Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 12, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING At B*c(ih'vricK, oboboia, by 1. Q.'ST AC T. OFFICE, Comer Newcastle and Monk Streets. , fl 00 60 Advertising Rates! Per square, ton lines afta-e, first insert!' Per equnre, each subseqnent insertion, Special rales to yearly and large advertisers. “%% Adv rtisemonts k froin responsible parties will published until ordered out, when the time u not specified, and payment exacted accordingly Communications for individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged as advertisement Marriapes and obituary notices not exceeding lour lines, sollded for publication. When ex ceeding that space, charged as advertisements. All letters and communications should be ad dressed to the undersigned. T. U. STACY, Brunswick, Georgia. vmmkk %ftvntim. VOL. 5, NO. 49. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 12, 1880. $2 00 A YEAR. City Directory. art wMni - J, F. Nelson. m~ J. M. Coil per, T. O. Stacy, Assistant Marshal—J. L.' Beach. Mirrman— W. 8. Pittman. Varl Itn/sirian—J. H. HI sill, M. D. Uty I’khysirian— ■!. It. Robins. M. D. 'tarbor Master— Mutt hew Shannon G. J. Hall and nn. Spear Hahimih —Harvey, Coo lUlMuiADs—Cook, Hal Htrkets, drains a did Watkins. Cemxtxriiw—Putnam Public bcildwos—Wi Education—Cook, 8ta Chabitt—Mtncy, Cook and l'utuaM. Fire dkbahtmknt—Dunn, Harvey and Putiuo UNITED STATER OFFICERS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. Deputy—II. T. Dunn. EDITORS AND NEWSPAPER MEN of Mm country, cndorM Jun u™.' PncsrOnu. \ at Muuswick 0:00 A Railroads. Savannah, Florida & West ern Railway. GENERAL MANAGER’S OFFICE, ) Savannah, March 13, 1880. j O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, Mur. 14, Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at 4:30 pm Arrive at Jesup ” 7:50 p m Arrive at Thomasv’e” Arrive at Ritinhridge” Arrive at Albany ” Arrive at Live Oak ” Arrive at Tallahassee” Arrive at Jacks'll ville” Leave Tullaliassee ” Leave Jacksonville ” Leave Live Oak ” 11:15 p m Leave Albany ” 4;(K) p m Leave Bainbridge ” 4:00 i* m Leave Thomasville ” 7:30 pm Leave Jesup ” G:30 a m Arrive at Savannah ” 9:0*) a m 1 1 No change of cais between Savannah and Jacksonville and Savannah ami •; Albany. ( Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars x through to and from Suvaunali and Jacksonville. Sleeping cars run through to and from Savannah and Albany. Passengers from Savannah for Fer nandiuu, Gainesville anil Cedar Ivey: take this train* Passengers from Savannah for Bruns wick and Darien take this train, aniv- (5:20 a m 9:30 a M 10:25 a M 2:00 a m 7:00 a m 7:50 a m 6:00 I* m Bay St., Brunswick. Ga., HEAVY AND FANCY That Roy. 11lie Yestervik Pod, saying: “\Ve I are running at full speed toward The other day, a lady accompa* iTuna. Railroad train telegram—a nied by lier son, a very small boy,' new victory achieved by the human boarded a train at Little Rock, Ark The woman had a care-worn ex mind.” Isater two trains started I for Rladda, the one which left first sighs. ‘ Ma,” said the boy, “that man’s like a baby, ain’t he?” pointing to GROCERIES, a bald-headed man sitting just in pression hanging over her face like j telegraphing the other when to a tattered veil, and many of the start, and afterward holding almost rapid questions asked hy the hoy, ] constant communication with it.