Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, January 29, 1881, Image 3

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New Advertisement*. POSTPONED ADM1NI8THA TOIl’S 8A LB. W ILL ba .old bafrre tha Oosrt Bo— in. •i* 1 *'*, MOW on J.kyl Mud. Hold « I‘* W'rtj oJ Htnrx DaMsasa. ihcaaMd. *» <>•••*» SI unarDvatuliox. jte»iitete»i<*. GLYNN VOVNTY COURT. to rumm tourj It. ML mnoronou-oim arm. i*i)e«d. n,t nwc. r.Dwi»»•**»;•• , |BDEBKD, That DtoarC. P-Itertto**** ■ itcsiriTid 1, £Xrc''£Arc^ Boot and Shoe Shop NOTIOa E l kTCTO ate—d tto -"*■<■*» Tg. -rs; .MrtotMcnr. D . A. MOOItK. F. WAMKE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Brunswick, Georgia. TTnmiwI .rrteel *—Wa—. srtlk a toll 11 Uw.MM. tow. aad «"tek usoto. M Mil MMUlI lerlte kte Ittowte UA Iks yaMfcfiMallj lo CALL AND EXAMINE, «t. Mil door l« Snittwlrk gtfltnrllinr. T. 0. Stacy, Editor k Proprietor. HAT U HO AY, JANUARY SOI. 1880. CITY AFFAIRS, l*MI IMm TIn.. Tahir. oaaanl Dallv.rr »p> llram * *. »• I.M* r. w. Moa«y urdar had IhIiIWIMin. eloaadat Mali.lMMl.llr. w. Utter. rlte.l to will nml. .■Ill Mil Mill. Two new Woodruff aleepon on the M. & B. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. J further iotkw, lb# fliinnif UmrtM * UnuMwi* h IffMlrwfltf Mia Ua« wUl be half tha abov* rata*. Mists** rates fur my thtana, Ivaitj lra casts." Mtniatoai rates, kahura.amy dMsa*a. irwaa caals. I'—emgrn ara bfabr ■aililUuHHkf (all to aarcksaw iirkHe In»ut tha ■taU<« m*»U, lhr> will Ire rhargeel trsla ratas. Ihaakaa fHStg boat italhaivhmllMniriiMttfNK till !>*• rbsrgatl imI s ratwa. 1 ba ttrbat ««.«■ <ni llua ci n«d will ba uprt from «.» a. m. la A Mi r. h. TboCofnjiawy raawnraa tha right twtbmgn those Deles at |4. a>ur« sa4 without Dadt-a. A. A. HtlAUf. OfflA’I r—aUfaff Art. GLYNN SIIEKIP.’S SALKS. • First Tuesday in March, 1881. GKOnaiA-GLYNN CotNTY. IlflLLbo solil bpfure ilia Court lloiim door In tha fit j of, said 'Muatjr, • lie outcry. to tbs It If best ■ t lid'lrri Ilia Uillvtiled half interest In all that certain lot or tract «>f Ut •! in tbs *Uh ditetrlrt a. M .aaldkUte sa l rutiuty, ontalnloc ulna thousand Ara hundra I and nin# tX<l known as tbs Win. H. xpwigki lands Also, all that lot or tract of land, la tit* Jtib district U. M.. ask. conniy and HU Is, roaUinltu twenty Ava scree, more or leas, an-1 known as hawing he loaded to Allliatn Ivrvl*. Isle of said r-.nnty. Irevtad «A *• lire yr> prriy rt Tbotua-II. Hooker, nn.lrr and by Yltlua of a A fa Issued of Wayne Mupartor Ctaft‘~ — MeaderviUe it the name of s new elution on the B.A A. R II. The Wallnce sinters are coming. Sco hand bill*, ye lover* of comedy. A specialty in engagement and wedding ring*, at Hamm’. See what Mr. D. A. Moore, boot and nhoe maker, ha* to aay in to- day’* iraue. Dear with u* yet a little while, and maybe the Council won’t “pro ceed” (o much. II. I, Harri*, jeweler, offen sew- ing machines Tor sale. He i* agent for Uiynn county. Quite a quantity