The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, July 21, 1881, Image 1

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tip Cfyevokie Seance. PUMJMKO EVERY IttURSDAY — BY:— ' BEN. P. PERRY. Mm Opetoin —ir* fli-irttt corner Geimteeiile me Stored—our etori mf V. M> McClure. ■ Cwwlf rKKMS: ... 1 »«*«, - • Il.». H nix month*, • • ,U6. " - tbww months, ,M. . MT*Advertising Kates mS »t—to *nit (lie tiiei jn ..To Coo rtt Omcm—Thsnew law regulating legal advertising, tea cat pri- oes town so low, that while we propoae t<> comply with tha law, otlwra meat do the same, and we must insist that in aw ry c m the printer'., (bo must be c illecteri and paid it; advance. This gives less trouble. The law flies tha? rates i.a fol- bws: "For each one hundred words, the suae of seventy five cents for each in aertion for the first four insertions and for cacti subsequent insertion thirty-live c fcrfi*t,^n(fndr« to^da.« - - Local notices 10 cents per line forth* flrst insertion, unlvaa by speoial agree* uent. Advertisements will be run until for bidden. unless otherwise marked, and charged for accordingly. Iicstion must bear the name of the writer, not m-ceseary for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. We shall not lu any way bo responsible for the opinions of contributors. * No communication will be admitted into our columns having for its end defamation of private character, or in *»y other way of a scurrilous import. Correspondence solicited on sll points •f general ^importance—but let them be briefly to the point. Ail eommuoleations, luttera of bus! •ess. or money remittances, to receive prompt attention, must bo addressed to BKM. F. PKKRY. CANTON, Ga. 1 ‘ " . ■— General directory. CHURCHES. M. K Cnuncu, South—Rev. H. M Quilliiin Fastqr. Preaching every flrst Sunday S» tha wester. preaching on the 3d Sunday by tttv. Jfob't. p. Marty a. Prayer Meeting every Woumsdai night. Gentlemens' Prayer Meeting every Fri day evening. Sunday School at 0 a . w. IUn. V Payne, Superintendent. Den. F. Perrv, Secretary. BaptistCuurch -Rev. J. A. McMur try. Pa at or. Preaching every second and ■fourill Sunday, and Saturday Itcfori dud Sunday in each month. Sehlmth school at V r u.W.J. Bartou ifflehMf yoM eeutf She sky raffs' and you trfff not lire lu i•«(»».” VUJL 2. CAsXTUN, GEORGIA, THURSDIY MORNING, JULY 21, mi. U.F. Paths. KO. 27' P. P. nrPuKR. TtIK OKNKBAI. A8MKMM.Y. fiyu 4 DiPn, ATTORXEY8-AT-LAW, CANTON, - OKOHOiA session at ten o'clock pursuant to mi jottrumetit, mid wus called to order hv Preshlent llnyuton. 1‘rayor was L i /^s . ,. mn riT r offered *»v iiev. .John IV. Heidt, the c ,| , U AuTRBi ljLj chaplain. Rev, John P. Duncan, lv*v- ing uied since the hud *oa*ii.|i. On the c.tll of the roll nil the eenn'lnrs unswered to their name* with the t xccp'ion of Mr.Curler, of tho 13th, und Mr Story of the 31st. The prea dent (lien nriate and ■poke as r olh>wg; Senators - We have hud « l<>u* rtSoie fan —ddaealiato. Hass h.d Jffiflite MuHnglthi borne Ilia Miff, rings-mfor hit intrepid Wife, who during alnkesu hours of an- F’lrat D«y. guish, hai naver loot sublime fortitudy, nor wavered In net womanly devotion, THE HRNATK. we entertain Kspeffi: And in behalf ot The State senate met in ndjottriu il fl* **** 1*^°P** "f •corgiato'o tender to .... ...1.1 I I him and her our wannest sympathies and earnest prayer* !br his sf eody restoration to health and usefulness. Resolved, That these resolution* ho transmitted to the secretary of state at AT TOItN RY-AT-LAW, A** WHITEHALL ST. ATLANTA. GA Will practice in the U. S. Circuit and District Courts at Atlanta, and the 8u- preme and Superior Coifrt* of tlie State, miy A, ly. KrisoopAt. Okosch.—Rev au ley' Ri bath cacti month at 11 a. m. . RtNHhr Macau ley' Pastor. Pn aching Sri Sab- ORDERS. F. A. M Meets every flrst and third Msaday's at fl p. H., in Masonic Hall. W. A.TKsslbv. W. M. Jams Galt, flre't; K. of H.