The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, September 04, 1881, Image 1

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——- v£I)c i£l)cto!uc 3kduan(c. PUBLISHED KVKKV tlll’USDAY -: BY BKN. F. I'KKHY. ELUTOH AND MANAGER. Office Cnitairs corner (fiiincsvittc and Mat it tin Street—over store of' C. M. McClure. IMlirirttO* #yi#t i h* roller< oinilf/ ft E AND BDBIAL CASES. I have added to my present? large and varied took o f inerchan dise a ciffii nnmMiT. Parties who may need Cof fins or Burial Ca ses can hereafter he supplied in Canton on as reasonable terms as lit any other points. 1 also have on hand, for sale at a very low price, the Celebrated PRATO ©IN and FEEDER• When in town call around aid see my stock. J. M. McAfee. CANTON, GA., July, Utli 1**1 For Hale. We have for Rale 1 <10 acres of good laud which can lie bought cheap. About 40 acres is fresh cleared, the balance in wends and well timbered, nnd all undci good fence. There is a go id framed dwelling, a number ol outhouses nnd a tenement house on ihc place, tarings of the best free stono water. The place is situated 0 1 2 miles norili of this place within one mile of the railroad. Is in a good section of the county so far as the land and morals are concerned. There is n good school on or near the place, and churches near by, and cm lie nought cheap—the party buying will get a splendid birgin. Call on or address tor particulars J. W. JARVIS, or HEN. F. PERRY, Canton, Ga. GAVE MY CHILI) tlnce doses of the Patent Homedy —21)05 nnd they brought away hali'ti pint ot' worms” Sold by Dr. .J. Ai. Turk, Druggist, Cunloii, Ga. A II altliy state People »re constantly changing I In - i homes from Eas' to iVest and from N""li to South or vice rerun, in search of a healthy State. If they would learn to becontented ajd to use the Kuliev H'nri when s ek they would he much belter off The whole system can lie kept in u h. nlilty stale oy this simple but i ff etual reim dy. See large rnlv. la it poKsibld That a remedy made oi such common, simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, &e., make so many and such marvelous cures as Hop Bitters do? It must bo, tor when old and young, rich and poor, Pastor and Doctor, Law yer and editor, all testily to hav ing been cured In them, we must believe and doubt no longer.—Post. H«w to ger sick- Exposo yourself day and night, eat too inui'h without exercise; work too hard without rest; doc tor all the time; take till the vile nostrums advertised ; and then you wHl want to know Mow t * gel Well. Which is answered in three words—Take Hop Hitters ! Ex- MAGJIIXKltY FOR SALIS. The Steam Wiin' Shop ju-t ended nnd now in good running order, in Our- ton, in offered for sale nt a low price There are several woo l working machines in the shop and is propelled by a good engine. All the machinery, engine and boiler is about new. The shop is now receiving a good run ot patronage. A bargain can be had in this machinery and shop. Also n two-story dwelling and