— were answered by unconscious The details of tho invention nre still tiro inventor's secret. J. T. Bor.iti 1. and l'rop’t 7 , Ind., March H Passengers from Brunswick arrive at ! Savannah 9:00 a. m. Passengers leaving Macon 7:15 a. m. j (daily except Sunday) connect at Jcaiq ! with this train for Florida, j Passenger** from Florida hy this trail | connect at Jesup with train arriving in m highly Manufactory and equal in , Mm (ill at 6:25 ]>. Ul. daily. Ionia Hama They g b LiNnLx < ’ j Connect at Albany with Dc* Moine* r baa carried a J. id chuertnllj kuj ataekii. 111.. Mui Ed. and Prop't Jrvqui ; II Barnum, ud Prop’! Torch of Liberty. rred in by hundreda of Passenger both ways on Southwestern rail road to and from Macon,Eufula, Mont gomery, New Orleans, etc. Mail steamer leaves Bain bridge for Apalachicola every Sunday and Thurs day evening; for Columbus every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon. Close connection at Jacksonville dai SHIP CHANDLERY, Cigars & Tobacco, CONFECTIONERIES. Etc. Boots, Shoes, Hats, GLOTXTI3STC3-, Aermrs, Ere* front of them. “ Hush.” “ Why must I hush?” After a few moments’silence: “ Ma, what’s the matter with that man’s head ?” # “ Hush, I tell you ! He’s bald.” “ What’s bald?” “ His head hasn’t got any hair on it.” “ Did it come off?” “ I guess so.” “ Will mine come off?” “Sometime, maybe.” “Then I’ll be bald, won’t 1?” “ Yes.” “ Will you care ” Ail Echo. Some years ago a very fine echo was discovered on an Englishman’s estate. He was proud of it, of course, and excited considerable envy by its exhibition. A neigh bor, who owned an adjoining es tate, felt especially chagrined, but was greatly encouraged hy an Irish man who went over the lands with the hope of finding one. He de clared himself successful in finding the most wonderful echo ever heard, and he stood ready to unfold his secret for a very large sum of money. The nobleman listened to the echo, and, although there was something peculiar about the echo, “Don’t ask so many questions.*’! ^ ,0 ^ ie ri,one y* An afternoon After another silence, the hoy, ex j ') ftS se ^ ^ or friends to come and claimed: listen to tho marvelous discovery. 4 Ma, look at that fly on that! Hullo! cried in stentorian mail's head.” i the Hibernian who had prom- GOAKS. Met by chants—Tho cliurcl choir. The dentist pullls what lie docs not plant. Widows and widowers ought to be repaired. A cat’s mouth is like a free show —open to waul. Is a clothing store a coterie, a pantry or a vestry ? Treatment of .Scarlet Fever. Dr. I'igeon, in the highly author itative London Lanrrt, says: "I haw had wonderful success-in my Ireatiiisnt of savrlet fever. All.oas- es were well marked., and the epi dermis on tile arms crime off like the skiu of a snaltfe. The following is the exact treatment: “ Thoroughly anoint the jiatient with sulphur ointment twice a day; give live to ten grains of sulphur in a little jam three times a day.— Sufficient sulphur was burned twice daily (on cimls on a shovel) to fill the rooms with the fumes, and of course was inhaled t>y -the patient. Under this trretmeirt, each case improved immediately, and none were over eight days iu making a complete recovery. U prevents the disease from spread ing. The worst case yields to it— It is a sjiecific.” Coal is one of the things that iyo made in vein. A dissenting minister who was I f a lady should change her sex, an ardent admirer of Mr. Gladstone, she’ll be a lie-then. jin praying for a blessing on tlieex- When dogs die, do they goto the Premier, used the somewhat nmbig- uous words that he and his fellow redeemers of England might “hang