The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, March 31, 1881, Image 2

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fe, »jr. gfj Che ClKtckec finance. ROBT. r. MARTYN, Editor. ■ii ■■■ on on. .id. , nod j ,f | R0N m CUJSAYA BAM, h CMibuHei (HI till PtisplHtM. Conkltog i. on (he other. The ’ T ~m*™..,,-.a fight Will be bitter. C)f«w«U, Central Dafalllty, Female Disc net, Want el Vitality, Ac. Canton, Cherokee C ounty, Ua. ,THURSDAY. M titotl 31 . lf'M. » pitiable to other nations, llow one the/ respect our institutions or stole ween T Shekel Shame t t 1 V.“ w - ■ Ttr • The Preiident hss decided not to oell am extra tension of Congress; cad Met feontfequently with bis ad- vissra answer for nnnecessery tax •ties as the result of refusing to #ve 000grass an opportunity to pass c new funding biU. We commend the following to the journalists of a certain town less than * thousand miles away M Behold hew pleasant and how gMd it is for brethren to dwell to ir in unity.” A young ben'lcman residing in *!iis city was retitrniug yesturda morning from a an<M vl«*it in to country, and about lour mil is <»u from tbo city lie met a young lurm er in a wagon, who told him that he had juat beeu robbed by thro men. The robbers stepped ou from a thick piece of woods and halted the farmer, with threats ol his life if he did not give up his money. After they bad riffled him they then went back into the woods, end nothing has been heard ot tin in since. Our iulormant nays the tar* mar wss to bndlv frightened that he could scarcely talk. Tuers i* no doubt about this matter, and it should receive the immediate at tention of the proper officers,— Rome Courier. • w Mr. Wisdom says he can man. fe the debt without an extra sea It is nearly eight hundred millions of dollars with an annual interest charge of over forty mill ions; and the difference against present paying facilities and those provided for by the vetoed bill will soon amount to over u million dollars loss per month to the people. We shall see, yes, and probably feel whether he can mauagg it. There is a fuss in the family over Judge Robertson’s appointment to bo collector of the ]>ort of New York, and Mr. Garfield bus had to circulate an explanation to exoner ate Blaino and appease curly "Con ky.” Mr. Garfield says Robertson was selected by himself, and that So meftber of his cabinet even knew of it. The Cooklingites say It fc passiag strange tint ho should •elect the man of all others in the •tale to whom Blaiu wns under ape cial obligation. Roburtson was the first of the New York delegates to lead front Grant to Rlnioe in the Cliicsgo convention. It Is expected that a bill will be introduced in the next Congress, with the approval of the President, to change Utah’s from of govern ment, with s view to effecting cer tain reforms. It will provide a coin mission to administer the af fairs of the Toritorv, which will bo composed of men known to bo sound on the question of polygamy. The bill looks to the disfranchise ment of polygamist, men and wo men, as women, eveu though In dians or Chiaesa, if wives of Mor- monsera allowed under the present law to vote. It is reported that the worry In cidental to the discharge of his of ficial duties is beginning to tell up on the health of President Gar field. Upon the advice of frieuds he has taken to out-door exercise on .horseback. V. Him.. Cmtlrt* OuHlem, Tam., write.! “I*n. I|A% TUB'S 1*0?! TONIC has done wonder* here. A led who hud lieen doctored nearly to death for »ev era! years, ns* been eared of /v/.i/fty o'teal Prntlmli'.n tor tile use of It AHTKtt'H IBOM TOXIC, whtc raised her-from ‘ where, she had lying for many month. ’' J Itr. Parte* 1 — .... Janus Itrown of ourcnuiUy, has requested _ __ ... tender yon hla yratelbl SCknowledffliiqnis for the (treat bene- hlu wife received from the uae of your „ InowToNnr. He tells us that, after bavin* paid three or lour