Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, July 10, 1880, Image 2

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COLQUITT (HIOMINfl AMI STILL I.KTTKK KltOM COLONEL NICHOLLH. AHEAD., July 7.1880. Below we give the lwt of coun-j RKlorcf (hr Ailverluer: In youris- ties from ami How the dele- sue of the 3<l hint., you pay: “ We B»en the o|>|Mrt]en4e of (ietieral. K;lt0j H tnn.l, ns comj>il«l hv | feel deeply grateful Ui Gov. Brown Haneoek e|>enk well r'f him. BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. T. (}. STACY, Editor ami I'rej.’r. HtTUUDAY, JULY in, IKS.I. Vahloetn Timr»: “ A large crop of under the cirsumstnnees. Young com is made in Ix>wndee. Recent { Stevens ia in his eighteenth year, mins ended the god work. No a modest, quiet, unobtrusivegentle- Green Line tars loaded with com man. and employed on the plniuing will run into the turn-out at the machine at St. Simons Mills. He Valdosta de|iot next year. Cotton did a hard day’s work on Satimlay, Colquitt dele-gates ure looming up nil over tlic State. 1s t old Glynn do her duty like the rert. I the Atlanta CW/Vs'*.«. Colquitt for his aide championship of; has yet another month, or more, and that night, after the boat race ! is ahead and still moving. There; Brunswick, whereby he secured for will he three hundred and fifty del- our lmrhor a crumb from the rich Cgatc* in oil; two hundred ami man’s table. The facts are, that at teen will l>e required by the two- my solicitation, the Housocommit- vl Cox. tInf slayer of Hob Al-|j| l j n | ru j e . Some counties send six. tee on appropriations allowed 810,- otbers four, but the great majority 1000 for the harbor of Brunswick.— only two delegates. Here is the I asked for $2')^00, hut they said, flHjijjci Ji»»t: l' V«u now haw $20,000 of a ft inner stem, it in said, lilts never juitontlic couvict uniform. How is this? Judge Luchntne has <»ver, and is now telling why the Circuit men will vote for Hancock. It takes two dwrl-h.iinl writer* to keep up with »Spnsitor Brown’* private and jxojjjvs|huuI* cute. Tlie “lust mail” appropriation takes effect in the North this week; at the South, away yonder in No vember. YYhywthis? before its fate is decided. At pres- was agreed upon and entered into, cat, the outlook is good. Pence, by Messrs. Dart, Casey, Gould die., happiness and plenty in sight. Meteors are dangerous things.— One passed over Macon recently and fell with much noise. It was found he conceived the design and built the Minnie before retiring at 12 o’clock. Her model is a perfect beauty. She made the race of four- For Colquitt—Burke G, Dougher- appropriation unexpended.” Whilst ty 4, Coffee 2, Calhoun, 1, Baker 2, Dade 2. McDuffie J, Towns 2, Mil ler 2, Fannin 2, Effingham 2, Lin coln 1, Pike 1. Total 2‘J. J was at home, the latter part of May, the House bill went to the I Senate. On my return to Washing ton, my friend Gen. Cook called Profc 2, Char lb i not known—Camden my attention to the f.ict that the , 2, Irwin 2. . , it teen hundred yards m less than a few da vs afterwards by , . . / , . . . e i e thirteen minutes, part of the way some boys, imbedded in the fork of . . , . , J against wind and tide. All honor a tree, near that city. It was the size of a man’s head. Query— Where did it come from? Jcsup has a brave woman—Mrs. to our George, we say. “ None but the brave deserve the fair.” Maybe his patron s—t, under whose aus pices he christened her, inspired Moowaugh. When snakes invade the young man to noble deeds of 4,Crawford 2, Talbot4, Pike 1. To-’ I immediately went over tal Id. For lister—Cliatbsi ate committee had stricken out her hen roost by night, she goes, daring. By far the principal feature of the other,and by well interest on Monday, the 5th, cele brated as the 4th on the Island, For Hardeman—Bibb G, Stewart the appropriation for Brunswick.