Newspaper Page Text
®1)e <l)crckcc 3t5uau«.
Look to Y«»tsr Home
Do you l.el ttinr you wish Canton
Bra Comlm, of the Ellijuy Cour
ier, h unduly nnxious hImuU the
in proa iter ? f H*- •• pDtronis-* home cf) iJil>i®tioD of the the M. £ N. U».
WWIHfllM.' |f jSSIe otliera to Rallfoad into his section. In the
Of Pennsylvania.
For Vice-President:
& English,
* Ot Indiana. «
For Senator from the 3Dtli Seurv-
toi iul District.
00h. n 9.; S*. FAYN1.
01 tnitotnkeiL* Count v.
— I 'I l I _» ■ »_LLCL_ -~^r -~-
CongtesMoIin! Convention.
Tii^ewlii be h iijcf.t^u^ Uelii in the
court house oil ruesday the
t like you.
>nixe home,
hue home
R otlio-1,
August next, tor tla* |uiiiio-t* yffelectiiiy
delegate* ifo t|i«* ro|igrrM : oniil convention,
to bFmprpNf Rome, Gn, on the 18 li of
August. h'tir»re to at
August. Every I. «Ijr nre i
tend said meet mg. Joshua
ohhh lull ilaku *«;
ml kod tnyrwo Oftaii/ii
► • -a
Caritjidi»te<i ,diit\v well.
_ _ to at
" r
P l
ufllTHIr w*nn>f
ug?, l> remise you hate not sufficient
local pride and interest to spend your
motiey homev p< op)* in your
own town. Money bent < tit of the
community never returns to von
again, us it woitljJ ; if' voit put i<'ipy.
circulation in'vour nWn town. We
t~—* J lur^-ffTnrTrV.r TO?
will sertil .<tr for one artle'e, wv u
tires#, a pa r of shoes, a coat, I ar, ha#»
ot mCilff, hitrrel of fl ;iir ormgar, wiih
the hof*>lf gating three Witts on
five dolTiir, In tin 1 printing lijy.
they net the sain* way ami mmuI their
elfjewlo re. if they cun suv.o time
itickh-H, id hough we gimranlee tin
tinplurnte any ones prices for the
<ca-li.^ We arc always speaking a
good word Iwr t'antou, in d therefore
ehMthd Gv tohr pdfronfig*. P would
la* a f'dl r rl coiomH.,l;i!hm to tl.Vrro
kee f.. liaV
Spring and Summer Goods I
l.iat issue of his
jtocka of
>HV 000
r on.Is in- fiat of 40
diiys at tiuon to-»nom»w.
f rtie C »rn crop of tfi ' West proriv-
i^es ftv M'hruiHUivHy iaive
I hunt ° <n » ci,
uni iawT; V ) i i "i»| ;• * .
•In fyr-^^ie we ivi.ll publialv
the now pl# hoc of Quit. Hancock.
cornpuny and make 41. (j. Freeman
President ol it. If they are at nil
nice about it we can clumgv the line
via F ifrwrJWni it,d dnff.riville
Come gentleman dance to tin* music
or we will leave you out in the cold
with your, little, £0 miles of r«aai.l’
Wrtnfd’nt it Kb better inauretl of
4Uoee**, livw. -Lotnl**, if yen wm
placed lit the head ot the proposed
company. Von seem to know, how.
niUcli it tuk-js to build u railroad,
how long it requires and how it
should lm huilt. \V<; therefore
nominate Bi o. Combs lor President
of this contemplated new road.
Thb Hot-Shot man of the Clarlcdi
gets bis locnls “p iwferfully’,'flificcd.
There’*nothing though tkoVariety.
% T*
n „
no IK M spill).
-It ‘ 1 1
WW'**^* 4 llii» I'luco
xt )N.eilupnda.y.j Cpyiu apd hear
W* tpauyi
,aitiJ n*ai
t st
H<nul Gt*r. WirflelU’a lettvr Of nh-
ceptutw^‘in this iajrue, anti jrnl^e
foblVjiVieltW to itif irtio rltig.