u one-acre lot. 1 he house has 7 rooms, is centrally located in town; has a good stable, out houses and servants house on the place; water splendid. Can be bought cheap. Call or address Bkn F. 1’ebby, or .11. L. PATTERSON, Canton. •Ito the bat you cant •ouit do right 'll Ihf nky tails' amt ynn It tit not tier In rain.” Vuii t. I ANION, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, 4, 188!. No. as. P. F. I'AYSB. I*. P. DuPhke. Payne & DuPre, ATTORNEY'-AT-LAW, 'A NtON. - V RORGIA L. .i. Gautreli ATTOItNKY AT-IjAW, ,p 4 Win IT.IIAid. Sl\ ATLANTA,GA COTTON GINS. MACHINERY I HAVE ON HAND AND ON THE .vuy, fresh from factory, an immense Htifck ol Cotton Gins, Feed ers, C ondensers &c‘. WPI pi act ire in the l’». 8. Circuit and District Com Is at Atlanta, and the Su* pieme mid Superior Courts ol the Stale, in i» I > Of various first-class 1 SELL UlNS AT TWO DOLLARS AM) TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER SAW that are oqutd to other Gins selling at $H,(jO to per saw. II. W Nkwxian. -tno. D. Attaway NEWMAN & AT TAW AY, ATTORNHYS-AT-LAW. CANTOS. - - GEORGIA. Will practice in the Superior Court nl Chc-ike" and adjoining «ounli<» Prolimt attention given to all business placed in their hands Office in the Court House. Apr. 2U If. Sr. A. M. Parker Will continue the practice of Mi dieine at Ciia'ou and vicinity. Office at hi* r s idcnco on Main Street. H. 11. McKiityre, Brick, f Ulster lug anil STONE WORKMAN, 0 A NT'OS. (1 tom I A. I AM FULLY PREPARED TO DO any kind of Masonry or Plastering, at toe LOWILST P0S8II1J.E KA /’ES. And solicit the patronage of those desir ing work in my Hue. h II. II.McENTYRE. Jnn. 1!) ly. J. M. HARDIN HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE Axn ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. FRESCO and SCENIC ARTIST CANTON, GKOUGIA Jan.13 ly. J. W. Jarvis, JEWELER & PHOTOGRAPHER CAN I ON, OA. Can lie found at his Gallery at any time win-re Im is always ready to do good won; at a low price. July 10—tl. NEW DRUGSTORE I HAVE OPE .El) A NEW A AD splendid stock of pure, Ircsli I), i g* ill my S oil nnd mi will ord r ' I At nnd ink. me brick li'Uisc m \t door nn-t fr. in Me A fee'- "hi stand. I shall ki";i n- bn . possible even iillll'l Kepi ill H e rug 'im, and if you c don't ff d « list \ on lor \on ( she 11 coni inn - in 1 lie pr o iclnc till Sill'll' I'V II- Im f"l' ibis iij'porlnnily to til ink inv many friend, for « li"in 1 IiiiVi* pineiiced for ili«. Inst tbirii en years, for tiieir ciuiti- deaeo and pnlrciliigi', h'uI n»k i lie con tinii 'lice of tl'c siime; also I a.-k the prnc tiro ol all who may feel disponed to giw mo tluilr putrnmige. I respectfully ;i-k liio ladies to cull and sec m; Perfumery and Toilet goods. I can lie ''mind at my store wlien not professionally . ngageu, ready to wait on you Very ritsneei fnllv, JOHN. M. TURK, M D. 