Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, September 18, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, PUBLISHED KVKHY SATURDAY MORNING At BRUKHWIOg, oaoiott, BT 1. G. STACY. OFFICE, Comer St • and Monk Street!. Advertising IUImi Per Bquaro, too lines space, first insertion, fl 00 Per square, each subsequent insertion, 60 ffg" Special rain to yearly amt large advertisers. 'A 0 Advertisements jfcoin responsible parties will published until ordered out, when the time is pot specified, and payment exacted accordingly. Conuimuications for individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged as advertisement Marriages and obituary notices not exceediufl lour lines, solicted for publication. When ex cooding that apace, charged as advertisements. Ail letters and communications should be a<l dressed to the undersigned. T. U. STACY, Brunswick, Georgia. City Directory. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor- J. F. Nelson. „ , Airmen- J. M. C'ouper, T. G. Ftacv. 3. I Cook, J. 1*. Harvey. A. T. Putnam, W. W. Wa kins, J. J. Hpesrs and D. T. Dunn. Clerk >( Treasurer—Jeiues Houston. Chief Marshal—J. C. Karmen. Auifttwt Marshal—3. L. Brech., 8. Pittman. Jh, r t I’hwtician—J. K. Lisin, M. D. City l+ht/iiriaH—J. It. Robins, M. D. Harbor Master-Matthew Shannon. fort Wardens—Burr Wiuton, G. J. Hall an HAewm-Harvey.Cook and Put.. KailroaM—< .w.k, Harvey and «'< Streets, drains a util hues—Dun Watkins. CKMKTKKtrs— Putnam. Marvel vu it snick Admtistfv. VOL.-6, NO. 11. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1880. $2 00 A YEAR. Savannah, Florida* West- calmlvconsidkrkdfrom acorn- Ki.ii i—Putnam, Harvey and Coup. r. ljukus-Watkins, Hp.-ars and Dunn ud Pu l8pe FlJUt ll»P*BTI»r.NT—D UNITED HTATJtf OFFICERS. Collector of Customs—John T. Collins. Deputy—II.T. Dunn, roller tor Internal Revenm-D. T. Dim Deputy Marshal—James M. Coup. Pu * ‘ 1 I'u -Lint iorth. EDITORS AND NEWSPAPER MEN of the country, endorse James fW Patent Gold Watch Cases As a proof, rea.1 the following: Baltimore. Md.. March 8..1 «*•»., It gives me pi. James Boss Wat. perfect satisfa. ti e I have c Ed. i I. IMHO. La Fayette. In.l 1 take pleasure in commending the James Boss Watch Case as highly satisfactory and equal in war tom..- of solid gold. Tin > are Ike -I- - b 1 ha i Iowa Slate Lead> ug in . ery respect Just as represented. It is a perfect beauty. M- Petees, Ed. and Prop t Iraquis Co. limes. Wassau, Wis., March 10. Ihno. The Watch Case I have of your make is in every way satisfactory; It is Just spbjndbl.^ Barj , c- E<1. and Prop't Torch gfLiberty. The above are rom-uned in by hundreds of other editors as well as mechanics, merchants and jewelers, in all parts of the country. Thi- i» the only patent case made of Two PImes ol solid Hold, it is warranted by spe cial certificate. Ask your Jeweler jor illustrated catalogue containing full dancllption■ I'oiiIMioiiery! A. E. Heins, Prop’r. M* RSTe*w IPla,ce, DUNN’S CORNER. tie and Glnnreai ud everything in my AM low as the Lowest. em Railway. GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE, i Savannah, May 23.1, 1*80. f O N AND AFTER SUNDAY. May 23, Passenger Trains ou this lioiui will run its follows: night express. Leave Savannah doily at 4:30 p m Arrive at Jesup ” Arrive at ThomasvV’ Arrive at Bainbritlge” Arrive at Albany ” • Arrive at Live, Oak Arrive at Tallahassee" A rrive at Jacks’ll ville” Ijeave Tallahassee ” Leave Jacksonville ” Leave Liye < >uk " Ijeave Albany Leave Bninbritlgo " Bill Arp Grows Dubious AViont Cover ing the Country With bis Ideas of Dixie, Past and Present, Until a Little More Quietude Reigns. 7:20 P m . 