Newspaper Page Text
4 l)t 4l)ctykcc Zinmucc.
g - f * W- f
' MN. )Ti*i;rv; X
OAiifott, OhbrokuXountt, Ga.;
norroitiAL ramblkh.
Alabama has (»8,000 cotton spin
tiles; Georgia, 218,000.
Judge llillver has refused to
grant Cox a new trial?
Home is jubilant over her rail*
Toad prospects, and well she mav
"We are itleusi d to place on our
exchange list that excellent Tri-
Weekly, tho Rome Courier.
A series of sermons to Railroad
men were begun last Sunday*. The
series will be continued to the first
of June.
Atlanta was lull of visitors last
week. Tbe Associated Cress Con
vention and the Cincinnati Excur
sion were all there.
The South Georgia Methodist
Conference convened at Rain-
bridge on the 8th inst. Gov. Col
quitt was present and discoursed.
Gov. Colquitt has issued an or
der delivering Sam llill from the
hands of the law to the care ot the
keeper of the Asylum for lunatics.
He will go to Milledgeville some
time next week.
A great many applications for
Census Enumerators of this county
havo been sent in to Dr. Gatchell,
at Atlanta’ We wish all could get
the place, but, alas, only about
three will be successful.
ToJft liould At
nc mii In ib'ii.
A recent dispatch from Nashville
Tenn., to the Constitution contains
this news: “The norm:;! school will
not go *o Atlanta. The citizens of
Nashville have subscribed over
double the amount required by tbe
trustees lor its retention here.
Gen. Gartrell announces himselt
a candidate for Governor, subject
however to the Democratic nomi
Judge Wright, of the Albany
•circuit, it is said, has announced
his intention to resign when his
present term expires.
Mr. Justice Field and Hugh .1
Jewett would make a ticket to
which all lovers ofliberty and con
stitutional government would ral
ly with enthusiasm.—Eagle.
s wefK We shall <&deavor to
caH the attention of our readers,
townsmen especially, to the fact
that our town should be officered
with a Mayor and Aldermen and
such other officers that they sie fit
to have. It is our opinion that by
nil moans tho place should have
Town Authorities.
We have jiopnlation of near 700
and this alone-would justify us in
ejecting a set at mice. But this
is uqt tbe only q>le;t we can cull
forth to autTiyrizc uu election. We
are gradually budding up and ad
ding wealth and population to the
place. Our streets, over which tho
road commissioners have no spe
cial jurisdiction, need to be work
ed, or else some’obstructions to be
removed. Unless some private
cit z n see 111 to render some good
to the streets they go uncared for
und the town slowly but surely
washes away. And, ugain, there
are streets that should be opened
out so as to give convenience of
outlets, un i also show tho town to
a good advantage to those coming
here with a view ot locating. As
the property now stands there is
some wbi h whould not bring any
thing like its real value, as there
are no visible boundaries and out
lets—only gullies. If but for that
one reason, but there arc many
others, we would urge upon our
citizens the necessity’ of electing a
Town Council, who liave authority
to look into all this.
Occasionally we have a drunken
visitor on our streets that needs
some special attention, and there
is no one to interfere and have the
ridiculous actions put to a stop. If
a Town Council was elected and a
fearless Marshal put upon our
streets the town would be more or
derly and the streets and sideyvalks
in a much better condition. It
would give tho place the air of
town and ndtthat of a countrvvil-
lagu. r | hen wo would urge upon
nwt citizens'lto set some day and
meet to elect a Town Council. Let
the day be appointed some time
soon—this week or next. We shall
at present say nothing more on
this subject, but earnestly hope
that our citizens will go about it at
ouoe and officer the town with good
and efficient officers. We would
be glad to have some one give us
their views on this subject.
The city of Wabash, Ind., has
been lit with electricty. It gives
entire satisfaction and lights up the
town brilliantly within a radius of
one mile. Wabash is the first
American town to adopt it.
We have not seen nor heard of
any start being made toward the
Academy building. Are our citi
zens going to lay still and do noth
ing toward erecting this much need
ed educational building ?
An Augusta corespondent to the
Constitution says : “At the meeting
ol the Georgia railroad to-day a
contract for five years with the
Louisville and Nashville railroad
was confirmed.
