Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, August 28, 1880, Image 2

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BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. T. (». STACY, K litor ami Prop’i M\TlMtI)AY, AUGUST 2*. 1880* Mr. Norwood iq>cnk.s plainly—lie *‘gr»bl>ed” nml “will gmh again.” Georgia may vet have a young Credit Mobil icr, with ito Garfield & Co. Well, the “Champion Norwood” hits certainly a great degree of ex hilarating nml refreshing novelty about his gn at management in the campaign. When public servants do their whole duty, the people hire them over. When they fail, somebody is taken in their stead. Query— WImiw place did Hen. Hill take? “Colonel” Norwood's eye-sight was very bully affected during the “late unpIcnsantiuM.” Hlue-glass s|H*ctaeles were popular with a great ninny during the war. “ Let us smile.” “Norwood, the sarcastic,” ruined the Atlanta QmMituiwn and the Jlurttiuy Xnrt. Will the people snpjm>it n man who wilfully de stroys the two leading daily papers in the State? REASONS FUK Sll'PUKTlNG COL- gun. THK POSITION. GOVERNOR OOLQLirrs PEITV. IxTKxn to bk ox Hand.—The Athens (colored Republican) The Colquitt campaign is fairly .If,v folder: 1 ho tnne haa arrived ( Below we publish an extract sayr: “ There will bo n Suite Coil- o|KMie<l. The people me aroused when pntience cense* to lie n virt- from the reply of Governor Colquitt rentiou h«hl in Atlanta mi Scptein- nml enthusiastic. Then, are many " c • l " c “ sti " ‘‘’ n K* le to Mr. Norwood’. Atlanta *|>oed,. 1 ber 7th. It 1* important that there who would have aupporled another l,l!>lit ’ s a ’ vi ’ ie ll|,a<l ,iai * ,leWer lie, It is too Ion# to give in its entirety he colored inen in that convention man under other circumstance., j Minnrn aside, ••"I the free an.! full in these columns, so we can only If white Republicans can’t stomach who, seeing the latter atuicks on,'’*prcas""i of opinion l>c the rule, present our readers with nn ex- their presence, it is belt that they Gov. Colquitt and the rule or ruin 1 l,avP ’ "‘‘ h l> a tiencc and forbear- tract, showing the position of the have a meeting of their own, for it spirit betrayed by the minority in nlll f’ rea ’ 1 Clliu ’ rial aftered- two men before file people. The is certain we will have colored men their efforts to override the will „f 'torial in the column, of the ex- document is calm and dignified, in it.’’ The wliitg “rads” have evi- the people, iviJl support Gov. Col-, Irnnietsl, whose only ambition* in but bold and withering. Here is, dcntly lost their hold upon their New Advertisements. putt earnestly. He was strong campaign seems to be to be the extract enougli when we held our primu- considered Anli»Ojlt/niU. 1 rusting my position and his, net—lie is stronger now. lie has , ^ ,0 sc,l!<n of shame and the ri- bcen Governor of the trlude State — be will Ihj so again. By bis elec tion, we propose to indorse a pre eminently successful mlministnw colored brethren of the party, l>e- caifkc they have ridden them down Mr. Nor woo 1 seems to consider like the “old man of the mountain.” <li< ulcus would, at last ,-omc to -nr |**iti<>n* as precisely anala- The same pa,wr is not exactly pre- their brains, wc have waited, hut in k''»»S -e "illy difference Iwmg that , * , . ' 1 * m, i . , . ,,, | ret.resent an m-.tori- I^ reft to say it bethel or not H Kc- vain. Haunting their “claims l«> , 1 , , , 1 ! , „i t; . n .n,„ , , , , ty and he nn unorganised rninort- public*" »**> the people as orgniuirn, they , t I beg to call the attention of will b tion of the financial and oilier u f.' have gone systematically and de- the jieopln to the fact that my own j colored associates to the State Govemment; u> | •ilxemt.-ly to work tod.'