The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, November 11, 1881, Image 1

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fil)c 4?|ciokcc 3\&comc. PUBLISHED EVKHY THURSDAY —: BY — N. 2i. EDGE, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Office Uf) stair* corner Gainesville and west Marietta Street—orer store of C. M. McClure. Official Or fast Cherokee County TERMS. Single copy, 1 year, - - . #1.25. “ ’• six month*, • • .66. “ “ three month*, .85 LOCAL JOTTINGS. The weather is gloomy* These who go to the Exposition, go again. J. II. Steadman makes nnd mends tinsware. Have your ootton ginned nt J. W. Gordon's. o|)oMr6r«f yea ctutf rrissf da rlffM *If the sky falls' amt you irill not lice In vain." CANTON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1881. NO, 4 3. The tram that Will Wrecked «»n the M. & N. Ga U U, list August, made us a visit last Monday. We are glad to see it ontiwam Wheeler ft McConnel’s line mill ut ihe depot hns commenced grinding corn. Will soon be manufacturing Hour. This mill is a big thing. New buildings are still being pnt up iu town. W. M. Ellis. General store. Gall and see him. We have no need of marshal or po- lice in our town. Canton is the beat cotton muket north ol Atlanta. Patterson's machine shop is an ini portant institute. The Editor and lainily moyed in to Canton last Monday. Mrs. J. H. King pleiisi-t the la dies in millinery goods. Services ut the Baptist Church next Saturday and Suuday. — - — ♦ --m VNe hope that summer will not leup to winter, ut one jump. ► W- -w C. M. McClure is still selling goods on • |i. Don't lorget i . i ie trees and shrubs still have . mi inner jiarb of green. Pa m n-n I rum Cliemkee vis t the E\,‘.i .1 i aliii'isi i v. ry day. Uncle John B. Garrison of Port Buffington, has plaoed the retiring editor under many obligations for nice red apples. Thanks. Should any one happen to go sick hi this heallhly location Dr. Turk can Inrush the cure at his Drug Store. Tim frost, lust Friday was not near so In avy here, as in parts ol timddle Georgia. B. K. Crisler has fancy and dry goods, Family groceries and man it nlsclur s boots aird shoes. Mending always aMeii ed to promptly. It Canton had u Cotton Exposi tion in good running order, it would not be bo lifted lor u new editor, with but tow ueqiiaihtttuct*s to get up local items. Tne anco n •• idou m* on the M ft. S. G. U. It. a iv Mi* good. Dr. Green's Drug Sior-- contains every thing wonted in his line. ■» -+ m Cotton is making a larger yield than aus thought, u mouth ago. J. C. Avery will sell goods as cheap ns this market will permit. We solicit dots Iroin our county subscribers Give us all Hie news. o -~o J. W. Jarvis mends jewelry and takes photographs. The railroad bridge across the Et owah at Canton will soon becompli*- lid. Miss Lenora Hum ho ol It >tne is visiting the family of Mr. J. L, Liar ris. It T. Jones has a pretty store, hns good goods and will give satisfac tion. We send sample copies of tho Advance this week to sums of our friends iu different localities. It not returned we shall enter the names as subscribers. Previous to Ins election to the Semite Presidency pro tom., Mr. Davis (luilcpcmlunt, Illinois) gen erally voted with the Democratic side ; since then, on every political i|Ucstion, he either voted with the Republicans or ilid nut vote ul ..II, which amounted to the same thing. j .n .i i.aL. Mr. II. K. Hu*ba iiu Dublin wcie ii.ariiui! • welling, lliu ivs'd net Mllicr uuir Canton. I Mist.. At K II I l»t I’lleS.llj of mu i»rnJu'« Juitge