Colonel C. G. Samuel, of Rome,
has concluded negotiations with
the builders of the Cincinnati South
ern to build the road from Chatta
nooga to Rome. We may, there
fore, look for a healthy boom in
‘ Cadet Whitaker, colored at West
Point Military Academy, says three
masked men entered his bed room
at night, tied him and split his ear.
It is suspicioned that he was una
ble to pass a succeBful examinati n
and mutilated himself with a vieyv
-to get sympathy.—Journal.
Col. JamesR. Brown was in the
city Tuesday, lie is very popular
with many of our citizens and is
being spoken of as a probable can
didate for congress next fall.
In reply to question concerning
politics in this congressional dis
trict, he said that he lmd not paid
much attention to polities lately ;
that he had, however, since the
meeting of the executive commit
tee, talked with several friends who
have been supporting the indepen
dents, but have become convinced
that the course is an erroneous one
and will not pursue it any longer,
and that there are many good in
dependent Democrats who regard
this movement dangerous, and will
hereafter vote with the organiza
tion.—Cartersvilie Express.
Gex. L. J. Gartrell for Gov
ernor.—We hoist at our mast head
to-day the name of this able and
distinguished Georgian as a candi
date for Governor, subject to the
action of the State Democratic
Convention. We have advocated
his nomination for several months
and are now more thoroughly sat
isfied than ever that he is the right
man for the place, and that the
people want him for their chief
executive officer.—Dalton Citizen.
S B Holland .g Go.,
(McAfiVs old stand.)
feffitR AND O.ALT.
And vat inns other articles, too numerous
to mention, usual ly kept in \
General Merchandise
stock, whieh we are offering at prices to
auit tile times. We ere paying the high
est market price for ell
Having bought out the entire stock of
goods belonging to Upeir Si Galt, and on
larged, we feel warranted in saying we
cm sell goods cheaper than the cheapest
If you don’t see what you want a-k for
it and we will Uke pleasure in waiting
on you—no treble fh show goods
Come and sec u^ we ate satisfied we
can please you, both in qoulity and price
Remember .the place is at
Canton, Ga., Jan. 14th 1880.
Cegal QVi^tvtisenunts.
Whereas, certain petitioners have made
their application to this court praying
an order granting a change in tbe Hick *
ory Flat Road, commencing at the foot
ot the hill, near a branch on the east aide
of Holly Springs, thence to follow the
way marked out by W. W. Hawkins, the
county Surveyor, to the street laid out by
said Surveyor, running east from the
plat of ground laid off for a depot, thence
along said street to the /Railroad, thence
across tbe Railroad to the street running
Narth or the West side of John Rags
dale’s saw mill, tlkg^o along said street
to the road where** ^Aqs; and whereas
said Commissioners appointed Air that
purpose have reviewed and marked out
said contemplated road and report yd to
me that said change of road wilt be of
much public utility und convanu-aoc.
Now this is to cite and admonish all per
sons that on aud after the 27tlj nay of
April, 1880, siad change lu said road will
be granted ii no good cause is shown to
the contrary. Given under my hand and
seal this the 22ud day of March 1880.
O. W. PUTNAM. Ord’y,
ant .Summer Goode!
Of th4 LARGEST stocks of
CLOTHING, dry goods,
ever before brought to this place.
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!
I have just received 6000 worth of Men’s, Youth’s and Boys*
C Lot ii i No tjiat I am offering at astonishingly low prices.
Dry Goods ! Dry Goods !
I have*a full line of Prints, Bleached Cottons, Sea Islands, and
all other goods under the name of Dry Goods.
DRESS GOODS. 1 have the largest line of Dress Goods ever
ottered to tne people.
BOOTS and SHOES. 1 buy all my Boots and Shoes direct from
mani f acTories aud cun sell good goods at low prices.
II ATS and CAI\>. —50 cases Hats and Caps just direct from
manulacturers. •
FURNISHING GOODS. 1 have full line of White Shirts,
Collars, Cuffs, Scarfs and Ties.
In this line I have anything you can want.
»t bottom price*. R
MARIETTA, GA., Jan. 12th 1880.—ly.
