Newspaper Page Text
/x— Alabama’* insane asylum, is full.
"■ -*Pliu (Jubaiia hare brew shaken
mu lolGMlO^WW 1 "-
inn'll 101
The Ailutot# Post hup«l Atlanta
avenigfk'Ofte' ttffieitcffc per, inofttU
I’Oll ft i'tivt —
Both lances of (Congress are eijr
worlv Hs I*
»ll « "M
41 »ltd .fill
Macon lia-H rented tl* ItoiitaviMo.
’ £ 1111 ym
day, Not Frld
the change *
issues. The
issued on W'
retofoic. Th
ns we stated in recent issues, is made to
moat especially suit the mails »f those
subscribers on tiic Talking Hock Route.
It'tsts muiittrt n gNut;*dpw h«Hi kuil
night work to accomplish this; now we
trust all wll* give us tlieir encouragement
and mtre^ftge and we ahull in evyrv y*j
t-ndrttvor to 4^ r » < ydti » county papir d J
wwitig <f your uppwvi » ' »--
sir t trvn **i**
.. . .... - r , J I, „ # if |r w — « *- - -r.
YelUjW Feyof//i» raging in a paper; aud, they ahull have if they wjll
mild form ill Ura r /<iU in feared, only give us a hearty and earnest sup-
,, , /i^e.tyay tyifnake a good .county pews
paper is tor the citizens of tipi county to
rally to its support. r £..c Adyanck is a
/ i* ■ IT 1, i * , *" L ' J , - . t. I
i)«w enterprise. Itj if not perfect l;y any
means'but it is good, if.we do say it or.r-
salvea. It ia well worth the price claim
ed tor it. » • i»
!- We intend t<» do our 'best to mntke it
belter every week. Aid us by giving
the paper your patronage and speaking
n good word for it to \bur friend*. Cher
okee tia large and wealthy county ;
citizens nru intelligent tpid enterprising,
attyl they ought to liaye, a good county
xt fi 3 moons
.n in
s lie*
will sprbud into JRjo Janeiro. .
i.r i
port'.. Come in or send and subscribe
for the Advance at once
S|. IV^riokrt’ (OtithdHfcl
i (.TuuvU v*»ll*>tnU for the Irish ktttt-
cryrH ; oup Snndii>
TW muddle about Simmolia and
i his nppoinlim'iit tia tttipvrvisor of
,comma, it boccmitig very einwtty.
i i.u , .mi. « »■ u { ■*»■'<«ii .‘’Q
.0 M t The Stprtrtnnlmrg, B. O., MMiff-
i dixt Smtdtv-ni'lihrtl ' li'W bWl me
t> " tftTOO* St'p>vintimdi i nt forty yours.
’ •' SwityAM-lftthl in this wintoi’ one
" griihd 8corie of wiow. Wouro ghtd
homo where, we I
*Tbo rail road excitement is
s.muieri'^r down to a very low
point. , Tlmre wrh groat sjrmpnthy
mil fortlhvHidontColo at the otpnci,
Hilt recent .events go to prove that
ho did not need it. Ho soemu in
every way able to take care of him
self. frt’loo 1 ;, when the whole af
fair hiWKitninerod down to it’s low
est <3pv. Brown and Col. Cole
| will h6‘ fitind setting serenely on
top un scorched,
n. k ati.tfcwi tiin «i aMMAMuiiHtj
IB Holland g Co.,
' j f, . 1/14 ’ .* *
(McAfee’s old stand.)
Stic (F. s s o i { Tto j ‘ ”
caMton, geuruia,
And nations other articles, too numerous
to n>> utioo, usually kept in 1
General Blercliaiidiae
stock, which we are offering at prices to
•uit tjie times. We are paying the higli-
est market price for all
Having bought' out the entire stock of
goods belont'ing toSpeir A (Suit, and en
larged, w« feel warranted in sayinu wc
chi sell goods vkeaper than the ehea-pett
If you don’t see what yon want a-k for
it and we will take pleasure in waiting
bU ybh—tip tr ul»le to show goods.
Come and see ns, we ate satisfied we
cun please yon, both in quality and price.
Remember the place fa at
E. U. HOLL'NI) & Co.
Canton, Ga., Jan. 14th 1880.
mUteFfcceto get B«*ai.s!
