Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, October 02, 1880, Image 1

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The Brunswick Advertiser, rUSLISIICD EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT BBOmWlOK, GEORGIA, »T 1. Q. STACY. OFFICE, Corner SeweatHe and Monk Strtelt. Advertising Hstesi P«riqusre, ten linos space, first insertion, $1 00 jpar square, each subsequent insertion, M gf Special rates to fear If gmd Urge aUmrtiten. "to* Advertisements |froui responaibls parties will published ,G9#i ordered ovt, when the time is pat speqiiied, and payment exacted accordingly. Communications tor Individual benefit, or of a personal character, charged as advertisement Marriages and obituary notices not exceeding tour lines, eolicled tor publication. When ex ceeding that space, charged as advertisements. All letters and communications should be ad dressed to the undersigned. T. U. STACY, Brunswick, Georgia. City Directory. CITY OFFICYBS. Major- J. F. Nelson AMermen- J. M. Co__—. _ Cook. J. 1*. Harvey. A. T. Putnam, kins, J J. H|H-ars and D. T. Dunn. Clerk A Treasurer—James Houston. Chief Mar that—1. C. Norman. Aititlnnl Martkal—d. L. Bctth. JWirrman—W. 8. Pittman. Jhrt I'hgmriam—t. 8. Hlain. M. D. STANDING COMMITTKHS OT COUNCIL. Finance-Cou|»er. Watkins and Punu. Town commons—Hpears, Putnam and Htacy. Hahrob— Harvey. Cook and Putnam. ltAiLSoaiM-Cook. Harvey and Couper. Htbrets, drains a bridges—Dunn, Spears and Watkins, Fibk dbpabtmxnt—l>unn. Hsrvey and Putnam # UNITED STATES OFFICEK8. Collector of (Customs—John T. Collins, uty—II.T. Dunn, actor Internal lie _ , uty Marshal—Jai Postmaster—Linus North. EDITORS AND NEWSPAPER MEN of the country, endorse Jambs Boas’ Patbnt Gold J. T. Ringgold, Ed. and Prop’t Telegram. La Fayette. Ind., March •. 1HH0. I take pleasure In commending the James Boss Wateli Case as highly satisfactory and equal in wear to one of solid gold. They ere the ••Boas," In fact as well ts in uame. ” “ Onr manager has carried s Jsiusa Hoes Patent Watch Caee. and cheerfully says that It cannot be beaten in soy way. - Htatk Leaner Co.. Fub’rs Iowa Stale leader. Wataeka. 111., March H. 18H0. I am pleased to say that the James Hoes Web b Case 1 have Is entirely satisfactory, being lu ev ery respect Just a# represented. It is a perfect beauty. “ “ * II. M. Pv.tbb*. Ed. and Prop’t Intuit !'o. limrt. Wassau. Wis . March 10. 1NM0. The Watch Case I have of your make is in every way satisfactory; It la Just splendid. oilier •slltors as > Mid Jewelers, in a This Is the only patent «• Confectionery! A. E. Heins, Prop’r. W. iTo*w Enlace, DUNN’S CORNER, (Hewcastle and Gloucester streets) where will be found ever) tiling iu my Uue of business, si pric es as low as tbs lowest. IDMAWATEl 4 T.PUTM1 Just from tbs ARCTIC REGIONS, A. E. HEINS. Sale and Livery h STABLE, A. T. Putnam, Prop, Comer MONK k GRANT street*. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. Vehicles of every description tor hire. Orders tor drayage promptly filled. Carriages at the arrival of ail boats sod trains HARDWARE * STOVES, Packet .Hash, St Miap * TsMs Ohus, Flat ares, fatlery, Pampa, Hsntlas Tlawarr, Irarksry, A Lard Oil, Gar sale by Burl-ly. I*. U HOYT A CO. tTtiustrtrk VOL. G, NO. 13. BKUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1880. $2 00 A YEAR. Three Months FREE! SOW B YOU Tin TO Obeat the Priiter TO AI.T. NEW CASH SUB8CIB- EliS FOR THE YEAH M 00 00 H WE WII.L SEND THE ADVER TISER FREE UNTIE texvasr toms. Wflend in your 12, nnd client us out of over Three Months' Sub scription. ONWARD COMES THE BOOM! Taka the tide at the flood and call on HEAVY & FANCY OROCERZES, HILY SUPPLIES, THE SWEET CONTENT IN WHICH Some People Live Fails to Moct the Ap probation of Bill Arp—The Man Who Just Lets His Children Sprout—Furnishing Men fortheNextWar— A Poor Man and His Brood. “ Where ignorance is bliss it’s fol ly to be wise,’’ the poet says; but ignorance is not bliss. Content ment is a good thing, but then n man oughtent to be contented be cause lie is a fool. A man ought to be discontented enough to want to know something. One of my poor nnbors asked me the other day who