Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 05, 1881, Image 1

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Ttc Brunswick Advertiser, mumimrmraiTM BRUNSWICK, GA„ T. G. srtfcr* HUIWCRIITION BATES: On« ropy cm W •» Um ropy alt 1 00 •S^wsjasmggi oUtu.rj »»£« •'X lour IIbsb. rollctMl fcC p.kUtMIMI. »k»« *«- es*Uae twu w rtiMa IwmiiIUUm»iIiwU»«« t. o. met. City Directory. Mm-l.r.Vt Akitrmm A. T. RS*1 ruoncKHH. rSua, *. W. fMUK.tcl D T. Dan. I.r. Banay. *• ft u,lfc OUyP.rMM B. *. rate, jaai latei. U terk. /Vten_W. U. Hilary. T. «. roll. At** Kmuet H—t ami Clrr* V MmtU-t> A. Moor*. /krf/kynrlaa—C L kcklaltrr. Jr. B. D. OI,npoM-L t Darli. B. D. JlarBsr JfMlrr-O J lull. JWf ITarJraa-llatlkn Hkaaaaa. Tboa OTlM- aor.Jr. <a4 A VPa ynu— Cof— TTilllr- Mid Dmi. •nun, Dbaum ft WoUIb* and Ultleftrlda HritoO WbiUCfltMT-C 0 Mw**. feitoa Oolond OunftfJ-.'Kil* WbU*. - Barra?. 3upr and ipui. r aa*l Cwnpcr. IlAaaoa—Unit field, Spoon mJ Putnam. Itbuc whuwm Witkl—. Do»HlB|*r and Danrrjr. lUiUMun*—Dorffllnif r.IUnrojr and Utt ft field (Munoi-hitBaB, fipraia and Imnn. CMAam—1‘ulnata. UttldMd M« Dw-rfilngsr hu pmabtvkxt fip—ra,l*ata«in and Bom* roues. I'utrum, Dunn, and Watklaa. irsmji fTATO omccitfl. Collrrtor of m*t«na-JobA T.OaUlna. CteGrtiir latonuil "lUrrauo—D. T. Dunn. REisr:iiiTSk“ r ““ J.FJeteSoiis —ATTiirm— GRAND RAY STREET BMTQMIVM. Off o-lha public, al Mtonl.hlnuljr low prk* a laraa and wall wlieltd stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS & SHOES. Tktj keep Constantly on kaa l also a lull lino •* Groceries and FAMILY SUPPLIES, AaA a lup. .apply at SHIP STORES, Al at .kMIkayaaaatoaaUMriOTalkM BEST GREEN# BLACK TEa\S, busts genuine new crop GARDEN SEED, lWIOJfSETSa CHOICE CHEWING 48M0KING The Best Five Cent Cigar PocMlaal acUMf BLAIVfi DKCfl STORK. White & Decorated Trent Ia China and ENGLISH PORCELAIN AT LOW PRICES. viwmkl %tottttim. VOL. tt, NO. 31. Ail Ordinance, 7b intern and lay taut ami mite a revenue jar the City if firmnnrtek far Iht yrnr 1881, far tht regulation, # qf certain kinds tf butinett intaitl l Every twpetiter, nuisnn, plustcrer, city, jrretcrihuuj pemdlif fur the rim [painter. utxl all other owchanics, Ink lotion of tht reroute ordinhneet if "‘fi: c , »i,t».*-t» for wnrkrzcis-iliiiR laeu- mill city, ami Jbr ether man am- j d ,, !j* r *. "I 1 **' W 8,0 netted iith the buet ami iamne a)! W mridcily. HbttIoSI I. The Aletynr a* ft Council of ike City of llrnnsirui, in Council RltUNSWlfK, GEOROTA, SATURDAY MORNfNO, PERU ARY 5, 1881. •ton* nlmll |*jr Unity tire ttoltnrfi. Every niii|» lirukcr rimll |hijt t**n dol* l«n». Every mnater luil.lcr and every eon* tractor other than bnildera ahull |uy twenty dolluni. Brmhlml, do herd,^ vrdmn, That from and after the tint «|«y of Frhrtmry. 1881, the inhahilaiita of naiil city, ui.d thoao who hold taxable profierty with in the Mine, and all tlmae who trana- act or offer to tmviKact any bnxincM therein, except such aa nru exuupt from taxntiou by law, whoil pay to* want* the anp|H»rt of the government of Mid city, and fbr the convenience, advantage, vifctjp and U iu tit of said city, the Uxea hereinafter preacrilied. Krery arcn» shall [*ry one hundreil dolhru |>er tla|| uud every nienaceiie fiiuill |mv twenty tire dollars per day. Every cottou pn *» aliull |my tire dollars per month while in o|Krution. Every shop or ntore for the Mile of cigar* nnd tobacco ahull pay five dol lar**. Every manufacturer of confectionery ahull |a»y live dollar*. Every traveling theatrical roni|Mtny nlmll pay seven dolhira and fifty cent* for the find and live dollaiu Ji»r caPli . ... .A, ... anec«*ciling |a*rforiuance. ty. the Uxea hereinafter preni-nUil. A ll traveling coucertn, exhildtionn Her. 2. And !* U futiher imhtinetl, „nd sIiowm of .very eharai ter aliull pay That every pemon or corporation own livt . rt ,, lla „ u , r lUi . lllht lin .