The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, February 06, 1880, Image 4
Hew to* »«rk }mm~-UpMt the gravy. * -‘\* »• * '. , t When you natal) task La , cy-fer one.' -/ ■:•• ‘OiImH; water* it the la teat une giveu to rum. .... .% V good jud/p of mat ton ough t to be wether wise. Did the fellow get whipped who. provoked* amilaJ *<!*•■ Bread-making • totnee undei the head ol doughOMttte rroipee. * The Mill rtioe paew-a current. It would be damned if i* didn't. Our winter l* traveling in Kuro|h* when fee ought 4a Ua at home attend ing to (maineas. There is amnatfcing aaddening about a pair of ■ciaaora-^nlna I they only meet to sever. Any mau can edit a newspaper, but it takeaa genius to make flw hundred mile* iu siy.daya. Whatever object ion May be op|*oa ed to whipping, it is at least undeni able that it niMkea a boy smart. The beat business in. Leadyille is that of a lawyer ; the yiejU bast, that of an undertaker; the poorest, Unit of a miner. Who* is. the difference betwreu m certain Human Emperor and u drunk en mau ? One’s Titus, an Emperor, the other’s tight us u brick. He had expanded his breath trudg ing up a steep hill, and naively confessed to a brother pedestrian, that the climb it didn’t agree with him. Mucauley was sour enough to say : “Men are loved by women in propor tion to their auoeess in life.” He was a biohelor and devoted himself to making history. Young man, diamond pins look real nice and glisten brightly ; but when four dollars a Week supports a man and n pin both, one or the oth er is-Rpt genuine. An* egotistioal clergyman of this country, *in the goad old days,’ when muriyiug a couple, invariably silut, “Whitfp God and l have joined to gethefi let no man put asunder.” If the young man who parts his hair in the center and carries u pen over his ear. were to pass away, the vacancy could not he tilled bv any thing in this world, unless it was a sick cat. A fCttnstis burglar has sued a black smith who refused to make hiui cer tain tools to open a safe, “thereby damaging said plaintiff in tip- sum of ♦10,080. These blacksmiths must be tutight a lesson. “Is business good?” inquired a iriend of an undertaker. ’‘Business good?’’ lie reiterated. “You bet; two in walnut, two in ropewpod and three on ice, at this bleVSeil moment. —Scientific Americun. Evidence Olfactory.— Angelina (scientific)—‘Doyou smell the iodine Irom the sch, Edwin ? Isn’t it re freshing?' Old salt (overhearing) -—‘What you smell ain’t the sea, mist; it’s the town drains, us flows out just ere.’ Emerson snys a man ought to Carry a pencil and note down the thoughts «d the moment. Yes, and one short pencil, devoted exolnsiVOs ly to that use, would last about 8,000 years, mui then have the original point on. There is an article going the rou-ids under the title “how to avoid bad butter.” We should say a good way to do it wou'd be not to go near the Illumed old goat, an,d it he ootnes bear \ou, climb over tne fence and slip up tlu- hack stairs. “Why, Siuh, I am astonished.’ said a wor'lly dmcon, “didn’t we tak'- you in the church a short time situ: V “I—helievi—so,” hiccupp ed Slab, “and between you and me lu.d the gate post, it is a little the tlarcdest take iu you ever saw or heard of.” A gentleman not extremely giv en to piety was dismayed by being asked to say grace at u strange table. To I't-fpse and explain would be einbarius.sjpgj to comply wopki be eqtially so; but he chose the latter, and started otfbriskley enough with “Oil, Lord,'bless this table-—.” Just here,*being unused to ihe bus iness, be. ueaily biukti down, but by a gigantic eflur pulled through with, “Worjd without. cpd, Youis, re* afW5«fully- am< »).** A tlew York oorrespondeni writes; It a a problem. tk|at is hai4 *o solve, how.tka rioh oiiy ohupchea lh»t wall ■iff tlieir pe«m wijp high prior*, expect t» be'fOrgivsn in the #brU To dOtrte. A mohal fouif^man^of food iwtelDCt and predisposition toward ajl that Is food, related Co tdt the other -day his expedience in trying p) g*t a ftew in mchureii he was fond pi attawdiug. His taste led him to that chase It, not because it was the most ponalar, hft its miniater was leutHed mid eloquent and each sermon was an good as a book. *The choir, tixf, was nearly perfect. The so) ranoSang Josephine sweetly in Binafore, and the tenor sang Ralph, the organist was a com. E Oitr, and the basso was a profunda [e called ppen the 'pew committee, locked about the church ai>‘d : *chtct«;d a sent two ilii ds ot the Way-'buok in the body of tlie church. ‘How much is that p-w ?’ asked the applicant ‘Eight hundred dollars, sir,' sam the' committeeman. ‘But 1 want only t woij scats in it. 1 have no family esc-p-S myself and wife,* urged the moralj young man. ♦We.dpti’i split up trio pews,’ said ijt* commitleeiuan, an perdilinusly. The M Y. M. had an income o| ♦1,000 u ynir. lii| hop** cost him ♦GOO u year, aud lie cpld .live in all of its three stories line hundred and sixty-five days in h< year and read John Wesley's si cur .if. Dr. Bushn.di's sermons. Hie term Cf great men,, living and den t. ID- was williug to pay *U0 a year * the thirty sermons wir.uli a mi m, gives iu a city chine i. Th s wimld be an admission into the c .uicI'mh ♦l a head for himself for thir y tmuv, if they went every time tin* imsi.h preached. It lie paid ♦800 » veil l e would have just ♦iOO leit IW to...a and clothing and would ov paying over 885 a Sunday for tin- svimpn in got. lie was told that plenty ot in- u paid more than that sum for sitin g in that sanctuary, lie t-xjdaiued that he was young, of lull' It motile us he thought and that in- wished to be identified with a cougivgii: um where his progress woul I he upward. lie Wtui conducteil to the veiy last seat iu the house, where the pulpit look ed us though it was viewed through the small end of u telescope and tne Words of the minister came as mde stinct us though they had h-en worn out traveling through u telephone Thi$ seat is eighty dollars,’ said the ceihtnitUcinuu. ‘If you want any thingoneaper yon must go op into the gallery and lo .k al those i i the hack row.* The yojug man walked out of iha ohurch with plenty to think about. ‘It co9ts less,’ tliougl h -, ‘to see Shakspeare inierprcteU hv master minds, to hear the grand.ct operas 8Urig by magic voices, to posness books Written by grand-r in. n than any who feed on delicacies, wiiIihi'n and wine during the week a d pieaoh ou Sunday, to travel and see the beauties of nature, to visit art galle ries and print stores than to attend church.* There is not much wonder that he didn’t go to church. His pride could not endure the feeling of deadiiendism, which seia cl him in his visits Hi to, as a regular transient attendant, and tile exigencies of the high pressur- cliutch system, wliich demand lit l.-asl a tenth of his income lor a si at u the c< i.sicrated places, kepi him a strung r to that house ol worohip. . Bo Short. Ling visits, long stores, long .« says, long exhortatioN*-', and long players, seldom .profit those who huve to do with them. Life is short. Time is short. Moments aiv pre cious. Learn to cond-i s--, uhndg and intensify. We can h ur tin g- that arednil if tlteV ate only s.i o t. We can endure mm v an ,.che ll :t is over soon, whil- e\et- pleawnr-s grow insipid, a d pain into! tahl-. if they he pro ractcil beyond tne lim its of re son aid convenience. L at n to he slioi'l. - L-'P < tt‘ hranebet ; s' ck to the in a ■ n tuc s in your i'hs- . If \ou | ray, ask oi what you mink you will receive, m.d gei through ; il y inap.ak. tell >our un -sige md hold your peace. B-nl down two words into one, and three into two Always be short. ^lo^ciAvoriat * u ♦ -> ' :: r r Bbm. F. Pain a. P. P. DvVhh A DuPre, ATTORNK Y8r AT : L AW, CAsroN;■ gko mu a. Will practic,- in the Blti*- R<4ge Circuit, *oH in hemkre. Office in tfi*- puirt-hojiar, .vrkli the Or illnary.'. Collection of chijn*kr.peci«Uy. A. Jr.* DENTIST. Office in MeClalchy'n Building, Somih- went cornff Public Square, ikttj*, m. J-ST* ‘ood work at 1/nwttnT prices . Wm. A Teasley, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, .. CASIOS, , - - - UKORG1A, Will practice in thu enurtanf the iihie llitige Circ.uit. i.ini uive apeciul utt> ntion (In- Mieiim ami collection of claims. Refers to M«-a»rs Crnnu ISoylston & Co. ’Hid Capt. Jap. It. Wiley. K< lantn. On., artd •I 4. N -rrlicuti & Son. Marietta, Ga. H. W. Newman. ATIORNEY AT LAW. CANTON, GEORGIA. WILL practice iu the superior courts m heroicee and ndjoining counties Prompt stteittion- given »o nil hnsine.