together.” On hearing this pmycr. * _ . . , i a brother sitting below, who was An indication of spring—A bent . , , , . . accustomed to i happy land of canine? Rtm-away pigs were tho first American pen-shunners. pin in the teacher’s chair. say 'Amen’ in pray- | er time, and who approved of laird 11 ) ouc ' el see a pre tty girl; Beaconfield’e policy-on the Eastern with n neat waist basque it? question,exclaimed, “ Amen,amen; There is more fashion in the city ) 1 may they hang together.” The ] Radical parson felt that he wa but more stiles in the country. System is twill sister to success. And.spondulix is the godmother. A politician who lmd been kick ed down a flight of stairs, felt as 1 mean may they in accord # though his sent lmd been contested.: concord 'hang together.’” “ * ' misunderstood, and by way of ex planation, said: “Ido not me ‘hang together’ iu the sense wh ! our brother dinyn below memu: “ amen,” replied the Thf. in tin* Lilly pill,-lit m.o mail, 1 lu of soil,I 1*old. It Ik warran rtal i*(Ttlflrat«. Aak yonr Jeweler jor catalogue t oittaiuiiirf full dtfrriptiuu. 5-Cent Coimler I fftLEY UTOJfE i Chas. J. Doerflinger ON HAY STREET, C ALL and examine my 5-cen» Counter, aii.l the mnltitiido ul thiiiK*. too numerous to ulutka,,, and all landings «n St. John’s rivet*. Trains on B. and A. R. R. leave junction, going west, at 11:37 a.m., and for Brunswick at 4:40 p. in- daily, i pur« Benin# eli except Sunday. ACCOMMt) I) ATION TR AI NS—EAS TERN DIVISION. L’ve Savannah,S’day ex’ed, at 7;00 a m Leave McIntosh “ " 9:40 a m Leave Jesup " “12:30 pm Blacks] tear “ “ 3:05 l* m at Diqwnit “ “ 7:00 p m Dupont “ “ 5.30 a m j Leave Blackshoar “ “ 9:50 a m Leave Jesup “ “ 1:00 pm Ijcave McIntosh “ “ 3:06 p m Arrive at Savannah “ “ 5:40 n m I WESTERN DIVISION. ’pM, 6:00 a m , around, “ what is the matte Lime, Corn & Hay, that young hyena?” “ If you don’t hush, I’ll whip j isC(l to fin<l . an echo - you wlien we get home.” j “ •’ came back fr “ Isxik! there’s another fly. I/xik , !*Hl»iiIo. at’em fight—look at em 1 j “ How are you?” yelled one of “ Madam !” said the man, pvt-1 tllu com I’ nn . v , “‘"l an echo answer- ting aside a newspaper and looking 1 ’’ 1 a .-nspieiously different key, You may chew, you may swal low tho clove if you will, but the the WcFis, so long o * j scent of your breath is the scent of hy the same cord.— oin tliej tin; still. Pat fell from a high platform, Chronicle. with “ How nre you All went well, until, just before tlm?» i m'lr'lw 1 '!• -to k <>n im7’ r a!wa?ii "V'i'!"* ° 11 ^ Somcl hillg, ftlld attemptOC at price* so low that any‘.me with a iittl'-V^li | SH)(N)th back tllC boy’s hair. . ran bniiil and own a Jiume. Call on na before . _ ... purchoain# elsewhere, mayfly 1 n.~. *t.«— n:* fl. L. HARRIS, Next to J. MicIicIsmii X Bi o. BARGAINS ««OFFERED The woman hiusiicd, atainmcrcil i ^ l1 ^* °bc of the company, put- 1 to i |an, l 8 to his mouth, cried: “ Will you have some whiskey? One fly, two flics, three flics 1” I S,lcl ' n would discover said the hoy, innocently, following 19 |0 character of any reasonable echo^ with his eyes a basket of oranges 11 "'* s certainly too much for tho carried by the newsboy. \ nne wbich bad been discovered on “Here, you young hedgehog!” t,mt “ tatc - Judge of the surprise said the bald-hcndcd man, ‘ if you i of tllc l ,nrt J' wI > c " the answer cnme don’t hush I’ll nrnko the conductor ‘ bnck in c,enr - nfllmintivc tones: put you off the train.” The poor woman, not knowing what else to do, boxed the boy V “Thank you, surr, I will, if you plaze!” The jM>or fellow who had been cars and then gave him an orange “ ,ntiu " ul1 ;’ 1 " distance to supply ’dry. i Leave Dupoat, 8'nd’y : Leave Vjjdosta •• 6:17 a m Leave Qiutmaii “ 9:45 a m Arrive at Thom.isvilhi “ 12:(K)m I Leave Thoiuasville, Moncltiys, ONLY KIVK CENTS A-PIKCE. 