Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, November 20, 1880, Image 2

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BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. ST. SIMONS DEPARTMENT. T. 6TsTACY, Editor and ftpp’r. ^ EDITOR unbent, I her rt*niovc«l to tli** SVTUUDAY. NOVKMUEBJU. ISHO Mr. j.*i, >«r .wm<. "«i"« ' 1 .<jN‘ii all huor«. day or night. ’ •- Thankful !<>r tin- kinl manifratntlon* recently 14,000 emigrant* J«*ft one jKirt *i«owu m* by my nlone in England, /or America, Iftht j month. cino* alwajTon han.i m p. I wine, brandy and whiskey. J. p. A. l)uHunt tins sold out the i Xilifenakmn to the Wtjctcn Rrjwrtr Oysters, game itn.l fish still rr, nnd “quit the drive.” i unit l ..nil. * lively of family j J fi J MAUHEY, M. D. I |ir>.|irii*Ury ti Joe Brown is his own sueeessor in Coni'row ,bv an overwhelming majority. Hide out, ye |tolituina ! The Western nnd Atlantic Ftnil- road baa just purchased two him- . dred box cars and four new loco motives. Renta in Wnycrona hove increased 50 per cent since the building of the Woycroas and Jacksonville railroad. Clinton, (}»., saystlie /VionnjmjJi, has among its iuliabiUnda a beard ed woman. She visits tlie barber mice every week. Dy pthcria lias prevailed in Brook lyn for the past nine months at an alarming rate. Its victims arc nuiuliered by scores. An exchange says (Jeorgin lias |,283 practicing lawyers nnd J,019 .doctors, and that her entire taxable propelty fonts up <225,003,119. Two negro Imys were “pmjeck. ing” with I, little pistol last week the wca|Hin exploded nnd the boys breathed no more. jOOO.OOO of gold coin have sod from the United Stntee ! 'hioo 18.7). Before that time iis only 41,00,000,1.10 of it illation. . jpiercinl uentri's are glutted ht IB M. and currency i* very I,, a-kwlce. The reason assigned is that the grrenlmcks have liern sent West to move tin* crnjia. Nino hundred innimei?Confetlcr- flte soldiers liuve been snp|ilied with linilw since the act appropri ating money for tlio Inine by the State of tieorgia, A hill has been offered in the Georgia Legislature to nllow 12 |s r cent as lnwful interest, pmvided (lie same be reduced to writing in the contract, otherwise, 7 )>er cent. There will be over 20,000 bush els of upland rice shipped this sea son from Homeraville. The cult ure of this staple commodity is at tracting our tnrniers throughout (he wire-grass region. There's mon ey in it I'hmnqritjih: Hancock makes the i Democratic cimdidate fur nliiiiidiint on the Island. —At one shot, Tuesday looming, Johnnie Postell killed seven ducks. - Cnpt. Jake Dart lias ordered a full stock of groceries and other goods to arrive next week. —St. Simons has the reputation of hearing the finest oranges, in point of flavor, in the world. —Trmk gardeners report splen did stands of cnblmge, turnips and other vegetables growing finely. —On Tuesdny, the 9th inst.St. Simons Mills sawed 251 logs, mak ing 78,000 feet of prime lumber. * —The oranges from Mr. Shad- man's groves are splendid. His fruit, although the crop is small, is very tine. —One of the three date trees on Col. Shndmnn's place has frilit on it this year, nnil that not very plentiful. —A most lienutiful frost or Tuesdny morning—fully compe tent to dis|H'l any remnant of fever that might still lurk. —On Thursday last, with but one side of St. Simons Mills run ning, lilly-two thousand feet of lumber were sawed. —Business hns wonderfully im proved the last two weeks. Both mills running on full time nnd ves sels daily arriving and departing —A letter was received nt this place on yesterday in which wns the statement that timber wns "higher ill Darien than ever be fore.” -Twenty-five bunds enmc from St. Marys to St. Simons Mills on Inst Wednesday by steamer Ruby. Several, also, came by David Clark front Darien. —A well selected stock of every thing needful at the Company's store. Mr. Ditclihum is full of villi nnd business all the while, making friends and customers every day. The sickest looking set of dar keys we have seen since "treedmn struck” are the St. Simons "strick- More than one look like the) have got “boilos” on their "ledges.” — Hands from the main have come in to that extent Hint every lepurtnieul at St. Simons Mills is in full blast. With the exception that a few of them are a little inex- COOK BHOTflERS & CO. Bay St., Brunswick- Ga., CONFECTIONERIES. Etc. fourth tho ProtMeney n**w living. The other three are Gen. McClellan, | .