6:20 am I had an idea of circulating a IO-d"! v .m ■ among the people—making a 2:oi) a m I little tour for the sake of my health; 7:00 a m j 7:50 a m 0:00 i* M 5:30 p m 11:1 4;00 But he hasn’t gin it up, and he .SEN.BROWN EXPRESSES BUS VIEWS is not going to, for there will be j On the Sale of the State Road, Its Re lation to the Louisville and Nash ville, and the Extension of the M..A B. Railroad. We put a reporter after Govern or Brown yesterday to get his views i Tho ‘ Jesup ville somebody to fool him for a long time to come, I reckon. The Rad icals have been using him for lif- teen years, and promised every tiling and paid nothing, ami now the Democrats of Georgia arc do ing the very same thing. Joel Brannan says that some develop ment is going to conic from all this business—that the nigger will get the doctor said I was overworked' somctl,ln B for hia votu ,ls 80011 as and needed a little change. I tho Oemocrnts split up and begin r . , knew I needed a little change, for, t0 1,1,1 for U - “ n ‘ l tl,e ,irst ‘ hin « w ® •m change is a good thing, but I've k "°"' tlie Mature will be full hh. P i been wondering if it was safe for a j of thcni - 011,1 the i ur >' boxc “ ^ 730 ei to leave home in these times! 1 *® 11 Bi tier says the Radicals have Wave you any objection to giving Cn’tO a v 1 0 f excitement, when every laxly betrayed the colored man, and he j w the public the reasons why you seems to be mad with everybody.! I,0H j oill0, > tho Democrats, because j nre in favor of the sale?’’ Gov. Brown—“ l ain in favor of it. As 1 stated in my letter to Colonel Branham, published a day or two since, every motive of inter est prompts me to favor that proj ect; and I think it is right, and I ani'in for it. The Legislature passed the act for the leasing and sale of the road on the express condition that the road is to be built on one the sale of the State road, as we of the three routes designated be ll ad understood there was a rumor that he favored the sale of it. Af ter the usual preliminaries, the re porter said: “ Governor, it is reported that you favor the sale of the State road.— 101*1 Jn Aib ; at Savannah ” 9:00 a m ° h S^"ud l S^h U “d!l wanted to talk to my f.iendH | D,. knows tl.nt party will (1 o him j Governor Brow..-" There is no about Dixie os she ueed to be in! J™ 11 ™. Old father Cox had a j f„ a ndation whatever for the/cqiort. the good old times nnd Dixie ns ' ‘ ln 'am the other night. Ho dreamt, i nm absolutely and uncondition- slio is now, but she is cutting'up ■ ^ liat 1,0 *Red and was sent down tc so, and quarreling nnd fussing nil tlie 1,0(1 I ,Iocc - 011,1 1,0 s0 "' 8omo over the Stale, that J am afraid it’s! Democrats there and plenty of Ile- n had time to show her up. I PublianMt, and about as many n.g- I.ftven’t seen her behave so badly ! <?'«• 011,1 th « Democrats looked in 25 vtars. Its all peaceful and l >rett >' hot > 0,1,1 wos 0 follllln « quiet "und lovely out here in the "round, but every cussed Radical had his grip on a nigger, and was holding him betwixt himself and de fire, dream Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars run through to ami from Savannah und Jacksonville. Sleeping enrn run through to and from Savannah and Albany. Passengers from Savannah for Fer- uondiua, Gainesvillo and Cedar Key* take this train. Passengers from Savannah for Bruns wick and Darien take this train, arriv ing at Vnuswick 6:00 a. m. Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Savannah 9:00 a. m. Passengers leaving Macon 7:15 a. it. (daily except Sunday) connect at Jeaii|: with thi* train for Florida. Passengers from Florida by this trail connect ut Jesup with train arriving in Macon at 6:25 p. m. daily. Connect at Albany with Passenger trains both ways on Southwestern rail road to and from Macon,Enfala, Mont gomery, New Orleans, etc. Mail steamer leaves Bainbritlge for Apalachicola every Sunday and Thurs day evening; for Columbus everj* Tuesday and Saturday afternoon. Close connection at Jacksonville dai ly (Sundaysexcepted) forS. Augustine, Palatka,, Enterprise, and all landings on St. John’s river. Train on B. md A. B. R. leav« junction, going west, at 11:37 a.m., and for Brunswick at 4:10 p. m- daily, except Sunday. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—EAS TERN DIVISION. L’ve Savannah,S’tlay ex’cd, at 7:00 a k 9:40 12:30 i 3:05 l 5.;K) a m 9:50 a si 1 :U0 p m 3:06 p m Leave McIntosh Leave Jesup Leave Bhmkshear Arrive at Dupont Leave Du|>out Leave Blaekshear Leave Jesup Leave McIntosh Arrive at Savannah “ " 5:40 WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont, S’nd’y exe’p’d, 6:00 Leave Valdimtu Leave Quitman Arrive at Thoinusville Leave Thomasvillo Leave Camilla Arrive at Albany Leave Albany Leave Camilla Arrive at Thomasvillo Leave Thomas ville Leave Quitman and fields. The locusts and katydids sing happily their evening song. The first fires of approach ing winter cheer lip the family hearth, and if it was not for an oc casional visit to town, or the peru sal of the daily papers, all nature would seem at peace and our j •°, ally* opposed to the sale of the State 10 road. It is a good piece of proper ty, and is paying the State annual* ly a good income. It is the con necting link between western loads and the roads leading U*the south Atlantic. It it should fall into the hands of one company opcombina- tion, it would he used for the ptir- That’s a fact, dream or no pose of discriminating against oth- That’s about all the use er companies. Such a course would they have j;<>t fur 'era, ami it’s tl.cji*, injurious to Atlanta, n.ul to the that the niggers don’t see it. They are the'easiest people to satisfy up- pie dwelling together in harmony. 011 thu fl,co ° r tlie clrtl ‘- Tll ®>' wil1 The farmer* in this region don’t l'Ut np any sort of excuse or seem to know much about the gen- "H"!?)’- The convention com- I plained the other day that white folks wasn’t giving them any offices, eral disturbance and stick to the cotton fields pretty close. I don’t think there was a dozen at tl HjH'aking last Tuesday. It’s the people of the towns and cities, who haven’t got nothing much to do who are kicking up most of the political dust. Coin* hail to go to the blacksmith shop, and I went over to the court house to hear Dr. Miller speak. I saw he was troub led in his mind that evening, and asked him what was the matter.— “ I’m a little bothered,” said he, “about all them things the <h>etor told on our Governor, nnd I didn’t exactly understand whether they »:I7 a m | was gwine to send him to tin: nsy- 12 (K) m' M I lum or the penitehtinry. I reckon 2 30 DM ! though it's the asylum, for the pen- 5:23 pm itentiary is turned into the am, therefore, absolutely opposed to the sale, and if a propositon for the sale comes before the lA'gisla ture and I have any influence with members, 1 shall use my influence with all my might against the sale. The road should he kept as an open hut when Hargrove get up an<l| highwnjr nlu | „)) co m|>a„ioa and tween Macon and Atlanta. Gov ernor Colquitt leased the road up on that express condition, and the company are obliged to curry out the condition; ami [ nm in favor of requiring it to he done in strict, good faith. It is but just to the people of Georgia that it should be done ami justice to the counties through which it is to run requires it. I have no doubt the company that purchased it (in which I have no interest) intend to net in good faith in the premises. If they do not, I am in favor of tho State do ing all that can he done to coerce a faithful compliance. lktT’s sm stated that a darkey at Rome liked to have got a little place in the post cdlieo, it satisfied 'em. Henry Mcjnckson actually apologized to Mr. Hargrove for entertaining any suspicion: individuals should have the right to ship over it from the same points upon cquul terms. If the State should lease it again at the end 'of the next ten years, the lease should he well guarded on that point, so Hut there is one thing that "ill j u m t discrimination will be out of settle all this, and that is the elec-1 jj |e q UC8 jjon t just ns the presrnt tion of Gen. Hancock. After that | k . n9C ls Kmu J L ,|. The very fact that win >* niggen, and whiteL, ] i;l , ,1,:,,! ten yearn folks will he white folks, ami taere * 0 k „ g„od reason why no won't he hut two sorts of people j u0ropnny> u|llm proper down here in Dixie. The native, p llsni ^ s principles, would want to Radicals over the Demo- j purc ) mst . t | lu r „ a ,i at present, ns cr ats, and the furriners will take j they , |ot get session for p their tents like the Arabs and the next ten years.” 