Newspaper Page Text
Hit lot* of lud, 40
and sggregati
In two mil
publ n
Abo t86
hnn tin 1
and foduflpflMV’VM li
■old ibmnKMptMl 1 Keme
ia h«ft vj aoPprobablj tniaaraL
For fur^Hpirticulartt, address
Tub Advance,
TUia JfutUSM OwtOu. Oa.
By applying personally at the noarent
BINO CO. (or by postal card if at a dia
lanco) any adult prraon will be present-
ad with a beautifully illustrated copy of
a New Book entitled
'H. W. Nbwxa*.
containing a handsome and coatly steel
engraving frontispeiece; also, 28 finely
engraved wood cuts, and bound in an
elaborate blue and gold lithographed
cover. No charge whatever la made foi
this handsome liook, which can be ob
tained only by application at the branch
ami anbordinato offices of The Singer
Manufacturing Co.
Principal Office, 84 Union Squre
" w Y
may 12, 5m.
New York.
mttiifiwt, ciimvmib.t
swell • 4au i
•f Miss m to hUAi
They Sweraeee the a
body to Twite ea Met
*-*~~sl£mlby th'-lr
., e the
Ihne the tyitta It
le AeSlewon the
Okay llnaor Whisk Kan clukiifod to* Glossy
Hi.ack by s ilinclf niipllcstlon of thin Du. It
Impart* a aatiiral rotor, acu IimsnlansssslY.
Bold bylirug(i.i.,»r mil t,y .kpros. on receipt of P.
Ofllee, 3B Murray 0t., Raw Yertu
t he. Tl'ITS lOItt -f ttlMfcl* Uhnutlen esd |
CnM hetetsSa *M ke MHeS rail ea —
For! Kidaeyo,
: "TlSvn,
RrlghtH Rleswae
District Coimrai
prows sad Snperiec GoafW<
tn •Mdf, if- •'■W* d
Jso.ti. Attaway
CAM ON, - - . t - GEORGIA.
rior Court of
"Will practios In tbs 8war;
Ckomkee and adjoining count itw
asr tsX' astnaSr*
UOOrt House.
Apr. 22 tf, ' 1 s „ r " . 3 J
Dr. A K. Parker
Will continue the pmetlee of Medicine
et Centou end vicinity. Office at his res
idence on Main Street.
B. F. Fatbb.
P. P. DuPaxx.
Fayme ft DvPre,
H. H.McKntyre,
ArMhi F%RlsrlHf shm!
any kind of Masonry or Flaalenng, at tna
And solicit the patronage of thoee deeir-
it the pntroi
lag work In my Mae.
1.18 ly.
Jr. M. HARDlis
Jan.18 {j.
IJ D I II J c . (J N I V I
A Cough, Cold or Boro Throat
should be etopped. Neglect frequently
esults in an Incurable Lung Disease or
Jonsomption. BROWN’S BRONOHlkL
'ROCHES are certain to give relit-f in
Abthma, Bronchitis, Goughs, CWtarrli
Consumptive aud Throat Diseases. F<.r
thirty yenss the Troches have been rec
ommended by physicians, and always
g re perfect «atl*faoMon. They ere not
n w er untried but bavins beeo tested
bv wide nod oonslant use for nearly an
ntirc gtaierstion, they have attained
a ell merited yank among the few staple
eon dies of the age. Public fipeakein
and Singers use them ’ to clear aud
htrengtlma the Voice- _ Sold' et thenty
cents a box everywhere Oot 9, if
la laAetel Ba*
I artel eeettene.
or By tbs dlaUlla-
tloa ef a FOB BBT
ws have discovers^
sets •MclScall;
ary —
•(raining, sasartlag
hsst er irritation ia
7 itfMrf
splendid stock of pure, iresh Drugs in
my brick bouse ntxt door east from Mc
Afee’s old stand. I shall keep as tar ns
possible every article kept in the l'rug
Mne, and if you call at tny Store ami
libs wstsr psusfts, don’t find what you want I will order it
IgtYlngthemstreacth, | .