| tWoil jug nut i>ioi*ritfn >ai.l city, mchid- llU ,| « fl> tvljU for lug inipDiVenietiU, nlmll pay a f ix (to | H . r f orfl)limv> Iw finMWMil liy^ nnd under tho thirty* Ev.-ry kye|N*r of dollnra, and the tax npon other nnlen, an reqninul umlt r the fourth nectiou of tliia ordinance. ^ Every |H»mon or firm opening oya tera for nale or nhipment, nliall pay for melt quarter, twelve and ore-luiif dol* lam, the Mine to bo remitted if tbc pultun o|H'iiing will give the alielLa ti Council for the line of the ntrecta. Every rentaurant or eating liotmo nlmll |my tea dollar*. Evi-rv n I—maker'a >h«*p shall |*iy five dolUrd* Kvrfy |*er*on or firm manufactnring or bolding mhI# or mineral «ab-m ahull l«ny t«*n dollar*. Every |htsoii or firm manufacturing and *r))ii>£ w**la tvaler from a fount, shall pay t< n dollar*. by manna of tho return* hereinafter proscribed. Bee. 8. And be it further ordmnal. That every )icr»on, tirm or cor|>ont lion owning erty in the c march, 1881. det the rccond nnd third sections of tliia ordinance, shall make a rts r )ienM>n, iirni or cor|iom- ig real or personal prop- * city on the lint dnv of $1, liable lo lie taxed tin- $2 00 A YEAR. WIIJJAX ARP. Whitt lie Haiti and Haw in Rnmawlek. Atlanta Coastltutlon. BnUNHWinc, Ga. Jnn. SO, 1881. I Imvo Iwm hearing of Brunswick for n InnK lime. I an, here now tor tho tint lime, and «li)l 1 hear of habitant!, and oa toon at Colonel % Ilewilt gel! hi. She hotel ROios I am goinic 1° eome down with Mra. Ar|, and aeren nr einht of the chil dren, and let-«n lank nut U)mn tl*a ten and exelahn, “roll :m, thon iheu and dark blue ocean, roll,” nnd let eni rat oyilrr. at twenty cents a Intahel nnd flah nrconling. Mr. Hewitt tttyn eonw, ai d I had just M Irave rat fiee viulen with him ns nnyUaly, He says he h Coin, to invite the (Utaitution down with all its live stock, not forgettinn old Father Arton, though he thinks tho old (tenth man had lictlrr not aomo all at one time. Yount hur riedly, Him. Am*. Kii’lltiTsTATK iiors ' tuni thereof to the Clerk andTreoa- Brunswick. These people dont un r of the city on or before the bilk “ ,K *ut anything else, ami 1 thirty-lint day of March, 1881, nnd j wouldent if I was them. Tho fact the amount of such tax shall bo | i* I dident know we had such an collected, if desired hy the taxpay. j inviting place, and I am proud to ers, in four qnartcriy payments by I visit it. A kind I’nwideneo hae the Clerk and Treasurer—the first idonen great deal for Brunswick, to I* |«id on or before the thirty- and if her people will do their.-Imre Ev.iy" arist mill >huU |»y five dol j first day of March, the sccoml on j it is Ismnd to rise.^ Its Ishuh Every mi* mill aliall |*ay forty tlof- firaf m cth»u *»f the churtt-r of i*u«l city, l»y Hu* JUth ibiy «*f February, IShI). hi the rate of one a ml uuc-fourtli of oue |*» r ci-lit of niicIi vahi^cxci pt on aticfi propt rly it* limy In* exempt uiitlcr tin* law* of thin State. Hr.c.11. Ami bn il further untiiinnl. Tlwt ••very ui,.I c«»r|>oruti«*n owning JiunachnM, kitclieu or ofilco furniture, wntchea, jewelry, plate, mu- **iml inNlrnmenta, !*s)ii«r*1 uiitl other table*, atock* in money corporations. ahull |*«y ten ilolluro. Every ilealer in blink IxmL*. atn- tioliery. pa|M*r an.l jsujH-r bugs nlmll tell ilollurfc Evt iv |H-rMin or firm «1euliiig in tropicul aliella and curioMtieu, etc., ahull pay ten dollar*. Every dealer lu ice in qii:iutiti*-n ex- cct*ling fifty pouoda ahull pay twenty dolluru. Every nne*liorai* dray, wagon or ve hicle lmnliiig for hire, <»r^»« «l by I or before, the iliirtieilk tiny of June. »lH»ut to «»mc. Every where I ace the thiol on or before the thirtieth signs of substantial improvement. „ dnv of September, nnd the fourth! A fine hotel, witli fifty rooms nnd &T* msc '" 1 ° |H,> or on Ufore the thirtieth dnv of j long, spnriouasvemnda*, is nrarlv Kwry shipping master .