Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, September 25, 1880, Image 2

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! p. BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. linve 110 »*«■". « n, i n*> busi-coi. siwkimi. atkinson at ho- gj, SIMONS DEPARTMENT• ! ness directed to our port which can T. li. STACY, K<litor anil Prop’r. , possibly Im- wnt to rival wn|K>rtn HVTlTltrMY. SKPTKMIil.l 2".. 1H80. : Will the ,Superintendent of the M. jit li. Road, who is supposed to have Politics is getting to he a very stale subject in Georgia. It is worn threadbare. The Atlanta Fair o|k*i,s Oetoher • 18th. The military reunion and the mystic owl's procession are mentioned among the attractions. Air. .1. W. Hanlon has retired Trom the chair editorial of the 11. C. AVies, nnd Mr. W. II. 1 .Astinger, his associate, taken full control. The paper is now as strongly Colquitt as was formerly Norwood. The nomination of Col. l!lack for ‘Congress from this district is receiv ing favor from all sections of the Stnh>. He is s|Hiken of in the highest terms. The next tiling is to elect him. plenary powers, explain whether the above information, obtained in true or not ? Savannah TIIK SI ATK I'AMIMKhV Aa soon ns tlie new road from Fcinnndina to Jacksonville (twen ty-one miles long) is done. Savan nah w ill at once put on a daily line The beautiful September weath er is admirable for out-door h]h'lik ing, and the campaign goes bravely on. Colquitt stock is rising. The campaign is an unfortunate one in that it is necessarily so peisoiinl.— Of its result, no mail it seems to us who will watch the signs of the times can doubt. Gov. Colquitt will go into odice with an overwhelming majority, and our people arc to be congratu lated, especially upon the certainty of his election, for it is all impor tant that tlic man who sold the M. A B. Railroad should he at the helm of State to see to it that the purpose for which it was sold are MKKVlhhK Herri« n County New*. On Wednesday of Court week. Col. A. I*. Adams, of Savannah, nd- dreHKort the ty in the intercut of Norwood. To the surprise of a few, his speech was not received with much enthu siasm, notwithstanding it was a good one. His efforts were direct- l>R. R. J. MAH8KY. - My oftl. t - - - EDITOR. Iikh bet Mr. John Steven*, opt'ii all hours, day to inform them tlmt I ahull «■ It. J. MASHFY, M. D. Mr. J. L. Stevens,of Gascoigne rd inid'i'ilv hi bolstering up tiio old j Mille, whoso ankle was so badly charges heretofoie made against the ‘I’**' Governor. When Spencer Atkinson took the stand to reply, the house came down in tumultuous applause.— When all became silent, he ad vanced to the front of the stand intert last week, is improving nicely. —Island healthy, breezes delight ful, temperature pleasant, sea bath ing siqierb, fish abundant, oysters fat and juicy. —Mr. Willie Nightengale,of Gam- nnd was in the act of addressing j bers Inland, on the Altnmnha, with the niulience, when a voice cried his pet little steamer Hajiclo, spent out, “another cheer for Colquitt,” | last Thursday with us. and again there came a deafening The friends of Mr. W. F. Sym- vound. I ons nil rt family are pleased to see He opened his speech by saying i th( , m ou t |, e ] H l a nd after that his mission was different from j spending a few weeks vacation, that of Mr. Adams. Tlmt lie was ; to note any conclusion arrived at by our truck farmers, tiio result of experiments with the purple, It is —Tlic repairs going on at St. Si-1 now being offered for sale by lend- not there in the interest of one man, | mfmg Mj „ a „ t tWll till|0 liro extcn . ing druggists in the largest cities. traps were set for them. On one occasion a cat so large had been caught that he carried trap, fasten ing ami all away. This is supposed to he the cat, and tlmt the foot caught sloughed oft'in due time by a regular pr»>eess of mortification. SMALL BAY ON “ ILLUMENA8HUN. “ We are informed there are but three Norwood men on St. Simons Island—another proof that the far ther one is from the sources of light, the thicker the darkness.”