Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, December 25, 1880, Image 2

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BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. ST. SIMONS DEPARTMENT. T. (i. STACY, Editor and Prop’r. Dm. B. J. M AHHEY, - - - - - - EDITOR. I- ■ --'M ~ '..'■■Lsr—=■ My office hie Wn removed to the reeiden<-< Thankful for the kind raanlfcatatloi ■hovD me l»y my pitrona en.l rabacrlbevs. I l>«ir t»> Inform them that I shall ever hold myself in readiness to serve them at any time. A foil supply of family ami proprietary madl- 100,000 buggies are made and ji,* n “^,V‘iS“2 1 . k ^” Ar Sitting Bull’s entire cam]) have 1 surrendered. sold annually in Cincinnatti alone.; Three negro \ agraiits were sold last week in Buford county, Va.,! for the term of three months. R 1. MASRVY M n. CHANGE OK SCIIKDI UK. On and after December Pith, the • I VID rLABK will leave Fsvaunah fo 1 Monday and Thnradav afternoons, I Brunswick Tuesdays and Fridays, and n Whilst Col. For.taine ib seeking nroo*»ir» >»»■». Afu-r Ai~ * j loading. will return at om-e to Havat. to draw immigrants to Georgia, em-! Th-ourk »ni n ° fretu it fr.ii.■ ui.1 L. ths North wit , | freight from and igranto from Georgia to Texas are un 'i»ny abundant. aud Boston ». . All through tre'ght* should be marked, “ca: of ateamer David Clark." Georgia has a |mpulation of 1,-1 a^-ss-io, U ' if™'(i. 537,878, of whom 760,613 are males —« — and 787,26.5 females. There are! —The Messrs. Adams caught two 814,180 whites and 823,588 colored, j hands of mullet iu a half hour one day lost week. —Look out, St. Simona farmers! AlUuiiuhn will be on hand next county fair, and then what aUnit those vegetables and the prizes ? —Write— "Thl* ia the baby'a stocking That hangs in the corner here. Yon nevertiave seen him. Santa— For h# only rams tbia year— But lie s Just the hlesasdust baby ! TTie stockholders of the Central Railroad will elect a board of direc tors on the 11th inst., so the sUck- hulders will have another free ride. The City Council of Macon is ex ercised over a hog ordinance. 8o it seeems other people have trouble on tlat score as well as in Bruns wick. 1.300,000 shares hus been taken in the 1‘nniuns canal by 200,000 different persons. The biggest sub scriber is in Frunor, nnd the second in Spain. sent bis disciples to the end of the Savannah Florida,& WeSt' Hon. A. G. Phelps Dodge is \ earth, to carry the gusj»el, that all i might be saved. The good ladies I of the Island are now engaged in decorating the church in a most . ... ..... .. Mr. M\ A. Fuller has been on Mr. Arthur Hood and .Miss Ijeiln, , , „ , , , , . , ,, ’ Island for several weeks, managing daughter of Mr. McK Gunn, of .. , r . ,, . . . , n . , u I the affairs of the Georgia I And and uiiiUt Company. —Woman’s rights ! Woman’s rights, did you *»/? Yes, sir, we nre for woman’s rights always—for giving her every chance and privi lege to success in all the honorable occupations ami professions open to man. Hoe the Camilla Dupnteh absent in Cuba for the benefit of k-autiful manner, in anticipation his health, in co.,Hc,|ncnoeuf which j ,,ftl "’ services, and Cuthbert, were married last week . by Rev. II. F. Hoyt. The wedding was a brilliant affair. Mr. Chits. H. Hum burger, trav- ling salesman of George T. Rogers , of Macon, shot himself Inst ’inlay at Uplands’ Hotel stman. No reason iB given for ot suicide ev. R. P. Keir, of Columbus, been called to the assistant pas- c of the Savannah Indejeml- nt Presbyterian cliurch, the |x*<i- tion fonnerly occupied by Rev. E. , C. Gordon. An effort is lieing made to re duce letter postago to two cents in stead of three, ns now. The