The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, November 26, 1881, Image 1

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'iLljc i0l)erok« IVbcancc. UBLISIIED EVERY SATURDAY —: BY N. N. EDGE, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Ofice Up stairs corner Gainesville and vest Marietta Street—over store of C. M. McClure. Ot/trial Organ Cherokee County TERMS > Single copy, 1 year, - - . . $1.25. six months, • • .05. three months, .85 General Directors. CHURCHES. M E. C'HOBcn, South—Rev. II. M’ Quillian Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday hy the pastor. Preaching on the 3d Sunday by Rev. Rob't. I’. Martyn. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night Gentlemens' Prayer Meeting every Fri day evening. Sunday School at 0 a. m. Ben. F. Payne, Superintendent. Ben. F. Perry, Secretary. Bavtist Church—Rev. J. A. McMur- ry, Pastor. Preaching every second and fourth Sunday, and Saturday before 2nd Sunday in each month. Sabbath school at 8 r. u. W. J. Barton, Superintendent and Secretary. Episcopal Church.—Rev. George Macnuley' Pastor. Preaching 3rd Sab bath each month at 11 a, m. ORDERS. F. A. M.—Meets every first and third Monday's at 8 r. M., in Masonic Hall. W. A, Tbaslrv, W. M. Jarkz Galt, Scc’ty K. of H.—Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 7 1-2 r. m., in Masonic Hall. W. A. Teasley, Dictator. Jabcz Galt, Reporter. C Jl’ NTY~OPPICKR8. C M McCLURE, Ordinary. JABEZ GALT, Clerk 8. Court. .1 I* SPEAKS, Sheriff. Wm. A. KITCHEN, Deputy Sheriff. M G UOKK/i, Tax Collector, J L COOUIN.V, Treasurer. F, W MOORE, Surveyor. W*. T. KIRK, Coroner. G. I. TEASLEY, County S. Com. Du. .1. II. SPEIU, M. A KEIIII, Kuv. M. PUCKET, A T. SCOTT, J. U. RICHARDS, J County Board of Education. .re** at mibp. Capt. Whit Anderson, of Allan ta, is dead. \\ hy not call Arthur a* a w{t» ness tor Guiteau ? “Do the brat you to*} and do right 'if the rhy falls' and yon trill not lire In rain." Mississippi average* a hall Imle ol cotton to the acre. VOL 2. CANTON, GEORGIA, SATURDAY CORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1881. NO. 45< MAOISTtCATt’8 COURT. Cantos—702nd Hist -lid Monday—J. C Avery, J P, II 0 Kellogg. N P., Wm. R cu and J L Harris, L C's. P. O. Can ton. Salaooa—060—2nd Saturday— 8Coo- toy. JP..JB Lewis N P„ Cicero Bryaon, LO. P O Salacoa. IIki.i.'s—817 District, meets 3d Satur- <lnv, Inhn .Wmgnn. JY\ John It Rom, N P; John Carrol, L C; Acworth P O. Bali. Gkound—1022 District, meets 2nd Saturday, I) B Lyout:, .1 P; O P Dar by,N I*; Brooks, L. C; Ball Ground P O. Litti.k Bivkii— 1174 district, meets I! Lively, J Pj W I Chris- lb"i, N P: ' bos R Gibbs, L Ci Free- lli llsville P O. Con's ukkk—1081 district, meets 1st SsfurdAv, W 'V BiiiWell J P; AC Conn, N P. I A Ingram, L O, Mirijoiiv Flat —1010—1st Saturday— 'V .1 Webb, .1 P., A F Noruiu, N P., K M )>i I. P () Hickory lat. Ci.avton’s -071 distriet, meets 1st Sat r i ii T ,1 Stancel, ^P; W J Timmons N )’. Win Burgess. L C; Slmrp Top P O H \ bin’s—1008 district, meets 4tli St u iv It l> I) mil I, .1 I-; John G II i'il. N P: Hiram Wdkcr aud J M Ithe nhiirdl, L C'sj PO Wnlo<oa. s xk 1270 dist, meets 2nd Wednes- B AI good, J P., E G Ellison, of P. 1 bn Lmdruin, L C j Cherokee ,1/tils P O. Lick 8*ii.i.kt — 1018 District, meets 2n I Saturday. Lawson Petree, JP.,G. W. Hr. "ks, N P . Samuel Cox, L. C. U ir- N I’: I) M Garrisnn, L C; Fort B"dington P 0 Faik Pi.ay—1028—3d Saturday—H ' Elliot,./ P , S It Dickson. N P, W J M iliugli, L 0. H O, Sutalleo. C ioss—1000 district, meets 2nd Saturday H O Bowling. J P; Warren F Smith. N P; W R CUrtisand Dr— Nash, L. CV; Oiiliir P O. Woodstock—80 i District, meets 4th Smnrday. It. llernd >n, J. I’., W. G. : i pre. N.P.JM M, this, L. C; Wood- ork P O. Local notices 10 cents per line for the tint insertion, unless by spooial agree ment. Advertisements will be run until for bidden, unless otherwise marked, and charged for accordingly. All communications intended for pub lication must bear the name of the writer, not necessary for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. We shall not In any way be responsible for the opinions of contributors. No communication will be admitted into our columns haviug for its end a defamation of private character, or in any other way of a scurrilous import. Correspondence solicited on all points of general ‘importance—but let them be briefly to the point. All' communications, letters of busi ness, or money remittances, to receive prompt attention, must be addressed to . .To County Okficbhb.