of good reading left out this week, (.new we will be omn|irlled to enlarge *ooii. Hill Arp has written a nice letter aliout llruustvkk. No room for it tliis week—will give it next issue. Mncliine needle*, attaeliment*, oil cane, etc., at Hahki*’. Rev. P. J. McCatie hn*added one more premium t<> the I jet offered .... lor our scli<*»l. \\ ho will bo trio ntl( | n geoon j time by *octiou«, mnemlefi mid |uitoed. To the IltmaralU Mayor & dmsteU the city rf Brwwnek: The Finance Committee to whom wn» referred the communication of Mr. W, F. Penniman, in relation to tlio wile, by J. C. Normnn, Into Mar- «lml of the city, of I/>t, No, 2, lying e**t of Stonewall and lietwren George nml London (treota, and in tlint portion of the city known as Rixville, beg ionve to lubmit that, tho matter has, in their opinion, paused bevond tho control of Coun cil, and can only be properly adju dicated liy the parties, themselves, ” «. W. " - ST. SIMONS DEPARTMENT. K. Penniiunn and \V. J. Mi Way. Respectfully submitted, \V. W. Watkix*, D. T. Dttxx, Committee. Tiie report was, on motion of Alderman Harvey, rcceivod and unanimously adopted. 7o the llomsrahle Miyer it Chimed of the city of linmmnek : The coinmittee, to whom was re ferred the duty of reportings Sup- ply Onlinance for tho year 1881, liejj leave to submit tho aivowpa- nymg ordinance, which they re commend lie passed. Respectfully submitted, W. W. Watkins, 8. C. I.tTTI.KKIKI.n, F. J. DuKKruNoKR, Com. The report was, on motion of Alderman Dunn, received, nml the onlinance,entitled “An Onlinanoe i to —sen ami levy taxes and raise a revenue for the city of limns wick for the year 1881, for the regulation of certain kind* of bn-inca in said city, prescribing penalties for tlic violation of revenue nnlinamrs of said city, and for other purjioscs connected with the taxes and reve nue of said city,” was tjo n taken up and read the first time; tlien taken up by unanimous consent. Dr. B. J. Massey, (OrriCE AT OA8COIGNE MII.IX.) PERM ANENTLY LOCATED ON 8T. SIMONS. A FULL SUPPLY OF DRUGS & MEDICINES. Whisky, Brandy and Wines STRICTLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. AFFAIR SO-nCE—All per«M« 10444*1 lo M lor Bor* tku wlitr day . will Aa4 »r next? See advertisement of Mr. F. Wnnike. our new merchant tailor. His giswls nro eery nice, and his “fits" arc nicer. Sheriff Lamhrighl carried taro prisoners to Savnnnali this week for safe keeiiing until tlieir cases are disposed of. R. F. Ooodbpoad claims to keep tho best flve-cent cigar in tmvn,— Ho sell* gcnuilio llavauas at three for twonty-livo cent*. Tile 11. C. Xati sneaks of a mer chant hi lirnnswiclc limned J, II Forrester. Wo want to know who ho i* and where ho kcu|M. Council tlien adjourned. W. W. Watkiks, Attest: Chairman Council. Jas. HoVston, GTk Council. Sleighing, Coasting, Skating, Ktc. By wuy of giviug our Soiitborn peo ple Aorae itb’u of Nortticru winter NportN, nu t ut tin* mitnu tinnt giving our Nortln’ru ritiscuN n plriiHunt r** niifiilcr of tho AfKirtA «f their ohIM* liooit, wo givo tlio following I’Xtruct from ii privutn l«*tt«-r from u quomUm oitixHii of ItruiiNwick, now living in WiiglitNvillis Pet.n., on tlio bunkN of tim HoMpielmnnA: IVimit a wont ulmiit tiie wouilter —u ruilicr Hlip|*.