Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, August 14, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING At saemiwlc*. Georgia, bt 2- O. STACY. OFFICE, Comer StmeetOr and Monk Streeit. Atl vcrtlalng RfttMt Per i^uve. t«*aline* apace, first insertion. $1 00 Per square, each subsequent insertion. W If Sptrial ralostofoartf and large adrxrtiuri. *fl Advortiaemonta {from responsible parties will published until ordered out. when the time is 3o( a**eo*Aed, and payment exacted accordingly. C<uumunicationa tor ladlvidual benefit, or of a personal charartes, charged as a«lvei liacanaat Macriages and obituary notices not exceeding four lines, aollcted for publication. When ex ceeding that space, charged as ndrsrtl asm ants. All letters and communications should be ad dreasod to the undersigned. T. C*. RTACY. Bruns wick. Ocorgiu. City Directory. city orncvM. Mayor- 3. T. Neleon. . Aldermen- J. M. Couper. T. G. Stacy, J- R (took. J. P. Harvey, A.T. Putnam, *. W. Wat kins. J J. Hpears and D. T. Dunn. Clerk d Treasurer--James Houston. Harthal—J. 0. Noruian. ml Marshal-I. 1.. Bern h. ueu-W. 8. Pittman. Rp«.c.en-J. H. Blain. M. D. kmgsieian—J. B. Robin*. M. D. llartHir JKufrr—Matthew Shannon, ibrt Wardens Burt Hinton, O. J. Hall a Thomas O'Couuor. Jr. •tandino oomOTTURs or council* PiNAUCR—Couper, Watkins and Dnnn. Town oommonk—8psars. Putnam and Stacy. Hannon— llarvey. Cook ami Putnam. ItAlCnoADS—Cook. Hal Btukats, i Watkins. a BHiiHiKM—Dunn, Hpoars and t . Cook and Putnam Flu DaranTMKNT—l>uuu. Harvey and Putnam UNITED STATES OEFICEHS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. Deputy—II. T. Duuo Ptetmaster—Lions North. EDITORS AND NEWSPAPER MEN of the country. endorse Jahkn Bonn' Patent Gold Watch Cants' Aa a proof, rend the following: Baltimore. Md.. March a. l»w». It gives me pleasure to inform you that the JamcH Boss Watch Case 1 have carrietl, has glv«» perfect sat»sfa< lion. It wears beautifully. La Pa; 1 take pleast Watch Case as . wear to one of in iart as well as in uaim J. T. Him . and Proy’t Telegram. 1ml., March h. 1*ho. nding the James Boss highly aatlafiu t»iry and equal lu gold. They are tin Ed. and ITop’t l\n Ib-s Moines, la.. Keb. », 1**» Our manager lias carritsl a James Hose Patent h Case, and ch<wtinlly says that It ranuot l»e . _JAT*L$CA Pub rs Iowa Stale Leader Wataeka. UL. March a. 1WW. l pleased to say that I vuii with Mwtisn*. VOL. 6, NO. 6. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1880. $2 00 A YEAR. Savannah, Florida^ West ern Railwav. 14, Ptoaenger Trains on this ltood will run as follows: • NIGHT ETPRE88. Leave Bavaitnah daily at 4:30 p m Arrive at Jeaup Arrive at TboinaavV' Arrive at Bainbridge" Arrive at Albany ” Arrive at Live Oak ” Arri ve atTallahaMwa" Arrive at Jacka’nville" Leave Tallahaiwcc " Leave Jacksonville " Leave Live Oak ” Leave Albany M Leave Bain bridge " 7:50 p m 6:20 a m 9:30 a m 10:25 a m 2:00 a m 7.-00 a m 7:50 a m (>.00 p M 5:30 p m 11:15 p m 4;00 pm 4:(K) p m 7:30 pm 6:30 a m 900 A M Leave Thomasville " Leave Jesup ” Arrive at Savannah ” No change of earn l>etween 8a van nab and Jacksonville and Bavanuah and Albany. Pullman Palace Bleeping Cars run through to and from Bavannah aud Jacksonville. Bleeping earn run through to and from Buvannah and Albany. Passengers from Buvannah for Fcr- naudiiia, Gainesville aud Cedar Keys take this train. Passengers from Bavnnnah for Bruns wick and Darien take this train, arriv ing at Buns wick (5:00 a. m. PunaengerH from Bruuawick arrive at Bavannuli 9:00 a. m. Pasaengern halving Macon 7:lf» a. m. (daily except Sunday) connect at Jeaup What Has Tanner Accomplished? BY OUR 8T. SIMON'S EDITOR. with thia train