—, boldly forth, lantern in one hand j 2, Bryan 2, Calhoun 1, \Y are 2, 101- tinghum 1, Bullock 2. Total Ifi. For Gartrell—Lincoln 1, McDuf fie 1, Taliaferro 2. Total 4. Latkk.—The following counties CupUdu J£. 14. C. Cash, of Chester- have since declared for Colquitt:— Wingfield Scott Hancock’* cadet companions at West Point, were < mu it, Md ’jcihm. J^xigslrect, Stone wall Jaudison. Burnside and Hill. Held, and Col. Win. Shannon, of ( I-ee, Habersham, DeKalb, Murray Camden,S. C., fought a duel this W.dton, Gwinnett, Troup, Mitchell, the and pish Senate Chamber, and asked Gov.] directed aim, slays the intruder. Liberty Brown and Senator Hill to assist me in re-instating the appropria tion, which they readily agreed to do. I then saw Senator Ransom, chairman of the Senate committee, and asked wny the committee had stricken out the appropriation.— He said that in the report of the New Advertisements. MOORE *M’CRARY DEALKR8 IN Apping, Pickens, Hall, Paulding, Franklin, Douglass, Wilkinson, Imh White, Forsythe, Klbert. Of these, inq treek In which the latter was kill ed. Omditvtitm: “The bitter silence which our republican friends at the north greet the information that the colored |>eople are forming Han- luhs iii Georgia, is one of the c*l«M|tic‘iit symptoms of the Umijjn.” ml Walker, the Mipcrinten- ic census, says sufficient ivc been received to iiuli- total population of the , . . . vl.icli he think. U tboiit 1 K" 1 "- , wc . ttre rcll " b i"for.... tl, arc Atlanta, Macon and Savannah "» 3 the r( 'K ntta gotten up by the have each had a louring 4th of Ju- gentlemen of our communi- ly. Other places less enthusiastic ‘y- 'I’* 1 '’™ were four entries for a have done otherwise and lost just pnrse of 820, to be awarded to the that much ground. Wollikin, who was stabbed re cently in Macon by Gibson, is im Chief of Engineers, the harbor of proving and it is hoped will rccov- Brunswick did not appear to have ]*r. surveyed, with a view to its ovement, and it was nut in the Pickens, Hall and Coffee divide their votes. THK COUNTIES SPEAKING. Colquitt delegations have been elected in a majority of the coun ties so far heard from, and it now set ins certain that he will be nom inated on the first ballot. The Charlton and Camden dele- hich is an increase of cc 1870. for Colquitt, ami Glynn will, w feel assured, send a delegation fa- i vorable to his nomination, of the Quitman Era ‘Telfair, Appling, Montgomery, ietly succumbed to the Dodge, Wayne, Jones. JasjKT, Ncw- nd now says: ujinal report of survey*. But I knew it had been surveyed, for I had conversed with Gen. Wright, the Chief of Engineers, on the subject, and he had told me that a supple mental report would he published, which included the Brunsw ick har bor. I thought the Senate commit tee had been furnished with this re- port, hut it had not. I immedi ately jHisted a sjxcinl carrier to Gen. Wright’s office for the rejiort, and received it about an hour after my visit to the Senate Chamber.