hundred dollars doctors' bills, two hottl-* nr Ikon JoNIi. did her more good than all other med- 8 she ever used, bhe wee troubled with ef Ms Hat, H ., frosn wliloli She Is wacA relieved. TBX*s. V. A. Pa MANUTACTURBD ST 1TUCI S CO. Vo. exa worn 1 BARTER Mi IX VAIN STREET. ST. LOUIS. MOTHERS! MOTHERS! MOTHERS Are you disturbed t tii|{lil mill broke of your reel by a f-iek child suffering and crying with the cx< ruciittii.g pain on cutting teeth? If so. go Ht mice and get a boll In of MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTH IN(1 SYRUP. It will reliev tin peor little ruff, n r immediately depend upon if; there in no mistake about ii Tiny. j« . n, 1I1 -r o if Ii Ini lit- cti-r u-.-d ir, 11 v\ II (I t tfll yon III once I lull i! will rcuulatc th‘ '»«•' K and "fv* n-?i to tlm nun her, r d r«-l.- I" iuhI !*• *ilt Ii In 1I10 child, opi rating like imwic. Il it perfectly sale 10 u-o in a I cus.«, aud pica-nut to the taatc, und in the prexerip tion of one of the oldest mid l»otd l< male physicians and nurses in the United Stiito*. Sold every where. 25 cet tt s b 'ttle. Oct ft, 1y «*. « Honk, March 26.— l'lm hunk of Koine BiHjpeiult-iitltd thin morning. The rcusoii assigned is tlieir inabili- ty to realize on cotton blockad'd hv the recent freshet. The liubiltios and asset* arc at present unknown Ii It- supposed the liahilities will not ex ceed one hnndred thousand dollars, and that the creditors and depoaitoiaj, will not receive lew than fifty cents on the dollar. Tho bank of Rome is tie state depository in Ihisciiynnd has now about thirty thousand dyl lam of tbtelates money secured by a* bond. The suspen ion created n pro | found sensation he e. The following is from Colonel Samuels, the pree lent ot the bank. Romm March 2c —The hank bus |<ended on account of the flood which wet the Cotton that cannot be shipped* The state and private de positors will be paid as soon as we j can realise from our assets.—Consti tution. A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT 9TftfcNSTHCHER.A 8UBE RtVIVCR. IRON RITTERS arc highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic; especial ly Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fever*, Waal of Appetite,Lou at Strength, Lade of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, ana gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such ns Tatting the Food, Belching. Heal s» theStomarh, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Hold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading—tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS TltlrUitffRr—fi I lii wither I.leiiIS or Dry Form I iho saw# lime sa tho diseases of Iho Liter, Bowels aid Kitaeys, I This combined action give* U wonderful I power to cure alt dteeaee*. I WHY AUK WE WOK? I Because roe allow these greatargane t* | looms dogmdor torpid, and jioleoiioushumorel | or* therefore d into the blootl that should \ I A* expelled naturally. Netiralffls, Coughs and Colds Cami* Hidok. 8. C., Nov, 0, 1878. 1 have used your Nen rotic for neuralgia, coughs and colds, m d have been UiUch benefitted bv it. Mhb. E. E. KENNEDY. Neuralgia b roin Adjutant Oeneral Jones, of North Caioliua: The Neurotic lias been nsed by members of my family. It is sn efficacious remedy for neuralgia. Belief from pain was promptly produced byap- plyiug externally as directed. August 27’ 1878. JOHNSTON JONES. Jey Gould raid about his rela tions with corporations: "I am a more paaaenger,” and Mr. Vander bilt aaid: “The nicest thing in the world is to be satisfied with what you have; that’s what I am.” Tue Brooklyn Eagle, noticing these humble and philosophical reflec tions, rematka quietly: “The meek abaft inhert the earth.” COKKUNQ WILL FIGHT. Conklin’s war with the adminis tration begins at once. He is thaakfnl for Woodford and Payne, bet bo cannot, will not, stomach Robertaon. The New York col- leotonhip is the office of offices he covets