effect will be as heretofore to increase the number of letters written. So it is with everything else. Mr. J. M. Shaw, of Hlnckshcnr, raises onions 161 inches in circum ference nnd weighing 211 ounces. Friend Shaw is no half way man. Whatever his hands find to do is done with all his might. The General Government is ex perimenting in tea culture in ,l 1( , [ next Sabbath, at 4 p. M., Rev. Mr. Lucas will direct divine services therein. HERICS CHRISTMAS, l.ET t!8 BOI.M.Y (IK RET HIM P A merry Christmas to all, from ! the wee bit of toddlings, whose I eyes never beheld it before, to the diinsightod,decrepid, who will.prol>- nhly never see it more! A merry Christmas, say wo, and a happy em Railway. GENERAL MANAGER'8 OFFICE, i Savannah, Miv 23d. 1H8 . | O N AND AFTER SUNDAY. Mtn 23, IWtengcr I nuns on tins liond will run a* follows: NIGHT EXPRE88. Leave Savannah daily at 4:90 Sen w hat a success Miss Sutton linn ; w ^ ear Wlc * 1 nn( * cv< ’ r y one made of that valuable weekly 1 In ' our . rn “ ny n !"' n11 their kith and kin ! Silently into our imagi nation Ktcnls the apparition of dc- | parted Christmas days we have spent. Their number we care not to write, for by thus doing we would liM.r us, ok we ck) iii'Milty roil j^, plainly portray to the world a small place, with limited facili-j ties, she makes one of the beat pa- pcrB in Georgia. Hurrah for wo man’ll right*, say wc I CHRISTMAS TURKEY Do you »ee that nice, clean-shav en old gent, with ejiin whiskers, on the other side? Well, he ia an ed itor—editor of the* Brunswick Ai>- VKitTiMKK. lie Iiuh worked all the the number of our years. Nev tholesa tlif'v ore right gnotl j«»1 lv ghosts, and for the life of us if Wl* [were inclined we could not prevent | memory from holding a levee of post joys nnd pleasures. This, year to cater to your intellectual | though,’is but the experience of wants, dear reader, and well, too, thousands of other*. For, beyond he hits performed his duty. Do | doubt, in the range of human en- utu want tn kllOV what a kind- j n y nH . n t .there is no festival in the hearted, well-to-do subscriber once brum) world ao fully oliaerved or • iui \\ •• 1, In dcNcril'cil an * *lit*»r unanimously <debrated as that of to mean a man who robbed his i Christmas, whether stomach all the year round to fill the heads of other people. “ Poor | arty county, Go. Commissionerj imm," suitl lie, “ I will send him a J*Duc, of \N nahington, D. (’., visit-i fat turkey for Christmas din-1 •The kindly voices rin^ lM>n«*ath !o' Tticjr arc Ute pluMurra ' . ed the above tea farm the pa^t week. The plants are said to be in ‘ a very health condition. ner,” and lie did ao. Wo should raise our heaVts in Now, how gratefulness that Christmas is the many will send our old gent a tur-i world’s birthright, not consigned U key ? If more than one subscriber any |»ortion, clime or race. Neither Arrive at .femip Arrive at TliomasvV Arrive at Baiubridge" Arrive at Albany ” Arrive at Live Oak ” Arrive utTallaba»M4w*” Arrive at Jucks'nville” Ijeave TallaluHwe ” lA«ve JuekHoiiville ” Leave Live Oak Leave Albany ” Leave Bainbrid^o ” 7:2 r m 6:20 a m •JO A M 10 JO A M 2:00 a M 7 JO a m 7 JO A M 6 JO e m 5:30 i> m ll:ir, I* M 4;00 f M 4:00 i> m 7 JO e m •JO A M 0:00 a m Leave ThomaHville Ia«ve Jtwnp Arrive at Savannah Nt» eliange «>f <*ars between Savannah and JaekaiHiville and Suvuuuah and Albany Pull man Palnoe Sleeping Cara run through to and from Huvuiinah aud Jackaonville. Hleepiug curs run through to and from Savannah end Albany. PomtengerH from Savannah for F«?r- nandina, Gaineaville and Cedar Key> tike thin train. PuHHeng ra from Savannah for BnuiH- •iek and Darien take thia