The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, November 01, 1881, Image 1

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-e* Afjt (Etytrokct ^Xtoance. Publish id evert Thursday BRN. F. PFRRY. EDITOR AND MANAGER. Office Up-ttaift turner Oninuttillt and •Ml Murittt* Sbntl—UMr Hurt of C M. mciwrt. nttUimiOrfnm TEE. Slagle copy, i six month*, • three MMla, 11.85 •B 85 (gftciunl fflirfctorp. CHURCHES. M E. Caunon, Setrm-Rev. H. M Qitillieu P*»tor. Preaching rvrry fir.l Sunday ♦*>« twat«r. Preaching on th* 8d Su ailey hy Rvv. JW»t, P. Mertyn Prayer Meeting every Weaovada) night OontlcnR'iu' Prayer Mcrtlag every Fri- iuadajT^chixd at S I. » Bee F Payne, Huperiatendvnt. Ben. f. Perry, Secretary. lUntiT Cntmoa—Rev. J. A. McMur ry, Pa-dor. Preaching every *econ<1 and fourth Sunday, end Saturday he lore 8nri Sunday in eneh month. Sabbath uchool at 8 p H. W. J . Barton Superintendent and Secretary Episcopal Chuscu.—Rev. George Macauley' Paator. Preaching 8rd Sab bath each month at 11 a, m ORDERS. F. A. M,—Meeta every drat and third Monday'* at 8 P. M., in Masonic Hall. W. A. To*kurt. W. M. J Anar Galt, Sec'ty K. of H.—Meet* every l»t and 8nl Tuesday at 7 18 r. M., in Masonic Hall. W. A. Tca»ley, Dictator. Jabex Galt, Reporter. t:OLNTY~OFFICERS. C M Mct’iURE, Otdioury. J ABE/. GALT. Clerk 8. Court. J P SPEARS, Sheriff Wm. A. KITCHEN. Deputy Sheriff T W ARWOOi), Tux Receiver M 0 COKE/I, t ax Oxllector. J L COGGINS, Tna-urer. K. W ,*i()OHK, Surveyor. Wm.T.KIKK. Coroner. G. I. TKASLKY, County S. Com. Dh J. H SPKIIt. j county M. A KEI H. H ,,»r,l JtKv. M PUt’KKT, (■ “y AT. SCOT I'. I ' J. B RICHARDS, J E<1 uealion. ff AGIMTltATl.’S COCK• . CaRTOH—7S2nd pint-thi Monday—J. C Avery. J P. H C Kellogg. N P. Wm. Jtice end J L Harris, L C'a F. O.Can- . Runrilay—8Cno ley.J P..J B Lewis MP. IceroBrjeon, LC. POSalacoa. Bai.l.'s—817 District, mwt* Hd Setur- day, John Morgan. J P; John It It"-*, N P; jolgt Carrol, L C: AnwoVth P O. Bali, Qbocno—1082 District, meets find Saturday, D B Lyons, J-P; O I* Dan by.N P| Brooks, L. Cj I tail Urouid PO. Litti.R Riven— 1174 distr ct, meet* , B Lively, J P; 8 t Cltrte tlan, N P; Tiros R Uibbs, L C; Frne- inansville PO. Con's Crbrk—1081 distriet, meet* let Seturdsy, W W Bagwell J Pt A C Conn, N P: I A Ingrain L llicK ttv - UMO—lat Saturday— W J vVic/b. J l*. A F Norton. N I*., R M Day L ”, p It Hickory Flat. Clayton'* Oil district, MJeet* lit 8»t unlay. r J State i, J Pi W J I minim* N Pi N\ ill Burges*. /, Of Sharp Top P O IIbin’*—1008 illstrict, meet* 4th Bliiiirday. R P Daniel, J P: John U Heard, if Pi lltram Wulker and J M Kliciuhnrdl, i. C'*; P O Walnsca. Sisk —1270 tl »t, meet* 2nd WmIim* day, it BA'food. J P„ K G Elll»on, of p,. J hn L iuiruin, L O i ( hi-rokev A/iil* P O Lick iMillkt -1016 District, meit* 8ud Siturdai, Lawaou Petr e, JP.,G. W. Br>ok», N P , Samuel Cox, L- 0. k in*. N Pi D M Garrle<hi, L < j Fort HuMliigton P 0. Faih Pi.av—1028—8d Sainrday-H T Elliot, J P., S It Dick* in. N P, W J Mahuuh. /, C. P O, Sntallre. Cno** JfoAD*—1000 dis'ric', meet* 2nd Saturday HO Bowling, J Pi Warien F Smith. N P; W A ("unto ami Dr — Nash, L. C»; Ojiliir P O. Woooa iock—10) DWtrict, meets 4th Saturday. R. Herndon, J. P.. W G. Dupre, N. P., J M .Mai In*, L. V. Wiea] stock P O. Local notice* 10 cent- pe r line lor the first Insertion, miles* by »i>eci»l agre • meet. dvertjsement* will Ire run until for- leu, unlit** nttieriviae murlfe'l, and tgfib for accordingly. All cpmmunicahon* intended for pub »'tlon matt liear the name of I lie writer. VM mft “Itefte RruS pen sm/ mm* €• rfigM **» /tests* end