Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, December 04, 1880, Image 2

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BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. T. G. STACY, Editor and Plaop'r. HtTL'KDAY. DF.CEM1 Kit 4, IshO. TH AT HISTORY. A bill is now pemling licfor.' the Georgia legislature to appropriate Dionev out of the Sfcite’e treasury Hancock s vote in Georgia was i»" W «*!• C-C. Jones f,,rah !*^ 102,522. GnrHelrl's 52,562. ! W o{ Georgia. In the name ol the —- ! |K‘ople of the great .State of Georgia Texas gave Hancock 00,000 ma- )vc p ro uwt against any such use of Jor.ty, Missouri 55,0.10, ami Georgia 1 , )ie money. If the history 49,000. jto be written be of any intrinsic Eight hundred ami fifty China- value (and wo have no doubt it men left Han Francisco in one would be yar exaUenceJ. it should steamer last week. j <’>’ Hs «"> 1 b « b »" (toryof Georgia i« fllreaur written, Central itaiiroad stock still con-; not 0|1 p nrc hment, but on tablets tinues to rise. It lias now crept 0 , gn , ven the hearts of .up to 108 and 109. 'our own people and those ol our HILL A HI’ ON I10MK COMFOltlH Atlanta (‘^natftutfon. I don't like to have home. The attractions of my farm and fireside are good enough for a man of hu mility. The old-fashioned back log in a large o|>en I'rre-plnee is still fashionable in a farmer's hearth, and 1 hone it will always bo.— There’s a broad and cheerful wel come about it that you don't find round a grate nor a beating stove. Home folks away up North don’t have either, but warm up the house by a furnace in the cellar and pities running around the rooms with lit tle ojK'iiings about and about to let the heat in. Beems to me that would freeze up nil my love and tenderness for the sacred place.— No family fireside, no cheerful Macon has had a velocipede race sister Slates. We nil feel proud of. blaze, HO back-log, no liglitwood among the boys. They hod a grand ! our unwritten history, but whilst time ami all were happy. j » bb >« <>“' "°* u 1,0 u * m lle - »— . i jileting our treasury to put on pa- Conimcrcial travelers pay the f j K , r w | wt „. e have already acliieved. game license in Savannah as the lo-j Wet(er f , lr y t [ mt mo „ey in cal dealers in the same article. adding to onr already historic rec- Tiie timber cutters of Tattnall J °rd by applying it where it will do county arc paying big wage* fur. the most good. cutters, and lands arc still soiree. If our treasury is fuller than it | ought to be, why not expend this A bill Is now before the Ala iama gu| .| ) | ur j n y ie t( | uca ti on u [ our legislature regulating railroad tar- chiI( | ren , or in schemes looking to ids by a ctunmission ns in this. the development of Georgia's vast Stale. _ _ resources, or in encouraging linmi- Garficld’s |>opolar vote, officially j gratiou to our borders. Tliese are taken, foots up 4,4.'!9,ilfi, and Han- ; things that will tend to make us cock's 4,436,014. Garticlds plural- j even gicater than now, and give fu- ity, 3,491. ! urc bistorinns a wider field of uia- , . ! terial from which to cull. No, let The Atlanta fW--4j.p.«d is of the j UH ,- 1()t gt)1J) to „bolit what wo vwinlon that once in ten years is L aul .e, but putting forth our •e^ogli for the Is to I t . n - „. t # ,., k tu love greater Ptm many laws. Langs. We B€ff no ri-ftMon fur the C. B. King, of Savannah,!money to lie thus applied. knot, no coni to pop out on the floor, no hearth to sweep, no place for the children to roast eggs or po tatoes, or the good wife pi toast o slico of bread lor the grunting bus- band. The idea of raising a whole passel of children round a hole in the floor—why 1 wouldn’t blame em for emigrating as soon ns they could travel. I5ut I have to go sometimes, will ing or unwilling. Farming will support the family pretty well, but it won’t send the children off to boarding school, nor make up for a 11 ! dead mule, nor the loss of a wheat New Advertisements. !