—The new law regulating legal advertising, tins cut pri ces down so low, that while we propose to comply with the law, others must do the same, and we must insist that in eve ry case tlie printer’s fee must be collected and paid in advance. This gives less trouble. The law fixes the rates as fol lows: “For aacli one hundred words, the sum of seventy-fiver cents foreach in sertion for the first four insertions and for each subsequent insertion thirty-five cents for each one hundred words," N. N- EDGE Canton, Ga. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Rained last Monday. Preaching at the Baptiat oiurcl next Sabbath. When it raina the streets wil «• muddy. Yon’Jl bet. We return thanks for new Adver tisements this week. The seventh oomet brought In • “blizzard, ’ Thursday. Thanks giving day in Canton was too cold to work well. Wc received some new aubac da is this week- Many thanks. Hind wheels in front make a b ug- gy move beautifully, going down hill. Mrs.Uriels who has been vi« i>i Mre.Fnller, returned to Savannah .on last Wednesday. The citizens of this eounty are a progressive people and the farmer lead the “boom.” Pay np your store account and ex pand your own sonls and make the merchants feel happy. The wages of sin have uot b een cu* down on accoutof |hard unua* We hear of no “strikes.” | There has been less fluctuation in prices of cottou, this season than was every known before. The North Georgia Conlerenc. M, E. Cbuich south convenes uen Wednesday at Athens Oa. Those wishing to please the young folks in Canton, had better bring in their Christmas advertisement!. We presume the latter part of tins week brought quietism to the* idmi summer” poet of the Constitu ion. Tho mercury stood at 16, yester day morning. It is true our lioune is beautiful vintilated fro n be- ueath. As wo have no bar-room or bil liard saloon in Canton, we need in municipal court, no marshal or po lice. Any one having a number one milch cow to sell at a low pr c,cai. get up a trade by seeiDg Ed. oi >1 Advance. Ladies in Atlantu are their diesses ut “hall mast’ muddy week, in respect to depart, d sunshine. Rev’s Harris and Pickett of •) .sj -1 pussed through Canton, last Monday on their way to Texus, Expect to be gone 30 days. Quite an airuy of beaut bo loveliness was seeu ut church, la?. Sunday, in the persons of our ludy citizens. The Exposition when last .. >nl from, was aiill ou the higher ro ■ : o success The last duy ulwayi «*u'- strips all preceediug days. Canton will be a manufuc ur.n„ town in the near future. The wh - tie of the engine is not an unusual sound in all parts of town. Tho Walker Brothers are giving a series of eutortainments, eu ii night this week in the court- muse. Admission 25c.and 15c. Printers do get to be some indy* J. H. Estillof Savannah. J. W. Burk oi Macon and J. P. Hurrison of Atlanta are illustrations. Piesiding Elder, Rev. J. F. Mix on, preach j<I a most excellent ser mon hi tno Melhodi t church, in Canton last Sunday night. Guitouu threatens to lecture, if lie is acquitted. Hang him. By all means hang him. Don’t let him go nt large. We have hod some sottled, regu lar weather this week. One day it would rain, next day it rained, then the day after it would rain. J. L. Jordan has rented the Quil- li.ui house. Will move in next month. Mr. Jordan will be associs- led with Dr. J. M. Turk in the drug ■tore. Young gentlemi'ii mid ladies who desire to many and start in the world with some lendy cash join the Men and Women’s Relief Fuad As sociation, of Atlanta, Gu. Wo want to charter a “Flat” ut reduced rates, to send our front gate to tho Exposition, to exhibit is the heaviest thing over in the south, since the l'ontoous went out >1 style, If these cold rains continue long we want to borrow an overcoat, umbrella, a pair ot ovorshoos, u pair thick sole boots uad a half dol lor to pay Brother Brit for a load of wood. Judge Avery held court Hgain this week. It is said that there was much zeal and eloquence among the lawyers, but the audi ence wns very small. Chickens, eggs, butter, potatoes, wheat, corn, fire-wood—Anything to eat, wear, or make one comfort- able, will be roceivcd as eusb for the Advance. By reading Cap'.McAfee’s new ad* vertKi-mvnt, you will know where to get any thing you want. By a cure- til < lamination of his displayed incal call, yon may know he means iiisiiietH. Bette: read both. A sensible man would conclude by reading the triul ol Guiteuu. That court, jury and lawyers were ill cnizy, as well a. the prisoner and Bill Jones. ll Gruni,Conkliiig, Aithur, Beast Butler