The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, May 12, 1881, Image 2

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$|)t €btrckce lUmnicc. MARSHAL A. THOMAS, Editor. Canton, Chrrokre County, Oa. THURSDAY. MAY 12, 1881. THX WXALWATIT DEFEAT. Tbe group or Kvpublicene com* nionly designated “Stuhvarts” fiad themselves worsted in n Soden-Wu* trrlro*8udowMstyle by i hi* President’s niauly slid inde|iciidt‘iir coup of Thursday.? Tiny ore not only “disgruntled.’ They ere wild with lag-; stunned by disappointment, more bitter are their reflections, from the fact that they, oil and singular, have a deep- down conciousne&s that Piesident Garfield's position is absoPely right, C mspicuously oonAtitutioiml. They know that; but they have made n rule of their own. They have de creed (by whut light no nmn cun tell) that Federal oflit ei belong to Republican politicians; that the New York oflices, lor instance, are the special property of lt»a:oe Conk • ling; that the President, in tilling the Federal offices in that State, must lit mutely and with folded urine, awaiting the dictation of the New Yoik Senator. In other words, the “Stalwart’* idea is the complete sub* jectivity of tbe President to the or* ders of one man. The president saw fit to uppoint u man io fill the office of collecior of the Port of New York who was not in accord with Mr. Conk ling’s views- Mr. Conkling informed the Repub lican Caucus Committee the othei day that ho bad promoted the Senat* deed-look for the special purpose of forcing tbe President to withdraw the name of Judge Robertson from the list of New York appointments. Mr. Conkling has alleged no uniit* bom in this oandidate. Judge Rob- ertoon’s Republicanism was not the kind of Republicanism that Mr. Conkling Uked. Judge Robertson waa not n henchman of Mr. Conkling. Judge Roberta* waa nota .mun who would crook the supple hinges of bis knee lo Mr. Conkling. That woe what Mr. Conkling saw objec tionable iu Judge Robertson. He could not be ok^ed bp tbe Senate* Cockling fhmsiened to light the Domination MMi in executive and open mdm'bf the Bequte. Hie friends Conveyed this ultimatum to tbe Preeideat. They suggested that tbe Preeideat had better yield and not “disturb the harmony of the Re publican party.” The President, to the surprise of Conkling's friends, refused to with draw tbe Robertson nomination, lie did more. He exercised his right and sent a message to the Senate withdrawing all the Conkling nomi nations, leaving the Robertson nom* inution still before the Senate. Bold and independent was this uction, and in itroog contrast with the Presidential sub-servience to “boss” dictation of past years. It means that the President does not regard the Federal offices iu New York as the property of Mr. Couk- ling; that, on the contrary, they are to be Allied in accordance with the demands ofpublic interest*; that the President intends to meet the “bosaea” in a large and open field und in a general engagement. He clears the say by sweeping off, by u single stroke of his pen, every nomi nation made before at tho suggestion of tbe New York Senator. Conk ling can take his choice, lie can submit or vacate bis enormous as sumption of power, or he can light. Conkling is at a painful disadvan tage. Tbe good sense of the Ameri can people condemns him. The lead* iug papers of hie owu party will not back him in n fight with President Garfield. He bos to confront a pow erful current of public opinion, set ting against the “boss” system, of which be is the leading and hither to successful representative. That public opinion recognizes in Conk ling the leader of u class of politi cian* who defy the pctple. In this fight the people will side with the Administration. • A General Local Option Law. The Woman’s Christian Tempt r- unce Union of Atlanta is now circu lating lour thousand copies of the following petition to be presented next .July to the Legislature, and all the papers of the State ute re quested to givt- publicity to the same: “To the General Assembly of tin. State of Georgia : In view of the misery, poverty ai.di'iime resulting from