Brunswick advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1881, February 12, 1881, Image 5

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V i New Advertisements. ORE&M’CRARY ! i DEALBtW IN I f* liini ,s0 r^ODAiCliOice family GROCERIES, Provisions, Crockery and Tin tv re, l.iosIK him (ti)itiis e ,H v - CSO-.AJRS ds TOBACCO, ,«fr* w•“ •Wirtl-'iV i A V - -.. .. NEWCASTLE STREET, I U.l 1 J J.'l J -1 Hi. i • I. ‘BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. I i iLI t 5 is FERRIS & CO.'S CELEBRATED HAMS £ BREAKFAST STRIPS ALWAYS ON HAND. M Every article of tho best quality, and at the lowest price. 8ave u Your Money ! DT DUY1KO THE Best Goods at Lowest H. L. HARRIS, Next to J. Mlchelun k Itro. bargains “* offered HARRIS’ JEWELRY THE FINEST A880RTMENT OF Watches and Clocks, JEWELRY, ETC. I wish to eall attention to my selection of Indiai neat*' and children a FINGER RINGS, The largest a»eortmfnt ever kept here. Fine rolled piate watch chains, ecarf pine and rings, ladlea' and rbildren'e ear-rings of the latest et vie separable sleeve button*, solid void end plats atuda and collar buttons, silver thimbles of ev- try size, fine cutlery, musical InstrumanU, string*, plat ole and cartridge*. spectacle* and •ye-gTasaee, all of which will be *-»ld et tho low est prices. Repairing of all kinds of watches, clock*. Jew. bis prices, notice, and moat reaaou v Highest price paid for old gold in cash. taken in exchange. octlA-ljr FIRE INSURANCE J. NT. DEXTEB, INSURANCE AGENT, K FPBKSEMTS the following Fire Insurance Com pan lee: Cask A n't*. Insurance Comp, of North America.Phil $8,61X1,000 .. . - . 6,800.000 . 4,000.000 HoO.OOO Colmuhu* Insurance Co.Colum i Merchant* It Mechanic* In*.Co, < | Inauranca on dwelling* at v« 150,001) jol-12m , DAVID weISBEIN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &C. From the Savannah Times, October >tb. It la an old and true saying that energy and bualneaa tact will always com mand success, and Mr. David WeUbdu is a living Uloatratloa of the truth of that adage. Only a few years back ws can remember him as the proprietor of a little 10x12 dry goods store, with but very UtUe more atock than (bet re quired to fill the show windows of hla present store} hut today, on enquiring for Weiabein'a dry good store, you aro shows to uoe of the largest and moat completely arranged dry goods store, and that, too, containing a stock of goods in each department from which even the most skeptical can select with entire aatlafactlon, both as to quality and price. The enterprising proprietor has earned an enviable name for his establishment, and it la known through out all aectlona of tho country as Wembus a Cuat Dnr Goods Stosb, and a § an indisputable evidence of hie just claim to that distinction, we need only re. fsr the readsr to the numerous evidences contained in his advertisement. Bach an endorsement Is even strooger than newspaper talk, and la not only well deserved, bnt also in keeping with the wall-earned reputation of Mr. Wsiabeln for aq oars dealing and prompt attention to every detail of hu business. He is now ready with hi* stock for the tell and winter trade, which embraces sit of the latest novelties in hie line of trade, and those who tevor him with orders for either hla wholesale or his retell department will never have cease to re gret It. One of the main features of hla establishment is that be be brings it to the door of every customer: In fact, before the door of every bouse on evsry cross road by’hiasystem, namely: Any one who writes for samples receives them by the next mall, with prices and price list, from which selections are made, and the order forwarded. When the order amounts to ten dollars, and tha money la saut, he prepays tba freight. U the goods are ordered ** C. O. D," and the order amonats to twenty dollars, he prepays the freight. Hence, every con sumer can select his good* hundreds of miles away from Savannah, just as well as If they -were In Savannah, and get them delivered to their nearest station, free of express or freight chargee, at his low prices, and thereby secures greet earing to themselves—besides they are not compelled to buy from a country •tore, who only keep a limited assortment of goods. W. A. JOHNSON, Ba* JBoot&Shoe Maker. W ork done as cheaply, and war ranted to last as long as that of any other Workman in this section. Mending done at short notice at NEXT DOOR TO J. F. NELSON ON THE BAY. F. WARKKE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Brunswick, Georgia. he would respectfully invite bis friends i public generally to CALL AND EXAMINE, Where they have just received n full supply of Dry Goodly ^ Notions, Men’s, , Ladies' and Children’s Hats. R. B. REPPAKD, CONSTANTLY RECEIVING V.FRESH SUPPIES OF F MILT GROCERIES, JWEatablUhoJ IBM, m A.. J. MILLER & Co, Wholesolo and Retail Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wfidow Shades, Mattings, Etc., 148, ISO and 162 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, Q OiRGIA TT U for yonr interest to trado with ns, for the following, among mnny, reo* eons: We have a very targe and weir selected stock, Wegive you goat work at low prices. ill > i We fit tip oar goods thoroughly. I. W f P?« kOTr P 0 * 1 * v "T 0 " f,ull l' _ r packing nml shipping, Wo soonro lowest rates of freight. We therefore solioite trial order, feeling assured that yon rith oar goods and prices. Trices nud other ioformation oheei ill bo satisfied lecrfully furnished. A. J. MILLER A COMPANY. NEW GROCERY. O’CONNOR a WENZ j ' (DILLON’S OLD STAND), BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA, KEEP A FULL LINE OF First-class Groceries AND LOWEST CASH PRICES GUARANTEED. MANUFACTURER AND SHIPPER OF leBlow Pile lumber, Savannah and Brunswick, Ga. P. O. ADDRESS: SAVANNAH, GA. ONWARD COMES THE BOOM! Taka tba tlda at tha flood and call on A. T. mill —roB your— HEAVY & FANCY aROCERIES, FAMILY SUPPLIES. COW FEED, Etc. Ks«<pa always on hand a full aupply of CORN, OATS, ETC. Btoreon Monk street, next door to hla Livery table. tebli-ly THE BEST! The Jewelry Headquarters —Ok'— W. F. D0ERFLIN6ER la tha Bant Flare of tha Xlnd. in every respect, X2TT OWN. C ALL and examine his large and beautifully aa- 1 acted stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, Etc,, Etc., Whieh hu Juat arrival and la being said at low g^Boak’ Patent of 1 Itifcaed-bsck Watches made a specialty fabi-ly Smith — -- w. T. DOERFLINGER, Agent. Smith h Dexter building, two doors from F 0 Sale aid liver; Brunswick, - - Georgia. — ^ soli roker, j ever tha atom of Kaiser t Brother-— . I it Mir. i nee It Real Kntate Agent. STABLE, A. T. Putnam, Prop, Corner MONK A GRANT itrcoU. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. White & Decorated Crenel. China and ENGLISH PORCELAIN AT LOW PR’JCES. Fine white French China Dia ter Sets. 125 piece* Tin* white French China Tea Hate. 44 p c s a °o Fine Gold Band French China* Fcascts.44 p. 2 50 lUchlv Decorated French China -l*aaeta,44p lx 00 Chamber gets, n ple*«#, ft aa : white 4 00 WhiU Kagllah Porcelain Dinnr r HeU, 100 p 1 3 00 application. C L HADI.KY, C ooper last I tw«a. If TCIty Orders boxad and placed on Car or Steamer, tew of charge. Send C. O. D. or F. O. Money Or- Bay St., B.. mswick. Ga., O FFF.n to the public, at figure* u law M tha lowest, their entire stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, SHIP CHANDLERY, Cigars & Tobacco, CONFECTIONERIES, Etc. Shiiim, Flobidi ug Wejjim Ryiipj Savannas. May 23, l*W. \ Leave Savannah dally at... «•*} Pi * Arrive at Jaaop •• V® v. M Arrive at TbomaaviUa “ Arrive at Lira Oak Arrive TallahasM# ... f.floA’.M ...10.95 A. M 2.00 A. 11 ....WO A. M .. ,* 7. V) A M 6 UP. M ±:t£f:S Leave Jacksonville Live Oak Albany l-cave Briubrldge Leave Tbouiasvill* LeaveJeenp Arrive at Ssvaunah Mo change of earth ville and Ssvaunah ai Fnllmau Palace 81e vannah and Jacksonvi Bleeping care ran through to and from SavanwM* and Albany, pud Jacksonville and Albany without change. , i > , . i*.w. Passengers from Bavin nab for Fernaudlna, Gain- oavlUa snd Cedar Keys taka this Icrin.. j • Y. Passenger* for Darien take hla tttain^ Passengers from rtavanuah for Brohswldt tala this train, arriving at Brunswick 6:00 a. m. , ,,.,, Passengers lrere Brunswick at 6:00 pm., a^ri'- iug at Bavannah »:U0 a. m- • Passenger* leaving Mscon at 7:16 *. M. fCUl" ln- du<^ing8uuday) connect at Jeeup With tills train for Florida. Passengers from Florida by this train eonneciat Jesup with truin arriving in Macon at 6sl5 r. m (daily lmL : p .Sunday.) Connect at Albany with Passenger train* both =5 MailBteamer leaves Balnbridge for Apalachicola every Bundsy and Thursday evening; fbr Coloinbss every Tuesday aud Baturusy afternoon. Close connection at Jaekeonvllle dally (Sundays excepted) for Orecn Cove, Springs.'Bt *ugu*‘Jne, psiatka mu Enterprise, and an teiidluga hu BE Johus river. /i-t •■.it Trains oh I), and A.' II.'ll. leave Junctlbn. gojq. west, at 11:37 a. m., aud for BmnaWichat 4^*0 pi fat. daily, except Bunday. Through Tickets sold and Sleeping Car Berths eared at Bran's Ticket Office. No » Hull street. i__ at Havanuab, Florid* and Woatem hallway Fs*sea- gjr Depot. ACCOMMOATIOM TRAlX—EA8TEUM DIVISION. I^ave Kavannsh, Sundays excepted, at 7.00 S.m Leave McIntosh •• •• 9 40S tu Leave Jesup •* •• 12.30 p. m iasavo Ubtcksbesr ” 3,06 p. Arrive at Dupont * •• 7.01)p. Leave Dupont •• •• S fOS. Leave Black shear “ •• - tf.flon. /rrive at Bavannah •• western division. daily, sundats xxcr.nn Leave DuPont,at..; 6.-00 A. M. Leave Valdoete at 6J7.A. M. Leave Quitman at 0:44 A. V, Lrrlva at Tbomnsvllle at 1° 0U M. Leave Tbomasville at 9 3UP M Leave Caniil'a at *.*» P. M Arrive at Albany at ;6 f. M V av« Albany at... 6M A. M. Leave Camillan$ 8. T A..M. lic ixrvilleat.. ..r:W A. M, Leave Thomasviils at X|<6 p. M ‘ " HP. M t rive a ThomasvCle at Quitman at 3:1 Leave Valdoeteat ,...P; ... Arrive at Dnpont at V. M. 9. S, Tyson, Muter Transp wtsMoa.. \C Oooora| H BupwrtffA§5nt W T. GLOV^H; tht store atljolning the ^tbfflce y\dHi Circulating Librfciry, o 'ring books* f.N»m the heat antbtfr*. end ! SJote f |ie Andrew: Next the Pott f T s Offlw, ’ T New store! , . * J >1 » »«' • ‘f.Ant -4 .Mi 1 New Firm! jainwllRjjsfm . uEfi :,'i 1 )U :: / A.LI ATI Fare Just opened a fine stock of fresh (illOCER- lES.botb HEAVY AND FANCY, DOUBLE DAILY TO AXD FrtOSt ' ■ •’" P Li ORXf Jfk. MACON A BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. General SuperintemlHiitHtVfflc Macon. Ua.. J*n. 11, )$7f. O N and after Bunday, the ]$:h Instant, passenger trains on this road will run a* follows': T - . CUMBERLAND ROUTE VIA BUUNHWICX. NIGHT PASSENGER WO. 1 SOUTH—DAILY Leave Macon .7:45 p. i Arrive Cochran 1:4, n. i Arrive Kastman io-.