moat. Robertson is his on- emy. He led the Blaine bolt in the How York delegation at Chicago- Ooce bo is confirmed, and Conk- ling’s patronage is gone and his loeal following disorganized. The isene is raised right here. jMtil Weifta and the whole force o PILLS IMDOMID BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN. ANO TNE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TB1UMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER, I<o—of sppetite.Nausea.bowelB costive. F»in In thsHesd.witb a dull suutsUoo I# the book part. Fun under Iho shoulder- nUde, fuLUnetis after eating,' with a disln- olinatioii to exertion of body or mind^ Irritability of temper. Low spirits. Lose of mamory, srlth s feeling of having'neg- jaoted some duty, weariness. Dizziness, FlutUrine of the Heart, Dots before the Pro*. Vpriow bkln. H esdaohe. Hestless- neee ef nieht, highly colored Urine. IT THXSX W AXHI10B ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED PfVELQPED. TTTlT'S PILLS are eapeciHlIy Hile,tied lo ffiuclt OBsoN,one cloa«? rn'ocU 'iucliii chango i oases,on« t Ift to«Ung us to HitoiiiMh the Miifferer. JftiBy Um*r+mm* the A|»|setlle, und cause the t»dy h# TaMw on thus the svatem In nrlBiieel. and by thetrTsknfte Art Ion on tho BSSS duced. F «*. Kswnlatr Masla ure ■ TUH’S HAIR DYE. Offlo*. SB Murray 8t., New York. W Pei* Ilil'l lAKl'AL ef VtluMs lafornaUoa end | |MI Biesipii wM Be nnMtd »UI on TrtK GXMUIMB boCIUKUM CoLl.AllO Subd wiil make co!lards that will mrsa ure tLire feet across top. Scud ter. cents Garfield f°F » p»p«r, or three pspets for 25 cente. to J. T. Patrick, Sec. Dixie Agriculural Association, Wade®boro, N. iiLioca.TKaa, riLks, constipation, I KIUNgV CUHPLAINTB. ubinabt, f MlBASBa, rnuu WBAKmCMb xxa sxavevs simbm**, I by rousing free action of these'Organs- An4| | restoring thsirmef to throw off Uittiue, | Why Hs»*rBI|tess galas sad schssl Why lormi strd with Plies, CeasUpatloall | Why frlghteaeS over SUordsnS Kldaeysl| Why sadurs ear oas or slek hsndachfsi Wiiy have slseyless alfklsl | Us. KIDMY.W OUT a d rxA>k In health | ___ ixeaiin |inckn4r<^o^wbi' inxqMA£taI I tBF*oiTued iotiM. c • V>V ^' I twin either /arm. I UKT IT OF TOUR DRUOOIST. PRICE, #1.M. I WELUi, B1CHAUIM0N A CO.. Prey’i, [ (Wig Send tho dry port-iwld.) aiULMuraX, VT.| WANTKD. P-rsons who really auff.-r Irotn Sal Ubeuiu. S<>re Li| s, ( Impprd Hands, llurnt Brulacb, (JoriiH, Muni us, ( Inlblaina or In I'-'growing Nails, are iuv't. (l to Iry Pike’? Center ilia' Salt Ijllieum Salve. Prieu. 25 iontr. Sold by, I)ruggi?t8 mid Amenta J. I*. Barber, P. M., (i amp Ground) E Epplng, N. H, v r tvs, “May God bless ai.d -proaver vouiii luini-liiug a good ar ticle to the afflicted ones af earth.” Teatlllloiila n.-We tlie UBderaigiii'd meinbrrsofthe New 1 iiglund Conference, teitify that our lamilie* have used PIKES 'CENTENNIAL HAt.1’ All EUMSA.VE with pleasiug r.—iilta . We consider it h very superior tiruch. Huv. L Ii Bates Ht v. N (' Whilnker, Itev. 7 B Sm tli livv. rt^V M .nslleld, H ir. V A Cooper , bev J D Pickles, ltev (j L Eastiuau. M D. H.hmI A Co., i olunVlius, Ga.*’’ |> tlKJ-Vs « E.mTENNIAL, salt I Hh, t V M AAl/V E is nnniii'sclswd by > | w J. PIKE & i (>„ CRMtiSCA, Mam. S> n' on leeeipt ol' piic<‘ in stamps, fi dd by l>U J. M. I'UHK. Canton G.* 'Ol/$ A spider’s wob afl’ordg tin excel lent barometer. An old spurisinan of Coldwuter, Michigan, clauns that one preserved in liis homo has AND SPERMATORRHSA. A vslnsbl* Discovery sod New Depart uro In Mod- lost Kclonce, sq entirely New sad positively effective Kemi'dy (uy fhq epe«i|y end psrmsoent Cure ot Benil- nal Kittles to ns ana Im way, vlai p recUApi . o( tho Dliesee, itotloa by It i ni'octllolntlucnca on tui ' * X L»o Its prlocluil Seat irptlon, sad oicrtln* ’ nt Vesicles, Sjnc- • . ' , . • i i nlntory Ducts, Proutnte OlnntT, and wfsthra, Tbs proved almost invttnablv correct, I . v ’ venlenco, nnd does not Interfere with the