< X \J *4,^4 A.
drii A
am now offering iny entire stock of
Mens, Boys and Youths Clothing,
. r Shawls, Jeans, Skirts,,
Saetjues and lHankets,
at >’EW YORK coat. TMn Is no lmifdt»ug th awln^le the people,
but a fact.—Coiye and he convinced of what I say.
I have also a nice line of Ltidies Dress Goods, Hoots, Sines,
Tmnks, Valines, Notions, Ilats and Gents Furnishing Goods at the
'lowest possible 'prices.
11 ‘Him 4 is winter
havdn’t anY.
to I
AVp guthei: from the annual re
port of J. 13. Campbell, Treasurer
of Cold) county, and H. M. Ham
mett, Ordinary, ’tl»e following fig
ures relative to the county’s finan
cial affairs : Cush on hand, $-10.80 ;
The Rallrrihd fnhgnatos liavy
lately developed any very C1U| UIIUirB . ^ nBn (ni IUUIU , *. JU . 0i , ■
great chttttges in railway eirclea. duo, $4502; I)e-
At present, nothing worthy ot.notv. | forf|Mr indebtedness, due 1881,1882
and 1888, $11000. Our county
Of the Negro newspaper editors! OherokfO; may noti he tho “banner
North Carolina claims 6; Louis- county*’ in other respects hut in
iana 3; Tennessee and Texas 1 this, over Cobh, she is. We will
each; Virbinia, Alabama, Mississ-[give the figures soon,
ippi and Georgia 2 each.
Tlie Constitution wants sonie-
The Maine muddle grows beau-1 thing done at once for suffering
tifully less in importance every day. Ireland. The following is what
We do not know .that tlvere was they have to say: “If the good
really anything in it fnSn the ho- peo[de of Atlunta intend to help
ginning. Only a few politicians the suffering people of Ireland,
on a tare. | they cannoet act too quickly. The
distress is very ^great—so great
The Atlanta Constitution lists I that some are actually dying of
collected $2,700.72 t or the Ilood starvation, and the need of food is
children fund, they expect to make becoming more wide-spread and
it $3000. This is indeed a noble I pressing every day. Nearly every
deed they have done in aiding the] city is doing something to help tho
orphans of Gen. Hood. sufferers, and Atlanta should not
be entirely remiss in this terrible
This is tv year of prosperin' for I emergency.” This we feel to be
our iron districts. Nails that’ wore U call that all cities and towns
$2 50 a keg will 'doubtless go to should take a deep felt interest in
$G ; pig iron is thought will reach | and urge the immediate help of all.
# $50 a ton. All Iron has advanced
*fully a hundred per cent, and is
yet unsteady—perltaps advancing.
I have just received Two Car Loads of
D MATTmrssws t
R. Hirsch.
MARIETTA, GA., Jan. 12th 1880.—ly.
at bottom prices.
Ctgal SVbijettiacimnts. «•-*■
N'u) 'Abucrtiscmcnts.
Female College.
The Spring Turin of this Institution
commenced on
MONDAY. JANUARY, 12th 1880
Tim course of study and tho method of
instruution art* thorough; and no pains
will be spared to give to tlio pupils
Hist class CoUcgiH'u Education.
I he Preparatory Department will con
tinue in rhip'ge of Mrs. H. M. Colquitt
whose culture and whose experience as
a teacher, are such as to guarantee ex
cellent advantages to those who arc not
prepared te enter the College classes.
JThe Ornamental Department will be
in charge of Mrs. Munget whose success
in other Institutions has been exceeding
ly satisfactory.
Prof. Seals is instructor ot instrument
al music, his qua)ideations are attested
by the satisfaction of numerous | atrons.
M iss A. B. Norwood will give instruc
tion in calisthenics ; her faithful labors
during the past term resulted in the rup-
id improvement of her class.
Terms per scholastic month of four
Literary Department • • $2 to $0 00
Music ••«...•• 94 00
Incidental tit for fuel, etc.,
per term - 00
For further Information apply to
V. E. MANGE l\ President.
McAfee House,
I hare leased the above first clas.% Ho
tel and thoroughly renovated and refitted
it for Transient Visitors und Regular
Single Meal - - - s .50
Board per Day, - • $1 50
^“Special Rates for Longer 7Vw?-«J@3
If*. FI. H'HITJttOHE, Pro’f.