intemperance, we, the under signed citizens of the State of Geor gia, lesifling in the county of j do most respectfully and earnestly petition you in favor of tbe passage of a law allowing the aitalified votris of cities, towns,counties, and militj.i districts, at any election held therein (except localities when* the sale ol intoxicating liquors is already restr.c ted or prohibited by local law), to decide by ballot whether they will prohibit the afile of intoxicating liq uors (except for medicinal, mechar.i cal and sacramental purpose) in their several localities.” All persons willing lo obtain sig* natures lo tins petition can obla u Copt s by writ'iug to the Woman s Christian TYinp:rai>oe Union, Allan ta, Oa. A Losing Joke. A prominent physician of Pittsburg said jokingly ton Irnly patient who was complaining of her c- nlinued ill health, nnd of Ids inability to care her, "Iry Hop Hitters!” 'Ilie lady took it in ear. nest and used tile Bitters, from which she obtained permanent health. Shu now' laughs nt tbs doctor for his joke, Ind lie is not so well pleased with it, for it cn*t him a good patient ,—Hurriabury Patriot. A DOIT ON A I. LOCAL NEWS. gold in a^jffDN. Cheiokco county is one of the richest mineuil comities in ilie United Hint.-*, and the d:.v is (a*, approaching when t!ie rich trei.smes of gold, silver^ iron, coal, Ac., now Iddden ' in beneath her soil, will lie sought out with great prwli'* /fight iu Canton gold can be ‘•panned out" to pro.1i! It is now knows tliut gnhlrart tie found frr F-*vrr*t pfurft with- JASPKB bmifllEKT. Ja*i-k*.Ua. A May tffib, 1 K01 TOR ADVANCE ’ — A« I lea' n you have n it yet employed any ne ineitit the Pickens Department in vnnr paper, and aa I am a well wisher to the success of an enterprise, I offer my fuimbffc se r vice till betier aid is procured Pick- ns b'-eds rnsuy tliiugs—money, meat end niorsU—*hnt Rtost of nil slta needs a, pa and wliy the thou-i.ud? and thousauds of pc pie all over tHo t wintry do not flock to this county, ia a great myatery ton Here every body cm And promote wink nt reiminejntive price*, am) nil w« wain to make tills county one of ten lidmi in this country is to prove to capitsfwla Un real advantages we ere able tc •ff.-r foi their investnienlH. is Umi caputelu limits of Cant (rB-s. Jl£ r ' ao '* y<M " P r "P"* t ‘‘* Pickens Depart- I PrepsrNioii af &nd MUSAu EMM, fa corbiMtian with flu 1 Endowedfcy ih^'.edlcugFwif -s.lon, siel eee»»i»M-n-'s4 Sy Owstbr me*«p(fa. Cental Dfttlity. rswels Oise asst. Want ft The Georgia Western. Special dispnu-h to thu Constitution. New York, Miiy 8, 12:40 a. m s — General Gordon has closed u coutruct witli l’oel & Wilkins lor the building of the Chattahoochee railroad bridge. lie telegraphed orders to Mhj n Grieu yesterday to put a force on the Georgia Western at orce and pre pare the road for him jts fur as Doug- lasville. The work will be pushed forward rapidly, the forco being in orvMfd as rapidly os they can be made efficient. Hie plan hue devel oped precisely us he laid it out nf first, (he delay that hue b<en caused being inevitably incident in the or ganiiatiou ofji gicut enterprise. ’ H. W. G. The following diepatch, addressed to Major W. S. Green, chief engineer, was received last evening: New York, May 7.—Orgunize im mediately un effective force limit r a good mun, to repair and make ready for iron the graded portions of the Georgia Western, beginning at At lanta. John B. Gordon, Mujor Green was absent Horn the city vesterlerday, und the Oonstitu* tion was therefore unable to ascer tain how soon a forco will be ready to go to work ; but it is safe to say that before the expiration of the pres ent week work will actually be be gun. Mujor Green now has the in structions that he has been waiting for, nnd the completion of the line to Douglasville is a certainty before the maturity of another crop, Ambkicus, May 0.