Whereas,certain petitioners have made
their application to this Court, praying
an order gr anting the cat iblisluncnt of a
new ro-id commencing near the residence
of Win Hanies, on the Sixes road and to
follow the private way from said Sixes
road by way of Haney’s Mills, thence
along the private way up the cnek, and
to intersect the Marietta ami Canton road
at Woodstock, Ga., and whereas com
missioners appointed far timt pnrpo.-c
have reviewed und marked out said con
templated road and reported to me that
said road will be one ot much public
utility und convenience Now this is to
cite and admonish all persons (hat ou
and after the 27th day ol April next,
said uew road will be granted if no good
cause is shown tp the contrary. Given
under my hand and seal this the 22nd
day of March, 1880.
O. W. PUTNAM. Ord’y.
GEORGIA, CiiEitoKKK County.—
By virtue ot an order from the court
of Ordinary of said county, will be sold
on the first Tuesday in May next at the
court-house door in said county, between
the legul hours of sale, the trnct of land
iu said county whereon Redding Bass
resided at the time of his death, contain
ing 131 acres more or less, the same be
ing 120 acres more cr less of the cast
side ot lot No. 130, and 3 acres more or
less of lot No. 140, nil in the 14th Dist.
and 2nd secton of said county. Bold for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased. The rent of said lauds
for tlie present year reserved. Terms of
sale cash. This April 5tb 1880.
A. T. BASS, Administrator.
Revenue Sale.
It is our intention at some early
day to agitate the necesity of our
citizens building a large mill, fac
tory or elso putting in operation a
Clement Attachment upon some of
our fine water courses in the coun
ty, and especially near Canton.
In the mean time we ask that the
citizens consider the question, and
also the ones already before them.
, 1
880. J
United States Internal Rbv
Deputy Collectors Office
Marietta, Ga, Apr. 15 1880,
On the 6th day of May I860, between
the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P. J/. I will
sell in the town of CantoD, Cherokee
County, Georgia, Land lot No. 175, in
the 14th district,and 2nd section of Cher
okee county Ga., as the property of J. H.
K<-eter, to satisfy a distraint warrant for
Whole sale Liquor dealers license against
G. W. Cham Dice k Co. Assessed on
November list, 1874.
J. i .Hendrix,
Deputy Collector.
bbm ye em mil’s mins i
Ala., is issuing Certificates of Membership in amounts of ftnm $1000 to $5000 on
ictly healthy persons, male anil female. The plana are safe, cheap uud permanent
^plications for Membership will bo received by Onp\ W. B. Whitmore. Canton*
d W. H. Perkinson, Woodstock Wm. C. Cooke, Geu’l Agt„ Atiunta Ga *
Partial list of Members in Cobb and Cherokee counties,- Col. J. W. Robinson
Pres’t Roswell MPgCo ; T. D. Adams, Jas. R. King, C. A. Ring, C. C. King Dr. 8*.
H. Stout, Roawdl. A. D. Ruede, J.R. Brumby, T. M. Brumby, Geu’l Win Pliil*
lips, and Cant. J . C- Turner, Marietta. W. B. Whitmore. Mrs. Nannie A. Whit
more, Ben. F. Perry, 1. B. Kendrick, and R. B. (tarwood, Canton. W. II. Perkinson
and N. J. Garrison, Woodstock. R. M. Mitchell, Rev. A. G. Thomas, L. A. D.’
Lichfield, and Prof. J. C. Holmes, Ac worth. Mar.' 24 tf.
Legal Ttbucrtiocmcnts.
Will be sold, before the Court House
door, iu iht town of Canton, Cherokee
county, Georgia, within t lie legal hours
of sale, on the first Tuesday in May
1880, the following property, viz:
Forty eight acres mote or less
of lot ’ of land, the undividea
half interest lying and hcii g on the
South side of land lot no 140, in the 14th
'ist. and 2nd section of Cherokee coun
ty. Levied on as tbe property of I. W.
Carpenter, to satisfy a Justice court fi hi
issued from the 1008th dist., G. M., of
said county, for the purchase money of
said land, in faver of P. B. Kecter vs I.
W Carpenter. Levy made and returned
to me by James Hughes, L. C.
Also, at the same time and place, one
fifth undivided interest iu the remainder
ot laud lot No. 1G4 iu ihe 14th district
and 2nd section of Cherokee county, Ga.,
levied on as the property of Daniel W.