-mpootcnnd candidacy was jecominended |>y' lvoo j the free sehool avstcoi kvrwcr our state by mis/rorrthe people in primary a-aemhlii s has been fostered ty fo* j the true atatiia of our ll0 '» c Gu '-' .Viwtfaan^ j ‘ ernment. icorginand by i of the convention, while Mr. Nor- on account of alleged hostile nice* against their race. The Hincsville (iaxette says that fairs of indorse which able I.icutci nut. Commissioner, ...., Urr; and c»|ajcinlly by such Men who deliberately stand tip in > wood's candidacy was not recoin- al1 energetic farmer in that noigh- eleetiun do wo intend to denounce, that reckless spirit which attacks, ’laringtone* publish high character ill high position for 1 -'—'milting to <nq/ a- ti settisli ends. We have no fear that a Christian profession and Christian , . . . life will weaken our candidate. In- l,,l "' l,t sec ,il *° take - wllo 8 i ''' "■«"> I 1 ’ 1, a vUon of the convention re- |Hmr to produce cow |sxis ' !*• ----- -•--- ... tnntncd m it fo the clone and ac- and in vehement and ! mended in a primary assembly in b ubllsh their intention a single county of Georgia, hut by f„ the eleven citizens who assemble! with him in a room in the Kim unities of nine'ball House in Atlanta. The mi borhood, who runs u one-horse farm, has tiventy-two ncres of up land rice that will yield an aver- | age of twenty bushels to the acre NEW G-ltOCEIiY. * — O’CONNOR & WENZ (DILLON'S OLD STAND), RRUN8WICK, - GEORGIA, KEEP A FELL LINE OF Thirst-class Groceries AND LOWEST CASH PRICES GUARANTEED. of their already small minority nority opposed to me participated -'hwt of this land, he says, was too Iced, we arc proud to know that the State of (ieorgia has elected and will again elect by ail ovenvheb* 1 - 1 ' 11 tho hthor that follow their solemn pledge to support (in,/ . , . ,, . quiesced as fully ns any minority they might s,-e proper to bring T |, ey (Utl llut J ctl unU , r £ Ami Norwotnl, tb** valiant knight of the picked nine, cation. That’s t “owns up” like a littl brass, and give’s us to understand ns any man can do to restore friend-' I), ' l " 0, ' rn( 7 "f (; eorgi.i. They cry accordii It ia a weak, if not a hopelesa cause whose ailvocatej* are driven i, pro but. 1 hey remained taking ; * M sustain it by scurrility and Abuse ,e valiant knight ing majority such a man her ,; ov .; T™. ^en a free nigger’s mangy cur part in its deliberations until its directed against its opponents, needs no vindi- ernor. He who has preached pence '•"K. ‘f bo could be made in the im- adjournment. Of the S) lotos in b,rn,, « a '«lgood will to man all over this ; n «‘ ! ,,f ™ “nHHcd to no con- G^-fhinls' majoGh “If „„ . I ’ ru c, ‘ ,iuBnt . ^ ikmi mi -oin | . , , , votes oi a iwo-unn f brood laud, who has done as much I H idemtion at the hands of tin?great tlie convention, and lajority representing, p !ir k«‘ r ilegnut linir <1 routing Ntnnd« HniMtm. deaervetlly pop- MOORE & M’CRARY DEALERS IN he’ll do it again. ^^■N- rwiui.l - u - .11 Id - the Saiiluieh ISIIIIk 1 1" - - i". i mmm •'' • i : -. The Chen 11«3S of “Kiow Nothing h! was liisM-d from yhen inaki' g a s|H*ech the pri« ciples of that P) party. Of course lie Iheh support, ami—iu»t get ly relations between the people of the North and South, is a good enough Governor for us. We promise that this campaign shall Im? a final answer, so far as we «>f this section are conccrimd, to the attacks which have been imide on Governor CohjuiU’s character and administration. hh'iititil’d with tin? muse of com- |M.*tition in railway imiis|Nfrtatioii j in Gtnirgia, determined that tin* coimnorcial liberties of the |x?oplc a!ou«I to the people that the con- the ention wna, on the part of the inn- K r ’ >-' ntB of "■ y, . 0 "° »g#inst'ti« .. I 1 . r in. . 