yen rasa tank film *m rala." mnr jV «Uli I. CAaNTON, 6K0&G1A, TUESDAY SORNiNG, NOVEMBER 1, 1881. MO. 4*. heal upt pepestary lor pu>>ltcatiou, but a* a gnentutpp of gop'l fttPIt, We *lt*ll not in tiny way be tvspons lde for the opinion* <>f contributor*. No communication will lie admitted j.. yj., \y \ VVRite to Mine Mar into our column* having for it* end- a | ' defamation of private character, or in garot Evans, any other way ol a scurrilous import. ‘ LOCt. 1. JOTTING* Qo to church Funday. Roasted nlivo — the worms in cheat nut*. Fried chicken it n “number one’' vegetable. Subscribers still coming in. Ac cept thanks. AU float) is great—end none of it ia very green. . Cun ton in one o! the healthiest places in Georgia. , The depot in pecked with oottou ready for shipment The wind whistles around our “Kanktum” like winter. Guiteau’e trial has been postpon ed until November 10th. It rained all day on luat Sunday, making it a lonesome time. There in no whiaky sold in Can ton wlmt > glorious thought. "ho will “fetch” us u loud ol wood? Don’t allnpouk at once. Col. J. D. At lawny visited Car teraville on buaiuen* this week. Can Ion ban the prettiest girls of any town to ita size in the State. Marrying a woman tor her singing ia like oating a bird for ita beauty. Some p oplc have taken charge of the old convict camps above town. We have been having some beau tiful weather for November. No trost yet. We learned that five convicts eacapetl from the camp on Inst Sun day night. Dr. N. Sewell has m >vod inti the house recently occupied by Mr.liardia. Mr*. Duval, we are pained to learn, is quite ill, at the reeidoi ce of Dr. Greene. We are glad to see Dr. Green out on the street* again after a abort apeII otsickmsi. Our lueruhaiiis are receiving their winter supply of gooda. If yon wish a good bargain call on tlu-m. Tie a box to a dog'* tail, get up a fight and kiil *orae one, or do any thing to enulile ue to get up eome locals. Wo learn there wo* a corn obuck* | ig at Mr, W, M, Haiton’s »>R last We<b esday night. Borne of the I oy* goi f loft.” We think Coup’s circus tnei) caiue very liver “turning” Cartersville over a auort time ago, li'.nu what the Free Pica ■ *a a. Last Tuad.iv wm » lively day, with our co.ton i uyei's. bring all the notion you liuve to Canton and receive a good price. President Umlield wan born No vember mill, 1831. He would have been tihy years old, had Ire lived to November mb. W* call special attention to the notice in this i.-sue of It. T. Jones. Don’t Jail to read careful) uud pay wl.R| y^fl qwe. T^uof our. yqqngmcn attended tl^e quarterly meeting la*t Saturduy uud Sunday; but did not “fetch” us auy flower* op \ijeir fe^qpi, juried, gc.Qbpf 23d, fey ft«v. J, W, McCollqm, at tfec residence of Dr, G*o, llightuwcr, Butalle#» M. G. Donaldson, wno was ftp* Corre.-poiulsiice *olicit*i1 an *11 poiut* \ |,y JJ, G. all age ,t to ‘ °>. U p -II U» (Jiffocut .uiuvr.l,, All communicstion*. 1-tti r* of bu*i j tituber, &c., cxh.OiieU last Tuesday aess or money remi'tance*. to receive . .... . prompt attention, mast l»e »d<1re»*ed to j a very hue r-pecituou ot cnstllized ..Tof’oUNTV OrvtCKHS.—Tltenew U* ' S u “ rtz , louud n .° ‘ r 0Uf »egi|latlnp I'uitl ^dmil/hiU fjl 1 jVr 1 '! Wft enjoyed the p ayer III -etlng Pf • l W wb/^e w propone j j oduo.