|„|1 ,„ y ! Novemlwr, 1881. And «very'|«r- finished, and is to be run by Colo- (Meaty dollar.. soft, firm, or corporation linblo to ncl Hewitt, of UOnum Springs and Uvcry shop or stand for the solo of the tax provided for in tile fifth Augusta, nnd rvcrvliody known section of this ordinance, shall what he ran do with a hotel. The make his, her or their return on building overlook* the widow of the thirty-first day of December,! the hny nnd it is a grand nnd love- 1881, and |my the income tax with, i b" "K 1 '*- K never raw such mng- iu ten days thereafter. | nificont grove* of evcrgrifiis—sueli ml mo,ion,o. j f rlll | nt.,. eto., shall ia,y five dot i» *u«*cc«*iiiiK j jirM * J dancing school { J™' ,i,,k * U:,li W ten del- Evvry *tt‘T«dor«* or other |K*rw»n Ink* •ainds. not.-, and other evidences of' j,,l, u t c heni, nuiiiahirtiiTprsofis.l *l«-bt, nk*ti«*y.*-nt debt*. nuJ t-virv ,, r luiucrul water*, m. iclmnta. buiU<-r<* other kind fx raoaal proju rty „ r „|| lt . r f„ r t | H . ,b-|ivrrv of •orver, ►!.nil p*y a tnv of ou® |N-r cent lu.nd, uicata. fc*a| a or iuiih r..l w.iVr-, on tho value <if anch |wn«oiinl pnq>«rly ice, |, uart n and murcImittliM* •oownttlnn tin* flrat day of M.trrli,, M ,| | t tt nd IiiuiImt and nth. r nmt. rial •8HI, except Micli w* may Iu» exempt u*c»l. ahull iwy fivn dollan.; ami evt ry from taxation br-tlir lu*» of this State * |vro wngnii „r v.-liitl.- I hi* or nf the Unilt-d hbdt-a. Mine nmnner aliall imv t«*n Bt. t. Ah,11* it /nether or,/.„W.I E . ,| r , That every per-. , or t in, w«jlW ln ,| w , btiriiH-M n* n wIioIcmU* or retail, or I " rti . . IIIIV ,i, wli«4< wait* and retail dealer te roimIu I M .. , „ „ or '„t|„. rvl L. ware.. nAsbaiidiM* a.«l article, of «• , ^.,,.1,, , , h „ll. Imlore'es " . ! |the some for sale. I„k, out „ In ..pi. v ... , 1H0 f,, r kiktIi uiuoui.t ilh ahull U- fixctl ••II* ►lent «*rr « anid city, except licensed denier*, hlmli pay ii tux nf «ilu-fotirtli of inn* |M*rctiit upon lint illiiniiiit collected fmiu the aalcM nf hmcIi gtaals, wares, imiiclaiu- diae nnd other urlfcte* during each nuurter of tho year lHHlj amt mieti iteah r* alitilU make, .under noth, u re turn «*f (lie amount collected from tliei Nth a quarterly, nud puy the tax there* on within ten *hi/k from the cxpirnti"ii 1 if «*urli quarter. And if the i’h ik A Tni»«nn r*lM* not aati-fiol with the e*»r*i n-ctne«M of the return of nuy Mieii deab-r, lm aliall r* | the name to tie Mayor and tN^ineil. and the return ah'ilf then he ivfeir» .1 fo arlWtratioii. me nrlntrator to liechoMm by (**.iu»« , il, me by the party (iit'kiiig tb** reiiirn. «nd a third by the two **o elowuMi, in the event of n di-*agrromeiit, H»:a H. And lx it J nr,her orthiinnl. That every I'erium. flrtn or eer|*orutioii deriving income from tho pursuit of miy |irofea*iou, fueully, trade, calling or hlltiliCMi, except Ilf'-IIN .I d< ulrtN and deah r* paying a tux onatihw, aliall pay ft tax of one |u*r cent iiim>« the amount of aucli net inconie nlN»vc the »nm of five linndred dttllaro. 8ko. ff Anti he ii further #wdninmi. That every j».-im*ii or finu tnn»M« ting or offnriog to trunaaet either <»f the kind* of bnaitie* hereinafter *|h etlie.l aliall puy tho tax hereinafter apeeifled, vis: Everv anefioneer nliall p.iy a tux *4 ten dollars, and, in addition thereto, a tax of one per cent shall be jni)»"N tl ti|ton the grow* amount of alfaitetion •ale** mail® hr aucli auctioneer within by the May Every person dyeing or renovating elothing shall pay, for cmill Week or lew* time, iifiy cents. Every txpiess compuuy hliull pay twenty-five dollar*. Eveiy t» hjiiupli* eonipuiiy shall pa> olio humUeGimd twenty-iKe dollar-. Eieiy fomalry or tinM-hifie shop sliall pay twenty dollars. | Every hoisting eimine for distdiarg illg Vessuds shall puy tell d'dl irs; ui.d : every horse a p| si rut us f. »r tin niiii* t pi*r|NNU* -lull pay five. I "liars j Kicry public ball shall p*j I' u dol ilars. • iiwi-i Every hotel -Ii ill p iv I unity doll »rs. I E Every !»