^nemod, there is no difference in who wns beaten in 1864, Horatio! \ , . Seymour, wl.o ran in 18tiH,»„d Mr. 1 lh< ' »l'P«*™nce "f the workings. '1 mien. Grant is the only ex- —Tho Union church is approach- Prcaident living^ ^ ing completion. The painters and We desire to unit the attention of eanienter* are placing the finishing pitch of onr rcmler* a* unty U- e<>uUin , .. ... , ... plstiaa houwkeepiua, or . I in are re touch upon it. We ho|to that Dt- pb"iislioig their sOs k of lion e-fur- vine services will lie held in it on | IS“t;:^aT'shta!:.:>*•»•»*»«»• 28th “ A : Root", Shoos, lints, N"» York city, wfieri- limy lai (nninl ju stuck a complete iiMsi-rtmelit HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, Sllll* CII A.N 1)1.1'.ItY, Cigars & Tobacco, j' .New Finn! New (ioods! CJ. WIMBERLY & CO. Have Jnat opehed a fine HEAVY AMD FANCY, —In 1865 n correspondent of aChi- NeW HtOI'fl ! ago pa|ier finished nn interesting I description ol Ciov, Brown withtiio statement that “he carried the votes of Georgia in his breeches jiocket." It is a good pines to keep them.— Would that they had always beun in ns sale a place. —That darkey was a full lieliev- r in civil rights who urged thnt although “Mr. Dodge was a white man he ought to lie treated like a gentleman,” consequently he could not join tho strike. lie still retains his place, having worked like “n white man'' to prevent a suspen sion. Hit. ninnv friend a were glnd to griH*t Mr. W. A. Fuller on the Island last week—rejoiced at his restoration to health nnd strength. Mr. F. still gives the Georgia Iiind and Lumber Company the benefit of his services nnd businms experi ence, but in a somewhat riiHeront capacity from that of his former connection ns a member of the firm of Messrs. Dodge & Fuller, mana gers. SicK, Sn kEit, Sickest.—The dar key who penned the following is now beginning to realize that ft strike has two sides to it: “A/r A 0 r IhnUjr:—Dear SlB—I am not one of the stricken! altho I did not go to work this morning as having two boileson my Leilgeaml they pain me so had i did not com down to work, but When I leaft home thin morning i met mil the bans on the rod© so concluded it would not Be of any youse for mo to com down, hut M r dodge i con sider this between you and me. 1 would Like to have more Waggers for my work * * ♦ and i dont think that is A nought.” Hufticc it to say* that this ‘‘Striek er” who has “two hoiles on his ledge” is still out of a job, and will likely remain so on St. Simons through the present winter. of froah OROCER- WK AERO KEEP FINE RRAXPS OR Tobaccos & cigars, OUR MOTTO: “As Low as the Lowest.” NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK, GA. STEAM IM RUBY. TIME TABLE SCHEDULE OF RATES ST. SIMONS & BRUNSWICK. rpilK urw atnamcr llnl.y will ruu regularly bo- 1 twuuh Ht. Ht.uun* .Mills auU Rrnuawiok. it* Itaiiy (h«turiU)'H ("*•*‘0 >D ii.luva (extra)... Hatur Uj-(mail).., Saturday* (extra) I Fur Height, po« W. V. Pa n n I man ALSO White ami Decorutk d Fr» luili China. Mini KukIinIi PorifbilU Dinner, Tea uinl Chdiiilnr tei*, etc., an well it* all lu* tul sml wooden wares. ThisHrui lnn»long jiudI.' a specialty of M'liding tlieir thing of ls autv is a joy forever.” The pet of St. Simons waters, i the Kuhy.ofseventeen tons capacity, tow«n 1 out to the bar the hark Al- j cxnnder Keith, with a full cargo of CLOTHING, A OTjo.ySn Etc* White k Decorated Freiuli Chi no si ml ENGLISH PORCELAIN AT LOW PRICES. Fine wliiD* Fr.