The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, April 28, 1881, Image 2

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fcfjr ibrrckec ^&»aute. MARSHAL A. THOMAS, Bnrrtn. Di^Alvit'uA i iC I* Thir •ufficioot Kennour 8 load id the Boudin. Canton, Cmkroknk C'ovntt, 8a. THUR8PAT. APRIL 28, ltffii. tu oRixura' bavx. The State on last 1’iidujr filed mu •Mended bill asking lev fie appoint- aent of m receiver, alleging that no iNMik can oiake a voluntary assign ment without snrrendering its char ter or the use thereof. The Creditors’ Commutes refute to give any statement of the assets ot the bank, as does also the assign ees. The people desire u statement end ere entitled to it, and they must have it. .We do not wish to say anything against the b nk that is on Imitated to miarepreqpnt its true condition, but why U this long suspense? It seems to ns if the bunk hud been act ing all right, and iis finances had beeif honestly look d after and at tended to, that its directors would be more than willing to give a full and oomplete statement to the peo pie at onoe. The present condi tion of affairs, however, forces os to the conolnsion that "there is some thing fottaa in Denmark!" The people ore tired of waiting, and sooner or later the facta must be made known, and procrastination is damaging to these who persist in keeping them in the dark. Latkr.—Messrs. Hill and Thomp son have been appointed receivers for the defunct bank by order of Jndgo Uillyer. The proceeds are to b* held snbject to order of court. •aamnn OUrp in Georgia. Too Constitution aayaa "Hon. J. T. Henderson, commissioner of agri* cultare, famishes ut with the fol lowing extract of letter from a gen tleman near Griffin, Georgia, who has taken grant Interest in the pro- legation of the German carp in Georgia :• "Gnivnir, Ga, Arpil 22,1881*— Hon. J. T. Henderson, Commission* •r of Agrfonhniw—Doer Sir! The carp have laid, and batched. Millions of littlo ones swarm in my pond. I notiosd thorn on 12th of this month spawning, and saw Ihoir eggs on the grass.and meshes this morning. 1 happened to look into the water and aaw millions of them. They are in droves or aoheols from one end of the dam to the other for four hun dred feet, and yet there are count leva numbers of eggs yet to hatoh, and atilt they are spawning. 1 notioe that they lay early in the morning and stop when the sun is up—good. Please aooapl my heartfelt gratitude. Very truly, Abel Wiiiqht.” Thr new steamer will arrive in Marietta about the first of May. Miss Mattie Dobbs had the honor of naui- the fire engine, which will be known ns the "Aurora." Thr Firemen’s Supper in Mariet ta last week,"panned out” about lour hundred dollars. The supper was given lor the purpose of raising mon ey to bny hose aud reel, which have since been ordered. Thomas DeJaknette, the young man who killed his sister some time •go, in Danville, Va., in order to save their family from disgruce, as he suid, was acquitted on the plea of insanity at the time of the killing The flue passenger steamer Whee- less, plying the Savannub river for the last three months, was burned to the water's edge, in Savannah last week. The Wheel ess was an excel- ceitent boat, and was built in Pitts bnrg at a cost of about $36,000. She made her first trip on the Savannah river on 17th January. Given up by Doctors. "Is it possible thU Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy t” "I assure ycu it is true that he is en > tirely oared, and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only ten days age his docs tarn gave him up and said be must diet M Well-a-day I i da] That is remarkable! I and get soma for my Srtll m this day and get some for jMwrGoaige—fjfaow hops are good. 1 a very prominent Democrat who lias given close attention In the Sen- itormi dead lock lays doidir^lte fol lowing tiiirx'Mi propositions as. in Ills judgment, governing I lie own-, lie studied the grounds oftfce dis pute carefully and intelligently, tun the thirteen points which liepnaentt deserve