'an. 13, ly. This Mystery Explained. Is tile patent mm lVkIII ilite remedy I’m r in vini I'mm tlie linman system pm a d i mid worms, it was the prescription ' I ■ o ebnled plivsieiah, and s ived tin lie n the child it »'«• di-pens d for ii li e since lieill tile means ol -avini the j \ , ot thousands of (ihil'lrci- v its • iiu.-l use. It is put up in I lie form of pow ders, ready for u-e. ami chi dr.-n lake j readily, iih it is a ph asiint mei' “ ' liy Dr. J. At. l urk m 23 c n s dicinc S I I GINNING. ] I have bought the old stand of Kidij <6 Palters ui, iheir Gin, Condenser, etc , j and am now prepared to gin cotton I'm ' Jlltli, and am uni Hul I can i I i lie advantage of ail to have mu no tin h | ginning Give me one I rial is ail 1 ask you will be sure to come again. Hi spectfully, J NO. W. GORDON. Kept. 1 2m. I fjpn Have You Money On Engines, Saw Mills, Bailors, Shinglo Machines, Saws, Belting, if,- most anything In tho Machinery line, Send in your orders ut once for Cotton Gins Ac., t|mt 1 may supply you in timo. Every Much)no 1 sell is Wurnmtoil in tlio tulles; manner. Give mo a trial ami ho convinced. Address, S. S', PMRKIHR 32 AND 34 W. MITCHELL St., • Atlanta, Ga. 1 can «avo v at inoeiy on ail kinds >f t/ac anciv. Ni w nr Sccon I Itnuii Porta id* Ki g'tie«. and f'ircnla Saw .Wills, Kn gines irian It to (13 horse p u ei, Haw Mills I tom 2ii fiuii t.y 3o eorrii giw. Auks | ort* able Kaginu, liest ami cheapest ngrir.llL i "ual Engine in ,Im innrhet, ff m 4n liorsu I"’" r, Ames so,ill nary Hi t„ r,0 home powii, St ni oinrv 11 r'/.o tal ami Up. ilelii Kiigines sj i„ fiiiff horse power, H"d' is. ILu i/.'Uitn| i d l’plight. /«oco. motive i p, x Flu, in -| Sictii'nni /".k« 2 I V in toff horse power, Feid- water iionleis, Roihrs I' id Pumps, • s paik, Sinnkn Stacks. Urates, Whistles, iililsK Willi r Gi ago , Injectors, I tndaiiler-, GoVvinors. Hiihiii Unage*, Sjiiiie|e M Ps. ami Joinleis, Lull e Ma nil ng>a. Hand Siws, Gate, Scroll and Gi* Sms. ('Iniieis ami Matclofs. all kinds a.,dh ns, Win d Wmltinv .1/aohtn- 't.V ol alt kinds, San Atbos, Circular Sn« -, 1! Itii'g, /litbbet H id Lcilt'llt, Hal ance Wbeils, Ion Pulleys, Hlmfling, V'lives, Hiram and Winer Pipe, eto . Wa t'l Win ela, Pc ih k, Gi i-t M <14 Maoliiucrv It: b ln I ah.I Hand Drill*. lUacksinitli ools. Visis, Tiings, A \ ii*, ups nnd Dies, etc Cull on or *<|<1rcs- lu lorc buy mg I'liewhcre, a* I can mim .on iiunn v JNt). W i ORDUN, (himon, Ga precintive recipitent wl « niov silver I,ended walking cane, ii |>re*eni from Mr. J. ii. Harris, on la*; Monduj. The pres* and material with which this p<per vug printed wa* told last Tnostlay at Sheriff’s sale to aatialy a in.o igage, (i fa, in favorci" Joa. M. McAfee, R j v R. P. Martyn bid it ..If Im *202 00 LXEiTTOHH H.LA\ On Tuesday N. vinibei' ffrat, I will sell to the highest bidder, unless sooner sold at urivntn sale, 'he plantation on Iln- Marietta and Hiukoiy Flat mad Mol g- wim-ii they tuny liorcuttcr expect oat ot t hernkeo ami her dttikona To Our Patrom Wo will say to our friends who Invo stood by tho Advance in ita i»dverso circumstances that tho pi oss and material upon which it It is boon printed whs sold Imrt Tm osdar nt HhorifFs Sale, and that arrangements have boon made by which they inny hereafter expect, wmrm UICNTL,KMKN; I WilM Mlfforitiu nr Inlwr wiUPit*«Hw1lnalr bur. iiieist«m| |>r.Hilri» and ainkiitM * sa|i#m*1 *.1Ui |it*tiHwIliitA* imd dug not i *•> niiiiioiUG mLMixI. (Mir that I «v*r did in th« md®' end vigor ot bodr. * work. I kn*»w out v» ' I Intvi* uard tUrwn hottlua of Ihn I^nlo. Kino* uslna It | ^ . --..