— Soi/tort Afrftcal. Mr. Editur: We may he sorter ig- —At a recent association held in i norant and dull of comprehcnshun Boston for tlic promotion of scien- ’tween twedlc de and twcdlc dum, tific researches, Prof. Kiley made a and remote as we ar from the “cen- still further report on London Pur ; tur of illumenashun,” yet its re- ple, in which his experiments with it had met the requirements of his fullest expectations as a preventive and destroyer of the cotton i»est. A contrivance had been conceived and adopted by which the purple, in olution, could he thrown under the fresh in* to be blest with light enuf to deside ’tween Colquitt and Norwood You will find every one on the Hand, a man, a mouse, or a long tail rat, one tiling or the oth- ur, either for Colquitt or Norwood, and not like the old played out 0. L. HARRIS, Next to .1. MicTwIsva k lira. II.A liltin’ ,1 KtVKI.KY not defeated by railroad combina-1 of simmers to connect will, the | ,io " ‘*“ J, . k . i, ! d *| h ouae again. 1 ring legislature is to be tlic nnal j y n j nu j ( | un . but for tlic people of the State ol This brought down tiio surface of tiio leaf, the usual resort demagogs whose greed for uttis is of the worm. Another fact cstnb- j only bin equaled by their disap- lished by Ilia last researches is that pointments til they have becoin a it is a still cheaper insecticide than ! rotten cansurous carkcss on the po nt first 8up)Ksed. We would lie glad litikel world, doin’no good, advo catin’ no one, abusin’ their betters nnd reflectin’ no light from the “oentur of illumennshun.” We ain’t that kind of a politikel hair pin. What ar you? same. She is thus always alive to |, ~ | An incalent.-Tlie cheering pt l her inte rest ■ h.‘-giound between competition j ^ vo dogs to fighting that happened — and monopoly; railroad omnbinn-L, lic ingi(U . the hulUje Confusion Twenty-eight shares of the stock i tions and the rights of the people; | re jg Iie j f or while, during which <irst °f ^* e of the Macon Tdeyrnjth and Mmen the right of the people to control sive and thorough. Everything* —“How’s your fat?” is nn un will he overhaaled in this grand es- couth salutation .often indulged in tablishment, j by the not over polished Bohemi- —CnpL James Postd 1 will return an, when he meets his chum. Qua- ; from his summer tour about the: ver Wells, however, upon his re- ,th, refreshed, re-in- turn from Brunswick, very much under the influence of Brunrwick’a gcr, now owned by Mr. Jos. Clishy (who is quite advanced in years) has been offered for sale by Mr. er- vision over them for the public ben- efit, or the right of the railroads to Clishy. The entire stock is forty- J control the people; the right of weak five shares. Mr. II. Jones, who roads to fulfill the purjnises for I “Gentlemen. this dot] tns the other shares, will either which they exist, or the ** .n]£Eowt, also, or else form ; rich corj»orations to overshadow “’"hip with tlic purchaser. ( them apd swallow tliem up. j,.,,] bctim n Colquitt The action of the coming I.egis- j Norwood.” time the dogs were named Colquitt vigorated, recu]iemted and restored. Glad to see you, Captain. Mr. Atkinson was not to lie d is-1 We all are gad to greet our concerted by the disturbance, and former resident of the Island, Itoh- after quiet was restored, lie said:I vt Uvison, Esq., now of Darien, ‘tanglefoot,” or the new fashiona ble term, “St. Simons sound sick ness,'’ last Saturday afternoon gave a tangible answer to this question n vestment. Twenty Vkvrs.