-neh China Wno. r Sola. Its l»lm*« Fine whit. Freli. h China Tea O p e a FinefK.I.I Ban.l Fr.«c h ehlna Tea oeta^l r Ui. Uly DtH.-ural.-d Fr.-ii. h i 'hiii* IVa*al*,44i> I i hanih. rS. ta, II pl.-n.-a, II 2-V whito , i D M -• 1 p I Kilv.-r |*UloJ Dinit.-r Kuivva, |h*t <l>.zi*a — A!-WO ALI.HOl stKF.El IMS UOUlW. ( I. HAtM.KV, I »o,.. Ortlura boie.l and |>li frt*,* of obarK«. Send C. Uupughout thu country, mi nwi|.l of n ; n0 hunilrcl tong rn- O D •“ n“I»‘th'y IVblir. .V-! parity. In honor of tin- f.-to, Goa- pem-noed, tin* in often of goat iid-jcoignc Mills blew a salute as she! vantage to our friends st a diatanee.— ' 1 ^ Catalogue and Price-li»t mailed free ou . * applicatiou. octdO tfi —h^arly Friday morning, Col. niml u.llug. (T.ll Miffrnn. will, ' \V. U. Shnilnmn hn.l the mirfortunr VJnjA COPll & Ilav — ■ ] to tret l.i» H K I>t han.i bn.lly man S & 10CKNT COUNTERS AT JLWELBY 3TORK OF Chns. J. Doertlinger ON BAY STREET. ( XALLa ,* n»jr Fi» iiiltilud.* rent Conn rail y. * ill* a Uttle rMh Ha(Mrona to, that lam oITvrlnj ill on ua tMf.iv may 1 * «y Only Five ami Ten Out* Each. C«u|ghs and Colds ia (lie auiuaiu< , '; ! . ngle T* t8 u 8 - U i nio«t popuku[ remedy of the ag«*. it luis inons Mills. Ills attending physt t tii ", *° r , y artfi ^ t ,, rk • ot t ur •lisnuv'Ut ’ ci,,n «•* <•« *»» *»«• ■*••« MirJS'.it'.Kr*, fre-b trinmplia to’ita long liwtofvtcto ‘middle linger, hut it is somewhat j !««*>»»»« >t-wh>ra. mst urkm # black iungg. Ou.' irinl »ill foavinov you I —Mrs. Allan lias ran tad the liras) 00 uU For gulv by F. *0" r home formrrlv occupied bv Mr. get, Pnlaawivk, I Is , slut 11. J. Mss- .., , .. , . J, Ht. Hiuions. __ |" *■ * and •« o|M>nnig a | rpur. «p«in,r.iap toMs P"*Jrr. fill van* »••*. Takvi time, it will m«ve • d<w*t«*r a nill mncti auflVilUK. It Uaa iiwa oeaafnlly in many vh*re • retaulus have Uibd. Dy»i***pai eommoii <-**in pl.t tut, ami anything af Die moat prominent, a ynung^trong fording MM n* gla.lly atflc-nied , 1 ° Pertains u only 60 ceuta a |auk. ge. muscular fellow, is circulating A amt it will cur«• you. For Me i*yF. 'auhscription among his kith Anti am*. Oa Wuit«r'* Cio.itu Wh i Vermifuge tn. u-»t worm killer. |«» Inty meet and bread to live GARDENSEED, j ho »ttth*<l op by J. J. 8p firm will F A. FITZOBBALD. TEAS, J DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Fuller and is opening a' _-Whiu> Cm. WI,Ua Vermi iWnlin-; house an extensive' IHTSTS GENUINE NEW CROPlJ,^ ^ii(e the best ui kilter. i scale. This is a step in the right I TT~., direction, supplying a '.otiR-felt ne- lf yon ore troubled will. Dy.|»'|-i». .... V . „ IfcoirStoeieeli. Uevlerfae, Ilillioaxiea., cessity. Wish her all the K nod or any diaordera of a aluggidi liver, fm k she deserve# PorUJiBo. or Tatok*r» Vegelalile L»».» I *** Tuk. u in ; —TAft week when we predicted “* that the strikers would repent their ,. r rashneas, we did not expect a ful filment so soon. To-day one of O.YIO.Y $TTS* CHOICE CHEW ING A SMOKING TOBACCOS. The Best Five Cent Cigar, Hating purlin***! th* lntrrc»| of F- A. FU«g*r- *M in thr firm, I will ooutinne thrbn«i- DrM at ilit* old -unJ. anil. tHankiiiii lb* frirn.l* of the liU firm lor th^ir lib. r»l patronage, wonl-t raapartfSlIi aak a rnomtHmmm ot th«* -aine. BovClm J.J.BfKABf. IIAHDYVAWK A STOV US, DOUBLE DAILY F L OKI D A Macon & Brunswick-R. H. General Slpt.’s Office, I t Mi won, Jim. 11, ’79. [ O N and after Sunday, the l‘2tl» inst., PuMHenger trains on this roiul will run ua follows: NIGHT PASSENGER NO. 1, SOUTH Daily. Leave Mscon 7:46 p m Arrive Goclirop 9:47 r m ArriAe Eastman. 10:45 i* bi Arrive Jesnp 3:27 a m Arrive Brunswick. 6:00 a m Leave Brunswick per steamer 6:16 a m RKrrive Fernandina. 