viVf» wo
, gruLiil.iick ixnJi-
date lor i rvsideut, uchvereil an
addi tnh.i|t Daltwu rviiently.-rPoafc-
It lVatated that h negro nam'd
ILenirr C* 1 . Fhadwav' of baHrange,
bartMititifoniued hhiiselt as a Cnticfi-
(latofor eowgj€!Vs in the fourth dis-
I . '.I D
HP ne wnv r^mt me vonstitutmn
edltoEnil*, ptrtilMhed ill this issue
Of fha'An^iCCfe, Wf‘^illsee wliat
in« ‘-who kntA v a r siiys \'an(l per-*
•ike n)ft# coftragod
Th\‘ Washington post puts it
dQ\flh ^h“0t right wliem it says:
Gai field aeoeptis the . republican!
nomination. .Thu eouiitry* will-de-
»*«■ i ■
#ferce Wi B. Young, W. H»
Dahnevl and Ool. las. lfr. Ryown
imhj ntt# v->fy pHunhiendv spoken
ol iu imnneefrion with the rape
agaiiiiH Dr. Felton. ‘
Di 1 . Gfttcliall, the Supervisor of
Census.oi tliis Diblfict, lias ailinir-
ald* lManaged dm eensus, and all
are comyineed and satisfied that a
ibu 1 and impartial count has been,
liud in every locality.
.1* «#■ ■ *4
We presume Forsyth and Milton
will eonfcede to Cherokee the rigid
to pre.'hht the next Statn Senator,
a claim that w'e.iire entitled to by
tho rotation system, uud whicli
should he adhered to.
A resolution was recently passed
by the demoemoy of Gilmer coun
ty denouncing the action ot peni
tentiary companies Nos. 2 and 3
f»r interfering with the convicts at
work on the Marietta «nd North
Georgia .Railroad.
fj. ) l i.ij.)'■»»«
A rnteetirty:'Will be held at the
conrt> hmite 1 <Ni) v next Tnosduy for
the' piirptoee of ^electing delegates
to ttie congressional convention,
which moetb in Rome on the 18th
inst. Let thei ; e be a good attend
ance, and harmony in the meeting.
The Atlanta Globe came to us
last week dressed in an entire new
outfit, and 1 >OKed as bright and
smiling as a bran u6w <loTlar. It
is an interesting sheet and reflects
much credit both upon' its editors,
Messrs. .Tones & Koerber, and At-
Mute. S'i vv.B ie it.
.... v„ , • ■ ■
'n\ rHusing t»» givi* iip u<iVy-11liem.-ill
f»r siihscijbjn^, sj|y by tqirir omiljef
' but ,as don't UHie wliHher site Ims »
^ upe r or not. Frist.d« turn over u
hew isaf,send us in lour favors, mid
|uid «« thi fnosperity of your count y
|»y patn>nilitig home nieicnmits honit*
tiU'Clirtiiics, and home people gei;er
idly. ‘
Tlic Ellijuy Ci>urior in it* last
is.^A^ cdtiies cmt with unmerited so-
rbM' cfiticism upon Gen. Phillips
ifVP Iht U. & Via. Railrogd,
IlMV Gdmds rlettfiiH f foiic persTstent
in hf.^ aliti!*d of flic toad, aud its
piWbht^hiiina^bff*, Who ary* dying
all in their power to its futhorance.
If lfe wifl'Wl the IM&fltenS
Vmfw he "wiip
Bro. ("onihs
know voii arcT
, ^ ^ W a
UcVrslble man, so just heat back
your harsh criticism aud wait bid a
short while, when yoti will doubt
less a.‘o the fowl in your section.
Work is going 1 on steadily on the
extension fflom Gaiiton. It takes
tinnMaitd^oney to build railroads.
'i .. /. ,i f. " \
Tli# 30Hi 8eiia»orslil|>.
Rccoirmzinir the fact that it is
Brunswick is buildiag * tins liotjl.
COl>h Iisa foilmtn rndisli wel^liinK 2
pormis sue! imnceii. *
Mr. A (T West nt Ccdartnwn b"* re-
ci-lvod 8l Oerinati# tlironyh the nssi^-
ttnee of Frames Fontaino, to w»ik for
the Ctirrokoc Iron and Bail road Compa
Hiss J.oe El led L;e, of Whitfi.ld couu*
tv, by her next friend. Ttiomns Nations,
(ms commenced suit in DcKalb Hupcrior
C- urt against l of W,L. SliUin;»t«, atlor
Dey at law, fv f^twtuly Use ttiousaud
dollars damage to her clmr.icter on ac
count of silicic puhlialied in the Atlanta
Constitution,, Aug. 22. 1870, associating
ker naine with the Morino? presrher
8tui)di|ig, who was kil'cd a few days !>«•
• >re that time, widely article, ft u cltarff*
sd, was written and caused tp l>p publish
ed by said W. L. Shumate.