*ry »*nl'j«*«t ju*t now. Y IlUVH l|**Hht of tlio lend Thin Letter—II to Only One of Many. HriuxoKiKLD, Txkx., Nov. 27, 1880. Da J. Bradvibld—Hlr: My .langli ter has Wen •iilTernnr for iiiiiny yinrs with that dreadful nlHietion known iv. Femalo Diesis. 1 , whieli Inis c.s.t ni« inui.y dollnrs, and uolsiltisliiDding I Imd the best medleut allendnliee. eoiild not And relief. I have musl many oth er kinds of n.edieiue wllliont any of, feet. I hnd just about given her lip, was out of heart, lint happened in the store of W. tv. Ke kler aeronil week* aims*, and bo kbowingnf my dangliter’s affliction, in« lo try yonr Female Regntalor. tthc la.gan to im prove at once. I wa* an delighted with Its effect that I la.light several more Imttlee. The price, 81.AO a laittte, aremtsl to Ic very high at nrat, but I now think it the rheapeat pri paralimi on the glide, and knowing what I .lo — lalauil it, if |o-day one of my family —Tha hen strike was a sueeoss I w ** , " ff, rin K that awlnl dlaeaae. — me hen Stnxe was a success. , wollM it if it oal »» a la,tile, Affcr raising the price of eggs to! f„ r I can trull,full, My it ha* eared fifty cents per dozen, they have j ,„y daughter sound and well, and my gone to laying again. self awl wife do moat heartily rreom- —Another very heavy frost on mead ,o,.r Female Regulator to lie the Island Wednesday morning.— I"* wl g» "wwssmtnW to«». It was quite thick and remaine.l jlU1 , 5 . 1 ^*P~ J', T b. FtanmtlWL ujnjo the ffround for aeveral huiin » after the auii was up. If yon art? tn*iiltL*«l with I)jFpr|Mia, — We are free from all that mud! Stomach. Headache. Bilfiouatieaw, and slush our exchanges from the " r *'7 mu-rior complain of so biUrrhr- ^'^^7. This i* one numance from which wc it sill , ,W. hill .ml enjoy a happy nddance. ' mwh tuffWing. Ii ha. I^ n him«.I me —Mr. John Dart and John 8te-! cr^fnjly in m »».y wb^re other veils during one day’s hunt on Je- * * ,l,ve /?** M ®* J > J*I h *|**a »• a kvl Ialftitd killed thwo deer Inst c, * lulmt ’" **""1**iu%, and any tiling «f. Ryi island, nued three deer last r&>r .i ivafC rr |,. r u K |„,, y wt .|e..«ed week. TlieiiaSelves and neighbors 1 portnliiie i* «o!y Ml rmto n iNickNge, have been feasting on venison evc r « n .l it will cure y.ui. For duIh l.y F. since. * Jorrgor, llrmi.wick, anti It J. Miuwry. — It is said that one of the very I 'J* Winu us, (ia. AVhile'aL'ream While sl wiil vessel4 evpr lmilt in HpnrJ 't’rUllfilgfl |. tb« lH*At worm killer. first sail vessels ever built in Geor gia waters, was a moderately sized j ola.l Ii,lings i., r ..II -nfferers will, ship, launched nearly op|>osite the | Cough, and Colds is the