Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, June 26, 1880, Image 2

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o-.-u BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER, T.<i. STACY, Editor and Proji’r. HtWBI>A¥. JUNE '2«. IK* 1 - IMMllilUTiON AND WHY IT SHOULD WHY UOVKItNOR COLQUITT IS Ol'K OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS SENATORI- — I al convention. UK KNCOL'KAOED CIIOICK. Tli Excessive Ileal n|>roper food at this svurou of | the year may .pewdily carry you to thr crave. ' Parker's Giuger Touic convention of delegates of! aliould always bo kept in tire honae, as um-ijuaieil for i.nrsiog mothers New Advertisements. Grant is going around the world a^aiu. Jle will probably be back again about J8tM. Hixty-tlsw [Ktrsons were killed rinrii ft tbe late storm and waU-r- sjaMlt near Dresden. An exchange says that Hymen js represe nted as carrying a lighted .torch—a sign tliat the bride will have to get up and light the kitch en fire. The eitv of iaiuisville, like many a>tJ)prs. 1ms hail some of the swell tat .mt of her. bbe was inllated tike an .immense toail, imagining herself rniatn-sa of about IGb.000 ■people. but the census mnn lias '■punctured the balloon and let her .down with only 110,01X1. Strange to say, there arc some silly editors over the State who nre still ftsilish enough to stand up and try Ut throw iin|iediments in the m ay of the grand wave of approba tion of Colquitt, Brown and Gordon that is sweeping the State from mountain to scu. Tire eontinued rise in the Missis, sip], river is Hooding the surround- j country, causing immense dam- . The water has risen over tivun- ffcst at McGrcggor, lowu, and all nunication by railroads is cut ^scept west of St. l’aul. Till I are nil stopped and busi ; a standstill. Francis Fontaine, commissioner j Beanuse lie is the representative — - - - of immigration for Georgia, deserves; of an administration which has. the counties of Glynn, Camden and the thanks of every well wisher of raised the credit of Georgia from j Charlton counties, composing the the Btatc for the good work he has; far below to above par. I Fourth feenatonal District, met at done and is doing. I Because he has acquired a na-, Jeficrsonton, Camden comity, on A Commissioner without a sala- tional refutation as the advocate the 18th inst., and was called to or- ry, without an appropriaUon, with- 1 of healing sectional differences. der by Mr. Holland, of (Hynn, who out assistance of any sort, almost Because lie has stood the test of nominated Mr. Synimes, of Glynn, without appreciation in his own adverse criticism and investigation as Chairman of the convention, ♦State*, luw excited interest in Geor-! for two years, and comes out of the which nomination unanimously triii hy articles in the press at the fire unscathed. j prevailed. i r7t.V' " Tw.'n i , \ Z Because he is the earnest ndvo-j Mr. Kay, of Glynn, was then niHt cluJiiiuggist. J cate of every wise measure, looking chosen Secretary. apr-l-3m. to the development of the material The Chairman briefly explained j . resources of Georgia. j that the object of the convention tort nrennfsctured a. Because he is entitled to vindica- 1 was to nominate a candidate for ( superceding-nil other brands ol tion of his past conduct of the ad- the Fourth Senatorial District. onoking tobacco, is sold at mum; pi- ministration, which is pointed to I ho delegation from Cantden North, by intelligent personal rep resentation of the advantages pos sessed hy Georgia, and has induced a considerable number of emigrants to Georgia already. If one man unaided, without means, can do this, what might not be done if proper interest were ex cited and a bureau, thoroughly equipped, were organised, with a liberal appropriation to make its work effective. Georgia possesses advantages j re-election, and every county which will compare favorably with j line of the M. it B. I!. It. a Durham's amt is three grades better. ■uimamiiwvii, n mvi» »» j...s..v^v. •« . n— i When it is remembered that Mr. Cur* with pride hy even those who op-, then announced that, under the to-j roll holds the medals for maimfactui- pose him, as one of the most eco- tation system, Camden eoi nty was i the nomical and successful in the State’s entitle l to the Senator, and that j.; iu .