-t|.iy u.gut, in the to oomply with the law, other* must do . , rtllf [be **iue, end wo must Insist that In eve-1 way it wan con lucted. Come out ry cess the printer^ fee iuu*t be collected | everybody and y-.u will be bene- nud paid in advance. This gives less trouble. The law fixe3 the rates ts fol- |«W8; “F°r e *r l1 oue hundred worif*, till) sum pf sefeotjf-flve ^pts fv*r ea^li in |or|i«P for tfee Qftft four jpscrtjon* and for each anbiie(|ue«it Insertion thirty-five cent* ‘for each oue hundred words." BKN. F. PEItHY, Canton, Ga. filed. An old man married a blind Ujssiqtfi. •belli jll at flef ^'1 than 4‘ew-rtetl licr Uc was arreted ami sold to the ii'ighrat biddir f *r lift, »ucli i» the law of t» at 'state .—Examiner. A very good one. Georgia should have just such a lqw, VV* nr* quit* *orry w* did not attend the entertainment of Prof. Attnwqy’s school last Thursday night, on we learn they bud a de lightful time. A Ittle girl of M r. Sumnor, of Worh, aged twelve years, wander ed two miles from home the other night in • fit of *omnambuli*m. It seems as jack-frost has fogot- ta 11 hi* business in then* “diggins,” maybe he will find Me waynfter • wfiil*. Sine* writing the above wo have had e good “crap” of frost and ice, which made its appearance lost Fri day morning. Mumbers of Gwernoia were on exhibition nt the Exposition on lest Thutiduy week. They did not draw to well as the most noble clown.—Ith maelite. There was e row st cartersville be tween ibe circus nn-n and ti.nin of tbecitiiena A uegio and two ol the dious mu were allot. During the light a bear nml lionets escap-Ml from their cages. The (ormei was killed* bnt the lain 1 is anil nt large. For the beueflt ul c -r am l-egt-laior* we will add t »t the «m«t noble down esca|*d u .nurt.—Isbmaelite. Tnere -i* s', etnbarraieel young man nt U >w Img Green, Ky.. who *e cornd lac prmcheia fair daughter l», c .arc , on Hucdny night and arrived life, to bear the reVereud gent'eman r nd from the Bible an the c upl •ns cued up he aiele: My duugtc ■ grievous y toreu-iited withmlevil widen v, r*<- tocurs in an acooimt f a he > T* *i«meni miracle The cob gregntion emiled, and it would bi hard 10 tell whieh fell me worst the preacher, hie daughter, or her Oort. Wty do Batmen help each oth er in life’s conflict f An euoour aging word, a untie and polite at tention coat nothing and it helpe the giver and receiver. A good word or *11 evil word ia often the turning point ot a man’s fortune and happiness. Still instead—we get a poison word or un insinua ting motion of the heiul or a bitter silence. Why should we be like the wild wolf, that team Co piece# his wounded companion? Boys, do you not think a deba ting aooiety or u reading club would benefit us all much more than walk ing the streets of a night. Wft do know from experience thut such meetings mauaged right Will do good. You will have no excuse in regard to a place to meet, as Prof. Attaway will, we think, give bis consent to let us have the sohool bouse every Monday night, and he will also join us. Think over this, boys, and you will come to the same conclusion. Last Saturday evening during he lull in business, we visited the siesui gin of Mr. John W. Gordon, ut the old stand of Kilby A Patter son, and watched the “ways of cot ton,” Irom the seed to the pretty lint. Mr. Gordon has hie gin everything petytinpig thereto in m convenient and systematic order us yye have ever hnd the pleasure to see. De lias a Fairbanks lqrge wagon scale, on which feg weighs (he cotton jn the segd before giq- fling, the first thing as you enter with your wagon, then the wagon moves a lew teat farther and un loads into the stalls of which there tire several, then the cotton goei into one of Brown’s best gin and condenser, and thou into the press alter which a bale is rolled into the •agon- He ftinsisven baits per day. oul «o tar si weean hear is ginning ert'ir mtisfociior. to hi| p^trop^ M? |py*-wil DhIU into whieh die «"-d full «<> si every man can g«t tic i' vd Uia* ar<* hli ai d none o'ntra. This oiie feature i* a great improve men' on the old manner ul g nuing, ih* reby giving every man *ui isiac- imn. Another enticing thing shout M . GordonUi.