for Florida. Passengers from Florida by this trail connect at Jeaup with train urrivingin Macon at 0:25 p. in- daily. Connect at Albany with Piuiacngci trains lx*tli ways on Southwestern rail road to and from Macon,Eufalu, Mont- idge 1 1 Thin Mail Htcarncr leaves Bainhrid, Apulachieola every Huiidny and day evening; for Coliunbns every Tuesday aud Saturday afternoon. Clow; connection at Jaekminville dui ly (Buudaya excepted) forS. Augustine, l’alatka., Enterprise, uud all landing* v Juuw Bos» Welch Cams I have in entirely nttalkctory, bring in ev ery reefu-ct jn*t an represented. It l* » perf« t w. iTop t /",* £*?&.. on »*•. Jolm'B nv Vwun, wti., Marrh IA. iiM. ! Trains on B. uud A. It. R. leave Tl»« Watch Case 1 have of your make la in every junction, going west, at 11 :87 ji. in., way aatiafactory; it ujuatsptoodid.^ BAJnnm and for Brunswick at 4:40 p. m- daily, Ed. aud Prop t Torek of Likerty. CXCCpt Sunday. The above are concurred in by hu...!re.|a of | ACCOMMODATION TRAIN8-EAS TEltN DIVISION. ThU I aa mechanic*, met lew. lu all parts of the country. I the only putcut <aae n.*h* of Two r Savannah H’dav < l ime. Of solid UoW. It la -arrant..I b> i|**- “ „ Vl 1. I? .. i-ial certificate. Aak your Jeweler Jor Illustrated ' Leave McIntosh aliitug full deacrtptlou. | Leave Jeaup “ nve Bla< knhenr “ etl, at catalogue Confectionery! A. E. Heins, Prop’r. M Y friends aud the public generally are Invlt- iT@-w Fleice, Arrive nt D.ijiout Leave Du|)oiit I,. nvr Biadcdiear Leave Jeaup Leave Melntoah Arrive nt .Huvnuimh WESTERN DIVISION. To the inquiry several times pro- |>oun<led to us, “ what Rood ran come outof l)r Tanner’s fasting for. ty days and nights?” we reply: nothing; absolutely nothing. Be cause Dr. Tanner should he so pe culiarly fortunate as to possess wonderful gastronomic ]towers and grent will force, such a thing might not hap]ien again to another in the next one hundred thousand jieople you meet, or to any ]terson in the next generation. We have nil heard that one swallow does not make summer. So one fasting man, or even ten or twenty or five hundred will not sufficiently establish a precedent by whicli we must gov ern a general rule. Wo must fol low the example of life insurance companies. They take, fur instance, one hundred thousnnd men at the age of twenty and find that their expectation is about 40 years.— Tiiat is, that when the last one is dead they find that they have all averaged 40 yeara living. Now, if you take the same number of men, healthy, and if they aver age a fasting of forty days and for ty nights with impunity, there is n principle established, and some practical good can he expected.— But to expect to achieve anything good or i>ermnncnt from tho lucre fasting of one man, who is foolish enough to risk life for filthy lucre nud a little cheap notoriety, is all gammon. To the careful watcher of events for the last half century, the fact that a man can live forty, days and nights without food if allowed a sufficiency of water, should not appear so wonderful.— For there are thousands of vegeta rians in this country, men and wo men, who eat no meat at all; who 1B I subsist entirely on a vegetable diet- „ h|,. „ j They live, grow, thrive and fatten '• 5.30 a u j without meat They claim to he <1:40 j 3:06 r u ! meat cater. They live almost 5:10 r » ; upon water, for vegetable erage ninety i>er cent, water ^ C " c ' p '' 1 ' gfnin their chemical constituency.- DUNN’S CORNER. (Vsvrsath* sn<l Gloucester street*) where will be tound i vnrjrlhlBu tu my line of bueiotw, at pric es sa low as the loweat- iMXwmi Leuvu Quitman Arrive at ThoimiHvill. ** 12.-00 m Leave Tlioiuaaville, Momliiyit, Wetluefehiv nml Friday.... 