The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, August 25, 1881, Image 1

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€l)e "€t)ttoktC 2Uo<mcc. >LBLI9HKB ffVKKV lHURSHAY OffU-t BKN. •• FL> PERRY. Uu-i ^ Strut -ruter tlare of V. mtmtiomorft extremely nul-^rl •« - mmms. 81 Ogle copy. 1 yarn, - - • $l.M , - ‘ - elk month., - ■ .*5. * " three MOBtlM, .95 Mr Advertising low—In «rtit tile tu . .ToPorntTV brnosns.—Tbenuw law regulating legal advertising-- •**» cut pri ce* down so l«w, that while we propose , to opuiplj with the l«w, ntliers moat do the Mina, awl pe uuut insist that In eve ry rax* the printer’* tM moat ha c dlected and paid ir elwDce. Tlila give* lea* trouble, ^ke |aw flies tiie rates*.* M- .tosas:’ ••Far.pach one hundred words thesateofasveaty-flve cents (breach in M'rtmn lor the lira* lour iau-rt ioa* and lor eacn snlrteqnent iosriihui thirty-five urnw for eocli.oue hundred worda.” piece* In get'lug from I ha im Vuii I. UNION, GKOHOlA, THUKaiMt HORNING, AUGUST U % im. NO. B. K. Faynu. p P mPHha.I^W* ulfwfcMA lAWttWBM Payne k DuPre, ATTORNEYSat-la w, CAMToy, - UKOHGiA Lu4l ml in* notion* tHeentep^ lino ter the II. W.'Mhwwan. insertion. untied hr a penial .agree L. J. CAKTRELL, ATTORKBY-AT-liAW. WHITEHALL «T. ATLANTA. OA WHI practice In the U. 8. Circuit and District Court, nt Atlaniu. •*•».» Ill-* Su preme and Superior Court* nt the State, may A. ly- .Inn. Ii. aVyvsaV AT LAW AY, Advertisements will be rha until for- Iddden, unices otherwise marked, and charged for Moordiugly. All eemmhnleatiiMM intended fur pub licet Ion must beer the name of the writer, pot m-ceaxary lor pwlilioatieu, but aa u gukrtaieu of gtwd failli. W« elmll not.ia any way be rcaponaible tor the opiuUmaruf contributor-. Mo communion! l»w will Ire admitted Into our ooiuuina luviiffl for it* end a datamation of private chamctcr, or In any other way of a scurrilous Import. Correspondence solicited on nil points «f ucperal'iin|lortant-o—bat let tln-m oe .briefly to the point. AU oonimugicatioiiH, letters of bu»i mem, or money retailtancea, to receive prompt attention, must Ihi addressed In , BKN. P. PKIIItY. CANTON, Oa. <8kmul JDitectovg. church kb. . M. E Cnwiicir, Booth—Rev. II. M K illian PaatAr. Preaching every flr.t nda> *'» »ba nesln*. Preaching on the Id Sunday by Rev. Itob’t, P, Martyn prayer Meeting every Wruu.sde; night 0< ttlemtw*' Prayer M. etlng every Fri day evening. Sunday School at • p*fae, Superintendent. Harmr Ctil’MOH—Itev, J, A- McMnr ry. Pastor. Preaching every aecoiuiami foarili Sunil ay. aud Saturday I m-lore Unit Sunday iu eneli montn. Sabbath Rtimlst Mr *. W. J . Barton Stepcriatandnuti and Secretary Eriscoi'tl. CHUacH.—Rev. Genrui Maenuley'Pastor. Pn aching Hr I Sab hath each month al 11 a. tu. NEWMAN & ATTORNEY B-AT-L AW. 0AH1OK - UKOHGIA. Will practice iu the Superior Court id Cbe'tikee and adjoining counties pnmint attention tliven to nil business placed Mi tlteir hands. Oflicc ill I lie Court House. Apr. Mil If. If. A. H. Parker Will cOolinne tlie prnelire "t Midiciiji til Cnuo'ii and vicinity. Oflicea: loar-s (deuce on Main Struct, H. H. MtiKiityre, UrUk, r'uiltrlnir uutl STONE WORKMAN, V, AN Toy. UJMMl/A. I AM FUf.'.Y PREPARED TO lb* any kind nf Mi-nnrv or Plastering, nib «• LOWEST POSSIBLE KA7K8. And Milicil Ho- pullooage of llio.u deair- ing work in my linp. II. H McEN I YHK. Jan Id ty. Han V F. Ferry, J. M. HARDIN HOUBK, SIGN, CAKKIAGK ano OUNAM ENTATe PAINTER. FHKBrO anii FCKNK’ ARTIST GAS ION 1.0 tihjA Jen. tU ly < ..