nii mm nee* present site af the^t. Simons Mills! oivut that rotnwena' llmuy of Tnr i.u ollicc. I never-billing renictly. I>»iH*mtIly tlio —Oyster* are plentiful on the:l";l"' l - rr ‘ > «»' , y of the age. it h» i .. f.t ai • *• 1 ti ^ . i n° rival nh n euro for iIihiimd of tbo - and at this time. I he recent , hr . wt 1111( | cold weather has not affected them j triumphs to it* long li-l of vioto here as further north. They are; riea q»vr I'miglis Colds, uml m-re *e- fine, rich and luscious. With the rmu* nffivlioua of the throat and same training, the SL Simons oys-1 lungs. One will convince von. ter would la; as famous as the cele-j Price So eenta. For sale hy F. Jwr, I,rated Norfolk. ! *' r ' »'""?• wk. <la , and R. J. Maa- 1 —y, St. Sir Dixvillinns wen 1 alarmed Inst Salt rday night by the cry of lire. Our colore.1 neighlair, John Morri son Imd Ilia old dwelling house .. . adTktoHMU^i I burned. Fortunately, he had re-1 •"•enre it. lMil h. gel - r. tuu w T. w. iteiwo teMteir .w oontlv finished a new one, so is not i r " 1 , “ <> tsumor amul, ■alia X,*w* Sna t. Tte.. M. H«.Arr. — sms, iim ae ...I (a in without a shelter. Joe X. LAMUUIOIIT. jicBuj ag ua. tom o. e, iu. A negro woman in Athens du ring the laic cold snap saved her self from freezing by burning up her liintrrss. 8hc would burn n few slnirks at n time, thus making tliem last as long as |»issibie. A negro man on St. Simons nt the snme time burnt bis bedstead to keep himself warm. — As many as twenty-five red birds were seen on one tree last] „ wivk, and during the warm s|iell Id-timer* ?“ W.-Yt. i}'* 1 , 1 ’ c 1 r °n; Christmas as many ns j , v 're got it thin winter, fro I'tionab hflv him* Innls on o»« tn*<* on . t. lit re in til.. Hii«<|'ii‘li.iinifi to NtiH'k yon I Simons. The hinU arc an intcn^t- up for »tltvmlo—ii perfect pro»lig.»lit> ! inj; f<*ature on the Islnaml. Two in the Niippljr. Nti’l tin* ijncNtioti in not ? H ||4HvllakcN were Noon near Grh* * mi ‘ ** “ oiign .Mills *»ti last Buiklay alter* Wliito' filgn iN tlio In Cromn Whitt l worm killer. Vcrmi* I cart Hii'l got n IinhI —no clmrgo—cut it yonnwlf. I won't toll you how «*••!.! it is, or li: OtOROlA—Oltn* OiTNYY. \| ILL W «bI4 bNcw U* ODDrt — ft Um ai17.rtHniafflwirk.Gi7M irtiaij. . ... . * Iwii, or in going to lie—Von nor «t Lawyers, like other men, do t , wl . H( ,, llillk |„. more or liw gratuitous work. A „, H-Usuisg.. ,.f 1 taw in ! poor darkey was rvcvntly nrnigned • the nitiution. Y"»i ban * K»r Htoaliug 82..V). He Imd but 1 *'Old Pmlrt** •IniftloJ •• m* rt'ikat a« i thirty-live cent*, mid futked for! hi* look h * * um couuhcI. Seven of the fraternity, °(, ( »J. omm otswW bvjexr an4 Oil j kfflwl • ork "* * ...... .ti. -ll • • p«rlkt rt Um rrttl* aartrt • Ilk rn-p Arr Ml ta mmmA «rer Ul la Ik* •« 1 yrtlin duM wt ■ikiV«t(fii«BiMrn4milH'Mita Ik* fflttir nUM. DtrtMiMlnnlkjrtirt. rttktftartlMtar Slii|,|iinir Intelligeneo L’lirUtoplii’r, iJiiiiburA. 