—In the latum to determine many j q’|,; s crPn ted considerable merri- ■0 there was no opiswition lo , co ' ,,e " liel,u ' r P uU ‘ r ] ment, and the speaker by this time election ol Mon- H"* ? ftl ' e ° lale ’-M'^cd ,,, the U, , he mention of the entire an- charters of die several railroads | ( ,. pllce Mr. Atkinson then replied . venue, fight illus. «>n the streets tliis week. Squire | Whilst engaged in the innocent pas- rifiht «* nates the position of mv friend Ad-; 1!, 'h has a l.ost of friends here and tune ol kicking Frank McCullough .rshadow who j 9 h( , r0 to pot ,,,, lt |>0 nti- j lie is always welcome. j« >' ounf? T" °. f e, K h teen years » •P- eal d,sg fight between Colquitt and -Frank Adams, some 12 yearn ; «T. fl*P"'8 of age. son of Mr. Amos Adains, of' “d by the latter in the St. Simons, killed his first de 1STm received everv electornl , j * abdomen. From this ugly wound whv 'lie from New IInm)>- across our territory to the seaboard, j , 1 rpi i * Ujuitj’a large portion of theoincntum ut-unlay evening. The boys put.l" ‘ 1 . . , t .. . .. ... i - . at least four and one-linlt inches m Inin through the usual initiation' with appropriate ceremonies. year 1840, the Democratic in the ]>erson of Martin Van Buren, was expelled from power to give place to the Whig party, un der William Henry Harrison. In the year 1860 James Buchan an and the Democracy went over- lionrd. to be succeeded by the He- puhlicnns and Ahrahnin Lincoln. In the year 1880 may we not rea sonably expect that the Republi cans, led by De-Golyer Garfield, will retire to make way for the De mocracy, led by the pure, patriotic Hancock ?—Pitldniry 7W. F.mts to nr. Hfmimukrf.d.—It should he borne on the meridian of the |M>pular mind that the larg est whiskey ring in the world was organized in the bosom of the Re publican party; that the Republi can party has several times repudi ated the national obligation; that In-tween 1809 nnd 187f>, according in the construction of those char to Mr. Adams’ arraignment of the Fiom a length, containing the fat covering the intestines, rolled out. Surgi- nt letter to some of | rfl j Haajstance was nt once sought, , , „ u ,, . . ,, .majority, by showing up the hid- | lis fr i c „,i 8 we loam that. Mr. W.l.i,- replace, 1 nn<l the km by the Suprouie Uurt, the| (le „ tn , r|KWS () f the n.iimrity, an,11 A . F|ll |,,. nl „, flimiIv return ' ' constitution of 1877, in the M. *j lK , foreho tmil C( ,.. c lu<le.l on that li. Rnilroail legislation, is to >*| |lf , illtt it wn# „ inile cvi.lent to cv- sustained and carried out for the benefit of all sections of the State, ery fair minded man that the mi- or is it to he defied and < c fen ted by nor ty were not blameless. lit len answered the charges against combinations whrmi most i«i.|>oj- Cl , l ,, ui , t concerning the Murphy fee, the Alston fee, the convict lease and the Northeastern Bonds. In each case he produced the journals taut interests are outside ot our borders. Therefore it is important that the Guvernor, who is firmly de voted to the thorough exec ution of that policy, should l*e re-elected. We have heard it urged on the Norwood of the house of Representatives, with other documentary evidence, 3 which entirely disproved every al- un.p by Norwooil speaknrs 1| , ( , nliml nimle by Ml , A ,lan.s. The that Governor Colquitt is inco..».sl-j nrKumcntwaH ,,„ n|llptc llnil ma . ent in his position til favor »t re-, vlnc i 11B , ami was ileei.le.lly better than we expected to hear. The tention of the State road in the con trol of the State, because he recoin- i speaker was applauded continually menJed in the last Is gislatiin- its frilln t , le ileim.nstrath.n nrn.le from their atelv after orthern tour ir first frost. mind stitched up. The sight ol sale. We desire to show that this al leged inconsistency is no inconsist ency at all, am! further, that the in Colquitt's favor, it is evident that he will carry the county overwhelnl- higly- I Both the sjFcnkers are fine ora- change of position b.v the (‘over..-1 „„ j„ lillul to ,.|; lllb lo or atfortlH the striaigrst reason why j ,ii s i; m qj, m to the report of n Republican com-; the |ssi|)le on the line anil-proposed i ... liiissioner, the siini of 1144,(XX),!K)0 oxtcnsimis of M. & It. Road should T.ddui'a llnrkeye Pile Ointment i» a yeal «ns stolen from the rrsourc. vote for him. I '*?•* f* ,vi »vi*.. remeily for tlmt t, iril>1. , , ...... \k’i . <• ... • .