3:30 rM i nesduy nod Friday 5:23 pm Arrive at Albany, Mondayh, Wednesdayh and Fridays.. 7:15 p m Leave Albany, Monday,\Ved- newlay y.nd Friday 6:30am Leave Camilla, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday 8:48 a m Arrive at Thomasville, Mou- day,Wednesday and Fridayll:80A m Leave Thomaav’e.S'd’y exe’p'd ) :45 p m Leave Onitnnm " 3:53 pm Leave Valdosta Arrive nt Dupont J. S. Tyson, Master Transportation. fl. H. HAINES, General Manager. HARRIS' JEWELRY to keep him from c ry in; the place # of an echo, aim ply huc- SSTAELISIMIKT 1 Ma, have 1 got some rc.l marks L ’unihcd to too great a temptation. oil my head ?” j “ I’ll slap you again if you don't j hush.” Two Laws. and when asked hy iiis partner u l’ to a fellow v bricklayer, “Pat, arc you dead ?”. “? rl 8a U ‘ ■'No,” replied Put, “but spachelcso.” Slns’i’lired a"hcdc. When a Burlington^ - . n /..ii with' No' wi lCWg* I’hotogmphcr: “Now, sir, ifyou’d j look a little less ns though you had I Will You Hoik" a bill Ul meet ami a little more as j rh'VcMng^m’rt'.g”**,. if you’d been left a legacy, you’ll j‘»y wlicro fwirroir reigned miRNion before which flu kiiig« dwindle into utter fvn be a picture.” “ W hy,” the boy asked, “do yon 1 This i* the peculiar province of Bi blow imwn the muzzle of your Regulator, which, froK ^ gun ?” “ To see.” replied the man.! 5t T l,'.,'| “.Woiunn'il'inmt VrieniV.’^""'!?^® “if it is ” and just then ho din- dwtreming coiuplaint kiiomi n. wliitm, covered it Wiis '"“1 various irregnlnritbnuf the wo ml), to which woman in aulijert, >tiiMp|Nsir Fraud will out. The fellow who like magic! before a single lag tie of this claims U. be the great African giant, j bbjniciiuu pre has a fait nineteen inches long.— ) I’re|>uieil by Dr. J. Bmilfleld, Allan- Wash him and see if ho ia not a *** M,, ' , m, ld »t 81.50 perlaHtlcby pi,;.,,.., it . , , F. Joergcr, UrmiMwick, Ga. Chicago man, blacked up. * nv IN r „ yr(T ukm.tu. “riilenoe is golden.” Aunt- “Has Nea1 ‘ M.mKTT*, (»*., Miirehtt.'Tn. any on. been at three preserves?” ‘Ch.uY^ AUCTION THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF Watches .and Clocks, I “ Mister,” said the boy, after ft fore a colored Justice short silence, “does it hurt to he country on charges of killing ft: (baid-hearted-? ’ j ami sUsding u mule. “ Youngster,” said tho man, COMMISSION 1). James Billon. A art ion Days Every WediieM da) and Saturday, Brain iiIiik at 11 0 9 cl«ck a in. ma)Atf, Brunswick &. Albany Railroad Co Ciianob of Schedule. J. M. DEXTER, Banker and Broker, 91*?;; Exchange bought and sold. liisnranceR Real Estate Agent. HI rEIUNTKNDKNT HOFFU.'K. *■ *•!(•*, Ga.. July 1HTU. July 17th, 1879, |ium. i will Train leave* Brunawtck daily jrx- .11:37 A M i, A. A C $ v A^t nt fur Fairbauke' A-tleH and Herriutr’a Ait— < r. UOVDTKAB. I I 9. H. HARUb. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorueya at Law, I’bukswick. Geouoia. yFFH’E—On Olotiieal^r at reel, n^xt door to ^ f Mu heirton’i*, up atafni. . It. It., a 11:17 retx>auvlll«, A. A U. K. It.. -* Arrive* at Albany at ■KTVUWM X m*v Ve " iT T" ^ **‘ 1 l , y,M * p *P* Snudayiat I-eavea Tebeauvill. Arrives at Urnnawi l Albam make rloa« coiinactio ritb A. AG., iiaM«euKer train I J with but f.