Byrd to satisfy a superior court fl fa is
sued from the superior court of Cherokee
county in favor of W. T. Mahan vs said
Daniel W. Byrd.
Also, at the same time and place, Lot
of Land No. 257, being in the 13th dis
trict and 2r.d section of Cherokee couu-
ty, Ga., and known as tho Gilford Cook
mill place, levied on as the property ol
Richard V. Cook and Gilford Cook,
principal, to satisfy a justice court fi fa
issued from the justice court of the 1026
district. G. M., iu favor of Osborn Ad
ams vs. l'ichar.i V. Cook a".d Gilford
t ook principal Property pointed out
by plaintiff. Tenant in posession notifi
ed. Levy made aud returned to me by
L J Cook, L C.
E. G. GRAM LING, Sheriff.
Will be sold before the Court Home
door in the City of Canton, Cherokee
county, Ga., within the legal hours ol
sale, on the first Tuesday in May, the
following property to wit:
Lots Nos. 80, 83, 07 and 101, all
being in the 14th district and 2nd sec
tion of Cherokee county, Ga., levied on
as the property of Joseph Donaldson one
ot the defendants, to satisfy a Superior
court fi fa, issued from Gordon county
Superior court in favor of J. 8. B. Irwin
and Wylie M. Dyer. Administrators of
James M. Irwin, vs. James M. Field,
aud Joseph Donaldson, survivors of Field,
Donaldson & Co.
E. G. GRAMLING, Sheriff.
To The Road Commissioners.
Ordinary’s Office, )
March 22nd 1880. |
Upcn the recommendation of the Grand
Jury, at the February Term, 1880, the
Road Commissioners of each Road Dis
trict, in this county,are requested to meet
at the Court House, in Canton, on the
30th day of April next, for the purpose
ot revising tbe Road List and Classing
said Roads through-out the county.
GEORGIA, chbugkee County:
Whereas, James H. Henson admiRisfi
trator of John W. Ilenson, represents to
the court in his petition duly filed and
«>Btqre«1 on recard thatilie has fully
administered John W. Henson estate.
I Id* is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors to show
cause, if any they can, why said adralhi*.
trator shu n Id not be discharged from
his udministiution Mid receive letters of
, dismission on the first Monday in May
next. This February 2nd 1880.
G. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
Wneieas, Joseph M: McAfee, Executor
of Saphrona M. Watson represents to
the court in his petition, duly filed and
entered on record that he has fully*
administered Saphrona M. Watson estate.
This is therefore to cite ail persons con*
cerned kindred and creditors to show
cause, if any they can, why said Executor
should not be discharged from his
executorship and receive letters of dis
mission on the hrst Monday in May 1880
I bis February 2nd 1880.
O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary.
Whereas Wm. W. W. Fleming, execu
tor of Amas Bra-el ton, represents to the
court in his petition, duly filled and en
tered ou record, that he has fully admin
istered Amos Braselton’s estate according
to the will. This is therefore to. cite aU
persons concerned, kindred aud credit
ors, to show cause if any they can, why
said executor should not be discharged
from liis executorship and receive letters
of dismission on the first Monday in June
1880. . J
O. W. PUTNAM, Ordinary,
mar. 3 3m.
Whereas Sarah E. Rudacil, adminis)
tratrix of Lawson Kudaoil represents to
the court in her petition, duly filed and
entered on record, thut she 1ms fully ad
ministered Lawson Rudacil’s estate.
This is therefore to cite all parsons con
cerned, Jtindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why saiu adminis
tratrix should not be discharged from
her administration on the first Monday
in June next. This 1st March 1880.
O. W, PUTNAM, Ordinary,
mar. 3 3m.
GEORGIA—Cherokee County:
To all whom it may concern ;
Seaborn Jones having in proper form
applied to me for permanent letters of
administration on the estate cf Lewis W,
Hobgood Lte of said county tins is to cite
til and singular the creditors aud next
kin of Lewis W. Hobgood. to bo and
abpeur at my office withiu the time al<*
liwed by law and allow cause, if any
t^ey can, why permanent administration
Mould not be granted to Seaborn Jones
Lewis W. Mobgood's estate. Witness
mf hand and official signature this 30th
dqy of March 1880.
O. W. PUTNAJIf, Ordinary,
Subscribe for the Advance,