- diHftisf, riles, nr lii-iuui i lioiilH. It is pud \ lie Government by Kepubh- W hon Governor ( olqmtt in his t , l# . filVoriti , r .. nMM | v , it m v. i can officials, enough to pay one- message recommended a sale of r.tiln to cure tin* iiuwt oi»htiiiiitf chw* thinlpfthe public <Ieht; that in j the State Heard, the vast combina- the single year of 1875 the Govern- j tions since found were not in exist- |j,.f n tToi-.l«<l i»y tliis incut was i%)h|H*(| of $4,000,000 by false gauging nnd duplication of packngcs; that the Republican par- immedi-i tj,j s unpleasant condition of their Mr. e-^ j companion produced considerable health is improving, .we are happy I sensation among the colored ele- fo state. J ment. For a while they were quite —I.nst week during our cool! noisy and threatening, the fc- spcll the thermometer in Maine was I male jmrtion principally mnnufac- reporteil at t)d in the shade. Our taring the chin music. Tliis all Maine friends would consult their ceased in a few hours. At this comfort to spend their fall months i writiugall is quiet and Quaver do- down here with us under the shades jng well. irf our figs, olives, oranges, bananas attention, editor appeal ! ami oleanders. Comedown, please. j n reply to your complimentary since you have gone Democratic. | llt t j, L . intelligence of our St. Si am! h» lp us enjoy our deligiittul j mini voters, we say, come to see us, breezes. , brother Corey. Wc did not know —On last week the little daughter before that we were so “far from of Mr. A. W. Smith, aged about the sources of light,” and rested eighteen months, fell from the front | mid “the thicker darkness.” Kv- verandah of his residence to the, ery family has a hible and reads it ground, a distance of some seven or too, ami every voter has a poeket- Yours truly, Small Ray. St. Simons, Sep. 16, 1880. Protect your Little Ones From Cholera Infantum, and yourself mid family from midden attacks of Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, Piarrhceu and Cholera Morbus hj keeping Pul ker’a Ginger Tonic always on hand — This superb trowel corrective i»l»< speedily cures till disorders of th stomach, and thousands who have for years sought relief in vain from Dys pepsia, Ifeadaclie, Nervousness, Low Spirits .Sleeplessness, Liver Disorders, Coativem ss. Heartburn, I'i.lpitutfop of the Heart, Distress in the Stomach Coated Tongue, etc., have found i most complete cure in this comforting invigorant. Buy a . r »0c or $1 bottle and try it. Sold by F. Joerg^r, Briina wick. eowtillsepO Glad tidings for all sufferers witl Coughs and Colds is the announce ment. that Cornweiis* Honey of Tar is a lit ver- failing remedy. Deservedly the most popular remedy of the age. it has no rival as a cure for discuses of tlie thr. jit and lungs, and each day add* fresh triumphs to its long list of vioto lies over Coughs, Colds, and lir>ro se riotis affections of the throat and lungs. Ous trial will convince you. price 50 cents. For sale by F. door- gt r, Brunswick, Go., and It. .J, Mas- sty, St. Simons. tar White’s Cronin Whit i Vermi fuge is t!m best worm killer. New store! New Firm! New Goods! C. H. WIMBERLY & CD. ■i g ht feet, without serious injury, full of the “convict catechisms”— IUvo J,wt olM - nod \ fl JT^ °tir«.h orockr- once, were not even expected to In*, pound, Imi • ll id the drug st«*r»- fo As un abstract pnqnwitini,, who ^ does not ngree with tho Governor g.w, Brunswick, au*l R J. Massey, St ty, ilefentwl nt the |H.llsin 1876, tie- i i» his message that the State should , (ia JiUmtely |M*rj»etiaU*<! forgery, |M*r- jury and fraud, and stole Dio elec toral votes of Florida nnd Louis iana, which belonged to Mr, Til den, that they might place in the White House nn olecure puppet w ho had never lieen elects I to the rlliee of l*n*sident.— (hurin Journal. 4 VITUS MUVKMKMV We un<|erpUmd that arrange- pients are made to ship cotton from Macon via Jeeup and Savannah over the Savannah and Charleston not control, run and operate rail- roads, that it is a dangerous power? j Only when vast combinations Ifynuar were preparing to extend their lines ^ ui st.