—Meets every 1st sad Sol Tuesday at 7 1-9 P. n., lit Masonic Hall. W. A. l'ea*ley, Dictator. Julies Gslt, ItepnrUr. COUNTY~OFFICERS. C M Me LURE. Oirtluary. JAUKZ GALT, Clerk S. Omit. J P SPEAKS Sheriff. Wm. A. KITCHEN. Di-nmy Sheriff T W AUWOOi), Tax Receiver. >1 < UkK/f, lax Collector. J L COGGING Trea-urer F W attfOBE, Surveyor. Wm. T.KIIIK, Ooron. r. II I. TEAILKY. County A Coin. If. W. Nkwmak. Jko. D. Attawav NEWMAN & ATTAWAY, ATTORNEYS. AT-L AW. CANTON, - UKOItOIA. Will practice in the Superior Court ol Cherokee and adjoining countie* Prompt attention given to all business placed in their hand*. Office in the Court House. * Apr. 88 tf. Dr. A. K. Porker Will continue the practice of Medicine at Canion and vicinity. Office at his res idence on Main Street. H. H. McKntyre, Brick, r'aeltrluy outi STONE WORKMAN, CANTON, CEO HQ I A. I AM FUf.LY PREPARED TO DO any kind of Musonrv or Plastering, at toe LOWKST POSSillLE HAVES. And solicit tin- pattonnge of those desir ing work in my line. II. II. McENTYRE. Jan Iff Iv. J. M. HARDIN HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. FRESCO and SCENIC ARTIST r.A Nl'ON, '....OKOHOIA Jan. ISly. Du. J. H. SPEIK, M. A KEl H. Rev. M. PUCKKT, A T. SCOT l\ J. U. RICHARDS, ,1 County Board of Education. MAUISTKAI K'S COURi . Csnton—7Mud Diet -ltd Monday—J. C Avery. J P, H O Kellogg. N P,Wm. If as and J L Harris, L C’s. P. O. Can ton. 8s lac >a— 900—And Saturd iy — 8 C<k> lay, J P.. J B Lewis N P.,Cicero Br>son. L>«*. P OSalacua Blix'S—817 District, meets Hr| Satur day, John Morgan. J P; John R lions. N Pj John Carrol, L C: Ac won h P O. Bali, Ohouhd— 18S2 District, meets And Saturday, D B Lyons, J P; Op Dai, by.N P; Brooks, L. Cs Hail Ground PO. Litti.r Rivna—1174 dotrict, meets ————, B Lively, J i»{ \t i Chris tian, N P; Tima R Gibbs L C; Kruo- ynansville P O. Con's Obkhkm|0SI district, me -t» l«t Saturday, W WWv Weil J P; AC Coun. HP, IA Ingrain. L C HfCKofcT Flat—1010— 1st Saturday— J Webb, JP..AP Norton, N P., it U l>ayL<’. P O Hickory Flat. Claytom* —871 district meets 1 tffit urday, T J Staneel, J P; W J h N I*; Win Burgess. L C; Sharp Top I' O Hahucn’k— 1008 dial riot, moots 4*. Ii St:rtirday. R P Daniel. .1 I'; John G Heard, N P; llirum W Iktr mid .1 M lliie.iitiarill, 1. t"’-;- I* O Walusca Sixk —1870 d at, in-, els 8nd Wcdtn-s BAIitimd, J l*.. 1£ G til.-on. of P., J'.lin L-ndrum, L C ; Ciu-rikce ^1/ill*. P O. Lick SvilLgt—1016 District, meets Snd Saturday. Lawson Petree, J P , G. W. Brooks, N P., Samuel Cox, L. Q. k inr, N P; D M Garrison, L C; Fort Buffington P O. Vaih Play—1088—3d Saturday—H T Elliot, JP., 8 It Dickson, N P, W J Maliugh, L (J. P O, Sutaliec. Cnoss Aoaim—1000 disirict, meets 2nd Saturday H fl Bowling, J P; Wuricn F Smith. N P; W A Curii»and Dr — Nash, L. (Tt ; OphirP O. Woodstock—800 District, meets 4tb Saturday. R. Herndon, J. P„ W. G. Dupre. N. P., J M JUaikia, L. C; Wood- stock P O. NEW DRUGSTORE I HAVE OPENED A NEW AAT) -•idendid Mt<M:k of pure, Iresh Drugs in inv brick house mxt door east from Me Afeo's old stand. 1 shall keep as far as iHiksibla every arnch- kept iu the Drug Mile, and if you call at my Store and don't Ibid wlint ycu want I will order it >r yon. I shidl continuu In the pruclce of d/ed iciue and Surgery as before, and lake this opportunity to think my many friends for whom I hove pi tel iced for (lie last thirteen years, for their confi dence and patronage, and nsk the con tinumce of tlie same; also | ask tile prac tii.-*- ol alt who may feel disposed to give me their patronage I res|K-ct fully ask the ladies to call and sec my Perfumery anil Toilet goods. I can lie found at my store when not professionally engaged, ready to wait on you. Very rcH|>ectfully, JOHN. M. TURK, M D. 'an. 18, ly. Tliln Mystery Explained 44Q/V\|f Is the patent iiaiue of an in— La t/aJOvaluablu remedy foi rein -ving from tlie human system pin s d -t-miach Utility of mingling snd conferring with our constitumts. Have advanced an->tli er crop to that point when an abundant harvest is Indies'ed in most sections of the state. Have witne-med changes in our public iulrrcst aud seen them ftCly discussed, and all are blessed with the :>ower aud privilege of returning to duty with these increased advantages. And these blessings furnish ciuso to congrat ulate ourselves mid one another, and man liest our gratitude to the Great Giver of health and blessing*. The business before us is great; tjm, many duties rea|K>nsiblo— and involves the best Intermt of our people—and "Ug* gist the propriety of exercising duo can turn and deliberation in doing what is before u* Although it it wisdom to act only afti r mature deliberation and invet ligation, hi i I * Iu looking at our situation from au icoiiomioal standpoint, will it not be well to pass over that which i* not indispensihl i and carefully dispose of wlmt is absolutely important and ad journ at an cirly day f Tho will ofthe |M-oplu expressed in tho constitution ro- qiiiriHth-H from us. ( liiinge is not al ways an improvement In legislation Change of coelo often produces contusion rather than good It