—The city was thrown into considemb'e excitement this morning, by the report that the body of n murdered mun had been found lying upon th * stage in Fish l’ond hall. The building is used by the city as a public school building, iu which a largo number of colored children are taught. The discovery was made by a tittle negro boy who went there for the purpose sweeping out the house. The body wus recog nized ai that of Austin Ellis, u young colored man of this place. Seven ghastly wounds were found upon the head and in the neck of the poor fel low, nil of which uad apparently in Aided with pocket knite. One wound wus in the left temple and penetrated some distance into the brain, most of the others were in the throat. Oue of the doors of the building hud boon broken open. The ghastly corpse wus wrapped up in the stage curtain which hud been wrenched from the rings to which it had been attached. The coat of the limn was off and placed carefully un der his head. An inquest wus field but I lie matter still remains a bloody myatery.—Coustim t:on. To our Pathonb. —If you den'f want the Aovanck pay what you uW* and have your paper Mopped like a man, don’t send word to haw |Etrv papetntop- pid iiuleas you send ten Gents a moijtli lor the time you have lief* flettuig the papers. iVe a o not going lo Line you t > take the advance, no air, we intend o make the paper such that you will 'orce us to ►end it to you. A man had about an well lie out. of the county as to Iju without it now, und ittr future is grow iug brighter. Add leva, ClIKHOKKK AWAMT. Cm Ion Ua. “I Don't Want a Plaster * said a aick nmu to a druggist, "can’t you give inu fcomethpig to cure ms? ’ His ymptoms were u lame book and disor- iuVed urine und worn u sura indication of kidney disease, ill - d uggist. told h m lo use Kiduuy-Wort and is a short time it effected a complete cur*. Have you these symptoms? ilicu get a box or bot «c lo day—before you bottoms iucurubh • It is Me cure; safe and sUre.—-Knoxville Republican. Canton Select School Picnic. On last Friday morning, according to previous arrangements, the above school went down on tliu cars to the ruilroad tank about one mile Irom town, and spent the day among the blUs, valleys and sweet scented flowers. At 12 ocLock a basket dinner wns spread, and a bom tiful meat was partaken ot by the chil dren and also by several citizens of Can- . . , ,. son, At 3 oclock, p. m..'Miss Fnnhie ...... Tcaslry was crowned Queen of Msy >»y tier schoolmates, and Audi ntw in turn delivered addresses in honor of thu day, and her majesty, The Queen of May, re flecting great credit upon .hr. Jinlsnn Attaway, their teacher, and upou ids worthy students. At 0 p. in. the A/nrict tn A North Ga. railrood brought the par ty home again, nil well pleased witli tho exercises of the day. In conclusion wo must Hay that wc did not seo as many of tlic children’s patents present ss we ex pected to, and do hope that they will rn courage their children and school teach er in the future, by being present on sucli occasions. Such occasions as this will never lie forgotten by thu little ones in nfter life—no matter bow long they limy live, nnd in reflecting back upon their pleasant days of childhood, it will bo a source ot regret to remember that their parents did not pnitake of tlicir pleasures on theso occasions. Let the parents encourage their little ones here after. . .We have received from L. H.Rogers New York, a ‘ Bird’s Eye View of the English Language," a regular nioumm-nt of patience. The sheet is 23x38 inches, nnd contains more information tor per sons who write letters than we ev«r saw or tbought could be arranged on one sheet. Price 25cts. The tlrst part con tains Ziules for Spelling nnd Punctua tion, also //tiles for Using Capital Let ters and Letter Writing. Next is n “Bird's Eye View cf tile Correct Spi lling of 25,000 Words." Every w-rd is before you at a single glance, and is easily found by a system of indexing, that is wonderful, thorough und complete There Is also a “Bird’s Eye View of 20,- 000 bynonyms,’’ which is of great assist mice to wi iters. One of the most inter esting features, which alone is worth the small price of the sheet, is a list uf 2,000 Words of Similar Pronunciation, such us: '1 lie Colonel ate the Kernel. The J/ayor owned u fast trotting Marc. A bottle of Scent cannot be Sent by mail for u