^s placed in his hands. (Jflice in lUc curt loil'C. Robert E. Cason, DENTIST. Anyone vvir-liing work in I lie way ol Dentistry will do well to give me a call at the McAfee Mouse, where I will he hereafter the first week in each month Mv Pries are dow n to sni the times 1. JOil M. TUSK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tenders hib thanks to the people of Canton and Cherokee county lor the very ‘liberal patronage confeited upon him for the lust ten years, and lie hopes to merit a continuance of the same. OlRcg ou corner Maiu aud Mulberry streets, Cun ton, Ga. James 0. Dowda, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CANTON, GA. WILL practice in the Superior Courts of the tJhie Ridge circuit; in the Dis trict Courts of the United States of the Northern District of Georgia, and in the Supreme Court of Georgia. Will give special attention to the col lection of claims and to questions aris ing from land agencies, Ac. CHEROKEE DRUG STORE. THE MOST POPULAR S! ORE t-vtr opened in Cautou, and furnishing more of the ntcuaities and essentials of life. The most handsome store North of At’nut' containing every article u-ually sold in Drug Stores of large cities. I earnestly an 1 urgently ask your patron age that I may sustain a Di.uu STonafor your convenience and comfort. Buy all your Medicines, Drugs, l'aints, Oils, Ki mgs. Kerosene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, etc., from Cherokee Urtif Store. J)i\ W. A. Greene, OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL Si rvices to the people as (•ONBUI;rING PHYSICIAN, And iu ul l cases of Surgery and treatment of Clir o ic Diseases, tan lie c-umllcd ai my office in “Cherokee Drug Store” at all time- 1 Residenc--, Canton Hotel. W. A. G/fEENE, M D. A ton of gold makes it traction over 8500,0110, and when a man says Ins wife is worth her weight in gold, and she weighs 120 pounds, she is worth 830,000. C. DRV MeCLUBE, CANTON, GEORGIA, DEALER IN Bob Ingt-rsoll thinks that all the hell a man passes through is in this world. This idea he. formed while running a newspaper and trying lo please everybody. goods; groceries. HARDWARE. HATS. HOOTS and 8HOfS. And •» full line of goods usually kept in n Gene, il,S ock. Thanktul fur past favors, n<- rnrin-ily illicit hi> trii i ds generally »• * call Hnd ; ;i e h'lw. - at i Ire corner uf Mnfettaund Ga ni -Villc 'treita. C. M .Me' LultK. C.i' kin c \ Jan. Ilf . DK-i, 05 -• ^ * v , s. 1 i co s SO m % , a s J BS I i i s *. 1 V, c s •c 3 O’ | > ' p i M 1 M tiS CZJ rD CD C •-1 o c MARIETTA Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. (Opposite the Eenncsaw Houte.) J. A. G. ANDERSON, Proprietor, THE BEST OF VEHICLES, THE safest ot drivers and the fastest ot horses are always ready, night and day, for hire. No man, woman or child ever has given mo a call in the past, who has been, nor shall any ever in the future, be diasatisti ed with my teams or the men iu my em loy. Everything and everybody about me are A No. ONE. I have cheapened my charges propor tionate to the stringency of the times. For references os to the truth of what I say, us to the turn outs and charges, go to my trieuds, which means the public gen erally. Parties hiring are strictly responsible for thesiifety of themselves, vehicles and horses. J. A. G. ANDERSON. Jan. 8tli 1880.—lyr. M0RII1G REIS SERItLS & SSW SSOKY By a Lady of Florida Sombre Monde. A Novel BY MARY ROSE FLOYD. The Savunuab Weekly News Ot N-'vembar 29lIi contains the opening chunters of au int-nsely interesting.and eh- rmingly written Si-iiul Story, entitled, SoMHKK Monde, written expressly for the News by Miss Mary Rose Floyd, of Daly Grove, Fla. tfoMBUE Monde will ruu through, some eight or t< n numbers of the Weekly Niws. New subscribers should commence with commence a« nt of the story. Sub cription £2 a year, £1 for six months Mm ey can be sent by Money Old, r. Registered Letter, or Express at our r -k J. H. EST1LL S; vast Ga. \ the ,1-Tyys^ ciismuni, ■ During tli.