| v pjiTl, the best iu the market, history. I Camden claimed the right to pre- i Address, Carrol's Early Bird Tobacco And lastly, we are in favor of his sent one of her citizens for that " Lyn the honorable position, and the name ^ nDtHttuvu, vtmm.vv.. a and its of the Hon. Robert N. Kin w , those of any state in the West or j extensions should be, for the rca- Camden, was placed in nominatioi South, and yet we predict that the son that he is thoroughly commit- and he was unanimously chosen to census will show no greater increase ted to the policy of competition in j represent the Democratic party of in tier population than such as'railroad traffic throughout the, the District in the ensuing cam- ic-bixth of the population n of Adams, Massochu- ig a population of six ere prostrated recently fmic resembling cholera The cause is as yet un- denuc fog had co'ered fur some time previous, iiany say is the cause of the uitli teething children, and n«»t only cures Diimliuu, Dysintery, Cliolern, Cholera Infinitum, Colic, Cramps, etc., hut prevents these dangerous attacks. By its corrective action on the dipest- tion apparatus,it cures Headache, Indi gestion, Nervousness,Palpitation of the heart, Wakefulness, Neuralgic Pains, Liver Disorders, Lou Spirits, Sour Stomach and till other symptons and forms of Dyspepsia, regulates the bow- j els and enables you tneujov the fruits land vegetables of the Mason. Buy a * • Sold MOORE & M’CRARY DEALERS IN P PLANTERS’ HOTEL SAVANTUST-A-II- j Olioice I^tAmily GROCERIES, Provisions, Crockery & Tinware, CIG-iiBS ds TOBACCO, Tlio pa[icrs of the State who have been abusing Colquitt, are gradual ly “drying up.” They find it inn t jiopular. When a piqicr bucks against the will of the peoplo and trie# to make out that the masses of that county nre for someliody, they generally find out they have run against a brick wall. In proof of this, see how some of the ),a|iers of the State have quieted down. might be expected from the orili nary growth of her home popula tion. We have a climate which is va ried from semi-tropical to temper ate, and soil as varied as the cli mate. Southern Georgia is the best section for sheep raising in the Southeastern States, and equal to any section in the country. Every one who engages in it, no matter how carelessly, makes money, and yet there is not one thousandth part of the sheep raised that could he raised with profit. Grapes, [(caches and other fruits thrive all over the State. There is not a pro duct of the temperate zone which cannot he raised with profit, and many tropical fruits and products can also he raised w ith profit, mid yet not over one fifth of the total area of the State is utilized for any purpose whatever. The hills and mountains and val leys ol North Georgia are full of metal# and minerals awaiting ener gy, skill and capital, and yielding a rich reward wherever mined. 