*••»ding liouse ei.t.-rtainingj dolh tran-i. iit tiuvclcra shall pa> dollrra. Every fciilor Isnrdiug li«»t pay tut lity dollars. Every person or firm, i npoth.Tnri'-* and druggist-, spirituous liquors in quantiti* quart and llpwu^|s and not d the preraht***. ahull !*•* e*i Wholesale dealtra. mid shall iitmet* for loading or diwliarg- ing Veauela aliall |«iy, for each quutter, the auiu of fifUs-n dollar*, and the fur ther auto "f five dolt an* for each quar ter, for chcIi foreman, or ofher i*r»nii employed by him t*» Mipeniib‘n«loT*li reel the I'Nitling or discharging any vcnm I i*"ntrnct*Hl with liy him. Every billiard table usetl for public play, whether paid for in money or piirelmuett at the, shall jrtv ten did far*. Every pool laid** tL-e*l f*»r prildie play, whether paid f*»r in money or in purchase* at the bar. bliail pax fifUs-n dollar*. Every Jiuggnt' Ile °r other tuld«* or device ii|*on or bv whieh m y game i* pl or mottey won or !«*.( by the pub lie, mIhiII pay, f..r each inontti ol !«•** time, filly doliur*. Every eetib-niikd board for public pi for eu«-li iimnlh or le*s time, fifty dollar*. Every Wheel of fortune for pnlir piny shall pay, for eaeh month or I**hs time. Ilv* hundred dollars. ~ Ev* rv 1'iili or ten pin alley sliall pay lulhirs. f-w. !t. Ami u it /nitlirr nrihiiiuil, • s l , h'ii | li' 1 «M live ...k., Mich vijftW. •Hat nil such returns n.ny I* nm,lo V"' 1 "W" 1 ** Tlu-re is n» null v.. • .. ... lien*, but gtasl imuly hinds not- e> her in |H re,, »r I, nn nge t or , ( , H ,, n „ r l(K f„ !t r ^ n tarii'V, nnd tbo returns ftnnll ;4.t- , ... , forth ton market value of nil |,ro,,. I trv.volm K . n"-l "»'«jr «•' ” »> *«•<- J ,, , , oil with oynter shells. All along the ertv lurhie to lnxut.on Uft.ler Uns , ' liM „ 10 l tlt „ U . r „f onlmniieo aJuran, . xcc,.t rea , ienfoinc that Iwingn no over- proiM tty ami niprevcmciits, ami, , i shall Ih> inn,le um cr Unth or nllir- ,■"K”'‘f'f' ,n H'~ - ' . . .1 i ,i. ami I* shipiml to jiothi rn ami r.u- nmtiun, m every lnshmc.% that the | ti', nrm r.,,. mill. Every tailor'* establishment sliall pay five dollars. Every timsmith’s sliop shall pnv t**n dollar-. Eiery |s r*ott *»r firm« ngngs d in Inly ing or shipping linilHT. hmd**r, ••te., (mill owners in tlie city exe. ptial) sliall pay IWfRiy five d.dlars. Every in-|avli r or uienwirer of bun lu-r. slave*, shingle*, etc., rii-dl pal five dollar-. Every fiir|M‘»iliiic *li-tili«*ry shall pay lethtkcff sliall J■-•V twenty There nru five thill e t ,t ' , • | *; .. i ion hat mi the wharve* now, and it for «ho... the a ur a Hash not ,. V1 . ,, , „ mlltr !". f ' .“"I' i ra ^,.irii!^ L: •”l‘l. i .ty l»',hrift »«.-l sh-.,- in ot a r |>ro|M r >. _ ,■ , J* , the l«iy ami roumf, some of the... tv/iiling or loading ami miinn loaded and waiting for favomblc wiinl.s. |tnn ••ry |»er* • shi i li d! t. r «h d! p.i Every w..r . firm, m supplying v i. „ d..|| , c*,i|Mim!nsn i VCNV-I* with .-udi «iath orallirmalion from |h i>«»ii without exception,he In mg her«div authorixial, for the pur|s»ses of thin ordinance, to ad uiiiiblcr bitch ontli or aniriiiatiott. Sir. 10. And In' il further urdnined. That all ihtnoiih failing or refttxiug to make tlm return* rojuirod under the Keveral Heetionn of tliia otdl* nnneo *lmll Ih» Huhjnot, on iffuivic- tion therefor before tho Police Court, to a lino not exceeding one hundred 'lollarn, or lalair on the public street* not exceeding thirty day*, or ImjIIi, at the tliucretioit of the (*»urt. Stti*. 11. And ? furtheronhtionl. That the Clerk and Trea-urer In nod he if* hereby roprired fit inn He exmiti»*iiM ngniiml all |'®r-*Mi- f*»r the ,-nfire Aiiioimt j'f tax due for the year JHSJ, ii|*on the failure b» ( ptly |wy the first or other | chi in. I Iiwsl • of gnriif or «.»