The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, December 24, 1881, Image 1

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i £ljc C*l)cvckcc Usance. 17BLI3HED F.ViiHY SATURDAY -:BY — N. N. EDGE, EDITOU AND MANAGER. Vif'rtt Uii atairt miner f/iiinesvflle mu. tccxt Marietta litre# — over shirt t>f M. M Clurt, the heat ymw m»( m*4 Am right 'M the •** MU' msd you trtM nmt lire to Of iirinlOrgan t.'ln rotceet aiiuf;, Voii ie. CAAifOiV, GEORGIA, SAfURDAT HORNING, DKCEMBiiK 24, 1881. NO. 49 TERMS t Single copy. 1 ' - • Sis.*) *' “ bi\ month., . . ,6.V •* three month*, .3.1 DrE.H.Greene (LATE OF (HI AH LOTTE, N (J) Having loc.itsJ in \TL\NTA, GA.. will It* nt M nit Li. K hnesuw Hottsf, Momluy, J fnirary 2«(l L'aru-tsVille, I’rinO'iml lintel, TiL-sUsy, J inuitty, 3rd. Pot lhe purpose of Consul it'ton with mid Umtlui.Mit of |)jttcMts A • flui.ed Willi CANGE It nil «>thei forms of G|1 RON 1C DIS EASES. D»v Gif-erw is a thorott^hlv ed • CHied ptivaician. Hi? rt-uuni'ntMid*- lion, >rut| nttVienOP* urr- nil of ftie higtn*s' tjnur iu'vr. H'o hns duritiir ilnt Inst 12 yeuri tavuted over out) uu-i-s of Cut Kit r, ■with most r (itit! v.ihiu fiiuv-s. F> luU write to id it at At fun In Inr raiiijilth CONSULTATION FltKK. (V! it nil sre the Docfti''. Y • i will t.i d'K t with SqiMtHM.T,' Mini wilt j.h an IIovkht mitnl'it. if i'*21 2' if. 1 - ' m* mm of<m- Public Mclioiil XotIce. Ti.vpM*. m gcltng up tlo-ii' prt- vti'e 'pliooD for the tear 1382, mm include the month ol Feb. ms u put) lie icnool iliumh, the tuluiice ol ’li> public school.term to l»e uu^nt in the summer. Those wishing 'o teach public ■ohotdti *hu do not I'tiltl n 11C 1 *nMi *it wi',,1 will examine 21st J hi. 1332 Mtt.ll Will III like COIli I'liutr III behltli to J he Hoard with tencher* 28th Jan. 3632. None will be reco|(nir, d as a pub- lie school teacher that tl n not con tmet with the Roiril nf Kduonliur. dec 14 4t. G 1. TEAsLEY, ' . 8. C. CHI tie! 7 MA S » ll EKT ISO. oksjlRvk Tins. 20th l - ear. a , ;' ftori K in - 1 ami only, the tmuritc uutlnnnl family piper, < Ini Utah Hi-anoi.kd Han.nkh, lieguiH it« 20ih year, Jhii. IHHJ. K tidilish. d 186,8. .Tin- Han- »Kills tho oldest and ibost popular pa|>er .of jib cluss. Kvery number coutmtia 8 In ge panes, 40 long oolemii-., with mnm i' muc, Humorous Hint, ^UirucUva. &■>-. pxn i lug*. It is crowded Tull of I lien st btoriM, Poetry, Wit, Humor, Fnn.- link jug a papej to amuse ami instruct old and young It exposes Kin,ids, HWin dim and clieata aa4 every hue is minn- iug, iastruciive ur antartaiuiug Kvery body ueeos it,50 000 /tow U'sd it, and si only 50 cte. a y ur It is by fur the best ehi'iipeet, uios’ popular puper printed For tA eta six |Ji)e silver traspbnau are s, ni with Uie Bhhimm one year, Fifty other uuherh pr, in urns, Send ten cents for 8 months trial trip, with lull pros ■pectus, or 5o cis for B inner s wl| ,lo year SSpoeilnsUH FltKK H im miw Address, BANNER I'l’B’O CO . Hinsilnle, N. II 1)R. CLARK JOHNSON’S Uu DU Spnip. Though a stranger to most ol our r . :*.d rs wo take 1 hr* lihoity, ouo day in ftdvhttev. to greet them all with a “Meny Christmas.” Another year, with its changes, its sunny days and dark nights, is numbered with the past. Hearn- iug sui les still lingering in the distance and the pattering tears ol sorrow, nro liko the remaining rain drops. when (lie cloud ia gone. Mativ smiles have gladdened die soul, many frowns hav,' bled the sad heart. M any disappVmtmontu have darken d our pathway, and fond holies havo Hunk e'or reach ing fruition. Our castles in tli" clou,Is like mirago above the hori/.on have hssulvo I in the ui>eL All gone with tli-'* old year, whoso funeral obsmiuie, , w will soon dirge forth ni sorroa iug st" d is. Well; the trade man i bidatio- Ihh litinks. The t'Xtravigant debtor feels Ins linmiliatioii and the creditor bis disappoiutment. The unaiopolist counts Ilia g .ins and hears it it. the wail ol poverty and tli.a ones cl hunger, th mg 1 his gold was digged Iroin mines ol dintress and ids Coffer* filled out of the small earnings ot sickuess and unfed misery, llis heart di earns of no music sweeter than die olih.