Senator Gordon has obtained
unanimous consent of Congress to
introduce a hill to repay Georgia
$27,175.58, the amount advanced
by the State for tlie defense of her
frontiers against the Indians
High School,
f 018 HO ITS Jd'D OMULS,
The Spring Term of this Institution
Gov. Colquitt has appointed I °P enet * 0,1
Judge Martin Crawford, ol Col- ] MONDAY , FEBRUARY, 2, 1880
umbiis, to fill the'vacancy caused
hv the resignation of Judge L. H.
nioeklcv, of tho 8.™
Mr. Edgar Butts, oi Mill ion, A\as-1 French, Book-keeping, Geometry, Alge--
appointed to fill the vacancy made ] bra, &c
in the Muscbgef Circuit
Prof. John Koeher, teacher of
music in Atlanta, committed sui
cide on the 27tli ult M by shooting
himself. This rasli deed is sup
posed to have been caused from
too great musical exertions.
Every effort wi’l be made to merit a
continuance of the liberal patronage
heretofore extended.
Terms per scholastic month of four
weeks 91 to |5.()0.
E. A. MANGE T, Principal.
Trout & Hardin,
Plain and Ot'tutmental
Two emigrant agents have been 1 HOUSE PAINTER,
fined $183.40 in Morgnn county
for endeavoring to induce negros KALSOMIMEIi and
stopped as soon as learned, the I CANTON, GEORGIA
$500 fine was not imposed. 1 Jan 10—6m.
Wilson House,
J. L. KEITH, Proprietor.
Wlicieos, Joseph M. McAfee, Executor
of Snphrona M. Watson represents to
the court in ins petitiou, duly filed and
entered on record that he has fully
administered Saplirona M, Watson estate
This is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned kindred and creditors to show
cause, if any they can, why said Executor
should not be discharged from It is
executorship and receive letters of dis
mission on the tlr-st Monday in May 18S0
Ibis Feirunt y 2nd 1880.
O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Cherokee County :
Whereas, James H. Henson adminis
trator of John W! Henson, represents to
the court in llis petition duly filed and
entered on record that he has fully
administered John W. Henson estate.
IhL is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors to show
cause, if any they can, why said adminis
trfttor should not be discharged from
his administration and receive letters of
dismission on the first Monday in May
next. This February 2nd 1880.
O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
Will be sold before the Court House
door in the town of Cai.ton, 1 h< lokce
County. Ga.,on 1st I’oesday in March,
1880, within the lagal hours of sale the
following property to wit:
Lots of land Nos 049, 950, 904. 097,
i7 seres of 047. being alt that portion
lying south of Haney's null road, 05
acres of 048, being all tlmt portion lying
south <if Haney's mill road, and west of
Canton road, and that |H>rtion of the east
half of said lot lying east of Canton road,
54 acres of 000, the line of the eastern
bauudury. commencing at tlie north-east
corner and running south 11(1 yards
thence west, same width, to Canton road
thencosouth-east along suid road to the
line, thence.south to the corner; the
1 orth half of 1021 exc. pt ouc and one-
halt Herein the south west corner of said
half lo‘., sold to J B Hardin, 3 acres more
or less, in the north-west corner of 1022,
bong all of the north half of said lot,
lying West ot railroad, all being in the
I5tli district and 2nd sect on of Chero
kee comity, levied on as the property of
Eli C. Hardin, to suti*fy five (5) Justice
court fi fas issued from tiie Justice ciurt
of the 800th District, G M, two in favor
of Thomas D Evans, one in favor ot
Nortlicutt and Bros, one in tavor of Jon
athan 'I' Davis and one in favor of R. A.
Johnson ,V Co. vs E. C Hardin. Ml of
the said fi fas controled and transfered
to J G Reynolds. Property pointed out
by the plaintiff Tenant iu possession no
titled. Levied on aud returned to me by
N. Booth, L. C
Also at the same time and place, One
undivided >ixth interest in the Marietta
& North Georgia Rail Road, running
from Marietta, Ga., to Canton. (3a., as
tlie property of C D Phillips and one
undivided sixth interest of said M. & N
Ga. R R as the property of J M Mc\f-e,
the same being such a pari of their in
vest as is lying and being in ClicroKee
county, (3a. Levied as the property of
said U D Phillips and J M McAfee, in
the control of the M. *fc N. Ga. R. It., by
virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa issued from
tlie November term of the Cobb Superior
Court in favor of W L Cooper vs Win
Phillips, H M Hammett, C D Phillips
and J M McAfee. Property pointed out
by J M Me 4fee, and uotice given Win
Phillips, President ol suid M. & N. Ga.,
R R and J M McAfee, Treasurer.