!:« r f.-rtili Z' M, il l". at, d uIniVi* the wharf ,d J ill, II Mfiallloiigii, Hhsli pay twrlity del oil | far*. r» d | Every |*cr*oii of Grin kteping a w«n*1 for' yard -diall pay t, n dol'.tr*. It quarter, tw. atv dollar*. ' ' f Everv wh" Iright shopfuf the mnk .Ev. ryp.rren or firm wiling .pirit.. I "mw*. bag. r uinit liquor* in q iantith** h*s w ‘ , ^‘ than one quart, and drank •!«•* etc., shall jmt five dol pH'tlllse*. . . __ . - - . •lealer«, and pay, for each quarter, thirty flm«1"llnr* . Every perw'ii or firm wdling malt • l , .? r J r ; 1 Ihitmrs by the keg itWctl The license tux provided for in tliia sliall ft III from the 1.1 day February 1**1. to the 8Ul day of Jan- wlnncd by the id shall I wli'd'Wale dealer ZZ .li.ii iiiVu I < •h rk .ml Tre« „t 11,o city, •ilUm. n.1,1 p»y, ! prewMil with III® real „f the city »..,l the city, an,if for ail aah-amade ly sncii' •»» rarf* q nailer, tweuty 'lol'ara. Siluiaautlien, "to ancticarr rcli.rna ahull Im> tuiule, tin-1 Every |ht«om or firm netting mall it j, i«u„.,t an.l alaill not lie «1.T oath, immediately alter tho clnaa j li,(«ir» in iiiMulilie, l.w. than a keg ,.r, , ran .(,. rr ,l,i,. f „„(' llM . „,. le -hall In. n of such Mira, a Ini the per c.ntagopai.1 caae to h, , on the pn a,lit, ahull I r , tfj , t ,, r „( Ux ,„„( payal.le Uf. toth® Clerk Jc IrowAurer of tlie efty. | Iw consider' d retail dealer*. aa*l pay. | N j„ra And if anv iht* Every insurance ngcat •hall pay. for fur each quarter, ten dollar#. J |r or offering t*» transaet •aebconipauy repre^nU-.l l.y him. | Every l,nek.ter of fruit, ire crea.u ,| 1( r „( the kiul. .,(I.u,iuera tcu dotlars. an.l small ware«, shall |*»y five dollars. j u thi* avctioii. shall Iw found without pay steamship agent aliall twmty’flve ifidlars. Every steamls'nt or Mlling vessel ■ffCRt Mrall |*ay ten dollar*. . Every agent for the sal® of real ea Every grinder of » band organ aliall [aucli lic-nse di-play'd in a con*|d -'i |*iy, for each week or Icaa time, five 0 iu mamor in hi*, her or their plac* dollars. | of Inviues*. or shall fail or refuse t. Every P' nton or firm doing business ; ,. x hihit the same whenever eulh d on t* .. , _ , „,M commi*oioo merchants ahull p»y j d.» so I*y the Marshal of the city. “• or for tho C'dhx’tK'n of rents shall twenty dollar.; an.l every master of a | ol | lcr .^.n *uih«»riacl to .lo so. ? W »mlwr». ship or of nnj vessel, agent or other or tJ M .y •!•«!! be subject. I Every local agent for the talc of aew* ’ officer of any ship or vcaael. *tr ' * mg machines aliall pay ten dollara, j other person, who shall acll rimnIi. , v , miii ... « and everv transient agent aboil pay j articles of unj^kind (rein any wharf or : »-xc«Ns)iiig one hundrol doilsra, con be, n con- In-fore the Polic«- fine not lna* than t<-n n-T twenty five dollars. | vessel, * Visa wklts Yrrach Cklma E r Iota, IV Itis-hlT IhvmM rr*-a<rh<ln*aTM»'-t*.«tp U ■or* ‘ ‘ “ “ ■IwcHiM KHanar Kolvsa. par 4 - . 4t , . — i>cri5oally parckooe cargo, or! flncmwiit iii the K«urd house, or lat»or Every agent for tho oalo of npy ur- colh*ct freight money, aliall ho eohsnl-1,,|, n K , public -tro t* not exeeu'ing tjole wofttever, or any purnou viNitingi eod a oommiaaloo morebaut ami p“l| thirty d*v*. at the ilEcretinn of the tha city as an itinerant plijaician. or twenty dollars. !Court And nil iwnams commencing for tho sal.; of l»roi*rictnry articles,! Every livry ataldo shall pay one! .iifter of the kimls of business ajasi. canviissor selling liooks, maps, picture* hundred dollars, and on® dollar for or other articles, cither for money or each homo or niulo sold hy or through by subscription, shall |*«y such tax as, the kceiier thereof for other imrtie*; may l>o fixed hy the Mayor in aoeli and such keeper shall maka a r. turn. re* 0 * , , . , uu4w oath, of the amount of ouch Every itinerant dngm rrcian artist, ■ sales at the cud ol each quarter and photographer or arahroty|»cr shall pay, J pay the oama; and all portico taking inrcnchmontlinrlcMtiM.', nv,,,l,i|l.r». out Ihin Itrenra .hall In, ,'X,-In[>t from Every hanker, lacker or other per-' nuy .