(Kvorably known in Bruns* lied very suddenly last week „?murrhaga of the lungs. the grain elevator to be ^'Savannah will s<s>n Itegiit. The pile driver has been finished with which to commence the work. Bob TikiiiiIis thinks Joe Brown the meanest man in the universe. The truth is, neither of tliese gen crop, nor buy a new carpet anc pa per the w alls and get new curtains for the parlor, and go fourth, and so fifth, ami sixth, and so on.— Tlrercforo I have to start out now and then and swap off a little non sense for a little money, and it seems to work pretty well. DAVID WEISBEIN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, AC. From the Kavaiinah Time*, October Ath, It la an oM and true aayltig that euergy and hunineaa tact will alwaya com mand eucctM, and Mr. Dtfitl Wotabclii la a living Illustration of the troth of that adage. Only a faw year* bock we can remember him aa the proprietor of a little 10*12 dry good* atore, with but very little more stock than I hat re quired to fill the ahow window* of hi* present atore; but to-day, on enquiring for Welobeln'i dry good atore, you ore »hown to one of the largest an 1 raoat completely arranged dry good* atore, and that, too, containing a atock of good* in each deportment from which even the moot akeptlcol can oelect with entire oatlafvtfon, t>oth a* to quality and price. The enterprising proprietor haa earned an enviable name for hla establishment, and It I* known through out all aectiona of the country aa Wkikrkim * Cheap Dry Oood* Htobe. and aa an ItidiapnUble evidence of hla Jnat claim to that distinction, we need only re' fer the reader to the nmnerouo evidencea oontalued 1n hi* advertisement. Such an i ndorsement la oven stronger than newspaper talk, and la not only well deserved, but also in keeping with the well-earned reputation ol Mr. Welsbeln for square dealing and prompt attention to every detail of hla business. He Is now ready with hla stock for the fall and winter trade, which embraces all of the latest novelties in his line of trade, and those who fcvor him with orders for either hla wholesale or Ills retell department will never have cause to re gret it. «<e of hts establish went la that be he brings It u* tho feet, before the door of evi ryjlionse on every cross >•: Any one who write* for samples receives them by i and price list, from which selection* are made, and the order forwarded. When the order amounts to ten dollars, and the money Is sent, he prepay* the freight. If the goods are ordered “ 0. O. D," and the order am omit* to twenty dollars, be prepays tho freight. Hence, every con- ranter ,» u select hi* g<x»le hundreds of miles away from Savannah, Just os well a* if they were in Huron nab, and get them delivered to their nearest station, free of express or freight charges, at his low pm-i-s, and thereby secure a great themselves—beside* th-y sre not compelled to buy from a country store, w ho only keep a limited assortment of goods. One of the ui door of every cw rosd by.hlsayste the next mail, a 11 lliu book Ik* of miy value, it will bt 11 ittulf; it* not, we don't want it niiy prices Wo rciU rate, tlmt if we Imve any mirpltu* fund* in our trenBury, let tan b pen cl it where it will do mure good. lUHrKOADXATrkKH. Under this* bend, Clio JVtv* andj Under the head of “Mr. Kimbull as a Hiianci*r,'' tlie Atlantu Condi tution brings out boiiio of tho “line# of his life” that show anything hut good flnnneiering. Below we give “eample No. 3,” which may he road with intercut by people of this* uec* tion: HAMI’I.K NO.3, The BruiiMWiek and Albany Itaiiroad, The tattimony and re port on thin rond in exceedingly 'rich. Mr. Kimhull wan Pmiidrnt, . , , ... , . . I one of the contractor*, agent, etc., Atlurturr, of Albany, Iiiih mi inter-L u ,, ||is fath.