All! Illli Onr renders will bear with our scanty locds till we get bj.tur uo» qainted. Mr. Kvins is ready to serve all who want, with teams and convey tuices. Thirty yoars time makes quite a ditlcrence in meu's personal ap pearance. K. B. Holland ft Co can supply evpiv body with drygoods and family groceries. Two railroad hands had a little unpleasantness ut the Canton depo' last Monduy. An evidence of the improvement ! of Cauton is, that there nre ino'e i renters than houses. • Itlcial mg- M.iy a long protp. r..iis auU lliu tie lllnll'H. M.iUlUtl).— Air. Geolge il Win era. a worthy uu«J ixceileui young mu' ul this place, was m.irrn-u, uk- bin iitai., iu Alisa Eug' iiiu Hr rllon, an acc iinplisui d, and oeuiiii- InI young lady of Cm-i'okee coun.y. iVeiXiend congratulalluiis, and wish me sunshine ol incir happiness muy ..< Vi l be d u keneii by shauows ul aU vi isiiy.— Mai teiia Journal. MAliitiKD.—Ou Tuesdny the ]Oib nisi., nt li.e n uideuce ol tile bride’s n.o Her iu (Jartersvilli, Mr. Julia W. Jarvis of this p’luee, lo Miss Fannie llniiis of Curlersville. Rev. A. J. .luiell olliciatiiig. Mi. Jarvis is one ol our most iudtisti ions, • m rgeuc, tuin popular young men, doing a (pleiidlil oust in ss hi the j vvelry and puoto- graph line. Miss Fannie Harris iso ., ol (Jurieisiille's most lovely dnugii lets. We congratulate John upou Ins tine selection, and ulso Miss Fan me lor accepting ll.e ufferof marring' 11cm so noble a young man as Mr Jams. May their pathway tlnmigh hie be sti'rwn whIi none but ilu- luirest nnd sweetest of flowers and ineiriv iy (tl'.risbe crowned with success and piosperiiv, SLAV A Y PHoNOQliAlH. Thu Ailuntn Phonograph is truly "n newspaper foi tliu mill ion." It is newsy spiiglitly and much iu n little space Just such a pupi r as the presrnt demands We have no tune for long newspaper articles, Lttlien ft. G,mmi k-epgiili of all Kinds, and pchteiy serve 'heir customers. The president has nut got his '’ah inet exsctly losuii Gram’s program uie Vei. bill he will. SERENADE. Ti e Cornet Brass Baud, colored, gave U* u spu ndid reception to our new home, in soul-stirring music, last- Thursday nialit. VVe return our thunks and leel that «e are under 4 liguiious to them. We put the Advance down at a flow price and intend lo induce every -citizen ol the county in lake it. Judge Avon's comt gave our legal fraternity employment a good part ol this week. /./ ft A. (J. It. It /•RESENT SCHEDULE No. 1 Leuvi s Marietta at 0:10 p Arrives nt Canton 8:3 I*, il imi,i:nit'Ton*' Kind readers, this week I introduce tit you the Rer. N. N Edge, who takes charge of the Auvanck, w ith the avow cd purp >m! a* all it* Kdttor* have -ifnink ing it a paper worthy of our county, her people and industries. Mr Kdge Iihs been in the newspaper basiucas for euv eral years and I have no hesitancy in saying that he will continue to g<* fur ward with the Advavck in the advance- ment of oar county in it* every purlieu lar. Read hi* Halutetory and learn-lii» purpose, r.iu Aovanou may now li. consider cd in th<- hand of a mill who will keep it—not for one year or for three months b it for a number -»f yeara, perhaps, as the saying Is, always and 1 bospeak for him the pitranage and cm toum you have so kindly given me and that you may n«e y uir influence in help lug Mr. Edge to give II* a good county paper. Without your aid lie must suo- cilinh to the inevitable. I am vt ry thankful to one and all for i heir kill i a d mid forbearance daring the past lour mouths. I know I have not girec you a paper worthy of the patronage received yet. I have done all I could astliose of the patroua snow who come to union I have had as much 11°. I could do ill (lie ollice o f t'apt.J . M , McAfee and hut Inr the aindliess ul (Jnpt Me A fie I could not hive done a- well as I did, ilierlbre ou owe him your (Ininka for getting a paper at all. Thu Management id the paper was thrust up• on iuu very umxpednlly a ft«r I had made other ari'.iigumenih In nee the ren- sou I win- 11*ill| el led to .