The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, September 30, 1880, Image 1

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Vim, I CANTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEl'TEMBER 30. 1530. \£|)c X.icvoii:c - v i N( oante. PURLUlHCD EVERY Mil R"DaY — ,l;V( -- ben. f. perry. OJl t 1' •/ii'* rorurr f/uiu -cille and ire'll .)i'i. if ll.n -Street —old xhtml of the " item </la Atlvm ulc." OUicltil 4}igan ( /»prakc r f 'on it I j/ TERMS: Single copy, «>ni• your, •> 11 six tn<>ntlis, »< “ throe months, Postage free. 1 00 50 30 |3U" Advertising l’nt«*s o\tr« niolv low—to suit the times.,.#;-? Lkoai. lulvi-itisim-nts inserted ivnrl charged for ns |»itt-cri 1 mmI I»y a recent act of the General Assembly. Local notices 10 cents per line lor the first insertion. Advertisements will he run until for bidden, unless otherwise inuikod, ft| ul charged for accordingly. All commitnicatw ns intended for pub licatioti must I Hi the i one of the « liter, not necessary !or publication, but us a guarantee of g»od faith. A\'o shall not in any way be responsible for the opinions of contributors. No communication will be admitted into our columns having for its end <»l deiam.ition of private character, or in any other way of a scurrilous import a public gran!. f'orrc*pond»‘i)tft' solicited on rtll'pointk of general importance—but let them be briefly to the point. All communications, letters of busi ness, or money remittances, to riceivc prompt attention, m ist De-nddresscd to HUN. F. PHKHY. Canton. Ga. may ho found on llln at Uio. P. n an. „ HOWl-Lt, & CO’S Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sprue© bu‘ wado* loV it ia h ©cncwl Dircvlovn. CUU MIC USES. M. E. Cnuitcii, South—Rev. E. 1C. Akin, Pastor. Preaching every Cr.-.t Sunday by tlic pastor. I’reaching on the 3d Sunday by Rev R L Ledbetter. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday School at 9 a . M. Ren. F. Payne, Superintendent. 33ai*tist Cnuncui— Rev. .T. A. McMtir- ry, Pastor. Pri aching every second and fourth Sunday, and Saturday before 2nd Suuday. Sabbath-school at 3 r m., M. R. '‘’aggie, Superintendent. Eitwais. F. A. Cvl.—Meets every first nnd third Monday’s at 8 i\ m., in Masonic Hall. .1 auk/. Gai.t, W. M. J. M. McAfee Sect’y. K. of Meets (vi ry 1 -1 and i 11 Tuesday at 7 1 2 i*. ?r., in Mr.; onic Ilall. W. A. Teasley, Dictator. .T'lbez Galt, Reporter. f'fi'i 1 j; • ors< m 'e:eis. O. V7. PUTNAM, Ordinary. JABEZ GALT, Clerk S. Court. E. a. GRAMLING, Sheriff. JQS. 1>. DORRS. Tm a ura 1 . A. L. KI.NNETT, Tax Collector. J. L. JORI)A N, Tax i U ceiver. Wm. T. KIRK, ; forom r. AV r . W. H ■ W KINS, Surv< yor. C. M. McCLURE, County S. Com. Du. J. II. SPEIlt, 1 M. A. KEItH. Rev.M. PUCKET, i- A. T. SCOTT, J. B. RICHARDS, j County Board of Education. CANTON COTTON MARKET. OantoN, Ga., Sept. 29, H , Good Middling ... 10"g Middling I Of 3 Low Middling,. 10,'.{ Good Ordinaiy, Ordin nary Market unsettled. Rr-c ipt - for tie* week M0 NO. 36. <>U NI-.W York Ui irntt. l’l-l VSANT N TI.S FROM NKW YORK lit SIN KSS A N I) PLEASURE IN 1 11 I OK AT M K 11(01*01,18—A GLIMPSE IN Till-: CITY POST Ok KICK— CALLING I OK LETTERS I- 1(0M TIJK OLD COUN TRY -FESTIVITIES AT TAUUYTOWN—A bakon’s death IN THE PENI TENTIARY. New York. N. Y. ) Sept., 25th. 1880 ) [From our regular correspondent.] is hi a boom lure and even iip reliant sleeps tlu- sleep >d an easy waker that In; may spring to h h store and display liis wares. Tlu theatres have not done well during the‘hot spell’, but every uigiii mad ■ up the average and when there was a bona-tidp attraction there lias In mi most encouraging report. Just so with Die hotels, nil of which ate filled and soon- are overflowing. The arrival ol the Egyptian obe lisk at its dock, and the advent of Hei xtor doubling with the ^greatest effort of his lilt*. - * have Jbcii the local sensation of the hour. Both attract ed crowds ol spectators Who would like very much to hear llub little sto ry that each holds endued,, in i s gnwiitq breast. I the Ho s-o . 