1 lu pine belt is being rapidly denuded of it# timber anil it is important that the lauds he utilized for slice) ANOTHER BLOODY AFFAIR. State, and we shall need just such paign for Senator Governor in the future. * On motion, Messrs. Holland, of i o iw x, Glynn, Van Valkcnbupgh, of Cain- CllCapCSt <K BCSl den, and I-ce, of Charlton, were ap- ~~~ I pointed hy the Chair to inform Mr. HOTEL IN THE Macon has again been the scone R . of Jlis nomination, of bloodshed. - Aimer F. Gibson, Qn motioni l)l0ge proceedings who barely escaped hanging with- wpre or , !crc ,i to [, c published in in the last twelve months for the | the Snvftml(lIl Mining AWrs and murder of a stranger, plunged Ins j „ ruilawick Advkiitiskr and 8c"pmi knife into Mr. A. Al. \\ olikin, eleik i of the National Hotel, of Macon, I and son-in-law of cx-Mayor Wilder,! of Albany. Mat Thornton (well known here) and a man named Al* Cincinnati watchmen must he jmwcrful fellows, us will be seen hv the following: Cinoixxai, June 19.—JamesDuf fy, bridge watchman, laid down be side tlie track at the bridge over tlie Scioto river, near Chilloeotlie, ihi the Dayton and Southwestern railroad, with his nrm over the mil and went Ui sleep. Tlie gravel train Imckcd on him. The entire train wiia thrown from over the track — Five men were thrown into the riv er; twenty among the debris of the ivrcckod train. Dully will die three others killed; others cscapct with slight Injury. NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. u> u r r 11. belt Mathews, entered the hotel to gether with'Gibson, and demanded rooms, stating for what purpose they wanted them. They were re fused, whereupon a dillieu ty oc curred, resulting in the stabbing of Mr. Wolikin. Gibson and Thorn ton are in jail, awniling tlie results of the wound. We think it about time Bibb county was redeeming herself, llutunii life seems ut a discount iu that locality. CINCINNATI*NOMINATES. .1 ppm/. On motion, the convention ml joltrned sins die. CoUltTLAXD SYMStKS, Chairman NV. K. Kay, Secretary. A FEW GEORGIA HOT' grand Atlanta is preparing fe •1th of July celebration. Five men will lie added to the police force of Atlanta alter July I. The Alappiilm river is diving up and lisli are being caught hy the Rates $1.50 & S2.C0 a Dav, According to locution of Boom. FERRIS o’- CO.’S JOS. IIERSCHBACH, Prop’r Jewelry Headquarters —OK— W. F, D0ERFL1NSER. CELEBRATED HAMS & BREAKFAST STRIPS ALWAYS ON HAND. W: s ever harmony more perfect than at Cincinnati the present, week, . when the Democracy of the coun- rnising and agriculture, and yet the | try met to nominate standard benr- iiiost we call do to encourage ilium- j ers for the coming contest ’ llan- gration is to appoint ncoiumission-1 cock, of 1‘enn y 1 vatiiii, was elected er without salary or means or eli-jon tlie second ballot by an over- eouragemoul or appreciation. whelming vote, getting 7J<> out of It is often said that immigration ( 750 votes. Th e nomination was nl- •annot be tumeil from the West to ^ terwurds made unanimous and the the South. Texas and Florida tea-1 Hugs of every Stale rallied around lor tify that like many another trite [that of Hancock’s. English, of of arson The turpentine distillery of Mr. T. J. Dempsey, on the M. B. 11. It., has been destroyed by lire. The Macon TebyrnjJt and Muneii- t/rr wants the fire department con nected with the telephone exchange The (luitnmn jail burned down recently. It was supposed to have been set on fire by one ot its in- JEW ELK V, WATCHES, i;tc, Every article of the best quality nil 1 at the lo vest price. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ! AT THE * Store, .!/. ('. ROWE. Pro/>rdress. The Mayor of Macon has issued prwclumation offering a reward 1 1" ■savannah Stenniln sit 1 lirun-wick of to convict any per# taviugM, it is not u true one The roatfon why the West secures emigrants is that she seeks them.