-R nlftuit pfe r not vrhrtt. I give It lh« iTh f li'ou To it 4* im |(M‘ejifteotinu of Vro- 11turfite o I that ID* liMtUJml foir«t ;|nrlntf U»> DlniMts, nqij with dpulilu thu ouho. With tho t-uiV|iul ner [<• »• tuHMl of thiiufiflt i'««Ar IfUm 'i onto hn» uot done II • «1. t*. Watim*K. Tmtqr «nirUt|np t>wn4», jty;-, < l, #>»••• iHffll Marl., aril rin>« I pkfffPt, H«M lint Oft | iriih the (>«ffNftlr if m I AroimiNt'h, Ipwpj/ uurpnme irhere fn Tmntr 4m nerfeeurp., «AHHfACTpHtl IT THI DR. HARTIR MEDICINE CO P. 8. BARRETT. Flowery Brunchii. - Georgia Kicp* constantly on Imnd a larg* suj imil assortment of J^MfuiiftL ^jfLclclian.dide, 1 .'''O a'.. 1 , 1 .* I!, 1 .I*" 1 '."'" I ,r *< ,u b 11" i* alio agent h,r the sale ot II/,' \ DLKV ami /I.LL S S 1 AN DA/i l> GUAMOS and the very best Acid Pluigplm'e . i rill* c"t'on op nm and tan grading of cotton in tlm lull. .Vucli 4 ly Highest eash price paid tor eottoiv - GUIDE m. <St HOP BITTERS. (A .UmUcIim'i ii ol m Drink.) co ; iris lllll'S III « l.IT. MAVOkAKIt. IIANDPI.ION, uriisn lUi I kiu* "I'll MV C’UltR All th«'Atotnitrh. Ilntrrli, Dlomt, IaUT. MiIim in. rmI I ili.itr) t/igiiiiN, Nt r. \omni. nr McPDlrR-nt -NutDl tapeuliilly 1* riiMlu GotntiUliiU. SIOOO IN COLD. foiiihl | A*k fntif ilrngglsf f"t IfI.t» H!*t«-fa pu t f f l'ul*i| |I« vl tier. If 1 f U (Ml jiLnrIuIpridI IitphInIIUoi Druiikfiiitesa, mm* of *>t*1rtiM. lohitito uin| unreal R a. ■■■ Send for CttH-i t.Att. I K AITbT A>D MUST UONDEU- Mil, IN’; KNTONl Koison’S f list ant unron^ r Dkalkiih i« rotvGoons, actions, hoots, sijuks, hats, hardware: jlotliing, Family Groceries, Etc., GtmaaiA. And Agents for the side "f Holiiblc Pacific iim^Pi'iidleton’s Amino,ilnli d Snpi'i Phosphate and Soluble Pacific Auid — tlie'very best Fcrlili/.ers on the market Hi" rsi C»*b price* {'<"'1 fur cotton, March J) It. ( ( <r AtjnML&hefL 1 S' 33. TO HE IMA NO Oil organ wh" Ii ma t i.ilrl or P. isoii can play " "i i. |' p I ii r Alia ni in ri' wiiliou ’/I V I I.ICY OPS l’//Al)TI':i£. or • n Mi ini ■ aicni Tlin i oinpany will • ) Fe I I if*• ,'On f my child tun yvniv I "I to j la ANV ONE of mir Pop- v Tinn * on the PIANO, DUGAN oi : I.ODKON - t I, n ONE HOUR ni>*r 'a Ivii ir lb l/iisic ninl In iriictl'ins. ■ a ileil -a ri c'i In C ii mil .1. ivitli Ihc lire Ik I>ui it, limn 1 in I n u irictli l*t.a oliVns’c ul Ii IlistrilC' 11*111N for the Itcni'rtt of Id* heirs ami credit. JOEL T. HALj'Y, , , . . .... Executor, m no Kimlously than before if po»> SHERIFF'S Salk. »*iGlo. Permanent arrangoments Will Im sold before the thnirt house ll.H • b 1)611 made ttllll WO ilo not dour III Ihc town tf Canton Cli rok.e iiesitate to state that all will be .7.''