— | cro P s I carried the rcjMirt to (Jen. Rnn- foreinost boat in a rowing contest of one and one-half miles. The en tries were as follows: Sea (tail, J. B. Dart, length 15 feet, width 2 feet. 1’hoiie, 0. L. Caaoy, length 15 fe«-t. width 2 feet. Minnie. Oeo Stevene. length 15 feet, width lHln. Maggie, J. G. Oonld, length 13', ft. width 2*. ft. Starting point, St. Simons Mills dock; thence to brig Mary T. Kim ball, which was anchored in the river opposite Gascoigne Mills, three-fourths of a mile from the docks; boats to round the brig and Our farmers arc enjoying fine „ * . .. . .. • « ... . ! return to the starting point; one ST. SIMONS DEPARTMENT. - - - EDITOR. The frequent rains and the breez es render our evenings delightful. Choice TTumily GROCERIES, Provisions, Crockery & Tinware, CXO-A.23S dz TOBACCO, NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. FERRIS cj- CO.'S seasons. Rain almost every even-, ing. Corn, potatoes, peas, cotton and oarsman and two sculls to each boat. From the outset, it was evi-1 dent that the spirit of the race con-! rice arc all looking well. It has centred ill a test between the Minnie j bven our fortune within the Inst few 1 Bm , t|ie Maggie, mmmod by the .lays to have l-ccn on mori portion* Meggrs Htcvcn8 | )rot | lcre , 0 f almost of the Islnml, and we find that the | cxact u nn(1 nillsc)e . Tllc CELEBRATED HAMS & BREAKFAST STRIPS ALWAYS ON HAND. ton, Rockdale mid DcKnlh ought to ,vho "hall l.c the next Sustain him, for he has .lulared in , ftU . tlle appropriation for the bar-, no unoerlain wav, his sympathy | f , 4t . n....., t ,..,;..i. ni..mi. n .„ij with the policy of- competition in t railway trallic,so important toeael f,j»ht- 1 °f these counties and so * likely ti j need both Legislative and ex ecu live action to make it fully success- ^rui of GiHirgin, we leave in hands of the Democratic noini- nting convention. Any honest, capable man will suit us. ’ 1s t others w ho have boci ing Colquitt do likew ise. late rains have helped the growing yj nnlerfnlly. Mrs. 1 Iolm ’S, whom we men i, and he said that it was satis- ( Holies! in our last as being sudden- to nil who witnessed the contest.— factory, and that he would not rc- b’ stricken ill, died last Tuesday l T |*>n reaching the brig, the Minnie sist Gov. Brow n’s motion to re-in-1 morn * n ^’ nn( ^ was ^ ur ‘ c ^ in Oak | turned two seconds in advance of Grove Cemetery, Brunswick, Wed- hor of Brunswick. ; rcijuest to Gov. Brown. Iii? >tion to re instate was agreed h innie, however, soon led by just J enough distance to make it iiner-; csting and exciting in the extremoj I Kverjr article of the best quality an l at the lo vest price. husband ; her loss. :'SS:,:“.:t2,»,FASHI0NABLB 1 two children to mourn fier return to the Judges’ stand.- -J ' The Sea Gull, although under good! • MILLINER Y I AT THE Gen. Grant is said to lie gravita ting again toward the Democratic ranks. Stay where you are, old citizens n candidate, to send Col rip, we don l want you. You hud quilt delegates, but can come in a chance to cover yourself with glo- very properly on a motion to make ry, but lost it. Now stay where the nomination unanimous, an outraged )»eoplo have placed 1 you—down, (town, down, in the PilONOtiUAI’H. depths of oblivion, where you just- without a division. If I had made the request, I feel sure that any member of the Senate would have! "'ho has been absent in Virginia for .'Corporal Cany's brag boat. Phone, till. Bibb, <•! course, could not be | one UJj llJUc | 1 f or us supple- jthe last three months to administer was so far distanced that the color- .xpeeted, with or.e of its leucing ,„ CI1 ^,] mport