2 30 p m Leave Camilla, Mouduy, Wed nesday and Friday .* 5:23 i>m Arrive at Albany, Mondays, Weduemlnys and Fridays.. 7:15 P m Leave Alhauy, Monduy, Wed nesday aud Friday C :30 am Leave Camilla, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday 8;48am Arrive at Tltomoavilli*, Mou- 9:43 a m| Then comet* the question, if* man can live to n ri|>c old nge ujmui a diet where there is only ten |»cr cent else than water, can he not live for forty clays on pure wa ter? Is it not nnsonnhlc, to say the least of it? We do not look upon this pure water diet with as much aversion as our ancestors of many centuries n#o would have Ju«t from the ARCTIC REGIONS, A. E. HEINS. A «‘-lT J. M. DEXTER, Banker and Broker, Any.WmluMHliiy ami Frulav 11 :30am , , , , ., , Levs Thomaiv'e.B'd y exc'pM 1:45 p u lookc<l upon two or three meals a Leave Quitman •• 3:53 c x clay, ami especially if they were of Arrive 12 \ 1,18 'CK-tarian order, for U.ey were J. 8. Traoa, Muster Transporbitiou. t8rril)l8 8aton ' dnnkera-“huge 11. 8. HAINES, General Manager. [ hair, ravenous stomachs, filled witii meat and cheese, heated by strong —ot'— ! drinks, prone to brutal drunken- UNRKTrRNKD PROPERTY, ness, taking six or seven meals a ! day, given to torture and carnage.” Fird JW,.y in ixyicmUr, 1880. j ,lt ^ 1 a ‘ l ", lit 1,18 >“7" “ f , ev °- 1 | lutiou and development to be true, and if we, the great grand descend ‘GOD IS OUR REFUGE." Mr. Ki tit or: Duty railed me on a short trip up the Macon & Bruns wick Railroad a few weeks since.— Our train halted for a little while at one of the ninny stopping-places along the line of the rood. The Some Interesting Dental Statistics, HY OUR ST. SIMONS editor. There nre twelve thousand dent ists in the United States, and they Dill Arp Visits the Convention. Atlanta Con.utuU, I’cmmhulating around the won derful city, I looked down, one evening, from the balcony of the use a half ton of pure gold each Kimball arcade, and therf I saw year, representing $500,000. Now, passenger conch lav just opposite as there arc only $l. r )0,000,000 of the engine of a lumber-train that gold coin in circulation in this waitetl on the turn-out for the pas senger train to pass. My attention was attracted by the appearance of thia Scripture motto, “ God is our refuge,” beautifully framed, and sus|iendcd just nbove the engineer’s head, when occupying his accus tomed seat. This unusual sight made such an impression oil my mind that my first impulse was to leave my seat, mount his engine, nnd ask sonic questions as to his early training and history. A more suitable place fur thia motto could certainly not he found than near the person of an engineer on a railway train. Did his own hands place this sol emn nnd constant reminder of his danger, and the source from whicli he may exjiect protection and safe ty, where his eyes could often fall upon it ? And shall he nut, in the hour ot danger, find protection un der the overshadowing wings of country, if, perchance, the gold crop should lie cut short and re ceipts cease, the present supply, at the above rate of consumption for dental pur[ioees, would he exhaust ed in three centuries. Or, within three hundred years, there would one crowd nrotind Bob Toombs and another around Dr. Miller and still anotlier around Joe Brown, while little Aleck was receiving his admiring friends in the spacious parlor of the hotel. Delegates were listening to the oracles of wisdom that flowed from their eloquent li|>s. Toombs’ crowd were tumult uously pressing him to run for Gov he buried in the Ainenean grave L nior #n j 8enntur ftml | 011t yards $1.50,000,000 in gold fillings a|1(1 K ing. and after awile the