-r-in-biw, George eating editorial, from which we clip'rook, chief niannger. ami hi* neph- .”7,L,7the following, uh of interent to our ow. J. A. Burn*, Superintendent,, tlemen are jubt our beau-ideal of \ Kimhnll Hecretnrv and * Hectuni. It given Homo facte that, ‘ r ^- * • I ' IM , n '* r n u • nnu tho perfect man. I ,, . .. , . Treasurer—quite a fnndlv partv,— — f»P cnli ' V1,11 ,ur lhc ri,n ' ,H lendln K b '', Tlii'ro «„h only ll... nn.iill mi in of Wtteo, Texiu, limy lio n «ooil to our city: *3.300.tXX) itwuoil on the roml. Mr. jilne* to live in, lint not n kch.iI plncol “Tlu> Mncon nnd llrunMvick Kimbnll nisni|>tilnt<-<l lliein nil, the to keen wnriu. Antliracito eoal in Uui'.roml CocnjHiny in nuking the, n>ml wn» driven into inwilvenry, .1.1 anu i ,, i I^'uislstum for nil extension of tho i nnd all vorte of law nuiti* covenil it worth there 318.00 ikt ton, thl . v wor( . xllmvwl ] ii|i, which. I Iwlievo, are not nil yet wood $16.00 |ht roril. jto pny tlm hnhinee of |iurehnnn' nettled. How inucli, if niiy thiiiK. ,T . . I money due die Htntr; nnd promise itn crnlilnrH yot out of it, 1 do lint General Mnnuitr,of \ irKtmii, lm» w j,;, H ueh indiilgeneo tn oompleti'. know, lie nt lust left itn finnncinl xeleetcil n »eiu on the liemni rntii;, the Bond throuKh to Atlanta nl| wreck, vide of lliu lmlU of CoukWh. njl«i<>na. Henntor Brown in ulso fnvor- 1* claimed to be nil expnnnioii of! n J ,b ' lu tb:r movement, anil w ST. Si^ONS DEPARTMENT. im. It. J M vrtHEV, - Kill TOR. '!> offii .• 1ms been ratm/vcl to the rmidenr* of Mr. John Hfsvens. near t>jNicl K ue Mills, Olllco op. it all hour*, .lay or Wight. Than kin I for ths kin>l insiil'.-stations recently shown me by my iwtrotis ami siitMH rtbur*. 1 bog • it r*i l w'r i son \ an. 1'.. J. MAHHKY, M. J>. J.FAelson^oiis THAT NKW PA HIV 1111(11 IT IS. ,, . I doubt not the ri ntiept will be i the stand lie will take in lonureen. T |, e c , >nii mn>- oividii«i At Providence, It. ! , on the 13!l .... „ .. ,, .. . the Mncon nnd Brunswick Tbo Quitman I'ne l . ins. inst. n nieetiug of citizens was held, abundantly aatUAeil with ite reaulte nnd nil oranniwition formed cnlleil there arc several hundred ludes of during the s-n-oii. hey imve n , « Hnhm AseKiiath.,.." cotton at tlial point wuitnig trims- pnvm« projiertv. nnd report not , ,xo Uition, whilst there were a lot of enmingH a imthig to 25 per cent., b « « b J«;‘ 11 b, » b| - cninly ears nt Vnldoetn (the next J*'® , f 'V\ ., 'Ti!" I M * ,U '' ", ™ empty station) waitlns for freight. a good showing, nnd explodes the 'gressive party that will strengthen nutioiinl feeling nnd love of the Un ion, fuvor tlm estalilisliuient nnd maintenance of froo pulilie schools nnd labor for the protection of the lives nnd rights ot nil clnsses of cit izens. Gun. Horatio llugers wns elected president.—Kx. Thkaoiikhouh I.akk Navioation. —A Detroit telegram of Snturdny croaking iden tlmt Houtliern rail - ^ I r( , n ,| property is mm-pnving. And now conies up the cry from Thu rml ,„ ri „| Wl | t . „r the Bruns- the four comers of the Btnte. “He- wick mi I Albany I (nil road to Mr. peal the law" nnd imve no more riant, of tho B., V\ & W. Itaiiroad, log-rolling in the legislature over "j'’' ,l "' da credence but we arc in- , . ” , limed to doubt the report, lhc judgesiiips aiulsohcitorsl.ii*. lhc , ^ vlell , H |irofl u,b^ returns recent experience is considered u, its owners, anil is evory day ill- enough. 1 creasing in value. Its transfer to - this compel'mg li.m would be of no What is the matter with Charley benefit toelllier Alhanv, Brunsniek Pendleton 7 He wns among tlic or the intermediate (whits. U|wn jWiys n elinngo of wind so elesred first to recommend the burying of;‘ b « »•.* A- .■"" d the Detroit river of ice yesterday ■ t i i i ’• BrtiiiHWick botn look lor tlnir In* tiiiii « jli>t*i of twvntv-Iiuir Iiipl'i' i»**<>. the hatchet, but eumchuw can t re- t * nMVt j, umi 11 1,001 OI ,our lrtr ^ e r ro member to bury it himself. 