1 ’J|- Hr J..Im iviinulas. P«rhrp, New York. 1’J« HeJ.iliii liri il, I. .vilaii l, HfflVMiiuali. I J* - Hr Wm || tUilry, llUt. >. Havwutifflli II JJ -H. I1U M Walla, Hall.. iToYl.lrtNffl, ItEI'.kllTrKKM. 113-tir Hi- lUtii- Inrllnif, iMh.l, Xk**»n, Wrtllfe,lMffli« GDMLMrttartprt MAMraLAPita i+m U taurtf ■ Dnfflrtill fflffl fflfflrmrttWffl. Urt*4 N FOR RENT. noun. —A nice lot of very fine clay brought ns l*:illa-t fhon n«*:ir JLdti*; more, is now luring used in the fur-; iiaow and for other nieelinnical pur|Mws Nt the Milk*; n.nid to hnve) iiecn originally dug up by lieneral Ikn Butler for the ptir|N«*eM <*f huiMing fortifications during the late war. Wonder if Ihh* is what Mice. Mice. A brand-new supply of watches, heartily la.tahn.lii. and k.s-nly e..- hard to I clocks, silver-ware, etc.,at ^T!^r'!‘'^v"LTu? , fn!mmT l —Carr a. * || ■ |f , NW| ApOA un tltridNY-Wl'IB* IIIIBIIUY , . « H. I. llAMUa. mIihIum brn-tbe hsmlsniue alriglw, lier « lun W. T. GLOVKJt H V4 •1»l,sd liw •!.*» ffl.lj .Ifflllif Ur |*ualtlAf IU IteUUa.Rk Mffl Stationery, Book ngl. -■ I. fflfeag^glpriLgay,-< 1 fcir stealing *2.30. He hadb;.l, "()ld Pr.aW ; ahaffl. d ""ff lh.-"m‘..rl,,l. ■>..ksAA. M.Mt.'d.. p M . w’.to'to .1 thirtv-live cents, nml asked for I ha took and lisa giving n», uLlSteTtel'i^Lj!? Counsel. Seven of the fraternity, tfrte of t’an.uliso wimer*. and ~’ «n we learn, volunteered, and cleansl » lb all the ro d. the saSa.-.him I it is a rare wioler f.H, .Hllulcr *|«irta, 1 snd sleigliiug, roasting and skating are I was us»d when Butler wa* Irving so ird to bottle up General Grant, j —Carroll county must l.a.k to ......... ... r laurels for being U.e Uiiner, , , . snd caller*, the jingling Mia nml county of Georgia for “|««*ums and , Why won t t |*v to raise green UaBUw , W |.. m.,1 I».y.. tl.e wins.,, aimmons.” We have just seen a let- VTJ2I2 ESTABLISHMENT cane to ship hy the car-load to „n,l lullm of the cmsier* *s they «•> ter from lbk-I,ester. X. Y „ to a Northern markets? .Souiabody .hwhiag .lown the *tr..l st s apecd pn,mine,it citizen of SL Simons, —also a— try it—ttiUnda Timia. that wonhl s|,|mJI j'i't or*»j I*-™" giving an order fi>r a specimen of S ': 14 Y Because them would be l.obody not aaeaslomeJ toil, llteclsshofll.eir „f t j f lirnu .r from which we clip; vlTf 11 IIIl lllg LlDlRr^, to chaw tho Mid cane Northern , oveMta’^I' »»* ire not ao fend of it aa we | , t ^ t enMiat*, and the fi-J “ Can ydu inform me of any per- o.l on to the river, wlwrvlliey' son in your vicinity, who could - .. . . ... ! glide along for a Ihouasnd feet or mure procure an oimssuin for me, an old In our atatement of vessels load- fmo. the mumentum altsioe.1 coming nnimal ia preferred. It can then ■ ■ “ * <m-s i"Us| be „ ut in a moderately strong box . . - .... ... ami sent by mail. I should expect ini street—bigheat point on, . ough. Mr. \V. J. I'rioe, his agent °'* r »treel—snd. with twocomiamtona. ' Bay St, Brunswick. Ga., O ITKR lo thi> piihllr. rt