(icchil lirenw for nkitlnmnl by •nn <loing a Iwnking, lirekcr.ign nr; them. chtngo lm>iucM, or cng*g<',l in buying ] Every jswdry .tore .ball ray ten or rolling i,relmngv,, currency, Ik>u,K tlnllnrn. ■k. or other acniriiira for* pretit, Evny |>cr>on or firm , re—" or oral ,'Ug*g,',l lu or in loaning mom y, .having n„t, «. lmying iunk of .ny ,h«cri|Ai,in wlmt- SMa. II!■«.,MSHnWO < w ithnnintiug con.moreiat p«pvr, or vol- over, .butt pay, for «ach murtcr, WUwbte*ra*H-* teMVSH., 1«, Ij s U'Cling the wmo.n.l clurgingtherefor,. tnelvo uu.l onchalf dalhn. or *<lv,incing on colhtrrih for com-1 Every millinery e»tabluhm*,nt shall mimiou. Inlarsat or otherwise, nbethsr p*» ten ilollsrs. Ii* keep Ml ofllco or not, shsll psy j Every new* ilopoi shsll psy tsn dot- twanty-fivi- ilollnrv. Isr*. Every bakery slisll r» T 8 ** ‘lollnru. I Every Job printing office ahnll pay Every Imrher shop s’uill |niy, lor ten iloflnr*. each clmir, five ilolhinr j Every pernon nr tirm r, Ming fresh En vy blaekMiiith tlinpslull pay, for! incut*, viz: Inaf, |«,ik, million, n-ni- •sell,forge, five dollan. son, ilrea>e<t |Hinltry, runssges. Every htuket or deafer in naval!etc., shall psy, for each quarter, tem r« UluoraM CSUlu.a- **4 true iuimoM teoSMVUnUM. OIIMlalur.Ml,*]. r U llsputr.rassev Iteltni., n rill. Ortea WuJ ud pint oa CSr or utoraor. trm of (Ore. toad c. o. lx o. r. 0. Hom, ur- dor.mam U l temle retom Cued j|ra. B ,l,l.o im.tZr; ZB Bow f OB Caelo.ll-lylM I ra. Me. BurpUci rsi MaaBiorior- me Qt., ira mb. ill llii» reel ion, In-fore the iir»t iln, of May. Pcnl, elall |>avtho entire aninant of >uch Iicene® for tire year, 1-xaept tinnot who pay by the quarter: tlioBe who commence lietween the first ■lay of May anil the thirty first day of July aliall pay three fourths of such nin,unit; tho*.- who commencebvtween tlm fir.t day of Angcvftsnd the thirty first liny "f October *l,all |w/, one lmlf of Bt,ch uraount; and thorn- who com mence after the fired ,l ,y of Xnyember shall |M.v one-fourth of anch amount. Sty. 7. And be it farther ordained, That the value of the real estate nnd improvement* to be taxon un- dor the secoiul M-ction of this ordi nance, shall he ascertained from the (meiwmcnta os made and re turned by the n»*es*on for the year 1881. and that of personal property, to he taxed under the third section, nnd tliat of net income, under the fourth section, shall be ascertained Mr. I’utiinm kindly furniidicd u* a atyiiah train nud carriage, and we nttlled on,nnd the environ*and |hi- rusd the iH iitiliful *urroumlin(pt, Tin'll Mr.Slncv.nftlm Airvr;urnKit, took charge nf ino anil I Tentureil ti|mn tin: deep hut plnuid water*, nnd visited St. Siuunm lelunil, ttvclvo mile* ilirtnnl, tvliere there i* mure iiuehinery in one raw mill titan 1 ever raw ill ttvelily. A* finely would ray, it i* just ini* inenaa. Tliere are fine hotun-* over tlu-re and many im*|iitahle, r iegsht getiliemeii frosti the mirth, and they menu hiininera, nnd have largo in- ventnieiit* tlu-re. I *nw the »wcet- e*t little gem nfachurvli overthrn ami nn-,(her in flrini-iviek, (hat eniil I*- rivaled in <iiorgia. Tln-re i* euiliirc anil gta.l nmr- ,d- nnd l,n.'ini-K-i energy here, ami I tvii* n vmmg mart I would a* to make a fortune quarter!