1 ie is The Bailn'n.1 I'.m.missioners are H 1 ", " l, *’ / U i v « mi " 1 ,‘" l '' n i U " 1 Htill (K'gging away at tlie Colquitt puwliing nh«*ml in the work aH-igin*»l j cruelly from t htcago and Milwnu- ,11,0 ft,”,-lev drv uni ! them, and tiiero seems but little ef- kco, lull the mouth of the river and touts, urn, wart r, J 1 th# ,, irl of tho oumyanta. startad f r Bufialo. The wind, how- By means of the fust mail line to thwart them in their effort- to ,. Nl . r , a, uin suddenly shifted, and just pul on between N. w York and ^V.’fnt‘ ! l‘.ey have workesl vie- *'•" vw * ul " ^ «*‘W b ‘ k ' for0 lb, T BfeVUinah, the pnjH,*ni of thu former nroU|4 | y nnt j exjiori* nee i« rapidly ‘could reach Point-nu-l’elee,and the dty of Sunday morning lent were guiding them to a solution of tho j fleet i» now foat in tlio ice, unable read in Havnnnah nt two o'clock vexed i|iieotions, which have im» j to move, nor can help reach them. Monduv. The truin left New York l° n K agliaied tlie public mind. ^ . The condition of things is deciiled* at 4:30,' a. m. Sunday. We call —- J>’ ugly. A doz.ii or more proml- II, it, ,lu,tiinee A fearful stntisli-up and Udmnp- lers are lying lure, watching a fa ll,at annihilating, ^ th j CflIltro , , ui ,_ voraldeop,x,rtunity to rend. Buffa- Tlie grand jury of Bibb recently road thu post week, resulting ill tho i m , ■ found true hills against IhiIIi Gib- death of engineer Crosby and tlie. Whilst Georgia is Hooded with oou and Malt Thornton for assault bruUIng of a few others. Three water from recent mins, other States with inu-nt to murder Mr. At'olli- train, run into cadi other— two * ri> suffering for want of water - kin notice of which has been pub- Ireighta and a passenger. One Niivigntioi. on the Mississippi * 7. . V a / . * . « , impeded on thu* account, and wa linhtd in them) column*. Mr. W it freight ran into the pin** nger and tcr ni iu g j n p flrtl( 0 f thccountry are will Ih: remembered, wa* tt hotel telcweopetl, and before tho signal^ shut down for want of water. dork in Macon. could be given another freightcotn- j • • •—* 1 i ing on behind ran into the rear of! h you are troubled with f TcUtjmjih ami M.„ nger: It is now |rit<0( , |l | Bg (rain, thus making ■ ’ suggesUd turn lliu Macon 4 Bruns- a u . rri |,!e mess. I'.wi.dii.e, or Tsbler’s Veg. lsbUiLiver wick Bailroad change its line of Powder, will cure yon. Taken ill track to tile oilier side of tlie river, Don’t you forget, Georgia would it will .., V e a doetor's bill oml - maell -Ilfr. ring. Ii Uu» been 0*'d sue ! •—Sugar mills ill full blust. —Cabbage on tlio Island look splendidly. —.Mills full of hinib' r. merchants selling plenty of gnu is. Bt. Bimons Mills slill booming and orders crowding in. —Oysters at Cannon's Point ri val Norfolk in sizo and Mayor. — More lainiiii* arriving and sev eral reunions--old men made linp- py. —Saw-dust pillows prevent bed bugs. Then they are so cheap and handy. —To fa'l to visit Cannon's Point is to lid to see ball the beauties of tin: Island. —Fish pleidi:ul.dneksiihitndunt eggs source, bntlc-r high, chickens not in market. —Bunches drive off bed-bugs. - Query—would a colony of them in every household lie advisable? —Will St. Bimons farmers let Al- taniahn take off all tho prizes on garden truck nt our next Fair in May 7 —Oranges on tho grovo at Can non's Point, imbedded in the ilurk rich foliage of tho trees, present n most beautiful picture. —Tho Malta and Bolide, two full- rigged ships, have just arrived in our port to he loaded tvitli lumber, besides many other smaller vessels. —There are a few Spanish hawks on the Island, said to have descend- —AT TlIKItl— GBANI) BAY STREET EMPORIUM* DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS & SHOES. 9.1 also 4 lull line Grpocei'ies and run into the old line at lteids' pros} r fa-ter, if she gnvy tip her ce»lally Btatiott. The new country is ul- present sy.