* >f mammon's box. The debixnchce» in “purple and 4ine litioti,” looks back on die dead osrcHH of 1881,aud smiles at the r th tigs ni damned soul- 1 , the work of Ins own filthly hands, lie heeds not the upp. al* ot dispoilod virtue as lie st. >ps Ids oars to the wail of a bleeding heart; that he Haltered, toiled with and o. ushed. Yes, it ia Ghristmas! The old year U gone. How uan we un- cever the buried pa*t? Who can forget that which is burned u> the heart? Cau the find m dher forget that she bupti/.ud a way '’ai d son with blistering tears, while prayers, too deep down ir» the heart lor words, went to heaven for his re formation—or the trembling fath er bury the raurduriug anxieties for n disobedient daughter, with the days that are gone ? Can <ko bereaved husband, or moiirniug wife, whose hearts have been melt- tjug into oua. from youthful days, wlii'ii welded by iho Divine hand -now torn nssunder by death — large;? How long will the sound f Unit loving voice echo in Mgel' mil nc ■ in every lotie room «t )i in ? I'en thou sand Christmtwses , Ilf/apettrtci, TAver ' l>i seajK'.s, Fever d) .Aone, I;heuma- 'SiSiteiI; lUliouemma, Jfcrvoua Debility, etc, Tk» 3«i£3LI3IlY SNOW to Maa 1 12,000,000 Bottles MU) SINCE 1870. TJl is Syrup po senses Varied Properties. It Hllmmlntr* tli* Ftyitllne In tkc Sailta. Tvhluh roiivcrH the Ntun li and Murar of (ho TniMl I'iD/KliH'ttxt* A d«'licl«Mi<*y In Ptyallno tnuw* Wfiid and ^turlna of tiie food In the slonmch. If the » dU loe la taken lanmedl. nlrly allrr ruling tbu Icmektttiloa ci* food to prevented. 4 It act* upon the I.lvrr. It wet• upon tUe Kldntn, It Hubuidlft the Uowth, It Piirllli** the Blood. It Quiet* llic JVrrvous Ajftcii. ft ProMoteM lligfdton. conid never drown the metnory or liubi llm heart whisperings. We ,nigh; not to fug l, but remuniber thorn, us tlio tin vole ' remembers Inc sign p >s;s upon the rna I, or tli. uiai'iuer the light !) >use, near thtl hreakeiH. Rciueuih r them, to gni ;e us through the perilous lu.uie. | Yet, it is chti-tnms! How many I w II see the next? Hnpiug our * I’eittlars may see many nappy year* and tli it we may UOutd through the Aliv.vXi'i;, and otBorwise, on many a J'lturo Ch fctmut, beder acquainted, better trichiU, better and happier people. Dec. 24th'SI. N. N. Edge. lltt Hb'.SlAL. It Naurlskea, Mtm i/sUfiTWWSJE ,k ' ,k '“ It nsutrnlig** th* herod»UiTt*iiit, or poUon In tho b!»od, whi.-n genereto* BcrofuU, £ry«ip*l*a. *t»d a n rB iw n,,r d** 011 **** hnd internal humor*. In ohmiging your pod office, state tho offl oe to whioh your 1 a- per is now sent, as well a* the one to which you wish it sent. It stives ti oublo. l.OCAL BOYs. Tlio lull 111s of the weather, Are uniform ami plain • Tl’iee white frosts come together, 'Ihen conics a very Imnt min. , Tins w tk is good 011 the Canton iris return s. Last Weducsdiiy was the shortest day 111 the year. Christ mas lie* Methodist, church in night 111 the The reading club is i|U te an 1 n stmt mu in Clinton. CuristiniiR day Itii’.k too many in morrow, rgs- Don’t u. r. c.oihnig Jones is It. 1 house to get ,t net tt il cos'. Christmas is a good time to *ub- Kibe lor lit Advanck. lead U l’. J on s'Card, lie tells c otliing at cost. No mistake. .