Gen- of teeth of the different generations era j p,. rceim | that t | ley wcrc during that time. Tins statement. ( thirsty, nnd, like a good Samaritan though true, is rendered the more , ,,, lie u UMlk in furrefrCT i,. unpleasant in connection with tne; Iliento . Joe Brmvn at(XX , „ p like „ fact that outof every eighty I«or- circus pub: in the midst of a score- sons, only one is found with l* 1 " of worshipers and ever nnd nnon fectly sound teeth. Besides the j whisjter a few words of eon- above large amount of gold thus „ u { a ii ul) n yeoman’s ear and giv- consumcd annually, there are near-1 j„g him a few magnetic pats on the ly four times as much material of ahouldcr-the work was done. I)r. a chea|>cr Hurt, silver ami the like, used in-Amelia for the same pur poses. The American dentist is said to excel his transatlantic brother, because there is a greater demand for his services here than the Almighty? But "perhaps it [elsewhere. Not because his teeth | was placed there by woman’s ten- niorc J^crishahlc, though this der hand—an affectionate wife, or ma y ^ ^ ie ulse J v ^ ,en compared to pious mother, or loving sister, may ^ ,08e ^ ,e English Irish or seek thus to remind him of the wo * iav0 ^‘th r teeth earnest prayers that arc ascending j Russians, Germans, Spanish or Ihd-| 0 j t j H |,jj, of state is in danger, he every hour from the home altar for * ans - ^ because wc pay more I comas with a lifeboat to mvo bef the protection of him on whom nil j attention to our teeth than most j pa^engen* from being wrecked up- the Inqies of life are centered. Ah, kuroiieans do. In most lands, com-j on ^j |e rod^, and reefs and quick- is it not true that while engineers, | , * ,on even wbfn intolerable! Mmi | 8 , ftlM | f stretching fortlk his Miller discoursed in a professional way about the body ]>olitic which he said was sorely alllicted with cancers and wens and carbuncles and chronic sores and S. S. B. which they say menus "something sad and serious,” and ever and anon he whetted his knife ujkjii his shoe ns though he was about to operate.- • Little Aleck seems calm, conscious and serene. Whenever the good ore giving utterance to those pro- ^ cre * 1151 a rule, most persons call| u |j y C w j K) nrc —tome fane words which fall so harshly | l, l ,on ^ R * ‘b'ntist and dej>cii(l upon; unlo , ne ** |f | l0 can’t igive the par- on other ears, at that very moment a,t * u 8U l , l , b’ natures deficiency. | jy f rom destruction, why I know tender and pious hearts may be j Consequently, ouMlentists havo a w hat he can do. He can bury it wrestling in earnest prayer to that ,norc n,,, pb.* field for practice, and j n t | ic WIVC t j lC pnxphet, and as God whose holy name their un- j better facilities for perfecting them- j | |e upon the coffin of the old snnctific-d li|$t» cense not to pndkne,: bC ^ ve ^ xu their profession. j whig party, exclaim, “.Shall those that lie would save them from the Graveyard Literature. Sa-M r y bones live? Why not?”— dangers to which they are constant- crei | to the memory of Luly Eliza- (,, ie day, I slipped into theconven- lv cxjhisoiI. both OTxjoncy, first cousin t,, tion «nd made m y*elf iu liiunMe It will iiulccil require a uiighly | ,( urkC) commonly culled th« 8uh- «» po*»ihlo. I coiiHhlor it a riotous itiornI force to nrn-st the tide of ]j lllc y| lc waa i,j alu | t nnssioiinte nlM * Gi«ortJerly Ixsly. Soinclimra wickedness that Hows along thoL, u | v religious. Also shi-! :l I’Uo’V would get lip and jubilille lines of railroad in this Christian jj Nl j 1) ^ ;i | in" witter colors, and sent # little, aud then theliiuiacks would land of ours, yet this man, con-1 ala „y [ficturcs to the Great