^' he on ly churg's one twentieth, and #4,20 f .r begging ami tics. Mr. Gordon is jn l-ard working iudostrious yonug 1 o< mid deserves the patronage he (•o justly receive*. We wisfe biq| all i possifele tnocesft. ia Hartford had oocosion to atop and crawl un der the oar to fix something. Two symyatketio men an the WAlk see ing the form under the oar, and that it was motionless, believed it lied beau run over, end hastening up, oaugnt the driver by the feet and pulled him out. very much to his profane Batonishmenu—Danbu ry News. c rffiVA giiwif. Rev N. N. Edge who bee leas ed the Advance will be here next week and take charge of the paper. He intends to spare no work in hie efforts to improve the paper, till it shall be the “organ of Cherokee Georgias” The outfit and all the material is bow owned by a man who will keep it and changes will cease. The owner's progress ive spirit will evffr make the An- vhncr a permanent “Institution,” looking to the building up of our oounty, ami developing 11* resour ces ol the surrounding country. The new editor lies long efl^eri- enee in the newspaper business, will be permanently located in our town and lull/ identified with our paper. He will offer every induce ment to subaoribers, in the way of a good paper and oonvinoe every one that na has full value of his money. We bop* the present patrons of the Advance will “exercise their sonls in patience,” but a few days longer. The editor expaota to make his bow of introdaotiou nest week, then go to work to give fftbefaetion m * f * SPEAK WELL OF Ol HUM* Don't call one of your school- mutes ugly, another stingy, anoth or croee, behind their Imcks. It is the meanest sort of sin. Even if they are very ugly, stingy, or cross it does you no good to ropeut it It only serves to maku you love to tell of fuulta— it makes you unchar itable -your sonls grow smaller— your heart loeeeite generous blood, when tattle about your friends tell all the good you know about them and carry their eiu in yon heart or else tell them to God and ask him to pardon them. That will ba Christ like. Ifausbody says to you Oh I that Mary Willis did such a'naughty thing I call to mind some virtue that Mary posses, and hold it up to theirs. For your sake learn to make this habit. OPMIK DOTH. Tiaiss a little hard, but nohing se rious yet, not* ithstsnding the drouth. The beautiful fall bat enabled us to teve grass, peavines, and sow fall Oats, and by feeding sparing, we will get through I think, or an average scanty. J. 0. Boling and faintly left on the 86U1 lost, for Benton oouoty— it* or eix ether families leave about Ohriatmas for western homes. Farmers gathering oorn with s bet ter yield than was expected. The Ophir Academy will soon Iw ready for use, and a gw 4 school may' be expected. The Franklin gold mines with Col. Moore nt its helm, is be doubt, oils of the riohitl in North Geor- gis. Mr Leverett, a geographical sn gmeer, is now employed in meking out s huge tnsp of the entire proper it, consisting ol 31 lots, it is Mid to contain every leu turf ul the geo graphical situation of the properly, showing hills ravines and veins U. F. Dryman. Young man have you a mother who ha* waiohrd over your sick bed, and oounted every pain In I groan in