-tint old papers us I did. Now that 1 am nir of thu mw-ptip'i liusiui is I w ill make i l,e request of all that arc due the Aiivancu unything for past aervies < I Imt ill y cnuie or s> lid iu a* once mt I Hittle i p the same. I nui need lug thu .nionuts and will be tlianiful in one and all if tiny will • tll<- witli uu- 1 can bu iumi . lit an, l uu in tIn- busi ness ulHci ol apt J tl Me A fee. all and see me whetli- r you owe iiuy tiling oi not. 1 will bu gl ul to sue you. ctetireing IV m the Advance I eartmaily thank lliu suls-cribcr*, adveriiters, ami Inn lull hy no ineitiis Wist Hitt valued ex- Ciisugi* loi their uuiinriiua sup|w>rl and lorbearaucu and ask a continuance of Hi, same. I Min very gratefully. Your lliu dli o, mtv .nt. I eu ¥ Peiry. s.n.i i.ntmv. Newspaper Had) huve novel' beeu apoi i h 11 v distinguished tor ml ue modesty or censured for not muk- • g promises. Hence our apparent temerity in launching out journal- istii* barque on the changing tide iifpoptilu lavor will he pardoned. Wo propose to run tho Advance for a number of ybahs, not MONTHS, with no change except for the bet tor. Nothing hut an intervention of Providence will cause n change n its management. The whole out-fit” is owned hy u progreH-j aive gentleman who is able, and has the will to keep it. No effort will he sj ared, on our part to make every snex't-ssive issue a better one. Unr iiviug mainly depends upon t o success ut tlie Ain ANCE, uiid we are not ii'n ly to neglect it. While ivo work lor this end, we intend that the Advance shall advance the interest of our county and our neighboring counties. All that (.an he Jono to dcvolopo the rich miiios. interminable Quarries and many, yet hidden treasures of this section, will ho done. We |ait the subscription prico at urn* dollar and twenty-five cents, when paid in advance, so any citi zen of tho whole country can read it. The Advance is tho official or gan of tho county, and no county man should be without it. We ap peal to every man who desires the prosperity of town and country for p itroiiago. The politics of this paper is em phatically Democratic, but will do- iiounou corruption, wherever found. DEATH. Dieii Saturday, November the 5th at 2 o'clock P. M. in Canton Ga.. Mrs. Cordelia. B. Duval, daughter of the lute Richard Green ol Yazoo Co Miss, and wife of the late A. 8. Duval PRESEN ’I PA TRONS. We earnestly silicic the present subscriber*, to continue their pat ronage. Wc hope our acquaintance will he fully made at an early day Aged.sixty two years. “Be ye also | mid our truiiRiiOtions lie pleasant and ready, for in unclt uu hour us v Hunk not, Hie s m of msa cometn. ” I for our mutual beuellt. OP,X. (IAR1RELL •OUR PRAYRli MEETINGS, j i If i here is one distinguished Demo- While we Hie not ro train as Id I crat ^ u . stata ,iuoru popular, and deservedly so, with the masses than nnother, that iniiii is L. -I. Gar- trell, of Atlunlu. The reason of this isobvioii*. No one ever called up on him in need or distress Who was re- lined. Living iu Atlanta when him- deeds of nnlortiinatea have beeu