The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, April 14, 1881, Image 2

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■ ■ TtHm flfte 4 (jacket 2Uoaucc. MUSHAL A. THOMAS, Edit**. Canton, Chxroxkx G'ouktt, ®a. THURSDAY. APRIL 14,1881. Ah6tmRR shock from earrnkaake. occurred at Ohio on last Monday; which lasted foir seconds, increasing gradually in strength as it passed over the island, and was followed ly the falling ol houses on all sides. The Republicans tire in a singular dilemma. They are doing their best to auppreas an internal confliot over tha bargain with Mahone, which soma of them feel to be a corrupt oollar bound about their necks. Ii they abandon the present contest they fear to enoounter a conflict be tween the administration and the Grant faction. It is fire before and Are behind, conflict on either hand, and tbey hardly know which way to turn. Mr. Gahnkld’s backbone, of whioh we hear muoh just bow, will do him little good if he persists in flouting the disposition of the South ern senators to give bis adminisira tios their support fa matters not connected with partisan politics. Perhaps Mr. Garfield tan get along without this support; but if be oau* not, he would do well to oall his friends in the senate away from Hie d sreputable effort to ooasumate the Mahone bribery. 4ALtJTA"?0«vr. With this issue the undersigned tikes charge of the Advanok. Not O'vever, for the purpose ol “tryin our hMiid,” but with a full deter mination lo succeed. We are fully aware that the profession to whiot- we aspire is beset by many snares, but we shall endeavor to be prepar* d to meet every emergency. We ha»* had several years experience in th« printing business, and feel and hop*- that it will bo of advantage to us m tbe future. We intend to use all tbe industry, iutelligeuoe and persevereuoe that we possess and cun avail ourselves of, for the purpose of furnishing the pco- pie of this and adjoining counties a readable and interesting newspaper. The politioa of tbe puper will be Democratic; yet at the same time, we shall feel it our duty to expose crime and applaud merit wherever found, although we do not deem it necessary to abuse any party or indi- viduul, simply because they differ with us politically. We bold that every man has a right to his own way of thinking. The Advakcb will be devoted to the interest of tbe section of country ia which it is published. To help to build up the town of Canton and Cherokee and adjoining counties will be our aim, and wu shall spare no pains to accomplish this end. We arc comparatively a stranger to the people of Canton and Chero kee county, yet we are not the kind of a man to stay so long, and further* more our business requires a famil iarity with the people and things ol interest to the oounty. We would (£> Dr. tlmter. — , Jr. Sunt* Brown of oar county, hm. roqueted as to tniMtnr yon hi* grautal . ^owlcdnicnti for the (rent bene. Its bln wlh rerelrnd from the UM of your itrfoWMn&i Wyour Inox Toxic did her more pood then nil other lied. mat bksoioii •t. uoxnm. It is Mtimated that evory dollar of be glad to have every man iu Canton revenue from liquor ooati the State fifteen dollars. Let tax payers pon der that fact. Though (be coat of tbe crime that originates in tbe sin loon ie tbe chief burden the honest and sober business men of the laud bare to bear, yet tbe liquor-deulere, while imposing this tax on the peo- pie, are forever prating about their rifhw. With what eemblanoe of jnetfoe oan this class of men claim tbe right to grow rioh at theexpenee wikna^ita^i tax-payer nee right. sooner be asserta them tbe better for tbe Statsi Bit. Dx. Goodwijt, of Illinois, bss prepared a funeral aermon to be need ot tbe burial of oil who bare been elain by liquor. It ie from tbo text: M But who slew thie man?” A brother of Dr. Goodwfa, while orasy with drink, shot hie brother who had been his beet friend in life. A good man was murdered, tbe heart of tbe murderer when tbe frenzy wore off was overwhelmed with remorse when told of the horrible deed, a large family connection was plunged into the deepest distress, the community was very mnch shocked—and the liquor-dea|er still supplies his cus tomers with the cause of temporary insanity. Where