■«. « e,--« . ■ slOTl! IIAlf—JULY 8. The M-nwtr met at the ucual libof, and ana dbtlcd t»> order hv the preri .nt Player w.ta offered by tin* okapi fin. The roll w»j ealleti wd lie- journal wua read and approved. Mr. MnImix—A bill to punish tin- meuliuif onen# wtore luaie* of u»'l* ton hv iwipridoiiiient in rhe praiM' U- t ni v lor a term <d vrura lull Irm OmWi one nor illou- (hull lltte.1l. Ifcdemtl twIhi UMniuitUa on judiciary. Mr. Biwwn— A resolution that lilt tbrniks ol Hie taw «>« Innmjc asvluni lie uhiUreii Nenntora Pavije anil WillU and')tie d.tx niS or Coifb mid Olitaok 1 e ooujit tes lor ontirteuir* erendeij the c.twnwutvn- whih- |u I hose AnlVhlWVirf ilWcftS Imsmess. Mr. HtnJ. Thnirm io pnMvili. of the aptiiml commuter on teiw|*-r*U3e, re|mrted n l.ill on Hist snhjHs. TM bill provide* ibut slier the expiration of th>- IwHuwa now isam-d io ■ Imm tats onuide of Hioof^Urrateil towns, no rein-will nr new Iwenue ulisll t»- rxc. |it lav coment in wnling Ml iwii.t,Inula ol (lie frei Itoldvr* lev— log wu bin Mine ill I leg oj the placr where it is propoeed io op« n a ••'uiii. In MieoipoMled towoS oitiea lire’IUH providea that outlie the ja-lliidw ol one-lour'b ol tire n ■ liabiiam* Hm- Motliornui thaH onl- r II a el. Ol loll M all Cll the 1) Ileal ion of sale or no rate ■••tall he *« tiled liy llie li.wfnl votiru. \ hill to uRM^tid *'C ton 4Hid of the code arhidi relsii-a t<» ptail tttor tein investigations. H Mr tii.cny imroditiHl ihe lollow i |! In|t: A brC ib la- mi n led an act to re (leu’ nn ain rtt'wMIisnrng atuioSW' lUil'e*. e|C. Ri leiieil •i., limn C.'. I be bill re . rled l.y H'f »pei 'ul 0 nniMlIiee oil lollHN'tU' c <' * '• b'k'N bp, rideriml back In ihe. polllUHttee, .ii,.I 1 f(N) flopns ordevi-d to be pHn , d Wlhe n -b <H tpe senu'e. A hi.I 19 pfovUle for «wt»|*eir sat ten *»• o«t»Jaiii luX conMJ'ors nnd lux leee *. 10 lit .his iti'V to i-ominttoe on 0' aim.. ORDERS. P. A. Xl^-Meelamverv flrat and tliiid alanday'* at & r. u /ja >fa»..nic Hall. Wr.lTHstn. W N. XaffuJCOALT, Src'ty K. of H.—Meats u*»ry tat and Urd Tuesday at 7 19 r. M., in Maaonic Mall. W. A. IVadey, Dictator. Julies Ualt, |{«|Nirur. C fl'NTy - OFFICERS, c .W Me XURi Oidlunry. .IAIJEZOALT, Clerk 8. Couit, J 1* SPEAKS. Sheriff Wn A. KITCHEN. Deputy Sh.-rlff •i W AKWOOD T'tx Rtcdvi-r. M u t-DKEN. itia Collector. J L COUOIN S, Trt a-uror P. W nOOKE, Surveyor . Wa. T. K.IUK. Coroner. O I TKASI.EY. County S, Com. Du. J. H SPKIU. M. A KEI II. lt«v M. PUCKET, A T.iioorr. J. H. HlCtiAI1DS, County Hoard of Rilucaliun. MAOIMTUA 1’. 'S OO(JR NEW DRUGSTORE I HAVE OPENED A NEW AJVD splendid stock of pure, Ircali Drug* t* my brick In.use It. xt door east front (If A fee’* old stand. I shall keep aa far a* possible eyery anich- Kept iu the Drug Mm-, nnd if you <m|l uf my Sion' and don’t And wlmt yui want f Will order il lor you. 1 -.hull continue in the pradloe of ,(/ud icinc nnd Survry ns bufoie. nnd lake 1 ilia impoVtiinlty to tliiink mv mauv friend- for whom I pi am iced for the last tliirtcen yenrs, for their confl- ilencii alld patrenagfc. nnd nsk the poo tinu -nee of the same; alto I a*k I lie prac tic. ol nil who may feel disposed to give ilia their pnfronnae. ! re«|M'Ctfully ask the itdii'H til cnll and see my Peil'.uuerv nnd Toilet goods. J fnn lie found al my store alien pot ptol'i wiouully • llgagen. ready to anil on you Very re»|ieotFully, JOHN. M TU11K, M I). 'nil. Hi, ly. .•do*- ll|tee R lelivd r .a as I'mi I ■ IW 'flic bouse aiet at 9 o'eloak ami'Wn* calh d to (krdei lifc speakeV. ' fa yet by the chupiaio. The anil was called quorum found pieaent. 'lliejourna -teait and Wf qwuveda — «*- -•.,*.«• < A?ij .t ilin'- ol 1 Doiijjla#—A bill In couippl luefM'Hd* of fertiliX'-r- Io ie|ioi Io ' 1 o' mini in Insioher i>l ugi i .•niltier to.'41111' llfit and ilefcn^l on d nil mrii|i||.-ra.Mild in uuoH. 0>>noty anil 11.1<•!'(*:**• i«*ti »rio iheifr ailup- i,.p in pui iriilar siuiionu. Refer- ml I- - «-.-'itu lint l- ? ]jf1 *J»i ICilRlITe. , Mr. Juckaon, of Carroll—A hill to rinvob- Mini pviai-ue b. aing I'oicrol ol C .11 tilt Inndt IN*y veil exeemionv. Mr. Addefiou. id Homier, lay re l|neal — A bill to y nooning* Ifliini a rattoii 10 the Suite ill'Georgia. Op (pillion ol >lr. Lea is cl Mil op, tbe bill to s.fptifjirtlie |:/O,0OO uke disnlatr oj 1 lit- lesou.fces ol (hr Sm r ol Cl ro rg III al lilt* dll ton .'X|io-ltlou, aas read tiie seoniid 11 life. Tile ffr Ui.Pe PAMintl'fe* re|lorled i' |«voi ol ltie lii I iiMiended »»y -ink- <r"y out *211,000 uml inserting *10, uoo. A 111 Ilaim tiie governor an wwues.make all the laws, amt settle all flrltonmaa* In our way, .mt r. any right you mtv think yon have, and rvaogUiaa norlulitSM hvlongiug to otli en tlnui onrsvlyus. We make tliuj laws, apd ym; arc to o'tey them, but to have no yaiqe ill fr.iioipg them. You are for- eigher* slid Pan never lie nathinllr.ed wo n» to lM-cotiie cll.lNcn* W* aTe si .ithern Held lumen and yon nur-.t uvur reiu.