settled the only ques- to the wants of a beloved son in his ed oarsman has never yet put in an lion raised by the committee long, lingering illness. In his appearance, against the appropriation. There bereavement, Mr, was no necessity for “champion-, thics of the entire community ship” from anybody. We are pleased to note the return sjiecd and nmnagement, steadily 1 ' the Island of Mr. William Smith, lost throughout the whole race,and The Sea Gull came . has thesympa- in two minutes behind the Minnie. Not satisfied, however, with the Ladies’ Store, Mrs. M. C. RO~\VE, Proprietress- John Xu iihi.i - Jnac nichardson criobralcd the fruihf of the race, these gentlemen, jn-lorioiw Fourth on Monday, by "ill* 0»<* Mine boats, all meet again 1 ly belong. TIm* de|K»siiors of the Frivtlmeit Iwiiik who have not disinistMl c their |iass-lNMiks for n song, w ill U* ktl glad to liear that the coiiiiuission ers liave eonel uded to declare i The Atlanta Phuiuymjih,speaking of Mr. J. M. Couper’s name with reference to Congressional honors, makt's this low lling: “ From our ledge of the man, (Mr. Cou- |ht) he lacks two essential requi sites—cranium tilling and iicrsonal In reply to the above, we would t capturing another huge rattlesnake this evening to test the metal of near tin 1 road before Tapplio Ten- their respective pets in the same ick’s house, some five miles from waters. According to the pro- the Mills. The snake measured gramme, a rusty tin cup, minus the seven feet long, was twelve and a handle, adorned by a coarse twine half inches in diameter at its larg- j string to keep the youngster from est circumference, and had fourteen losing it, was in due form presented dividend of ten |s*r cent. Thcdiv- p«>pularity.” idend would have l*en larger if the above, is the three comiiiissUiuerN, including the been saying naughty things about The author of the in me man who has notorious Creswell, did not first have to be |»id large Hilaries work that their clerks do.—Ex. h inoii as Gordon and Colquitt fer whose reputation lie has elTected about as little ns Mr. t’ouper’s. By the wny, what is it to him,any way, “There nev- 1 whom we of the First District see him look after ectiun and the First will burglary of itself. say that we meant no reflection on Col. Xicholls in tho articlo of ques tion. As he states, the matter went through the House nil right, but hung tire in the Senate. Here, ns the records show, it was os|M>used by Senator Brown with happy re sults, for which we feel grateful. lly Tdetjram to the Mornimj .W a s. Atlanta, July 7.—To-day in the Superior Court, the first negro ju ror was called. He served with eleven well V down w hite This is the 1° Corporal Casey, who, in all his ake killed on the native modesty, received it in a be-; ion. ' coming manner, to keep in trust until fairly and honorably won by some future successful competitor— rntth s and a butte fortieth rattle Island this season. Wlint shall wo do with tl Our young friend George Stevens .IrririwJ rrrnj ivcek, Xew and Beautiful Styles for the Ladies—Hats, Itihhons, Ties, Laces, Trimmings, Buttons, etc. Will tdso furnish on short notice the Wheeler & Wilson New Sowing Machine, NO. S, WITH STRAIGHT NEEDLE, THE BEST MACHINE MADE. present* us with a pair of,attic- ! wh'd 1 . it is gcneroliy conceded, he snake fang*. Dislodged from the will keep a long time before he will msrdoods First-Class—Prices Moderate. Atlanta (auditution. er was such a bad man as linn- 1 fit to honor, cock, lli* character is so s|>ot]ess, bis own his record so pure and his career ( take ear so patriotic, that the republicans -♦•<•- an* sadly ••mburrassetl. They have, DEATH OF DR, SEARS. however, two serious charges ^gainst him One is that he is not Saratoga, N. V. July 0.