■"L 1 One of tho flnrat qu»rrica of building st»u« w* bave ever seen, is on th* Wed of Etowah river, about me rail# below Canton. It is but little diVance from the fall, whore the oottOT factory will be built. No mete rial is so good for a cotton mill house a* atone and none cheaper. New, quick, oompleto cure 4 days urinary uflootions, smarting, frequent or difflt'alt urination, kid ney diseases, $1. at druggists. Ga. Depot, Ln^AU^^NKUi & LamaHi Atlanta, Ga. Wo return tony thanks to Hon. J. C. Clements, tor copies of “Con gressional Records.” Wo look with prospective pride to see in the near future, this brilliant young Congressman, mark out an enviable character for himself and our State. A tamer was in Cunton Tues day, with a real variety load. Ducks of several kiuds,«bickena, turkey*, hay, fodder, Ao., that could be Keen- Wow many other* thing* not seen we can’t nay. A caravan of ’cotton wagon*, came inlo Caulun, Momluy evening The “Canton Aniatuer Troupe” will loon make us trailin'. Due notice will lie given. H L. Pat'ersoo c m make a better Editor's Ink stand than can be found in any muiket. 8ie ours. Judge Putnam is making valu able improvement* on bis lot, upon which stands hi* beautiful dwelling. We learn that Mr. Mathew Couch of Scnoiu, died last Friday, lie was about €5 yearn old. lie was a good man, A 8*keaf, ripe and ready to be garnered. His numer ous relations hevs our sympathies in their loss BALL GROUND AFFAIRS Our merchants are having a good trade. We call the *.tenUvu ol* the if il o . d to Dr. E. 11. Greene’s notice in another column. Call on him •he duvs lie names ia Marietta and Uartersville. The dogs, we leern, in “Wild cat’ district ere making havoc with the sheep. A great .many have been killed. If the dogs^ tails are out off about two inobe* behind their ears, they will quit killytg sheep. Not with *unduj|th* little “fall iug off” in th* prase, an immense quanity of cotton hys been bronght to Canton, this week. There nfever wa/J&tfer Htne^n pay up all debts mad* for the year, now about to clow, than right now. buch au act makei two soil* hap P J We are glud to ee Mis* Lottie Whitmore, who has been quite ~ill, well again. Her many friends miss ed her genial company and congratu late her, on her restoration to health and lb* society ol her friends, Two of our rising young AUor ilevs, Messrs Attsw.iy and Maddox visited onr “sanctum” last week. We appri eiute snob visits. Messy* Payne A DnPre* are reap- iug fbt rewards of prompt and close utti-ntion to business, in numerous o ietiis. • Don’t, lorget u present for *11 the little ones,when the christmus tree is ornuniented. Don't forget that C«pt J. M. Me Abe always keep.every thin|; ’wen ted fr.iin a ina'oh but to a road wagon. We ur. prepaired to do a lurgea- mount of j tb work, during tb* Christmas holidays. Wells’ Health Rcnew*r. Abso lute cure for nervous debility and weakness of the goaerativle func tions. fl. Rt druggist*.’ Ga. Depot Lamak, Rankin' A Lamar, Atlanta, Ga. Thor -at* na*piri •pint* vimploywil m It* n the moat deTicat* babn, cn*by *h*> o*/y beiny rtquin.l in uUmtiun to if OB-WORK ANY KIND PROMPTLY AND —NEATLY DON'-,— \ jit CLtLU. 'Sffautk We lisv: leised the whole o ' Mr. Ben F Perry’s Job Office. We have a tull supply of 111 sort* of iimt-r si lor Pamphlets, Bill and Letter lieu is. i-anls, < irculars, Tiikets, Legal Blanks, and all oilier Blanks. All will be done promptly, a*, a V»ry Low Price, t nil st Advance Office, or write to Ad- VA^cr. P. O Box 4i», Canton. G*. dec;’. 