does tbe fanaticism come in ? How profound the infat. nation of men who will palliate this evil. After all that has been said and written to the effect that Dr. Felton wae seeking an appointment from the present administration, there is not one word of truth in it. These lies have been oonooeted out of whole doth for some specious purpose no one can divine. The men who for mulated and pot m shape such state meats knew they were lying when they did it. Tbey have groan out of the base and oorrupt purposes for which we fear even the Southern press ie being used to advance for vile and mendacious objects. Now, Dr. Felton has never applied to or aoughi from Garfield a single favor. He desires no honor not conferred npon him by the voters of tbe sev enth congressional district, as will be seen in the next campaign in hie tri umphant defeat of corrupt methods by which he was defeated last tall— nil of which will be* fully shown up and exposed to tbe gaze of the pub lic, when all honest men will shrink with horror in view of the corrupt practices employed in the seventh district.—Csrtersville Free Press. and iu tbe county, who feel an in terest in the prosperity o the.rooun- tr paper, to call at this office and form our acquaintance, and tell us the news, and probably what is bet ter, subscribe for the paper. Don’t wait for the "new editor” to call on you, but you oall on him. He will most likely be in when you oall, as he intends to "make a hand’* him self, and push the business, rather than have the business push him. U ik» T««yU of tha countv want the Advance lo' become a success, tbey must patronize it liberally, and to increase the circulation, we have determined to reduce the price of subscription to one dollar a year for tbt next Thirty Days. Remem ber, your oounty paper, size twenty- four columns, all printed at home for one dollar a year. This offer is to Cash subscribers only. Those who do not pay in advanoe will be obarged one dollar and twenty-five oeuts. Those who already have their names on our Subscription Book, can have the benefit of the reduction, by paying for their puper during tbe next Thirty Days. All who receive a copy of this is sue will please consider it a personal invitation for subscribe, as we will probaly not have time to see you iu person. Respectfully, M. A. THOMAS. Imiasnt Phyiioluu v« prescribing that tried and true reme dy, Kidney.Wort for the worat cases of billiousness and constipation, as well as tor kidney complaints. There is scarce ly a person to be found that will not be greatly benefitted by a thorough coarse of Kidney. Wort every spring. If you feel out of «orts and don’t know why. try a package of Kidney-Wort and you will leel like a new creature.—Indianapolis Sentinel. | ROM A PERFECT 3TWNQTHENEB.A SURE REVIVER •> hiphly i < I tilling a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite. Lott of Strength, Ijirk of Energy, etc. Knrietle* the blood, strengtheiiH the muscles, and gives new liCu to tiie nerves. They act likcacharin on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, ancli IU Tmtini/ thr Fond, Fetching, Htid in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or wive headache. Hold by all druggists. Write tor the A B C Book, 33 pp. of useful aud amusing reading—»rnt free.. DISOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS The Hamilton Journal states that there is a lady io Harris oounty "who lx living with her sixth hatband, and is now as sprightly Tu at sweet six- teen.” Id the trial of tbe parties charged with complicity in the murder of the late Czar, which is ia progress at St Petersburg, the accused made tidmis sions which, in the opinion? ol the procurator, would tend to shorten the trial. Jeliaboff, the coolest of the prisoners, stated that Rousaakoff knew nothing of the preparations fer the murder until the day it was af fected, and that Michueloff, another prisoner, was entirely unconnected with it. The telegrams of the for eign prt-83 representatives were de taiued, and they were informed that they would not be forwarded nulees countersigned by the assistant pros ecutor. The trial was concluded yesterday morning, and the sentence of death by hanging was pronounced upon all the accused. The