-w hoars delay at ith A. A o., i>*b«eti b '«r train sin* from Drunawiuk eonuart at ToWauvilli day i^aaeoKer train of tho A. A G. It. h leaves Tebtanville for Florida at I U p 0HABLE8 l. hchlatteh. General itapshutendent. Telsauv Navainial beau villa A white man was arraigned be down the man stealing ‘iL “ W'all,” said the Justice, “de JEWELRY, ETO. you’ll keep quiet, I’ll give you ft facks in dis cose slmll be weight'd quarter. ’ with carefulness, an’ ef I hangs yer I The boy promised, nnd the mon- ’tain't 110 fault ob mine.” ey was paid over. The man took, “ Judge, you have no jurisdiction his paper and resumed his rending, except to examine me.” “This is my bald-headed money,” | “ Dat sorter work b'longs to dc said the boy. When I get bald- raigular Justice, but yer seo I'se headed, I’m going to give boys j been put on as a special. A special ‘‘“.ef.:.: money. Mister, have all bald-head-: has de right ter make a muuf at dc ed men got money ?" I S'prcme Court ef he chooses ter.” The annoyed man threw down “ Do the best you can for me, his paper, arose and exclaimed: Judge.” “Madam, hereafter when you “ Dat’s what I'se gwine ter do.— travel, leave that young gorilla at Use got two kinds ob law ill dis borne. Hitherto I always thought]court, dc Arkansaw and de Texas that the old prophet was very cru-! law. 1 generally gibs a man de el for calling the she bears to kill] right to choose fur hissef. Now children for making sport of his ] what law does yer want—de Texas head, but now I am forced to be- or de Arkansaw?" lieve that ho did a Christian act.— j “I believe I'll take the Arkan- If your boy bad been in the crowd sas.” he would hove died first. If I can’t] “Wall, in dat case III dismiss find another seat on this train, I’ll j yer fur slealin' de mule—’’ ride on the cow-catcher rather than remain here." [Dead silence] “Have you touch- 1 used it in my family witli tbs ntnm,t ed them. Jimmy ?” Jimmy: "I’a reenmm.mlrd it n> „ • J three other (iiiuilt*** »m*l th«»T have fver jowg me Uilk atuinnrr.” found it just u-lnit it ia recnmnu-urietl. “The class in grammar , vi n femides wl,o lmv« mm.1 me , . h ifrtor are now m perfect health mid pi OH SO Mtand lip HOW ftlld answer aide to attend to their hoUMfhold «ln- thia question: How do you parse tiuH - Wo cordially recouuneud it to the word dollar?” “ i’laxe, if it's a | ‘ llU P “ lj '‘ c ' n^ v . h. B. Jouxwix. trade dollar you parse it for ninety mnyl.'-eow 2m Cents.” 1 • ■»- a a • . . . I Tuhkookk, Ala., July 28, 1878. At an evening iMirty, ft lady was, Du. C. J. Momt-Ikor Sir: Jmh- called upon for a song, and begun, tie* to you deuuuuU that I bhouIdKiva ...... .. * “***' “ottr excel- Our little lithe old, Iimn had rmstfs/sf •jsfisssit r Ini« - 11 tillUed to paxa off pure hhi;hI, , , , .amllmriilng fever eouliimert (or ilsvs child is such un ethereal creature at u time. H. r life w,.« uliumt ,i,.- , , , - j lent meilloiiie, iier liusiiand was seen to start hur- girl just thirtcei riedly from the room, remarking, ,r " ll,,|L ' ictl.iiig. Kmy m, “ Not if 1 k,K,,v il “ l,c won’t.” Haiti Mrs. Fitztsaurice, the dear and so delicate, credit it, hut she J. You will scarcely , H** 1 ' n "d •'try teetkinu, •ml, he lost a hairpin out there w.w H great el ic day last week, ant she has had a frightful cold eve tiler dehu'iulneil to ty or two, - ,--- .'Image-new life lmd oi Her head one day last week, and leturued—the Imutc/m were neaily r»*K- the heibet Yonr 1 thunk* iu Tea/him D. W. McIveu. A Dutchman getting excited I ’ r ' ,pri,, ' >r T'^egeelAli,.) For tade hy F. Joerger, Bnuutwick, I |BLOQO,lMR&KIDNflS. ' CURATINE, * J. It. KORINS, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, O FFMis UU profswatuDal tmrrlem to tb* p«opl« of lirunawirk an.l vi. inity. nflbeitiu TO MAKE MONEY. will Plcaw auaw.