1 ought to be done a ll I it- Dr-; n in I uanl.-v is The New Yorker' who 1 ves the av erage gentle lif- , dividfng it between the IS took Exchange, Delmcnico’s and everywhere else, a la fonto me, Inis no idea of the private dramas dai ly performed for nobody's benefit, but which are us powerful to vimu-a as ll'S Si COM d visit to thi;- country. 1 Imv - been 1 aimi/, d I hat Cyilts W. Field should '1 e..d h s mm i-y on as unworthy an o' j v . wnile Mini, wlieie on the east -ide of this island, in an unknown gime, rests the ashes of Nathan Dale, thi mat Dr spy of the Revolution—a younger, hand onief, hlnv i, noblei 'tm i than And:e—who, thought h-s- of self (and At dies mifiil had m. room for anything hut lymsell), die.t tvgi'eiting that he had hut one life to give lor his country. Fashionable cud- a are startled a< heuring that the Baron de Beiffenh.-rg re-111« Sentalive ol one of tin- old. St and ueftlthiest families o[ the lviiig- dom ol Belgium, has died at the hos pital attached to the penitentiary on Blticivwells Island, and Whflbtuied in Potters field. This is another in stance of the superiorly' ol actual fact, o7er romance. Fifteen years ago he came to New Writ, rich, hand Sonic and well educated. In three V'-arsof dissipation he Ftpuandered a patrimony, and leUcrs from home told him lie had reached the end ol Ins money. Then lie married a young girl, Annie Sweeny by name, and sunk, step by step, until he became tin-denizi-n of an Italian tenement jpuiM^ in Mjutfiaatm• mon thief. Arnusir. TIFF 1 JIN IS US.” the most admirably rehearsed Take the post olliee, for example—a prosaic s' one building in itself, but watch 1 >r an hour or so the ‘poste ret unto* windows. The enormous immigration of the present day gives rise to an immense addition to the letters which are intended to letnain in tlu* post oflioe till called for, and probably there is no city in tlu; world which receives hall as much corres pondence of 111i3 character , as New \ r oik. It is almost awful to observe the ever waiting crowds one by one asking with a beating heurt for a let- icr which has not come or receiving with joyous glee from the impassible clerk a missive which brings happi ness or sorrow to tlie poor expatiated creatuie who has news from the old country at any rate. One wonders what becomes of the dead letters! S uiething must com; of them or they would accumulate In mountains of unbroken envelopes. At any rate tne stolid stone building stands in the City Hull park while the moving multitude of expectants weep or laugh, according to the news their transatlantic letters bring them. A governm-nt war vessel steam-d up the Hudson on Thursday to par ticipate in the festivities of Tarry- towiijon the occasion of the dedica tion of a new monument to the pa triot captors of Maj. Andre. It was a great day in Westchester county, and the people joined in it with i . * Seal on account of the erection of THE HUSBAND WHO JOINED ALL T1JE SECRET ORDERS — AND THE J * A TI It NT WIFE GOT TIRED OF such n o s s;: n s k and WANTED A DI VORCE. .She was ah >ut forty five years old, well-dressed, had black hair, rather thin and tinged with gray, and eyes in which gh anted the fires of.defer initiation not easily balked. She walked into a lawyer’s office and re quested a private interview, and, having obtained and satisfied her self that the law students were not listening at the key hole, said, slow ly, solemnly, and impressively: 1 wiiii 1 >i <1 i vnrr-‘” sU'lde er. We n nli.’i b-en nun ■ noi, two inoii'iH liel-oe to jm the Know No hi; g's. W’e lived on a fat in ben, i i i| «• v. ry N il m a\ mglii li.M e *ini- » .i in’ in hrlo*e sop- per. grub a lis luil ..I i.ul cak.s, ami go i ff gi.uwin’ iliem, Mini tluus lln last I’d see i f him till morning. And every other niaht In’(I roll and tumble in I lie h-d, and Ii Her m Ins sleep : ‘Fat none but, Aineuoans on guard—(i.orge Washington.’ And • GUV days in- would go oat, in the c’i n barn ami job at a picture of i h I’-’pe well an oil bayonet that wu> inere. I miglit to put my loot down Hell, l,i)| he looh-tl iik* p() with Ills ins about the I’.yvV (>o ningto niukt* • If du- Yan ke»-git Is marry Irishmen, and *o eat up all the bubi* 8 that warn t born with a cross on then Ion li.-ads tha 1 let him go on and encouraged him in i . Then lie jm- d the M asons. Flaps yon know what them he, but I don’t ’cept tliey think tln-y are the game kind ol ct’il Dos that buiM Solomon’s l» mpleand took care ol the concubines; and of all tin* darned nous use and gab about worship!nI masters and square and Compasses and sieli like that we had in the house for the next six months you never see the beat. And lies lover out growed it, outlier. 'VInil do you think of a man,squire, that’ll dress hiSBell in a white uprdn, ’bout big enough for a monk-y's bib. and marching up and down, and making motions and talking the lingo to.a picture of George Wash ington in n given jacket, und a t\i»ss on his stomach ? A*i.Ft. hen-k|»na Her Welk ilmfs ilft S:-.Ill, nmiTve sfoml it as long as I’m going uV The m xt lung.- the old fool made was in* 'to Hit-Odd Fellows. I made it warm lor him when he came homo and told me he had jiued them, hut lu* kinder pacified me by telling me* tliev had a sort of branch show that took in women and he’d get,.me in lt s so An as he found out how to do it. Well, one* night In* came Innn • am] said I'd been proposed, and somebody had blackballed me. Did it, 1 f, ol course. Didn’t, want me* around knowing to his goings on. Of Cniiixu he didn’t and 1 told him co. Then ! he jined the Sons of Mailer. Dain’t I sav nothing to me about it, hut sneaked oil - one night, pretending! Ii mJ got, "to set up with a sick Odd I feller, and I’d never found it out, only he Come on: looking like a man that had b.-e*i through a thrashing! Fr in tlio p CM-nt condition of tli - cotton crop it h how estimated 1 bat the t dal crop will not b * above I),250,000 1 mli'n, whereas it has been cs imatod at 0,000,000 bales. 'fix’ -Milledgovill • Rm o ler spanks tlm uinctuor politician thus: *‘If some of the young men could pick cotton as fast tli *v talk politics, tber.* wotd 1 be more money in the land and less noise in the air.’’ Tin* Seaport App vl which start- cd out for Mr. Norwood, calls a halt when it fin Is that one of tho purpos *s of the minorily is the de feat of Gov. Brown f n* the United Senate. Gainesville Ha state gle. I here need he no famine of small change in the cotton-pi -king uoa- -on, l> *canse the trocisnrv depart* uu'iit announces ti at it will setnl fractional silver com, free of post* age, by registered mail, fa sums of H70, A little enorgv on Hie part of our merehnnts will in this way procure all tli * halves and quar ters that may be required. Trunk Ilurd has to say about Hancock alter an uftcnvion’s talk: “There is none of the military at mosphere about him. He is social, straightforward and entertaining, and wins you by Jiis natural yasv Ti hunter. I Was Rurprlsod ht liM conversation on law and civil stih- jxet. His talk demonstrated that: ho is a great student. Kx-Gov. James Smith has dcvel- opod into a very tin favorable na* hire, lie eats j is bread and hi li fer out of nn # ofliee given him by Gov. Cohjiiitt, and then rides around tli • country abusing him and mind you, abusing for a con- diii n oi things originating under 11is had nmiiagemcnt of public af fairs, In moral philosophy nich men are styled monsters. Globe. 