1881 tf. Married in Canton Methodist Church, Wednesday the 21st, at 8 12 o’clock, R. M —Mr. Jabez Galt and diss Liu/.ic l easley. ltev J A. Me Burry officiating. Mr. U.dt is ot;r efficient and popular Clerk ol th* Superior! Court, i lie bride is the bc.iutiluli and accomplished daughter cl > ol.j and Vlrs. W. A. feasluy. | Our hearty wish is that, their 1 iuture ho as bright and unruffled ' as the face of the lovely bride. M >y lui>ptne*s over be th«ir lot, | Wherever they may roam. And joy nnd pleasure light the spot, That they may make tlieir home. C/I KRONE E ADVANCE. Grandest of the most mighty means, Ou which the sun of progress leans; Mali's nob est mission to \dvance. His wpes as-uage. his weal enhance; lie fnrocthat never comes oy chance 1 Is in the hi'rokce Advanc* First Quarterly Coilerence ol Canton Circuit, will be held with the Shiloh church the 18th and 19th February, 1882, I’ll j k.' we printed about P i'y’s “Scrape id Atlanta,” j bout to be tnrn«-d over on Col. Iiigg. Too bad. Hro We learn that a young man made application to the Ordinary, the other night for murriage license, but (ailed. Mr. R. T. Jo nee of* elected Dea con by tbe Baptist Oerob of Canton on the second Saturday. H* will be ordained in the Oburch to. row. I0F ~ citisen* of Cherokee county, to tho importance of the above road. Tbe thing deeiretf found at last. Ask Drnggistsfor“Bough on Rata” It cleant out rat*, mice, roeohes, flies, bed-bug*, lflc.boxo*. H0l.1l/A Y. Our printer*, according to a long practiced custom will take their us uul holiday, next weak- So we print no pitper.Tkia will pot mterfera with tbe l>g*l advertisements, for the first Tuesday ia thi*or next month A BIO DA 1”. The managers Oi the Exposition, bave negleobd ib<‘ mot important feature in th* poftkinnn 1 . That ia, to have * Colonel*, Maj ors’ and Oaptaio^ day. Not only the hotels, boardtngkioust'S and Ex- p action grounds will tie crowded,but not a foot of standing room can be loundon the streets of Atlanta. Hy all means, appoint * day for this multitudinous throng. Then truly the Exposition will be the grandest display ever on the earth. K«1 The largest crowd, L-fl Canton for the Exposition, last Tuesday, that I as gone since the opening day. Col. J. J. A. bharp of Walesca was in Canton, last Saturday. We are always glad to see the Col in our of fice. Goino Away, -^fe regret to learn that Mr. J. M. Vai^on intends leav* ing Canton. He is a worthy citizen, a good harness maker and reliable Christian gentleman. He goes to Fair Mount, Gordon county. He has the best wishea friends in Canton.^ of his many 2 jS 1 WB piU ssad tbe Cibro Jo A, xm Advance and the Btah Spanoled Bannu. one ymr for One Dollar uod Thirty cjots ($1,80) in ad vanre. This offer is^ptach’ to old, as well as new subscribes*. Those who bave psid one year in advance for our paper, by adding 80 oenSeartll receive the ban- Rev. J. R. Smith is ou the Jea- per circuit next year, the church nt this place is on his work. Mr, A. Bearden i* building a nice residence noar Franklin’s mill. That young gentleman who bor rowed our scissors a few days ago, and promised to return them in a few miuutes, would confer e greet favor on u* by returning them even at this late day. Hereafter we will positively refuse to lend our umbrella, scissors or 2th pick. Misses Ella nnd Knt* West, will spend Christmas in Pioken* coun ty. JMr. F. M. Waltlrup has moved to tins place lor tho purpose of ruiitiiug u shoe shop. Mr. Wei- drup is u clever gentleman, good shoemaker, and makes « valuable addition to our little town. It may be that 1 will bo able to tell you about n wedding in this vicinity next week. A certain young man oi this plaee was going around the other day hogging for as much butter milk as be could drink. Prof. F. M. Philipa'will begin a school at this piece about 1st of January next. Ball Ground is without a black smith,* good opening for some good smith. There is not a single preacher living in Ball Ground, eould not Canton spare u* e few, w* need ’em.” Our young friend, Charlie Mo- Colluin, must be studding modi- he nan** good* Doctor*. Ball Ground ie n lonesome piece tor one who has always been ac custom to society, we have