400,000 rep j<»rity, a hand of luilhlmn hcnient 11,011 that tin? uinjori- That large majority recommended ty mged them, and that their right* mo as the Democratic candidate actual estimate under: for tin? hfuitifnl Imir it priHbieen, cleansing and healing proper- Couiiii(?neing at the riKitn, it Itth : promoU's a luxurious growth of young iMisus of 1*70, a popular a; ('presented by tl saw tin lor Governor. In the vote uponjji this recommendation the minoirty o partii ipated by voting against it, hatn« told of the Jllu | continued taking part in other H is |K*rl minority do important delibemtions of the l| e ‘T ,| nn il 1 body, * eilgeil the authority of tin* conven tion, mid are ImhiikI hv its action. mu. Norwood's kosition. What is Mr. Norwood'a position f Chatham, a ns a candidate? After the adjourn- convention a inerting The Che mine Advance has here- tofore opposed Colijuitt, hut will now sup|H»rt him on the ground that he is unmistakably the choice ofthr Domoorncv of the a> ’ by uur Supreme IfoTtrt ta’ ui rxpresacil tluougb the recent At- lanta Cunventiun. Uncle Tommy Norwood wrote a letter linking Colquitt to withdraw I rum tin- rare and he would also.— » lnon K other reneon. already given, This reminds us of the monkey who cried out to the elephant, “ Stop mashing me so and I'll not whip you with my tail.” ore not ri-Hpectod. Hut reader, you wh cccdings, need not lie great wrong that the in thus wilfully misrepresenting facts. To thoso who did not see for themselves, I say, that under _ _ the vehement leadership of the shall I* preserved, that monopolies j ** <m ' " a rren, shall he held within the true sphere i l,m " n l,0B0 owr V oxppe»«ion during 'nent of the convention a meet,, of their influence ami busines* ainl convention showetl him to be ° clt ! / f l,s . " as . c ?" e< y 1,0 uni in net, huh i.umih'm, ami , . . plaad in the chair. He stall'd, that the )>olicy of the HtatcJ 0nc U . ,,n * t,,,n K extreme ly, Irittveh/ nnti-Colquitt, the ma jority wouhl have, i ndor nci circumstances, yielded to hid per emptory orders at a sacrifice of tin prineijud that underlies ev love of the Democracy and that a minority they principal ourmauhood. Those wl saw him and other leaders of tl now Norwood then Felton fuctioi its original youthful col- giving a soft, rich nml lustrous |>earauco of great beauty. It is nsnutly eooiing to the scalp, cleans- Diimlrutf. cures itching nml »'I stops fulling of the hair, ■etly harmless, exquisitely . . never soils the skin or gums al thus t.. the last acklioivl ! ' h ' l “ llr ’ ".I" 1 P'eius-s everyUsl, by in. j many excellent and attractive qualities. , A patron assures us that he has used I-dilTerent hair preparations au«l that I Barker’s Hair Italsara «ur|si-ses them all Sold in large I Mitt les nt only .%Octs and 81.00 by all lirst - chins druggists. Olioice ITumily GROCERIES, • Provisions, Crockery nntl Tinware, TOBACCO, NEWCASTLE STREET, in the construction of Tail ways across our territory to our sea board, which has Im^oii announced that ( one such road shall not obtain a controlling interest in another, lie is the man for our section, and wo intend to stip|Nirt him for that, l’ 1 explaining the object of the? meet ing, that they were a short time ago official delrgat * to a party conven tion, but they had ceased to bo so, and wore resolved hack into eiti Can with all our might. If all the uuti-Culquitt men say of him be true, ho should have been zens. These citizens, no longer a .|! ie . b# " <>ur minority of the convention, for ns liiid •cased to exist Address, (J with the end of the convention, Works. Ly then anpointed a committee of ■ nine, with Mr. Norwood himself as . . , , . chuirumi), to report action, audj lints in hand, cycn iwumig forth then adjouriuxl. 