Aanfm m low a lowrol. (brtroAUroilorkuf HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, MIIP CHANDLERY, Cigars & Tobacco, CONFECTIONERIES, Eta -ALSO Boots, Shoos, Hats, OLOTHINQ, M otions* Etc* Lime! Corn St Hay •I |>rt<*m on low Ikrt M7 «■*»• Dllk • New store! New Firm! New (iooiIh! CURE i BACK ACHE IMKOYRD F.ICKLSIOR KIDNEY PAD. Ilia a MARVEL of HEALINO and RELIEF I Simple,Sensible, Direct, Pain- less, Powerful I ££s&st: &JSS ^ Ml tYfflffl. M4W AWMlWMAMlirtplNytaN. » ABSOBPTJOMW ttl LI'.VU Dll Til BOAT DISKAin^H BREATHING TROUBLE TksaaiateTMUytelklklan. You can be Relieved & Cured! tote'l-Wer asm vaa kava tete.1 ttla an*. rUSl. 1, Ja**!^ m " " m ‘*‘* !T]i8 >, Only w I | QngPkdCo. JSteSw’tdJAMl BLOC K, *T«*r.“ asst ftsa. IMMI.Mkk ImSTuimiI aST 1 * * L^m "• “ 4 'people arc rpai NwMNiwfrth rtr—i.Wwrtffltnry of are. l. »7 risi liDii. m4 m fiapilkytaw. | — kWnirUa i to Rent. V TWO Man aims tealWM w >■>*■■ AC mam afn Erwjtteaam.mteal Assist j from this iiort, three vessels to Mr. J. J. MeDoii- aid oirt, wo crisliled only of their aiMssl. my aou tmik hu • toThil ‘ " ‘ ‘ FOR SALE. iIMNmInw mi ana tan maW IjtaatoA AIm om Am Mm iMmm Dirt*. Pigmm caiUCotaart CX)PARTNERBU1H NOTICK. TbfflMAWtBrtAklf rtMbMP. Potior A Co. •«■ plrw UUa Aav bj UaltaUoA, Mr. IUr. l l Dolln.r rrttrtAA. MtW portsor will Ia IIquuUu»o. M«w York, IkcMfcr 1W, Hwu. ■AROLD DOI.LMXR. OILHART PUTTUi, JOUM I CAMKUHKN. The ■ Af Um lrt« Artn will bo coAtl* nml by tho NBdfflvrtfaoA, NN«lor Ik* Arm nriiiw of till- Urt Poller A Co., rt Um old eumt. Irt »ruin M. UIL1IKU1 Pom II, JOHN l.'AMKHUKN, GILBERT lOTI tH, ia. SPECINLNOTIGE. n*ve yon pfflld yowr DrAf Arronitl A* lk*» ymr IWI If Aot, Ukffl Artkw yoAr bill to rrwl/ lor yon lo fflrtUffl. All who owe am M m twiorw asktoig far further rrmM. To Ibnw who bun Already here, infonna' us that it aln.uld * ge ‘ have town ten. We cheerfully & * make the correction. Fig ham* 12| cents |a r |M>und, a fine a*aortmeiit of family soaps, finest butter in town, best Rio cof fee 20 cento per pound, eight |wunda of granulated sugar for one dollar, at Muonic A McCuahv's. PRUCEEDINU3 oVCITY COUNCIL. Adjournoil Meeting, Jan. 24, 1881. Council mot pursuant to mljourn. inent. Brcaont: hi* Honor, \V. W. Watkins, Chairmnn of Council, nml Alderman F. J. Docrlllngor, 8. C. I.tttlefield, J. P. Harvey, I). T. Dunn, and J. J. 8peam. Absent, his Honor J. K. Nelson, Mayor, and Alderman A. T. Putnam. Tho minutes of the Inst meeting were reml and confirmed. -towpao-w Read a communication from Dr. BavsTosiaUiaav Iwtot . ail C. L Schlatter, A. J. Crovalt,W. F. KT. Ji JSL.-'l-i ,Q: | Docrdinger and D. T. Dunn.Cliair- E?““; ,, ^r“»* , ** | r«>a»4*rai kj sms iimu of committee* from Ocean 22 ’ u I Dodge. No, 214. F. and A. M., 8e^ i r rt '"'p-„ Xo - K ; ^ i t ...... We ilrvire to cull th»* aUinliiin of ■ac^uim. .w »wx-mre **.1^*..-^..^ ^ OI|( , rrt J erH W liWjf If COilttm th.Htgh I ha spmesi half w.y to much !