Kxhi-I holler and shout and cheer for two scour of the strong temptations «f! bition, and of such is the kingdom ! minutes, and I couldn’t tell for the railroad life, and also of the start- (l f | lcnven> js| ie ]; v( ,,| t | le ]jf e 0 fj life of mo wbat they were oheering] le. ling “there is,” constantly. “ hut a t | |C v ; rtu „, IH< alll | died of cholera | nbol,t - Mr - 1InckLt . «1>° >* «'"• step between him and death,”seeks | rnorlxus, caused by eating green solicitor general said that if he hod hominy, and was gwine to stay here untcl the leaves dropped from the trees and the wild geese flew over tho Stato hence in their autumnal journey to the land of flowers. Anotlier feller said he was a Diniocrat and lie was for hominy too, nnd he always went with the majority when the major ity was the biggest, hut when the minority was bigger than the ma jority then tie was for tiie minority, ns the case may lie, considerin', that is, Mr. President, you sec the pint. Such devotion, such patriot ism, such love of hominy I never saw, and I hope I will never sec again. How they finished up this busi ness I don’t know, for I lelt ’em alone in their glory and come home. Yours. Biu. Arc. A I'bospkrous City.—Rome Trib une: Rome annually receives nine ty thousand bales of cotton, which keeps increasing nnd which kce|>s two compresses busy, nnd odors em ployment to hundreds of people, lending to the city, during the busy season, an air of business activity. The merchants here nrc prosperous and have cultivated good business integrity, for which the people nre noted. Property is rapidly increas ing in value, nml an empty store or dwelling is hard tofiud. Tliecli- uintc is mild, being peculiarly r l empt from the oppressive IP summer or the extreme col ter. The thermometer readies 90 degrees or the freezing point. Duri die of si miner, tho led so delightful tlintn pel under covering near! summer. lllurLhmr Nciet: . ten brought in th'^ymp watermelons last P. %> have seen this year, 'jir——= one weighed forty |>onhafrXy 1 largest 52 (Hiunds. Ho inlOTT-ipe us that lie started w ith nineteen, but being too lu-nvy fur his team (only one horse), sold out part of his load, reaching town with only fourteen, of which eight weighed 403 ]N>unds. Those melons retailed at thirty-live cents n piece faster than five cent ones did anywhere else in town.” Deal lady—“ What's his name?'’ Young lady—“ Augustus Tyler.” Deaf lady—“ Bless me, what a name ! Bust his Biler ! Eliza, you must he making fun of iqc," Many people who hunt fur hap piness are continually finding fault. “Two for assent”—A bridal coup- to turn his eyes to that God who f r „j^ j n ,| |e f„|| 0 f n | the concern at I'artcrsville he could alone can deliver from danger in j ii nmor tality, at the early age of K 1 ' 1 11 truo hill and convict — | fi • hi „iu early age ; o either ease. He has set an exam-11»-enty years, three months and ’ cm Ami put ’em nil in the chain pie tlint is worthy to he imitated I s j xtC cn days. Reader, go thou and K lin « ■*« niinUU-s. One by all who are engnged in the same husinAis. If these evidences of the fear of the Ixird Ik-fore their eyes” were oftencr seen in such CITY MARSHAL’S SALE white bodies, cold blooded, with J places, how gratifying it wuuld bo fierce blue eyes, reddish flaxen j to a large class of the passengers found on almost every train. The writer of these lines would be pleased to know tho name and do likewise 1—From a hauUtone man cavorted around like a lunatic Irrtand. land baul lie wun a born Diniocrat, I and ho was for hominy, but he ho Exchange bought and soli Insurancek. Real Estate Agent. u *. 