chikl- h >od. Have you a sister that proudly looked up to you in riper yeariPDon’t wring that mother’s heart and dis- xrtCv 1 hat sweet sister at the drsm shop, tlave you a wife that left all to follow you in prosper ty and abate yoer adveiaity ? Don’t dig a pauper’s early grave for her to satisfy a beast ly apetita. Have yon a child that lisps the^. name of ”Pa.” Don’t make the! ebtld blush to own on* he flails hie Father,by damning soul and body, la a SOUND MAXIMS. Attend earefully to details of your besineet. Be prompt in ell things Consider well—then decide. Dare to do right. TW to do wrong. Endure trials patiently. Fight lifb’s battle bravely, maiiful •j. Qo no> lathi aasluy of the eietoRR Hold integrity sacred. Injure not another’s reputation or business. Join hands only with the virtuour Keep your mind from evil thoughts. Lie not for any oonsidsmtioN. Make few aoquaintanoss Never try to appear what you are not. Owe no man anything. Pay your debit promptly. Question not ths veraoity of n Iriend. Uespeot ths counsel of your pa* rents Haora floe money rather than prin* cipie. Touch oot, tails not, handle not intoxicating drinks. Use your leisure time lor improve* ment. Venture nof upon the threshold of wrong. Watch carefully over yonr pas sions. 'Xtend to everyone n kindly nlu- tation. Yield not to discouragements Zealously labpr for ths right. A pay the printer. ntETtSnm THAT mr Hook <*•<4 talkMft MICKOUY FLAT RHOTR. Mr. Editor 1 will try one more tim« to give you the current news of this section. Our farmers have made good use of the late fins weather and have about gathered both oorn und cotton, coru has turned out sofriy tyqty( than *** A gri-«t den I of sickness in this lv- polity among children, several deaths have occurred of late. Bevfr%| p( oqy bugs *ya making ar- fangewente Ipr Texas arid other foreign countries, afi thvir future homes |o avoid appear ug st oourt to anvwvr tor their orita*. Wheat and nat rawing is the gen eral woikof the day, t*« there are be iug s gr*at deal of email grain sown. A finer turnip crop never was known in this part of ih-.- country. Mr. Editor, thaukmg you foryo.tyt paper through th«* yeafc H, ‘d hoping (feat yqu way Meet with iuo- CM* in your enterprise at an editor, that your pathway through life may be one us bright as day, und that while you linger here below in this cohi unfriendly world, you will look 10 Him who rules hrewu sud thrift, tor help eii(]| ip lime of sod trouble In earnest hope (hat the above few lines m«y find an open heart ready at all times to re ceive the wish of a friend. I retire a* a correspondent to the Cherokee Advance. (retain a# svyg Your trae friend, “Rvhal.” PUT THE AGREEMENT IN WRIT- - J NO. How many mirnndertunding arise from the loose wuy iu which busiaees matters are talked over, and then when each party puts bis own construction oa theooaver sation, the matter is dismimi4 by esce with the words “all right, all right” Frrqoeatly it tame oat all wrong, and becomes a quest ion for lawyers and the oonrt*. More tbaa three fourths of the litigation of the country would bs saved if the peo ple would put down their agreements in writing and sign their names to it Each word io our language has its own particular meaning, and memo* ry may, by the change ol iti posi tion hi a sentence, oonvey an entire ly different idea from that intended. When one# reduoed to writing, ideas are fixed and expensive lawsuits avoid ed. A BIO BOOM. rib* hope that wboR the managers of the Atlanta Gottoo Exposition have felly settled dowe to business, they will tak* into