^nli. r . , " Tha nmtlieru vlaiior chn atwaya 9ec lAtwhtll on motion I UnH ha*i> Hiua# Himga If tie only comet lima aaanuo.ibopil or woagagu, god trav els then, hitaaelf and keep* iiii eye- au.l uarn.i.pi'U. uad Id- iltoulb -hut It In not probable tint lli^ .'pinion*..0 Ihe sooth and lu r people, will ever under lp> a uiianne, for I lAok lor no ehsilgi- Hiuonu the p.optr, nnd then-forv mv I prvM-in opinion- Will remain, because of ' the ores.-nt oaua.a Ibr s’uflii opinion- lie he 30TH DAY-AUGUsT 10. Ilia ariiM* met «t tin- tlatml hour, mid wuucalh^tte wrier by Fr.aidetil lloynton.i FtafAA MfclAd and Hie roll wat Mlk4, nnd jhnT ial of lie previous dny was rend mill U|e piOVetl. * A lull it* ***• mnnufnet ore or imporiMiww ot oohtinercial fernl Jet*, and tiyif'dfh **» smnv aa a ntisuaiMvavior of Mr. McWliuna-wr wwa n-lerred to the c. no mint* tjd «|rH'lillnre. A bill lo H» »|Mt|taliment lor *tea|- mg one or uiilfv limes ol Oottti-i. A bill In mak*0 n Monv 0 at- ivmfft lo mislead fc'u raont Into tile oomm'.a'lon*v»t‘'99f «nwie ol poly gamv of tngimv. .«vV::;ig.. fi-rriu 'ii coniiiiitl-| "" judiPi try. Mr. I',uk*—A HU to d. offei.U" ol selling wforignged pro|K*r< IV KeH'i'ied in odmniittev on jtailu, ciurv. J ., The Semite tiled adjourned told o'clock o- in, <<> dMf, \ TIIKI^VRK. Tbe house met at 9 o’oloek mid ivuS enlvd to i.rdis hv 'he apeiiktr. Frnrl'r by Rev. Mf. Kllpntriek The roll wu* milled mil the jmirnnl wnv rriMl* / The disc nasi. >n an the bill to pro vide Mr the Irttek inspecimn, edit- \rol nnd ffiSnuMnetit of the eijii- vo'v of this atat* was oonHuufd, till' before it Will Ateglin fhe n greet I to ihe ^nale niiiemlmvnt bringing on the duction of jnijife mid volte tor of the Noitlmaatjrvi eirnni’ to tnorroWi On motion ol Mr. Nottlun Ho- house invited CHkncdlin- Mell to addrf-s Ike gensful assembly nrxi Tuesday nanrsiiugi sat 9 ocIock on fhe interest ot theisfsBe uttivrrsil v. ' A ines-'Sige tlAm the governor m|u»unoi‘d ' n«i 1.4 had -igneil— An not to nllow tp-rtu'ii pupili to ^rnd tie deal atijl-dumb insinwe us day scholars' > An net to ipprojirthte money lor OF *1,774,95 the JAOXfiOV KOWIT iMugnturmr. kill IO legit'ide ! tngunch..ngia| •Mssiaiyr Ue't”' ... llleiii all, h>r be is inspyoveiii-nts on aeylniu for c >lorrd,| Mr J-in wn ihe nine one hou ctissioo, but Will t'b shggesltoii fiee dr bole sli mi import mif q adi ui npe*k V S' - Ihe B'ate ients. t •il to eftrnd to Anisk Ibedis- the niotii.H at MH4»r that n had on SttOb and thehans- IN THE B0UTH. An lunlde View of SoiKhwrn |<|cgM liniiliii'ialiHDy (if Utf Hunt her 11 Foople to Nwrlltcrn Mooplc-Krbela 8till. Wcolip (he above and following from llie Adrian, (Mich.,) Weekly Prew, ol July li9tli, 1881; it wan marked and sent to thin office, und, t»U ffc dofl’t pxcVngo with that pa|>«r, wo were surprised, pnl.lidi it just 11* it apponrs, tiie i'oninionta. Our renders will sno tlint tlto 8i»nth hns some ool»l« defenders in fbe North who nro not airaid to spenk the truth, und I we tliank tlinin for the noble do- Wo with null, e-d II lit hr bud Signed the lull | ■ ( 0 f our Imloyed Bonthland; ... e-tiil.lial lip. kior tern ( ,.,. n ,,„, w . u wr „, CllCUlt, * _ . . is.., .1 Uu a,l. C*«on—702ml Dl»( ,‘ld M"niluy—-i. C Averv. J P, II C Kell" g N P . Win. Rice suit J L ifsrri-, L C*s, P. O. Cun- ton. 8*»a—WO— 2u<l Bsturd i.v —8 Cim Ivy, J P.. 4 B lewis N P.,t icern Bryson. I, . POBuMcos. Uaix'a— 8tT Dlatrlat. mei to Hd Betnr- duy, John Borgan. J P; John II Rosa, N P; John Carrot, L O; Acwnrih P O. Bum- OgouaD—1092 District, nteeis 2nd Baturday. D U Lyons, JPlOPDai- «>y,H Pi Brook-, L. t; Bull Omuml PO. . I.mti.k Hivau—117* district, meoi* , B Lively, J P| W I Chris tjaii, N P: I hos R Gibb-, L C; Frec- inansvillu PO. Con's CkKUK—1091 district, meet* 1st Saturday, W W Bill well J P; AC C.