1 ‘ Tho nine gentlemen appointed by Mr. Norwood as chairman, with ' two others who seem to have joined them during their two or three scs>ion, nominated Mr. N<»r- Tl.e Fully Bird, manufactured at Lynchburg, Va., by Mr. Carroll, i» now superceding all other brands of smoking tolmeco, is sold at name price Durham's and is three grades U tter When it is remendiered that Mr. Car- II holds the medals for maunfaetnr mokiug toUieeo in tin II be eager to try tin lie Uv*t III Hie market. I’s Farlv Hi 1 11 Tobacet burg, Va. BRUNSWICK, GKORCIA. Jf'JilinTSfr CO.'tS | the lire of hatred to Colquitt, and defiance to his friends, yelling forth j their battle cries of “never yield,” store! New Firm h - ..v , - w > them hung n tboiiMiuJ yi-nniago. A ninn ‘ “h' k'to your colors,” could not but j'.^. ■ New (soeds! , CELEBRATED HAMS & BREAKFAST STRIPS ALWAYS OX HAND. Hanlon, of tlx? If. C. AVirs, in his ,w they represent him, is un- M Pl^ a bd the tuamier in which this wooil as their candidate for G ernor. It is a striking coincidence that nine votc< were lacking to give me a nomination hv u two thirds ma ll ice little |si|ier, is giving “|ioliticul Jor ®ven the confines of Tophot. Htnjority, men sent from the |mx>|»1c to obey their will, and calmly, and with iootl quietly coolness al- tliiu it will do you no g« How iiev from the treasury in viola self-styled injured band of i of law; (.’I) usurpation, in as- m0l soothing syrup” to the “ Norwotxl, ^ crc *h$l they charge him with infants. Poor little childreu! “(1) lnconiiM'U*ney, ns shown by . . * . a nonunaiion oy a iwo minis ran- Don't take the nasty atufT, for Dr. . he general ehumeter of his admin- D 110 * 1 * without a^(tarallcl, the insult- jority, and that these nine gentle Hanlon has made it so weak and <2) lawlessness, in taking ing nml menacing manner of this men ns dolcgates in the convention could have secured that party bar mony they so profess to seek by uniting with the majority in mak ing a nomination. And these nine gentlemen, after thwarting a nomi- have nominated tlieir own ifinion or (toruuri* *'V■ ■ ■- • *—•"-••'•tu',y.jf in mo convention; they know that 1 -hnirmaii as their candidab? for 'i' ........ v i tri , ,0 .By. for pemuttmg the most re-1.1,,i,_ . ,• ,, . Governor. The coincidence, I say, , hiininv NorwiKHl, voltimr •nn im ri..1 •*. mu .. . the mil of the citizens of the State .- it , , .• , .. ’ '°»mig ami nai naroiis treatment . 4 . ,, of nine delegates defeating a two- you forget when, as a Know Noth- of convicts; (G) faJsohootl, in utter- was defeated by ten votes out of t |»iixU majority nomination, and C. fi. WIMBERLY & Cfl. . modizers” and “organizers. * promise with’ .« . ... . x-Treasurer k,,ow •»«»; they know smiling |m , Ui de Noreroas—bah! the lMiudsnien liother that inline, it always gets Jones; (4) niclfaesance, in not on- that Colquitt had a two-thirds, ay mixed with Xocwuotl—exjMct to f* ,rc h»g the law for the collection of a threo fourtlia over any one man nati< have true Irishmen «»r Germans ^ ,ri>llc,, |^f 0 fConvicts;(5) in the convention; they know erueltv. n»r iutmiiiim.r tl,.. ..ww» ... J vote for bun. (1, HEAVY AND FANCY, ■g. you them. Was it the bitterly auta^o i«.‘<l >*‘U tbrougli (ion. GorJon to the tliroc liumlretl nml fifty. _ Wii.bington county meeting ivlint not tho duty of the five euqntie* in prewnting n . Ibis State sending tl.fwo ten vot.-. tv in op|Wti lime nine i'leleg,iU.M, ig n camlidn «... J a ^°rwTinIi<«upprewing the trutli; ... hy|>ocnsy, hi falsely setting un 1 1,111 nvrntion wouM have the pleaof the religious JieiMculion ; l’ r *‘ i who was fool enough (tl) intrigue, in making apiHiint- that horn A few individual, of the miuori ty in the convi run «>mc man who «a» tool enough (9) intrigue, in making ap|»int U> have accepted it anyway, no nieuts to nlliee in his own i>er*onal the lieople answer ill October nutter how tlm Convention h id •''R'twt, and in manipulating the I ended. C’batbnm county delegates. Hl,d °'’ C, ‘ ll,c conve “ tio “, ' ' -e— judging from the words and deli- o-'ii , , . J 1111.1’UKSIDENTIAL CANVAS. . ... " ell, we have tho consolation of nnt and- my insulting—manner L,ii,„, n ^ .1 ,, I,| ,1 „ i _ i . , knowing Unit those whose eyes un adopted by the leaders, went there , itize ate tu the par-1 tiding those ten iotas 1,1 ‘•PI’wition to the action of , ,* . . , • 1. . the convention, in which they took to that convention to lmvo yielded |mr( lm ,| t i„. ir voicc ah ,,’ voto ferencc in the interest id presents such a picture of premedi-j tun u/ they ask for? Ix.