The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, January 23, 1880, Image 2

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tip tllprokce 'Abuaott. BEN. F. l’HKRY, Rditoiu Canton, Cherokee County, Oa. FRIDAY. JANUARY 28, 1080. EDITORIAL UAMBLUs. At Abbeville, 8. C., the hessian fly is doing much damage. High license!! closed all the barrooms burton, On., on the 10th inst. It*n operatives in London have for an increase of 10 per cunt, et. Mr. Jaiiies A. Stephens, of Cartcrsvillc, we regret to learn lias failed. Liabili- tics about 87,000. * Borne of best citizens of Conyc’rs are getting up an exodus to Atlanta, Elber- ton and ulsew here. An accidental tire in the Magnolia Hotel, at Green Cove Spriug*, Florida, resulted in iib complete destruction. Atlanta has for some time been having Diue Ribbon 1 emperuuce rustings, but now they have the “blue ribbon cigai." We «lo not go much on politics this week, indeed there is but little or Uo politics to tipcak of, except a little sput they are having up iu Maine, aud we prefer that they work it out themselves. Monroe Advertiser: I)r. Geo. Little, who was State Geologist before the de partment was discontinued, aays that a f 410.000,000 worth of bullion be produced in Georgia every r*' land ot Saint Kitts last week •vus me scene of quite a destructive flood by which over two hundred lives were lost and property to the amount of S250- 000 destroyed, while the whole Island was laid in waste. Jonesboro's citizens were made quite indignuut, <>u the night of the 15th iust., by a possue ot men taking t:nm the jail a gegro, Mat Smith, who wuscmlined for attempted crimes at Mrs. Gay's, and lynching him. Petitions have been presented to Con gress by the women of Illinois asking for the removal of their political disabil ities and Tor constitutional amendments gtviug women, as citizens., a right to vote This may all be -well enough, but at present we are not prej ared to advocate it. What are your views V A disastrous lire broke out in the Au gusta Cottou Factory warehouse, on the 14th inst., totally consuming it with 1500 bales of cotton. The estimated loss is $80,000 with $.00,000 Insurance Origin unknown, but supposed to have caught from a damp bale which ! ad for some time bien burning on the inside. ■ ••• — Brunswick Artverti.-er: “Well, the Macon and Brunswir k Railroad has been leased to parties who are supposed to be in the interest of our town. 7 lie proba bilities arc thut our fair ci:y will soon be visited by men seeking a place to invest their money and become b<*na fide set tlers. Looking only to . lie good of our place, and piofitiug by the experience of the past, we, rignt here, lift our voice against a policy suicidal in its* If and damaging to our oest interest. 1 he nat- tcndency of real estate owners, at juncture, i- to put up the price of Against >ucu a policy we earnest- ntest, believing it to be unwise and Mental to our best interest. Don’t if the men who would come around jou to build up the place. We need money, we need people. Encourage them and not repel them. If we throw away this opportunity we throw aw.iy our all. Improve the golden moment." THE NEW YEAR. The New fear Is passing by Do you mark its noteless footsteps. January is almoet gone—only a f w day* lei.. H* ve you sp»*nr i lie day* well r Are you getting ready tor a full year of deeds—improve- meat of every day ? Do not waste the days of the New Year. It may be your last year of life. Before its close you may be called to your reward in the world unknown to mortals. If this is your last rear of life make it a profitable one, spend it well. Let your fellows feel, when they lay you away to rest in the lap of mother earth, that the world is the better for your having spent the New Year in it. Farmers bo up and do ing; merchants and business men the same. Mortal men and women all awake to the magnitude of the demands which are upon you, both temporal and moral Thu doings of this year will be record ed either fit or against you ii. your his tory here and in the great book of God aboVe. At this opening of the New Year pros perity blesses on: land. Husbaud your resources'—use all economy aud industry, and then, if in the future you fall on ad verse times, you wii l be the better pre pared to endure liardne.