1 have just received 8.5000 worlh of Men’s, Youth’s nml Dots’
f LoTHiNo that I am ottering at astonishinglv low prices.
Dry Goods ! Dry Goods !
1 have a full line of Prints, Bleached Cottons, Sev Islands, and
y i<Hher gopfis undof the name ol’ Dry Goods. i . 1 1 ' '
DREhS GOODS. 1 have the largest line pfj^ress Gooda.eier
ouemsl to tnr people.
lt{ W* Asl) j^iiOKS,——I buy all jyy Boots and Shoes direct froni
MANt Factories and can sell good go Ads at low prices.
1IATS A\’n PAP.< — ; 50 cases Hats and Caps just direct from
I have full lino of White Shirts,
hats and CAPS.
Collars, Cuffs, Scarfs and Ties.
In tliis liny I have anything voti can want.
Hi lilRSeH.
at bottom prices.
M AltfElTA, G.V., .lull, lilli 1880.—-l v
mi yj gm motro ini i
Als., if! i^uing Oertiflostccnf Member-Hip in am«unt* >4 ftom #1000 to $5000 on
^Ujctly healthy person-, male.ami female *
A f..... . I ... i.: ■ • ....11 i. _
% ... - . ...... The plans are .»>»/<», cheap and permanent. lor M. inlie^liip.wilUvj ixweived by u.ip\ \V. 13. Wliitin *re, bouton,
and W II. Perkin-son, Woodcock 'Wh. C.(J<h»kic, Gen’l Agt„ Atlnntd, Ga.
Partial list of Memlwrs in Gibb and Gliern|u* counties; Col, J. W. Rnbiusoii,
Pres't Rnswell MfgCo , T. U. Adams, Jas. R. ICihg. (1. A! Kfn^, C C. King, 4 5r,'S«
II. Stout, Unswell. A. I)., J . Tt. Brumby, T. M Brumby, Oen’l Will. Phil-
liK "»id (W. f. C. Turner, Marl. tta. W. B. Whitmore Mrs. Nannie A. Whit-
nutre, 13m*. F. Perry, I. B. Kendrick, and R. B. » arwnod. Canton. W. II. Perkinson,
nml N*. J. Garrison. Wotaistocli R M. Mitchell. Rev. A. O. Thomtis, L. A. t).
Li clifluhi, and f, rof. J. C. Holmes, Acworth.
Mar. 24—tf.
Cherokee’s turn for Senator wo, of
course, have no idea of being a
candidate but will cheerfully wqp-
pvirt a man from that county. An
rtdmiror df ours, though personally
Unacquainted, suggested our name
and hs we make it a rule to publish
ulleofnmunications sent in, bis sug
gestion was published as showing
the views of one man whose opin
ions are his own and entitled to
the consideration they may merit.
He is an intelligent citizen of Cher
okee and will doubtless give his
support with great pleasure to a
county man for the Senate. By
tho way, if our friend Payne is a
candidate, why don’t he send his
announcement to the Clarion, or is
there to'be a convention oi three
counties? Are we to have a scrub
race and if *o, will Cherokee pro*
sent the n$rrfe or names of any oth
er candidates ? Will the Advance
kindly enlighten us on these points?
Dr. Tanner only likes one day of
fasting forty days and forty nights,
and this, it is said, is the reason of
his attempt to repute the fast of Je
sus Christ and show thty;e was no
miracle about it. Wifi he have
QOuclusivcly show this or not when
he completes it ?
The wife of Ex. Gov. Smith died
at Wln'to Sulpur Springs on the
31st of last month.
The question which Bro. Clenj
ents, in the Clarion asks us was,
I Hereby!
•tats f§f.
will of the penpU, and, 'f efej
endeavi.i to do so fearle
13. F. PAYNK.
We are refjnested to announce the
namu «f Jl L. COGGINS! ‘of Orange, as
a suitable person far the offies of county
Treasurer. Election first Monday id
January next.
We are authorized to announce DA VID
J. MASSEY, of Hickory Flat, as a can
didate for tlio olficK of Tax Ool lee* or ot
' herokee county ut the ensuing ulcQtfon.
Cherokee abounds with substantial cv
idence that MR.J.L HARRIS' would
make an energetic and fearless Sheriff.
His name is therefore hereby presented
for that office at tjlie ensuing election iu
January next, by Many Fkiknds.