Cent T he doctor’s Patients were out of Pa tience at not being Allowed to call Aloud to the Assislants for Assistance. I Missed my wuy iu the Mist, tfcc., «kc. The sheet can be used to good advantage JSmcoh Conkling Iim played out. The evidences of thrift and ira- by every ouc who w,itu8 tl,e Kn 8 hsl ‘ at the South are apparent! Lftn ; u,,ge ' 1 1‘* “ hw,t f “ ro ) 8ent hy . i * * postage prep ud, by the publisher, L. H. y lnm . anat cotton fitcio- Rogers, 75 Maiden L ane, New York Uity res are going up at Columbus, An- i Pr ; C( , 2 5 cents each, or five slucts for gusta, New Oileuns, Natchez and one Dollar. Postage stumps uc.ived iu Charleston, and furnace stacks are paymeut. being erected all over the Southern I »«» iron districts. J Subscribe fer the Advanck. meat being next a paper oMtur own, we say let Vr <oil. W« know tied tne pros perity of our county depend-, to u grent extent, on our intercourse with the #*ur- rouudint, country, and the nnd tile railroad are tbe agents t<• promote this happy state of affairs. ‘To these tn- look with loight anticipations. We long to s«e the (lay when w« can imast of both They would advance morality, build up sooiclj and augment the pence und pros perity of ft’.l. We nrc making a lile and death struggle to avail ourselves of the benefits of the proposition nude by Meaera. Kin«vy awl Kagena Ft iards nt the If. A TV Ga. U. It. ore ua-ngall their power to uiake (lie iiiiiount hicessary io secure the comp ction of the road. W< are confident that if wu miss this oppot tunity to get the nuui, we may wipe our weeping eye* and bid farewell to all hopes of a railroad, and continue to cluck to our uiuley steers up and down the rms from in re to Canton ju«t us we have been douig in the past. We uiuit a rail road, and w*» want If badly, tint I enn’i tell so well aUrnt that flll.OOit. It is not yet made, lint, still wc work and hope 1 wo gentlemen (nun this c m-ty ate in Atlanta this Wfurk, d"ing what they can to work np a few ih AUMUid d< down there. The merchants of Atlanta claim to fed quite.kindly towards us, especia’- It when they get a g.-od ninuntain trade Now w.e hope they will not forsake us wiieii they hear our tn >urnful ciiesbi- stechiug their 'imu' diate aid. Since writing the above, we learn tlm 1 thk two gen l. mm liavc returned from Atlanta, und only received subscription to tho amount of |425. The Atlautaites claim to be willing to do, but plead tlicir poverty und inability to do. Gentlemen, this looks mighty thin to n man up in Pickens county. Pickens county is cursed nnd abused, and counted the w-mt in the Utate. Peo ple sympathize with us, they pity our woful condition—why do tlicy imt lend a helping hand to us when in distress, and thus verify their love? We do not give us money tn help build our r.iilmnd. Our faruK-rs nre considerably in the weeds, hut still the woik goes bravely on. They are working like heroes to make enough to pay tor the bacon nnd guano they bought nt Canton this spring, but unless fortune smiles on them in abundant showers, many of them will fall behind the dead line. The Judge ordered sufficient guard to lie placed at the jail, they nre there now what must they do? Nobody comes to try their pluck, und they can d > naught but sit and trim their linger nails, nnd think, “How 1 would shoot if somebody would come to this jail"*—shoot to the thicket. Thu //cd Rooster is there, how ever, and while lie remains, who dares to approach his perch? Atlanta Cotton Exposition. The Cotton Exposition in Atlanta tliis full promises to be one of the grandest events ever witnessed in the South, and will not be confined ex clusively to the exhibition of cotton, but will take in a great number of other products of the country. The Constitution says: “The buildings will be ready for exhibits in September, and die expo sition will b- opened October 5lh, nexr, and will ouitiiitie iill Decem ber 31. The Hpptic.i'i.iii fbr spue i betond the exjn etui ion ofun.v flier d Of the enterprise, and beym d doub ’he exposition will be intnesting to every mun who eiihivnti s cot ion or manufactures or uses cotton goods. Tile