attention, not the strength with which they art-" pt> n-nted, but also because they Repre sent, in a forcible way, the grounds upon which the Democrat^ Senators uttifiy their course. The following are the thirteen propositions: First. A party cannot be Consider ed to have a ihniority in a legislative body when it it unable to take r sin gle step or adopt a single motion unless some one ol the it Urged mi nority will aid it by voting and thus making the desired and necessary quorum. Second. The Republicans io the Senate, without Mahone added, have just one hall the Senate. Unless some member of the Demon utiC hull lends his aid the Republican Sena tors, plus Maltone, cun not commuud a quorum, and can do no business <d'any mine or nature except ad journ. Third. The vote of the Vice- Piesideiit cannot be made available until the Democrats shall be oblig ing enough to create a tie, whtoh he will then be able to unloose. Ot or iginal power the Vice~Presideut has not one particle, and the Republi can! arc enraged because the Dem ocrats will not so vote as to give the Vioe-President the opportunity to turn out Democratic otlio* holders who ar« faithfully discharging their duty. Fourth. The Vice President has never in the history of the govern ment, save in a single instance, voted in the election of Senate officers, and that was in a case where a vacancy was to be filled. If a vacancy were to he filled to day every Democratic Senator would be perfectly willing to huve the Vice President vote if a tie should occur, but the Democrats affirm and will to the end muintiun that the Vioe President’s vote shall not be used to create a vacancy where no accusation is made against the uicumbeut and where the change is to bs made tor political purposes only. Fifth. The "rale of the majority," about which the Republican Sena tors talk so loudly, is the "rule” which they will enforce if one or more Democratic Senstots will help them to do it. Sixth. The Republicans are irri tated because the Democrats will not leud their aid iq the consummation of the Mahone bargain by the elec tion of Gorham and Riddleberger. Seventh. At the opening of this session and for seventeen days after, •he Democrats had n clear and abso lute majority in the Senate, but the Republicans interposed dilatory mo tions every time the appointment of committees was proposed, und they held the Senate in a totally unorgan tzed if not disorganized condition until the venmt seats were filled and the trade with Mahone oomplsted. Biglith. When the Republicans f ot ready to appoint committees tbe iemocratic Senators interposed no objections, because committees were essential to tbe proper organization ol the body, aud they submitted qui etly to hnviug all the chairmanships taken from them aud trnnafered to the Republicans, although they nev er ought to have done this, anil they set an evil precedent in allowing it, which must be corrected ut the very first opportunity. Ninth. But when it is proposed to take another and needless agressive step, one entirely needless, except to give Mahone his pay und turn out two excellent und acceptable officers simply because they Hre Democrats, the Democratie Senators say : “No, you shall not do it, and we will stop you by precisely the sume means which yon employed for seventeen duys to stop us from organizing the committees. Tenth. Whenever the Republicans shall have u majority, even of one, in the Senate, no Democrat will inter pose a single dilatory motion aguinat the eleotiou of new officers ; but so long as the Republican Senators uni ted with Mahoue have only oue half of the Senate and the Democrats have the othei half, the Democrats will not aid, directly or indirectly, in turning out Democratic officers. Eleventh- The Republican Senu> tors may make up their minds thut neither at this sessiou nor at the next session will they be able to turn Messrs. Burch und Bright out of of fice unless by some means they first acquire a majority of the Senate. Twelfth. Ope word more. Wien committees are to