>nn. N P; I A Ingrnm. L U Hiokuhy Fi..vr-1010— 1st 8sturdsy— W J Webb, J P.. A F Norton, N I’.. U M Day L V. P O Hickory Fist. Clayton’s—971 district, meetsDtB.i unlay, f J BUncel, ./ P; W .1 I' mmo. - N P; Wm Burges-. L C) Sharp Top P O JIanbin’#—1008 district, meets *'.. St'Ainbiy. R P Dsniel, J P| John H Heard, N.P; Hiram Wulker and J Ml ItheiuhanB, L P O Wideacu. Six*-—1279 d'.-t, meet* 2nd Wednes day. It B Algi'od, J P . E O Ell!-nn. of P., John Landrum, I- C ; Oherokce A/ilU. P O. Lick Bnillbt—1018 District, meets •9nd Hstorday. Lawaou Peirce, JP.,0. •W. Bnuiks, N P., Bsuiuel Cox, L. O. n, ins. N P; D M Garrison, L C; Fort iBuflington PO. Fa in Play-1028—3d Buturduy—H •T Kliiot, J P., 8 R Dicksou, N P, W J <Mnkugh. L C. P O, Sutslloe. .Caoss JA>ads—1009 district, meets 2ud Saturday II C Bowling, J P; Wnrreu F th. N P: W K Cbrliaand Dr — Nash, Jj. t-'V ; Opldr P O. AooDatocK-r-890 District, meets 4th theurday. R. HerudonrJ. W O. Tlila Mystery 1Cxplained *) UAf f" 'b e patent iihioo id on in— Ca Jr Jy.dll ihle ri-nudy for r. in ving from the -yst-m |U|| hi d worm-. It whs tin pmcrl|Sh>n of a <t>l shrill'd physicis., and saved the |ilc of the slid.I it WH- iM-pciiacd for it has hei a tligihi'uii- of -avlul/ the Pres Ol Ihnuwmd- of Children ty il- liniui* U-e It,I- put up in tbe form of |m»v- ders. raady fur ii-iv and children take f readily, us it i- a ph aimpt im dirinu Sold by Dr, J. M. I Ui k Hi 29 C '))■* TUTTiS INDORSED BV PHYSICIAN*, CLCRQYMEN. AM ini mujmmwmm. THE 6REATE8T MEDIQAk TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ia>—of apoottte.Nuuasa.buwul- coativSj fan m tnvHo-d.witnu dull svuaulion In the back part, I uni im ler the shoulder- blade fullneas after . stln*. with adiain- vSfuatlon to exe.dion of body or mind, IrriUbilit. ofWDipv', Low spirit*.J-o-a of memory .'with a f-etlng of nuving .*««- lei ted some duly, woarinea*. Hbisiues*.. > l.iuerius of th" Hvsrt. Dots before the eyes. V slfow Hkiii, ifeadaohe, He*ti-**io lies* at nfeht, hiuhly oolured Orine. IT TH1SE W AMINOS ARE UNHEEEED, StIIIOtlS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTTTt'S VTLIA ar«r^eelally adapted U> aueli mms.une Sum- -ITerl- -ueliaelianga of feaUua a* to aaluiil-h »||t- -nlferer. Tliay larrfHM- Ihe » pp-Kle. "J.4 u»* pie txxir lu Take m fhak. I’-.-» •.«**.*M4l.u..lby iln IrToale AetlMWOi'Ur* live Wrfaoa. RiiraUr Ulaola « r»jiro- l'rl.v #- ivnl- *1 Suriar »•»., ’S HAIR DYE. UtaotWiilauds- l Uaiuteii io»Owavv by a viu-l* -l-plli-amsi III l id- LyK. II upartv 11 nalural enlur. .H-t» II.«l.ii|..'l.-nU>Mf ,1,11 by fnuggtvta,** •••III Ilf fill M Mr. Uadis, "I 11tvbt-raliuni. offered joint if-olut lull ll.iil the -"Mile meet III j -lilt SeSSUili Oh ;• ” . „ .. p wend- Office, 3B Murray •«., Raw York, Dupre. N- Pi J 9 Afatula^L-L, Wc.oa * tlrr>, am u s u«uto .4 | -l.i.'k PO l Inal kMO. >ai u vmims tM* - »*«—W 11 j'Hlit mid Imti*. VImhIhv. I In l&tli, at 111*0*1, Io elec I jiiddj ui.'t -iintvior for the new c icmt. Agi'.'d to. 29TH J)AY—AUGUST 0. " Th* aei-n'e met al ihe usual hour, hi,.I wn- called to onli r bv Pie-ldetif I},iv Prnyer wu- uflbn-d by Hie clnipluiii. The mil wua nailed, and the journal wu* it-uil nnd ujif.tinvid. Mr. Pnoe, nhairniiin nl the -|ieciul t'OiunilHee nn leaipeiunue, nnule u n-poi 1. on llie it Kipeimice bill, nc- Oini|le|.dj|.g IIS pgs.-sge. Ml. U'l" 1 ' I lil"f' '• "» bike up llie Im list- lesnlmion fixing tbe time lor the electl'Ui ol h judge uml solicitor gem-ml lur 1 he new jmlwiol circuit. I'(ie leHitltll nil wu* 111 ken lip. Il provided Inr tin-election on MoiidnV llie I,'nil, ul 12 o’clock. The Bundle guiei.did the resolll- hhi by striking un> MumJ.iy the 15 Ii u'd insert mg Tbui>4nv the Utli, The IP'OlUtlnu Wu* ttgieed 10 und trniiainitied to the hull t*. The feiiule mljdiirind io )0 o'clock a. 111. lo-dny. . THE HOUSE. The hollae Id H' 0 n’cl'lck lllld WHS called I** Hitler by ill*' 3|ie'ik' l. . Prnyer bv *he cbuplmu. The rn)i» cull showed il ipinniiii present. The jonriuil was rend. Tit.