— The new elates of the West have im- Conneetieut, has been tendered the I A colored man named Levi second place on tlie ticket. Tho My res recently suffocated in dig- nmnifest opinion is that the De* iging a well near Quitman. He had luocrncy ol tho country is now n reached thirty-one feet. c migrant bureaus which kiH*p their unit and tluit there will be a grand j A train hand in Macon picked ill i nv.. agents at Castle Garden, ami also “ walk over at the fall election. up a pocket luiok containing c> 1, l-U *j.u . .. t> in. ends agents U> Kuropo, and in j Hurrah for Hancock and English !! juu j re t un ied it to tho owner, who I er , y n \v.‘‘fih^,V i .> I many instances, pay tlie passage of! SKNAT0UIAST^U.MINAT’ION. I rewarded him witli 8100. immigrants to their destination.— | Bryttn Xorman, of Colquitt j w. S f H if®5!?u -i——— The railroads of these states sendj u,e Senatorial Convention at]county, has sheared four thousand HaUKAX, N. iJ., June 2*2.—While immigrants iu their destination at 1 ,*11110 children were playing on the ^ moderate rates, and yet Mr. \\ ad- bcach at Cuw Buy yesturday, they loy, controlling over seven hundred D.'iVIV Cl.'I AR* . Irrirhuicrcru week.Xcv' nud Beautiful Styles for tin’ I,ailirs- Hats, Millions, Ties, Laces, Trim mines, Buttons, etc. Will also furnish on short notice tho Wheeler k Wilson New Sewing Machine, NO. H, W ITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE, THE BEST MACHINE MADE. . i.. 'Good* First-i Ma&8—Pnco% • Voderatc. At the Senatorial Convention a Jefferson ton, tin* past week, K. N King, Esq., of Camden, was nomi unted. We hope it will he remem picked up a piece of barrel stave j miles of railroad in Georgia, ref us- |, y u j| that, in about four inches by two and a cs to give reduced fates to immi- luilf iu siic, on which the following grants am written with a lead pencil: up»»i “AtaUntii going down April 12th, larg« IKHO. No hoiH*. Sen»l this to Mrs _ hone. Msry White, Vier>, Sussex. [Sigmtl] J.vs. WllITK. *n»e piece/if w«jml appeared by uul . * . .* 1 . trrntmn so grants on Mi •. Fo, itoincs ret i nest, j ! UJHU1 the pie a that , Georgii a has us large a popul latiou os she ! has exec- 1 ntive ability to mu mage, | | Tlie press i of the StuU> ought to; speak out on this i subject. Iiiiini- ; Ii»e pu*ei’/»f wo<hI npiN*ure«l oy * , . . . . , i , . , , 'grntion societies ought to 1m? organ- iu looks l» have Wn m the water h ", ,„ r about two months. The place •re It was picked u|» is about ize,l in every county fur the T ,ur ‘ jiose of procuring statistics for us JKWITV lb Uj. irt in hum. - - . | twi-lvo miles east of this eitv. and >>)'« hurvau of m.imgratlon, am opens directly into the A.Unlie ‘H" I-egislatuie ougl.t to pass, next \November, a liberal act, supple- rnente*! with a liberal apjwopria- j until further notice, the following rkmiMjrujJi: Tieie has lion for the encouragement of im- will he charged ami exacted l»y never been, in tlie memoiy of the migratl* brail of sheep th s season, the wool averaging three pounds per head. Atlanta is cooling somewhat on the census question. She now claims about -11,000 —45,000 has been the estimate all along. A few days will tell the whole truth. Mr. G. R. McKee, of Lowdnes count), has refused 85,000 for fifty acres which lie has in watermelons. ,f' Up to date, from one and a half acres iu cucumbers, lie has realized I eight hundred dollars. : One hundred and fifty feel of the ■ railroad bridge of the Savannah k From ami after July 1st, 1880..Charleston Railroad ocreas the Sa- vannah river, was burned recently. A large force was at once put to in , with the custom followed hy this request,; jCamden has the right to supply the next Senator, and that Mr. King will he elected without opposition. At a county convention on the same day, Mr. David Scarlett was ontativ Camden county MSTAh ITEMS OST OFFICE May Magazines. STEAMER RUBY. TIME TABLE WIIY! Appleton’s