*>•*■'«"« “‘’‘L, a higher. The "port to eieiling bat dan-1 *>'I"K “ ‘ gerone, and with the larger doable, Chad- L. R-'dley. dads want, a cool head to guide them. tJ BW " *’™ “^.v^s-ntof Many a poor fellow eomea In grief lie-. *“ J* fore bis BTOtwae.1 Journey’* end j. I White- «nd Dwon.te.1 Frenel.^.l.ln», reached, leiig flrtl boonovd off and and Kw | «b D | »Bel. , n Dinner, Tew «.d then Mooted for n dozen yard, over Uhsmbre mde. » wdl « dl mrt.1 Um lea and aonw in anything bat a •»! wooden ware*, rhm firm low long made a apvcialiy of aendiug llivir suns tlirongleuit the country, on nwripl of P. O. money order or by ezpreae C. O. D.; and oa tliey are reliable and ax- pa-t month have interfered will, my O. D.;audsa Hie, arereiisnieannax winter’* apart. I take to yachting. Ponced. Ibu is o ten ui great s.1 vantage to our lnvoils at »iliatanee.— Catalogue and Price-list mailed free nu application. What an Editor Says: Srsa.alvt.Jm, tet. USI. Ige, : ruuswick Silver Comet Ihniil, and Oceauie File Company, asking T* ,TTTtjPTST'B; Clll| i |c il to conaider the matter of ^ ••''•■•BJiltaW building a Hull for tlio joint occu- 1 |*incv of thamsrlvca and Council, which genlla mnnner, Fortnnalely no aeri tins aorhlenla have nasiunsl so far — Tiie heavy falls of snow within tlm 1 with my sport. I taka to yachting but til* apart is contingent on ao many favoring ctreomalsners that there ia nnt milch chance for ils enjoyment — Yon want good ice, free of aiiow, and then you must have a breeze. You know n man can’t always "rslao the wind.” However. I have done very There are ao many patent humbug* C l toiling Tslk shunt your fast and noatnim., in the way of medicine, sand wiling! Wire, hunting on I adverttoed all over the country, that tha Ice, with a giaal breeze, i* nearer moaaea are skeptical, and are loth akin to flying tluw anything else. to hoy aaleaa lire article offered for , m mUa U kttOArn t«* POAAl-fM TMil DMTlU. i . „ *. _ ,, ' , lL _ 'tuition IlieotUrr hAD«l. n*m**A of Artll* John Thoflisoii. rrt)., in the Ceil- known eilicen* are often forgrfi tocer* trnl nRllroRu ofnco % Rt 8*num*h,<tUlAHlAA for tin? ptirpow of ‘ L ‘ * ' aaJw aii«I |ritlming off a worthlAM |»rep- ArMtion. Triking IL«»e facU inte con- AiflWnUion, it riwa me plenMire t*» aiW claims lo have found perpetual mo tion, and will give an exhibition soon. We hope it b* true. tujr tetotiiiiotiiul to a ueilicinv wliicli I . ffblAAlM. Irtbffl. ytrk ad rt lwW«ffl« Mffcrl AI G. F. FitA.VKLI.V lb Ca. rtffl. Hr, AIWA Md rmialwd « Kighteen out of thirty-aeveu k “"* froio iar-ond eipeianvc lode States of tha Union have railroad lot “ ol 1 which was. on motion of Alderman three cento |icr mile i« all Geor- elt . IJtticfield, received and referred to gian* will have to pay fur railroad J the OMiimittce on Public Building*, riding. I F,l UiitcliiotoOti k Bro. W. T. I'Aiisruma El. AUanU Suu'Lajr FbonogrAj Cn«M|d>| Kook* frifflffl Ibffl krai Mthoffw. Ihd bfea.lj lifutopl fflii.l rinw lllealinfl l« bllffllD—ffl. rt-mUDrsI fflllk m-lrnto (k«f.