is sonretiino* wis dom to i t well enough alone. Tire sun et billed devout utterances of our be- 4 ved chap'uin am hushed iu death. He lived an nprignt life and has gone to reap the happy reward. In contrast with the death of this goal and holy man. the nation has hut recent ly been sic eked by the dastardly cff,rt to i-s-as.iln.ite the piesiiientof the United Slates. A worthy, good man, called by the vidcu of the people to admiuister tho affair* ol ghvernmont. a-saulted with the villainous purpose of assassination, is a crime so low and huso that our people — the people of all sections—look upon it with horror and detestation, and condemn with sll flu- impul-es of our nature. We should giv- voice to these feeliug* in the mist public and < mphutic manner, and C mplo » itl| oui <nl^eu^mitimMgUcr nice- gills licit sufferer and his loved ones, ami give assurances that our souls are bowed in humble supplio itbms to God for his speedy restoration of health, and ths na tion M r. Hyrtl, of ihe 36lh. introcltio. d u resoloiion for the appointment ol u committee of three to present to the president of the senute the names of one or more ministers to Hi the vacancy caused bv the death ol Chap lain Duncan, aud to preparo suita- able resolutions on his death. The resolution was pasted and soon after tlit* president announced Messrs. Byrd, Uuikcsdule and Wilson n* the committee. TSe committee reported the mime of Rev. John W. lleidt. who was tiunuimoiisly chosen chaplain. Mr. Siniin, nf the committee ap point! d to wait upon the governor, repoiied v ut his excelleney hud u« mesSitg- for the senate at that time. Washington. Ia cammiiuicating these resolutions ofeur respective houses on the drat day ofthe sission of the gener al asaeinbly, we i«eg to add that, coming a* wr do fresh from on.- homes, we Imve IMTsonai knowledge that the sentiments and foelings expressed STb those of the entre people or the State, inespeciivo of party or align meat. Jamks S. Boynton, Presblvet of tlu< H.-irnty, AuoirsTcs O. Bacon, Speaker of the House. Thospuaker stated that at tlii-r seadon local md special bills can only be intro duced by two-thirds consent Mr. Sweat, of (tllncli—A 1*111 to change the time of electing membera ofthe gen eral assembly, slue and county officers, to the flr-t Tuesday in November. Re ferred to the c tmulttec on judiciary■ Also, a bill to prohibit the mnnulnc** ure, sale, furnishing or in portatinu of in toxicating liquors except for medicinal, manufacturing, or sacramental purp ■«•* after the flrst of Nej 1882. Referred to the committee on judiciary. ALo a resolution that a committed of three from each cougicasinnal '((strict to consider all bills looking* o the redistrict lug of the state usd tho ro-ipportionmeu' of i lie members ot tho logislaturo under tho last ceusus; the commit tec to roport appropriate bills on tills; subject a-* soon a* practical Heferred to i lie judiciary committee. i I be committee which waited upon the governor through its chairman Mr. tor, reported that It bail discharged that duty and that the governor had no com munication for the assembly et preset)i. Mr Davis, of Mtampkin—A bill to amend tliu c •nstitation a* far as relates to the per diem of anmibers of the gen assembly and lit piascrilio that they shall receive an auueal salary Referred to c numb toe on Juflieiary. SKOOND DAT —JULY 7TH. I he ieuate was called to order at the usual hour by Presijlsat Boynton Pruy er was allured by tlis chaplain, Rev John W Heidt. lie roll wis called aud the journal ol the previous day read. Tlie president astouiccd thst by reso lution at t lie last session, tlie contested election case of W £. Gigniiliat against If B Har'i, f wr tha office of senator from the second district, had lievn made the special order ofthe second day of tho Ju- 71m special or Ol III f the day. ilie Mr. Harris, whils gives the seat to Ml reports furi discussion, d/t-HM. ___ Pain aud Hawes *' THK tool Tho house was c o'clock l>y Hpeak the chaplain, lisv roll was called and ent, Tho journal ed. The following h order hf tho tp -ak**r.- WashinotoN. Julf 7.—J H Boynton, president of the Sedate; Augustus G Ha cou, Speaker of the tfousi-j Tlie resolu tions of tho GeorgiglsgULturc on tlie attempted asrassioalton of the president, are received witli gftoitude, ana will he laid before l he presffiunt us soon as his report a'lsnliis minority report illiatt. 