!,itv,i; r k'3;l. *'«•*•«**.*. next, tho following described prop,tv lUtll We s mil try illld fflVB the to w it Lots „f land No. 1)38 and USD wh il • slioot ll.IXt wook, if we foil in the 2nd district and 2nd section of <|,, not censure ns tor it, blit patient-- -aid Olierokeo ccuitv (.a, Li vied on | v hetir will ns for a vbnrt u l.ll. as the propet,y ol El, Waldrop, by ' If.. , , - * r“ lt . W,,,le * virtue of and to sal My a Hupcrior fl fa I lm *‘ •‘"“‘R'* <« the best nil in favor of Litrhtlchl an I Putnam. Prop I Editor pro tom, with his hands lull eriy «ill In sold snl.j et to the purchase oi' other huainoAS, can do. money. This si plemner 27th 1881. | - , , Also nt Ihc rami' time i.nd place lots of I I* Jltl.l') AUT8 1 Nos 120 —127—in Hi. Hi • I ma i let | Passed by I lie Itecent (.*ni«ml "lid 2nd »ci lion of Cherokee county .i«., i AnMatnlily. Levied on nn die piiipcity .1 Im S«nd"W, J T hepro«ont I-gi«laturc which adjourn- losRtUfy a Superior . lourt II .a, issued In | nine die the 27tli of las'. ni"nth did a lavtir ol John Doc, Ex Dim otVolin 'i great dcn| of work. Thu winter insainn ItutU-r, adm'r, et, a ; vs. Richard Itoe bisu-d fr.'iii Noveinbsr Srd to Decuuitrur ami John Siindow tenant. Defendant } ill), and then adjmimed tn nicer on Jnlv inti tied by W' A Kitchen Deputy Sheriff Mth Tin, winter *.-«ion paiw-d 40 bills fliis Oct. 4lh 1N8I. About ilie *111110 time and plnc vInN of land No* 7tm-741 744 -478—In the Hid district and 2nd icctloa of Cher okee county,Ga levied oil as I lie propers ly ol John Shiii1"W to satisfy ii Superior colli I Ufa in favor of ,\, ll.Cohpiil.Gov ernor vs Jolin Sonin v and A. 11 Cog- gai«. Defendant noli tied by W \. Kitchen, I)i puty olici iff ThU Oct 4 Ii IhSI. Al-o at the siime time mid p'aoe lots of land N *. 40I-4H* in the Hrd distrlet and 2nd ace!lull of Ulierokeu oounty, lln , L< viidun d tin prnpcri\ ufJoint Siuiiinw to saiisllv a Super or O ur' II lit in fivor o' Atn.llisin Wyiftl et. ill v- Jo'hnSanilnw. D t'eiidiini ii"l fled by W A. Kmiinu, I) pmy Hh' riff ThlsOct. 4th IH8I Isa at the same time and d .o ■ one Ci l tain light bay. one- eyad mare, and one I ox lop l ug!',, HII'I two bales of cnltoii, ginned and pncku-l lut ly for market, /.evil’ll III) rn .lie liroyuily of Je-se M. hurts anil Frank P initty., In aalisfy a .Superior court tl fu Isonsl in fivor of Henry Mosley ami wife et. al. ys. .lease. M nnd Frank P. Ilnilx Duteiul nils no- I'V W. A. K"i'Ill'll, Deputy Mieiiff This Oct 4tli i8M. Win A. KIT ;IIKN, Deputy Sheriff ' ; E()HGIA—Ghomkm? County : III virtue of an on|"i from tliiiCo irt ol 4Si• iunary ol bald couuty will liu sold before the ()"urt House door in said emm tV within the legal lioiil* of sale, ou Ihe bt I I’KSDAY IN NOVKMHE// paiti ol land Nos. 770. 