-s. Do uoi waste any thing—neither lime nor money, or that which is money's equivalent. Take care ot the fragments—take them “up tliut nothing be lost " There is little danger that a man will throw away a Hundred dollars, but he may throw away one cent or five cents. Renumber all good things are made up by a combiuu- uation of littles—cue hundred dollars is counted by cents—ears fill the crib- bundles make (lie slack of foddei—-rail roads are built by counting one stroke of the pick und one shovel ot earth at a time. A great, happy and prosperous life is made up of littles. lie diligent ami (pool iu every sense, and this New Year shall be crowued with gladness to you, aud if your life should end with it, or before it, your good deeds will linger in the memory of your associates like echoing shouts ot victory upon the uurs of a victorious army. May the New Year bring us all bless ings and prosperity. * iBmmcuicii! NEW fcTOKE NEW FIRM j.rn cheat noons. K. B. HOU.AND J. B. HARDIN. Forttiuutu or Unfortunate. Gov, Brown, President of the Western Si Atlantic Railroad, is certainly “fortu- uutu," as we .heard & man remard some days since, iu effecting a combination with the Louisville >V Nashville Uuil Road and the Central Railroad, of Geor gia, by which ho will have for the W. & A. Railroad the benefit of carrying the Western through freights from Cliutta- uoogn to Atlanta. But why say lortunute? '1 his couibi* nation was not an accident—a happen so. It is a result of loug coutiuued and per sistent effort <»n the part of Ex-Governor Browu and his company. Any man may he fortunate in the same sense in which ex-Governor Brown is fortunate—any one nmy have success if they work in telligently and persistently for it. This is the reason why so many men are uu- fortuuate, viz : They set down and wait for something to happen—to take place —that will throw fortune in their way. If you would be fortunate work for it every day aud nigit. Give room by stiiring around for something to happen. Stinginess never made any man rich or happy. Industry, economy and liberality arc the springs of fortune. Touch them freely, and riches and happiness flow as 8ii rely and freely as soqnds from a well strung instrument when the keys are sprung by a skillfull musician. ♦ * * We lean from the papers, and you know how reliable they are, that from apme canse the combination above refer- ed to will not go into operation —proba bly not. B B Holland » Co., (McAfee’s old stand.) SUCCESSORS TO SPF.IR and GALT. CANTON, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTION^, UQOT8, SHOES aud HATS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY And rations other articles, too numerous to mention, usually kept in t General Mercliandlae stock, which we are offering at prices to suit the times. We are paying the high est market, price for all COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having bought out the entire stock of f loods belonging to Bpeir Si Halt, and en arged, we feel warranted in saying we Can sell goods cheaper than the cheapest. If you dou’t see what you want a*k for it and we will take pleasure in waiting on you—^io trouble to show goods Come and see us, we are satisfied we can please you, both in quality and pric.*. Remember the place is at E. B. ROLL Nl) A Co. Canton, Ga., Jan. 14th 1880. (J. H. TROUT, Plain and Ornamental HOUSE PAINTER, KALSOMIMEIi and CARRIAGE PAINTER. CAN i ON GEORGIA Jan 10—8m. C. M. McCLUBB, CANTON, GEORGIA, DEALER IN DRY dt)ODS, GUO- FRIES, HARDWARE, HATS, . , $ ,| l^OOTS a*d SHOE#, And a full line of goods usually kept in a General Brock. Thankful for pa>t favors, he earnestly solicits his friends generally to call ami see him, at the corner of Marietta and Gaine-ville streets. U. M. MoOlitue. Canton, Ga., Jail. 14tu 1880. LIBEL FOR UlVuH^E. 1 ItV El.LIS ) ClIKltoKEK SUPKIUOH vs. I Court, August Turin, IIenky Ellis.) 