1 ht-su tor lengthy ndulged in by yne, Hutt, Gucrry U.iK to order at ten Bacon. Prayer l>y Jones, D D. Tlie quorum Ibumt pres read and upprov- w«s rv^j by TIIK IIOUSK. There wus some misunilerstanding ih to the hour when tlie iegisluiure uliou!«1 convene, lint tlie lesolutii ii <d uiij lurninent a* t Hit hour ut 10 o‘cl ck oi. ilie first Wednesday in July, Amndnigly at that hour Speaker Raison rapped iiis gavel, and It waa the prescription «.f a o-1 I Called the house of representatives to I phyuiciar, and saved the life «T hi it was dispensed for It Iihs worm* ebrated the cliil since been the mean* of saving tie- I'vis ot thousands of children t y its timely use. It Is put up >u the form of |n»w- ders, ready for u*e, and chiidr, ii take i reudily, os it is a pleasant mtdiciiio Sold by Dr, J. M, lurk at 20 c nts OUR ItKFBRSBNTATIVlK It is the duty ol toe present Gei. eral Assembly to reupponp>ii lit 8'ate us regards the ls-anda'ui . Tlie mutter of rt-upportioiin g ib> Congiessionni Dial nuts’t i.a sui i cm - not lie done ut this ses-un. f r ill leuton tint we do not yet kii"*r win-' her >ve ure to tinxe 8 or 10 m--m hers. The work lias iiegun on n.e h-gishiUve reprexeiitatioi. S in c Payne las ue k aro- ti* ii u' CJ'iei* oke*- way ,« have < v*o iep e en'ii He.-. We Hire I'd -lll.-l.itiiy . v.-i j -Mil oVe|- Ibis, lull n a-, a lew (lav- i.l'i la a ids onr hrig! i nut.«*• | n In * «ei> Inis t rated, ai.d o rr. In |n> .-is bv iin.v i' g alto b r let 'er him * a Ii,g Mur C*e'e I ft— ha a!le Come* • x in liar- lug to 11 e l e.v report. The sx lug no tiotl>•< lev, Unit is those having Ii!i rgeit | op older 'I’lie profitedings were opened with u firuyer by Rev. Mr. Ciaike, ol W mV lie.. The cleik then called >he roll. Mr John D. MoL cd, elee'ed from Te'fair county in place of Mr. Wil cox, d< o as d. and Mr. 0. 11. Ander son, elect d from Gohb county iu place of Ucneral lluusell, dec-used, appeured m.d took tlie outli of office. Mr. Twiggs, of Richmond, ^mak er pro tern und cliairmun ol the c nn- mi tee on the s ate of tile r< public, us u question of privilege, offend the fulloaii.g resoltiiions wliich weie unanimously passed bv a rising ro'•*,K’ and telegraphed lu Washington in 11:in manner; Atlanta, Or., July-fl, 1881.—lion. Jus. G. It I nine. Seer tury of State, Wa-h- iugton, D. C'.: We have (lie honor to trankinit tlx.* foi'owing Joint resolution.*, which were introduced in the house of represcnt'iti'ves by Judge Twiggs, chair man of tlie c -inmittee on the statu of tlie republic, and which were agreed to by ii minim ua vote in both tlie senate und the house of representatives; ij' « lie!, b, the s n ilu und lioiiac of lepre*'ui.ilives of tlie Mate of (>eorgin, ill general us-tembly met, Tl ut we have condition will par Mr Peek; of compentai Ion of clerks ot court, lie a judiciary. Mr Martin of Talbot—j G. Blame, rotary of Mate. Is—A bill for the artos, sheriff's ami red to committee Talbot—A bill to regu late and restrict the"rute»f interest in tills state, /fvforred to committee on ju diciary. Mr Hunt, of Spalding, offer- d a resolu tion that 500 copies ol the official report as to the census of Geoigis be printed for At tlie use of the house. Agreed to. TIIIUD DAY—-IUI.Y &Tn The senate was ( idled to order at 10 o'clock by Prcaident Huyuton. Aim th call of the roll, prayer wus offered by the ciia dajn, Bev Julia W Heidt. I ho journal of tin previous day wus read and approved. Discu-siou on the contested election case of Gigflilliait vs. Harris was rcMim- ed, Mf. Denmark, of the 7tli. speaking in favor rtf Mr. GignililatVa claims. Mr Swift, on he 9fl«>. tiiun calli d for tlie prsVNMMiqncsiion, wh oli was a mo - tioa fStofopt tlm minority report^ 1'to ayes and nuys were called, and io was read nod approved, Mr Crosier, of /I'amlolpli—A resolu ion that no locil or special lull be offer d af ter fifteen days from the first day ofthe present Kiwsion. Referred to eommittee on rule*. Mr Sunnierltn. nf Washington--A bill to regidntc tho sale of provisions in this stato. Itefeireil to special eominitleo ou judiciary. Mr Hull, of Troup—A hilF t-i rom >ve the distinction between equity and law as now declared iii tlie courts, and to merge equity court* in courts of law Re ferred to committee nn judiciary. Als ( a bill to provide for clearing and opening struams not navigable in this state. Referred to eommittee on ngrietil- ture. Mr Northern, of Hancock—A bill to regnlatu the sale of spirituous liquor* in tliis state, by providing for a general lo cal option Ikw. 