-tom of buying her food, romidus have failed. l'y»|H, most level, and the road would run j buying her mules, buying her doth- ,vi j" (''' | i" ' K l“ d l_ v “ "i !■ ll ■u.,d j titrough a heavily timUrod dls- ing, buying her own cotton back at p,.it,line is only 60 oeuu a pnekngs, ; trict. We learn the owners of the an eubanced value paving out con- 11 euro jen. j er tula l>y K. , , , . . Jiswcer, ltruMswick, and It J. M.:hsst, Uni offer right of way and ensks- jetantlr and laying up nothuig.— Nlfcw , (la. Wldte'aCream White I ties free Klrh/lutji i Vutuifage is thu bent worm killer. FAMILY SUPPLIES. Au<l » Urgo supply uf SHIP STORES, All ol wlilcli shall It satl*i*i' fwbJlly. BEST ORE EX 4 BLACK TEAS, BUI8TB GENUINE NEW CROP 0ARDEN SEED, AWD—* QXIQy SET * cd from some pets brought ever [ CHOICECHEWTNG & SMOKING Irom England during the occttpsn- „_ n _ ay of Bt. Bimons by General Ogle- TOBACvOS* ‘'“-A strong solution of coppcra, The Best Five Cent Cigar, ill the hot lye of any good domes- j J”,f* “ UIAI> ., , , OHK . tic soaji makes a splendid wash to protect sails, canvas or other cloth subject to the exposure of salt wa ter or atmosphere. —To preserve fishufterremoving the entrails, fill them with brown sugar. Even if they are to-be salt ed, a tablespoonful of sugar to a large fish makes it retain its origi nal freshness and flavor. —In removing grease spots front clothing by benzine, there is most generally n faint stain marking the outlines of tho application. This can be prevented by overlaying the spot with plaster of Paris. •—A gentleman who has traveled in nlmost every State in tho Union says he gets at Mrs. Allen’s hotel ns good n tncttl ns lie has enjoyed in many years. He intends visit ing the Island often, in order to have the pleasure of eating her din ners. uu itr, Sale and Livery STABLE, A. T. Put mi m, Prop, Corner MONK A GRANT street*. BRUNSWICK. - - 6E0R6IA, V. hlrlwi of every dearrlptloo for Lire. Order* ' for dr»T*tfw|iroinm)v filled. farr1a«i* •t the arrival of ali boat* and train* febU-ly C. r. OOODTEAB. I 1 r. It. BAKES. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, Btirxswtrx. Geoikha. j O FFICE—On Gloucester street, next door t r vFFICE—On Gloucester street, next Mtc'helson'a, up .fair*, itire 1& *11 counties of tbo Druusw nd ihc city of l>*ru a G*. New Advertisements. S. M, Glogauer HAS JUBT RETURNED FROM NEW YORK I would like to infoin my customers and the public gener ally that I have just selected a fine assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Al PROVISIONS, Which have been bought at the lowest prices, and will be sold accordingly. This being the main branch of iny busi ness I claim to have the best assortment in the City, which will be kept up steadily. If anything is needed in this line, ■you need not go elsewhere to find it. CIGARS I TOBACCO. I do not think it necessary to make any mention in this behalf, as tlie public know that I give fully as good cigars lor the money as anybody. Try My 5c and 10c Cigars! COITFECTIOITERT’! I have a good assortment on hand. *1 would like to call the attention of my customers to the fact that I have enlarged my stock very materially, having added thereto a Ini! line of Geill kilim’ Furnishing Goods, BUCII AS TXnh-Ito SIbLirts, TJ’’sxrea.r, Hosiery, Etc., of which articles I claim to have as good assortment as can be found in this City. Yankee Notions in fair variety, also Hlank Books, Stationery, etc. CftOCKEEV &ED GEHSS W.'tBE* A fill I assortment at the lowest prices. Tin and "Wood W"ai»e in abundance, and of every description. TOYS!! TOYS!! In this line I defy competition. I shall receive by next vessel tho largest and most varied assortment ever brought to this City, FIRE WORKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! Please call and examine my Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Very respectfully, dovG'3io S. M. GLOCAUER.