sentence ol the woman Piefotky has beeu re ferred to the Czur, as she is of noble birth. BlATK NEWS- Southwestern railway stock sold for $112 per shars at Fort Gaines last Tuesday. The survey of tha Gainesville sud Jug Tavern Railroad boa been com pleted to Jag Tavern via Hosoh’s store in Jaokson couty. Mr. ft. R. England, of Columbus, dealer in carriages, wagons, etc., has made an assignment with reported lia bilities ol ten to twelve thousand do)* Isrs. Mrs. William Simpson, of Cass Station, died of beast disease lost Thursday, while sitting at the din ner table, at we learn from the Car* tersville Express. The Atlanta Phonographs^, ^Lat daring the past few days” three or foar strangers have oome to Atlanta who «re regarded as bank burglars. The polioe have beeo notified to keep on a lookout ter them, and the vari oat batiks ol the oity are using tbe necessary precautions with the view of protecting their property against depredations. At Stone Monnta in last Monday morning, Mr. Cland Markin awoke and found that his wife who had been in bad health for several years, had died during the night. When Mr. Mrakin retired Mrs. Meskin did not appear to be worse than unual, and lie was surprised to find her dead in the morning. Alexander Stephens cuts a most ridiculous figure when he attempts to give Mr. Hill advice on prudence. I he truth is, we have too many poli cy men representing us in Congress, one of whom Mr. Stephens is which. We believe in administering the bit terest pills in unbroken doses. We think all Southern men should have uncompromising views and dure as sert them.—Madisonian. Monticillo Haw key e : *‘Our cor respondent ‘Scribner,’ at Smith’s Mills, say8 there is not a man in that village who swears or drinks whisky. 1 hat is civilization in an important direction and speuks well lor that village. Get up your uuti-swearing clubs. Set the example and otl er neighborhoods will lollow. Of all the useless and bad habits we ever get into, swearing and drinking are the worse. We do not remember that we ever met any one who ever did either, but what in their cool, sober momeuts wished they had not.” XOlHIkS! MOTHERS! MOTHERS Are you disturbed »t night and broke of your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying with the excruciating pain on cutting teeth f If so. go at once and get INa&YKLl. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately-depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is no mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at ouce that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, end relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly rate io use in all cases, and pieasant to the taste, and is the prescrip tion of one ot the oldest and best f«m a ] e physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 35 cents a bottle. Oct. II, ly. ' IN DOUSED BY MVtieiANS, CIIRIYMIN. Ml TMC AmiCTCO IVlflYWMlM. THE 6SEATE8T MEDICAL TMUBPH OF THE A6E. SYMPTOM, 0. A TORPID LIVER. iWbaohaart. Pain sNIwfts shoulder- blads, fuUnsys after eating, wj|h a disin. in, Headache, Heetlesi- dy colored Urine. WBSSSmXSgSBte TVTTSnUS are e«p*Halljr adapted to •j™ *ae*e.*»we Sow effect* istharhaen at Sealtaf as ta aetonloh the eaOVrer. AT TSTFs Oaev Hub o> Wnmkmo t-baand to i UtAcnky a stasle oi-sHcaUnTsTtoo •■SOrto a Natural color, acre Iimtanu I to a ClLnaay S-Krtea oatoral color,oowTnitimaSE.Mly! ••IS bf P*< ■*»! t>? •■|>rru on rrcripl offi. ORIna, DP Murray •*., Raw York. THE ONLY WtEPtCINl IN KITH KB LIQUID OR DHY KOBH That Art* at the Mewe Tlaie ea The Liver. The Bowele. and the Kidneys. There triert oretui- arc Hie natural rleamen TERRIBLE SUFFERING. BUionmett. Jleaduche, Dijtiie/uia, Jaundice. Covet i potion. /‘it.*. Kidney t \.rnjUninte (/runt. DtaMte, Hheumatxc Pulntot ArJiet arc (l.'»c lo|H <l bri-au -' llii.hl.Hxl lx iwImidkI with lb* humor, that MmuM be expelled naturally. KIDNEY-WORT will restore •ho healthy action nnd all them* destroying otIIm will bo lNini»hi‘di Drgloct them uml you will Ii vts hut to Miller. ThomwiuU have liuon euml. Try it nnd you will add tine utoru lo thi* number. THko It aud lieoltb will cu oo luore v hidden your heart. Why suffer l«Njrr from U.r ft riurH «fmi arising hark f Why bear aiirb di.lrc IrnOi ( ami 5 pa Hon an I Ultra f KflManr-WtiRT willtniro r >tl. Try itnt- ikOrtkI befatiarfhkl. V-ru; t..t. a-it. 1M.