*ma , . . <»r any »ii»- over the State Load and across our p,»rtafi n e,« Isirders, ami threatening to defeat Powder, will cure time, it «ill *ave a dtH’tor the lease act under which the les see held the Htato Road, when the except a slight temporary stunning.' Are not these the “source of light,” This escape is tho more n innikAhU- spiritually ami politically ? Then, ns site fell ..]H>.. .. window sasl. in | attain, we are only ten miles from I the midst of a lot of looso brick, Brunswick, the place where the Ap- j hiully slintterintt the pane <»> which (the source of all the sources of j tier head alighted. In n few hours political li g l.t) is published. With after the fall, the little cherub | those lights are. we not irreciaiinn- sc.en.ed to lie ns bright as ever, nest- j hie ? This is good .nisei. I ling in her mother’s arms, perfectly ! ground, Colonel. Como to see us! unconscious of the serious risk of Stir us up ! Make one of your rous- ucck-hreaking she had just run. j i'’K 8|wechos ami it may not yet Ih> v . I too late to have enlightenment. We Mr. , . stis iy, of egister. dt jj| | x . one accord. Those .•rnii- City, I enn., um i r < ate o bepit m <qj ire0 Norwood men” would then f y •*[ , 10 ‘ h ’ im) Wnte ! ,h * 1 t: .. j I join the Colquitt band and the tronlded »ill. Dys|w|w«, to”* ,Cl ‘ > " t ’ "[**'*’? 1,111 , j brethren will all dwell together in He...l*ol.e, 11,III,-»s, | twenty one-ixmnd paek-.ges of rice | lmi ■•itTM of a sluggish liver, * in eight and one-half minutes,”com-j * Veg-tot-l.' I.,v.;r I I1|e|lli U1K ,„ which the ,U,rimn , OF T,,E WKKK ‘ , f;,',.v,' snvs “your record is good “I Not nm,, V necidonts tins week, HEAVY AND FANCY, ME ALSO KEEI’ FINE URANUS OE Tobaccos & cigars. ticll Nllffciilig. It tiaa been used hiic HMfully in many chm>m where other Central was part of a vast coml)ina-,‘‘“hdn** hoc tailed. pyHpcptti.i is a | , r * 'common complaint, and anything nf- clerk ill one of the stores, on Iui*a Now, down here on “St. Simons, Island off the coast of Georgia,” except what have already been re- jKirted. There is the young clerk a cry goods store, who, infatua-1 OUR MOTTO: tion of this character, and had en- f<mlillK .-gladly wch„n,.d j day lost, weighed out, wrapped and u ' l} »>y the grand parade the circus to Charleston. If this ia true we tution jn.-t prior to tlie sale, which j cannot w*e how our people can fail deavoml and was endeavoring to Portalim- is only SO cohw a package, ... 4 , . , . w , land it Will cm-J...., I'.,r «|,. I,K tied twenty o,ic-i«.m,d packages or . ' ' Jocrgcr. Mmiiswick, uml R J. Ma»wy. sugar in six minutes, and ten one- violation of the lease and sale acts, St Simona, Ga. White’* Cream White tid the Governor change his vie we. j Vermifuge i* the l»c*t worm killer. And in an interview in tlie oonati- The Daily Bird, manufactured at to view such action with alarm and distrust. It is rumored that the M. A B. gets $20,000 if hauled over her own limn to Brunswick. If ‘ | pound packages of rice in two min utes, Would like that our young friends elsewhere try the experi ment and report the result. and appreciation of the purposes of smoking tobacco, is sold at name price Tlie largest wildcat ever known three combinations, announced in;“ ,l1 " 1 .•I'.rcegCi.lH.U tter „„ the Island wnsjtillcd by Mr. J. ringing language his determination rotl'ln.htJ'the 11 ni'.',lTls Vir'm.iui.L'tm j *“ Stevt .' n8 ‘ A,u ‘ r to enforce the |M>licy of com (sditiou iug the best smoking toiwivo in the | Mr. S. tied together his bind feet . . . . Lynchburg, V t h., hy Mr. Carroll, .. hsplayed a thorough knowledge now Mupcrcctling all other brands of pver 8. F. and W-, $6,<XX) g«KU to | and the atriugent provisions of the " or, ‘L J 0 " wil1 he eager to tr y tin* ail «| |>okeU hi» K utl ^tween them, that nxul; if over theSavannali and act leasing the Suite H.«.l and the aII.Ir' s', Carrl.U brly'liiid •£hwc!’