« p. i Arrive Jr sup 3:47 a. I Arrive itruuswick 6U)ua. I Leave Brunswick pertilramur 0:)$ a. 1 Arrive Fsruamllna .....10:16*. 1 Arrive Jacksonville 2:35p.i NIGHT PASaKNOEB NO. 2. NORTH-’>AILY. Leave Jacksonville 11:16 a. I Leave Kernandlna per stumer 3:43 p. 1 Arrive Brunswick. 7^5 p.i Leave Brunswick I:0U p. 1 Leave Jesup 10:33 p. 1 Leave Eastman 3:31 e. l Leave Cochran 4:33 a. 1 Arrive Macon 6:63 a. 1 Close connection at Macon for all points North. East, and West via Atlanta and Augusta. DAY ACCOMMODATION NO 3, SOUTH, Via Jesup and Live Oik—Daily, except Sands; Leave Macon.,..,,...., 7:45 a. m, Arrive Cochma 10:33 a. m. Arrive Kastman 12:02 a. tu. Arrive Jesup 6:30 p. m. Arrive Jacteonvilie SAu *.». NO. 4. NORTH—Daily, except Sunday. Leave Jacksonville .i..V. 6:8i-p. ta Leave Jesup. 7:43a.m. Leave East nan 3:36 p. Leave Coachrsn 3:41 p. Arrive kfrcou 6:23 p. Connects at Macon lor all points North, East and Wes*. UAWKYNSYILLE BRANCH. F. el jM and Accommodation—Dally, except Sunday Leave Cochran 10:00 p. m Arrive HawVnav »la Leave Hawa t Macon. W. J, Jabvm, Mast. Trana. L*«. M. EDWARDS, Oen'l Snpt. Brunswick toil Alban; Rail Road Compan* Change or Schedule. AS and after Thnm'ay Jaly 10th. 1973. G trains on this Uoa 1 will ran aa follows; WESTWARD BOUND. DAILY, SUNDAY EXCEVTZD. Leave* Brunawick., *■ Yehiclr* of *iiry!dfc*cript«'dnl ttk Wri. 6r^rs sbl4-ly ¥! tkm>kea FPgASfERJNG ring 1 j L ,h hm* talt for all her contracts, and will enforce This February let. Ml. JOB. A. B. DENNETT. ./ lk.o:m .a iUI'/ i >1 *iil* OoQ teted print yonr honeea wl lkla, '*h»Q o«i’ Boots, Shoes, Hats, OX.OTHX3STO. 1% arrows, Ere. Alford. 6.17 p.m Arrive at Alh*nr 6.00 p.m eastward bound. DAILY, tux DAT sxcxytxd. LetTts Albany ....RCOam Arrive at BranawUk tun** CQA8. L. SCHLATTER, Oonerxl Superintendent. AwistanO R. D. HEADER • thd nicer every Itt>»u 1 taylobb TOMicsos Lime, Corn & Hay ly on band. Ws al#*i fail yourattea large stock of Lumber always In ysrd. 1 tow that an v one with a tittle reelf ran bnild and own a hoots, ('all on Ws before parchaaing ejeaw here. may*, ly Constantly t prices * C. P. GOODYEAR, (Lark or Dxcx.w., .. uusou.) ATTORNEY AT RAW. Jacksonville, - Florida. Will practice in State end no ted Ruu eCmrrtwef rl ’n-la. Will attend ralarly ahe. seesiqfis pt. fVAUMrind. CbaMbMWii jJpMtW cJurw WQV-tak) 1 URRftt. •. - . -WB ALSO KERr FINE BRA NDH OB ^ Tobaccos. & Jcigaiwr Oxjec ysitoruaje): ‘ “As Low as the Lowest.’. IL > front of I^ben Honan, *••» uu.l door from cornvr^ v k .»A NEWCASTIJS STRKJET, A FINE STOCK OF ■ n jnirr'iTU / I rpOO numerous In mention, to which I invite A the attention of my friends and tha publle generally. Come and examine my atock befora risssauMhoim' Watchmaker and Jeweler, ***I-lf : (i Bey JR reel J Brunswick. Oa. L V. WOOD GENERAL m nun ■ >)"J •''olx>iiEad£ii2 • i-i/in i NAV^K'STORES, BRUNSWICK: GKORGIA. A meats. Quick retyra* *»>.! hiabc-t market ) re* gaamttoad. 1 -Frepwred ft tuare tTbaral Ad- - ,,<f'\VA± ^mrM!:ck6& A TTORSEYS ATI LAW, '-I •< BRUNSWICK/ V ■ • OEORCIA. Of.. If ^woa>>»,IM fitUXllfc 1 Boot and Sho&Sboji NOTICE. .30ITCH(HJA103*IE [I AVISO secured tne services of another com- mvW IM MW *m *w/> odw I t ■•n.a ~a(.\ 1 "* tJu• . ujit,,. ‘ n> - tCmU.rj, * ■ H/r.,1 ... rj Accordeons, Harmonicas, viflussTBLVfJi, ; T»y8 > Hww«:«WK:; CIIHISTMAH TREE ‘ '