dragged I rout tlieii mountain homos, oliarged wit!, a violation of the reve nue laws, without a dollar ir. their pockeis nr a Military friend they have been defended and befriended by General Gartrell, with a* much nbi 1- ty iih it they hail been millionuiresi and had given him princely fees. What has been true of those unfort unates, is likewise true in every in- stance whenever a poor man called upon linn lor mil. Few with Ins ability, reputation and successful criminal practice, would have thus noted. But il is just ns nuturnl for Goneral Gartrell lo lie kind andohnr- 11iiii|t- as it is lor him lo breaths 1 Under lliese circumstances it is not suipnsing that the people of Geor gia uru so anxious to see him Gov ernor of the Stale. Iu our opinion, li the people, we mean ihs masses, are consults 1, General Garttell will not only be tin- nominee of the party for Governor but triumphantly elec ted.—Madison Madisonian. Atlanta Phonograph Hays: A lady laactior in U»o Girl'a High School in this city made it a speci al p dnt to question tin* old ladies from Pickens county in tho Williu- iimuti<- department about spinuiiig and carding. Soino of hor ques tions caused the boys standing near to remark : “Oh, she’s putting on nir*. Site knows how it’s done.” We can pick up any day enough just such items to fill a dozen pa pers like the Phonograph. Fihii Frittekb.—Take the re- muiiis of any fish which has been solved the previous day, remove ail tlio bonus, and pound it iu a mortar; add breadcrumbs and mashed potato in oquttl quantities. Mix together half a teacupful of cream, with two well-beaten eggs, some cayenne pepper and anchovy sauce. Beat it all to a proper eon- istoncy, cut it into small cukes, and fry them in boiling lard.— Chris. Advocate. ex|n-ot tli« Advance to revntulioiiise polltiol or nligion, or "boss”society we earnestly minit on the citizens |ol out town, ggiving a more general nt- tendance at prayre-ineoiings. This gciiernl, as well its pcrsounl pros peri ty.. The nights lire pleasant, the serviCM short nnd the end to be ac complished imperative. The con- gicgntions ehonId be double, the present niimtiei. CHEROKEE MINES. We give it-as our cuudul opinion, that no sect ion on the American Continent has mote undeveloped riches, than Cherokee county. Ev ery few months, new discoveries are unde nnd new riches found. Ah miinh gold can lie found, here u< home us was obtained in Culilnrnia’s most dazzling and prnlous days. The man Call live in In* own Chero kee borne, with Hit) presenuenf a lov ing ivilr oi hallow it, and Hie pin tie of Iii* lit11-* ones, to innke him thu sweetest music, ui.d gather Hie hiiihc rictus -a if surrounded by Hie mur- der-seaii'd land murks of the Bluuk Hills. OUR OWN FOLKS ANI> (H R NEW II HORS. Gentlemen: We politely u*k you for “Locals" und Advertisements. We *|ieud no time in telling lltiri uessvnen the nil vantages ol iiuiaing HiiTrtdffliu'gH' kniuvii, '1’hey ulrradv know it. We smiplv state Hint we vant your patronage for yum good onrgcod nnd Hie fmblio good. S nil ns your eiirils hikiii or we will bore you with a personal cull. JM :>ROVEMENT8.