6*30 a m 8 ftn K« ft,K l General Wotloril is 04; 8:48 a m ! posed to that. I don't think the General will let ’em put the Gov- I heard 11.30 ) :451 .n I . . 1 . 3:53pm I omor in tlie cliam-gnn silently steal away. Bill Arp A San Francisco paper tells the Reporter— 4 * Well, you are very 3111 ph a tic on the tjuwtion of the inle. It is said by some, however, Li'avu VtthloHta Arrive at Dupont J. S. Tyson, Master Transportation. II. 8. 1IAINE8, General Manager. following story: A certain stock-j‘ h “t vou are in a combination with broker in this town has a landlady, the l-ouiaville and Nashvdle rail- a pleasant sort of a woman, who! ™ad company to uso the road to | iv man talking luminously to Squire! has ad eye to the main chance.—: discriminate against the Cincinnat- 7-Mlrsi i>ritchctt about General Colquitt’s One evening the good lady became Southern. war record, ami he said he didn’t lachrymose. Governor Brown—“ There is not | believe there was any fight atOlus-1 “ What ails you, Mrs. S. ?” sym-, onc ' vor ^ l ,ru ^ ! *** ^ ^ Av< tiled. “There patheticnlly asked the big-hearted ; h>ld Mr. Newcomb, President o Juht froiu the ARCTIC REGIONS. AIWEJI OB bEBd. fresh End Hparkling, from my Duw Soda Fouutaiu. Call and ate B>u. A. E. HEINS. dfl-ly J. M. DEX TER, Banker and Broker, Exchange bought and sold. Insurance U Real Estate Agent, Et“\neai for Fairbanka' Scales and Herring’* STABLE, A. T. Putnam, Prop, Corner MONK Jt (IRANI street*. BRUNSWCK, - - GE0R6IA. GOODYEAR 4 HARRIS, Attorney* at Law, Brunswick, Georoia. O FFICE—On Gloni'tuter atruct, nnt «loor to Mi< ht-lMon’H, uj» 'stairs. Pias-tire in all rountina of tli« Bruuawiok Cir CUit and .he city of Uaric-u, Ga. — t-iy. HARDWARE fc STOVES, Plows, Doors, rorkrt Nash, Ac I.»••»!» A, Table ldu*«, Flxtareo, (‘Otlrry, Pnmpi, Keroatne Tinware, Crorkeryr, ALardUili Far aale by lb»r:n. |.. l> IIO% T Ac CO. cry d«fMTlption for hire. C • lirnmj.tiy flllod. Carriage rival of all boats and trama Ice on Ham! AI wav*, in Quail- titles to Suit Purchasers. 1 to such discrimination, nor would I permit it; that if I should lie put tee or anybody killed. „ „ was a battle there,” said the Squire, 1 broker. | llm * company, plainly nnd positive- “und my brother was killed.” Con-| “Oh, sir,” replied the dame, “I |Jy. Uiat I could'neither hea party sidernble silence seemed to prevail am in a heap of trouble. I do so *’ ‘ about that time, nnd the individu- wish I was rich.” al retired. I asked an old darkey I “That is n very common disease, who was a sort of lead horse among How much, now, would you call a ’em, what they were going to <lo ( omfoitnhle independence?” about voting, and says he: “Gwine! “Well,” said the lady, “If I had to do nothing; gwine to stay at 82,000 I’d be a happy woman.” home. White folks all quarreling The broker reflected. He wanted ami niggers, too—never hearn such ! to make the old woman happy, so A man ovcrlwretl—The editor. A licker dealer—Tho schoolmas ter. The soda drinker often thinks of foam. A ccntless nfTair—An editor's |>ockctbook. Society is the hardest baked on its upi>or crust. Iajve makes many a good right arm go to waist. The promises of somd men always remain shall owe. Tho mr.rk of cane—Dust on the unruly schoolboy’s jacket. Ought a woman to kiss a tobacco chewer? Yes, if she chews. It is believed tlint tho word“nev- ” has been crippled for life. An nrtist is not so strong as a horse, hut he can draw a large ob ject. Commissioner Is; l)uc, in his crop riqxuts, never mentions the hops at tlie seaside. The girl who chalks her cheeks thinks it is better to mark the miss than miss the mark It’s a i*x>r rule that won’t work both ways. Hartford lias a cow that is afraid of women. The fellow who picked up the hot penny originated the remark, "All that glitters is not cold.” Why have chickens no hereafter? Because they have their necks twirled (next world) in tliis. Why is it easy to enter nn old mail's habitation ? Because hisgnit is broken and his locks are few. The compositor whoset up “pirn out of office as President by a ma- pled chops” for “dimpled checks” jority of the directors, I would still: didn t look n hit natural in death, he a director. The statute makes ; Having asked his girl for a kiss me one, ami in cose of my death, it as a tonic, she replied tlint there declares that my legal representn- was such n thing ns being too tonic, live shall bo a director until the j \ Whitehall woman calls her end of the lease. 