1 want a divorce. “What tor? I supposed yon had one of the* best of husbands.” “I s’pose that’s v. hat everybody thinks; but if they knew what I had suffered in the last ten yeais they’d wonder I hadn’t scalded him long a^o. I ought to, but for the sake of I the young ones Fve borne it and said nothing. I’ve told him, though, | what he might depend on, and now the time’s come, I won’t stand it, young ones or no young ones: I’ll have a divorce, and if tin neighbors want to blab themsedves hoarse about it, they nan, fori won’t stand it anoth er day.” “But what’s '.he matter? Don’t vour husband treat you kindly? Don’t he provide for you? pursued the lawyer. “We get victuals enough, and I machine, and [ wouldn't do a thin* Gyms Yv. Fields monument to don’t know but what, he is as true as men m general, ;#k1 lie’s never knocked none of us down. We wi , h he had, then I'd get him into jail and know where lie was tiig’iis,” re- torted the woman. ‘Then what’s your (complaint against him?” “Well, if you must knot/, he’s one of them p’itgm-y jitiers.” “A what?” traitor Arnolds go between and spy. Field has his monument fenced in, and Dean Stanhys inscription gli .- tors upon if, but I am safe in predic ting that at s >me not distant day it "' ’. ■.'! d d.*'•'•• and Dirowu i,m.„• I “A jiner—one of them b.rsky fooiu that alwaysjining so.*fiethi;ig can’t nothing come alone and sly and hidden, but If anybody should g: t it ro burn his house down, ere thats dark e’lljine i . a a society ic’d jine it -2 SO ; U !nt*l f as he could jet in ; and I ■ : V I go all tin* lor him till lie owned up. And so [ it’s gone from bad to wns, and from • wus to wusser, joining tins and that 1 th t her, till he’s Worsl ip Min icier ol | tin* Masons, and Goddess of Hope of I the Oud Fellows, and Hword-6wal lo/zer of the Finigwus, and Virgin C’>-iti3 of tlie Grange, and (irnnd Mo- | gul of the Sons ol Indolence, and! Two-edged Tommahawk <■ f United | Order of Black Men, and Tale bear | er of the Guild Calatino Co urnbns, I and Big Wizard of the Arabian Knights, and Fledge Passer of the Reform Club, and Chief Rubier of the Irish M.-ch inicI), and purse kee per of the Older of the Canadian conscience, and Double barrelled Daumier of tin- Knights ofthe Biass Circle, and Siandard Bearer ol the Royal Archangels, and Sublime | Forte of the Onion L ague, and - Ciiambermaid of the Cele-tial Chei - nbs, and Pui/H iLt Potentate of !lu: Pel rill d Pig (Stickers, and the Lot h only knows wind else. I’ve borne it Because a democrat fav.irs out* ]iarlicu!ar cundidatc lor the partv nomination, it does not follow at all as a consequence that ho will. qiposo tho nomination if his fa .oiPe is de feated. Nor is it fair to say that a democrat is tlio cn mv< fn cundi- dato because ho may think it un wise or imprudent to nominate such can iidate for office. Tlio ruly in ipendenl candi late speaks hi eritimciit right out in meeting, l! is best for all that men should ho Irnnk in expros-xng their personal pref rencos b lore, rather tl:an af ter Inc party d As its nominees. Rome Courier. uid borne it, hoji.-a’ he’d get ’em al jined after awhile, but ’toin't no use, and wlien lu-’d got into a new out*, and been made Celc-siial (Hi d * ol the Knights of Horror, I told him I’d quit, and I will. A warming pan full, or a shovel of coals;hefil over vaniisln-d furniture will irk 1 ou' while -}:•••- Care should h.- tak n not to m : i the coals m ar c-t-.ongh to score,!, ; and tin jilaceslum!d b rubb'd -v.:l 11 •:m 1 while warm. Agfa!list* Kepeating A man cannot vote at tlie Gov ernor’s election or anv otic, r elec tion imle-s lie is wtlling to swear, if challenged, that l:o lia- resided in the State twelve months, and in the county six months. ( f course no man from an adjoining county could come lo Cobb on the day of el ctum an 1 -worn tha helms re sided in “thi-- county’ si:, 1 months prepe-ding the electa n, witluiut perjuring himself, and unless lie could do i% h - ; di q i«JiQed. This l *.w was na -ted to prevent rep, at- dig- F r instance a man living* in Paulding c mid vote in Paulding for Gov. rnor, in the morning, and. come on to Murmtta to sell his cot- t *ii and a; tend tho circus, tiien whil * ihei • vote the second n’rae for Govern -r, hut for the law re- qe;r-ng si•; montlis reri once in the c u: tv.— M oiefta / u n 1. ) f i -m