exhibition will not be con tin - ed alone to cotton. While this pro duct will have the preference und be confined to the main exposition buil ding, it is ihe purpose of the man agement to make as large and varied a display us possible of all southern products, woods and minerals. Sev eral of the leading railroads in the Sou:ii will make special exhibits of the products on their lines of road, and there will be an extensive exht bit ion of this kind Irom Ihe different Southern States, ail to be grouped in separate buildings. The grounds and buildings w ill have electric lights and the exhibition will b - open such nights during the week us the man agement may direst.” Goodbye Gorham und lliddleber- ger. XV P. lfn.t.. A-o-c tfr’8 Ihoh Tonic h-« Wile !i:nl l*ee-• (IncNir-» •ml y« *r*. »t.«e <• Gr*nt /• mirmimn I > i! Harter** Ihom Toni rninc«l Ltr from Jut Ij wtorrv flu! I :%** 1 ypnjmvr ma .9b Dr. N'*rter: — . Jack's Brown of county, has rt>QUCflt®« ^ to fi'iwlrr you lilt» ^ for tl»e (tretst h**ue» lalo- wife rtHulvotl irom Uh* ufc of yo*f5 IBox Tonic. If® tci!< ur tiu»!, ailcr liuvlnff pmW r>r lour liuiKtre<l tloilitmdoctors* hllU. iwo lMiftlefi f your Ikon Tonic «IM Imt uu-rn kihwI than nil other ne* she ever uiM. mm* wim tn»*»i*««^» nllh uj n «7/e. efr. % from which *Sic 1* mugIi relictt*‘i. . , »i, ims F. A. PATJUC* JkCO. MA’zfUFACmJBHO BT THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CD., No. 213'NORTH MAIN STREET. ST. LOUIA. IU.-ritk.MU A TRUE TONIC I A PERFECT 3TRENGTHEWER.A UWElWVIRi IRON mTTBRUS u .» f«DMy mwnuKUMled S>r ell quiring a certain end eMeient t<NllC { especially /ty^pspwM, /**Wr- titiUnU F*am*, Fast <4 Appetite. Lot* of Sh cngQi^Lnrk of F.ner/t), tie. Enriches the blfod, streugtliens the mn ond giveaRew lllc tn ihe nerves. They act like a charm nil the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such :is Ttmh'mr/ |A« F'-oit, ii'lrhttui, HmU ** thi .Stumnrk, lfatrtfmrn, rtf. TIlO only Iron l*rv|mralion that will not blacken flic tcctli or give hcildochc. Rill! by nil draflflbv Wrilo lbr tli^ A B p lVs.k, 32 ]>|>. <>i useful and amusing rending—waf free. BROWN CHEMICAL Baltimore, Mil. BITTERS fpJtn.h.UjShjiiL " WINSHir’S libN WORKS. MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPROVED WINSIIII* <'• )T 1 «^N GIN. SELF FEEDER AN CONDESER/ COITON I'/fEsfSK-;. FOR S/’EAM. HAND OH HOUSE POWER, SHAFTING. Pl LLUC-i, HANGERS, SAW MILLS, AND MILL GEARINttTlW EVERY DEfif.’ltUA- TION. ENGINES AND OTTIeT? MA HINEKY /i'EPAIHED. ESTIMAI E8 FU/OI181U El) ON APPLICATION. Correspondence solieited. Address, WINSKiF AIM p , A TLANTA, 0&. 4 DKAr.icn* iw ’ : - - *■ ■ jr ,...... • .. » T*i V GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS, SHOTS, II ATS, HA III) WARE. Clothing, Family Groceries, Etc And Agents for the sole of Soluble Pacific nnd Pendleton's Ammoniated Super phosphate and Soluble Pacific Acid—the very best 1'Yriili/.ers on the market. Uii/h est Cash prices p«'d for cotton. market, lfigh Mnrch 3 lv. F. S. BARRETT, Flowery Branch, - Georgia. Keeps constantly on hand a largo and full assortment of c (^jmpial ^iki cllcLncl Which he sells at. bottom prices, He is nlso agent for the sale ot BY? AD LEY'S and ZELL’S STANDARD GUANOS und the very best Acid Phosphate*. Terms — cotton option nnd fair grading of cotton iu the fall. Jl/urch 4 ly Highest cash price paid for cotton 1 keep constantly on hand a good stock ot SAW. MILLS, Both Screw and Ratchet hand Blocks, suited to LlGII 1' or k HE AY Rowers. Also pi’ORlBLB ENGINK8 Up to Fifteen Horse Power, and f.iniishiug Larger Sizuioa short notico;. CIRCULAR SAWS Both solid bli.des and inserted tcctli constantly in stock at LOWEST Fit IC I handle nothing but the Best of Machinery, «/ 7 VET MV FJilCES ARE LOW. Don’t buy Machinery of any kind until you writ.* me for Prices nnd Terms Wholesale dealer in \ ICI’Olt cEWJNGJ At \ H N E. warranted first cia-s, equal to any machine m .de. lo liable ag. i t- wanted in evciy town in the State— (Mercl ants preferred.) Biatt Ldn-ral discount to ... u .... S. F. PKHKIN8, 14 Weit MiichL-11 Street, Aiiauta, Ga. A. i ici. 8 ly (T* O. Bcx43.)