}- payment* as they *»«•«l Htart |„ Im-coI",- one , | a* nnv where, lor it iWWm* to luo it* Pr:e. 12. Ami In ilj'ielh.e nr.l„nul,\ j, That the Klim ot two dollar* In- ini- I on em h mi l every male in- ninniiiVt dratiny » to l« a large and |mpttloti* -un|«irt city. A World of wealth Ii' * jn-t lieliind it—in tin- piura nnd tiir|*'idine flintgitcnpin- iiloynicnt lo luleir nnd make* nn [iieri-naiug demand for mt-clianic* and *ldp snpplie*. Tlm deiuninl for ltirnlH-r t xeyr.l* the Ktip|ily,and I uec viim I- here from Spun, and Kramv nnd other foreign countries, waiting for a cargo. This |M*opli* iinve long felt Halt llu-y were neglected—hut the tide Inis turned. Tho lagiidattiru is friendly and Joe Brown stands up ■ putrefy for them in Washington, and thi* |moplc appreciate what lie tin* done ami i* trying lo do. Mr. Dunn is a live man here- a kind of democratic republican whom every lardy likes—and lie de clare* tlii* to Ire the lest harbor on the Atlantic emut. Twenty year* ago old Father At kinson bc,-an to work for this pined, and lie i* lu-re still, working nnd talking. In tlm legislature ol iHlifJ. wo called him “Old Brunswick," nud the place never had a better friend. Colonel Held-titer, the genial old gentleman wIh> control* the Albany and Brunswick Railroad, lives lien like a king, and look* like one, for lie wear* a kind of crown in Ilia of fice dress, nud Ilia h!glic*t ambi tion is to huil.l up this port ami make hi* mail declare II dividend for the German owners. This is a' road that might hi ho favnrvd by the Commissioners, for it ha* added million., lo the taxable property nf the State and ha* never coat our people a dollar, and U yet uimldo to earn a dividend. I leave for Far- naudina by bout and anlici|Hitc a delightful inland trip, for we go lie. twarn tlm island* and the shape and are nr ver subject to dangerous swell* or heavy sen*. It b certain ly a modi pleasanter route to Klor- bin lima hi tm shut up all the way in a railroad car. Judge Mention in holding court hero now and presides with great dignity ami satisfaction lo this peo ple. I am glad I came tothia luipw- fu) little city of threw thousand in habitant in the citv l«-twe.-n the ages of sixteen nnd fifty ye.,rs, not exempt from roml duty hy the law* of tin- Stab-, a* a comiiiutnlion (hr stmt tax. which sum may I may Is) included ill Iho returns of taxable property, nnd two! with the quarterly |myiuent«. I'meiiled, that elicit person may lie relieved of the raid tax hy lnUiriug on the streets fix consecutive days, under the control nnd direction of such person as (lie CominitteconStreets, Drains nnd Bridges limy select, pri or to tho first day of December, 1881, Skc. IS. A nl be il farther milninetl,. That one-half of the amount of taxes levied and collected under this ordinance shall In- npproprl- Usl to the payment of the extraor dinary ex|icn*c* of tho city, to-wit: The principal and interest that may become due during the year of and on tin- Ismds issued for a coinpro- miso of tin- indebtedness of the •Hy, and the salting n|«rt of a inking fund of one thousand dol lars for the redemption ol the said compromise Isunls.and the remain ing one-half shall lie appropriated to the payment of the current ex- |ien*e* of the city. SBC.-14. And be il further oedaineil, That this ordinance aliall be sub ject to amendment or repeal, in wliolo nr in |iart, nl any time dur ing the year 1881, should it be con sidered advisable to do no; nnd no such amendment or rejieal sliall, in any particular, lie so construed as to impair tho right uf tho Mayor and Council to assess and lot*/ a tax for tho whole uf the year 1881, whenever made. Sue. 15. Aral be il further ordained, Tliat all orninanccv and nnrta of ordinances, in conflict with thb ordinance, he and the aatua are hereby repealed. !’n«sod In Council January 24th, 1881. W. W. Watkiss, Attest: Chairman of Council. Jas. Hotvro.v, Cl Tt of Council. Nice country Imnis sell in Ala|»- palm at ten u-nls. I There are In Georgia only 10,110 [people of foreign birth. In -Miiiie portion* of Berrien there are raid to be sign* uf