fish to-day, except myself. Went out alone, taking a loaf of I trend for bait. Sat down upon a wet stone, cast my bread upon the wate Fish didn’t seem to lie huf One old fellow looked with a mournful sm^ his head as if to say, hut 1 have no appetite Caught nothing cxcl ism. Got lonesome somebody to talk to. Saw a big bumble- mi my mind to btiz~ Found him a good bii. lie was rather stinging marks. Wc came to blows. I headed; he was hot at the end. The bee struck me twice, and struck a bee-line for the tent. 1 was mad. I picked a quarrel with Major Dimch^, hit IUifus De Jones in the eye with a soft shell turtle, and swore I’d go home to-morrow. They paid they’d do tho same. Sixth day.—Arrived homo this evening. Didn’t have any long strings of fish to present to our wives, hut we all had a long string of lies to explain why we didn’t bring ’em. Don’t think my wi’e believes half I told her. She thinks it a very fishy story. Yours of-fish-ously. Ihidiu Has Long ltccn iihc«1 l»y the HottentotH in n vari ety «>f (liwuHpH. From these rude nnicticionera the remedy was borrow* d hv the resident English nnd Dutch pliynicianH, by whone i •'commendation :t was employed in Europe, nnd lum since come into general line. Cam- nined with Juniper nnd other desira ble ingredient*, a* iu the preparation j of Itiinkiu's Compound Fluid Extract I of Hnchuand Juniper, it proves u most reliable remedy for Non-retention or with kflBt h*Y<-. Fine M-arfpln* ami rina*. IR* III tilt! l4l***t If. I .... *»>lii| uold *U>I |>i*U ktuila aail i-ulUr liattuu*, *ilv<-r tliimlilaa ol »v- Co ,pv ■(*•■• A 111 ' rulliiry, inn*ir*l iM-lrMm<iO*.* ; _ Ml .... wi I I^ d *“ examining the landseapc man rose to get out. As he went the tent and went out to catch some Incontinence of Urine, Irritation. In- .»t|iri.e*. , . , from the window. through the door of the car, the old fish on mv own hook Hammotinn or Ulceration of the IMml- R«p*irinf ot *11 fclifi* «>f wairh**, riwk*. j«*w- . „ lr . . .. . " " > " K * .brand Kidney*. Ktone in the lilad- , eiry. no®* *t *h<»rt sotw,*n«i um*t r***uu«- And the lender of the Trojans,” farmer leaned over to the man in Couldn’t do it My own hook d*r. Gravel or Brick Dust DeiMwit, * J iii.;hn*t prw paid for old gold is r**»» or he said, “was a man named Hec- front of him, and said: was broken; had to use u Urrro wed Milky Discharge', and all diaeaHea of tor. And he came out and stood “ See that l»oy going out there?” one. , the Bladder or Kidneys and Dropstail SThAM KH Ik I.J It V • 0,1 me wall, to observe the | A es. Sat down on ft rock. Saw a big Prepared only by Hunt, ltankin Sc “ Bricklayer, was he ?” j “Well, what lie wants is about fish swimming about in the water.! ^"nmr, Atlanta. Gn., ami sold by F. -p rp A T J T r? “A suldier. And when the (ijjlit thousaml yenre of steady go- Desired to communiento with | J " CTgff - ^ 1 lAllt 1 AdLE, Greek crime up they deumi.dcd ing to Sunday-school. He enn out- him, nnd so dropped him n line— Dkxtvs, G*., Deo. 9, 1BTO. that he should surrender Helen to lie any Isiy of his siie in the Tern- requestinz him to answer hv return 11 " IV '' V 1 ®*! ,1 "‘ Krx In **’ cl KxU roii- ller husband. perate /one. —ilujl<UUr. mail. -nlu. I. I„.v» l.y iu n.« entirely •' T - OT CIUAUC e DDIIUCUflPtf “ Why didn’t he take out a writ Tisxmsr, Ai.*., July 28. 1878. : He enught at tho id.a-niso at pi*** troui rosebea wbieu he- 11,1 ST| SIMONS & BRUNSnlbK. of t I know the judge Dk. C. J. Morrrr—Owir Sir: Jn«- the halt, nnd swallowed it whole. SCHEDULE OF RATES I'llK r MteaiiD-r Rubjr wl htiiiuii* Mill* MWt Brunawk- leaven T. lo aiivill. for Hurt la at l..«"i* ii f | CIIARI.KH I.. SCHLATTER, follow* om.™j sne..«„u.