be appointed n«-xt December, if the Senate continues evenly dividers now, fair warning is given to tbe Republican Senators Hut the Democratic Senators will in* gist on ii fair and iqutalib- division of tin- committees and chairmanships. Tfir-l*- ale t liirty-t iglit Sena*ora on each side ol the dumb r, and com mon fiimi SJ demands an equal par tit'on of the commit tee*. Thir i-en'h. For the |{c|>ublicun Senatois to dcniuiid a'l the com ill I tees M|,d all in. chairmanships tty tliec.Jimg vo »• ol ti e V O' I’fesi dent is simply toempowei the Vic- President to appoint the committees That h is h \ r been consented to until lit a session, when, lor the sake , ettiV. th Deniocrit't |»erimtretf it l will never be permit till again, aim I we and fair warning is now given to thal effect. D is held by Democratic Senators that these propositions present theii case in the clearest manner, and on* • irely justify to any one but even slightly familiar with the rules ol legislative proceedings, the course they have adopted aud which they persist in. Office Com'ii. or Land A Immioha- tioh for State of Georgia, Atlarta, Ga. April 22,1881. Editor of Tiir Cherokee An vance—Detr Sir:—1 ask pardon for this intrusion upon your col umns. 1 preferred to work quietly und let results spkeak for them selves, hut tho following erroneous statement in the Atlanta Cotmtitu- tion of this date makes it necessary that I should do so : "The agricultural bureau ef North Carolina is organised upon a more liberal scale than that ol Georgia— its expenditures running over $25,- 000 a year. About $5,000 is given to the geological survey, the fish commissioner und the experimental (arm, and half as much is devoted to the canse of immigration. Tbe bu reau is soppor>d by a special tax ol $500 levied U|»on each brand of fer lilizcr sold in the state. This taken the place ol tbe inspection fee sys tem of Georgia. From lliia sou roe about $30,000 is received, evety dol lar of whiolt goes to the agricultu ral bureau In Georgia about $60,- 000 ia realized Irom the inspection of fertilizers and yet the agricultu ral bureau is pinched—the fish com missioner works for nothing—theim- migration commimoner Ihrvw* up hi* place in di*gu*t after working two gear* for nothing, and the geological survey, alter being half perished, i* abandoned, buoh a pennywise and pouudfooliah economy will be apt to sbow its disadvantage in a contrast with lbs progress made by Carolina under a more liberal administration.” As n State official 1 have uo con nection with the Agriaptluttl Bu- ruuu. My office is in one .of the most oentrnl and prominent loculi ties in Atlanta, (opposite the Capi tol and Post Office) is furnished with specimens of the minerals und woods of Georgia, und will soon contuin manufactured fubrios showing the capacity of Georgia factories to muke one hundred dif ferent varieties of goods. Visitors call on me daily, and my whale time is, and has been since tbe ad- jourment of tbe Legislature, con stantly devoted exclusively to Itn migration aud getting tacts about the lands for sale io this State. I have mailed to farmers four thouaaud circulars like those en closed with this, one of which do scribes the arrival of immigrants at Savannah direct from Germany, and before the first ot May, I will mail six thousand more. 1 have mailed to Northern people in vari ous parts of the United States, in tbe last three months, three huy- dred pamphlets descriptive of Georgia, and in the next thirty days will mail one thousand more. Two thousand copies of my pamphlet, translated in German, are now be ing distributed iu Germany. The work done for more than two years could not wisely he abandoned un til the Legislature has finally dis posed of the subject. I have never itad greater fuith in the su^cesa of immigration, both as u means of selling land and obtaining addi tional laborers, than at present. Respectfully, Francis Fontaine, Com’r, Murder in Griffin. (From tbe Constitution ) Griffin, April 23.