iron ore. Cnptain John McMahon, an old citizen of Savannah, died last week. The Aftien.) firemen talk nf hav- inp a fireuieii's tournament iu tliat leity in May neat. The rnpitnl of the Cuminerdal linnk nf Augusta has been increased from 8200,IKS) lo 8300,000. | Gov. Brown haa gfven one Inin- Irvd inr-lnads of hi* Dade amt to [tli), poor of Atbnta. mid tlm rail- Iresids lmiile)l them free. When the pmcr.l term of Judgo [Howard Ordumry of Bartow coun ty, expins, lie will have Imcn In klml iiftioc just twenty ream, a If (tier* I* iqio thing Jliat more than nimtlier is calculated to make a young tody feel *Wluck up” it b taking a Imnd ill a “candy .pull.''— LS'uugii' llejaildiaia, ■According to the recent rensna kicnigin tins 4.7Bl lisuu* and 2110.- 701 spiudhs in niwnilioii, wliieh coiwunio yearly U7JH74 t«li-s of Od ilon ami employ (kU78iqH-rativey. lOovemor Colquitt haa lieen noti- fii-il ofoontivls iii Iwenly-liiurtaMa growing mil of llio recent election tor county nftlrer*. Tltey enihrace nil offites except surveyor and cor- |oiu-r. Tlm Wnltmi county railroad b [just half nn hour long.—Atlanta |/’Aim*orri|A. Tin- Kandrrtville and Tenuill), railroad ia ahead of it, lin ing only fifteen minute* from end to end.—llyrke (aunty AVtrs. The Clinch Bill,* and Clarke l.iglit Inlhiitrv, of Augusta, have lieen Invited to visit Washington ■ui the fourth of March next and lake part In tile parade ireidentto the inauguration of I'rvaidenimleet | Garlic], I. Hun. Thnntaa Hanleman, IVai- ,1) ui of tin- Hlate Agrieultiiral Sei- , ty. has indefinitely |Hi*t|ioncd tlie meeting nf the Rnciely aji|Hiinlei| for tli** mil just, in llulnhnuga, oar- [ing lo the prevalence of tneaslf* in khat town. The fririidi ol General I* J. Car- ln-ll are already bringing hi* name Ihcf.iro the public, with a view-fo [tho next,(iiilH-matorial control— We know of no surer way ol killing hint. IV*,)ilo get llreiT of thw* hnig-stamling cniulidaUw. Mr. Wiley C'linlnMi-**, of Berri en, who was recently severely stab- 1**1 in a difficulty in that county, writhe to the Samlrr fiqndthean that lie hai atiflieii-nlly recoYrrml to be aide hi walk, hut the liest pliysi- ciau* aver tliat he b liable to die at any moment. He i*. therefore, winding up hb bnii- nesa and |ire|*ariiiK Air "tin-journey on which no traveler lias ever thrown any light.” The Marietta J-munl stab* that Mr. Dave Watene, an employe of the Hamilton gold mine, recently fell down the ehaftnf die mine, a d stance of seventy-five feet,rece{v. |l'ig tlii-icfrom only a few broken rile, and b now reentering. We are at a loss fo ui iilrrvlanu why hi* brain* were not knocked oat, luiiles* il he tliat he was an ex-edit or. or a book agent and caught die force of tile fell on hb chew, or 6 complete wmoglit-jrnn men. Bead Thb Letter-Il b 0»ly Om tt IU]f> ■ dnuanmaur. Taaa., N»r. S7, 1880. Du. J. Baton aur—tiir: My doagh- t. r fills lieen miff,-Hag Inr many year* with I list itrasdful sfilielioa kunwa aa Enti'ilo Dumsmt, which kaa euat Wa many dollar*, and wntwillwtaadiag I Iliad ihe 1**1 masttnal aMaediaest anald nut fiod retlef. I Imv* wasil many oth er kind* id meilirino withuat any si- feet. I hsit Jost alioHt gtoen Nr aa, was out nf heart, l>ut In^NiWM store uf W. W. Ki-li ter alncu. and be kluiwtagaf aiy i .. iiUliclioii. peraooihsl roe lo fry yoor Fvinote Begubtor. fib* Imjmto ho- prove at mine, t waa ao iletlgtatad with its ett-et tliat I bnagbi reread mase Iwtilsu The prier, 81.80 a bottle, D-enied to lie very high at ire*, bet I sow think ft tht i kaagaaffurpareHiwi lilt the gMils-, *»l too* ing what J do I won 1.1 have it If II oat 180 a bail*, foe I wo truthfully say tt has eared my daughter s«*iii,I amt well, ami ary* reTrami wfbdo am*| lusirtily neom- lucu I yonr Feaislw Kegal*ti.r to be j'Mt it i* nciuoaouitcd to bft I IhsqBS* folly, juilS-lm ft. lit Fvit