The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, December 31, 1881, Image 1

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Vol. 2. .GaKTqn, QEOfifljA, Dec. 31st, {8St. ,i j 11 ' LOCAL DOT'. All tkjoyed OhriatmM. Many par tin jijtii weak. Notice the 4 *Lo»t Note.’* Read sale at Woodstock on 12th of January. mrm 1 No.'50l Min» Duval will reopen her School on Monday, January 2nd, 1882. Slut will teach in tint Baptist Church until her New School House.' which in to be oicctcd on the Tatu lot, ia ready Thiahaabeena lovely Chris*. Slte **""*• U. L. Patterson’s ahop i sunder fnll head way. mas, for ducics,. R. T. Jones still Ima that cheap clothing at cost. Our paper will be partly run by our new out-fit next week. J. W. Jarvis, the photograph and jewelry man, is always ready.# -G.W.Evan’s stable ia where all can be accommodated on good terms. Prof Attaway’s School bogins, uext Mo doy woek.Begin at hvgin- ittg- •!. Every department in the store of J. M. McAfee hu* benf) replen- ished. Read “ScUotl Notice*’ by Miss. Duval, time. Next Mouduy is, the Di-H. O. Casou will ho in town to work your teeth up or pull them out next week. Next week, we we will tell what was done at all the Entertain ments during }ho holidays. 1 LOS1 KOTE- 'or. All persons ait warned .not to trad^f/p; one note sigoed by Perry Hasty—lor five dollars and eighty cents. Due thirty days—payable t» Franklin, Davis A °oor hearer, dated Dee Slat 1881— D.c 81st I8. lt. H. C. Saxon, Ag't. School Notice. Via said wo Would have, no per, this week, but we send extra, on account of important yortiartne^ts. V f ” • pa- this ad- tpieal* that pupils attend prompt, ly ou the opening of scliooi. lei'in* moderate. dvcHltf. EXECUTOR SALE OF LA SI). Ily virtue of authority vented in inn as th« executor of tho hint Will end Testa ment of John Hardiu, deceased. I will soli at Public outcry, at Woodstock on the 12th day of January, 1889, at 12 o’clock. M , a certain Tract nr parcel of laud lyiug situate and being within one- ha f of one mile of Woodstock, Chero kee county in the State of Gi orgia, con taining eighty acres innro or lea.-,. Vnd composed of the follow I rig Sections, to. wit: All ot Section 907; all of tlmt portion of Section 948, South of Haney’s Mill I'oud. and West ot Canton Hoad; a d nil of Section 947, South of Haney's Mill Itoad I erins of Sale one half cash on day of sale, the balance on a credit of twelve mouths, the credit portion to he Secured by the Bond of Purchaser and Mortgage of the premises, with pnvilugujtn tho purchaser to pay all cash on day of tale. Thu puichaser to pay for a> I necessary papers. dcc3l-2t. JESSE II. HARDEN, Ex'or. GEORGIA—Cherokee County: Wm H. Perkinson, residing in the State ot Georgia, having applied to be pi> of the property of Savannah Haley, a minor under I'olirte u year'of age, resident of said county, this h to ('lie all persons concerned to bo nnu appear at tile term of the Court of Ordinary, to lie held next after tho expiration of thirty days from the lirsl publication of this notice, and show cause, if they can, why said Will. H. Perkinson should not be intrusted with ,tne guardianship of the property ot Sa vannah Haley. M isness ni) official signature. - dec8 4t. Cl. M. A. c., LUKE, Ord'y. The uumbor of insane persons now in New York is 10.000. G EORUlA—Cberuk#* ibtMtJ: To all whom it aaayooaoaru : L. 8 Ciiwmr having io pro|wr fwpn ap plied Jo me for peun ineut leihrs of »d- miblstrstioli on the estate of Si rah L. liogi r, hue »>f said quMniy, Hus la to city all uu I singiilui ihe c.editors and next nlT kiu'of Stiruli L. to timl w|> pear at my oified within the time ali.w-i by law, and s an* cause, if auy they can, why psrniem lit administration should not be gi anted to - L 8. Conner on Sarali L.i U igi-ra e. t.du. , p Witness tuy hand and ■ ffinhd sign*, •ure. C. M. hocLUlUi, dee# 4C Ord’y. MIIKItIPPA SALKS. Will he s-ild lietdre the Court House do ir in t’heinkee uounty, Ca., mi the first I n- day in January, 1882, the f l- tua iug ipnperty, to wii: 1 we bay mules, oue carriage and harness and one two horse w.igou and harm as, nil in good condition and running order, levied on as the property of S. E. Kemp, to satisfy a mortgage II fa, issued from tile Superior Court oi C’haroaee county, in favor of c. D. Phillips, —- ■ Sessions and W. A. Ti sssly. This D cumber 2ml, lo8l Also at the suine tone and p’ace one lot nf land No. 11U5 in the llrd Did. and 2nd atc'Ion of Cherokee county, as the property of J D. I . rtetl, to satisty a Jus tices’ Court II fa issued in the 82stli Dist., G. M. in lavor of J, D. ltudicill. Levy made and returned to mu by J. W. Garrison, L. C. This December 2nd. 1881. Also at the sume time and place, one lot of land No. 202, in the i4th Dist. Section of Cherokee county, as the prop erly of J. M. McAfee, one of the defeu- dents, in a Justices’ court It fu issued in the 898th Dist., d, M. of cobb county, in favor of W. li. Montgomery. Levy innde and returned to uiu by H. U. Dani el, L C. Property painted out by J. M. McAfee, oue of the defendeu.s in said fi fa. Deo. 2ud 1881. Ai»« at same tims and place a seven teen twenty-ninth interest in lot of laud No. 19—14 Dist.—2ad Sec. said couut/ and State, levied on as the property of J W. Jackson, to satisfy a jusiice court fi la issued in favor of E. D Puckett va J. W. Jackson, Levy made and returned to uiu by-11. (J. Daniel, L. C. D’l’t notifi ed, tide N iv.28i.U 1881. Also at the same time and place 1 lot land No. 1947 in 3rd Dist. and 2nd Sec ond. as the property ot Wilson Allen, to Hat-sty a Justices’ court 11 fa fruiu 1174 G. M., in favor of llerry Lolris, controll ed by L M. Westbrooas vs. Wui. Allen. Levy maae aud returned to me by W. Beck,. L. C, Dec. 8rd 1881. W. A. KITCHEN, Deputy Slier ff.