ordinary When rain and wind arc expected. ““ “ ‘ • • the Rpider shortens tlio thicads which suspend the weh. Wlien reel’s are let out, tine weather may be certain i but jf the spider io- inains inert, ram will probably fol low within a whoit time , Pkuky, Houston County, t,a. We have k> ow n ‘'Swift’s NVjdnlitio .specific” testid m hundrvds-of uhatinalu cases oi Syphilis, Mercurial Tflieuntatl^u, Sciofula, otc. It mutlo the nuirt perfect and permanent curt* in eoerg rate, Hugh L. Dennaid,- Eti W'trfru Snm. D. Ki'.len, J. W. Wimberly Judge C<>, Court. J C Gilbert, Drug't. J L Warren, of J W Mann. J W Lathroi> & Co., County 7r. a< Savannah, Ga. Win D i.-roo, Sin.iff, Dd Jaekron, C O Duncnn, Dt-p’t i l'k Sup’r Cr, Dny & Gordon Will, Bruiisim, * We are i tcquaintit’l will} f.lie j'piitleiucn whose signatures nppeqr to the above gor tillcate. 7'hey uruci'lzena of s>iitl uoun- ty, of the highest ruspectubility uu<i ohar acter. A . 8. G l /.'US, Ordinary Houston Co., Ga. J>. IT. CULLER, Clork Sup’r Court Houston Ctv, Ga. I aii| personally acquainted with tlie proprietors, and nisnt of the gentlemen whose siyggtures appear to the foregoing certificates. 7 hey arc i;|oii of high char acter and standing. A. It, Coi.q.ij'h’, Governor <d' (it oiria. Til E SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by . , ,, Ca I lot a gopy of ‘Voting Meg's Friend.’ Wholesale Agents GEORGIA—C HERO KEF. COUNTY: Four we* ks alter date Hpplic-ai i<>n will he until to the court of Gulina. \ off-aid county, for have to sell the lands belong iDg to the estate of James Barrett dec as ed; Feb. 22ud, 1881. B. llARJfETT, Executor, i t-orbod, producing an iaiiuodUto Booth In* and reetor- atlvu ofiooi u|>on the sexual and nervous organiza tions wrucked from aelf-abuBo and excesses, stopping the dralu from tho system, restoring the mind to health and Hound memory, removing the Dimucan of Bight, Nervous DebUity, Oonfualon of Ideon, Aversion to Society, otc., etc., and the appearanco of prematuro old age usually accompanying this trouble, und restoring perfect Sexual vigor, whsro U has boon dormant fur years. This node of treat ment has stood the test In very eevero cases, end is renounced success. Drugs are too much pro- ‘ “ 1 *““ troubles, and, aa many can bser wit- |ftt lu if any permanent good. Th< serrationenoSl^itm w ^ will givo Brttisfaction, it has boon in ponsral uao, wo nave thousaagsoftc^^ • means yot prsvalent J iublSwthat is well known to be tbo enusb of untold aory to bo many, and upon whom quacks prey with their ubsIobh nostrums aud big fees. The Remedy is nut up in neat boxes, of throo sizes. No. l,(*Q<ra;;n to a month,) $3; No. Q, (sufficient to effect*per- O. “ IDStoro A..lad, in bi uainir win ac com tinny!'. ACH FOX. /Send for neatest neaerijsilre Campfc- J |rl«giving Anatomical !Huutrntionu a anil Testis many, which trill convince ■ thr snout eltrpfletil that thru can hr V rettgj'rd fa perfect nut nhsHtd.antl /It Nil isb a iuuui>u,; ) *vu. », inuiuviuiu iu uuouv ■ put* lent, euro, uniat* lu Severn cases,I SS; Mo. 3. lug Over thro* months, will sttm emlxilons sad ore vljjnr la th. worbt caws,) 17. Hunt br mall, plain wrappers. Full DIRECTIONS for reitureita prr/nt ttta nhooil !S\ it. ■ V never affected. Hold ox lx by HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF C. CHEMISTS. HUrkctwid Oth Sts. St. Louis. Mo. (r.1 MdUJiJl -•....I. ,..:,.,.- .'.at ..oatuUdfaqU W - a , d..l of muter*. It weUlM W l-aj.s ttllh ..I lUU Plate ‘ I I ' . - H uV* A^Y| *"• *• Sib 1.1,uli, Co. GEORGIA—CHEROKEE COUF IT: N.i>tici- is hereby given to nil persons having (It mitmls against Nancy V. Lati liter late of sa'nl county, ilocensi'il, to pre sent them to nt • properly mmle out with in tlie lini- piTscrlbcil by |u\v so as to show 'liL-ir character ai d amount. 