„.i Bn ,. ! IW1 win I tally (Hsttirdaya *rtd SftftAwjr* ex< i r,‘KuUrl i.’: in Troy man over quieker’n a wink NOTICK. UUVk ODLUM’ WH vur. ncMfKl j I tally, (SmuiU)* <x* -|.to«l) (iuftlll 1 Daily (S*tMrUva*«i.lSiufi*yaeXi’. |)t* <l) . Hat unlay. | Saturday* (extra) . KAVK 1*1 » » *11 wli.iiu It Iiwjr r—rrra: Be* it known that Mooday* («*xtr*l . nelthi rth# owner of the atcau.i r Florwu. «•. i.eavb *t.*imo the rh*rt*r-|>*rtjr, MVtb* cunalgnrrw, will I.- Daily Hun lav* «x«-*i»ted). ( LAVDINO. U«f*»WH’i $ lULLlHli SUPPLIES Workai ( briatUH*, |.a*r«»ler t *.. P*. OMrrt tas. UratrrM.. Y*rk. r* J. K. ROBINS, PHYSICIAN A BUBO EON, AFKKIW hfe prof.- -t..n*l aervlce* to the people j \J ofllrunswirk and vi.lmt). at Mel (t>-u a drii/ atwr»*. lUwtd. n. . on Moiik -tr •• t I bear Mctb.-h-t > hunli jiartv. r—p.>n-ible for auv IdlU •ny oftlte.-rew of the -t.-aturr Flors'iwe, without » written onk-r truiu the i*nd.r»tkud 11. BROCK, •lebta contrariwd by Daily (Saturday *iH lay* (extral !»n.Uy . HatnrU>a(ni*ll) tlnr.'aya (extra. Far- n-«*y. t* eta. Fo*iMveljf Forflelght, |•»*»-»('• . r'-x. nraioi NOTICE >•> free ll*t. . Bfiplyto U. IHBT. J*.. Ht.-amer hnbj._ I W. F. Pennlman. Atf-nt. Brnuawl. k Dart, Ag.-Dt, Ht. Simon*. fore it wiut iiupotbvihlo to get rid of. I coDhider it a very valuable preparation I pulled with a good deal of vigor. «ud rvcomiaeud it tohonaeksepera who Itc ditt.s'.l with a good deni of l,n l ,r " iW * ith r '':' cl ”'“' ,r in ’ “ Hector would no, consent to |^ «le h, F. give her up. Hi id then the fighting ,ra* erhmnieif tn »hn/M prem-rift/ion* He was the stronger; found it (, a. niHjiolm began. They fought, and fought, A MH * nurfmnii'i phifticuiu. Her bow- out when I. was half way across the la iwton ITVimr elscontmni*il to imHM off pure hlmnl, , • , , tOUDB IS Aiug and fought, outside the City liniltH. IIMl | l„ iri ,i„K ftv r i*o»ii, l .„.d for .lava Ui «° «»« an ‘ l «"«•» In commerce, oo the Liver i* king in “Well,” said the old man, “I ; *t a time Her life w.i* alnumt de- hack, don’t like to doubt your word, my trv*'t.-otliium, \icl, 1 in f n .hiy"ilr***1 w!i* ^ onder if that fish will lye lion- son, hut it is mighty queer there there whm h gr- Mtehniige—new life bmi ^ enough to retam my tackle, was nothing about the fuss in any r*?’ 1 not to tackle him again. He’d a handed that wo-1 iicc ^ f 0 " tlmt I should give you my ex|N*rivncc with your excel lent medicine, Teethina. Our littlo InaOdf huntillK |>artl-a Will lb II RICHARD WALKER, of the impure. Where were the |x>- liee?” “And one .lay when the Trojans were all within the city, Ulyi '*• h " h, ‘ if he will. tilt liunj.u »y«t. ni. We cannot live in niiv |M' witli tl.ri organ ■liMsuHsl. To keep it iu oiu.liti.iu to It.rf.irui it. f ii not ions, n-e Ur. Mil.lrr’a Liver I’ill". Tliev lire mrhl liy all Druggists ami enntry nivrelianta. Jonx DiiBiiimix, j Hknkv DiiBii.xon I l)It*r, mill Ih.luk'H to Toothi it tloing trett. YourN, l ie. I). W. MelvsR. Fourth day. Stndwiek landed .}/,**,*. llmvkium d: Editor tnd Proprietor Tnnkegee (Ala.) hi» first pickerel this morning.— happy to mj that your Ac»r*. . . , . iirted hm t| apeCltic ill Uiy ' * ’ were nu iviiiim me uq, »-1vrrtw For *u!c by F. Jm rger, BmiiMviek, * urprised every tHMly. in mi incredibly abort time. I Contractor Hlllldor oi»>« Up to the gate, and picking Georgia ^ nmyl.Vlui All sat in a row, as usual. Some- «‘;nkl »duae »U suffering from ueu- huge stone weighing three Dentists’ Imllad—“O. who can thing ran away with Stadiwii k’i /Jm-1 am peciiic in uiy cam*, relieving up . m ' ; ni-os » t J. b. Dc Big non. | I »*..n.^. * hundred |ioiiml«, he hurleil it—” , tell the jaws we feel!” I line. nlgia to trv it. Yoiira, etc.. L. V. Hims, M. D.