mid Gen. Sliermun will come o tin- Exposition, and bring Guiteuu vnli th< in, it would be a big boom. There are inoro Bantam chick- ms in Canton than any other town iliis Bide the Gulf. They were orginully brought from tho Bmall kingdom of Bantam in the Island of Java. CH^IXXfK HOG KM. Providence helps those who don’t •it down and wait for something to happen. When a man turn* flunky, he ought to borow a canine appendage to shake. Oh John. Mid Aato when wo was wed You os I led ii“ Georgia’s sweetest flower; Rut now-boo hoot You never do. You're cold, cross, mean »nd sour. Where the soil is poorest for o ginslity, it is richest for ego ism. A religion that makes men hon and polite; beats that sort that h ■<■ nothing but groans reprool* lot all others. When one suspects another " wrong intention ; he lakes his o« < heart,as his witness on trial. He’d rather on a gibbet dang/o. Than miss his dear delight to mangle. The man that has nothing to do is always in the way or some-body. Profanity is no evidenced u cub tivuteve mind, pure heart or good taste. Common courtesy,casts some men very high, for it is against th n nature. Ifyou wish to oonviuce you' hearer that you are telling him h falsc-hood—confirm your story wm an Oath. Judge O. . Putnam has moved back to his beautiful home in Can ton. His many friends in town gladlv extend to him and his good lady a cordial welcome. We didn’t go to Atlunta to lick en. Sherman’s boots. When he was hero seventeen years ago with i lie torch, and our wives, sisters, mothers aud little children were made hungry and cold, we had enough of this great man. This in iy be unchristian, and tinlush ionable. But wo can’t help it. '•> o w.uo born with u memory. It will take a life-time to rein >ve the sens, ho burned upon our loved ones. ■1. E. Hutson anti fnmilv lmve moved t Atlanta. Left Wednes day. v e w ish them success and ranch Lippi ess in the city. Money is u g.ioU thing for new iniiriiid people to have. Bee ndyei tisement of Men and Women’s Mot uni Relief Fund Asuciation in an other colum. ol R Si NDAY SCuOOL*. Tho Sunday schools are only tolekahly well attended. There are enough children and young ladies and gentlemen in Cant in to double the present num ber. Teachers should be prompt. If a teacher is compelled to be ab sent, lie should always employ a substitute for the time. lie would be sure to do this wore he in j an office or slo e. Where the j teachers attend regularly, there is no lack lor pupils. Again, we beg leave to suggest, the opening promptly, when the time arrives. Never wait for anybody, <*r any thing, except the appointed time. HAOOmD BUCKS. When a girl talks about two strings to her beau, does she mean his sus penders ? He walked into our office snd ask ed. “Are there many changes in the revised Bible f “A good many.” “You think there’s no mistake u- ')oul Ananias being struck dead lor lying r ~ “No I believe uot.” “Well if I was you I would Hod obt about it.” We did’tit huve our pistol. “Is that mule tame:” was askeil by a boy who tode into town the other day. “Be is tame enough m from was the prompt uuswer. .'he minister asked an old ludy ->n one of his visits, if she had any religion. She replied. “I have slight touches of it occasionally.” A wile who call keep a liousi warm for her husband, without any- stove, ought to be a great help to him. He look a turkish bath and died .n an hour. Veidict ol the jury was “He ought not to huve got so much ■liit oil of him at one time, HOLLAND A CO. Said last week, they must have nion y from those who owed them. They stand t<> it. Something will huppen soon, and collecting oflic. r will know aoout it OUR COUNTY OFFICERS. No county can boast of mote promp und efficient. We huve met only—Mr.GaltC. S C. one of the lints' :o king men in town, ulways prompt in business. D’b'y Sheriff Kitchens who fears nothing but wrong and Ordinary McClure whose cmdid deulmgs say “he had rather be right than be president’ vVe learn ull the others are equally tellable. ANOTHER COMF1. A letter from Rochester this week informs us that uno her (7iti)oomei has been discovered. It was discov ered by director Swilr. It is located iu the constellation Cussmpjia. I< is slowly moveing west. The ques tion uow arises—What has this com et to do with the liver pad business or the Atlanta Exposition? TRUTH. Tho citizens ol Canton aro prov erbially polite and courtoous to strangers. There aro no hotter illustrations of cultivated minds and good hearts, than a knowledge und will to make strangers feel identification unsung those wim