2"'' Siri,*s* “ ants of these cliecsc and meat eat- «4iM.w(L» l is,ssii..ira«Ts*d.'YtaiSpien and whisky drinkers, can live 0,1 t” 0 or threc tueols a day, and tWrDwd prtq^rly. tor (nxm Joe lh« Mayor BOIlie of UB On a diet llinety l**r and Co«mll uf (be city of Brunawi.-k, tor tba y««r I a , t „ „ n IMM) au<i pr*»tou* yearn, tbo aaiun iini Unhng Cent WslUf, why Cttll We notprO- another step, nnd live nml Ot. L$ll«doO, »n«»lllD$«oU U) atkIUfy A fia n . . ._Ts . |J , .1 |MU«I by J mu tas Houaton, Clerk aint TrtM»urtr of gFOW fat Oil R fitriCUy Water <1161 T— .id cii,. -«*■*•> »>• ro-i-nj. i \ a f ar M nn ,i aesire to cat is a hut rut oe tbe rrrr ksowk am m sew , OOllCenied, is tlint not habit? \\ e admit that eating is an old and a persistent habit, but is it, like pul lot nuinbrr irvtB huBdrrd M.d u ao.l coot* $13 V. a bundrod Mid tveuty tour; tax and rotiU fit Pi. Numlwr oaron bnndrod and twenty fixe; tax andeueta |1« M. Three tourtb of an twenty etl; tax Mid nueU fill 117, hundred and <ti hundred and o. r. ooouvitAa. | II.B- GOODYEAR & HARRIS, > v* > v**"*»*^ m *****t** 01 UVVM a * I Nnutber nine heedred and fifty nine and la Attorney* at Law, I P roT * a **’ nU “••w®*; »***»d **u »i« ?u- I IN THAT r Brunswick. Oeoroia. ! Number O r Mb b. Uon a, up «Ulra. fi as tire In all rounUew el (he Brunswick Cir cuit and the city ol DarteU, <ia. June Ut, im. J.O. NORMAN. Mar-I, „ i lh rn°. « wU» Belt known that A LIMITED NUMJTElt ofae* ex wiwtiiii—— cA ° v W An 1 pru ' n ateaiiid-r |loren«w. 1 lies TO MAKE MONEY. ■7C!« -until l r ttata Klvr-rtiaemont by nation and breathing, indispensa ble ? Doubtless the old Danes and Bereskirs, pirates and warriors, one thousand years ago, persisted fully as much in their six and seven meals a day and their bottles of al cohol, as we do ill our present mode of living, and would have regarded our diet with as much horror as we do the insanity that deliberately refuses to eat at all. So that Tan ner’s system of dietetic* is not a whit further from our present re gime than our moderation is from our ancestors’ drunkenness and gluttony. Of course there place of residence of this gentle man, and surely it will not be dif ficult to find him out—only ill , A patent medicine advertisement ■ Jogund if he would vote for Col- reads thus: “When a letlnirgic Another fellow said ho was feeling pmadwyoor system, when | fur booday, list, hut thnr was nary you have g disinclination to move I (mutiny here, and ho hndent seen about, when you have an abhor- |,is wife in four days and he moved rence to exercise, your liver is in- j adjourn, which I thought was a active.” Thia will be glad tiding)* I110 iion, that ia, unleaa the U> many jieoplc who have always | convention wuuhl aeiui for a feller's tiiought tliey were lazy when they w ff e \ n an umcrgcncy, ami bring quire for the engineer who has a felt that way. Now they will know i ^ j,j, n at public ex|>enae.— •^•rinlitm rnolln nn Itiw Giuriti.- that IVifrs Olllv thfif llVLT tiiUt WI18 Tl . L..,.. «.l Scripture inotto on his engine. Must resjiectfully, A Cl-EROYMAR that waa only their liver that woa ■ Ttiell a ,^triotic gentleman got up buy- j ami aeemed to bo deeply affected 1 and nlmotit dead for hominy, and *»aid he hud a lint of twenty-four tract fnVfiiehulite^jliiiipiar b’the'uio't 108,1 would mak^iss. Gov- pl.usiut sail edeelive remedy for sit ernors, and he moved that a com One who knows It is just lovely to sleep in the country these fine mornings with a . . gobbler gobbling under your win- jj^.