no so ciety here nt all. Holitudo is sometimes best society. And short retirement nrgs* sweet re> tare. Mountain Bot. UAINE8VILLE A KINUHTON R. R. We again call attention to the Now is the time to mako arrange m*nt tor the *urv*y of tbe road. ▲11 that Cherokee and Pickana lack in being the riclieat countie*, by far, in tho State is development. Nothing will do this but railroad fecilitiea. The M. Si N. Ga. Road has already done wonders end is doing still more. As this road is extended, new treasures are dis covered. Old mines and quarries will soon employ huudredaofhands and millions of money. It is an imperative duty (or every citizen of the town of Canton and oounties of Cherokee and Pickens to exercise all their energies to de velop the riche* of their homes. No meuus greater than a comple tion ol another r-ilroad. It will oost but little work end only a small amount of money to start tbe ball in motion, and such balls don’t stop of themselves. To know about this road, see Col. Kellogg, of Canton. steam, and in putting tha belt upon the wheel, his foot was caught am' he was tkiown on n horiiontal shaf The shaft *(»• user the ground, and th* p-vor little fellow woe curried round many times, literally bmtisg out his life against the ground. His thigh was crashed, nearly all of hiaocalp torn Horn his head and hung over his faoe; In less than two minutes—Dr's Sewell, Coleman, Terk end Green were with him. He hud eveiy at tention and all was don* for him that ■kill conid do. Bnt in about one and n hnU hoars he caewd Goes suffering. The oomuaaion was more than life could beer. Mny God comlort the heart-brok en Mother and weeping Father. Kuhsm, ie in th* beside of JP|A|U of 'cow boyn.” * ' WIW The cholera is raging eld spread- . ing with uaprecidented rapidity liT*!** this East. 9 Small pex is still spreading, There ia no safety only is vaccine- don. f Th* smell pox death-rate in Lon don wan in e 1.000.000 vaccinated oaaea, 90 died. In 1.000.000-s*- vacineted oases, 3.360 died. Tnis ia convincing. It scema that Chicago Tea tho oleomargarine nr. bed M it hto the ' small pex. ALL SORTS Or EDOR8. One who climb* faat, fall* quick. If the heart is beyond bepr; th* face is post shame If you live, entirely, on hope, yon will die hungry. The world ia e workshop. Only the wile, know bow to ua* the tool* If the heart i* full of lust*; the mouth ia full of live. A fool laagha at paat follies: though they bring present dishonor. A kiud greeting comforts a heavy and sad heart. Don’t forget age and weakness, while in youth aod strength) The beat way to remember good acta ia, to relraah them with new ones. To plot evil, ia to live in fear and die in misery. It ia trne that a boose ia unlucky, where the hen doe* ell the crowing. Just praiaeia a debt IhalM always A new political petty i« to Is the Blaine-ite*. Thie party to bw eompoaed of anti-Stalwrerte, wbeth- The number of inann* pei now in New York ie 10.09$. Guiteau ie all rigbL tk thinks ua he pieced Mr. Arthar ia e*eh e high end luorative oftoe, that he should pey ell the eapee— of M* (Guiteeu’a) triel. When Mrs. Praddaal positively easerta thet —Mar ah* or her husbend daMfd Dr. Blin to take obarg* of the praeideefe case; it makes the Doctor htneb. Typhoid favor hoc bccMBO e tor* riblo Montego ia Naohvillo, (ring ing its thousand*. Forsyth, Ge. boo had another fire. No town of its oixe has on far ad aomuoh for tha peat fcw yean m Forsyth. Speaker, Keiler owe# lends ia Nebraska. Both hcoaaa of Congraoa ed oa last Wadnaadsy to the tlh el Jea nary. Ban Hill'o phyaioieao him theronghly send. deft , Fmttery U a oampUmeat. l rapid brook, tta ydtodmaa of youth, babble oe, never to ratern. DECOR A1ION. The yonag ladies of Oonton cloth ed the churoh with beautiful and taaty