- speoml order til the day was the coin*.deration i-l n bill to providv foi the l et't riiiaiefiioii, man-geinenr uml control of Hie tmnv ids <d tbi- -•ute. Tin- wii- ii bill ll.el'odOtvil by the aoeutul coinuii'tee on the |ien- iientiHiy; The dAtcjiyvioi, «(i»*ii thi< subject whs long ii/pl inierestii'if, h|i8 at the close Mr. Mclntoil.% inn-sr-ka the house sdjnqrin d ly-^Jl’ciock NVedncs- dwy. -hi ’ nbtr li"Mw Imblsta It.mian of lunula,' " Ill ooiniiientiDg upon tiio above the Wi'okly PfOjts pays thu follow- lug truthful fribiilt* to ilia Houtli: ’The foregoing we cl.ppi .1 fr hii the Adrian Times -ome weak* ainne, und pun li-bed it I,at week willinut liny cominiint, so Dial nut lenders might get full hem-lit of it, bill In some way the credit Waa nrnited, a I act that nii^lit lead unr reader-, In think w« had Innu iuipoanl apun Now we wish lo cnmnient on tbo above, und upun tlm iuirmihnial deueplion prue' lull'd by llie 7lines to pur|Nisely llll-rep- resent, tu the fleet pi see, tile lettei waA written to Mr*. Anhle Junes of lids city, who spent a |Hirti n nl'llie w inter aoulli, It was not written to her by any lady at all, hut by a uarpet bagger, wlioiaa pout- ata*t*r iu Ueovgia. The letter was Hrst given theJCveniug It cord foi publickllnn il they wished It, but tin* proprietor .Ml not sveui I" want it. Tim letter a y gl/eu llie I lilies, ami that Joiimiil pub lislied a jnu l of il, leaving nit a great deal that tile pnslmastei wrote, i liiirgins much »|M n the Mi'lliidist cliuicb, and .1 pun ntliera aa iN'ing responsible fur tlm war Ac. The whole uiliter was a* ills- leputable sa tlm charges me liilse uml unfounded It is S'.rough .just -null scoundrels •* this oflicc holder in tlm south wlm al ir up. by iiii'lldAi'lon* false liooda, -eyiinpal Inde, uml wlm are never to hsppy as when by maligning and tra ducing southern people, they arouse a feeling of aainmaity Ir. thu lireaet of nortliern penpli. That there are wane unreasonable jienplesouth, nu one i‘is- 8. X. and John Kemp Languishing ih . -Jail. ' Our readers are kail liar, nt at least hay* beard of th« In** nf S. H. Jackson^ money, add the snppmmlnn rbatsnmV mv I's-I stolen 11, ahd that 8. K. Rvmp and wife had been 0"aimiltiil to jail a* rite | (mrtie*. Ih" amount stolen wi* *1 .dHt-H- 11NI, Ir is ant necessary to agtdn makd w -talefnefit iff the whole affair hut Will -fSle lluit hi llie CThuinllnient .Vr Jacg lie further sworu lo two certain fVO go|d j pnwasaa being brighter end more nmiii^ able Utah vhenthers. When Ihe news hf the robbery aas no|si d about and the niimeofS.E Kclnp and wile <'onnrnt*d with it there was -cmrely anyone who coiihl in the least hellere that Mr. Keigp l"i I anything tollin' will! ’ It— that would sloop in such a Ioa and dcprifl- iug thing -as lie hinl always uroveii lo liea solwr, uncrgotlc and law ahlijing citiren, hut the Until of it has lieen made lob plain to lie dimhted by Si fhe tin* there has lieen rolisidarabie shajrp work done ami not a thing iu any man ner sjspicout loft mi looked al A warrant was sued out ug,iiust Kemp hi ilm same time tli* others 'vi'jw, hot by the sagacity of Cbl. P, |*. DuIYc, Ihe lending attorney for JarbsiMi, ha Was not arrasted for reason- whirh have nbw developed itself. a Several parties, not thought nt |liy msny, hays la-sn closely wafehud qml this is what haa led lo the reenvery . of the money found, John Kemp, shn of ft. V, K«snp illul wire, nifd Tlold. I iobb» left Imnut on Wednesday ilVght llie 17fli. (hr Wl-sl-ilp. pi, hsiving every sign possible that tjiey Mere -III 1 at home but Mr. W. J. W4bb, of Hiekory Flat, wlm by Ids silent pod -harp detV'Vttvn skill, baarrl of thi* |n a short while nftiW they (pft^ and canji to piwu tlm following morning aud our vesy diligent and efficient lie Sheriff, Wm. A, Kilehm, went u. seareb nf tlumt. They llrst alnppeil flarr-rsYHIc and HinSe bktmlnw tiiat y tnajt- t ■ Jojin Mr. Jackaoa Going abvtst 19 slaps Ihr- that Kvmp shows Kitchen a task at* tot p* It over and Krtrtten swlag sai'Shar oilcloth