11 persons jgdohtcd t 1 ’ said dceensed are hereby required to make Imifpidiate pay ment. 2'liis Maicli *28 It, 1881. N. J. Pekkins, Executor of Nanay V. Latimer. GEORGIA-C’HEKOKLE COUNTY: Thirty d«vs a ter date applicailon wil lie made to the courl o' Ordinary or styld county for leave lo null tlie on.- M*th in terest in the dower of F.liz dictli Cook I>q longing to Amanda O Cook. Icdr of N J Cook, deceased. F l> 1:8 Ii, 1881. J B C’OOK. Guardian. . Subscribe lor The Advance. Ike Cherokee Drug Stare UNbEJi THE MANAGEJ/ENTOP BE. WILLIAM A. 6REEEE, la a Fmnanr.nn/ in Canton and will continue to ke»p on hand a full and <y>iuf»leU! stock of D/fUGS J/EDI INKS PAINTS. VARNISH - (CO 'CH, CO P AL .mo .1 (PAN). Toll ET AH’< ICLES, SOAPS of EVERY KIND, Oil,8— inch aa Linseeil. Sweet, NeaUf.mi. .Machine, Cnelor Od, and all the iMential oil*. >l«o Pain* Bruslies of every kind and sizo sold in Piist Class Drug Stores. All these articles w ill lie sold cheaper than ttie, cheapett. < all end price my go da ‘tetorc buying. Lamps aud Lamp Fix tires of every kind, and a Very lam '<*ck. Bring your broken lamps und lantern and I will rt-pnir then, wakiug li< in good at me*. 7^N)k out for tlm large sign “Cherokee Drag Store” Painted on the front of the brick building formerly nccuphd by Dr. J. H. Spier, where yhli w ill l>e welcomed, and we will l>e more than glad to show you our good*. Heim mbci the New Stand. In conclusion —I gle efully thank the people of ' Iterokee and adjrtini-g coCntb s for their v.'-ry litieral patronage, and promise all mr energieeand ability to serve you in the future While my tailing health and proper attention to tha I'riig 8t.i re will md admit of gngHging in actual practice ot Medicine, yet my -er\ices ar fr • rlv • ffeii d my patrons in the treatment of such diseases ns I can P'Cicr he Idr troiu my offlci>, /Vir of charge. \ ou can consult me at aiiv time and 1 invi'e you IimIohi.^ I i.lso ott< rmy services in all Singientdieeaer* and accidents, being fully mppiicd witli nil requited instruments nnd npparatuses for truntineiit of such cases. WILLIAM A. GREENE M D ESTABLISHED 1853 jWi tLniJdfi ’6. (Ufai/tAm MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED WIN8HIP i’OTi’ON GIN. SELF FEEDER AND C’ONDKSEIt. COTTON PRESSES. FOR STEAM. IIAND OR HORSE I’OWEU, Sli\FTING, PIJLLIK", HANGERS SAW MILLS. AKI> MILL HEARING OF EVERY l)KS 1UP- TION. ENGINES AND OTIlE/f MA HiNE/lY AEPaIRED. ESTIMATES FURNISH ED ON APPLI ATION. Correspondence solicited. Address, WJDB8HE? & ££0, . it. ATLANTA, GA. SL fl£cuukLnA f DKA1.KBS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, tlA IS, HARDWARE! clothing. Family Groceries, Etc., VLOWS XT LXAHCa, saoxaiA. And Agent- fof (lie s >’.e of! luhle Pacific and Pendleton‘h A ... s . . phosphate nnd S ditble 1* iriflc A id -the very Irest Fertiliaais on tlm I'nlrL s 8,, P ,, '' cst Cash prices i *hi for cotton. . Mareh fi F. S. BARRETT. Flowery Branch, Georgia. Keeps constantly on hand a large aud full assortment of / jHtLcJl cLtLcliAe, Which lie sells at Iktttdm price#, He is also agent for the sale ot BRADLEY'S and* ZELL’S STANDARD GUANOS and tho very best Acid Phosphates, terms— cotton op ion and fair grading of cotton iu tlm fall. Aftrch 4 ly Highest cash price paid for cotton 8. ts* o * I keep constantly on hand a g )od slock of SAW MILLS, Scr«\v mi I Hatchet baud. Blocks, xuitud to LIGHT or HEAY Powers. Also t'ORABLE EKG1N E8 Up to Fifteen Horse Power, and furuishiug Larger Sizes ou short notice. CIRCULAR. SAWS Both solid blades and iuserted teeth constantly in stock at LOWEST PRICES I handle nothing hut tlm Best of Machinery, yf.t my prices ARE LOW. jyDou’t buy Machinery of any kind until you writ: mu for Prices and Terms ALSO Wholesale dealer in VICTOR oEWING MACHINE, warranted first class, equal to ant machine ma le. Reliable agents wanted in i veiy town in tlm State— (Merchants preferred.) tlKff' Libetal discount to the trade. "0*8 8. F. PERKINS. 34 West Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga. A/arch 8 ly. (P. O. Box43.) ’ *