Ivigor and causing a . ,0 ‘T. u :, , ... , ,, ,
bssltliy color and saay flow of nrlna. it can be [ I shall continue in the practice of .Ve i
Uhsii at all tlmaa, iu all cllmafM, without Injury j | c i nl > nnd Surgery as before, and lake
WE SS opoortJt/ to thank my many
sur other preparation tor Kidney dlOealtlas, | friends for whom I have pi act iced for
it k« * I ** t ? irt ^V ,e ‘ r, ‘kd 0r ..k ,e ibe C 'com
y nT ipr I Ka’ch label baa tbs Blgnsts— 1 JU * t . the Pf* c
every bottle fa
f tl»c same;
£2 tice of all who may feel disposed to give
«* 1 me their patronage. I respect fully ask
if tho ladies to call an 1 see my Perfumery
end flavor. Lauiss iihcuut will libs it, sn4 I “
GssTi.sssjf will And KIDNBOBN tbs bast Kid- l dence and
nev Tonic for Its purposes srer seed I I ^
— Kach label baa tbs Blgnstors of
every bottle baa aOoveaNMSS
(with our aawia), which portalta
be sold as a Proprietary artislof wltawav irawse, —, . . , - e j .. . -
by DRUGOlsTsTaROCRKK and other Dsalsm and Toilet goods. I can be found at my
everywhere . store whan not prefessioually engageu,
Put up in Quart Sise Botfim. PHce fl.OQ. reM iy to wait wn yon.
l^bWUKNCB Jc MAMTIfr,«, , 7 Very res^stfully,
fry DRUOOJWTg antf OMMi | Tm „ [/<>»«■ TURK ’ M D
A pat ttp
Wtmt barns to ksep a
Tho ty is itvtr posiffivv.
fays i
m Th« Jaasasibl- |pr
Oust baplsnivd in drfHst— n-;
Why is the earth like n black
board ? lives use the children ol men
multiply on lb* linos of it.
Sunday may be a very solemn a»ri
of a day, bat there’s a hadder-dsy
comes just itelora it.
An exc h sage says ol a certain pa b
Mo man, “He is a poor pappy—very
poor, and very pappy."
A druggist advertises “bicarbonate
of soda," but you are not oompelled
to bay it if you don't want It.
- SW ""
The corner louh-r will never visit
the phrenologist to tind oat what be
is bnt fitted lor. lie does not want
to know.
Never address yaar conversation
to a person engaged iu footing np a
column of figures. There’s nothing
so deuf as an adder.
A candidate whose principle sup*
porters are taveru keepers and shoe
makers, proudly nil ad vs ur them ns
members ol tbc bar nod boaoh.
A paper, in acaonat
• shooting affiaMg 'papa Jkp pma
man is expraied to recover, as the
pistol ball lodged in his “dinner-
The New York Dispatoh says that
the best way to raise ohicksns is to
obuok a fisii iMiok loaded with a Iter-
uaf of oern over your neighbor's
“Empty is tba Orstfle, Baby’s
Gone,” if the title of Uft latest sorto*
idwiic-song. It will probably be fol
lowed by “Empty is life Bottle, Ps-
pa'd Fall.”
Aa-lrtthnisn who wnsf.iaod gall-
ty af stealing a lot of ooffee wus auk
<-d by, tba magistrate What he did
with it. “Made tuy with it,” Rat
lie Hibernian’* reply.
'You don’t know bow it pains me
to puniflli you,’ Saul u tenebir. 'J
guess there’s more jaiiu at my end
of the stick,’ replied the boy feeling
ly ; 'anyhow, I’m willing to tride
A Richmond physician says that
if people wdl take u bath iu hot whis
ky sod rock saU tgjoe u year, they
Will escape rheumatism and oolds.
Bgt wouldn't that spoil the whisky K
Notwithstanding the foot (and
perhaps in cotise(iu.-nce of il) that
clergy and jusrtaet of the peace me
so blisy all the time making two peo
ple one, the popula'iou cou(iuu«s to
A woman returning from market
got into a .treet car with a basketful
ol dressed poultry. To her the dri
ver, speaking snarply, said : “Fare !”
“No,” said the woman. “Fowl,”
And everybody cvekled.
A young lady recently married
reoil Mother Shipton’s prophecies for
the first rime the other day. “Just
my luck !” she exclaimed, throwing
down the paper. “Here I am newly
murried, and now the world’s coming
to an eud.”