> j ' rl,en llt l)rilill “ r >' “ahoulder arms," Charlreto.., another 8'»,000 to that: acts authorizing the sale or lease of *" rk ’., Vn. the head, in carrying him, dragged ‘As Low as the Lowest.” is making through the South tried the acrobatic last Wednesday, missed his calculation, fell in the sand, arising a fit subject for surgi cal assistance. He presents a beau tiful specimen of dislocated wrist, lie is happy, however, in having a sweetheart to send him chicken pie and lemon custard, who, be sides other sweet things, comes down and plays chickens with him. BRUNSWICK, NEWCASTl.E STREET, W ho would not come from a doc- . J «* ,:u - GA. rood, making 814,000 fur M. A P. the M. A ll. Road. to Savannah, 19,000 to Charleston Ilia change of ixsiUm. was not /Jv? %/ /i *11 h r over .. u t.»,,re,«it™„..!.t .... ..... : , ... upon the ground, and Stevens i* 1 gu ise.’ over six feet high. From tip to Up -ri, e tor's shop, nil Imndagcd up, to ex-' FI III] INSURANCE penence such blessings m ills- ESTABLISHMENT! THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF Watches and Clocks, JE'W'EX.R.TT, ETC. R. pAlrtnR of all kind* of wntchvs. clock*, jow- STEAMKR RUBY. Unity iSaturtU.VH*atl Suuo*y« exceipttnl)..i:H Sut n rlay • 8»(«nUy« • 1*1.ANK WAf.K. II ( UMUNtl. BRU**Wim. UoUtlaya (extra).. Daily (Sattir.lays nnd HmxUyx oxreptud) (mull) M .iitluy- (oxtr«) ® : ‘* DART. 4*.. Htuttim-r llatar. F. IVnnimim. Affaiit, Brnimwli k, »n«l J. I ,, St. siinoUM. mwfltf POST OFFICE August Magazines. Appleton's Journal, Dt'inorettt’x Monthly, Godey'h LivdieH* Bottk, Iliirper’s Monthly, St. NiehoLs, Young Lmlieh’ Jonriiid, Popular Monthly, Huudtiy Magazine, Popular Scut'uce Monthly, North American Review, Southern Farmer*’ Monthly, American A^ricultumliMt, Wuverly Mugazino, Saturday Night No. 44. New York Ledger No. 2*2. THOMAS 1 INK I N piutM, half pint* anil HtamN. WurrantuU tl.o heal black Ink in the tttatu. Try It. Brunswick &. Albany Railroad Co C’llANUH OF SCHEDULE. srPEIUNTENDENT'S OFFICE. ( ) trainh on thU R.>ad will rim a* r«>llow*: Ras-.-tut- r Train leave* Brnnawlck daily (ex cept Sunt ay)i h at TnlMsauvilla, A.JkO. H. R. D.avf* Ti'l.oaitvlllc, A. k O. R. It., a' Arrive* at Albany i UKruttNtxi IV I* M _ T. I.. 4UVille. A. & O. R. It. at.... 1:40 I* M Arrive* at Brunawtck H:;W I* M Train* trom Albany make clo*« connection at »..*auvllle, with A. k O., yaaaen^er train fo which leaven TcIx auvilU* tor Florida at l:i»5 1* >1 CHARLES L. Wt'HL.VlTEU. OeUrt-al S ipcrintoiuieut. A I.IMIIED NI M JfER of * - iva. energetic callvaitaer- to . plea*ant and prof- TO MAKE MONEY. btmini-** they liav«* Iwcn engaged In. Hone hut thone who mean buaine** uwnl apply* Addre** Hahvkv A Co., Atlauta, Ua. J. R. ROBINS, PHYSICIAN Jc SUIWtEON, flwi.-k and vMnlty. drug store. Kesidenc* < r Methodist church and $20,000 to Brunswick. i inoonsL-*tent, but necessary, and But wliether that is true or not, j caused by the changes and combi From tip to tip Then there is the colored fisher- 1 J. ML. DEXTE R, J. M. DEXTER, Banker and Broker, I .OCA I, DENTIST, he was ,.t least six foot long, and mw| wU |, a |„„,k i„ his finger, the IXSUItANCE -VOENT, stoo.1 fully twenty-tour inches high, bcnnl tumrel the wrong way for I{““™ ““ “‘ owta ‘ | where is the Independent 'ailroo.l |BfUnSWick, - - Georgia. TI|U rat ' wl,, ‘ n killl ' J ’ l " 1 ' 1 but comfort; and the colored employe, R from the interior to Brunswick,and Iim j ol j t y ;ul ,|‘ f IH> | t j, at we | mvv . ° three feet—a fore foot gone. Sev- who unwittingly sawwl off the entl e . . . . , , majoiity — of wl.nt benefit w oar work t.» oh- ti< Ijm <1 to place the man for tlie Utu it it we are to get no c*« ttoii.; cos ion in the executive cluir. the P.h!lli,e <U>uv will hud l i r ,o eral years lwfore this the oaU had ! of his finger Thursday afternoon, j kmuu iwv.1 quite troublesome and still I “ 0l,| y l *iis and nothing more " 4.(aw taw hwaunu 11 MM i.iutubus lunurauee Co, Columbus,Mia 4-Vi.twu ehauic* lna.Co. of Va.. W.DW dwelling* at very low rati-s in Exchange bought and soli Insurance & Deal Estate Aieat. BARGAINS OFFERED —AT— FINGER RINGS, strings, plstdln and cartridK***. simctaclo* and . done at short notice, and most reasoua- TIME TABLE •SCHRDrr.F. OF l.ATES —MCTWKItX— ST. SIMONS & BRUNSWICK.