handled us J* vagerly. and opaaing It out find* ft I, t'l is ’ f ght and ahiaiitg plec s of g.dd. Thera wm several perinea prsaeAt Sad Mp ai adslag this they gave a (uMy ahnwv, BwMfcpMlt w a. After getting heme wfHfAk fold and vest he makes a aeasgli of 1 and there finds atfUfe some one else In tlteff I This with Urn #1.179 mdket i on bunday. In tills pm pieces dear riliad by Mr. nnr judgment as wall ad there ran be no dwnbt tiBf I H. Jackson*, money, sad tkaSd « Mm it the guilty pmir. fha iM*4* #*9MB ftotn and scnnanc d for hf dhhd «SMp when arrested *a< #9d»n 'MU'Mm. Vi mount fiai'ot mi batprvlay i vMtld( #99, and the gold lodnd- rtn Ida! 0., 180, make a tiwM n #t .17491 ’ ' * J, M. String r and rurysll liondamea lorE Kama anil i in town on Frida, with fl#. Re a deed to In* I nils to as I ■aaasai aad jayha th Mr, Remp's to | fmSes, bnl thmr »Mly womanlag* -A«»ssnaia.paaSti'hSA m* an Sha aym thu deed r -lie ri fused to do t -lie was “ooaiieg In low. to hamestssil." Mr nningir repUad tliaS they "would earn' with her,” and they si! witli Hr K' iup i nine into town Fri day even inn jail a. Kitchen and, Wjfbb came in Dim* t'artersyille with John Kemp, wife and Hold. Dublin, add all exeept Mrs. Kemp, were taened o«dr to Kitchen and lia k.-d m. In jail. AIKdtsp was aearclied and Mil tW In gravaliaok And silver loundnii imu.tint whether mr not this Any of fhe money ramalaa lb ha proven-we do not include ‘is 'fa Ilm #1,774,0.7 We liaVe visited the IgH aad through Hie ki.iidni*- nf DepatfMmlff Klfcheu was allowed In sea 4*4 talk with the Keiup*. S X Rgatp, as aasattvr ot course, says he knows tbvthlag of tMa exeltemeut sad did not gift Ihe mans, y but when approac'imi upon AM ifld act la very reticent and (toe* was yxprew bluielf freely aud ejMf|y'. J-NiUp talk* openly snd does not deny having gotten thu money, and hi* fatlmr.'A, X. K. gave it t 'hun.aud ihst la kiyjt-r meet ho ildnk- iliaf nl* "father* ffnt old Burn Jackson's moui-y," In jutiimt Dokfia will gap Utah Ii* Is la nn meaner caiiaastml with. Dm crime. He was arrested upon warrant fur a itwsdvuu aaur. . Tim commitm*at trial "11% Ram|> was bait tmfotu Jn-tle* Av«ap sad TImmu a- ua last I'atadap a*, aatna evn|e»ee was aUnftsRt almva. Mr. Jack«wa SHW Waiiisd wifh a MghiasMfli Bal fan* tlaua whan ks | Tflic* tbe ient:«nent» of (pc gicut Ilia*- of people them. It is time Linus lying ng- It'ilor- were put. down. A man, Imlding a public position like that of po-tuni-ter. . light to be in better hu«in«s* Ilian to let Ills party blindness lead him into -ueh p .nlemptibU' business as misrepresenting Ids people We have mean* of knowing that he lies, f«r there sru numbers nf I,u- nawee county people In Georgia, and n»a« of them send home any such lepoyts. They are welcoiiicd and hospitably trea ted, and not only is this thu care in Georgia but it is so in Alsbiuna nnd Texas, many of opr Hpqunintsmip- idiemly lining in prominent positions not only in buslnpi*. but in ofHclai life. We Arc pru mred lo give the G'orgls postiniAter Aewi rtb, telegraphed tu ('hiitlanooipi In duel of Police to stop them. Tinaif -lowly pa-Hed (iff for nlmut five hSurs, when they then lecaived a dispatch from the pollue stating that John Kemp and WlIV, and Knbt. Dobbs had iwen arrested | Just as thvy warn spitting ready to lipard the Corinth train for Meridian, If Isa We—r*. Kitchen aud Wreli then went no to Chattanooga with light hearts asil la hen charge of their prisoners, fflt^lmn askeil Kemp if he was ready ty come back to Chernkm', in which questuui he r ipH,. ed. ''Yes, reedy and anxious to lost baelrlo rhamkeo" They came oi I* Cartersvlllc with fliclr booty and Ibure made a -earch (they had nut time in ('liAtlanoogii to do this). Kitchen asked who penned that artiolo. proof ot lb* Mrs. Kemp if she did not have the ^win pertldy. mid Hliall send him a ninikrd copy of this |iaper. It would serve him right to denounce him by name and give Id- post office address, but at present w# content ourselves wi|h remarking upon tlm coiirso the rimes took to prejudice northern