1870. It appearing from the return of the Sheriff and proof submitted that the de fendant does not reside in the State it is ordered that defendant appear and an swer at the next term of this Court or the case lie considered in default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and this rule be published once n moutn for four months in tne Gkoroia Advocate, Geo. N Lesteh, Judge S. C. A true copy. Jabez Galt, Clerk S. C. H. W. Nkwman, Attorney. Oct. 28 — lem4m DISSOLUTION. The Firm of J. G. Evans & Co., has this day dissolved by mutual consent, and Mr. J. G. Evans will continue busi ness at tiie old stund in his own interest. All persons having claims against the firm will please present them to .T. G. Evans tor Daynunt, and all persons in debted to the firm will please make im mediate payment to J. (J. Evans, or they will find their notes and accounts in the hands ot collecting officers. Thanking our friends for their liberal patronage and hoping that Mr. Evans may contin ue to supply them m any and everything they may need, we remain, Respectfully, Joseph M. McAfee, John G. Evans- UEOUG1A, Chekokee County : Melissa Waldrup, wife of Eli Waldrup, has applied to me for Amendment and Exemption of Personalty, as supplement to Homestead, and I will pass upon the same at my office at 10 o’clock, a. m. on the 10th day ol February 1880. This the 22nd day of January, 1880. O.W. PUTNAM, Ord y. Cantou Market Report. COTTON MARKET. CORUECCKD WEEKLY BY OUR COTON BUYEliS The Quotations given below are sub ject to fluctuation; the prices of to-day should not be relied upon aa absolutely sorrect tor to-morrow, but about so. Good Middlings : s 11% Middlings : : : : t : 19 1-S Stains c : t : 9 1-8 The Place to get Bargains! IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY SPRING STOCK I am now offering my entire stock of Mens, Boys and Youths Clothing, Shawls, Jeans, Skirts, Sacques and Blankets, at NEW \"ORK cost. This is no humbug to swindle the people, but a fact.—Come und be convinced of what I say. I have also nice line of Ludies Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Notions, Huts and Gents Furnishing Goods at the lowest possible prices. FURNITURE-FURNITURE! I have just received Two Car Loads of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WASH-STANDS, CHAIRS AND MATTRESSES, ut bottom prices. R. HlRSOH. MARIETTA, OA., Jan. 12th 1880.—lj-. Ccgal 'Abuevtiscnicnts. CHEROKEE SHERIFF SALES. Will be sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Canton, Cherokee county, Georgia, within the legal hours of salt;, on tin-first Tuesday in February 1881), the following property, viz: L"ts of land Nos. 731, 7.(2, 7?3 and 781, all in the 15th dist., and 2nd section of Cherokee county, ' -a., levied on as the property of Joel T. Iluiey, to satisfy a tax Ii fa. issued by A L. Kinnett, tax collector of snid county, in favor of statu and county vs Joe! T. Haley for his tax for 1879. Tenant in possession notified. Also, lots of land Nos. 403 an i 402, all in the 3d dist. and 2nd section of Chert) kee county, levied on as the property of James M. Stephens, to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A L Kinnett, tax collector of said county in favor of 8tate and county vo James M Stepiiens for his tax for 1879. Also, lots of Und Nos. 84 aud 02 m the 21st dist. und2 .tt section of Cherokee county, and No. 995 in the 15th dist. and 2nd section of Cherokee county, lev ied on as the property of James U. Vin cent to satisfy a tax fi fa issued hy A. L. Kinnett, tax collector of said county in favor of State and county vs James U. Vincent, for ins tax for 1870. Party no tified. Also, lot of land No. 19(1 in the 22ml dist, and 2d section of Cherokee county. Ga. b-vied on as the property of James M. Stephens to satisfy a tax fl fa issued by A. L. Kinnett, tax collector of said coun ty in favor of State and county vs James M. Stephens, for his tax for 1879. Also, lots of land Nos. 208 ami 549 all in the 3d dist. ami 2ml section of Chor- okte county, Ga., levied on as the prop erly of Harrison Black, to satisfy a tux fi fa issued hy A. L. Kinnett, tax collector of said county in favor of State and county vs Harrison Black for his tax for 1879. Also, lots of land Nos. 321,327,394, 395, 303. 392, 397, 398 399 400, 463, 464, 465, 466, 474, 441 and 612, all in the 3d dist., and 2nd section of Cherokee coun ty, Ga., levied on as the property of Win. Hoskins, to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. Kinnett, tax collector of said coun ty iu favor of State and county vs Wil liam Hoskins, tor his tax for 1879. Ten ant notified. Also, lot of Und No. 165, in the 15th dist, and 2nd section of coun ty, Ga. levied on as the property of Rcb’t B Adair, to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A. L. Kinnett, tax collector of said coun ty in favor of State aud county vs Rob ert B. Adair for his tax tor 1879.