-r this WslTmiaeromt by Tot Blood Dimomw. CURATINE, For IJv*r Complaint*. CURATiNE, For Kldnay l>w«a^*. CURATiNE, For Bbcumattsm. CURATINE, CURATINE, ^ madlclnai com- niiif In on* prap- n lb* power* “Thank you, Jmlgi over an account of the elopement of ft married woman, gave his opin- ( *eergi. ion thus: “ if mine vife run away ^ ^ mit amnler man's vife, I shake him 1 I have 11 .ed* the Bex Inneei Exte out lies preeches, ifshc mine fadde by Shorg. DEcsTca, tiA.. Dee. 9, 1879. J nutor with the most HAtirifiictory r»*- unit*. I have hy its iiim entirely leaued place* from rotclics i * * * a The bald-headed man is gone,”. man.” A man was sawing worsl the oth-1 !^ e T“ iTryv^Jlbfc^^n “An’ hang yer fur killin’ de cr <la y 111 # bnck yard. He severed laud racemnicBil it to bmawkn-pen who two sticks as thick as vour wrist ,,ru tronbled with ro-ehe. ..r i.lher I .. . ' ' “eb.- A. F. Hvww.'S; ”orMui h :n*5re said the boy; and the woman leaned j “ I believe, Judge, that I'll then wont into the house.— K, r.a'Klback and blew a tirctl sigh from ■ the Texas." “ Mary,” he said to his wife, “my Da. lice, fluuU liioruuili In It In utie*. * cum- ..f *11 nla. TtiMiwr*. holla. Action and IU •flk’Ot. xcvIM for tb* Blood Blo ck an —sof- nmro. Boll* 'Jtatt MheutH Skd herlipH. “Wall, in dat case 111 dismiss <;H 1 ll ‘.' try nee,lrt tl,er<! ’ B "« use A new invention for telegraphing from railway trains while ill motion | Iyer fur killin’ de man “ You have a good y eart, J udgi talking, we’ve just got to slaughter these Injuns; no true patriot can w«r- U"! “All hang ver fur stealin' de ** ex I )e<;te d 1° hang around a wood <•«>•»«* to stations nnd to other moving! , ." 3 81 “ lln i,,i|. ,l.„. •' .“i i ■■ ■, " : kr£yji£ : trains, is reported from Sweden as mulc ' 11 J» take dc 'easion heal,, ^ f# !! i 7! ( f u V fi , it Il ^ ' n ' K ‘" 1 working successfully at a recent !* r remB . rk dat <e on,y ' t’Zl. 1 ,''* J :>rking succonsfully at u recent trial before invited guest*. While the tiain containing the inventor, ’ THEBROfI CHEMICALCO. Knpu^ Dahbtani, and his BALTIMORE. Md. (»r mdo l»y F. Jowrger, Bnuifoviek, *yl6fia As Cotton is King In commerce, ho tho Liver i* king iu the liiiiiiiiii by wL t.i. We vauuui live in any p. ;:iv with tlii* greut oig«u ili«e»*ei1. To keep it in ciiKHtion to l his |K>rfunu it* fiiiiciiou*, nse D» Giht*rt‘s 'll ru* L* r<?r Pill-*- ’IKey ure noKI l/j all DruggintH and ooontry inercliawta. ASK VOUR DRU66IST FOR IT. tween dc two laws is In de way y0u . saw . woo ‘* %n<1 BU l’P ort J 1 ' 111 ' _ ver state de case.”—Utile ltu:k (Ark) fura >'y. it would take one hundred ! II- iJ,,*,,, J- Um.~t Ornette and eighteen like you to capture li"l>l'.' to»'i ilmi jour “ * iuUnl ««a »|iecitte m njy P.»e. ivtie _ j one squaw, and you’d have tocateh A printers girl fell exhausted ill- her when she had tile ag For sale by J. M. Madden. friends, was running at the highest rate of sjieeil allowed on narrow- to his arms at a ball. It was a feint] throw jiepia-r in her eye gunge roads, a telegram was sent to to work in an J-. | went back to tin 1-pile. incrcdililr abort tin . J uould advise all suffering (rum uetl rulgm to try it. “| Vour.. etc.. b. V “os. S|. U