evergreens, for the marriage oe last Wednesday. Mneh artistic taste was shown. One heavy wreath spanned tha full width ot th* hoeaa, looped io tha center, frontiog I altar. Midway tha loop, was a broaaa horae-shoe, in a diamond ahepa mem of ever-grvsea sad flower*. Io rear of tb* pulpit soother wreath, rain bow shape, of cadar and whit* flow ers. Tbe whole illustrating a taala ia celled in simplicity, beauty. ANSWER IMMEDIATELY. PnoUmM Arth^Mtt affoie^ Col James D. Waddell dlasl ie Marietta Thursday, th* 10th leoluet Hurras one of oor warmest frioodo ie oar early youth. A heart with ashler impalaea never beet ia aay men's bosom, Wadrep a tsar to hia cheriah - ad memory Gea J. E. Johnston aeon— Faso - idant Daviaof stealing tha gold be long tog to tb* Confederate Geos'a meat. A complimentary hell waa divan in honor to Mias Jails Jackson, arrangement, that could not b* ax- <Un(hUr ^ .. 8 u>o*wnll,- Jeokaon, (iwl!♦*(] in aioinlioitf. ntutneHi and' . .. « at tba Kimball House, lest Tumday night. ^ A SUDDEN AND TERRIBLE DEATH. er place in this paper. Last Wednesday, about 10 o’clock a. m. while Mr. R. L. Patterson’s macht. ery was traders full head of stiiim—Every wheel was stopped in a moment—Dozens of men went rushing to tbs shop, led by the Doc tors. Every one seemed seized with panic. All business was a* snddculy suspended os th* moving of she machinery and a silence reigned throughout the town that was felt like a crushing weight. The Shocking ceute- Mr. Bridges’ little boy, eboat ten years ot age, was arranging to grind his axe, tke stoat running by We appeal to our subscribers. Please send us a postal card, statiag your standing with tbe Advance, how much due,either way,how long paid for, etc. With many changes, wt can gat our books correct in on other way and can't setttlo with former manager* till this ( ii done. Pieaa* don’t delay, for we must start tbe Hew Year right. Yours Truly ate. N. N. ED OK, Editor. The Senate finaooa committal ra- I posted favorably on th* bill Io"ap point a oommimioD to investigate CATCH THHtF. While Mr. William Barton wu quiatly sleeping in his room, last Wadaasday nigbt—A sash was raised and tbe room entered, hie pocket book taken from hit pants pocket containing some change, and a ladies large doable case gold watch. A LIBERAL REWARD. Will be paid for tbe return of tbe watcb, largely increased' for watch and thief, For any clew, Inform. W. BARTON, Dec24th tf Canton, Oa, ENTERTAINMENT■ TL* Friday tha 23rd Instant Christ- mas concert exercises. ’The story of Redeeming Love.” Every body invited. Admittance free. Exercise commeno* [in Court house promptly at 7 o’clock P. M. J. M. Attaway. Teacher. Deo 17th St tha tariff aod revenue laws. Atlanta wants o meet ago tftak. Every tows should bsv* .cm, oe 1 ve all it eoald. Presents to yoang marttod faiba. are generally mtacted with oa ay* u> am m veil ua ornament, korvaot. Tbs time, tha Daily Constitution get* to Canton, aod Us aooaaiosal fail ures to arrivia at all, to ael giving, t setiatactioa. For oar folks want tba paper. It is thought paralysis JO by eating adnltaratad foods If floor augur, ooffae, lard, hotter, mat etc. era all poisoned—What malt w* eat? ! Guiteau ia -aeto'niahod that the stalwarts should denounce him. Mena beat frianda aad partners<>fteu foaake them whan nndor diftooltiea. We learn that th* revenaa oft s irs captured aix prisoner* ia th* Pick- ana county mountains loot Saturday. They failed te gat aay stills. nmoffiiiw Tb* city council of Atlanta haa appropriated IL000 to bs used for Vaccination of tha people of tho city. I will pay 94.00 a .theesaad for Oou- foAorala Bands, with coupons at tested attir January, 1009, good CL O. D. with right to avails#. BAHDAU B. POOIlteaimr. TO Bradway, Mew York City. decM-lm.