815,—Hill H4I. III the Hid district and 2nd«ctioii of said omul iy, containing 73 hciv* more or leSH. Sold a* i lie pr iperty oi Win l/uai|ers. decei»ed bit til. Ill lleflt of Ilia liu'is nnd creditors IVrins, It .If cash balnne 12 luontli*. JOHN MW\Ae Xi AdoPr. <bln WINSHIF’S IRON WORKS. MANUFACTIJItKRS OF III IMPROV I) W1SSHIP CON DESK II. ul' mN PV IIOIt'K I’OWE t HI l TIN MILLS As * il.l. HON. EN'INI' /.El' IRE!) ED ON APPLICATION. Correspondence solicited. Addi ess, O' GIN SELF FEEDER A Es, FOR S7VAM. MAM) « . IM’I.LIK . HVNOEHS, SAW • NO OF KVK.tY DKS RII‘- AND OIIIEW VIA HINB/fY K I I.MA I KS Fl //NISII WIN SHI? & B? A ATLANTA. GA. ■MFU'.T JTRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. 1 itON ni'i* L-liai i ; liglily recommemleil for all diseaws re- • lecient tonic ; csjiAiially Indigetlion, I>yipeptia, Inter. ’ l f . i ppclite, Ix>»* of Strength, Lock of Enrr:jij, etc. Furiehi d muscles, nml gives now life to the nerves. They an < j iivn organs, removing all dyspeptic fyniptmin, *nch • •/, II,til in tiic Stomach, Jlctirthu.-n, etc. Till) </li b i i ;''i.t, will not lihu'kou lUe tcetli or six- 11 'I ilnipgisf*. Write for the A B C Bool;, 32 pp . ' —rent free. ‘ . f CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Mil. f-’ IS W1IAT every mother _ , ,^i) needs I'm' ctiild, when it is troiiblcit with wrrms. S >ld by I)r. J. M Turk, Druggist, Canton, Ga. BSF*’Advertising ILt'd ex i.u.t i 0W—*-<) R'llt the lili es _4vir|f r .EO/i'GI A < 11 rokcu < onnty: To II w i i in ii inuy cone in ; I liis i-to givi i ot ice - >ill*ini ic-hsnt) • 11 I I* I I I on Sill I | buy I III' IH:|, f ’.ist Angus my .-ifc Small Octavii I' inlr'Xipiil ii> led and honid ill im luce iiinguin ,1/icu w ill nut inn iHMinnl If ciiiih, and I iv II not In H ill'll I’ I" rerpi.ii-ilil e fir tie) debt she may conll'iici for ciili I in my name or In lb 'i his St pi Dili. 1881. Jamiw T. Hknd nix. on i• I t 1 { I III' »l u ni p"c "L"' .'amp lor ni in "f 'ii ;-fW Am ids ' Hiilnl . « oi e .1 .1 ( in. . i. lie Uni n ' IVSON' M S II 21' At 7 W d - I tree PI la , Il THE MOST POPULAR Of ALL- V ) BEW1NB MACHINE! | kHT-iJllMfW is H LlPETI ME I- . SUBP/56E9j!> OTHERS ^Jo^soijWaHl&EO. 30 UNION 8a NEW YORK G'HICAGa ILL, -0- RANGE MA8 8. GK0R01 \—Choruk ■ i Coumyj My vii In of in or l' r rum the Cmirl o Or . iisi v "f mi d e unity w II be lold b f,oc tiio Gunn llu i c d sir in said conn i w III n lie legal li"ui'. "t sale mi the 1 UKSDAY IN NOV EM II U loti ol bind Nos 041) O',II ‘IH 024-87/ rd d s i cl and 2nd si C' nm "f said Colin ly. Siil'l a* >lie prop. r*y i I ./ones HriiC' ileci iisi d, for the ii'ir. and civil tma ot s in*l dici'a (id. iTiis, "lie half cash bil guce on 12 inoiit lit tini". JOHN I.. BURNS. Ad in r. GEORGIA -Ciier.ikee County: 11'Ilo guild cause is sh wn to til" Coil tn" J si) <Tder will he gmnlod on tile 24th of Ocli'bir mxl, cshilil.tilling a pi*bill i at iu tlm town oi Canton. commencing ■t In realdi-iin ■ of .1. VI Turk, and run ning tl enci dill'll to the ‘rack of the Al tte N- GiiR I’., south of depot’ Tl if lie in nil iihng -aid I it i to d t - l lie |<|| I 'I r d II' nr Hie rail < ml rev-iug I'l