*, logrlksf fflllb a r arefiil aluly rt «».- s|>srl«l r»|i«lr*lu<fflU rt I A* •liti-lnai m<h u.rri, W.T.«» »lU bw iffl • yrt Uoffl loglte ri«a.|>lrlr sflltolldfe* L» Ll# frlwltolffl tod AtoNLIle generally. •d^vl »n I tee H. T lilurerarli'ilre relarllot •>f Mu*U’ ffl'iiubtffl far oil AtuaMaoa at lire (uwrffll |MjiwU«|« |»rtr«.e OBGUINETTE ! j'icturt' Frnmin^ Done on tlio Shortest Notice! Note the Address: Next lire Post BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Jaa/J4y me ii id HAH MADK MOHK HEAVY AND FANCY, fffl wbi.h «* lAtit# lb* rtlHiUrti rt I WR A LAO Rner nn MURDROB Tobaccos & cigars. GLYNN 8I1KIIIFF8 SILKS. first Tiustlny in Fibrunry, 1881. onianu.oi.Tss Oivsvv. Will I- e.1.1 laoure I la. Uiart Hasas it jar I* lk« r"> argcaaiakk aaU saaalr. a* tea tos, Tsate tor la r-tersarv. I»l U palate aatery. tel— tea .tela. > V ii. .n.l tear a rlarS H. M. aflkat •Ur. Ia|,.v lil;,l,r.l 4:,,l l-.t IMIrr. Ute Ibltow. laa |.r..|w rlr all; all Iu— laa reMtea tote ,*lat,a la Iha-n, „l Itrnnawteli. olraa raastr. l“ ■*» «» l J~etoJ IB lk« Mm Waite rnr - *-» Tass 1*4* *m teH **4 MS. Lavte* ««'te Ite-‘ af Wia 0. Itermpntr, teUate- MraM l-a Ik, -lo- U | T. K Iteammtt. ateter ateik, ,ma.ata ate teasel — snSrse wpa. Hre l «arl la ,4 Jtoa H Item as Wa. a. IS,—I- rt a* alaeatetiater tevUeaatetoarT- S. Iter a,..rl m water, m l T. W. Uwkmaa. teewr. maanwr ikapaMira. Waatiml*tea- % 'aaea. a, Imi. Ilk. I— *M lljaSasal J'« It lAMUMUUT. Skteiau.c.. u». •U ss unmou-jiM OXJR MOTTO: “As Low as the Lowest.' »towia ftnl rt IrtreA Mum,mrmi tartan* NKWCASTLK STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GA. tjrrm, THAN ALL WAIW mMHISKD, *?**?***WMmMt. AXD PIULEBIX NAVAL STORES, BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. IN USIVKMALLY l*NKD FOR niLLIOUR- NI3M. H HP U-*M watokaw Kaate al tetek* teas* la aa* jfffln GfZItE* fatfflfflM. (Wfflffl «A4 yfflf iArt i JLT^-n* r Um AwtortAta i Mi bfabta AMeirt rtlAAMk* ttbfflffrtta A | LOCAL DKNTWT, KuSAIl • livisora es. *«***—■ tssaonKr. *4)iJr»« forrrr. *44 MdxtMCMrtHAAld f RniAffWM.MM - 1 rbknMTy. IMLI tour arkrk f. U. *— wwwry, Iffl Ibffl blgbart I MW«tafrfflywrty. U fflll All IbrtrrtlrtA lrt rt faAi IA ebffl ril| rt Hnuawffl irk. talfAA fflAAAlY. rrtfa k»u«te AAi iMrrtbMl Ia Ufa |tai rt aaM ••NfflwTvjffl. Lrt Am.MC, fartrt «A m Ita wrtyrt IamK aIaIa! Main rt "ta^T.l aa4bt am4 by rlr- JrtArtf la I MI. MwHO.lL.Oa. JUST lECElFlt I II Gloelu 9 A nil ATUCK or JF.WCLUV, Accjrdeons, Harmonica?, VIOUX NTRIXOR, Toys, Hoi iday Goods ciiiuhtmas Tree 0RA*ME*T6 r AND ATTACHMENT*. ALSO 5 wAtelld. lOo COUNTER GOODS 9 T x) AAAMruitr hi AiffAttoA. to wkkb I IayHa iim aiumj.iA «t iwy irlMiaMilUmaaMM g At-MllY. GUAM toll riMAtoffl Mjr Mwb kifaf b«rrbiti»4>l—wlMto. i. hnMMwtoklOA C. al. DOKKPUN Vaifluaakari o il ly Riytovwk. FRUIT TREES! GATE CItT nURSEKY. JZ2XTL TAX COLLECTOR’S I0TI6E. knawtok. C. Mb «d tub. MaiBi.