1 have made pro- husband “kind words,” beenuse lie a fuss in my life. Been down to'he invested in Consolidated Vir-j vision in my will that my sons ^ ^ bidd-hcadcd that he oan never de convention, and dar was Pledger | ginia to tho amount of twenty j shall represent me in case ot myjj yc and Belcher and Bryant, and Long. shares, which gave a profit of 81,- ; death and see that the lease is car- ^ Whitehall man has discovered Jeff and Henry McJackson, all a 000, which he instantly banded to j r,et ^ ow * *** h° ne *d Lut i wit i ;l vva y Q f instantly turning sweet ■- fussing and a fighting* 8pf was Mjrs. S. with his beat regards. The the people of the State, an milk into fresh buttafi Ho feetls m il A A | I j for Colquitt and some for Garwood, lady was overjoyed. She wept on diHcriniinution slm no t »ea owct • j ^ to a goat. 1 I If If I i J and they never settled down on his waistcoat; she called him her j 1 was my j> e< go iilk e e I nothing; and I is done quit poli-| prese.ver; slie would have kissed j people at the tune sue 1 aco was tics, I is. Been tryin to make him, but he wouldn t let her. Av | llu,le 'f linktino mv uledeeB pinions of one goose to spread the something out of it for ten yearslast, when her transports had some- l *io habit of w hit i g y ] •f '|> u j ll ! 0 . lg 0 f another and General Grant is de same as what subsided, tho instinct of .non- * have power a. a single director, P** 1 «“ 1 • ’ dead, and in sight as yit— ey-making began toshow itself,and by an appeal to tho courts or the I A \\ «to , «™ .ca an art - White folks git all de ollhes and!she requested the brbker to invest i^gUlnturc, to prevent A I. ...ut c l^ca^ and Mar- „ * : sot on de juries at two dollars a tho whole sum on her behalf. He ! tion and the violation of our char- nes a V idow leaped eh ? \\ e t« j . *. . j i * i 1 ter and I will do it whenever it is should say he got caught. a. m. haywood. ' day a^d drive fine bosses, but de demurred; he objected; he begged , w r » ,UIU 1 w 111 ! . T1Ut5¥TIl i v/^ri niggerw i.s jes de same dey always! of her to be content with the profit necessary llvrj AJNNL' laiVIN C rj was—dey work dc roads and cook she had made. He knew the un- ' and wash and clean out de stables | certainty of stocks; but all in vain. J- D E XTE R.|juid picks cotton in de day time, j Mammon reigned triumphant in INSURANCE AGENT, S UNDAY lit Ti m. | ■ervu Hub.' In What’s the beat definition of a {dill ? Bonifthing taken from the “ Ten dime* make one dollar,* said the schoolmaster. “ Hair, go ou Ten dollars make one what ?” “They make one mighty glad these times,” replied the boy; and the teacher, who hadn.t got his last month’s salary yet, concluded that the boy was about right. An unsuccessful vocalist went to the poor-house and delighted tho inmates with his singing. He said it was a natural thing for him to do, as lie had been singing to poor houses ever since lie began his ca- roer. A model husband ill Delnwnre thrashed his wife fearfully because their baby didn't get tlie prize at the baby show, and wound up by offering to swap the baby for a pig. Pope says tlint licauty draws witli a single linir. It doesn’t nowadays. When n bonuly gets so bald headed Hint she lias hut one hair left, she doesn’t draw much. “A mun who’ll maliciously set fire to a barn,” said Mr. Slow, “and hum up twenty cows, ought to bo kicked to dentil by n jackass, and I’d iike to do iv.” Because Dr. Tanner bolted minor and threw up a window Inst night, liefore going to lied, it is no sign that his ravenous appetite lias not ye) been appeased. Some men could not get along without their navy tobacco, and England feels