people, they knowing well that the man who wrote the letter signed his name thereto. So much‘bloody -liirl’Is bung up todrv." Tiie Mis. Ablie Junes alluded by ii linlv long a resident of G virgin to a fri* ml in Ihi-city, and we have lieen permitted to make a fevr extract-. The ludv to wlimn the lett*r was written whs lately a visitor in the South. The cx- tracts lire us tull"W*: •The women pfilie south have and pos spas le a reflneiin nl than the men and ns far aa p .licy is con fawned', they have none for the reaaon that they have not been brought so p.imi'noiitly in o mtaot ivi|li the outer world and Ita business nf- fliirs, imrt »<• ha*'* »"t hrtrned bv ex|N ri- eiic to restrain tbe tongue from oxpres »|nn of sentiments of the mind. Agiiin, tbe women are the teacher i of the v nth. mid these same T«ntht grow up listing the union and ita defenders, il- fiiend- nm| adherents.'m d 'hue are mainly re- -pon-ib|e for tllft existing hatred to Ihi found I,early alike among all classes of j wiiiti i rn born people. ...... Committee*, repre-entativi s of ns«ocia Ilona, correspondent* Of new-papi i*. pill. ,, lie official" (either-ta'c nr national), who i Id call tin m clcvei peO|>le, n visit the south mid hare their cmn i ilitnfv fhev would not do UH if W0 inu liernldid in Ihe ncwaiiept-r-, me met : n , . , by^committev*. ure . -cort. d t" hot-1«, and J were to UO tllllOlIJi tlb'in and id'USC dim-tl mid wine I- ire feasted and toasted. | uujjjo WAXIIUli. Albl «’« 00D- *r« guteitaim'd bo'll put I'Oly in"! pri- ard -he at once said, ‘of cnijrte f have got IL" and then taken from about her perann 8490 in gold mid 818 iu Hirer. Use dollar wa- taken from John Jfeuip nnd 60ct* in silrer fnan Robt llobbs which they aaid was all the same money, Tliey llfd paid pari of th* money eut a* follows: Far* from Ac worth to Chatta nooga lor all, 90,00; fare fr< in Qhntta nooga fo Mrrldlan, Miss., for all, (95,- 4ft; for two pair shoe* 91 9.1,- f I 50 for a ... . " , valise. 94JI0 for carrying them to the to spnnt tlio most o the winter m . . , r , .. ■ rmlrond, aud about 91,00 for cnlables Onntoii fit the house ol W. 1>- f , c The la-t named amounts wore not Wliitmoro, to whotn sho is related, i recoTereda-tlui ticket* for Meeidiau, nnd W. B. Wliittnore is the Pont- \ ,Vise were left with a ticket l inker to muHter nt this plaeo. Surely | ie realise what Jib cubl The could not hive written such a elan-1 cru "“ ,Uu " f"* "\ tn ( ’" 0 . t ‘ ,n n f rtd *|[ . | cv«nin«. iu»'l #<h>ii nfter outtiug thorn ih der upon our people who 'i^ vu | j a || J,,hn Kemp ws* Sf a ill -earched, and a 99 50 gold piece ooncaah-d iu Ills coat aleeve was taken from him. This tlieu shown him nothing but kindness since he Ims lieen w ith iih. Wd have upon arms for all Income wlm 1 makes In sll gotten and accounted for by ,n * i ,, u | thispsrty fiTgofd 8494,50, silver 810,60, will come nnd rc-poct ns, but we | do not like to In* denounced, nhiis- i'd und vildiod nnd then compelled party lirgotd paid 'for lire, shoes, vali-c. etc., 950,05, paid f4 50 for carrying to railroad, mak ing a total of 8585 0.!. In que-tnniing f"hn a-to wlime lie got this mmicy he Kiiid Vi- frtln-r gave It to him. some be fore and some a tier Mr Jackson * money was nth-big, but IlnU lie did not know that it was-tol'-n lie tblnka now that and wife. Tlm orowdod with ladies and gewSlsMaa from ull purl* uf tlm county, eaah ngfer in hear what wa- lo lie said.’ Alter aaveral witnaseee wire uxammed lk withiait any argument flnfe i was weighed by the Jwsthm Kemp was rmwnned beak la Jfei RI* wife wa* dismissed trial, Oak. UnPrv and werko asaloaMy aad wles aa Ikis ease. In the peusecutiaa nf llw bays Csl Tsasiey is asanrimy lisr tke i fears, This case has nisut and it Is Impnd Ihst be the guilty party Im nr they May bn dealt with la acourdaaaa with Mm aSrina provislnni or tbs law. Ul I ha. strong arm of the law pm(e«t as Irons Ska da, p raved. jjsKsI new* and iuma from correspon dent* left out iu order to girt plane Its matter of more Interest and gsastal im port*!) O". Henry