Journal, Dernorest’s Monthly, (lotley’H Latlies’ ltook, Uaviier’s Monthly, St. NichoUn, Young Lndies’ .Ttiuniiil, Popnlnr Monthly, Sumhiy Magazine, Popular Science Monthly, North American Review, Southern Funner*’ Monthly, American Agriculturalist, Waverly Magazine, Saturday Night No. 4L New York Ledger No. 2*2. SCHEDULE OF RATES —urrwuwf— ST, SIMONS & BRUNSWICK. re*«Url> b«- i Mill# i. ei.teU) (mall). |x>stmnstcrs for international mon- I •••” — s S 1 zjHait Inhabitant, a time wbcii Utv i If tl..' strung.' s[jathy which now ov or ,[ on , secured in tl two contending political parties .exists in Georgia, an this subject, 'states, for pnyinent in the United I'nitid >rk and the damage repaired. From the Macon Tehyrajih.( Mu atwdaiinm.HMMia.ita j XISTIK i-a r \ is ptnu. tuUfpinUandBUiuU. WtmaUdUu PLASTERING f ^ “ *■ •- T > »• b»tur.U>«(nii»il) (alnn**va (nxtra) t*»ba Flirt* ♦*•*'li way, < t For lit-iubt, oiiveiiuiug pwnwwii | VA.OB- Vi tun oui.jvw. Elates, ior payment m nw demonotrote their relative continues, other states in the South Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- Mn, J er we lear . u tj,at l . 1>OOI> e Ui better llum in the coining will distance her in tho race of j an d, to wit: In sums n..t exceed- tlKitgooiily _ cit y';' rc discussnn; tie can strength —_— -, politest. Tire issues on which boll, progress. ' ing $10, 2.>c.; over $10 and not ex- KW"i“q u...™.* were based are virtually ex-1 We ho|)e tbii. feeble eflbrt to cceding $20, 50c.; over 820 anil not the Ocmulgee, at t i.\ I H 111 * l ,l ... I. .• « 1 !>•.. «n,l areuun intnF.k.1 ilk tlliu ...111 .. — . A.lA 1 U'fltitr I It t W1 1 1*. A CUIUll IlinC Iiml land, to wit: In ing 810, 25c.; over 810 ami not q I in the be feasibility of utilizing the waters of if ‘ * .ler**i(<rh i i* pMpsir^I to do your KAL- Itjr. TAYLOR n, FKUOI HOS. II A It DW.VKE K STOVES, IM. tinct. IseOionnl bitb'rncss and arouse intercut in this subject will ,. XC eed?ng *30, Tile.; over 8.KI and waterpower. A canal nine and bate being only a tiling in name, induce other and ah'er ,wn# and not exceeding 810, 85c.; over 810 new •■•••j •• --- > v.\t,miiny vt”, v*»v., nothing rmoains but two powerful paj^rs to Lake the subject up ui\- and not exceeding 850, 81 pi>Utical forces, with only opo end til it excites that interest which its^ e-half miles long seems to be tin feasible plan. in view, that is gaining the mastery transeendant importance merit*. Kabhi N. J. Benson, of Macon, has accepted a call U> Grand Kap- ids, Michigan, lie carries with him f — —- | fwing Loit*, me great runruiei mug- . . - . . Jook on witii absorbing interest un- „. lU ., | uts tiken up his abode in the best wishes o! the citizens of |)1 tlie battle of the giants i* o>pr. |Chattanooga. ‘Macon. , and puttiog their favoriy* in tl»o Presidential diair. The world will' King Cole, the great railroad mag The lonely vigils of tlie night are terrible, especially by the liedni.l.* of the tick, and it U j wt *he thing to litive u bottle of Co tweens’ Honey of Tar to cure their coughs, coKU, croup, ft.-. Price 50 cents. Tor sale by all, mav29 lv i WANTED! FOREIGN GOLD! D. A. M 0 0 R E. I ivk. t Hath, * Lamp * I T.tbl** (il»»«, ristsrr*, i'Milrry, Psmps, K«r««lu« Tinware, C’roekery, * Lard <>|| for sale by mwTly. I-DIIOVTICO. Boot f.jtul in Auiith au>i ilriie U. (L HUP PA It II. 7.1 I lav .trvi'l Ha. *11 bill, i U. xtyl* Ustx. trout N durability t.> auy in u^orgis. t u«>« HEADYMAl>K GAITER UP PERS, ut rv.Tr style, direct from manufactory of Hcnr Artljui N. York. Sal-staclion miirante.-.l n . . ...c:. 111... All r.-»aiT4 not railed fbr li bar^ra.^hop o l). A. MOOHE. NOTICE. T he pni.uc bnntin* j 1 un J*-kyl lalaj irDHly. tr«.l oj.poeUts John DvBionon, Hi nuv DuBio.non J. E. DiBiunon.