*t tatetl |*arty disorganization as i^ust strike every reasonable man will: was “to defeat (M'lniO.” if them* in a different light. They Our readers must excuse us for juiet on The Presidential canvas. The truth is that we are amazement. And not only this, but the small number necessary to ninko a two-third majority on the one hand, and on the oilier, inau gurating* re volt against the party recommendation, presents an ini- i'K ALSO KIIEI’ PINL UltANDS OE Tobacco &, Cigars, with hut one ih-teriiiiiia tion .and tlul o!v being so quiet oil the I’resideiilial pre-sivc coutra-t to true Democrat* Every article of the host quality an 1 at tho In vest price. Jones & Jones, Wholesale Grocers, BRUNSWICK, CA. A FULL LINK OF cry where. jority rule had U-eu adopted'"lo- ‘! ,i,,k l,im •.“* °|'l’ oeitc - »*»l' Uk. busy looking after a little game representing new • 1 eh ll,t ' lr lla '“ e “ lrK,0n ’ ! timt is going on nearer bome-an f minority would have left the ball in a body. The Camilla thus con clude* an article mi the situation 1 jiolitical: “And if we cannot sup port Colquitt, we desire it to be WHOSE NOMINEE IS HE7 OUR MOTTO: I f a great- majority, early two-thirds of id convention, are -quailed in authority by a stray ellort to cheat Alfred 1L Colquitt committee of nine citizens, then out of his rights. No, friend*, we party obligation is nt an end in I j have not forgotten the great cam- Georgia. Mr. Norwood gravely nr- , ... As Charley Hancock "would sav !*“«"- ' r,lnt working all right, f. 11 ” 1 . 11 "' . rclllark ahle projiositi, n, AS LCV/ IS tllC LoWCSt. .nr - 11 ancoi K nouia sal. ,, . , , , " that the nunoritv was ns much a use to a point of order | ly -Nnne say Mr. Garfield u hound to ,, mJority to lloI11 i lm ,e the major- was ex-8enator Norwood win, and sumo say Mr. Hancock ity was. The absurdity of such „ distinctly umlcr* that *v uUI ’ %‘he commiU.'e of ’ will HU the cludr (’residential. It proposition nei-ds no demonatm- iwfsnjqairt Norwood. Ju addition l ,iiie M>res."nt'> 1 ' . ll,e oo, ".' nitlBco f 1* our editorial opiuioo that llan- The gentleman, however, in to the above, considering, os ire do, adjourned omventi!m" 0n V H,.!"! e«ck will go hi un a regular tidal hw address, nrei-tsely states his own tliat tt n. H. Feltou is the greatest fiino private eitiren, |„uU right to wave, unless, perhaps, “de Uillit ^l^'ignitiog hi^'^Hdidacy."“lie Jioliliciil curse of tlie age, we Ootlld j ll,,llllla ‘e a enieli.lnt,. for Governor, ain’t count znctly right.' not uoimu'uunce u candidate who wus a second choice to liiiu. with our opinion, we could list with any faction which c to lepnvent the simon-pure - . — cratie d..triue. and which, nt the “le Bull, the world-renowned vi- ■out ol )|ona«, act-on«l door frum NEWCASTLE STREET, Hay, Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OK Supplies for Naval Stores Manufacturers, Millers Etc. BRUNSWICK, GA. ALL GOODS IN OUR LINE SOLD AT AS LOW FIG URES AS ANY HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. tame time, tendered its standard t< Wm II Kelt.,,," rial convention, ami that hail ad journed. Whose nominee then * mistaknhle \»rmintow» ll'Lil Mil- . . , , v aqoitla will In- , is !„• «H«I in Uurgen. Norway, on MVoi T’'i‘" T IV V* ^ \i.Z #1.. jsii. f ftlint Iioih a M?ir-ap|>oii<t<tl ramli- jx«». ii.msi;u.u>lou..ixt. hi* i iiim dab- i|»n»iu*i.fc.ti».. la. i*m. ju* Agents for I’ulmer’s New York Spirit Barrels.