\ EM'S l.f HHHEC. Who tells the truth—Me Voidi n-Irkill ') * of Oorkhill ? The towns of Woodstock, Hollv Springs and Too Nigh in (hie Connty are nil on u “boom.” Tl citizens of ihesi- towns are progressive men. With the energy that they give evidence of, ihcse villages will 8-mu yrow to be (owns We expect soon to visit III villages ii o<her portions of the coun'v, mid expect to see a like public spire manifested, GEN i; it AC NIflWS Arriving aber the present issue ol tlie piper was under wuv; we have hud no uccess lo exchanges. Our renders, we hope, will appiecinte this mid pardon the absence ol gen.iral it'-<1 S'ate new*. Our disturbed con- d (inn in removing here, hns dUqunl ifled us to give any political infor mation in Hus pnp?r. NONE MORE WORTHY OF llTP. HONOR. Will advocate morality and ro- defendants at tho death < | ligioii without sectarian bias. We valued at $o00. The tri;i ; P r s>"‘i*o unr p.-troiis a lull romuner- ; ton on the 9th and lOi Major McAl'te is doing a heavy btisiiitss. ui rauil and wholesale. Can duplicate Atlanta bills; all Tilings being equal. No. 'i Leaves Canton ut C ;16 A. M., atnm for every dime they pa\' Arrives at Marietta 8;l)» a. m. | for >>uhscrjpt)ou or advertisement. .< i We MMiuiso lo boldlv condemn . ., . n ; erior, llioiigb found in high places. Arrives at Canton 9 :L>8 a. m. , a(1(l t . xLl>| trut||f i( 8jeu j " (h * e )ow . No 4 leaves Canton ut 4 :48 r. M. i hovels. Arrives at Marietta 7:02 i*. m: ! Tliu - wo inuko our bow, hoping soon to be better acquainted. Will print a tabular schedule, with Tuankiug our brethren for fo • ell the fpwns and stations, next; raer favors," in exchanging, we ask week, [for further kindness. Gen. L. J Gartrell, we noc glul to see, i< bein j brought prominently to the front, by sever il f/corgia newspapers, for gubernatorial honors. No man in tliu State is better ipialilieil for (lie pos ition. an I none more worthy of the honor. He is a true man in every sense of the word, and we liopo the people op Georgia will niuKe him Governor Col quitt’s Bucceafor. —Ph> nograph. Lina a’i ion. Mitchell Byrd’s widow against Phillip Keith and his wile Aggie Keith, to recover possession of property, left in the hands of the of Byrd, tl at Can- 10th before Justice Avery. Attawayand New* man for Plaintiff, Payno & DuProe for Defendant. The trial lasted two days und one night and was persistently and ably argued. The couit awarded a pertiou of the goods to tho Plaintiff and a por tion to tho Defondants. Tho liti gants ?re all colored. — Brick Pomeroy is said to bo worth 1200.000. There wns once a type fonu- dry in Athens Georgia. -Tom Botts was hanged in Jonesboro, last Friday. ■ Washington ciiy muy go to bed und Hlocp till Docnmber. Burglars are having u huge time in Atluuta, these Exposition days. Oon, Jubal Early is 80 yours old and still Mahono wouldn’t fight him. Gen. Sherman is going to tho Exposition. He’s boon to Atlanta before. GUY FAWKES DA Y London, Nov. 0.— L'lie usuul Guy Fawkes celebrations were held in Lond'ii! und elsewhere in the United Kingdom Inst evening. Effigies of Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Parnell, Mr. Big- gurt and others were burned in the poorer disiriots of London, accord- ng ns Hie English or Irish element predominated, but no distilrbanoe oc curred. Among the effigies burned at Lewes where the anniversary was is usual celebrated with great cclHt, was one ol Guiteuu.—-Savannah News. President Arthur not having reg- st- red is not entitled to vote at the lee'ion to morrow. He has, how- ver, gone to New York to aid “Gram ind our men” in securing the success it the radical ticket. He will also consult with Grant and be prepared o nnin naieu full Cabinet when Con grass meets in December, at which line the and principles of It is administration will he revealed.