Colquitt was _ running against, and when I told him, he said bo thought he was running against Hayes, and when I told him that Hayes was President, he said he thought General Grant was President. Nothing troubles him, and he just lives along trom day to day and works his little patches, and raises a few pigs and chickens, and kee[>s a )>oor cow, and has half a dozen little children that never wore shoes or hats and not much of anything else, and they live on po tatoes and siinmonsand berries and go dirty, and nrc os tough asu raw- hide. “ What are you going to do with all them little children?” said I. “ How are you going to raise 'em ?’’ “ Oh, they’ll get along, I rccon,” said he. “ My old daddy raised nine, and we was all about like’em. Four of’em wns killed in the war, and they was good sol diers. I recon these chaps will be alwut ready for the next war. I'll learn ’em to shoot if I don’t learn ’em nnything else. Some folks is good for one thing and some for an other. Taint everybody that can fight you know. They can't stand it.” And there was this )*>or fel low actually apologizing for the ;ieople who couldn't fight, and in his poverty, raising up a gang of children to defend the country when the time came. Poverty is a curse to some folks, but it nin’l to him. He don't want anything, hardly. If he hud a hundred dol lars to conic suddenly, he wouldn't know what to do with it. It would make him more miserable. He’s got a rifle and kills squirrels and turkeys, and his children catch rab bits and partridges, and they are all happy and contented in their way, hut after all it's a ]>oor way. If every body was as poor and as ignorant, wo would get run over and gobbled lip mighty quick. We wouldn’t huve any government or any schools or churches. A man can be too rich and he can be too poor. Old Agur prayed to the Lord to give him neither poverty nor riches, and that’s the bait. But poor folks do have a power of ch il- dren, and they are always on hand when a fight comes. Tom Howard told me he had a poor tenant who had seven or eight little cotton hcaila, about one a year, and at last his wife had twins, and Tom, says lie: “ Jack, this sort of doing COW FEED, Etc. Ka«pa ilwijra OB hand a Hill supply of CORN, OATS, ETC. Storaoa Hook klnoi, Dost door to bio hl.rrj ter is a hard one, for there’s no money to' buy shoes and warm clothes, and the mother is Bick; but they told my wife the other day they was all going to the circus—old man, old woman and all. “What for?” said she; “why don’t you save your little cotton money to buy some clothes for the children?” But the last one of em wns high up for the circus. They had seen the pictures over at the blacksmith shop, and heard a man say it was the biggest show upon the face of the earth. These sort of people look upon a circus os one of their privileges—something as free to them as to the rich, a place where they can go and see as much ns anybody, a splendid frolic on a cheap scale, and it gives them something to talk about and dis cuss for months to come. So I don’t blame em—do you ? Iait em go to the circus and take the children, for the poor don’t have frolics. I lcckon I'll have to go myself, on account of my children —they’ve got their hearts set on it. A feller come along aud throwd out some of the pictures at the gate, and the children believe everything they see on cm. I told em them hippopotamusses didn’t open their mouths quite as wide as was in the pictures, and I heard they hail left some of their clefants behind, hut I reckon there will he enough to do cm till the next circus comes along. 