train, aniv- jg at Buutwiek 6:00 a. m. Pawamgere from Bruuavrick arrive at Sa van null 0 .00 a. m. PiusaengerH leaving Ma<ion 7:15 a. m. (daily except Sunday) connect at .leanj with this train for Florida. •ngera from Florida by thia trail connect at Jeaup with train arriving in Mehnn at 0J0 p. m. tlaily. Couneet ut Albany with PuMMcuger train a botli wayn on SouthwcMtern rail road to and from Macon. Fufala, Mont gomery, New Orleans, etc. M.ui Mt«*a!uer leavca lhiinbridge for A|tidiu‘hicola every Sunday and Thura- day evening; for Coluinlms every Tncnday and Saturday afteruoon. Chrnc eonneetiou ut .Jtu*kaonvillc dui ly (Sunday«except*d) forH. AugiiMtine, Palulka,, l‘iiitcr|'>nat>, aud all laudingk on St .11 ill ii h river. Tmitu* on 11. and A. U. It. leave jnrwtion, going went, at 11:37 a.m., aud for Jininitwiek ut 4:40 p. m- daily, xcept Sum lay Under the head of longevity j sends him a fat turkey, he will di- i preferment of riches or honor can ,. note*, an exchange gives tho follow-. vido with us--we know he will— ! hiy exclusive hands upon it, "or | ACCOMMODATION TRAINH—E.A8- mg items that me remarkable: ami that is our only clmncc to get |does lowliness or |>overty diatom- TERN DIVISION. The son that was bom to on old one, dear reader. How sad it is to I chise any of its enjoyments. It is ffi’i's'of ord'insrr slre^nd st^.etl!'! k ' ,HK ' r ‘“. ul ,mve ,10 tur key fori the ftrand gala day in the calendar, on which the broad gates ot pleas ure and mirth nnd happiness are ■ ail thrown wide o|ien alike to nil.- 92, is of ordinary site nnd strengtli, hut is entirely destitute of teeth, al though he is now a young man.— His father died recently at the age of 112. Old Betz, a Sioux squaw, had jTy offiT o/'in Indian^ohief "d'f'uu ’'’llT™ ^ V'" 0 ^ “T i '"ensure, for any event in the, i Z-3er hVhw.,ra~r .,“d of hehl ,n Sl ' S " D0, ‘ 8 U,,,on Churoh ' 1 1 Methodist missionary Christmas dinner ! ST. SIMONS UNION CHURCH. ** Fur Utliic buUM shall 1st ralle.1 su hoi grmjrcr for ill |hh*pIs."— !s4lsh lrl. 7. n „ , .a... .. i And here,j-iglil here, in n hygienic, j,« UI) n ast Sa » mth, at 4 r. m., di- j^j,^ establishment is wise be-1 Leave Melubwh L’ve Savannah.S'.lay ex’cd, at 7.*00a h Leave Mclntoali “ 44 9:40 a k Leave Jeanp 44 “12:30 i*n Leave Hluckahear 44 44 3.-06 i* m Arrive at I>u|Hiut Leave Dupont Leave Bluckxhcur 44 4 4 9:50 a m DOUBLE DAILY F L d in D A Macon & B unswick R. H. General SrrT.’s Ofeice, I Macon, Jan. 11, '79. | O N aud after Sunday, the 12th inst., Passenger trains on this road will run as follows: NIGHT PASHENGEBNO. 1, SOUTH Daily. Leave Mucon 7:45 p m Arrive Cochron 9:47 p m Arri ve Kastman 10:45 p M Arrive Jeaup 3:27 u m Arrive Itruuswick 6:00 a m Is*ave Itruuswick jw»r steamer 6:15 a m Arrive Fernundiim 10:15 a m Arrive Jacksonville 2:35 p m NIGHT P’8’It No. 2. NORTH, Daily. Ijeave Jacksonville 11 15 a tn Leave Fernandina jwr st’r 3:45 p m Arrive Hmnswick 7:45 p in Ijeave Brunswie M JO p m Leave Jesup 10A r » p m Leave Eastman 3:31 a ni Ijeave Cochran 4;33 a m Arrive ut Muco 0:55 a in Close connection at Macou for all points North, East and West. DAY ACCOMMODATION No3.8outh via Jesnp and Live Oak—Daily except Sunday. Leave Macon 7:45 a m Arrive Cochrau Arrive Eautman ....12:02 p m Arrive Jenup .... 6:50 p m Arrive Jitckitonville.... No. 4, North, Daily, Except 8uuday Leave JuckRonville .... 6.50 p in LciiVe.lcHup .... 7.45 a ni Leave Kant man .... 2.25 p 11 Leave Cochran * • • • • 3.45 p m Arrive Macon .... 