"’AFwis correspondent aenftsrtie
fbflb#ing account of the Tate4t
■ciof^ific sensation:
“A ifQiarkably interesting ox-
pariffnwt lias just been made at
Galois aod Dover, between *whieb
plaaes conversation has been* kepi
up, viva voce, by means of a no#
kind 6f a telephone, which has
bedh patented under the name of
ctrophone. Ndt oobr Were
whispered into IWappsira-
tus st Calais distinctly heard at
Dover, and of course vice versa,
but the listener at one eud was per
fectly well able to distinguish by
the mere tones of voice the person
who was speaking at the other end.
should be observed that while
the human voice was being trans
mitted through one wire the others
mere employed for the transmis
sion of telegraphic messages.
Moreover, experiments were con
ducted betweeh the hours of 10
and 4 - that is, in the busiest part
of the day, when the wires are in
unceasing operation. The voice
of the speaker was distinctly heard
as soon as the wives were joined
to the apparatus and conversations
were oarried on without interrup
tion in the presence of competent
specialists. The experiments with
the same apparatus were then con
tinued with the samo results, and in
the midst of the confusion produc
ed by the simultaneous working of
several machines at the London
terminal station tho voice of the
speaker was board aa plainly as
gh ha had been in the t
Thwvwtmh rftr tottgarbe ohy
doubt that it is perfectly practica
ble to converse across, or rather
under the soa, by means of any
submarine cuble. The inventor
maintains it is just as easy to talk
across the Atlantic as from one
room to another.
It is stated by the Albany (N.
Y.) Evening Nows that some start
ling developments have been
brought to pnblic notice. They
are that an extensive trade in dis
eased meet is carried on through
out the central end western portion
nf that 8tatw. An old resident of
West Albany, who has been en
gaged in fhe cattle trade for years,
says be-haa seen cattle that have
died of diseftiio loaded on ears at
Buffalo and brought to West Al
bany and sold. The rnont alarming
feature is the extent to which the
business has boon carried. The
development made by the town
Board of Health of Watervliet
Hhow that thousands of pounds of
diseased and poisoned boat’ have
been sold. The lower class of peo
ple have been the greatest suffer
ers by the outrage. Instead of ob
taining an article that would give
strength and health, they have
been fed on that which is sure to
breed pestilence and death.
If such be the facts in the oase,
we should be very wary in the pur
chase of this artiole of family use,
It would bo far preferable for our
people to raise their own moats ol
home, then their lives and health
would not be endangered by get
ting hold of diseased beef and ba
con from hogs that died of ohqlara
or any other disease. Lot the mot
to be, Beware I
-.1 mae
The Gibson boys, says the Au
gusta Evening News, us M i
thing, are noted for their pto^karfd
iron nerve. Especially is tUia tli^
case with those of the family who
are connected with the daily press.
There is one of them oonneetetjl
with the New York Sun, and am
othor with the Augusta Rows. The
latter gentleman we know to be aU
Q. K. and from the way the other
speaks of Mr. Bmdy, tboBlwr rants
■windier, we are lad to belsevt ha
is made of the same motertaf. Rea
dy said recently that tbo “brigand*
of the proas” offered to knppredi
the Star Route exposures for pay.
The New York Sun asked ‘wbai
newspaper men had dona so. Brady
replied that the cbief of them was
A. M. Gibson, the Sun’s Washing
ton correspondent. That has. pro
voked Gi o*on to publish a need in
Monday’s Suu, in wbioh he soys:
“Thomas i Brady Is a tkiaf and a
cowardly liar. I invite Mu atten
tion to the fact that my httgRuge h
unequivocal and clearly acttonabl*.
My residence is Washington, D.
0., but I will respond to soy Invi
tation to try the Isstie offset there
or here, os he may elect. I ,oo|
reedy to furnish the evidenoe in
support of my language.” If Brady
fails to understand that, it frill hoi
useless to addfsnhim heweafter in
the English
ChMsgo Tribune, Rsp
The quull
The kidneys ora
wav to wash out the
In s Nutshell.
Bt. Lotfla Poat IJi•patch.
The true inwardness of the Gar-
field-Gonkling situation is simply
this: Blaine is a positive force.