-. 01.00. Iti> put up in Dry TrgHftHli* Form, In LlPtlu runs ouo packnire of wliii h loakes sis t3TqunrUof miH’.IcItto. MTAlso in Liquid Form, very OoweentDmled QTfor tho oouvctii nee if th *«o who cannot It act* with equai MTreadily |trr|H>ie it. t.VtlUctSticjf in either form. ~\siLliS,**U 1CHVuils0N A CO., Prop'x, (WUI Bend the dry post iMdd.) H’MI.ISfiiTOfl, VT. HOP BITTERS' (A Medicine, Mot a Drlalt.) CONTAINS 1IOPN, lU CIir, .TIANDUAKK, IIAMIEI.ION, THEY CUKE All IM.ea>eanr IlirSloninrli. Ilowrli, lllooj, l.lrvr. Kidney,.nnU Urinary Orran,. Ner- Slroplc*>nc,**iiil ei Compl.lut*. 91000 IN COLD. Will be paid for a ca,c they arlll not c:tre or"' lielp, or for anything Impure or lujtirlou* fmiutl in tliciu. Aalc your druridat for Hop Hitter, anil try them before you deep. Tuku uu other. D l.C. laen alMolitteaml Irn alailhlrrure for DruuketmcM, uae of opium, tobacco aud narcotic,. ■mV SBXU FOB CtXCVLAB. All ,bov, i»M l»y dru„itl«. H.p MitMra It,. Co., KoctM.Wr, N. T., A Turont., Oat, Ike Gkeiokee Div Sieve UKDE R THR II AN A GMfc'ENYOF DE. VvILLlAHA. GREENE, Is a /Vrmanrtiry in Canton and will continue to keep on hand n fall and complete »tock of p«tG8. MEDICINCH PAINTS. VARNISH-(CO vCH, CO PAL nnd JAPAN), TOILET AAMCLKS. SOAPS of EVERY KIND, OILS— 8we *t. Neats foot. Machine, Castor Oil, and all tha eaaentUI oils. A so Faint Brushes of every kind and size sold in Fiist CIms Drug 8tofes. All tli .ae articles will be sold cheaper than tbe cheapert. Oall and price my goods aT!^ n7r S ‘ ^"JP* , L " m P Fixtures of every kind, and a very large y° ttr br , okc « •“'"P* <tnd lauters and I will repair them-making them good as new. look out for the Urge sign * “Cherokee Drag Store” Draw Store will not adL.'u * , ! ,ug > ,e -. ltl > » n< f. proper attention lo tha Dr serv -uw Htor» aril! . .. ....Buty iniitug iie^nu nna proper at) rvYcM are frlelv ^Vrlftti iu Police of Medicuto, yet my reacribe for from my office^/fe^T^A^ro.'* V' U “ ,,,K ‘ nt of , 1 ttch uiseaaeaa* I can invite you tu do ao. I a I no off..r } ‘’“.f" 1 ? con ‘ ult n,e • ,, J r t i°"' »«d being fully supplied with till »iriLl*” 5 1 V,n a ^ytettldiseettn and accident!, of such cases. 1 required instrument, aad apparatuses for treatment WILLIAM A. GREENE. M I). “tfdtattLLdkecL WINSHIP’8 IRON WORKS. MANUFACTURERS OF TIIE IMPROVED WINSHIP ODTlviv mv an> C0NDE8ER, COITON^ PJW88B8 1 FOR SwaJ****** AN HORSE POWER, SHAFTING PULI?Fa £^L. ,,AI,D MILLS. AND MILL C1EAR1NG OF HVEHV N nwJi2i.S AW •rtON^ ENQINES AND OTH EINc*? 1 P " REPAIRED. ESTIMATES PUANISH- „ , EG ON APPLICATION Correspondence solicited. Address, " WINSHIP & BRO. ATLAJ UANTA, GA. ^elo-hcuTi. Si fifiauikL rid, Dkai.kbs in BttrooowxoTiomnooTS, SH0KS , „ AU .babowarb Clothing, Family Groceries, Ftc., IIOWSBT 5BAR0B, " OSOKOIh And Agents for the sale of Soluble Pacific and Pendleton’s ^ „ phosphate and Soluble Pacific Acid—the very best Fertilizers on ttoTn, 8 ,rP* r est Cash prices ;'««d far cotton. n 1 0 *J*" rkc C High March 3 ly. F. S. BARRETT, Flowery Branch, - Georgia. Keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of J^jPtLelal ^jUjlclicLruiute., Which he sells at bottom prices, He is also agent for the sale ot B/MDAEY’S and ZELL’S STANDARD GUANOS and the very best Acid Phosphates. Terms cotton option aud fair grading of cotton iu the fall. Jl/iirch 4 ly Highest cash price paid for cotton St' $s&> I keep constantly on hand a good stock ot SAW MILLS, Botli Screw and Ratchet hand Blocks, suited to LIGHT or HEAY Powers. Also PORABLE ENGINES Up to Fifteen Ilorso Power, aud furninhiug Larger Sizes on short notice. CIRCULAR SAWS Hoth solid blades and inserted teeth constantly iu stock at LOWEST TE1C L handle nothing but the Best of Machinery, YET MY-PRICES ARE LOW. J3p-Dou’t buy Machinery of any kind until you write me for Prices and Terms ALSO Wholesale dealer in VICTOR oEWINO MACHINE, warranted first cla.s, equal to any machine made. Reliable agents waniid in every town in the State— (Merchants preferred.) mt Liberal discount to the trade, “igth 8. F. PKRKIK8, 34 W'est Mitchell Street, Atinnia, Gt. March 3 ly. (P. O. Box43.)