consideration ths 00m- plaints that have bran telegraphed from London concerning falsely packed ootton. Ths Secretary of the Oldham Ootion Spinners’ Ai oiatiou had declared that thonseeds of tons ot seed are paid lor bf the OMbans epiauers as eottee, in eon- sequence of fraudulent packing. It is believed that a thorough in vestigation will shew that the sand found in the ootton crop in 1879-80 for instance, was not the result of fraudulent packing, but resulted from the fact that much of ths lint was blown out of the bolls by high winds, or wo* beaten out by hsnyy rains, and became saturated with sand while on the ground. Even that which remained iu the bolls was more or less injured by tbs sand which it eaught as it was blown over the fields. When he pOfS the When bis wife wants to 10 doesn’t. When he writes to hie besIgMl and has to wait two weeks for t JR* ply. '1 When his hash is placed brfhto him five snooessivs ■oratags si' Ml boarding hones. When ho pokes hie heed throogh his last clean shirt and find no till* ton on.behind. When he bays n new pair of shfNR nod discovers two big nails StieMng in the heel*. When be take* his girl oat tat discovers that;bsihas left hie poehsh* book at home in his oM trowasra When he come* horn* surly in morning and his wef* weals to a debating society in the lower When in his dreams he is iag on the verge of a psoeipiev, and bis wife snddely reminds him that ho isn’t bat is jerking her bunged half nil topi.-oes. When he dives down into the bot tom of his trank, jerks out whek he ■apposes is a clean pair of seeks bn' finds only an old toblo-nnpkln, With four white neckties put away for Igk imer. Pay your debts UVD BAVR Ttu Credit. In cnnmquisra of the early maSaftog of the crops sad a a eras! 17 favorable fiill for gMberiag. I think a one lo without sxcum who lias ftiled to pay hit delrta by November l»t, untoas prevt* dmtially Innderad, bet I willtxtraiftths time until November SOtb. wbra I WU1 barn to awke a dona (hacking of the notes on band and accounts aaocMIed and pat them out tar colloctioa. I tbiak thU will bo boat for yon as wall as gnr- MlCra the earlier a debt to paid to* malar, aad I shall need my arauay.. De not rscoaslla tbi* matter with yourmlgbf thiakiag you aro loo good to ba iWR for you wilt be dlmppulnted. Cam* forward aad oettlo at once and wva oRk. than 1 will be able aad willing to Ml you another yaar, goods ohaap and fill yon want. Yonr Respectfully, R. T. JNOE8. W* have just A man about to purohas* a yonug horse, was iearful he might prove skittish, and in order to test bis steadiness, directed his sou to go be hind the next corner qt\d bs would ride the cql' d°in oppoette to him, when the boy must suddenly start oftt and cry “booh!” If the oolt could stand that it would be proof that he wos well hroken. The boy took hifi |>tnoe and the man mounted and rode along 3 But when be came to the oorner. and his son jumped out crying “booh’lnt the top of his voios, the colt threw him off. The tider picked luiuself up, aod rub bing his ;shoulders and shins, asked the hoy what he did su for. “Why father” said ths sou, “yon teld me to say booh.” “Yea” said the old man, “but there was uo need of laying suoh a big boofemvuuh ft littto horaet” CONTENTMENT A VICE Did it ever occur to you,says sn ex change, that the mnch landed virtue oieootentinsnt is in some ipstftnoeta vice, the dry rot of ambition I The contented makes no prog- X«si in the world. He ii hopleisly stranded—A man, or a village or a town, or a city that became contend port •tops short, never to gq ftgaia, (ill the