—8a an null New*, Ex Senator Piatt, it is generally iel ieved, will succeed Judge Robert son as Collector of the port of New York. It is sa il Mr. Robrtson him self is inclined to this view, hut he docs not think the change will be accomplished for months to come Still, in the present transition state of politics there is no telling what may happen. Savannah News. Saturday lust wns Guy Fawkes day with tho English waitors at tho Exposition. —George and Edmund Gravely, of Henry county, Va., arc ninety- tliroo yoars of age. . Guitoftu’s friends Room to bo on tho increase. Wo hopo he will have a big crowd at his banging. It is quite amusing to read tho boastful paragraphs printed iu tho city, about “country newspapers.” President Arthur lias dubbed himself “boss,” since tho accident occurred, placing him iu tho presi dent’s chair. The Constitution says ; Tlie Ex- liosition demonstrates that all our climate lacks to tnukc it porlcct— is plenty ol capital. Tho Free Prena sayd Dr. Felton has no notion of running for Gov ernor. The Constitution thinks there is no law to compoll thu Doc tor to I UU —Cupt. Kidd, ol Atlanta, died last week, lie was among the first citizens of the (late City. His estato is said to he worth lour huu- died thousand dollars. Mrs. Whatloy, oi Fuyette county, Goorgiu, died the 2!)!h of October last. Hho was 113 yeara of age, find been a member of the Baptist church uiuoty-two years. Hho bus a daughter in Texas nine ty-three yeara old. We have often seeu tho old lady. REV. H. C. HORN AD Y, D. D. writos : Our dear brother, Hov. N, N. Edge. I am informed, is soon to change his place oi residence from Seiioia to Cauton. iio is to take charge of the Advance, a paper published at tlie latter town, and 1 lake pleasure iu commending him to the good people of Cherokee county and adjacent country. He is u worthy Christian gentleman uud a good preacher.—Index and Baptist. AnrANrt,” of Canton, nnd goon soon to take charge of th«t paper. Wc wish him better sucoeea et Canton, and shall be glad to wel come the Advance to our sanc tum. OLD RELICS. Mrs. Holland, ot Canton, hee nil chairs, one rocking oheir and om* dining table which have been in constant uae for sixty-three years- Nhe also has fire-touga which huve nover been repaired, bat used ell tho tinm Hinoe 1808—eevonty-three years. Oencral IDirectorp. CHURCHES. M. K. CeiTKCN, gons-Ktv. H. M- Qiiilliftn Piutor. Preaching svary irsl Sunday hy Us pastor, neaahwg oa tk« 3d Sunday by R«v. Nob't. P. If arty a. Prayer Mmting every Wedneedsy night. Hontlrmm*' Prayer Meeting every PrV- dny uvoning. Sunday School *t 0 a . U. Bee. F. Payne, Hupcrintendcnt. Ben, P, Perry, Bccretary. J)ai*ti»t Council—Rev. J. A McMor- ry, Pastor. Preaching every seeond end fourth Sunday, and Saturday before 2nd Humbly in each month. Sabbath-school .it 8 r. u. W. J. Barton, Superintendent and HecreUry. Ei'ibcopai. CnuacH.—Rev. George M»oanIcy' Pastor. Preaching 8rd Ban- bath each month at 11 a, m. ORDERH. P. A. M.—Meets every flnt -ad third Monday's at 8 r. M., in Masonic Hall. W. A. Tbailkt. W. M. J a naz Galt, *Wty K. of II,—Meet* every 1st and trd Tuesday at 7 12 r. x., In Masonic Hall. W. A. Tcasley, Dictator. Jabes Galt, Report-.r. county”offjckrs. O M MoOAIJitR, Ordinary. JABE/. GALT, Clerk 8. Court J P SPEAH8, Sheriff. Wm. A. KITCHEN, Deputy Hheriff. T W AHWOOD, Tax Receiver. M C (JOKER, Tax Collector. J I. COGOINN, Treasurer. K, W MOORE, Surveyor. W»t. T.KIHK, Coroner. G. I. TEAHLEY, County 8. Cota. Da. J. H. 8PE1R, M. A. KEITH, Ilav. M. PUCKET, A. T. SCOTT, J. B. RICHARDS, County Board or Bdocatioa. MAGISTRATE'S COURT. 