i, Sepl '.2nd IHMI. C M. Id :LU Oid'v. ClH 'Rs: MOTHERS! MOrH.SR*. Arc i* il ' IhIiiiImiI I nlglil nml bi-i k o'irriM by a sick cldlil snll'. ring me 1 mg wi Ii the exerncia'll.g piin oi i nng led Ii 1 il ■■ go iii once a id u b Otic .1 MRS. WIN LOW' SIMM -4*1 ^V'.'l’l', It ttl l r !' I ' 11" I < ■ III il " r ll I her. 1 )"|l tl unO" I bill 1 i ■ i*. and givi r s b f and h a ’ h t* op rating bk' ma ic. It • * ♦ Iv -a • -o o*e in all cases, ifn i t ill 0 the In,In. and I. t n- pvi c.I'l > * I on, vl i Im ol in.i and In’ i f m i i - c mi* mi i ii r i. iu t h h'lii" 'ale-. H 'Id everywhor . 3'i e .< !Yhii ONLY MEDICINE ix i::t:ii:u i.tot iii ok iiuy form Tllllt A 4*1 H III I Ilf! Hit IIH* iliiio ou | ME mm, I3E BOWELiA a 3D nil iiinn. [WHY ARE WE 8ICK7I lUcuutt ire allow these great organs \bseomt cUrigetl or lorpi<1, nml jioisonoui I \h\nnortan (heivfore lora'tl into the blootl | J that should be CAjiteUe f uahtmllg. 090! i ii ui. WILL 6UR£LY CURE |KIDfJ£Y DISEASES, L5VER COMPLAINTS,I |PILn, r l UINAKTl DiaFsA'.:^, n:HAi.v. wi:akxkk»e8, AND sNKUVOUJ* IIIHOKUKU4, I by causing free uclion of these organs and | I restoring their \)0W<r to throw off disease. WUj suT.'V IlilioiiH pa iii' nml nrhex) llffif toraibiitiM! \rlth Coiutipatlofi? I [ NT liy friKlitencU orcr- tlinortlprod hi iney*! | Wlijr oudar.i m*rrous or Kirk liPodncliMl | r * U i:).\:;y.\VOItTi;/R/rf>icf in health. | Jiff" U OI Ti haoii J|iu. i;u;;4* or whli-ii maLi J six 4,-;artx of I 1 mod(4'Uui. A I.**) In Liquid Form, wry 4 cneeii.f j trutrdy for tiio-o llmt eiuiuot rcud. y ;*ro|turo it. I [ 'fit a- ts a It!, equal cf'.K'ii'ncy in oitltor fonn.l | GET IT OF YOUR D.iUGGIST. FlilCE, #1.00 f WELLS, 1! It'll ** UDS0.H X Co., Vrofn, 2 jWiU wnd tho dry post jiuid.) IRT.LIAGTOJC, TT. I and r. solutions, ami the recant session met on tlm fttli of July, and to the 27th of September, pawed nearly 500 hill, •lid resolutions. The following i« a list of • few of tlm sets of the geniiral assembly. Po provide for tho paying ofailiMr* gin mute bund of 1848 lor 81 000. I’o refund to the purchasers money, r< uelV'd by l Im slain lor loi of lauil N" 124 in Harlow C"iiuty. I' ' aim ml suet Inn 1413 of the code til- ativo in siiIiiii Ring tint ipie-tion ol feuct or no fence to the voters of any e*ainty so aa to older elec ions at any lime the ordinary may a p lint. To amend siothm 1850 of the ontn re I* ative io obligations to be in writing so as to include Nceept'iness ol hilts of us. Oha'ige. " rtiin-nd sictiog 4542 of »l*e oodu so aa to more eff c iislly prolnb l the sale of lutin.y tickets. To relieve the eat ate of John (’aid- • welll to the amount of ili)0 m muy |miil lor loud from wli-cli be wa* evicted To mors certainly levyandco lecl county To amend an act conferring addition al powers mi purchaser* of railroads. To tlx the time holding superior court in Pickens, Gilmer aud F. nnin coun ties, I’o fix timu holding superior courts in the North eastern circuit. I'o appropriate money to unlargu tlm lunatic iiayltini,,' To link" It a penal offbuse for any tier. son to uni explosive matterlal in killing li»h. * To prohihit ills employmnent of minor* in a y place where intoxicating liuuora »r« »n|ii to lie ijrankouilie spot. I' 1 secure uniformity in tinning i(i idler* of public schools. 