-This evening just before 6 o'clock there occurred one of the most terrible tragedies that every took place in our commu nity. Policeman Mark Hancock was just coming out of tbe alley near Morris’ saloon, ami had started across the street, when he met Alf Doyal. Lust Sunday morning Hun cock put Doyal in the lock»up for beiug drunk, which angered the lat ter to such an extent that, as report says, he said he would have venge ance for the indiguity. Wnen they met this eveuing words wete passed, but what was said uo one seems to know. Suddenly Hancock was seen to approach Doyal, the latter at the same time backing off It ns sup posed they were renewiug their for mer difficulty, for several heard Dov. ul say, •M.ivhe you Itud be ter put me ii|i iig.iin,” and with that fired fho rap.d shots, the first strik'd# Hancock hIiiiosi centi .,11/ in ilm s’onincii, tin* s OHid misting us aim. As i..oii ms lie Has slit)*, llanC'ck hrewh'i* hsmD to ins stomach, b.-nt ov'r um! cried “Oh. Inrtlv," a d wen: at unci'to H::i*iia* ding store. Oi. n aching ill" door lie tell, when he soon alter expired without vpeak i-ig a io lv*r w.i d. I) »y.»l ma le off iIohm th- n’hy budt g 4'in-1 Job*'— soli’s flu ii*h; ng tiis |.i.«tol hi ilie air saving, ‘'Oil h.'tv s ie is!” He was pursued bv .Sheriff Cornell and a hastily summoned posse who suc ceeded iu capturing the slaver, after a short run. Doyal was jailed at once and the feeling was strong against him. lodctd. much bitter ness was exprossed on all sides and to mglii the jail is bung stiougly guardid. The coroner's jury brought in a verdict in accordance with the above tacts to night after 0 o’clock. Be fore Hancock was removed front the drug store his wife und little boy came in and the scene was touching beyond description. 1 never ssw a sadder spectacle. Besides these Han cock leaveatwo other young children, lit will be buried to-moirow, with firemen’s Itouors. Only one witness besides the attending phyniotuo was examined by the jury, anil iheso facts huve been gathered mostly from a mixed condition of reports. No one seems to know the unmedia'e endue of the killmu. The uffait is much regretted. Doyul is well known hi Atlanta. He was formally the keep er of the state house. Tin- pistol used was a Colt’s repeater, the same one used by him in u d fficulty ut the cnpitol several years ago. I fnnrrta it Ml «S UlISM UK,s mMstks sttl Its nwfMo. IWtmd by Ot M«n—1 Fwhaloa, «a4 hwhM by Bw tw OtMlHv, Fwaste SlMMM, Mast al Vital*, The Reason Why. The tonic effect of Khln.*y-Wort is produced by ita cleansing and purifying action on the blood. Where there is a gravelly deposit in tbe urine, or milky, ropy urine from disordered kidneys, it cures without fail. Constipation und piles readily yiold to its cathartic - and healing power. Put up in d;y vegetable firm or liqu.d (v ry concent rat rd) cither act prompt and aura. - Troy Budget. GET TH* «WP. " If you intend to got Uia Mew MWn ef WiMtort Unabridged Mntlwry “DO IT WOW." DBFINITIONH UV UXTSTMATIOM. plntaraa In Wetwter nndar tea IS word*, Mutter, Castle, Coteam, Bye, Horse, ■FW®*! aHlllBri VBBMVi ' __ Moldings. Fhrenulejnr. Bevelfo, SM|>' (poses its* end Wto) Meows engine, Tin •ere. dsSne S4S words and term* far belter than they could be defined in words. UffiOOO Waste. 3000 bassten 4000 NEW WORDS aad leulsn, Published by g. S C. MCRRtAM, SprlngAeld, If ass. J d(VA A1NUIM is ‘kBietnaia nasa^soa ajp »q« puss -..dojj-•«;) » XOMiHVHJIR Villi ee'ie'ioui.i mtooniiu 11 uo iusr«w< |twb ru«(aDu n«ni •sjd iups.u ii.aus.i si|M n»qi j<> .ussfasAaos sq, M|HOasMss;|iMi'SHSjnslnstsqv 'SSiaipeui •tsvilbf Mqsiu ,o aSsqisd suo <mn* miU| msWj ■m»|»asA teg U| da tsd H ■■—sg rmoM irsyws m Tuituor ‘eaarisnomc sn< ‘INOIOIM ONIIIdl • se ptogseneu tesss at psen mprnoqs u -essnssess piqsesi »s je messAi eas*apcssi»smAe»ms« isnssgi usmsmiW IdOM A jNC i X XqpMNffimffiqUlf *mw)flintexn saeg pstssipBJe ess ssssstip «siom oqtAeo •m 'RnntiNs p«* aissjj saow sisoog •m pus ‘ssassip us jo pssnssie s| aun sUj, ‘pssoissssi e/supix »q* jo uonM i«unt*n sqx ■dpeq agiO f nsAio