^ 0 «£d'1o U«*»• ba sppotolMl to flo out and dow, and a calf bellowing like a Mild and (dmiMut in iU action, it *«lect one. \> hen the list was read concert Kaloon baritone on one aide atimulatea and iurigonitw* the accro out I perceived that my name was of the house, while a cow, its moth- j U, ' 8fl °“ t ’ 1 a priv- er, is hallowing mexso soprano on tlio bladder, gravel, prostration, non ileged question. Jonks Jones felt the other, and roneler* are crowing r <Uulo“i of tUS|OnuO«aok ^dus^ d*- just like I did, and got up and had and the milkmaid is playing the Jj^* 0 r kidney* are comTliy it. ( his name put in. I saw about for- tambourine with the bottom of the Pnqured only !>y Hunt, lUnkiu k ty men who were as mud as the milk pail and drivers are going by "* |U bjr |<liokour», and while Dr. Carlton whistling, slid the |>arrut is yelling As’ti.h fi*.. July. 4, 187'.). ' “"tf l,i ‘ vc ni:uk ' M frioluU - 1,8 hi “ at the goat that talks back, and a I sis ou« of the unfortunate suffer-! made 500 enemies in the SlaUx A "Prokr* Arrow," Buhhkl County, Ala., Aug. l*t, 1M76. Dr. C. J. Morncrr—Dmr Sir— I, for ytbtrn, ummI your Teclliina (Trelli- itig Powtlent) witb uiy nwu cliildrun mid on tuy pluutiitiou, wliou I owoed nogrocH. 7bey rclifcVtql uud prevent- etl much suffering aud Nickutwa srnoug tbo children, mid In-mde* wiviug iumiiv liven, unveil lue muon nux»ety, uud many liniidreil dollurniti dootor* bill*. I con, mlh cnujlffence, rm tnum^ut! them iij the surest otut heat mnHeine / ever until/f»r Teething Chihlren oml the /line* el JliMonkn * ttf our southern Country. Your* truly, etc., Korkkt Flournoy, For sale by F. Jucrger, drugguk j uljr 15-1 iu Loumvillr, Ky., M*y 2, 1H79. Messrs. Hutchinion it llro. Allan- (h, Gtt.: Gent*-For sixteeu years I liuve diligently sought for aoiue ape- eitle (of itpoody action) for neuridgiu und headache; recent use of yoorNeu- ralguio proves I have at last found it, and take great pleasure in fully en dorsing your remedy as posjesaiog ev ery quality claimed for it aa a s|>ecifio for mck headache and neuralgia, Respectfully yours, Thoh. E. Puwrll. For sale by F. Joerger. druggist, july 15-1 m half dozen boys are throwing green era from I travel or ilusnan ol me itui-; wire-grass delegate sai'l he "S* jnlyljlm apples on tiie roof to see them roll "oh*i from fiJiS’S-*- snluuub xeftrly out of money, nud had quit down, and the landlord i*swearing per limn anytliing I have ever tried, the hotel and gone to a one-horse < I cst ‘ Hi trrea. 8- C., Nov. 10, 1874. Mb W. H B*amcrr. Augusta, Oa: Dear Sir—It gives megrest tu Mttest to the effieieuoy of tli« Pills reeeivnl from you s fesr itays ago. Tliey have sooomulislnsl every Uuug that I desired of them, and I hsro giv- , n M-verel to my neighbors. Plena* Mud me two dosen more for use or tny farm. Y.»un» ruipcoA/ully, .1 NO. a TISDALE. For «du by F. Joerger, druggist. at his wife in tile tmek kitchen be cause site lias put loo many mack- willingly give 81UU. or any ercl to soak for “them city hogs.” »">"'<“fi for it. I romimmeud it aim it so higldy that were there ,he-bang at fifty oenta a day, where Hit tic III thv world I would , It. sfidamt give I10U. or any other they lived on hash, which dident ’ re|>Ijr, auting wha etae-wa Hera*'I ajiJ»lT. : maim tho pleasure of eating. This . , • *.« M all other similar proinirati ! will regulate itself. The ha,are j'The country is a real quiet place-, L. T. WINN will cease with the desire. | for cemeteries. julj 15eo»'Jn|. DuzTOP. Decctplier 10 18TO. t y,a very modi trqubletl with H*i> huge, and a|>i>he.t tho Itez Extanutua- lor. and havo not Uam troubled with ' ... i . e .on,'h them since, and have ugt seen a live agree with him, for it bad too much , aitKX . bl|t m , UJ ,|e*.l ones. hair in it for lixdi an I not enough ' * (1KO PAR80N8. for mortar, hut dill he was for | For sale l>y f Jmrger. druggist.