He came within a hair’s bresdth
ot receiving the Presidential nomi
nation in 1876. He came pretty
near it again in 1880. Both times
Conkliqg was the man who defeat
ed him. But for Conkling, Blaine
would ha Presiden t to-day. Conk-
ling declines to have any personal
relations with Blaine. Their fuud
in one of those that are irreconclli
able end last for life. Conkling
never mokes up. Garfield wants
to be nominated again. He needs
Blaine’s following, Blaine has
probably concluded that he cannot
be President himself and that the
next best thing is to be the power
behind Garfield. Men are human.
Politicians with disappointed am
bition are human. “To get even”
is as natural a desire with a Jim
Blaiue as with a Jim Smith. This
is all. Blaine, thinking of ’76 and
’80, is simply enjoying the rare
luxury of getting even with Conk
1. That he has been read out of
the Republican party at home.
2. That he has been an apologist
for and defender of every grab end
steal in Washington for the past:
fifteen years,
3. That he is Tom Brady’s hirod
4. That he is a friend of Ifa-
6. That he is Conkling’s fugle
6. That be is an inveterate foe
to the President, whom he has re
peatedly insulted.
T. That he does not enjoy the
confidence pr respect of a majority
of the Senate.
8. That he represents nothing
and nobody, except Mabone and a
spoils-grabbing syndicate from
New York.
0. That he would not adorn the
10. That he oould not be trusted
to administer it impaatially-
11. That his election would in
jure the Republican party.
12. That it would help nobody
but himself.
. UA so boi:o:i 4
9 debris of our
-- ' *lfjM*
—“ wsrasu wrt —-v a'ra 1 *, lll4 „ iTW - Trw
ttiffi RPtTbtarjWfy 4 ofYlir BeKafe <*<> iwt wort property the “trouble
■Kg ‘ is felt everywhere. Ibfu be wise
Why Ara You Billlous ?
Because you have allowed your
bowels to become costive, and liver
torpid. Use Kidney-Wort to pro
duce a free state of the bowels, and
it will stimulate the liver to proper
action, cleans the ski not its yellow
ness, cure billious headache, and
cause new life in the blood. Drug
gists have it, both dry and liquid—
Zion’s Herald.
“Women Never Think.”
If the crabbed old bachelor who
uttered this sentiment could but
witness tho intense thought, deep
study and thorough investigation
of women in determining the best
medicines to keep their families
well, and should note their sagaci
ty and wisdom in selecting Hop
Bitters as the best, aud demonstrate
ing it by keeping their families in
perpetual health, at a mere nomi
nal expense, ho would be forced to
acknowledge that such sentiments
are baseless and false.—Picayune.
From 1848 to 1884 the population
of Atlanta increased at the rate of
about 1,000 a year.
and as soon as you see signs of dis
order get a package of Kidney-
Wort and take it Jaitbfvlty. It will
alean the sluice-way of sand, gravel
or slikie and purify the whale sys-
tem. Di aggiets self It, bdtfa liquid
and dry, mid it is squally efficient
in either form.—Independent
Does n man ever go into a geo-
oery store and say, “I’JI give you
five cents a pound for sugar,” and
expect to be treated 'with respect?
Not at alf. He asks the price of
•ugarand pays what is qqked or
goes without. But tba aama man
will offer a price twenty per oeot.
below pates for a given spans in
the advertising columns of a newo-n
paper, and feel offended became if
is not taken;
Ttis Engineers commenced opera*
tiens on the Georgia Western Inst
McMiun county, Teen., bonati a
calf with three tails, two ear*and one
The giil who was looked in her
lover’s arms for three hours explains
that it wasn’t her fanlt. She claims
he forgot the combination.
When two gushing young women
make a great display of bidding each
other good bye, it may be called
“much adieu about nothing.”
Two men, oae named Milt Hart
and the oth» r Jesse itegiater, fought
with kuives iu the fifteenth district
of Sumter county Saturday loot, and
both are now lying at deatk’s door,
Register having beau out aU to jMe*
oes, one wound penetrating tehli
liver, and Hart having beau alaMOt
completely disemboweled.
The thermometer registered 85 ds-
grees in Chicago Sunday, and thsre
was one care of Sunstroke^