1’oor little things ! They live out here in the woods and never see nnything bigger than n wheat thrash or a drove of mules go by. My good old fnthcr dident believe in circusses, nnd had just as leave been caught in a farohank. and so I never got to go to em. and if I’m any the better for it I don't know it. Our preacher went Inst yenr to sec the electric light, hut 1 no ticed he stayed as long as anybody anil wasn't perusin the light more than half the time. He said it hurt his eyes nnd he was obliged to look down. Brother Johnson said lie was going to please his little boy; hut the little hoy got sick, and brother Johnson went anyhow, so that he could go back nnd toll Ins little boy all about it and cheer him up, nnd mnybe it would ho|ie him. Parents are mighty good to their children about such things, ain’t they ? liii.i. Am'. Mr. Burdette’s Boy. Mr. Robert Burdette matches Mark Twain in his droll and laugh able way of putting things. In one of his Burlington “Hawkeyetems,” he thus describes his active baby: The boy runB alxn t one hundred and fifty miles a day, and wouldn’t quit then if it didn’t grow dark. Ho is very busy. He has all the care of me, and, In addition to his regu lar routine duties, he manages a thousand things no one else would think of. Yesterday morning, before ten o’clock, he picked and ate, regard less of maturity or color, a pint of wild strawberries, followed a wagon half a mile down the road, got lost in the woods, choked up the foun tain with gravel, fell out of a ham mock, stung himself with a bee, ate some strange-looking berries that his mother knows are deadly poi son, played with a dog (his aunt says she knows it was mad), talked to a tramp who came to kid nap him (it wns an honest fanner coming in to the circus, but the boy’s aunt and mother united on the tramp and kidnapper theory), stepiied on a red lizard, built a dam and fell into the brook. I |iel|ied him build the dam; in fact, I confess that 1 built the great er part of it, and enticed the prince to assist, but lie fell into the brook himself, and all statements to tho effect that I pushed him in and laughed at him nnd encouraged him to enjoy it, are simply cara- paign stories circulated for political effect. A Female Crusoe. If Do Foe had only known of a female Crusoe living on an ocean island, he might, iierhaps, have , ... , , , , wrought out a story superior to his ^* llln B Clllb > the successful Robinson Crusoe. Alexander Sel-1 ° <:oan . vo >' n «e Englishmen or A Sail Boat to Cross the Ocean. The Berlin papers announce that next mouth an ordinary sailing boat, well known to the river Spree, will start from the JannowRx bridge for New York. The route will He «1 ng the Spree, tho Havel and the Elbe to Hamburg, thence to Liverpool, and from Iiverpool across the Atlantic, to return through the West Indian Archipel. ago to I.islion, and thence direct to Hamburg nnd inland to Berlin.— The first thought of the undertak ing was at a dinner of the Berlin Woman’s Bights in Africa. The Bolomla negroes in Africa believe in the supremacy of wom an. It is with them the Inw that woman shall sit in the councils of the nation; that a young man on entering the matrimonial state shall remove from his own village to that of his wife, and in this rela tion he shall hind himself to pro vide his mother as he shall live, wife alone can divorce the hus band, nnd the children in that event become the property of the mother. The men cannot enter j The Adieus Manner is jubilnnt over the pros|iects of Georgia. It says: “The State of Georgia and the South generally have now lie- forc them a better promise of pros perity than they have had since I860. The cotton crop,.in spite of the increasing difficulties which at tend free labor, lias been growing larger from year to yenr, and yet the price lias not decreased in pro- jK.rtioi), This year the fleecy sta ple has come to maturity two or three weeks earlier than usual, aud if the frosty weather should he de layed as it wns last year, an im mense crop will be gathered. From present pros|iecta it is going to bring fair prices, and a largo crop with fair prices will give the South ern pooplo the grandest impulse to wards permanent pros|ierity Hint they have had since the disasters of war came ujion them. With the prosjierity of the planters conies prosperity to all others, and every where signs of this are to Ire seen. Men arc getting out of debt, and are having surplus money to edu cate their children, improve their homes, and give their families more kirk’s brief fife on Juan Fernandez was trivial, cither in the hardships endured or the difficulties con quered, compared with that of a native woman on an island