Vosely and Darn Kills warn carried in I be cbslbgsaff Sk work nu the M. and N. Ga. naahnad last ween. Mosely go«* lu wnrh ual a sssSsacs of ft months anil Kills ona of 17 asnalhs. Our juil In crowded—MW is ly haa la in almoat daily, datll l is 19. Our -lil rilfa ure dijlgMt sad sMcient officers and di serves Ih« psalass nf all. Deputy Sli'-rilT Kitnhaas Is aallriag and scaloas In hit effort* In hast dowa and bring l» light any iking hvguea al ia the Jack wm-Hemp affair Im has ymv « on Inmuctf aa eac-lleut and dillgeat old* cer. *ud hi receiviug llw prahws of all. lie is bnilding ap a rupalatiofe as well atwealili.' valiJy, sre ridden an-1 driven, and ►« | fcM Hint W« <ki not respect ‘‘lvisg j y,fetlier get the money an I lias uo he*. arc a-m i cd incycty way of a k ndly fc«*l Ynnkvys” nor it “lying flcdigiun ” luocv in -aylng *•> He i"ld Mr. Kitrli IKSZvlitnS^ Wo do tbit here chuTlfo th." u,«n j «. wh. r- to And more money, a^I on vi*eij! to buv land* or tow ii property, etc., | (inyom-, uoi pr'olcsfl that We know j Ast'nrAiy morning Kitchen and Webb a,l infinitum. Lul Hose who lnvo-t,' ^ . , , went out In Kemp's and it,ad" another however, their ..." so locked up that, WHO wrote tt, Ut laavdt.ui render- |i(|il „ piklol wrap|>cd in pa ■*—- help ihim*i-lvci, and V 1 ?! to ijniw their inference ns to who ' - -- — - ail h •toy cannot cold-honl'lcr i- pimoptly turned. u"d they arc'd—d YiinWi-y*.’ wrote the' WKtdi«-*wo dimply You wunder at itiy bplng a lepubllcsnl | j| ie 1'uofn us tlioy jSojjji* to ns. give We Go aec what I have seen, Oo’fuel wind ( have felt. Go lour what 1 have borne,' and this f r over twenty years, and you would never again expre** surprise, nnr asu ilm reason of present political affili ation*. h . Tbt son'lirm people ‘invito emigrat' 00 ’ for Its aitvMitges to thtpiselves. Tin y -ay to tbe iHil»ide world "we want yon to le^ve yuur politics bebiud. We want your skill, your laliur, yeur capital, but may allude to flita ngdn. Kidney Complaints of all description* are relieved at once, and spredilv onred by Kidney-Wort. It -peni* Inlendwl bv nature for the cure of at| diseases of the K'dnoy* suu-ed bv wesknr-H and dohilltv. Its gieat tonic powers tire i-snecially .Hrected to the r— moVs’i of tills Class > if dcseaseS. We g„ow (if peraoas t’AAfc have seffered for ?£SS emmuy. and warpmpme to do i thirty yrnts • the vojiun, tl»e couutiag, the deciding cured by ' “ 1 iu "Tery bistance. We will hold all the time fry it: either liquid or dry.- ihorf Suu- p-r with S. K Khinp's nsni - on i , a short diatsiic" from Ih" hoii“ . T| cy again . went. Ian- in the evening mid ucnr the -nine place bidden in a h 1c under a I rock found £.".1.00 in silver. On account | ol a liriivy rain they abandoned llie seareb until Sunday, when Mr. Kifclicn carried out John Kemp and was I hi a time uucce-gful in Hailing the volt and 91,175 ill t‘dd. Kemp showed Mr. KitcTo-n aliout where it was and Kill lieu tlieu went to an old clay root liehbid a rock and in it wrapped in a piece of buggy oM clotli tar the very same described rest of Mr. Jackson’s; the 've»t was cut lu The youngest occupant at the jail in only ii days old ifsy he live to rlpm old age and m v- r lie subjected to trials* OEO/rtll A—CHEROKEE OOUMTY;— Caroline A. 'Kumif; Wife of Starling K- Kemp, bra applied far- waamption of personally und retting opart sad yslna- tion nf ImaieMend, and 1 bill pen upoi* tlis -erne ui Hi o'clock n. m. on the I2ils day of SeptemlKir 1981, al Kiy oRcu. Thi* Aug 80i b 1881 tV M AfeGLURE, Ordinary. GKOIU71A—(Iheiokoe County: By virtu- of *u order froas I’m cow t of Oidio ry of -aid county, wiP he ml I before * )i<» cii- it- house disir 'in tin.' tow i uf Canton, la-iwien the leghl, hour* • f sale on H,e Hnu l uexday hi Septemb : next, tin- cast half o| lot of' land N . 281, in ilm lb I district aud 2d add ion • f said onynly 80 Here* inure nr'leeo belong ing to G,e i-kIh'i- iif Wm. K AAtliins, ‘I - ceaccil. Term- mado kiwsWa tan day f sale. Ww. M. MULLINS, i Administrator Auv 1st, 1981. ‘ • *W4 r. #f.