dread disease i» ovyroomc. There (ore young man, if you are a farmer, don't be oontent; strive to be a bet ter farmer. If you are a carpenter, don’t be content 3 always strive to become better than you are, A BAD UIHL JO MAMMY. A bad daughter, aaye au exchange, ■eldcm maxes a good wife. If a is ill-tempered at home, saarls at her parent*, snaps at brothei* aad sisters, and shirks her ordinary duties, the alienees are ten to ana that when she gets a home of her own the will make it wretched. There are girls who fancy themselves to far superior to their parents that the mrre privilige ol their society in the bones ought to U* all the old people should have the assurance to ask. While (hair mothers are busy with domestlsdn- ties they sit in the easiest skalr or lie on softest sofas, feeding on *hfap and trashy novels, and cherish ths notion that they are very literary in- dividoale The household drudgery 1* too ooarsv lor auoh ladies a* they. Girls of this sort are very anxious to be married that they may escape the disagreeablrnessol a home where they arc they are held more or km under •uhj'Otiqn, A caller, who doesn’t have a chance to see bow they bebavs as daughter may lie excused for fan cying them lovely and lovable beings; but one who does «e# it it Ul ftalish if he commitft biaiaell by offering marviftge, marriage to a girl of this H she will not assist her moth e* iu the domestic labors, is she not likely to be equally slothful aad iff. tempered when she mantis* * If she now thinks herself too fine to work, ia it safe to think that her views as IQ that mattsi would radically change 1 S. she became a wife. publisher a oopy of the above asutori, popelar nommsselal WM. % sHmilRM being mag with fit ia nearly entjte gtil oipel theatres in this Conakry. f| premises to bveem* Ik and salable song over Amsrioe. Oyer IfelOO ready torn paid lo tke enfihor an ally in Ism than issns. It is oompeeed by ton' lar soeg writer, Charlie dedioated to the Travelling Meant America, the grsal frateraity earn their lievlihood by their oMto ■tank “grip.” I i Then pity, kirn), gratia folks* Mambfig humanity, Sympathy 's scores stem the world Ut And did you hut knew It, yen ougllla bsstew it, If ever you did oa a tnvaOhm Mto Yeefnray eall at at! r“ginlllW* or “bumiMra,” Aad ‘‘agents" or “dramaMSn”ar dBto slss yw eaa; Bnt yen’ll always regie* it, aad dSR% jrra forgot M. Ifym ever go beto on a .totvSHtog maa. » 0 . , ' . The maeie is very pgatfly and ton- pk; oaa be played ok sitherptono hr organ. The title page to Ineiy illnskrated* Prim 40'mate per ogpf, erfoar ooptea for IMF. Bsal by mail pern paid, to gap part btlh* United States upon receipt o£p4gn Postage sumps ta(en as Mjtoing^ Addrem all esdsrs to ^ f.w.hAliuok, Music Dealer add PnbUshsr 180 Elm SL^Cii FOR SAUL A rateable tract of Uad •11M *8 aerraaew growing a good crap of oorn and cotton, about to aerra of j-f creek bottom aad tba.bakwod.Wstl the- bend: all aader good fbpoe; watqs el good aad pore free-atomf ia a km Why ■setim of country; baa be it goad dandl ing and a number of outhon sin two |M le«8«on. for, dwellings- owe -good atom homo, and a spleodid Maud for selling goners! merchandise. Sitoetfd oa bar of the mala tributaries of tho Hightow er or Etowah river , which hae several good mill sites on it; 'improvement* ct the piece are all new; two good •heals on either side; and-short her, Methodise sac Baptist, iuahwstiworaUsa. This is vary dcsuahle property "rad on ba bought at aa ext irately lew figure f> 1 cash woi time. For particular* cidl om rr adduas Ban. Xfutv, - Onm/tlR