't1mrf* the bill which the executive committee of tho Tcmprn- ancc convention prepared. Mr Hester, of Dougherty — A hill to pay tho expunow ol so offlci,| roprereu tativc nf thu resources «f Givugi t at tlio Inlernational cotton cxpoNition. Refer red to eommittee on finance. Tho bill nporoerla «* #3 1.0041 iu all. Mr Roney, of McDuffie—.4 lull to re quire Judes of tho superior c dirts in nil ca-es to give charges to jury in writing. Inferred io committee on judiciary roOHTII DAY—JULY l)T»l. flic senate was called to order by tho president at 10 o'clock. Prayer was of, fired by Iheolmplain, Rev John W lleidt, I lie roll was called and the (journal of tlie previous day read and appmvori. Mr (VcWhoi ter, of the comiuittue ap pointed to draft resolutions on the at tempt to as*a*Hinatu the president, ropor- tid that the ri-Holutions were ready .or enrollment and the Hignature of the pres ident. Mr llawca, cliniiman of tho commit tee on piihlio building*, nunlothu follow* lug report: "fhe committee on public buildings ri'cooinmend tint thu report ot the com- missiiiiiurs appointed by-the general as sumbly, tiiuler resolution approved Au gust 15, 187W, for tho purpose of adjust ing hdi) settling with tlio mayor snd council ot tlie city of Atlanta their pro posal io build for said state a capltot Jiiildlng bo rofvired to the joint commit* tee appointed by thu present general us., semlily for that purpose.' Mr. II /rd, of tlm committee appointed to pt ciiarc resolution on the den ill of Rev John l*. Duucau, former cliuplam ofthe seuato, ruported revolutions which were adopt ed, and ordered to be recotdod with the proticodiugs ol the senate, und one pugo of thu Journal whs set aside for the following: k*v, John Psttsdon Duncan, D. D CHAPLAIN OF TilEfSKNATE, Boiia Skitkmhkm 1809, Mr. Byrd arosu slid read the following sketch of the life of Mr. Duncan, which was listened to with marked attention by tlie seuiite i John Patterson was Ixirn near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. September |) 1800. lie studied law io 1830 ami 1831 Iii the office of Governor Morehead, ut Greensboro, North Carolina, and was ad mitted to iho liar with most fluttering prospects A very short time afteiward he made u profesdou of reiigiou, joined the Methodist Episcopal church und com inenced preaching. In 18‘i5 he was in Georgia, eountet d himself with ine Georgia conference, und was sent to llu- Cruwfordville circuit, where his labors weie not only very nccimtablo, but wore successful to a marked degree, The con lercnoe minute* show that lie was io Ma con in 1841, Savannah 1843, LuGrange 1851-03, Hamilton 1853, Atluma 1854, Greenslioro 1855, *gent for the Wesleyan female college 185li. at Oglethorpe, A liter icu*, Liimjikin, Griffin mid Harncsville in tlicir order j then nuperanuu'cu on ue - Count of blindness Tlieso appointniunt* show hi* Ntaniling a* a man and minis- THH SUI* 1*1-; II F»>r tlm llonoin of tlio "Etowah Coriifll lluiifl" next x„ M tiny Evotilng. W'»aro assured l>y the ladle* In chirge ot the Simper that It promise, |,c „ grand ,iioco*s, 7licre is not u family in town but that have proffered to do all in their power In make it moot the bright.-** anticipation*. |t will un loubtedS b the in ist enjoyable affair of anything ill it ha* taken plan • in Oanton in a Io ig while. I here will be a number of t ilile* over which the ladies will pr**i>1e -tab. It* loaded with m 'at*, bread, etc; con- die, nuts,melon*, fruits, etc; Icooivam ail I cake*; Icnionail,-, tloweri. clo Caj»t McAfee limjvery kindly t.-mlercd tho m.o of his large and capacious hull over Iiis grocery and hardware store, in which thu "upper of Hie richest Viands will be spread. Tho'.V'arletta Silver liunri Imve been invitod and are expected to attend. In thu event Unit they do not attend we are authoriv.od to ray that innsie will be furnishod, unless greatly hindered. Tho admission fee will only lie 10 cents; niter gett ng in you are at liberty to buy much or little. Wu trust every ono will spend their dimes and quarter* freely and cheerfully, not slowly and stlugily. Let parents make the evening an enjoyablo ono to themselves nnd their children; and tho Mothers see tliut tholr sisters, or some other follows s'.ster, is gracimisly csred for; tho young men will of course carry out the young ladies. 