^ Also, one Sorrel Horse, about 16 bauds high and about ten years old, levied upon as the property of J. L. Clarkson & Co., Principals, and ltobt. F. Hobbs, security, to satisfy a 11" fa iu favor of Henry Phillips. E. G. GRAML1NG, Sheriff. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY— Whereas certain petitioners have made their application to this court praying an order granting the establishment of a new road, commencing at the Gilmer’s Ferry road uear the residence of J. M. Gilmer, thence in the direction of Canton to or near the reiidence of Uriuli Nix, thence to iutersect the Fowler’s Ferry roud at the most convenient point; and whereas commissioners appointed for that purpose have reviewed and marked out said contemplated road, and reported to me that said road will be one of much public utility and convenience; now this is to cite and admouish all persons that on and after the 6th day of February 1880, said new road will be granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under my hand and seal 5th day ot January 1880. O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary. A l) MINIS 1 It A TOR'S SA L h\ GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY— By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold on thr first. Tuesday in Febrmry next, at the court-house door in said county be tween the legal hours of sale, the tract of land in said county whereon Lawson /fu- dacil resided at tiie time of his death, containing 200 acres more or less, the same being lots of land Nos. 1211, 1212, 1237, 1165 ami 1284. all in the 3d dis trict and 2d section of said county. Terms of sale cash. This Jan. Silt, 1880. S E, RUDAClL, Administratrix. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY— When-as Silas K. Payne, administrator of Joel B. Pa/ne, represents to the court iu lii-* petition duly filed and entered on record, that lie has fuily administered Joel 1J. Payne’s estate; this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration aud receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April 1880. This Jan. 5th. 1880. O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary. Jan. 5 3m GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY— Whereas Janies W, Cornelison, admin istrator of Elijah Owen, represents to the court in his petition duly filad aud enter ed on record, that he has fully adminis tered Elijah Owen’s estate; this is, there fore, to.cite all persons concerned, kin dred aud creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April 1880 This Jan. 5th 1880. O.W. PUTNAM, ‘ Ordinary. Jan. 5 3m. GEORGIA—CHEROKEE COUNTY. Henry F. Cagle having applied to be appointed Guardian of the property of 1 homus N. Cagle, a minor under fourteen years of age, resident of said county: This is to cite all persons concerned to he and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held on the first Mon day iu February next, and show cause, it they can, why said Henry F. Cagle should not be entrusted with the guar dianship of the property of said Thomas N. Cagle. Witness my official signature this Jan- uary 5th, 1880. O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. Whereas certain petitioners have made their application to this court praying an order granting the establishment of a new road, commencing at Woodstock and running east along the line ol land lot between M. S. Paduu and Dr. Meritfc to a point near Dock Morises, thence north east to Reub’s Creek, crossing the cieck at the line of laud lot between Parks Dobbs and Dr. Meritt, following said line to the foot of the hill, thence around the hill on the south side, thence north-east across said line in front of Dobbs’ house, tlieuco mo to cast through the lauds of Dobbs, Edwards, Davis and Say, to the river, crossing too rivi-r in Say’s plantation, tnence to the line of land lot between Sty ami . , „r e east along said 'me as near m pramiea- ble and to intersect the ihiIm e run 1 be tween N. Barues and J.isp r Dodd.-; amt whereas certain commissium-rs appointed tor the purpose have reviewed and mark ed out said contemplated road ami report ed to me that saidcoutempliited road will be one of much public utility au.i conve nience; now this is to cite and admouish all persons that on and after the 7th day ot February 1880, said new road will be granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under my hand and seal this 30th day of December 1879. O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.