opposite Southern California. The Catholic Fathers at South Barbara were transporting tile na tives of the Island St. Nicholas to the mainland. Among them wns a mother who discovered that her babe had been left behind. She begged that the ship might be put hack, but the captain refused. She leaped into the sen to swim ashore, but, ns a storm prevailed, they all thought she wns drowned. Eighteen years after, a company landed on the islnnd. They saw signs of fife, nnd, after long starch, found the woninn, nnd took her Americans in a lioat of sixteen feet in length. A Berlin banker vent ured that no German would dare to undertake such a voyage. An other mem her, who was formerly the captain of a German transatlantic steamer, wagered that he would find Germnn sailors and sportsmen, who would not shrink from the jour ney from Berlin itself to America in a little Spree sailing boat. The wager was accepted, nnd fixed at 6,000 marks. There seems to be no lack of volunteers for the extraor dinary adventure. Willing to Take His Word For It. A consumptive-looking man, lame and feeble, nnd carrying a pint bottle full of something, halted n pedestrian on Bates street yester- with them. The poor mother nev-1 day and said: er found her babe, but hnd man- “I found tliis bottle on the cor aged to live in comparative com- ner back there, and I wish youM fort, though very lonely. After her toll me what’s in it.” ,V" long life, chiefly in the open air,! The other took it, remoy she could not bear the confinement cork, nnd snuffed in u full b of a house, nnd soon sickened and i The next instant ho s' died. ! against a wall, clawing the choking nnd gasping, nnd I' fell minute before he blurt “Why, you infernal id’ Kit Carson’s Wife. History affords few instances of devotion that prove the existence of love in a higher degree than that given by Kit Carson’s Indian wife to her bravo nnd manly lover.— While mining in the West he mnr- ried an Indian girl, with whom he lived very happily. When lie wns taken ill, a long wny from home, word wns sent to his wife, who mounted n fleet mustang |iony and traveled hundreds of miles to reach him. Night nnd day continued her journey, resting only for n few hours on the o|ien prairie, flying on her wonderful little steed as soon ns she could gnther up her forces anew. She forded rivers, she sealed rocky passes, sho waded through morasses, nnd finally ar- hnrtshorn.” “Well, I’m perfectly take your word for it witho insults,” observed the inv nil injured voice, and he took Isittle nnd walked off like a man who had been abused without the least excuse.—Free Proa. There are two distinct kinds of boyfl in the world—the human boy and tho ls>v who exists in Sunday school books. Many Combinations have tsien tried, bat nous with ■cell happy result* att Hankin'* Extract of lliiclin and Juniper. It you are •utter ing from any derangement nf the Kid ney* ur Uladder, (travel, I’ain ur Weakueaa iu the thick or Hip, get a Isittle —one or two will relieve yon. _ Tiiia article Inn heeu before the ptlb- rive,, just alive, to find her' hua- j^ bnml better. Hut the exjxmire nnd very littl* sdvrrtifting - which proves exertion killed her. She was seized ! *** ,in •“’tick* ot merit. W e huve . , t*'stiiuoi infs from itotne of the leaumg with pneumonia and died within a | r UjriciauB of Georgia. South Carolina brief apace in her husband’s arms.! nnd Florid*, sod otbor states, iu regard The shock killed Kit Cbraon rugged miner; ho broke a' bloial m -ommeuded. vessel, and both are buried in one Pre|»ired only by Hunt, Rankin A I Lamar. Dmggiata, Atlanta, (hi., and K r '"^ for sale by K. Joerger, druggist, I Hruuawick, Oa. aoptlO-eowflm CkjUthoq* folio: Southern farmers 1 m ■ W think they lower their dignity if ,, ° A ’’I??'-. , , . ■ * Dn 0. J.Miivrxrr—/*.„■ A./-—Hinos they sell anything lees than corn j U value, I always keep your or cotton. This is foolish pride.— reetbiira (Teething Powders) in my The Yankee, make their money by! retailing articles that our people /„, P „ ).,,„«•* it tn remap* irorm* ehr* ull give away. It is just as honorable other mmnlim .......... ,.o- - to sell a pint of milk or a mess of Cferk City CoaaeiV ar wiib f™al no lono I <>f the comforts and advantages of |»n»P beans as a hale of cotton. Colcubvs, a*., Feb. 6,1878. L irS »«r ****". »iji-.j,..