—The jourrj^it, and the other is that he is Rev. llamas Sears, 1>. D. LL 1)., of too fft be President nt this sea- Staunton. \'a.,died here at o’clock son of ^ These charges this nBermnmi—aged 77. Dr. Scars must b* rei’JTv tiu? organs will had long been prominent in edma- conscnt to 4 ,a{i|^«f. b/m, tional matter, was author ol sever- - * al books oil etlm‘ational subjects, ** ^outliem deuwja?-,*’ ill* and was, for many years, President rjutrea <fc5jyuitly d/ul | 0 t the Brown University, at I'rovi- Uor uf IlU kVir y,v>rk 7''- &W *'‘^aji- W’lien George I'eabody |iort HaiKNK-k Unsiusc Ik- Jinight fund to promote educa- hacco them ill Ml.oi they exp et timi *n south, Dr. Hear was Hindi foreman of the jury, and brought in a verdict of guilty iigainst colored men charged with In the next case he was refused by Asa Gunn, colored, charged with murder, who said, “lie w anted no nigger to try him for his life.” The incident caused much comment, and the addition of the names of intelligent colored men to the jury levies in the State courts seems to Ik? generally approved. There is a negro in Green county 122 years old. lie is confidently expected to |ng out in the course reptile'* mouth they‘look ugly.— I '" <1 a bmt making ]>oorer time POST 0FFICEi STEAME ^ RUBY - TIME TABLE They are firmly Listened in the jaw; at the base, are an eighth of than tho I’lmne on this occasion, or an oarsman imlulfiing in louder inch in diameter, gracefully curved, thnn did Jim Thompson. May MftgftZilieS. finely sloped to a keen point and Between five hundred and one at least three-fourths of an inch thousand persons assembled to do I long. We certainly appreciate the the last honors hi the remains ofi compliment and intend to keep them to frighten oil*our enemies— whenever we have any. Sr. Simons Mills, Ga., July 9th, ls80. Mr. Kiiitor: Pit um! allow me space to return u»v grateful nckuowletlge- iuents to the entire St. Simons com munity for their various manifesta tions of kindness to my dear lamented companion in her last illness and their expressions of sympathy for myself and children in this our dark hour of Itereuvement. To the Hon. A. G. I*. the late Dr. Daniel Lott, of Way-; cross. Protect your Little Ones | From Cholera Infantum, and yourself | ; and family from sudden attacks of! Colic, (.'rumps, Dysentery, Diarrlnua. I and Cholera Morbus by keeping Par-1 ker’s Ginger Tonic always ou hand.— j This superb bowel corrective also, ►peedily cures idl disorders of the stomach, ami thousands who have for | years sought relief in vaiu from Dys- pepHia, Headache, Nervousness, Low Hpu its, Sleeplessness, Liver Duorders, Costiveness, Heart burn. Palpitation of the Heart, Distress in the Stomach, Coated Tnngas. etc., have fouml omres thfi jsrwRJ.V jot the Brown University, at Pruvi- of ten or liftivn years more, as be Itor uf Ur* VVtry,s>r(c Tr&W) ‘ ^yp When George Peabody has Urn addicted to the us*‘ of to- liis boyhood. Had it not beer* for this fatal habit the io use him ill *1 r TU > will sup nia.U’vrith an ndvi*a- old fellow would now be in his J Dudf?*-' I «'« i*»rticulurly grateful for moat complete curs in this comforting |s»rt him, dear sif, Urau^? In* ry hoard of'trusM.*^ JJ- then went prime, but continuous indulgence 11 1 ! 