whom they nrc unac quainted. PERSONAL Mr. C. \V. Wood of Smith coun iy, i ex..s,called to see us lust week. Air. >» ood was born in this county, llis father, Mr. John Wood, resided m this town when in its embryo state. Mr. Wood says *l'exas is n good country. He is a good il lustration ot its beulthy climate. MIS t A EES. In taking hold of the Advance und changing tho mailing bouk, mistakes nto sure to ocour. Wo have received some curds, notify ing us oi these. We aro glad that some of our subscribers bavo call ed our attention to those things. We hope all w ho do not get their papoi B promptly or properly ad dressed, will lie kind enongh to in form us. Thanks to thoso who huve already done so. . MINING. Any information of new mines, or new developments oi gold, sil ver or coppbr mines, iu our com munity, will be thankfully receiv ed. Our commit Jty is rich in hidden treasures aud every effort to do- velope these, is for the public good. Wo solicit correapoudouco on this subject. ENERGY vs. perseverence. A man may havo energy, still In void ol persnvorouce. Tho resul. is inevitable failure. It is of little worth to be loaded with energy, il a change is made every f,*w days. This is why so many men who are roally not lasy, do not auccoed. Add perseverenoe to energy and no ordinary power can prevent a satisfactory reault TO CORRESPONDENTS. ] While we solioit local and news •Mots’’and will appreciate them as “ help and kindness— Bull we can not published anv thing in the Ad vance unless we know the uame of 'he writer. We will not published the name, if not desired, hut we must know it, while tho Nonius- PLUMB goes to the publio. FARM AND FLOOD FENCE. A tomato oaaing factory is o be started in Maooa. The legislature of Month linn, met lost Tuesday. The dog show at the Exp tuition, may interest some folks. “Bill Arp” speaks ont sad calls things by their right nume. A South Carolina man ia mak ing quinine out of pumpkins. So (Mid. The cotton crop for thin season is about seventy per cent on last year’s yield. Grant is enjoying Arthur’s reigu, us muoh as he would if ho was in the “chair." Mr. Ben Hill, well known as Gherokt-o’s former efficient sheriff and one <>f our best citizens has the only useful p’t’n fence we have ever seen. It is strong, durable, •ntplo and oh >ap. Mr. Hill has • tie o maty right. A sample can ho «“en at the Machine Shop of It. L. Patterson. Gamsville street. The Constitution says the Expo sition will most positively close 31it of December. The farmers week nt the Exposi tion, begins the Gth of Deoeuiber. Don’t forget this. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Wr hive just received a leport iu a neat pumhlet, of the Siute Lunatic Asylum. Dr. T. O. Powell Superni- tendent. l'otal number of all class es. Oot 1880 n80. Ool 1881 ....... increase of 20, during the year. POLITENESS. This is a commodity possessing more value at less cost, than any tliiugyut known totho human lam ily It pays a better profit to the a- mount of capital invested than any other enterpri/.o. A man has to pay no tuition. The recipe is simple aud short. “Whatsoever, ye would, thut men do unto you; do y e also unto them.” The pmcticul part requires no long apprenticeship, to become an adept. Simply, iu all dealings, conversations and transactions, on- deuvor to make every one feel bet ter, und try to provent any ono from feeling worse. Men some times thoughtlessly, use prolano and ohseeoe language. They feel' worse and their heurers aro difr* gustod. No one ia benefited. There cun be no wit, or fun, in any way connected with such expressions, and some oho is always wounded. SUCCESS. No young man who has common sense, is industrious, economical and possesses good habits, can fail of success. If ho can’t get work that suits him, be must take what he can get. Those wishing to place some one in a desirable place, will always select tho one who is at work. The young man who will worn at any thing, rather than be idle, will soon be able to make his own selections in work and price. MARIETTA JOURNAL. On Iasi Monday morning about one o’clock, Dr. J. M. Moore^ bouts oh Roswell street was 'discovered to be on lire. ’) he alarm was given and the file company responded. It wus evidently the work ol an in cendiary. Insuauoe of $800. W. T. Power, Qenerul Passenger Agent of the M. A N. Ga, Railroad is proving linnsell mi efficient, ener- geiic und ueconiniodatiug officer Pile light man in the right place. A soliloquizing young gent brings to light the fuel that there are fewer younggirls coating on in