0*KToit-7WBApi*t-8d Monday—J. C Avery. I P/WfT KetWgg, M P, Wat. RleceaAJL Hants, L «aT~ me**, -w ■meiu-l Isy, J P.. II Lewie HP., LO. POSalaeea. Bki.l's—817 District,bmHsML day, Jobe Jforgea, J P; Jain R Ras^ M P; John Carrol, L C; Aeweeth P« Ball Gnouinr— IMS DMsIdl, m 2nd Saturday, D B Lyeae.J P| O P Bat- by.NPj Brooke, L. Oj Ball C PO. Little Rivas livaa—1174 dlsWIsl saeolo - BLively, J P, W|Obsl» Tho. ROikKAOsPM- NEWNAN HERALD says: Rev. N. N. Edge, of tjenoia, editor Farm and Home, has made arrangements to publish a paper iu Canton, Cherokee county, and starts to-day for lus new homo. During his residence in our county lie has inado many friends by his genial pleasant maimers and straight-forward dealing. If he lias not succeeded with his paper it has not been because ho hid not make a faithful effort to win suc cess, but from other causes. We wish him much success iu his new field of labor. GRIFFIN NEWS says: A card from the publisher of the tSenoia Farm and Home an nounces that he is comp'dled to suspend that publication, for the reason that he has been unable to make prompt collections. The Farm and Home has been on our exchange list lor a number of yeara, and wo sincerely regret that it will come no more. Rev. N. N. Edge, uditor, has, however, leased tho "Cherokee tian, If P; msasvilla P O. Con’s Ganna—1081 district, I Saturday, W W Bscwtll J P; A© i N P, IA Ingram, L O. flicaonr Elat—1010—1st ( W J Webb, J P„ A P Morlec, K P, I Day L C. P O Hickory Plat Clayton’*—871 district, meets 1st Bat urdey, T J Stance!, /P; W J Tlmmias N P; Wm Mrgaas. L C, Sharp Tap f O 11 Annin'*—1008 district, meets 4th Stmirday, R P Daniel, j Pj Mu* Q Heard, N.P) Hlrym Walker and i M Rheiahanlt, L C’*| P O W time a. Huns—1270 diet, meets Bed Wednes- day, R B Aigood, l P„ X G BUiaoa. ot P., Juba Land ram, L. ©.: flbmakm /Will*. PO. Lick Itlt DietrieA merit 8nd Saturday. Uvm Pstree, J P,A W. Brooks, N P., Sam eel Cbs, L 0. kins, N P ; D M Oarrisog,£ ©; Part Buffington P O. ™ Paw Plat—10*8—8d nitmAi ■ T Elliot, JP.,8K Dickson, N pTV / Msbugli, L O. PO, Sutallea. Onosa Roam—1000 dla'rfet, meetaMd Saturday H 0 Bowling. JP-, Warraa^P Smith. N P; W E Curtis and Dr — Harb. L. Cs; Opliir P O. Woodstook—8M Distriet, moots 4th Saturday. K. Herndon, J. P, W. Q. Dupre, N. P., J M AstbU, L. Ci Wood- stock P O. Local notices 10 cents per lint for the first insertion, unlam by spaafol nmir meet. AdvertieemenU will be nut natiT for- bidden, aniens otherwim —•end charged for accordingly. All communications intended for pub lication must bear tho name of the writer not necessary for publication, but as a' guarantee or good faitll. We shall not iu any-uray bereapouaiblo for the opinions of contributors/ ' No communication will admitted into our columns having tor its end’ a defamation of private character, or iu any other way of a scurrilous import. Correspondence solicited on all of general ‘importance—but let them be briefly to the point. . All communications, letters pf bust ness, or money remittances, to raorivv . prompt attention, must be addressed to To County Ofuckha.—The new law' regulating legal advertising, has eat pri ces down so low, that while we propose' \ to comply with the law, others must da’ the same, and we must insist that in eve- • ry cose the printer's foe must be collected . and paid to advance. This giveslam M trouble. The law Axes the rates as foL. lows: "Foreach one hundred wgnta[. v the sum of seventy-five eeuts for spoil ■ertion for the first four insertioue aud for each eubeaqaeut insert ion thirty-gve"' cents for each one hundred wwda. w V-I.IDQI Csutfli.