^ Mtniiagt jear—**e«r vital will wivar.a ih»progress und quimiaatioa •f the mo't interestiag poliiiral cont« BU, ? Abat hasev^r tJkHE pi sc# ia thi* cminFry —every citizen mid every thoughtful per son will h« compelled to rely upoa tlw newsp*|>ers fur iaforniation. Why not get tile ben.l ? Abnxd the oust it ill ion m recognized, K-fern'd to ami quoted trom as the lending s tith.*rti j->ernal-^as the organ mnd;Veiliclv ,nf tk»4eit ern thought -uid upinion—an l at home ita column an: consult'd for the latest news, the lVei«'h?st VmiVlnei f, 4ni1*ful' atf' .matters of special and current interest.-’ The vknstittitioa. contains more-aad'Ma- fer telegrHjdiic news t]nm any,other Georgia, paper, and this particular foat ure wilt be largely^added to during the coming ycai. All ita facilities eriog the latest news from all partaof the country will .he enlarged und supplis mi nted 1 lie fcotutitiition Is hath curon-' icier and eormnentcr. Its editoiiMl opin^ ions, its cootriluitjuiM to the drift of cur n:nt discuaaion. d* humoropi m d satiri* cal puragraplis, are copied from one end of the country to the other. It aim &1- , waya-to be tin. brightest and the boat-?- iiew>y, origindl. and piquant. It lima purtieulnrly to give news impartially and lully, and to keep ita r?adei* iu formed of Ihe drift of current discussion f>v UUel^l but concise quotation, from all its con* teni|x)raries. It anna, in aliort, to more th-n.ever deserve to be kgown as “the leading southern newspap T.” Dill Arp will continue t<» contribute his unique letters, which grow in savory humor week by act k. “Oid Si” wi't add his quaint ton to the collection of gomi things, and “Uncle Remus” has in preparation a se ries of negro myth legends,' illustrating the folk lore of the old plantation. In every respect the Constitution for 1880 will he better than over. The Weekly . Constitution is a careful ly edited compendium nf thc news of the week and contains the best und fresh est matter to > Ire found in any other weekly from a’dally office. Its news and miscellaneous contents are the freshest and its maikct reports the latest. * THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR. This, the best, the most reliable and tnoat popular of southern agricultural journals is issued from the printing es- • tnblisbmcnt of the Constitution. It is still edited by Mr. W. L. Jonc*s, and is devoted to the best interests of the farm ers of tho south, It is sent at reduced rut«?8 witii the Weekly edition of tho Constitution. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Constitution 810 00 a year. “ “ 5 00 six months “ “ 2 50 three months Weekly Constitution 1 GO a year. “ ’* 1 00 six months “ ■* Clubs of 10, 12 50 a year. *• “ Clubs of 20,20 00 “ Southern Cultivator 1 50 *• “ “ Clubs of 10,.12 GO “ “ “ Clubs of 20, 20 00 “ Weekly Constitution and Cul tivator to same address... .2 50 a year. Address THE CONS riTUTION, Atlanta, Ga. JOSEPH ELSAS, North Side Public Square. MARIblTA, GEORGIA, Has u large stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Huts, Caps, Clothing, Etc., Crockery Ware, BootB and Shoes—the hast, custou made work —which lie offers cheap for CASH. all and see foryour- s*df. No trouble to demonstrate to you What is going on in selling goods now in tunes when goods must be sold for cas)v,, and cash only. Thanking all my friends for their lib eral patronage, and asking a continuamje of the same, I am, very respectfully, JOSEPH ELSAS. J. w. JARVIS, JEWELER and OPTICIAN, 0 AXtTm, 64. I RESPECTFULLY ASK I HE PAT- ronage of all parties needing work in my line to give me a trial before going else where. I GUAB.VNTFU MY uOKK and will work-KXTEM.EI.Y low. Parties living at a distance, who will give me their work, need have no fears of its safe delivery, I will return nay article left with me free of charge. I also have in connection with my Jew elry Sh *p n well fitted up B*MIOTOGMt*1 PSi UAL.LKR P, where I will take your FERROTYPES and PHOTOGR.VPJ.I6 cheaper than the cheapest, and* ga irintee-SHtisfaction. I can be found on Wain S(redt iietwenn the storct of It. f. • .Joteu. and Dr. G/eene Gi7e me a call and a Iria: J. W ,tA!<YTS 4*' if-.