July 23nd, 1880.
—I hereby announce myself,is candi
date for Sheriff at the ensiling election.
If elected I will discharge the duties of
the oflico in person and to the best of thy
ability. , Respectfully, I
J"snuA T-3i*iiAp8.
July 21st 1880.
^ w v H mi ^ c— ^ JU
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•z «
o i Z
«8i-f .3
O 0
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1 3 =
- J B
8 o
1 «
® ® *T 5 S 2 PQ
to announce
We are authorized „
JOHN B. LEWIS, Ksq., of Salacoa, as a
candidate for Tax receiver, of Cherokee
county, at the ensuing election
To tlie Citizens of Cherokee
County; ! 1
Induced by the many flattering solid- of good men from nil parts of tke
county—whose voice I do not feel at lib
erty to disregard -1 announce myself a
Candidate to represent you iu the next
General Assembly. '
I am a Ware of the great responsibility
assumed, of what a nice thing it is to
represeut a free and great State. Yet, if
elected, I shall fearlessly and persistent
ly battle for the rights of the peeph
l hey make the Government and from
their hard caruiugs support it. Legisla
tion should always be iu their interest.
Labor should be lightly burJeped, this
would popularize the Govern incut Peo
pie never hive a Government whose fi
nancial blunders force it to t*x them
more than they ctn pay. Governments
not administered in the interest oi the
people are always demoralizing. Thank-
j iug tho.-* geutlamea, who iuive seen prop-
we suppose, sufficiently answtred MV suggest my mune, rs » candidate
iri our lust issue, which he had Mbr Representative, ju words of such com-
not then .received but bag by «W»|
Wit'S dw, V. WHUA,
* U We will send ten af these Songs, your own selection, for lOcenfs, fifty for 30 cent*
lo d 100 for .50 cents, »!! post paid, by mail. Remember, we will not send less than
a u of these Songs by mail. Send one ceut or three cent postage stamps OnL.r
ongs by the numbers. U. 8. MANUFACTURING CO.
Aoknts wantku to sicu. oub ooods. 110 Smith field St., PITTSBURGH* P V
Whereas, A T Bass. Administrator of
Redding Bass, represents to the court in
liis petition duly filed and entered on
record, that lie litis fully administered
Redding Bass* estate. This is, threfore,
to cite all persons concerned, kindred and
Creditors, to show canse if any they can,
why said administrator should not be
discharged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in September next. This June
1st, 1880. O. W. P TIN AM,
Statk ok Geouoia, ) Whereas, cer-
Cherokee county. ( tain petitioners
have made their application to this court
praying an order granting the establish
ment of a uew road commencing at Da
vis’ and fTornelisou’s store, from thence
by way of N 0 Pitts’ residence, thence
along the ridge road to tho county line,
iSaid road being in the DTI dist,. G. M.,
ami about one and one half miles in its
length. And, whereas, commissioners
appointed for the purpose have reviewed
and marked out said contemplated road,
and reported to uie that said road will
be one of much public utility and con
venience, now this is to cita and admon
ish all persons that on and after the 9th
day of August next, 1880. sai(l n®w ro»d
will be granted if no good cause is siiown
to the contrary, Given under my hand
and seal this the 7th day of July 1880.
Ws ViitM+mf Otii’jt l * Um »
... , 7’o all u>h"m it may concern:
„ Claborn A. Hawkins having in proper
form applied to me for permanent letters
of administration on the estate ef John
L. Hawkins, late of said eounty, this i9
to cite all and siugular the creditors and
next af kin of John L. Hawkins, to be
and appear at iny office within the time
allowed by law, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanent lettsrs ot’ ad
ministration should not be gr nted to
01 uborn A Hawkins on John L. Ilaw-
kius’ estate. Witness my hand and offi-
cud sigftature this 5th day of .July 1880
State ok Gkouoia, | Whereas, Ja-
Chcronee county, ( be»G ilt* admin
istrator of John It. Galt re presents to
the court, iu his petition, duly filed tt nd
entered ou record, that lie has fully ad
ministered John R. Galt's ©state. Lhis
ib, therefore, to cite all persons concern
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause
i. any they can, why said administrator
should not be discharged from hi.* ad
ministration, and receive letters of dis-
(3 month?) W ~ ^ rSAM. Ordinary.
F * >r . Sal^—McCabe's Pictorialllili^.
rv of the United states; also, au elegant
Go.d Pen and Staff, Pencil combined.