tiiat she could lint, exist without her navy to hack l* too. Artemus Ward oncebuga' urc by saying: ” ladies a tlemen, I ]h>sscsh a gigni’**' Iect, but I haven’t it with, It is claimed by somsfr men that smoking wenkq sight. Maybe it does, b' how it strengthens the hot — —l sale Many Coinbiiiutiod have been trietl, but none Imppy renultM as Rank in’* Ex true* Biichit anti Juniper. If you ure suffer iog fr< m any derangement of tlie Kiil- ueys or Bladder, Gravel, Fain or Weakness in the Buck or Hip, get • bottle—one or two will relieve you. This article Inis been before the pub lic for nearly ten years, and it* aale is eonHUutly increaring —and that with very little advertiaing- which provt*a it to be an article of merit. We have teHtiuioniuls from some of the leading phyMician* of Georgia, South Cartdinw ami Florida, nnd other atatea, iu regard to itM reliability oh a Diuretic, aud a remedy for the dUoueua for which it ia recommended. Brepnred only by Hunt, lUukin k Lainur, Druggiata, Atlanta, Ga., »ud f »r sale by F. Joerger, druggist, Bruuawick, Gil aeptl5-eow2iu Columbus, Ga., Nov. 26, 1877. Du. C. J.Moffett— IhmrSir—Sinoo ieuruiug ita value, I alwaya keep your IVethiua (Teething Powder*) iu my itouae, mill couaidcr it an imliN|K'uaa- ble mediciuu for hiuiiII children, t Aore Anoint it to rmtove imrmtt trimt aU ot/irr m tut lien hml fatlttl. M. M. MOORE, Clerk City Council. " CoLUMBUM, Ga., Fab, 6,1878. D». C. J. Moffett— Dour Doctor— We mu commend jour Teetluui* [Teel Hi ug Powdera) as the moat witia- fuctory preaeriptiou we ever OMtl for the Iimmm; Utwela or eruptiona of our chihlren. They hare meat u* W'lity ilultnr* in doctor*' bill*. l'oura truly, B. T. HATCHER, (of Arm of McGhee k Hatcher, Ware- bonne and Coiuiuiaaion Merchant*). Auouhta, Ga., Dec. 6. 187U. W. U. Baiimktt, Druggiat: Dear air—I very cheerfully recom mend the GILDER PILLS na poKae**- ug nil the virtuea OMcribetl to tbru^ iu the circulars which euvelope the boxea tlmt contain them. Their actiou ia geutle nud lifting. I any thi a from INnaouul experience nnd from whnt I ;mve heard othera aay who lmve uaeu them. No better and more effectual medicine could be de*ired by tlione ho suffer from a torpid condition of te liver, uud I trust you will huvu atill greater aucceaa iu uistributiug ao great a bleeeiug to those who aulfer from a derangement of that organ whose regular actiou ia so eaaeotiul to health. Very respect fully. James M. Smyth*, Dk< atiit. On., Doc. 9, 187U. I have used the Rex Insect Exter minator with the most satisfactory re sult*. I have by iU itae eutirely cleaned place* from Roaches, which I adore it w t »s impossible to get rid t»f. , I consider it a very valuable preparn- lhjfctoii butt a public vinegar in-Uiou, and reeowwnd it to boooekeep : jiector at a Kihiry of *1,000 |x;r -rawLoara troal.lo.1 with «.«<•!.« o, A. F. HAMMOND. RV:“' KESENTH the folio’ ring Fire Ina rk 14, Importer—“ Well Governor, will' Year. One would tliink lie would you excuse me for asking one more fto't awfully tired looking far his aud shucks de white folks’com at the o'd woman's iireast. Hlie in 'question? How do you stand on. mother. t.Htimony lii.'lit and when dev wahtx to go sifted; lie yielded, and Vt 1mlf th« quest! if tlie building of a A New York pa|>er advertises i v j rt „„„, your ••Nennd- 1 * - ... ,vo sisters ‘wanted washing.’ K iii«" m » far nearalnin and silt washing iKO-kwl* SueU « remedy j. a bias >thcr infect*, .vpt 15-1 in anywhar dey rides a bareback ’ tin: investment. The lady had; road by the Macon & Brunswick nhat t 1 mule. Dat’s all so, bless du I/ird, *2,000 left, but was die satisfied ?; company, from Macon to Atlanta, If all the people who <■ in g, and ull .uffere 5 - ;? 1 * JSl’Si and it’s gwine to be so—I dun gin No. She actually sued the broker so aa to connect the State road with should advertise, tho newsp.i|K-r; |, ou ’,,. utj lew rki— iu !,,,,., | j or (| 1(; rvinaiiider | tlie Macon A Brunswick road ?” 1 Ini inc* would look up a iittie. M Cu. lt up. i lion Id keep it oq J. K. Riuoklv. Ui’i Cathedral street, Uni Uliana