6.25 p m New Advertisements. S. M. Glogaaer HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK. I would like to infom my customers and the public gener ally that I have just selected a fine assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE (MffiiiiK mi moms, Which have been bought at the lowest prices, and will be sold accordingly. This being the main branch of iny busi ness I claim to have the best assortment in the City, which will be kept up steadily. If anything is needed in this line, yon need not go elsewhere to find it. CIGARS I TOBACCO. I do not think it necessary to make any mention in this behalf, as the public know that 1 give fully ns good cigars tor the money as anybody. Try My 5c and 10c Cigars! CONFECTIOlTEIS-r! I linve a good assortment on band. Connect at Macon for points North, EuHt aud West. Trains No. 3 and 4 connect at Coeh- rau for Hawkimtvillu. GEO W ADAM8, W J. Jarvis, Gun. bupt. Maater Transportation. \V. A. JOHNSON, . Boot &Shoc Maker. and war ranted to last us long as that of any other Workman in thin auction. “ 7 JO P M Mending tltme <it short notice at ' 8J0 *" HKXT DOOll TO J. F. NELfiON ON THE AY. Arrive ut Savaunah 44 1 JO p l 44 3:06 p m I 44 5:40 1» m Brunswick & Albany Railroad Co 1 routine of life tending to vary our | WESTERN DIVISION. ... She .lied I ' or >’ °PP°rtU"cly the Rev. \V. Me- j nlK | change the current of | Leave Dupont, S'rnl’y exc’p.1, 6:(10a n recently just as she had closed n wo. present, looking after the , , ht ; Ul ,; le an enchant-1 i! 9^*“ cent " r > 0fllfe ' ,, 1 mU-rests of the G^rgi. Und and pleosurahic beyond We detire to call the attention of 1 jU *V tr 0 *^pRby, aud the house j eonception. It works a benefac-, Thomaavi Fttch of our readera aa may be coutero- having sutlicieiitly approached arw , rw * | completion, and Mr. T. B. Meigs, aville imiuiville Leav»* Camilla conception tion to both Unly and mind, esj)e- Arrive at Albany daily if it conics as Christmas does, Albany Leave Camilla 12:00 m 2 30 p m 5 J3 v plenialiing their stock of hom^-fur DfaUnc CCOMWM, to th. o«rd of Mr. I LKxIge, Sle'gs to., of ^ |mr( of the general order of i * v i,fa Cliarl., L. Hadley, Cooper Iu.t.tate., New York, the Sunday lhing< mid ,. n „ fa, , n j,, y cd without Tl—Z ladJer, New York city, wh ere may be found 1 on i a i u . ,i ;* u . 14jl t | kt T t ’ * 11 iu stock a^ complete uaaortmeut of!. # m , j , . e breaking in upon the performance {^J ve of our routine duties. Hence, if for no other reason (and there are IU "wa n vuui pino iwiuurui III . , , . "- n ... ...— ...............,» v . White .nd_ Derated French _Cluua,, “ would he a plcasa.ft occasion for, ofour rou , ille tlu ties. Hence, if for JJSS at“ut and Eugliah Porcelain Dinner, Tea an«l an o|»ening service. Chandler mil, etc., oa well aa all m«<tal ’* We tut tiie pealing entheiu chura, We bear the tulJm^lit strain, And love the tidings tlist proclslm A Chris truss tide satin.” Three, togeth- ^ aud wooden ware*. Thia firm baa long er ^ le l * ie 1 many others), we should sacredly made..peej.l.TofwudiDgdi.i.mareM met and formed a very fair con- tnlUivuU , thwe pl^nt remem- P. O.‘money oX.ler'o/'l.y ". ipreX C. cour8e ' 1 be above appropriate | brances aa Invaluable aids to health O. D. ;»nd as they are reliable and « Wxt the happy selection, nnd ,„d happiness, perifuc^d, thu ia often of great ad- all present agree that the thoughts Sue Zd r iwZt’JiZCo; by the application. _ oct30-tf “lieaker were excellent, nnd well be- tt’e were’ nM to boor of lb* ^-ei-' the occ “ io ®- The occasion dent to the bridal party of laat Tin*- And circumstances were very time- day ereuing. The horns iu the ear- ly mentioned. The noble conception riagtt ootitaumig the bride nnd grooiu ...... r , took fright near oorticr of Banka aml|*®^ in ^ esUiblis.ung on the Jam atreeta. Low* and hi May, on tbs atone 'em biug, spraining-. ,, A # ,. hia ankle and inflicting u »«‘vere brniae broad feature of making it an union on her right cheek, all of which were church, a tabernacle at which all relieved by Conaena* Lightning Liui- ^ i ,, • f * , „ meiit, a cur* for ltheumati«m, Lame c uja assemble, lJTespeciue of creed lourk, Bpraioa, lirniKea. etc. Pnce 60 or order, to worship, denotes a phi cent*. I'or attiahyP Joerger, Bniua- lanthropy as broad as the Christian *»‘»rto*u Fir* intur*nc>, r.. buo.