7/it every one who huars of this grand affair come. Tho ladies are Indeed very kind to spend so much time and labor in getting up the Supper for thu benefit of the "Etowah Cornet Rand," every , body should lie equally as much interested ami go out and enjoy themselves. An «xcursion train will leave .Marietta ut 4 o clock, P. M. bringing those who wish to come at hair rate*. I ho train will return lifter'he Supper; those not desiring to riturii can remain over until morning. All tile places along tho lino of the railroad will be given half rates Wu have been assured that a largo crowd Irom Marietta and tho othur town* have signified their intentlou ol being with u* This will certainly lie a reelu rclie affair and we are quite sure it will bo of great «ijoynwut. Cum* AL__ all, dud hImiyu all come prepared to liberal—it the only nay to make the Supper a grand success. Come out d/cAlue’s Hall next 7uesday night. Hot, dry and dusty" Come to the s ippur. Canton has five *c!i >,i!s Wa ermelons arc tree mu lag pimlihl. Ca ip meeting* wid soon In* in Hoy do you I.he onr oppantnl week! Prof. A Raw a.*’* sch ad kbndsy. See the new adv< nisement Perkin*. W. R. Turner, of Kingston Sunday in Canton. Mrs. Dr. Turk Iiis r tuned from visit to rartcrsvlito Mr. Jo-j Ttigul , of Atlanta, ii vljiting relatives in Cantui. Mr*. K E. Park m 1« i Idraii, «,f Me con, are stopping at« iu If .tel, Dur column of purso ml* I* not com* ploto this wet-k fa- want of spare. The protrnctc.l * tree* at the lliptlst Church btgius to night ( riiurartay). We havo Imd no ra!ii of any conno* uence about tow i in nUmt s'x week, .Vr. John Norilicutt, of .Vuiuttn, In visiting relative* iu an I n tr iauloii. Gov. Colquitt In* b «i, invited to Mi- dress the Donnan 8te le Lyceum on thu ifltb. ^Viss Fannie Hutson lias reloraad hoM after visiting friends in Atlanta for anv- oral moaths. Mr. Sam Wall a'id Vi s >mnle Daniel, of Atlanta, spent Saturday aud Sunday last at Bartonvill •. * lho "Etowah Cornet Rand’' ia IM.80 in delit. Go out to Hi,- Supper next Tuesday night and help Ilium to pay it off. You will lose nothing. Mr. E. B. Hoi tan I, H. y. C. M. McOluro and Rev. II. M. tj iilhan, are attending tho district met ting, at It- swell, thin week. Rain ia badly need-without It onr creek* w'll not u,ujIi k(g> r Ini avallnbln for bathing. Of courso the growing (t) crop* doe* not need * .y. Mr. R. A . McCollum wo bclievo, WUU the fir»t* to bring iu :i I,m l of oountry melons this yusr— m-t Tn-sday nvailg, Ho failed to let us lliank ii'm for ono. Call on J. W. Jarvis, our clsvw, polite and obliging jeweller nnd idiotugropber, when in town, and i xnmine Ids work anil price*. He guaiant «* satisfaction. See advertisement In rid* i*<uu. A great many of our c >nn'ry frUldi were ia town last Tuesday. They ham about through '-laying b,'' and ham got moro time to see "wimt is going4M town. Come in and so* ns, HICKORY FLAT SHOTS Tho dry weather of lain causes our crtipv to wilt at noon. Wo are in great need of rain just at this tiino as a great deal ol our corn is now ready to form it* ear. Some sickuess ill this locality. It is earnestly hoped ;hat the sick v.lll soon recover. Mrs. ,9tinuel Johnson received from one bee hive at oue robbing, a few days ago, 40 pounds of pure honey. Our farmers havo become th.iroughiy convinced that all cotton crops will mit do, und Imve wisely concluded to plant more c irn and less cotton. Farmer*generally through this section aro jiiNt finishing laying by I notice tlmt the no fence law is talked •faiid favored by ulm’>mi evciv farmer in Hickory Flat nf late. Why don't tho t«r. In filling them lie did much work ! P < ' ,, P* e of (du-rokee agitate this thing mid tliut was abundautly approved by the Master. Iu 1887 lie murried Miss Ainy II. Hussy, around whose memory sa an itinerant preacher's wile a moot pleasing fragrance dwells. In Ilia style and men tai make up, lie was unique sui guneri*; imitating no one, it wu* impossible for lino:her to imitate him, A Chesterfield in manner*, warm hearted and genial, lm wa* always well received, and ever ielt his impress for good With very line taste and an excellent memory, lie was ieady on all occasions to any something timely and must appropriate. Who of us does not remember his eloquent and touchingly beautiful prayers during our l ist session 7 Thousands of Georgia cliil ilreu will never forget his singularly sweet songs song around the lumily I eatloioi o a din k get congrega topi'. I lie name of John I'. Duncan, the blind preaolier, "is uu ointment pinned forth) wherever he is known he is loved H"d revered " After nearly a half century of se*vice -iI -tion, get three meinh ir; toe 30 received witn the pr-.ifoundestsorrow thg uli tin- ii.hers intelligence of the attempted assssyina- tii x; inguest (wo, und one eneb. He closes hi* letter by saving, “Cherokee comes in the 26;h, hut the home hill leuves it out, wli ch I think igcoriec.ahle.’ We do earn- ■s'.ly hope that tlu- bill may he cor rected «u as to give cur County the two represcillative* uhe ou.jlit to have. Our county is a large and wealthy one, and should hi our judgment be entitled to the two rep resentative*. We hope t lie teappor tioument will yet bring us in. Subscribe for tht AliVANOK. lion o| the president ol the Ijniio.l States, and in coinmou with all citix'-ns through out the uuiou, without regard to party, who aro patrh.tic-ally devoted ^llie principles of oonsthutiounl liber^Fwe do Inrehy exp e-s our unqu .lifted con- cic limit ion of this horrible uct, wh c . aimed a blow at Amir.can frie institu tions by lawlessly striking down their duly chosen representative chief magis trate; ami wslouk upon the deeil 'aud its ix rpoimtor with feelings of iiiexprcsd- hie indignation und horror. Ib-soived, That, wliile us Aipericaocit itzens, m e are justly proud of the heroic courage wi'h which the president has , . ury suirew Iiyes 14. lays 24, Ihwa defi-uiiug • in tho cause of Iiis lieloved Master, he lllc. adoption of the minority report, rcvti-d from Ins labors, surrounded by an which favored thu s.ktteg oi'Afr Gignil j only son. and many kind frier (is a. Uu- iatt *1 ! ion Spr.ngs, Ala., May 14, 1881. Mr J/cWliortvr moved to adopt tho • Out of re-prct to tlie memory ol Mr. mAjority report, whjfh Unis done, and Mr Duncan tne ecniitu ailjourued to ten Harris di vplisd to iMi'i-nlitl d to the scat o'clcck a. iii. Monduy. which tin Unw oceuphs. ! ri|K iinpsK. A roSidtitloa was introduced l>y Mr. The house met at it o'clock und was Bond for the appointment of a c uiiiuit-j called to order l»y the speaker. Prayer tee of live-two from l|ie M-nate and j by Hon. Mr. Clarke, of Wayne. Tin* three fr iii the House—to luvi »rig>uu the i roll was culled a id the J lUrnal read and lunatic asyiuiA gues'ion tlugpNivlilv and jappiovul. vent luring pud in (Ton' motlmi unl ini to be I S"pti-iiiln-r and Ooiober. Referred to truiiMniitil io the house j cumin if • e mi agriculture. The pre-i-ii lit up|>oiiit< d M -srs Bond | Mr. Utirrow, nf Clarke—A hill to pro- uiuJ i) nniarK us ll.e.'numbers of U.e com | cure tl.u puyini-nt ol coeU to d -rks ofsu Blit tee from i bo senate. : purior courts in divorce cases. Kcioired Mr Gormau —A bill to authorize the j to c- inmittee on judiciary, jury commissioners iff tl*© revision of the Alsou hill to provide compensation jiry hox<s to drop from the lists tlie for clerks und sheriff* for extra services, names of any persons who from any cimo Referred to committee on Judiciary, ure exempt f;om jury duty. 'Referred to I Mr. Polhill of Jefferson, moved that Committee on judiciary. - I thu regular order he suspended aud thu Mr Hawes—A bill to repeal (lie act et- house take up bids, loeui and »p> cial, in- tablmlmig state ilepimiiories in tliis a^.e j troduced laut session aud refereed to the committee on local nnd special bills aud inn v ii in inv 11 1 miBu—.** inv» Hi in'ru mu run fhi ruuuu u ill uiu j mrimi nun uii fe IIInuti-- nsyiiuu quis'ion tlnijMNielilv aud uppiovid. u 1 repi-rt t<. the suobto |>ro|ier *#p to be t • I Mr. Orr, t!utb - A bill to proven d ken in the pr-.ii i es T'l-e n toluiion wa» | hunting with dog* iu cotLui fields ilurin, adopt'd iii d on'motion on!'lid to be I 3"piemlicr and Ociubcr. Referred t Referred to •ommiiteu on flnauce. X Mr Paiks—A bill to define what |K-r- sons are subject to toad duty in'Tliis state and for other purpose*. R t furred to the ooinmitltc on agrmulturu. Tills iiocsir. The house met ut 0 o'clock aud was called to order by the speaker. Prayer by Mr Clarke, of Wayne. 'Hie journal roported back by that committee- Agreed to. Hnd ilie following bills under this rule were road tlie first time; Mr. Lewi*, of Milton—A bill to sus pend an act creating board of commis sioners of rosds and reveuuo for Milton Couuty. Referjed to sperial committee on judiciary. • -f'f.'