^w» i »ii». = w ^'i>Ezr£riBE cheering. I/)t us thank God ami ty, who paid for a good home since (- reetll j llg p ow ,iem),» tho most witis- take courage.” the war and raised a family ofehil- factory prescription we ever need fof -♦ > » dren by selling fruits, vegetables,, ike hwee bowel* or eruption* of onr According to the United States chickens, eggs, butter and like small Uodun' bUU. * *• ****? r | Fish Commission, the world is in- articles. When our planters learn j Your* truly into the most ordinary contract j a^Va woman for the discov-1hmimke they I _ . ?.j*ATCHra» Buys ne: aucu, son u. u.„„g , W,lh ° U ‘ * he per, ,„sn,o.l of the lady ^ ^ Um oi , of the menhaden , may exjiect to cope with the north. [ IOUM M <1 Commission Merchant*), won't do any longer. You are the, ‘“P enor f U ' e l ', U ““"L' fi9l ‘ mudl ™ luc - poorest man I ever baw, and with ^ Very ,! en ,° 011 ra ‘ 1 About the year 1850 Mrs. John an my help you can hardly keep 'T TVT I ° f Ulue HW - Mou, “ ' ...... i:..i, * : » lrcn<I y 8 ra,,ted ,n th “ fer-offcou.,; | Mu wllilu boiling some fish the taking on board of thirteen half mend lb. G1U)E Major Poole, while on a trip to Aiuioa*. Gi^. U.O. 6.187a New York, noticed at Port Royal i d"', ^ r *^' er , 'Swrfnlly recoin- ER I lid Sng^’to dlh, amT now | try * A few i for h « J^'oiwhito day from the Kaol I iS^J^hS vour wife has iust gone and had Une1 . 1 .. I*"!”® . , scum of oil on the surface of the din works in South Carolina, near I boxes that cont.i* lb***. Tladraction your wife has just gone and had twins. How in the world do you expect to get along? I tell you, my delegates from Bolonda might he j water _ gome „f thu, a he bottled, Augusta, Ga. Ho learned that the of good service to the cause, for w j, en on a visit to Boeton soon [ clay was being ship|ied to Millard, KVHMB HHG »*»»»•■«■ n «v * Z personal experirooe and from wimU 1 MV ‘ * L ‘ L ‘ KEEP COOL! Ice on llsud Always, In Quan title* to Knit Purchaser*. •ptv# tin#* bainn Him,lay customer* will |>|.-i A. M. HAYWOOD. utve heard oilier* xay who hsve used them. No lajller »od more efc-ctual something has got to he done to " ' 1 of tbe leading oil merchant* oi mat Hirer oi new iorx c.y, wnen .» », .‘tibl'^ndiJn'SJ stop it” "Well now Colonel ” i m . m city, who encouraged her to bring sweetened, colored nral doctoreii, lb , bvor. *ud I tru*t von will lisve said Jack, “you m’ustontbe skecred, The two important cvettU in the more. The following year the and shipped back as pure for as sure as you are bom the Al- fife of man, are when he examines Bartlett family industriously plied candid, which find a ready salt (rom # of tint organ mighty never sent a possum in the the upper lip aud sees the hair com-! their gill nets, and sent to market and are eagerly devoured by the | rBglU „ mtioa * *o emmXmt to world but what he sent the sim-1 illg . an a ,| len he examines the top U.irtoen barrels of oil, for which fittle oncs.-TalloW PotrwL mons along to feed it. I'm mighty of his head and sees the hair go- the V were I** 11 At rate of $11 - .G lint s proud of them twins, I am shore. u ,g. P" »« * 143 ' ! „ T™ " to X™ ^T f l and we’ll ge t along somehow. Twins i ^ t ns year our « ' mil vle**\ixv U»»»t { *dd my D*anuouy auml lurk they sjiv ” I know The highest mark of esteem a A California sheep raiser owns the moon, and one or trie ty pn >u lat |„. y*M»r • Neural- a poor fellow who just can squeeze woman can give a man is to ask his 90,000 sheep from which he real.*- can party The last XS,'? along anil nte and my wife have friendship, and the moot signal ed *100,000 yearly. He com November A and will lie visible a , , „,| ,„g rn n .bimbl keep it on along and me my Wl “ , proof of difference U to offer 1 menccd about twenty years ago over the United 8tote*.-.%ni«.ad.| u J. K. IUdokly, J**«a M. riavrar. been concerned about em I the children would suffer if a win-, him hers. with a tloek of 800. AVia IHtiOutlicOral at(.-et. Hpltvaoce.