11 kindm*ss and liberality in closing A or b°*U e /ought for the prescrvatnnt of to serve in Vi,t^;inv». Hu tame here in the weed will ruin any constitu tion. And yet our (H^ple are so reckless in tin ir notions ou the to bacco question that hundreds will iaugli. ye>, actually laugh at the solsura h ruing cunveyed in this IKimgraj.ii.—-Atlanta Pod. Appleton’s Journal, Demorest’s Monthly, Godey’s Dufies’ Book, Harper’s Monthly, Ht. Nicholas, Young Ladies' Journal, Popular Monthly, Sunday Magazine, Popular Hiueuce Monthly, North American Review, Southern Farmers' Monthly, American Agriculturalist, Waverly Magazine, Saturday Night No. 44. New York Ledger No. 22. SCHEDULE OF RATES ST. SIMONS^ BRUNSWICK, Euhy will mu r-golirir »i _ Mill* m<1 Brubawks, m fuUewa: ijuvk roLun' »caawic'K. Dolly. |SuD<U) * en*-pieU| ! Daily (Matur<lay ■ aad Sundaya esraptad) . 130 r M THOMAS' INK ..4;3U a 10am Ml).. /’niui attJie .States, and UiUUK’ he about a month £»r but twojth. yesisted tiyc iiL-a, when thenar was Hi* fnin.^l lyill t;»W place in xner, tJuX Hu* noaihcrii ]KH>ple liud toii. neither liWties or right*. They 0ifl fuj^i^rt Ijiui beesufe he fought Brut he/ 1^- vi^ncJ (or ttie ymsficj'.'**f u constitu- ( lift' already on th*- f rifluig curs ^'1 lion Union, and uoi flir* extinc- over tiie lan«l that d^troy ►leap. tion of the cotmmmky right* oft lie He want* legislative eiuictiucnfj on 1 try it. Si>ld by all tii’ht-clasN drug- gi»t>. eowtillsepfi I .... The Earlv Bird, mauufactnred at . r. fur their .oh.t*nl.*l token, LyucMmrg, V,l. I.v Mr. Carroll, i. D. A, atliy. Nor can I, in this now Kiqierceding ail other brands of j 9 i., has been all ablaze milium. \V« would be glad, us- the subject, flight., brother l\ hut this w*ek x grand military en- icenwtl editor, if you yopld ask *n ht the wording if ,.)uit law lie well campment Iws Lieu in order, pnr- mqrequestions irhi^. qrv are taken; we legis.hdiv ffi \V r ~ f^V^ttutpnx, but well digested tkijaud ui by com|#11*0 j mountains tin Ids mill so that the etn|>loyes, wh might wish, could attcud the funeral, and to many gentlemen and ladies, in particuhi of sytnpi •'hoit note, forget the magUMuiui> i*i*nduct of Captuin Barmy Dart of the Ruby. Wry rrspcct fully, Hkxky Holmes. Tin friends of Mr. George Ste vens, whose pet boat, Minnie, won the race on last Monday evening. ~ ... • IJ 8»A WH lm>Ml>S N ijflM compimient bun U|h»ii Ins success \ IkKil-. Kii|«rceifiug king tobacco, is sold atsmue price a** Durham's and is three grades better. _ . When it is reinemltered that Mr. Car- ! ayitua* roll b»M« tho medal, for m*n<i(**tar- ing the lies! smoking tolmcco in the world, you will be eager to try the Early Bird, the Iwat iu the market. Addn'ss, Carrol’s Early Bird Tobacco Works. Lyuehborg, Va. MnutUys (extra) • ju * m SatnnUya(ntail) a »r m saiur-Uy* (extra) toba*-k lauJlaa t;» r M rare ra« h way. * eta. PutlUvaiy do free hat. Pur fieight, pawage or exi-nraiona, apply to U. DART. is.. Steamer Kabr. TS pluu. h plot. .o,t .uod.. WjmaU* tt. I *■ F. P.oolo,u, Apot. Bruo..xk, -4 / t 1 bt-et black Ink in tl»e SUte. Try it. | D*rt. Agent. St. Htmwna. marCtf HARDWARE fcSTOVF-S, rlwwa, Ue«i Parkrt Nai A TaMe III (•■tlery, f Tliwarr, Crarkery, AUnHUI, for Mir by mart-ly. I.. D IIOVT * t’U. M0 ORB. nxtara*. READY-MADE GAITER UP PERS, T he pnbii.- tar on J**k A r,rf) partkolar All repair* lDlrt> .lay. will fo -M to fa> Nr*. aafl.* -trewt upJHWIUr lilts ( NOTICE. John DyBiuxon, IlKMtr Ih'BlUKON J, K- Di'Uluxox,