iu*mo4u| aq« ns o» Sir I sssq,SsM« a 'ssseem* I|A1 ■sssee ns U| sssinusinnq ‘S’ttllJV 111 HI N1VXHM.) tnq ‘Pliu *IU 'penal P»0 sgs IlssssqM psjnossqtiSMsajospMp -unu ny tejuuoo »in jo usd teas a a| G[«s ssnsanat ns pus-sse*>ns iqpgssa psqssq IdOM A3 NO I >i 'asiino AiioaiHsd •«n woqs s n| -psAsnss Xiqopib nssq sseq •■••■IP smvum S|«n je snuoj isiom tqt jo S3SV9 JO 8QNVSnOHi •SSTtSM oss usfisnmiqix jo smnsiA srn Xfno qen» Soiaogus iiijpsrjp sqi sssnes oos|od p:i:« aip jo uqili oin stsnss;o ij TtlMOS QNV NIAI1 ’•AlNaiR ®q» i<> ssssssip us jo; c, si mj NSUVN03HU vox ___ 3Un31V3U9 3Hl XHOM - A3 NQ I X hop bitters: (A Medicine, net o Drink.) CONTAINS HOI'S, BI'CIUT, HANDHAKi:, liAMIBIJON, Anotiik I'i lie THEY CURE All IMat'riFt'R of I lit* S| otiiNclt, Itowfl*. lllnoj, liv«*r. Kilim*)o,nml (’•'iiiury Oiiruu*, Ner- vouaiicRF. Mrri»lc*ea!i«>gnti(l vojtecltelljf rwiiMUi CoiiipUluti. 81000 IN COLD. Win l>r pslit for » r»«f tliry will not enr» or"" lu lp, or (or un> tilln^- luiinirt- or Injurious (omul In III. m. A-l( your dmsRfkt (or Hop Hitters sml try tin iu lielore you Tube Me ether. I) I. it. Is an alKolule sml Irn'slsltlili- rurs for Uruukeuiifu, >.«• o( opium, lobaceo und uurcotlc*. MBM Ssni. roa CiaccLia. All .Wv. tuld t.y Joi^UU. Mm, Wlt... All,. Co.. IWirO.r, N, tA TowU,Oat. L^Te'f Snd (Vmswim by the use Hahtbp's Inow Tome. *1 IRON ^ A TRUE TONIC ” | A PERFECT 8TREN0THEHCR,A HRE |ICVIVPt IltON BITTERS are hiahly recommended for all diaMses re- (piiring a certain and efficient touic *, especially lndigttion, I>y*pepna, Inter- mittnti Fever*, Want rf Appetite. Lot* ef SUengiK, Lath ef Energy, tic. Earlohea ike blood, straiviliens the mueetes, aad gives aaw life to the nerrea. They act like a charm on iliu<tim*tive orgaae, lemoring all dyspeptic symptoms, such ns Tutinq Ike Envi, BeLAing, Heal in Ike Slamark, Heartburn, He. Tk* only Iron Prapamtion that will not blacken the teeth or give lieaduclie. S-ihi hy all lirurgula. Write tor the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful uiul amuising reading—trnl free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore. BITTERS “{pAtaLLLeihert f8'33*” WINSHIFS IRON WORKS. MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED WIN8HIP COTTON GIN. SELF FEEDER AN CONDESER, COTTON P//E8SKS, FOR STEAM. RAM) O.V HORSEPOWER, SIlAFITNO, PIJLLIEd, HANGERS. SAW MILLS. AND MILL GEARING OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. ENGINES AND OTHE/f MA> HiNE/fY REPAIRED. ESTIMAIES PUffNIHII- ED ON APPLICATION. Corr cspondence solicited. Address, WIHSHtt & • J^inhanL &L ftEcLuikinA, Dealkbi in DRY'GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE! Clothing, Family Groceries, Etc BSOBQIA. f LfiViht BS A'noH. Aud Agents for the aa'.e of Soluble Pacific and rendieton’a A'nniouiattd 8u plioaphabe and Soluble Pacific Acid— tliu very ■t Casli prices ;'«id for cotton. tutier beat Fertilizers tut the market. High March 3 ly. F. S. BARRETT, Georgia, Flowery Branch, Kcaps coust u.tly ou hand a large and full aasomui'iit of ^esielnl ^LelchcLruiLAe., Which he sells at bottom prices, He ia also agent for tliu sale ot U/fADLEY'S and ZELL’S STANDARD GUANOS and llm very beat Acid Phoapliatua. IWiua - cotton option and fair grading of cotton in tliu fall. Jfircb 4 ly Highest cash price paid for cotton I keep constantly on haud a good stock ot SAW MILLS, Both Screw and ‘Ratchet * hand Block*, united to LIGHT or HKAY Powers. Also COKABLE ENGINES Up to Fifteen Horse Power, aud fu rnishing Larger S.z js.on short notics. CIRCULAR SAWS Roth solid blades and inserted teeth constantly in stock at LOWEST PRIC I haudle nothing hut the Best oi Machinery, YET MY PRICES ARE LOW. £|F"Don’t buy Machinery of any kind until you write inc for Prices and Terms ALSO Wholesale dealer in VICTOR sEWINOJ MACHINE, warranted first ciasdi equal to auj machine made. Reliable agents wonted io ever) town iu the State— (Merchants preferred.) ^Liberal discount to the trodf. -«« 3. F. PKKKlVS, 34 West Mitchell Stioet, Atlanta, Oa." -teaichSly. (P.O. Box4S.)