Also at tlie same timu and place, Lot
of land No. 40 in the 14th district and 2
section of Cnerokee county, Ga., levied
on as the property of H A. Harden to
satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A L Kinuett,
Tax Collector of said county, in favor of
the State and county vs H A Harden for
her State and county tax for the year
eighteen hundred and seventy nine.
Also at the same time and place, Lot
of land No 314 in the 13th district and
2nd section of Cherokee county, Ga., lev
ied on as the property of Gilford Cook,
to stisfy a tax 11 fa issued by A L Kinnett
Tax Collector of said county in favor of
the State and county vs Gilford Cook,
for his State and county tax for the year
eighteen hundred and seventy nine.
Also at the same time and place, Lots
of land Nos 973 and 974 in tlie 3d district
and 2nd section of Cherokee county, Ga.
levied on as the property of Jackson S
Olilver to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by A
L Klnhctt Tax Collector of said county,
in favor of tlie State and county vs Jack-
son 5*. Olliver lor his State and county
tax for the year eighteeeu hundred and
seventy nine.
E. G. GRAMLING, Sheriff.
Iislu-d. Levied oh as till' property of W,
Lain* by firtitA of and to satisfy a
mortgage fi fa issued frfun the Superior
court of suid Cherokee county in favor of
P II Brewster vs. W T Lainc. H W
Newman Plai nttfTs Attorney.
Feb., 4th 1880—2m. ’
n —tiin wn—rm—
GEORGIA, CimtOKKK County :
To all whom it mat/ concern:
Daniel N. Spence liaviug in proper
from applied to me for permanent letters
of administration outlie estate -of
William Whitfield late hf said county,
this is to cite all and singular the credi
tors and next of kinnf William Whit
field. to be and appear at aiy office
within the time allowed by law, and
show cau-e, if any they enn, why perm-
aneut administrati.m should not be gran
ted to Darnel N. Spence on William
Whitefield’s estate. Witness my hand
and official signature, this 29th day of
January, 1880.
O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, C’HKitoftKK CoujJty:
To all whom it may concern:
A T Bass having in proper form ap
plied to me for permanent letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of Redding
Bess late of said county, this is to cite all
and singular the creditors and next of
kin of Redding Bass, to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed by
law aud show cause :fany they can why
permanent administration should not be
granted on the estate of bedding Bass.
Witness my baud and official signature
this 28th day of January 1880.
O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
Whereas Silas K. Payue, administrator
of Joel B. Payne, represents to tlie court
in his petition duly filed and entered on
record, that he lias fully administered
Joel B. Payne’s .state; this is, therefore,
to cite all persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause if any they can,
why raid administrator should not be
discharged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in April 1880. This Jan. 5th,
1880. O. W. PU TNAM, Ordinary.
Jan. 5 3tn
Whereas James W- Cornclison, admin
istrator of Elijah Owen, represents to the
court in his petition duly filed and enter
ed on record, that he bus fully adminis*
tered Elijah Owen’s estate; this is, there
fore, to cite all persons concerned, kin
dred and creditors, to show cause if any
they can, why said administrator should
uot be discharged from his administration
and receive letters of dismission on the
first Monday in April 1880 This Jan.
5th 1880. O. W. PUTNAM,
Jan. 5 3m.
On 1 si Tuesday in April next will be
sold at the Court House door in the town
of Canton Cherokee c6iinty, Ga., within
the legal hours of sale to tin highest bid
der for cash, three-fourths interest iu
the Press and material upon which the
The Firm of J. G. Evans &. Co., has
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
and Mr. J. G. Evans will c mtinuo busi
ness at theold stand in Ins own interest.
All persons huving claims against the
firm will please present them to J. G
Evans for payment, and all persons in
debted to il^e firm will please make im*
medinte payment to J. Ci. Evans, or they
will find their notes and accounts in the
hands of collecting officers. Thanking
our friends for -their liberal patronage
and J|»pingf*»t*Mr. Evans may contin-
uc to supply.them in any and everything
they may need. %e remain,
-1 Respectfully,
• - } Jp«ei*h M. McAfee,
Jo^G. Evans-
I h
Subscribe lor the Adyanck.