10:15 a m Arrive Jacksourille 2:35 i* m NIGHT P’S’R No. 2, NORTH, Daily. Ijoave Jacksonville 1T16 a m Leave Fernandina porst’r. 3:45 pm Arrive Bm ns wick 7:45 p m Leave Bninawic. H.OO p ni Leave Jesnp 10:35 p ni Leave Eastman 3:31 a m Leave Cochran 4:33 a m Arrive at Maco 6:65 a m dost- connection at Macon for all points North, East and West. DAY ACCOMMODATION No 3,South via Jesnp and Live Oak—Daily except Sunday. Leave Macon 7:45 am Arrive Cochran 10;33 a in Arrive Eastman 12-02 p in Arrive Jesup 6:50 p m Arrive Jacksonville 8:00 a in No. 4, North, Daily, Except Sunday. I^oave Jacksonville 6.50 p m Leave Jesup 7.45 a m Leave Eastman 2.25 p m livave Cochmn v — 3.45 p m Arrive Macon 0.25 pro Connect at Macon for points North, East and West. Trains No. 8 and I connect at Coch ran for lluwkiiiHvillc. OEO. W. ADAMS, W. J. Jarvis, Gen. Supfc. Master Transportation. .J.FAisoiuNoiis —AT THEIR— GRAND BAY STREET SM&08XUM, New Aflvertisementa. S; M; Glogaiier 1IA,S JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK. I would like to infom my customers nnd the public gener ally tlmt I have just selected a line assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE Mines till I'lUIUSIMS. Which have been bought at the lowest prices, and will be sold accordingly. This being the main branch of iny busi ness I claim to have the best assortment in the City, which will he kept up steadily. If anything is needed in tliii line, you need not go elsewhere to find it. CIGARS i TOBACCO. I do not think it necessary to make any mention in this behalf, as the public know that I give fully as good cigars •lor the money as anybody. Try My 5c and 10c Cigars ! CO^PECTIOITEET! I have a good assortment on hand. Off o the imhlli*. DRY GOODS, clothing, | wou | ( | jji^, to call the attention of my roots & snohri. cus tomers to the fact that I have enlarged — my stock very materially, having added tii., x««p coMumij.aHu..Jtliereto a lull line ol Gri*ocei*ios AND FAMILY SUPPLIES, Aiul a large aupply of SHIP STORES, (iCiitlniH'ii’s Furnishing Goods, —SUCH AS T77"!tLlto Shirts, TU ndeiT^rear, EEosior3r, Etc., All of which they n •hall be cilia factory t >bJl-ly LEBENH0USE, ; I of which articles I claim to have as good assortment as can he found in this City. Yankee Notions in fair variety, also BRUNSWICK, GA. Blank Hooks, Stationery, etc. rpilK FroprMrcM take* ph u-urc In atitiotin. - j I lag that alu* ha* i.pi no.! th. above HOUSE tn llrunswi* k, for the accuiumoilation ot the pub- . (Mockpur .vav? Gii&ss W&be*' A ftill assortment iit tke lowest prices. Tin and Wood Ware in abundance, and of every description. IVr with foomV".V-V. .".V. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST IN MARKET. Mns. H. F. LEJil'.N, Praprietraa. S*'pU 2H—ly. CITY TAX NOTIC’K. 1 1HK Usm.aae th. city of firu-'". i. k oa rest • «tate. Improvement*, and every apeci<*a of ; p. r*>nal property, for the year lami, are payable aa follow*: lat qtiarker on or beftire 31at .lay of March, IW*> j .. .. » .. soth •• •* inne. •• | 3.1 " * 3nth M *• Hept., •• I 4th * 30th •* •* Nov.. •• Hook* for the reception ol returns an.I {he col- ! Litton of the ft rut )U*rter!y payment of tateaar*- now open, and will be clnaed on the Slat <Uy ot i March. lw*u, when esKUtiona will U owned mr | the entire amount of taxca duo for the year I In this line I defy competition.- I shah roceivo'by next S * ■‘'■‘““H'rSStw * vessel the largest and uuwt varied assortment ever brought TOYS!! TO Y S !! W. A. JOHNSON. to this City, FIRE WORKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! Bo«t& Shoe Maker, Please call and examine my Ooods and Prices before IN '* l>l«l 1. hTOMF. Ba*h, «V l.ump Clan*. Fliwrra, Pn is. pa. heratlsr rr, Crarktry, * bard t I.. I» IVOYT A C4I Ilfork done nn cheaply, and war- * I03SO call 3fUl OXfiDllne »* ranted to loot a* Iona aa that of purchasing elsewhere. u»iy other Workman in thi* section. Very respectfully, s,*. S. M. 6L0GAUER, | don* ttiihnrl notice at NEXT DOOR TO J. F. NELSON ON THE BlY.