-i- put into effect ono of thu Ixi-t l»wa ever made in Georgia* Wake up ye drowsy sleepers and got to work. Riinai.. GPHIR SOTS. After a sileucit oI'hiiiiiu weeks I will endeavor in my weak manner tn give a few dot* from our quiet seel ion. Tlie weether i* dislnssingly hut ami dry,as we failed to gel lunch ofilt* rum lull that visited other putts Iasi week Tlie appointed timo by man for the fi nal wind up of time lias failed to come to date, and notwith t Hiding the iissa*-i- nation of Kings and Presidents, aud po liticsl troubles, dollar coin and tiftec-i cents meat, we still live await further di velopinents. Gphlr has an interesting Habbatli school with CH sell ilur*. Wo learn from reliable parties that Gpliir is to have an acidiiiiy. lining in the centre ot thu District and unhandy to other schools we look for a line nohool. Am,on*. Programme ofD.8. Lyceum and K to wall Hand -July Bfltli. Anniversary of Dorm iii Steele l.vcmmi at 3(80 p m. Anniversary Address—O. S Harms Addresses bv .1 w F.elder, w I! Haw ks, Geo. 1 J Bro ke, Gen. R Brown, W F Barton and A P Keuip. K-1 rcis-s of i lie .Society c «su at L p m. Everybody c idi.illy I |,e Ii dies will give an entcriiPninimt for the h-a lit of the Etowah BandutCupt Me Afce s hill at 7 :30 p. III. Adniis-ion III 3i*nts. Further particulars of tin- l>m- pu-t and figi iviih-K will be duly uimiiuiic •d. The Marietta Silver (,’onii t Bind is expiated to attend and add to the enjoy- meat of the occasion. Since Guitti-itu’* coiitiuetnciit i 14 jail he bus not been allowed to tee a paper or told ono word it* to what ef fect hi* crimo hits had upon the country, lie begged the guard who w .g in charge of him to tell him whether the President wag dead or uot. und, it he wu* not, whut were the ohunce* for hi* recovery. He received uo auswer, wheteupori he iwote tliut he would not opeu hi* mouth again to auy offlciul In rela tion to the matter unleg* he was liiriiished with 11 newspaper. ard bus built tiiii*- nr fmr car bunas for the M. A N. Ga. It R. and is now an. . ff*ffod In building a cutott, which will soon bn flai*b*d.-Jourii>l. Tb# old people an I ctdl Iren sr* ««y*v4 especially expected to h 1 preseat at tht Supper next Tuesday nigh'. W* are reque-ti-d to anroanc* Ihnfl Her. George A/acauley, the Kpiacopnl Minister, will wlmiuist-r thu Lord'sIhp. P* r on next Sunday at the 11 n'clook servic *, II* will also bold *srviorfl n* tlio Court House *t 6 o’clock in the evening. Wo trust t lit re Will be a good attendance at both servioe*. A few of those interested In tlie Ttm- Deranco cause went out last Saturday night and showed that by ilislr presnon they intend to be lulriifnl and untlr'ng id tlicir effort* t • save the fallen and Io keep othors from I ;lIiug' Let every om corno out next Saturday night and help to advance thu noble cu'ise Mr. Senbron R. J.ickson. who bn* been living witbS. E. Kemp, of Hickory Flat, for som* time, had stolen from biiu on Sunday last VI,060. He had tho money locked up iu a chest and on Saturday went off Waiting, upn 1 returning Sunday the money was missing. |(« VMM to town on Monday and swore not warrants against four person* ch -rgiog them with theft. Those p rtio* have lx on arrested. The commitment tr a I will be had to-day,* We wilt gixu a full hoc not of the affair in our next iesn Next Tuesday uight lx- sure and go ost to the Supper giv 1. by the ladies for (bn benefit ofthe '-Erow.ih f'oruet Band.'* We present el*ewli<'ru the ptigrananto of the Dorman Steele Lyceum aud Sup per, which is set for mxt I’uiwdny, July 20th, at 2:30 P. M I he auuiversary a hires* will bodelive ed by O.8. Barn**, of Woodstock. In.ere tiug speeches' will be delivered l.v.J. W. Fielder, W. If. Hawks, Geo. /{ Brown. J. P Bmoko W. F. Barton ucl A, J. Kemp. AVery body are re-poctfu ly invited. Tiwse exercises will certainly i>every interest, ing and profitable, a ><1 me trust that many will atti-ml. Tho mail Mute Irom Dahlonega to ('artcrsville lias for s >m 1 tune pist Ireen discontinued on iiC' Oiiiit of the dentil of Mr. II. B. Holc ini'x-, 1I1 cuutracior, and tlie failure ot am proviuio.i for its con tinuance, This lm* • ecus oued tuich confusion in mill initters in our county and is the cause f some of mir aubscrib- not getting tin ir pap r*. In time of the heavy lre«li<'t a 1 e mouth* ago, the post office ut M xir.-'a M Us’ was washed away and it lia* nut I reestablished. It proper step* Imv n >t already hten taken in the ni-ttier nt • stablishing this route and office w« recommend ilia; im mediate action Im ink -n ^ i Washingfos, July 15.—Uepre- sentutive E m>iy fy-r, ol Georgia, wus married ln.tqii.rit t» Mist El more D. Moiyu 1, at the (■ a deuce of the bride’s la-li-1, |) . J. E Moigto. The ceremony waa p rlorun-d by Rev, Father CaII, o r 8 . D.oiidiio'sohiiroh. At the ooiic iu on of the sniiliog service it *4 held, after