Marietta thun every before iu his experience, Be sensible und lay in your supply belore material gets scarce. Immense amount of work before Cobb Superior Court. Judge Brown und {Solicitor Gober arc iqual to the task. A farmer lost from his pocket $54.00 in money here last Saturday. It was the proceeds of his ootton* A MEDDLER Mr. G. W. Evans has his new stable complete in evety department. He has every facility for caring for sleek an accommodating his cus tomers. Read his new advertisemen t iu ibis issue. Wo once knew a man, who pro fessed superior sanctity. Ho had a weight of religion (?) to carry about him that was bur densome. Ho reprovod, publicly, all that did uot fall into his line of hypocritical piety. Often cast his eyes towards heaven, while sing ing in the congregation. He was seen of men. Chango tho picture. His private life was false and rot- ton. Swindling, meddling, slan dering and mean gossip was his delight. Ho is ono of Satan’s allies. Subscribe for the Advance. The Guiteau defence ore doing their best to prove tbe assassin in sane. JOHN W. DANIEL. OF VIRGINIA. All things considered, probably there is no more meritoriously con spicuous gentleman in American poli- lice to day than the name that heads this artiole. Although still a young man he stands before the country as one of the of the brightest intellects of the uge, a lacl which his n-cent contest as the siandHrd bearer of Democracy and honesty in the Old. Dominion has fully established True, in that contest he was beuten, but when it is remembered that, ut most single handed and alone, In* weuged his warfare for hones'y uad intelligence in the government of his State against the whole Federal administration and the money of the Northern Rad tea's—freely poured out to si-cure the succ-*3s of r^iud a- tion in Virginia—and further that he had to face at the {beginning of the contest a solid negro vote of abrat 60,000 ugaiust him, und that he was ufter alt, only defeated by a majority of less thun 10,000, it must lie ac knowledged that his defeut wns substantially u victory. Under lb circumstances, we duobt not that there is scareely a man of real worth and true manhood iu the United States who would not to-day prefer to be Daniel defeated than Cameron succesiful, for though but thirty nine years of age his reputation as a splendid orator, of ability, and above ull, a high-toned, honorable gentleman, “without feur aud with ou! reproach,” is already national. The corn crop in Teuiiessiv is turning out muoh better than was pcoted. Tho proaicution in the Guiteau trial closod its testimony Lat Mon day. Now begins tho i.jtonae. Between nino and tcu millions of Moody4ind Hanky gospel by inns had boon sold up to July 1881. In the authorised new version of the New Testament, over thirty- six thousands ohanges are made. Another candidate for notoriety, took a shot at Gniteau, as bo wm being carried to prison, last week. railroad from Judge Loehwe end will push it to completion. General Gartrell will be the nest Governor of Georgia if be live*. Then honesty and Mnee will rele. —Conyers \Yeekly. Guitean ia a good sample ol “higher law republicanism. Be claims inspiration of Deity in ae> sasaination. It is thought a man by the name of Jones, shot at Gniteau as he was being carried back to prison. He did it merely for amusement, or past-time. Tuesday’s Constitution (the rainy day) pnta forth the following : “Summer’s soft breath ie la the air, And more then beauty everywhere." Wo should giggle. A considerable battle wm fonght last week, by two rival aalooni id an Indiana town. One maa killed, others wounded. Mrs. Gov. Colquitt and Senator Brown are to have a match game on the old spinning wheel at the Expesition. We bet on Mn. Gov ernor. Of the twenty republican members ho have arrived iu Washington, eight are candidates for tbe epeakera ship, and expect to be eleeted. Flipper.colored, fell abort in hia report only $2,170. This it pratty good for a Georgia radioal office holder. We think Gen. Sherman bad s right to go to Atlanta, and the oiti zens should receive him politely But to vie with eao'tother for ohie; on his flunky list, is sickening. Most men like to be thought “trui patriots.” Still it is hard for on who has any manhood left, to ltci the bloody hand that smote hi “loved oues” seventeen years ago. Gold was first discovered in uppe Googia. about the year 18$8. Last year Lumpkin county yield® about $97,000. White county $17.00. Cherokee couutp $19,500. Dawson connty $10.00. Thousands of gold wrs taken froi othei counties.