« . wick, au«l R J. Maa^ey, 8t. bimona I »* • • • . . Onambn. lasarsa.wCo.Oolatabus.Mtss Vio.t . HjrWhite’s Cream White Vermifuge, itself. It is in imititUon, ****** .j# the Uai «utm killer. 'of ths commands of Christ, who! w ur cue a try ' K " * FIRE INSURANCE js near ooruer oi nsuu nmi " - n L-ta, precipitating Mr. John Island so beautiful a structure is to J* I In. luvely l.ruls, Mi* Aodw ^ highly commended, and the JVT. DEXTER, INSURANCE AGENT, 8:48 am 11 JO A M ) :451> M 8J3fm 5:17 pm 7J0pm J. 8. Tyson, Maater Transportation. H S. UAINE8, General Manager. AVhite & Decorated French C'hiua and ENCLISH PORCELAIN AT LOW PRICES. Chanoi or S. iieduuc. SUPERINTENDENTH OFFICE, I DauNxwica, Oa., July 17th, lHTt,» O N sod sft*r July 17th, 1H7». pssMogi trains oo thU Rood will ruo as follows: PsHM-nacr Train leaves Rruoswlck dally (ex j cept Huocsy) et 7 nil A M I Arrives at T*beauviU<*, A. AO. It. R.,et. 11:17 A X 7 .if.p U Idsavtw Tehnauvilie. A. k O. R. R .at.... 11 HAM . V Arrives at Albany at A:0Q p M 6:30 am sm’hNisu leaves Albany ds11y(exrei.t “undsylat « (Mi A M Arrive at Tsb««uviUe. A. * O. R. R .at. 4.12 P M leaves TeboeuvUle, A. ft O. H. It., at... .4 40 P M Arrives at Itruuswick am Floe white French China Dinner bets I’JS I plftwa..^.. ‘... |30 00 ■ Fl“*’ white Fr»-n.-h Chins T-s Het» 44 nV’s 7 00 | Fine Gold Band French China T.-e i^u, 44 p H St) I , KI'KESKXTB .h. nr. ■».«. I USC V^E? lSS“ “ P ‘J S ■ u ***P*®t«* sko2fslll2; Whit# EaalMPuMaiaia Dinnerlau, ioop 14 00 North Aiuertra.Phil Mtlver plated Dinn.-r Knns. t *. r dosm .. . | uo — ALSO ALL HOUMEKEEPINO GOODE. New Dlnstrated Caulo^ne sod Price hat mailed r Fire Inaui 1 Fire lu«n ran *e Ce, N Y np.N T.. application. EsUmates furutahad. C L HADI.KY .Cewprr Instil wte, N Y C*Hy Orders^ boxed sad plated oa Car or bt*aci«. I would like to call the attention of my customers to the fact that 1 have enlarged my stock very materially, having added thereto a full line of • Meiiicii’s Furnishing Goods, SUCH AS TT’, Hosiery, Etc., of which articles I claim to have as good assortment as can be found in this City. Yankee Notions in fair variety, also Jllank Books, Stationery, etc. Florida. Trains from Brunswick connect st Tsbeanvllle with day passcUtfer train of tha A. ft U. K. R. ‘ — — 1 1:35 PM ER, General Superintendent. HARDWARE* 8TOVE8, PI www. Doors, Lamps, Packet Hash, 4k Lamp * Table lilass, Fixtures, Cutlery, Pamps, Keraslue Tinware, 1 raekery, * Lard Oil, far sale My mar7 Iy. L. D HOYT ft CO. XdXJIv£BE^ Loral orders for 1 amber, shingles, laths, pick ets. *1*-, Ailed and furulshed at lowest market PM “* AUG. F. FRANKLIN a Cw. J. R. ROBINS, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, 0 PFER8 his profees 1 on, of Brunswick and 1 CnocKEKT Glass Wase. A full assortment at the lowest prices. Tin and ood are in alnindance, and of every description. TOYS!! TOYS!! In this line I defy competition. I shall receive by next vessel the largest and most varied assortment ever brought to this City. FIRE WORKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! Please call and examine my Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. - -- Very respectfully, nov6 3m S. H. GLOGAUflB.