4 To ffrfet'x tit yuitlcM nnd eonstnMsn • ■* -* • >n c s of foreclosure of chattels morl - »g •. Ac. • o provide for signing ot bill sot cix-- oepliun alter twenty days in certain ca- DAYID.LAN0KETH ft B0H8, Philadelphia, Pa. To appropriate monoy to mantaln n lepurtim-nt in the blind acadomy to edti- eaiu colored patients. t o prohibit the riding or driving of inrses nml inules without the owner's consent. To authorize iliu ralu of land set apart f.,r a lucationsl purpose*. o confer pdice |>owura on conductor* of pawenger trains etc To empower county authoritiss ft* provide for extraordinary work on public ads, To re|'0*l mil loo 1711 of the code and insert ii new si crion in lieu thereof. ' o appr ipriatu $10,000 to rebuild the North Georgia agricultural college at l>Hllllll|Hg 1. I o provide lor tm* more elf ctmtl cot— b’Cti'iinf the <|ieclsl tax * linp>i»ed "it dealers in intoxioiting Ii )il >a*. T" require ordinaries .m>l other jmr- <"i s in charge of comity llnauoe* t.i lur- uisli dockets * i Iliu jistic s ot tin* iGitCu. i'o rig date the manner of letting "nt ntract, io btiilil bridgie over water ms -s dividing counties. " ell ingi tli lime of holding ike so- P' i'lruiurl in Him- Itidgn ciri iiii so wa '• all' w /.umpkin couniy two weeks at ach li rni. uii._, yep I'o appr.a riate $2,500 to flt rooms it* ii" d 'lif and du nb ik.ylmu lor C'lloreil patn (its and $2,500 hiiiiu illy to support the s 'ill". I'n aim lid section 20’> of Hie code ret- iijve t" 'll* di«i|iialitlcili iD ,I'judges and IllhtICI *. 1 n aineiid S' nti ii 4100 of tli ■ Cm|« ret- iV" tn o-i morte m • x.niiimlions /)• aiie'iid nm 0248 of lire onto "iidiiig lor llic summary sals of per I a 'ii |i" |" ill l< vied on etc. Poiit'er On TheneTmtbn. Kiilin) wort is nuturc’s remedy for.kiiliii-v und livertlisouHOH, pili« nnd uoiisti|nition. 8 ‘ilimont or inucouo in the urine ih a anio itidiention of dispute. Tuk ■ Kidney-Wort. T up'.d liver and kidneys poison the I lood. Kidney-Wort rev.vuH tiii m and cloanaes the syuteni. Headachy, bilious attack*, dizxi - ni’nx, and Io«k ot appetite arc cured b.C Kidney-Wm t. See udv. SVortlilc.a Stuff. Net ho 1'iiHt my Iriend ; il yim niilil hoc tho Htrniig, healthy, Ii "diiing men, women .uid ci.ildreu ha) havo been ruined from liodt) ot *i knosH suffering und ulmest death >y tho use o) Hop Bitters, you vnuld say, “Glorious nnd iuvulnu- lo remedy.”—Pbih dolphin Press. Berui titters. iis, y,.ii iLuiiot mwke fait* v*ii. i'o y cli^'ks, aud sparkling yes wit'.i nil the cosipetics of ha ice, oi liuiulitioi'8 of the world, vlide in |ii,« r health, and Lothing i l giro y mi such good health, H'i'iigth, hiniyant spirits and beau- .V ns llop Bitters. A trial ie our tain proof.—Telegraph.